pikapegasus · 7 years
Would you do 57 "This is probably a bad time, but marry me?" + 82 "OH MY GOD I'M GOING INTO LABOR. WHAT DO WE DO NOW?" with Starmora? :)
57. “This is probably a bad time, but marry me?” // 82. “OH MY GOD I’M GOING INTO LABOR. WHAT DO WE DO NOW?”
TIME FOR SOME STARMORA BABIES WAO ✨✨✨ well, just one for now, but we’ll see……. ;)))
send me a ship + a number!!!
It’s been a day.
Not an outright horrible day, but a chaotic roller coasterof a day that doesn’t appear to be slowing down any time soon.
First of all, it’s been years. Literally. Years, since their mission for theSovereign, where Rocket decided to steal some batteries, becausewhoop-dee-fucking-doo, right?
But the gold bastards, of course, still haven’t forgiven the team for it, despite them saving thegalaxy numerous times (which means saving the Sovereign, too, hello),and now Peter’s running around the Milano like a chicken with its head cut off,to help Rocket pilot the thing andhelp Gamora.
Because, uh, her water just broke, or something.
Judging by the way the liquid just kinda pools at her feet all at once, it’sdefinitely not “or something”—that’s definitely the telltale sign of her bodysaying, hey, it’s time.
“Are you kiddingme?” is all Gamora has to say (or, really, yell)on the matter before Peter grabs towels to help her clean up (both herself andthe floor) and ushers her to their room.
Thankfully, Drax, literally the only fully knowledgeableperson on shit like this, stays with Gamora while Peter helps Rocket fighttheir way through the Sovereign fleet. Groot’s also with her for extrasupport—as well as ensuring she doesn’t get thrown around from their crazypiloting.
He rushes back to her every five minutes or so, and shelooks a little bit more flusteredevery time. On what he counts to be his eighth trip back, he takes more timewith her, giving her a hand to hold while clinging onto his bedpost with theother to anchor himself as Rocket maneuvers the Milano in his Rocket-way.
“Hey, hey, babe,” Peter says softly, but loudly enough to beheard over the sounds of the fight. “As soon as we get out of here, we’re goingto be parents!”
“Yeah, yeah,” she says hastily, with a little nod, squeezinghis hand. Everything’s a bit overwhelming right now, and even though Gamora’sjust playing the waiting game, he can only imagine the thoughts running throughher head. “We’ll have a baby.”
It’s happening, a dream that had, for so, so long, beenunattainable for both of them, and watching at Gamora look up at him, a bitpanicked, but with a small smile, in the midst of the literal battle they’re in right now, Peter can’thelp himself.
Then the ship totally does a barrel roll, and Peter managesto stop both himself and Gamora from getting thrown around the room, andeverything is just a giant disaster. Theship levels out with a loud, hasty “Sorry!”from Rocket while he’s piloting the thing alone.
Before Gamora can say anything, Peter presses a quick,reassuring kiss to her lips, as if to apologize for the circumstances she hasto bring their kid into the world in, and his heart just fills with so much love at the thought because, holy shit, they’re going to be parents very, very soon, and he gets to do it withGamora by his side.
This is the eternity Ego could never give him.
“Hey, uh, this is probably a bad time,” Peter says slowlyafter pulling his lips away, “but marry me?”
“What?” She just kind of stares up at him in a daze, as iftrying to comprehend his question. Though, there’s also a lot of shit happeninginside her body right now, so she’s probably not as coherent as usual.Fortunately, according to Drax, they still have time, as long as the contractionsdon’t—
“OH MY GOD, I’M GOING INTO LABOR!” Her grip on Peter’s handincreases exponentially, like, themost exponential value that’s mathematically possible, and Peter can’t help butcry out in surprise. “WHAT DO WE DO NOW?”
“I never said that.”
Peter looks up at Gamora from his seat. She’s just givinghim her patented tired, exasperated look, with an eyebrow raised and a frown.
“It was implied.”
“I was much calmer than you’re describing. You were the one freaking out.”
“Fine, guilty as charged,” he relents with a shrug. “I wasfreaking out, but you were freaking out, like, at least a little.”
“A little,” she concedes.
“Anyway,” heresumes telling the story, looking down at the bundle in his arms, “you chose avery impractical time to come, young lady.”
“We’ve never had especially good timing.”
“Yeah, your mom’s right on that one. Good timing doesn’treally run in the family.” He gently pokes the baby’s nose with his indexfinger, grinning when she simply continues to sleep. “No reaction. You totally sleep like your mom.”
He looks back to Gamora, in the hospital bed, just in timeto catch her eye roll. For someone who had to push out a baby hoursearlier—which is totally something Peter both never wants to see again, yet would also be fine with seeing again, because, holy shit, the idea of Gamora andhim having multiple kids—she has asurprising amount of energy.
“If she can sleep easily through the night, that’s notsomething we should question,” Gamora says. “That would be a blessing.”
“Let’s pray for that, then,” Peter murmurs, glancing down atthe newborn. Honestly, he’d never thought he’d hear the name Meredith Quill ever again, except withinthe privacy of his thoughts, but now he’s looking at Meredith Quill, hisdaughter. He smiles, cradling her more closely to his chest. “I love her somuch already, Gamora. I didn’t thinkthat was possible.”
“I think that’s part of being parents,” she says softly,settling her hands in her lap.
“This must be what my mom felt,” he reflects. “And what yourparents felt, too.”
“I wish they were here,” she admits quietly, reverently.
And he nods, sighing. “Yeah. Me, too.”
Back in his life on Terra, his grandpa had been a constantpresence throughout his life. Though Peter was much, much closer to his mom, he appreciated his grandpa for being there.It had just been part of growing up, in a way, spending time with the parent ofhis parent, being spoiled and loved unconditionally by another person.
But little Mer won’t get that same privilege, from either sideof the family.
“Hey,” he speaks up suddenly, looking up at Gamora. “Youknow what this means, right?”
“That we’re now officially parents?”
“Well, yeah, that,but…” He pauses, glancing between Mer and Gamora. “You’re not the last personof your species anymore.”
Looking down at Mer, his genetic influence is obviouslypresent: she has a light, Terran-colored skin tone like his (though he swears there’s just the faintest hint of green) and hair of acolor somewhere between his brown and Gamora’s black.
“I mean, she’s technically only half, I suppose,” he continues, meeting Gamora’s eyes, “but still…”
Gamora’s just staring at him now, her eyes glossy and widewith a kind of shock he’s never really seen before. He quickly stands up andleans closer to her, handing over Mer with a small smile.
“There are now twoZen-Whoberi people out there,” he murmurs, holding up two fingers.
She nods, hugging Mer close to her chest. Though hisknowledge of Zen-Whoberi culture is poor at best (Gamora’s only direct knowledgeof her culture comes from memories of a lost childhood so long ago, so he’s notsure how much of her lifestyle now comes from her home planet), he knows theremust be some things she can pass ontoMer.
They both look down at Mer, watching her in a comfortablesilence for a few moments, before Gamora finally says, “Thank you, Peter. Forgiving me this.”
“You did all the heavy lifting here,” he reminds her,pressing a quick kiss to her temple, “so, really, thank you.”
The silence resumes.
Then, perhaps, a minute later, “Peter?”
“Let’s get married.”
*~ taking a moment to appreciate the fact that I now get to write about a canon interracial relationship having mixed babies oh my fucking god I’m ecstatic pls send more starmora baby/fam prompts ~*
send me a ship + one of these prompts about your ship sharing a bed!!!
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