#THATS MY SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [EUPHORIA RUSH]
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bbrabbits · 1 year ago
i. i just. i just think. i just think that. i just think that oz vessalius. [clenches fist and just starts sobbing from affection]
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jkholmes · 2 years ago
And then there were.... ! Part 1
These last 3 months of your pregnancy were difficult your bump was large, too large for 8 months pregnant, you looked like you were closer to ten. You had heard the speculation around the court the sly whispers that you were probably pregnant before your wedding to Prince Aemond 8 months ago. You were trying to cuckold him with a bastard. Though Aemond paid no heed to these taunts. He knew you were a maiden on your wedding night his cock had borne the evidence. There was no way the child was not his own. He figured you were probably carrying twins as they ran in the family and the Maesters said it was most likely.
You sat in your apartments resting for the afternoon as you had taken to do lately. You held your large stomach and softly spoke to the love within "im sure they must be at least 2 of you in there".
Suddenly you felt a rush of liquid pool in your skirts your water had broken and Aemond was away.
"Help" you screamed when the chambermaid came in to see you and immediately rushed out to fetch the queen and the midwives.
Elsewhere flying high across Westeros atop Vhagar, Aemond headed north when the dragon made a sharp turn backwards. No matter how much he demanded and veered for recourse she headed straight back in the direction of kings landing. She had never disobeyed before, something must be wrong. Upon their landing above the Red Keep Aemond heard the piercing noise of his beloved screaming. Vhagar was right, you were in labour.
Your bedroom door burst open and your husband rushed to your side his handsome face contorted in worry. "My beloved I am here"
"Push princess, push" chanted Alicent.
"I am fucking pushing" you sneered and through gritted teeth you pushed out a head from your body. Aemond watched you in awe and anticipation as you pushed the rest of the little one from yourself to a mewling cry fom the babe.
"A Prince my love" uttered Aemond as he held the bundle who already sported a tuft of white hair, close to his chest and your saw a tear fall from his eye. As you ascended euphoria and reached out for your son a sharp pain hit you just like before and your screamed, "Aemond another is coming"
Passing his son to his mother and thinking how the rumour spreaders could go fuck themselves he came to your side, again holding your hand.
"You can do this my beloved once more"
"Fuck you Aemond!
"You did my love, thats why we are here" he commented.
"Aemond" hissed alicent.
You pushed again and out came a head followed by a body and a little cry filled the room once more.
"Another Prince! my darling, my love" said Aemond.
As your body fell back to the pillows you demanded to hold your little princes. They were placed into your arms and you wondered at them. Aemond at your side he could not decide who to stare at more you or his sons.
As you placed your sons against your breast and offered yourself to them they latched onto you and began to feed.
Pain, another pain you hissed "no it can't be!...... Aemond take them" he quickly took the boys from your arms as they wailed from their disturbed feed.
"What is it my love?"
"Again! again! there's another!!!"
"Are you sure my beloved??" Questioned Aemond.
"Yes I'm fucking sure!! its my vagina!!!" You snapped.
You writhed and screamed during what was hopefully, the last labour and ignoring your fatigue, at long last you birthed the child. The head followed by the body as Aemond locked eyes with you and fell to his knees.
"What is it? what's wrong?" You pleaded. Then you heard the cry and finally released the breath you had not known you'd been holding.
"Another Prince my dear" called Alicent
And from the floor still on his knees in worship of you and pure disbelief "the three headed dragon" whispered Aemond.
His sons, his dragons! Just like the targaryen sigil.
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bammtoris · 5 years ago
Prodigal son ship meme
I was tagged by @paranoid-peaches thank you!!
Malcolm/Dani: i think it’s obvious this is my favorite ship, thei have a really well going dynamic and chemistry that I can’t help but love how opposite yet so similar they can be uwu i also adore the writers for making it a slow burn and not a hormonal rushed thing. 10/10
Malcolm/Edrissa: Baby girl!! i love these dorks so much idk if i can see it as romantic but they would definitely make the best partners in chaos, doing a bunch of geeky stuff like playing clue together or build 3000 pieces puzzles in one night! Or go to a cuddle party together. 8.9/10
Malcolm/JT: i adore the love/hate relationship between both of them is honestly hilarious, cuz even if malcolm annoys the hell oit of JT deep inside he still loves the guy, JT having Tally sorts of rules out the possibilities of a romantic relationship but non canonly speaking i adore the fics between these two. 9/10
Malcolm/Gil: im not into this kind of stuff tbh like i cant imagine it as romantic but as a father/son relationship. 😳/10
Malcolm/Eve: i uh?? I like eve but their romance felt rushed like a lot so that was a turn off for me there wasn’t any chemistry or time for us to process that so not really my ship, MAYBE if they had given it more development i would have gone along with it, just a smidge. 0/10
Malcolm/Nico: for the sake of Malcolm having a male interest i love that and there’s always fanfic, but choping off your hand could be a huge deal breaker lmao. 1/10 (fanfic rating)
Gil/Jessica: mixed feelings towards it, i love them together and i know the intentions of the writters are pretty obvious about it, so there’s that BUT i love how soft and playful their interactions are also make Gil officially Malcolm’s dad 2k20. 9.5/10
Dani/Ainsley: despite the fact i think they have never met before, i love this ship 🥰 they both have such a strong personality i would go absolutely feral, ALSO can we acknowledge the ship name could be Daisey cuz thats fucking cute. 10/10
Malcolm/Martin: and absolute HELL NO im sorry but no to father incest like i have seen a lot of fanfics about it and im sorry i know your writings must be good but is not my cup of tea 😔. —10/10
Malcolm/Me: healthy vsteady relationship lots of dangerous fun activities bc impulsivity ™️ uwu lots of hugs too. 100/10
I tag anyone who wants to play along :)
@musicalmedic @whumpypepsigal @badguywindow @sunshinetheperekeet @lavenderspark @2am-euphoria @ihavejarlsberg @malcolmwhumply @machancheese0119 @castiel-saved-me-from-myself @trueloveisinfinite444
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awww yeah!! how about something with davey? fluff or angst your choice :)
Thank you for the prompt and sorry I didn’t post it until now!! 
Word count: 1600 ish
Ships: None
Genre: A bit hurt/comfort I guess? Kinda
Era: Canon
Tags: Badly written accents tbh
Becoming friends with a gang of newsboys was not as simple as Davey would have thought a couple of months ago.
He hadn’t reflected on it too much in the beginning since they all had been caught up in the euphoria of winning the strike. He remembered it vividly, all of their relieved and shocked faces when they had been brought the news that they could go back to work. The cheers. The hugging. No one had left Davey out, of course not. He had been as much a part of it as any of the others. They had celebrated and laughed and cheered, and he had gone home with a soft smile on his face and looking forward to the prospect of going back to work the next morning.
But as the weeks passed he started to notice a shift in attitude. Nothing big. Casual but meaningful smirks shared by the newsies when Davey came to the circulation gate one morning. A clap on the shoulder that could have been a friendly gesture but felt a little too harsh and reminded him a little too much of getting knocked down by the police. And a lot of jokes made on his expense that he had no choice but to smile through.
“Heya Dave, joining us today?” The smile on Mush’s face was kind, but Davey couldn’t help hearing a certain bite to the words. Blink was standing beside him, fiddling with the buttons on his shirt.
“Uh, yeah,” Davey answered and glanced around the crowd of boys waiting for the morning paper. “It’s, well… Sunday, so…”
“No school?” Blink asked, and what was that look he gave Mush? Like they were having a conversation with no words needed? Something twisted in Davey’s stomach and he glanced down at his feet.
It was true he didn’t sell with the newsies every day anymore; his dad had gone back to work, so the sons of the Jacobs’ family were officially back in school. Coming back to routine and the same old faces had felt safe, but if he was being honest, kind of boring at the same time. He looked forward to the sundays spent with the newsies more and more for every week passing.
He only shrugged as an answer to Blink before Wiesel appeared and the group of boys lined up to buy their papes.
The next week it was Jack. Everything had been great so far. The weather was nice and lots of people were out and about, so by lunchtime Davey had almost got rid of all his papes. He had just leaned back against a building for a short break when Jack strolled up to him. His bag was carelessly slung over his shoulder and, not to Davey’s surprise, empty.
“You good?” Jack asked and stopped next to him.
Davey hummed and closed his eyes. “Just resting for a minute,” The brick wall was warm against his back.
“Resting, huh?” Jack elbowed him in the ribs. “Good, people will need a break from seeing your ugly mug.” He laughed and nudged Davey again, who opened his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows.
When he finished selling his last pape a few hours later, the sun was beginning to set. October was approaching, and with it a promise of colder nights and rainy days, but for now there was still a mildness in the breeze and birds happily chirping despite the late hour. Davey started the walk back to his family’s apartment. His feet ached, and he felt the exhaustion in every bone of his body, but that was not the sole reason why he walked slow with a deeply furrowed brow. There was a twist in his stomach that he could not get rid of.
He was still a good few minutes from the lodging house, so he didn’t even realize he was crossing Duane Street until a voice caught his attention. “Oh, hiya Davey!”
He glanced up and came face to face with Crutchie. In the gloomy evening light his clothes all looked the same shade of gray, and his freckles that were usually so prominent on his face now started to fade as the sun shone less and less every day. He was still grinning, though, leaning on his crutch with one hand and carrying his bag in the other.
“Hey, Crutch,” Davey said and forced himself to smile back. “Good day?”
“Yeah,” he said and nodded. “Sold all my papes. That headline about that kidnapped gal really made it easier. You going to the lodging house?”
Davey glanced down the street and then shook his head. “I don’t think so. I’m… Uh, pretty tired.”
Crutchie raised his eyebrows. “Okay. You good?”
The rattle of a carriage made Davey jump. He was so used to the sounds of the city he sometimes tuned them out until they surprised him at the worst times. When he turned back to Crutchie, he shook his head again. “I’m fine, thank you.”
Crutchie didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds, before shrugging. “If you say so.” He turned to walk down Duane Street in the direction of the lodging house. “But if you need-”
Without knowing why, Davey suddenly moved and sized a hold of Crutchie’s shirt before he could walk away. “Wait!”
Crutchie, who hadn’t expected the pull, wobbled on the spot for a second before regaining his balance. “Damn, Davey,” he muttered and smoothed out his shirt, which was already so rumpled it didn’t make a difference. “You about to scare the living daylights outta me.”
“Sorry,” Davey said, feeling a rush of warmth shoot through his body. He made sure Crutchie was standing steadily on the ground before he let go. He chewed on his lip before continuing. “Uh, okay, I might have a problem.”
Crutchie straightened up and turned his full body towards Davey. “What’s wrong?”
Davey hesitated for a moment. “I, uh, sometimes, feel like…” The words were having trouble coming out of his mouth. It was like they got stuck somewhere between his throat and tongue. “...Like the newsies, ah… Don’t, like me?”
Crutchie stared at him in silence for a long moment before his lips quirked into a smirk. “The newsies?” he asked, an eyebrow raised so high it almost disappeared behind his fringe. “Like, the Duane Street newsies?”
A laugh escaped his mouth and he shook his head in disbelief. “Who are you talking about? Who don’t like you, Dave?”
Davey felt a little taken aback by the teasing tone of voice. “Well, I… I don’t know!” he exclaimed, feeling the frustration seeping through into his voice. “You all always laugh at me, or insult me, or uh, make me feel like I’m stupid for not knowing anything about selling-”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Crutchie said and held up one hand in surrender. The smile had slipped off his face. “Davey, I didn’t mean it like that. Have anyone said anything to you?”
Davey hesitated for a second. Was he throwing his friends under the bus by telling Crutchie? Somehow, it felt like a violation of trust. Though, of course, Crutchie himself was more than aware of the unspoken rules of the newsboys. Would he have asked if he though Davey would get in trouble with the others for telling?
“Uh, it’s just…” Davey wet his lips. “Mush, and, um… Blink, they said…”
Crutchie nods slowly. “Looked at each other like they knows a secret that you ain’t?” Davey nodded numbly. “You go to school, Dave. You might actually have a future, with a good job. It’s more than you can say for many of us.” Nothing in Crutchie’s voice felt self deprecating, but Davey still glanced down at his bum leg. He caught himself and quickly looked up again. If Crutchie had noticed he didn’t say anything. “If I’m right, they’s jealous, plain and simple. Teasing you about being in school is just them hiding that.” When Davey didn’t say anything, he sighed and changed his grip on his crutch. “Look, I knows it can seem strange, but that don’t mean they don’t like you. You’ve ever seen Race and Albert talking? You can think they hate each other by the way they insult one another, but they’s best friends.”
“Nah,” Crutchie said with lots of conviction. “They don’t hate you. Many times it’s the opposite, teasing you means they like you.”
“But why?”
He shrugged. “Why not? It’s all for fun.”
Davey put his hands into his pockets. “I know I’m not like the others, and I know that might make the others treat me differently…”
Crutchie quirked his head to the side. “Like I said, maybe that’s a part of it. Maybe it’s because you have a family. And you’re smart, and you go to school. It’s easier to tease people who they’s jealous of,” He glanced behind Davey, down the street. “Or maybe it ain’t got nothing to do with you at all.”
Davey felt a little taken aback. “You… You think so?”
Crutchie grinned. “I’m just sayin’, don’t worry about it. Look, I gotta go before curfew.” He clapped Davey’s shoulder and started hobbling past. “See ya next sunday,” he called out and then disappeared in the dark.
Davey stared after him for a moment, before turning and starting to walk home.  Maybe Crutchie had been right, after all. Maybe it was all in his head. He continued through the city, walking past houses and streets on his way home. The money he had earned that day was clinking happily in his pocket. After a few minutes a small smile spread across his face, and the knot in his stomach loosened slightly.
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