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jackwhiteprophetic · 8 months ago
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Can we talk about this shot for a second. What the fuck.
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arkhamsgirl · 28 days ago
so… michael, amirite….. haha….
prefacing this with its his life, he is grown, all that fun stuff. this isnt hate on crystal or michael. their relationship is their own.
HOWEVER, the age gap is strange. if their genders were swapped everyone would be up in arms. theres a pattern with younger men thinking that they cant be groomed by older women because its seen as a good thing. his own band has at LEAST two different songs abt being with an older woman. its just… LIKE I CANT BE THE ONLY ONE WHO SEES IT
he was an adult when he got with her yeahyeahyeah not denying it. i find his response similar to aaron taylor johnsons (although his situation is far far worse) defense of his wife.
i wanna know how hed feel if his daughter came home w an age gap like that
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silhouette-saloon · 10 months ago
what do you mean im almost a junior 😐.
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voidspiraling · 4 months ago
Omg Till is so cute whattttttt. Excuse my brain rotting I just needed to get this out of my system.
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Now time for some serious analysis 🧐 (I don’t rlly get anywhere tho so less of an analysis and more just me asking a bunch of questions hoping for an answer from the void)
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One thing I noticed aside from how cute Till is his eye bags.
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This baby Till doesn’t have eye bags yet, so we can conclude that Till was starting to become sleep deprived after the age of 3 and before the age of 8. (I’m just making a guess based on the pics of their age Till could be 12 in that picture I truly couldn’t tell you)
Now what does this mean when a child is continuously sleep deprived by a stupid alien?
Impacts Behaviors: Harder to pay attention, prone to mood swings, and increased impulsivity (Yep that’s Till)
Impacts Mental Health: Increases the risk and severity of depression and anxiety (What do you know that’s also Till!)
Impacts Brain Development: Negatively affects the memory and intelligence parts of the brain (Do you guys remember that brain scan that showed a brain suffering from trauma?)
As you can see from an early age Till was already put through the wringer before he even got a bruise. I say this because sleep deprivation is extremely torturous regardless of whether it’s forced or self inflicted. Mentally and physically not getting enough sleep fucks up every aspect of your life. The lack of sleep could be bc Till was staying up late, it was noted by other Anakt kids that Till kept them up at night bc he was practicing his music. It could also be bc Urak forced him to stay awake.
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Like when he made Till watch videos of a younger Luka. Overall my heart broke once again at the way they treat a literal baby. Another thing I want to point out is their necks.
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I’m leaving out Ivan cuz he doesn’t wear the collar anyways. But Mizi and Sua both wear the standard (I’m assuming standard bc they’re the most common) collars both lit up green. They’re living in a little bubble and while they look cute, knowing how their story goes makes them look uncanny. Anyways this is the collar most of the kids wear.
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But Till is wearing a different collar and also is wearing a green patch. It always made me curious why he has different collars compared to the rest. Like I get it’s bc of the fact that he rebels a lot so he has a lot more restraints. But this collar is thinner and more metallic than the other ones. You’d think that if they were trying to punish him more they’d give him a bigger collar or a more restrictive one. They forced him into one that restrains his arm to his torso and one over his mouth. But this is just a thin collar that he wears on stage and it doesn’t seem to have any function other than to be a small collar. It also doesn’t show a mood indicator like the other ones do. I guess bc Urak doesn’t care what Till is feeling so he didn’t bother getting that feature. But it also makes it ambiguous what Till is feeling. In the picture while Mizi and Sua look happy, and Ivan looks focused, Till looks shocked and perplexed about writing in the air. (And adorable but when doesn’t he look adorable?) Anyways I can’t for the life of me figure out why his loser alien would get a custom collar that is so simple. From what I’ve gathered abt that freak he grew up in the slums but due to his greedy nature and inability to have compassion was able make it big by doing illegal shit. So maybe it was cost effective to just make simple collars instead of getting the standard one? What a cheap bastard.
Another thing that confuses me is the green patch on his neck.
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Just what is this? My first thought went to nicotine patches and insulin patches. But those aren’t suppose to go on the neck, usually on the arm. Then as I did my daily watch of Round 6 I noticed that Till has been injected with unknown substances through his neck.
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My guess is that the green patches are injecting him with some type of drug. And because the skin around the neck is so fragile the drugs can seep through easier. (It’s completely unsafe but in line with how the loser alien acts)
There are two possible explanations.
One is that Till has become addicted to the drugs they pump him with. And in order to keep him normal and keep him from showing withdrawal signs they use the green patches like a nicotine patch. Drugs have been used by artists as a way to further their craft. Some have even become reliant on it in order to make art. There’s a sense of enlightenment as well, some use it as a way to gain a new perspective on life. I personally can’t understand using drugs for that purpose, but some of the greatest works of art have been created through the use of substances like these. So it’s possible that Urak in his attempt to create a weapon that could topple Luka tries to make Till produce songs using that method. Such as injecting a bunch of drugs and leaving him in a room to write songs.
Two is that they use the green patch as a way to sedate Till, or as a way to enhance his performance. As evident by just looking at Till you can tell he’s running on fumes when he’s on stage. So maybe as a way to push past his limit they drug him so that he can keep performing even when his body is at its limit. The patches are only seen in Round 2 but that could explain why Till got a nosebleed when he was performing in Round 7. His body was finally catching up to him.
Alternatively they could just be there to cover up the wounds from injections while also looking cool lol.
As you can tell I am very confused ;-; but also very curious abt these experiments. They seemed to be focused on the throat and mouth which makes me think they’re trying to modify how these kids sing. Like are they trying to make it so that they can sing outside of their vocal range? Are they trying to make it so that they can sing without having to breath? Or maybe the drugs can affect their literal genes. I know human editing is a procedure in Alien stage universe but what does that actually mean? Can you edit their appearance? Their personality? Their memory? Their thoughts?
My attempts at analysis have only left me with more questions.
Thanks for reading byeeeeee
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liliadrawingstuff · 5 months ago
Please take this Post with satire. I am just ascendingly screaming over the Faba Bio Leak. I waited for this moment to happen and actually gave it up but damn. I WASNT READY FOR THIS AHAHAHA
SMALL DISCLAIMER: I want to clarify. I see those leaked things not as canon. Just as his base idea that they changed through development. But. I am just going to act like as If this would be canon in this post.
53 years old pretty much fits. I headcanoned him as mid 40's to begin 50's so hell yeah!! Old man!!
But. One question is.
WHO IS YOUR WIFE AND CHILD. 🫵🏻 WHO IS YOUR WIFE AND CHILD. WHY ARE YOU MARRIED. (I would love to meet them. Maybe.) WHOOOOOOO!!!!! THOOOOO!! WHO WOULD MARRY YOU???? (ahum...yea) I have to headcanon that his concept wife is either just as toxic as him or a poor woman he treats badly. Well I prefer the first hc in that case.
SPEAKING OF TREATING WOMEN BADLY!! THIS DANG ASS MISOGYNIST. PAHAHA. I love how they clarify "opposite Sex" but not same sex? Is this guy a misogynistic closeted gay?? He can have fights with the 1 or 2 misandrist Lesbians on Xitter and get obliterated.
I love that they went with arrested and fired for his ending. He can join Team Plasma in the Anime Jail. (So that's how he met Colress!! okno) but I think it's very cute that in the end they all gave him a second chance in most medias. (Besides the Manga...I guess ahum ahum)
Germanic descent? Still vibe with him as French/Kalosian more but him shouting angrily in German would be SOMETHING. I can see that now so much.... Maybe he is French German after all who knows. Kinda fits. (also my pride of being German just highered itself by 0.0001 %). German region when where we meet Fabas Wife and traumatized Child with awful parents.
The fact he is described super kind to Lusamine is actually very fun. Just sliming himself up the career ladder. I have urges to slap him real bad because all of this //affec
"But thanks to the Aether Foundation he gets great powerful pokemon" IF THAT WOULD BE CANON THEY ONLY GAVE HIM A HYPNO WHAT DO YOU MEAN. And lend him more pokemon afterwards so he can battle you as champion? Would be funny. But yeah. I stand with the HC that all of his mons all have a special reason to be in his team and why he is with them.
But the "his hobby is sexual harassment" cought me so off guard. I can't help but laugh about it. It sounds so bad. The bad wording probably kills me. FABA PLEASE. FOR THINKING USE YOUR BRAIN!! NOT SMTH ELSE. YOU DICKHEAD.
Also it was planned that he gets a watch.... Guy had to show off his rich kid watch surely to impress others.
God damn I want to hit him so hard //affec
I wanna draw a bit related to the leaks as a joke and then come back to answer messages and look what horrors yall think of this ajehdbka
Xenley is preparing her fists because she will be allowed to beat him up.
Lilac is gonna get the first aid and tells him everything will be fine and that this is just a nightmare.
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r3starttt · 1 year ago
sorry if i'm bothering you. also i'm not sure if your requests are open.
also sorry if my request is too ridiculous or may sue-ish. or if it's too detailed and long.
can i request arcane and caitlyn kiramman x female zaunite reader who's "life calling" is the cause of "the nation of zaun" and improving the lives of zaunites. she was born a powerful mage, with smoke, minor healing and darkness powers. the reader also may or may not be silco's child from a one-night stand. she's also an inventor like jinx and an artist. her personality in many ways is basically "silco lite", having his cunning, stubborn, scheming, snarky, sly and kinda deceptive nature. but she's also caring, loyal and attentive towards those she cares about. the reader is also extremely good with words, being good-naturedly teasing or cutting through someone with her remarks depending on how much she likes you.
i'm also not sure about the reader's alliances (idk if that's the words, english is not my native language). she doesn't agree with silco's methods (and the harm they do to average zaunites) but understands that shimmer could be a useful resource against topside.
the reader and caitlyn accidentally met during their teens. and despite their vastly different opinions, they sorta gravitate towards one another (tho i imagine caitlyn becoming an enforcer might've caused a giant rift between them).
UHHHH YES WHATTTTTTT i love you sm for being so detailed plus making me write something I’ve been DYING to, like, my first thought when I watched arcane was exactly this sooooo I’m so so excited. Also, sorry for taking so long loll. Here it is, hope y’all love it as much as I did and PLEASE reblog, comment, like, just anything u want, thx mwah
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txmehunting · 10 months ago
"Boy, you look like you are about to pass out...while I would usually advise you to calm down or rest, I cannot trust that you will do as I say and therefore must take you somewhere calm, preferably the nurse's office. Do not resist." And there he goes, wrapping Senno in a blanket. Senitto.
haha... yes... sennō's power is returning, bit by bit... as he sits in this random corner of the ballroom, plotting the demise of many an adversary, why, he even thinks he's starting to shake less! ahh, his little happy place is this dim, untouched corner of the massive hall where nobody is coming to bother him ( except for that little waiter child ). nothing could go w
"WHAT?! WHATTTTTTT?!?!" sennō suddenly thunders, shakes becoming great landshatter quakes and face burning more crimson than his eyepaint. "WHO! WHO IS TOUCHING MEEEEEEE??!??!?!?! PUT ME DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!!!!!!! PUUUUUUUUUUT MEEEEEEEEEEEE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
wait! he's a student! he's a student! they should care about students' wellbeings, right?!?! "HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!! I'M BEING KIDNAAAAAAAAAAAAPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOMEONE IS TAKING ME FOR NEFARIOUS PURPOSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
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butchtwelfthdoctor · 11 months ago
i completely forgor i had this uhm uhmm uhmmm okay doctor who unpopular opinion time. i actually liked the timeless child as an episode and as a story point because i think that having multiple contradictory origins for the doctor is really fun and interesting. i also am willing to overlook the last ten minutes of kerblam - other than the bizzare capitalist ending i liked it as an episode! whatever! its a work of fiction! but i don't like eleven's era very much like i'm so sorry but so many of his episodes are like whattttttt are you doinggggggggg?? like eleven himself is an interesting character but there are so few of his episodes i actively want to think about lots compared to the others. like so often the plot is just like. sorry why is that happening??? idk yeagh
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hostilemuppet · 1 year ago
im gonnae do one more (ur designs are literally so fun and i love little animals. ive been drawing too many people lately) would u rather giggles or cuddles
WHATTTTTTT OMG 😭😭😭 ty ❤❤❤ man thats like asking me to choose a favourite child. depends on which flavour of girlfailure you find yourself more drawn to
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sunloveskel · 1 year ago
Ahem. Oh honorable number seven, please recount your tales of the past!! (said in a way a child sitting at your feet whilst you are dozing in your rocking chair would ask)
whattttttt.. ohhhh!!!! stories!!! uhhhhh.... (freezes)
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francixoxoxo · 8 months ago
OMG WHAT WHAT WHATTTTTTT I NEED HIM WDYM “He saw a vision right then of you, belly swelling with his child, hand adorned with his mother's ring and standing on the porch of a house he built for you. His wife. The mother of his child. Oh, the words tasted sweeter in his mouth the more he tried them out.” WHAT DO YPU MEAN
please please please Millie can we have someting where Billy is watching reader being so good with children (and people in general, like, she's so sweet) and he's like "that's it. i'm leaving everything behind and making that woman my WIFE and the MOTHER OF MY CHILDREN" pls he'd be so enamoured with herrr ♥
ps: it's okay if you don't want to do it ♥ i love everything you do!
this is so cute plzz thank you anon <3 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓲𝓼 𝓮𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓮𝓭 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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Your presence was sunshine and rain, creating a wonder of nature's rarity. Everything about you shone so brightly that Billy wondered how the angels hadn't swept down long ago to claim you back as one of their own. Like ivy, you crawled over the walls of the hearts of everyone, enchanting them and planting your flower in the thorniest of gardens.
He was privileged beyond the wiles of men to be allowed to fall in love with you so completely. You consumed him, crept into every waking thought and every resting dream. Billy fancied himself a changeling around you, willing to morph into whatever you needed. Fortunately for him, you only wanted to be one thing: himself.
Proving he was the luckiest soul in existence, you sook his arms often, sheathing yourself in them. Gentle kisses and mountains of cuddles often ensued, as he requested you tell him about your day.
Wrinkling your nose adorably, you always said, "I haven't done anything terribly interesting today."
"Tell me anyways," he smiled, taking you by the waist and setting you atop his hips. You giggled, hands bracing on his knees behind you as you leaned back. His big hands found a place in the crease between your thigh and calf, thumbs rubbing your knees.
Of course you would give in, face lighting up in the way he always hoped it would. Truthfully, it wasn't the content of your day he was eager to hear, but the way you told it. You could breathe life into the most mundane of topics, his beautiful girl.
You were the silver lining to the storm cloud of his roughened life, worth beyond your weight in gold. The kind of face men went to war for and wrote poetry of love in wax sealed letters back to. And you were somehow his.
The ring looped on a ribbon and wrapped in a handkerchief stowed away in a place of safety had been yours from the first moment your lips touched his. It had been his beloved mother's, a token of her undying love that she'd passed on to him, telling him to keep it safe for a girl who kept his heart safe. You fit this description and exceeded it.
Though the life of an outlaw was hardly appropriate for such a beauty from the inside out, he found that he could hardly unglue himself from you. Forget water and air- he needed you. You were love in physical form, a skyful of stars bound beneath the skin of a woman. The earth in bloom, all that was good in this world. You were entrancing in every possible way, tied with a ribbon and edged in lace like an embroidered gift tailored to him.
Your utter sweetness never failed to swath him in joy. As of now, he had been packing his recent purchases in his saddlebags when you caught his eye as you always did, acting as his north star.
Surrounded by people as always, you were chattering excitedly, making big gestures with your hands. The eyes of those listening were alight with wonder, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight. Your very existence was captivating.
Then a little girl approached you, tugging on your skirt. You got to your knees so you were at her level, ignoring the dust that settled on your skirt. Shyly, the girl held out a handful of wild daisies to you.
Gasping, a hand flew to your heart as you accepted the gift, and you said something to her with a darling smile brightening your face. Plucking a daisy from your bunch, you tucked it behind the little girl's ear, much to her delight. She giggled and retreated back into the crowd.
Mesmerized, Billy leaned against his horse in a daze. Your pure natural sweet nature and love for the world and everything in it was inspiring. You were a rare patch of sunlight in life's darkness indeed, one that he'd been most fortunate to stumble upon.
Heralded by your divine presence, Billy's sense of time slowed. His surroundings blurred as his vision centered on you as the light at the end of the tunnel. He knew. He knew you were everything good in this life, that the very stars spelled your name in the heavens. He knew that after the tumultuous years on the run, you were the very best life would gift him. You were the very best anyone could be gifted.
He saw a vision right then of you, belly swelling with his child, hand adorned with his mother's ring and standing on the porch of a house he built for you. His wife. The mother of his child. Oh, the words tasted sweeter in his mouth the more he tried them out.
The crowd dispersed, and when Billy looked up, you were alone, twirling your gift of flowers between your fingers. The roseate picture you struck was like lightning in his heart. The organ had roamed near and far in search of a place to settle and call home, edging the Fate's will of survival. You were the answer.
His heartbeat pulsed as his feet moved, emotion guiding his movements. Nearly stumbling, his hands found your waist, arms engulfing you as he lifted you off your feet and brought his lips to yours.
"Mmph!" Your surprised noise was cut off by him again, mouth hungry and fervent for you. All of you. Your arms twined around his neck, and you smiled into the kiss. The brim of his hat bumped your head and he tilted his head back briefly, letting it fall behind him before he returned to you, pressing kiss after kiss to your delighted, awaiting mouth. Maybe it was a bit much for a public setting, but he hardly cared.
He lavished tiny pecks on your puckered lips, bringing you down from the high of it. When Billy pulled back, he didn't put you down, instead gazing into your eyes and watching you in the afterglow of the kiss.
You nudged your nose against his, one of your feet popping up as he held fast to you, slightly swaying back and forth. "What's this all about?"
"Can't I kiss the woman I love for no reason?" Billy grinned, securing one arm under your bottom to hold you better. The other remained at your waist.
A content smile overtook you, and your fingers tangled lightly in the curls at the nape of his neck. "My love...I would believe you if you hadn't swooped across the square with that look in your eyes."
"Hmm," he hummed, nuzzling his nose to your neck and burying a kiss there. "I should tell you what I'm thinkin' shouldn't I?"
"I'd like that," you lifted your chin merrily, leaning your forehead against his briefly. Your touch was his nectar of his life, and if it pleased you, he would drink long past overindulgence.
"Well," he began, the hand at your waist rising to cup your cheek, shifting the one at your bottom to support you. "I think I'm gonna marry you."
"Really?" you giggled, kissing his nose. "You want to marry me?"
"Wanna marry you 'n have a baby." He pressed a smattering of kisses across your cheeks. "And spend the whole rest of my damn life with you cause you're my girl and I ain't ever lettin' you go."
"Oh!" Your lips found his again, and he eyed you tenderly afterwards. Unable to quell your joyful smile, you asked with a starlike twinkle in both eyes, "You really want that with me?"
"More 'n anythin' darlin'," he promised, lips finding your forehead. "Sweetest girl...I love you so much."
Billy set you back on your feet, straightening your dress and pulling a flower from the bunch you still held in your hand and tucking it behind your ear just as you'd done with the little girl. "You'll make our little ones daisy chains, won'tcha?"
Nodding eagerly, your eyes seemed unable to leave his. Billy took your free hand in his and knelt to pick up his hat and hit it against his side to knock the dust off. Once it was satisfactory, he dropped it on your head, pulling it playfully over your eyes for a moment before knocking the brim back up.
"I've got somethin' to give ya when we get home," he promised, kissing your temple and thinking of the ring hidden beneath the floorboards. "Somethin' special."
"Can't wait." You kissed his cheek and he guided you over to the horse hand in hand.
He'd never been more excited to get down on one knee before.
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avocado-writing · 2 years ago
I feel like Tangerine is awful at cooking. Like really really bad. He and reader are trying to cook dinner together, and reader has to basically be the one thing between Tangerine and setting the house on fire. He asks if they're laughing and him and reader's like "whattttttt of course not" but their face is twisted so hard from trying not to laugh that they look weird
you're either on the 'tangerine is an amazing cook' side or the 'tangerine has never set foot in a kitchen in his life' side. i am the former, but you're so valid. also went a bit off prompt with this sorryyyy
GN!Reader x Tangerine (rated M bc somehow I still managed to mention sex lmfao)
also Tangerine is English so he canonically eats at Spoons xoxo
@honestlywtfisgoingon​ @white-wolf-buckaroo @felhomaly @sinfulrefugy @venusthepirate @lunarpansexual @wanderedaway​​ @georgiee-riviere @mushywutty​​ @piechans @apieceoffabulousshit @4ng3l-0n-34rth @minjaz @starl1g4t @earth-elemental18 @luhvbot @underratedboogeyman @july-is-summer@vocalvixen20cp @northerngalxy @tangerinesgf (thanku ninasrandomblog for the gif!)
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It’s a lazy Sunday. You’re having a lie-in, exhausted from celebrating your husband’s return last night. It’s always nice when Tangerine gets home a day early. A little surprise that keeps you thrilled.
He’d practically thrown open the door, striding through the house and pinning you up against the wall. His mouth was hot and rough on yours, expressing just how much he hated being away from you.
“Tan!” you’d gasped against his lips, finally freeing yourself for air. He didn’t let himself break contact with you. Instead he started kissing down your neck, to your collarbone.
“Missed you,” he’d growled into your skin, “fuck, I haven’t had you in so long. I need you.”
Well, it had been two weeks. But even two weeks felt like a lifetime when they were away from him. And your own hand during that time was no match for the feeling of his. 
So, you’d spend the rest of the day in bed. 
And then on the sofa. 
And once bent over the dining table, actually. 
And now you’re content in the knowledge that he’s home and safe, and there’s nothing to worry about for a little while, and–
Oh, fuck. You can smell smoke.
The downstairs alarm starts going off a couple of seconds after you register it yourself. In a storm of blankets and pillows you throw yourself out of bed and hurry down the stairs, taking them two at a time.
“Tan! There’s a fire! There’s a fucking fi–”
There is not, in fact, a fire.
What is there? Your husband, at the stove top, swearing colourfully at some burnt remains in the frying pan he’s brandishing. 
“Fucking eggs!” he shouts, slamming his hand down on the kitchen counter. You roll your eyes behind his back, then take over. 
“Omelette?” you ask, surveying the scene. It’s a warzone in here. You’re not sure how he’s used five bowls and seven forks in his culinary exploits, but he’s managed it. Eggshells are strewn about the place too. One’s broken on the floor.
“French toast,” he sniffs, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting. You glance at the blackened mess in the pan and wonder just how he fucked this up so badly.
Ah, bless him. It’s not his fault. He confided in you, once, that when he was a child he never really ate much that didn’t come out of the freezer and go in the oven for twenty minutes. When you first started going out you’d found that he sustained himself almost entirely on a diet of Pot Noodles and microwaveable pastas. You had to change that, of course. And it was never a chore to you to cook for someone that you loved. So you’d divided yourself into that domestic bliss that many couples found: you cooked, he did the washing up.
“You could have asked me, you know. I’d have done it,” you say, dumping the pan into a freshly-run bowl of washing up water. Tangerine won’t look you in the eye.
“I wanted to make you breakfast.”
Oh. Oh.
You walk over to him, wrap your arms around his neck, and pull him in for a kiss. They always work to leech the anger out of him. Soon you feel his body release its tension, and he rests his hands on your waist.
“Shall we just go to Spoons?” you ask, gently. He sighs.
A pause.
“You’re gonna make me clean this up, aren’t you?”
“Oh, probably.”
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teeth-and-whiskers · 2 years ago
The fact that this new Arc (A starless clan) is a political drama is making my old medicine cat heart warm 💜
Like you got 10 year trying to talk to the gods about her dead leader & deputy and it not working out? The 10 year old actually freaking out it about (I.e ACTUALLY acting like a child). And the other two main characters are being brat teenagers but with actually level of relationship drama we haven’t seen since Tigerheart/ Dovewing?????
This whole 2nd book is full of “oh no she didn’t it” and “she said whattttttt”???
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markediahinds-blog · 8 years ago
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Ladies, do any of you feel like expressing what's happened/happening to you in a safe, sacred setting? -- We can come together to share and release the trauma that's been inflicted on us. I've had many cousins touch me inappropriately, and many men who make uncomfortable verbal and physical advances. This warps my sense of who is trustworthy. what are your intentions, how is your vibe making me feeeeeel?! -- I'm not with that, and I know one of the best ways to help heal from sexual abuse is connecting with others who are going through/been through the same. • We got guys having convos like: "hey beautiful", "great smile", "put my number in your phone". • Whatttttttttttttt?!!!!!!! What makes y'all think that's the wave?!!!!!!!!! Majority of y'all guys [lets round that up to 80%] are pervs (until the statistics and experiences show otherwise). We have cultures where they are allowed to rape women on the regular. let me just take a child and stick my big dick in them. for whattttttt?!!!! who do y'all think y'all are going into people's sacred spaces?! 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 who though? • So I'm really not with it and I want us to join together and talk about it. I also wants us women/girls to work on a form of martial arts, self-defense, tai chi, boxing, etc. -- some guys have this notion that they are superior, that God is a "He" (other than this patriachial system we've been adhering to), to thinking that they are God and are more powerful and stronger. Tuhh!! you got the force, bruh? Well, we got the speed. • Come correct or come get yourself knocked off your feet. You want your hands? Keep em to yourself. Tuhh. 🌊🎼✨ (at Westchester, Los Angeles)
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