slopdoughnut · 5 months
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mattzerella-sticks · 6 years
Dust-Off, a Dean/Cas fic post 14x10 (”Nihilism”)
Spiritual Sister to fic "Spelunkers" (ao3)
Michael is gone from Dean for good. After he, Sam, and Cas rid his body of the evil archangel's grace, Dean wants to scrub every trace of the being from him. But even his usual clothes bring him no comfort, as in a way Michael still wore them - used them to convince everyone that Dean was all right. So what can he wear? Maybe the little present he bought for himself a while back that he never had time to try. And what happens when a certain angel catches him in it?
Note: Yeah, the episode didn’t come out yet - I know. You gonna stop me? Also rated M for fun times ahead.
           Dean stares at the box in his lap, the black cover slightly dusty from disuse. He brushes his fingers across, trailing them ever so slowly along the cursive words at the center: ‘Natasha’s’. The box was light at first, but the longer he lets it sit, the heavier it gets. Weighing down with another force to crush his legs. ‘I shoulda left it down there,’ he thinks, ‘I mean… what the hell was I even thinking – buying it in the first place?’
           It was an impulsive purchase. Something he never should have bought but had to have. ‘Like the damned vibrator… I blame that. Only reason I was there in the first place…’
           Natasha’s was a little store, hidden in the back corners of Kansas City. He had passed it one day with Sam when they were rushing off to another spelunking tour. They were running late – Sam lost in his sleep and Dean too preoccupied with bacon – but it still left a heavy impression on the elder brother. The soft curves of the lettering just like on the box, the almost antique looking storefront, and especially the beautifully decorated mannequins. He committed every little detail to memory before they turned the corner, filing it away for – what, he didn’t know.
           Until later on in the day, when he found himself back there.
           “You sure you don’t want any dinner?” Sam asked, halfway out the door of their motel room.
           Dean didn’t look up. He was studying Google Maps, weighing the options of travelling by car or by foot. “Nah, I think I might take a quick walk, grab something from the vending machines.”
           “If you say so…”
           He didn’t know how long he’d been standing there before someone cleared their throat. A mature woman, with creases all along her face, peered up at him from behind her wide glasses. There was measuring tape draped across her neck, and a bobby pin or two messily shoved into her grey hair. “You know,” she said, “I was supposed to have closed five minutes ago.” She had a very noticeable accent, Eastern European if Dean was guessing.
           “Sorry, I – uh…”
           “You want to come in.”
           She spun on her heel, back into the store. Dean followed, eyes bouncing around the moment he passed under the lilting chime. There wasn’t much room to move, an explosion of colorful fabrics either hung from metal rods or laid piled on wooden displays. There was a huge desk off to the right where a sewing machine sat on one of the ends. In the back, Dean counted five different dressing rooms, each hidden by black curtains.
           “So,” the woman – ‘Natasha, if the store is anything to go by’ – continued, “what brings a man like you here?”
           “Is it… not obvious?”
           She paused, taking another long look at him. “Nothing is ever what it seems. It wouldn’t be right to assume anything. So… why am I keeping my store open?”
           He didn’t have an answer. ‘I mean, I do,’ he thought, ‘But should I…’ Thinking fast, he said the first lie that popped into his mind. “I’m here for a friend!”
           “…You are?”
           “Yes,” he nodded, one hand absently reaching out towards some of her merchandise. He ran his finger across the satin. “They – um… needed a few things, but were kinda busy… and we aren’t here for long so I – I uh… offered to go and –“ he cleared his throat, “to go and get it…”
           Natasha stayed silent for a long time. With each passing second, Dean felt himself shrink further and further into himself. By the time she spoke, he was the littlest doll in the nesting set.
           “So,” she said, “your friend. Do they have a size?”
           “Well – uh… about that?”
           “Do you … not know?”
           He flushed red. “…No.”
           “Would you say your friend’s measurements are like your own?”
           She smirked at him, then. It wasn’t cruel or judgmental. Instead, her face had softened, and Natasha offered him a way in. She opened shell after shell to find Dean, and give him a hand. He relaxed, smiling back at her. “Yeah, I’d say we’re the same there.”
           “Very well,” she said, pulling at the tape, “let’s get you all sorted out. I’m pretty sure we’ll have something for your friend here.”
           In the time he was remembering that story, he had removed the box’s lid. Peeling back the wax paper, Dean gawks at his earlier purchase. He lifts the sheer, pink lace by the satin straps, turning it over and over to fully take in the intricate pattern. Dean smiles, just like he did when Natasha showed it to him. “Pink is a good color,” she said, “A strong color. Not many people can pull it off. I’m sure your friend will.”
           He places it next to him on the bed, digging back in for the next piece. As sheer as the bodice he picked out, but even more luxurious with the insane amount of ostrich feathers adhered to the cuffs and the train.
           “Makes you feel beautiful,” Natasha whispered to him, slipping it over his shoulders, “Do you agree?”
           Dean could barely take his eyes away from himself. “…Yeah.”
           He drapes the robe alongside the lingerie. Thinking he had finished, Dean moves the box away. It rattles, drawing his attention back. Dean digs deeper, uncovering a satin bag as dark as the lining of the box.
           Opening it, he finds two pink heels, with more ostrich feather, and little straps for his ankles. Dean blanches, remembering how Natasha brandished them for him as she was wrapping up his purchases.
           “Are you sure,” she asked, “An outfit like this only works with a complete set. I’d hate for there to be any disappointment.”
           Dean waved her off, laughing awkwardly. “No, no – I… my friend will be so happy with all of this. But, the shoes… it might be too much, all at once. You know?”
           “Has your friend never worn such things before?”
           “Nothing… nothing as good as this,” he confessed. “Maybe the odd piece here or there but… never the full picture. Maybe it would be too real and… y’know, then he’d have to deal with other things once he… once it’s…”
           Natasha laid her hand across his, bringing focus on her. Her eyes were burning as she spoke. “The worst monsters are always the ones that exist here.” She pointed to her head. “But it’s only when we bring them out into the light of day, that we can beat them. Their power comes from dwelling in darkness. Never wait for them to strike, when you can have the first attack.”
           ‘Crazy lady,’ he thinks, ‘Probably knew more than she realized.’ He sets the shoes down, pulling at his tie. ‘We waited to long… didn’t think – no, no. Remember, it wasn’t my fault… it wasn’t any of our faults…’
           Michael’s outfit was too constricting. He’s been free of the archangel’s influence for a short while now, and he still hasn’t changed. Dean couldn’t. There wasn’t anything he wanted to wear that wouldn’t remind him of his controller. Even his plaid shirts left bile burning in the back of his throat, the thought that Michael decorated himself in it to draw suspicion away circling around like a shark.
           Dean needed something new. An outfit fully untouched by Michael. Where he could see his face and know it was himself staring back. Clothes that was completely unexpected for him to wear, but still his choice – that he wanted to wear.
           He bunches the robe in his fists, grounding himself in its touch. ‘It can’t be this hard, Dean. We’ll take it slow… but first…’
           Dean tears the tie off and flings it to some corner of the room. The hat follows, as well as the vest. He kicks his shoes off and hurls them at his wall. They fall over each other as he rips his socks off and repeats the process. A button or two fly off from his effort to completely shred the white shirt. And his trousers don’t fall fast enough. ‘At least Michael made this somewhat easier,’ he thinks, ‘Going commando. All right… now that that’s done…’
           The bodice fit just as Natasha said it would. The lace hugged his body in all the right places, and felt as good on his skin as the satin did. Dean ran his fingers up and down his chest for quite some time, lost in the sensation.
           When he finally came back up for air, he moved onto the next step. Dean sits, grabbing one of the shoes and fiddling with it. Unlike the bodice, Dean has never worn anything like these. The strap was hard to work with, his fingers too big and meaty to coordinate. In time, he managed to slip the first shoe on. And then the other went, much smoother than the first.
           He stared down at his feet, toes poking out from behind the feather. They looked worse for wear, and didn’t fit with the illusion the heels evoked. ‘Maybe with a little polish… no – get a hold of yourself, Winchester.’ He turns his thoughts away towards the rest of the shoe. Even though he didn’t give Natasha his size, she guessed correctly. It fit perfectly, and the strap barely dug into his skin.
           Although walking in them was an even worse battle. ‘Shit… women do this almost every day?’ He stumbles, leaning on his desk to right himself. ‘At least whatever Natasha picked out… the heel isn’t breaking.’ Dean wobbles back over to his bed, grabbing the last piece of his ensemble: the robe.
           Like the first time he tried it on, it completely encases him. The fabric melds around his arms, fitting perfectly even as he stretches and flexes. Feathers are everywhere as he plays with the sleeves, shaking them to and fro. Dean does the same with the train, shifting back and forth in place, smiling a bit wider with each swing. Having done enough, Dean ties the satin string across his waist in a loose bow, smoothing the robe out.
           ‘Done,’ he thinks, ‘Now all I need is a…’ Dean looks around, searching for any reflective surface. None exist in his room, so he moves out of it. Into the ensuite bathroom, Dean finds his regular portrait-like mirror.
           He wasn’t the loveliest thing at the moment. His skin pale, the freckles popping out like pebbles scattered across a snowy field. And his green eyes were tinged with red, still puffy from earlier. Dean’s hair was gelled and flat, another reminder of Michael. Frowning, Dean rakes his fingers back-and-forth, mussing it up every which way. When he’s done, the hairs sit out of place. It stands up at ends in areas, and his bangs fall across his forehead in a soft wave.
           Moving on, Dean casts his gaze further down to the real purpose of his reflection. He has to take a step back to fully appreciate the outfit. His hands slowly trail down his body once more, pleasure sparking within. “I sure do look…” ‘Handsome? No, that wouldn’t work… Natasha said beautiful but – no, no the word I’m looking for is…’ “Pretty.” Dean smiles. “Yeah… pretty.”
           He’s too distracted by his own image to hear the door opening. “Dean? You’ve been in here a long time… I know you might need your space, but…” Cas trails off, footsteps placing him in the center of Dean’s room.
           He whirls around, facing Cas, giving him a better view of what he’s wearing. “Shit,” he says, trying to cover himself, “You – why didn’t you – wasn’t it locked?”
           “You, uh… didn’t lock it.”
           “Shit.” He sways into the room, slamming the door shut and locks it. His back is too it, once more facing Cas. His angel barely looked away, following Dean the entire time with his eyes. In the dim lighting of his room, they almost seem to glow. But then Dean blinks, and they’re the same blue as they always were. “You, uh… I can’t make you forget you ever saw any of this… will you?”
           “Not likely, no,” he says, “I wouldn’t want to, anyway.”
           “You wouldn’t?” A shadow falls over his face, and the already leaky dam bursts. A flood of bad thoughts washes through him, and he curls in on himself. “Yeah, I guess this does look pretty odd… just, if you’re going to laugh could you not do it here –“
           “It’s okay, I was dumb to ever think –“
           “No no no no, Dean,” Cas rushes to him, hand cupping his face, pulling his face back up. “Dean, look at me. I would never laugh at you. What I – what I meant was that this – you, dressed as you are – is…”
           Dean watches Cas’s face flicker with an internal argument. His touch sears his already heated skin, but he can’t push it away. He wants to hear what Cas says next, whatever it may be a deciding factor in how he acts for the rest of the night.
           Cas licks his lips, scanning Dean once more. “You are… divine.”
           Dean shrugs. “I used pretty.”
           “Pretty works, too.”
           “Yeah, but yours makes me all… tingly.”
           Cas chuckles. “So,” he says, “is there any reason you’re wearing… this?”
           Dean sneaks a quick peek of his own outfit again. “Do I have to have one?”
           “Not particularly, no… you’re allowed to do things you enjoy. You… are enjoying this, are you?”
           “I was… still am, a little differently though.” He shifts his hips, pressing a hand against his growing erection.
           “Then you don’t need a reason. Although… I have to believe there is some inciting incident to this given… earlier events. Isn’t there?” Dean bites his lip, glancing away. Cas doesn’t shy away as easily. “Dean?” he asks again, voice an octave lower than before. It sends a cascade of chills up his body.
           “I… wanted to do something,” he explains, “out of the ordinary… shake things up a bit. Prove to myself that I’m back in control. I don’t think Mi… he would ever put this on.”
           “I’d have to agree.”
           “It helps that I’ve been meaning to wear this for awhile. Except with everything going on…”
           “Things can get put off.” Cas nods, “I understand.” He tilts his head, squinting. “Is there… anything else you might want to do? That only you would?”
           “Well…” Dean smirks, trailing one hand up Cas’s chest while the other still presses up against his thick cock. “There is one thing…”
           “I’d be… happy to help, if you need assistance.”
           “Oh Cas,” Dean laughs, “I’d hate to do it alone. And…”
           “And what?”
           “You’re the only one I’d want to do it with, anyway.” Dean spurs into action. He pushes, guiding Cas back up to his bed. His angel stops, his legs hitting against the frame. Dean tells him to sit with a gentle nudge on his shoulder.
           When Cas settles himself down, Dean steels his nerves. He crawls onto Cas’s lap, arms wrapping around his angel’s neck. The ostrich feathers catch on Cas’s stubble, and he blows one away from his mouth. Dean fights back a grin. “This okay?” he asks.
           “It’s good,” he murmurs, hands settling on Dean’s waist, “…could be better…”
           “Really? How?”
           “We could stop talking…” Cas leans up, then, catching Dean’s lips in a kiss. He doesn’t fight. Dean kisses back with as much fervor. They’re like twin volcanoes, erupting at the same time. A field in a storm where lightning strikes the surface at every second. They’re the sea and the moon, pulling and pushing each other in an eternal dance. It’s everything Dean imagined and still nothing he was prepared for. The more they kiss; the overall sensation of goodness fills his brain. Casting away any lingering traces of Michael. ‘Bastard could never get this right…’ he thinks, ‘How many times did he try and sell me on those fake Cas’s… I knew the real deal would be worth the wait.’
           Dean grinds down on Cas’s crotch, delighted to meet a similar hardness. “Someone’s excited,” he whispers into another kiss, scraping against Cas’s scalp.
           “Who wouldn’t be,” Cas says, marking up Dean’s neck in their next breath, “Seeing you in that. I nearly lost it the moment I laid eyes on you.”
           “I’m already yours, Cas,” Dean tells him, groaning as Cas bites into his collarbone, “You don’t have to sweet talk me anymore.”
           “I mean it, Dean, truly.”
           “All right, all right…”
           Cas pauses, pulling away to look at Dean. “Do you not believe me?” He looks somewhat hurt, but behind that, Dean can see another emotion. Hidden within the black whorls of his pupils, he thinks Cas might… enjoy it. That maybe his sarcasm and big mouth thrills him in other ways. This thought makes his outfit even more uncomfortable.
           “Dean,” Cas continues, “I will never tire showering you in compliments. You deserve each and everyone of them.” He tightens his grip on Dean’s waist as he drops his back to the bed. Then, in one swift motion, he flips them.
           “Cas!” Dean yelps, “If you rip this –“
           “I’m being careful,” he says, hovering above, “I’ll always be careful with you… unless you tell me otherwise.”
           “Dean,” his angel says, the word dipped in solid gold love, striking every nerve to make Dean’s heart sing. “Dean,” he repeats, “Tell me you want this. Let me know how I can please you.”
           He nearly bursts into tears right there. But he switches course, and instead a giggle bursts out. Dean laughs, knocking his head into Cas’s shoulder. “I’ve always wanted this, Cas,” Dean tells him, “Wanted you. I didn’t realize, at first, just how but… some days it’s all I can think about.”
           “You happen to be in my thoughts often, as well.”
           “…I can’t believe we’ve waited so long –“
           “No,” Cas shushes him, “Let’s not do that. We’re here, now. That’s what matters. That and… what you want me to do with you?”
           ‘With? Man, he knows what to say to push my buttons…’ “Cas, be honest… do you like my mouth?”
           “I do,” Cas says, “It’s perfectly shaped, and have great experience. Your tongue…”
           “No, I mean, do you like when I… say things?”
           “What kind of things?”
           “Um… I don’t know? Sarcastic things, naughty things – words only a little shit would say?” There’s barely a slip of blue left in Cas’s eye. “You do, don’t you?”
           “Do I even need to say anything else?”
           “No,” Dean shrugs, “Although… if you really wanna hear me say some filthy things… you could always use your mouth.” His little nod south doesn’t go unnoticed. Cas grins, pressing kisses up against his lace-covered abdomen, taking his time getting to Dean’s crotch. His hands slide over to some clasps, the only thing keeping Dean’s leaking cock from breaking out of the sheer, see-through fabric. Cas snaps them open, pulling the panties down and away. He’s about to fully take Dean into his mouth, until Dean tugs on his hair to stop him. He glances up at him, Dean smirking all the while. “Who said I wanted your mouth there?”
           Cas fully loses it as he flips Dean over, growling at the sight of Dean’s ass. “I am going to have so much fun with you…”
           “Couldn’t have said it better myself, Ca – aah, aah, ass! Oh, yeah baby – yeah! Right there!”
           Sam, adrift in the Internet, barely notices Cas re-enter the room. When he does, he stands, mouth opening and closing with every passing beat. There are so many questions he wants to ask: “Is Dean okay?” “Why was he in there for so long?” “Why were you?” “What happened to your tie?” Instead, he asks, “Dean?”
           “He’s okay,” Cas tells him, sitting across from where Sam was, “The process… tired him out more than he thought. Said he can barely move from bed, and even if he could he wouldn’t want to.”
           “Well that… does sound like Dean.” Sam collapses back onto his seat. “I was scared, there, after Michael that he might relapse back into somewhere… darker.”
           “Your brother is strong, Sam,” Cas tells him, “Stronger with the two of us here supporting him, and with Michael cast out far and away.”
           “That’s the truth,” Sam sighs, “I wish the slippery bastard didn’t disappear like that. Would’ve loved to have trapped him and drop kicked him back to his world.”
           “A little tame for my tastes but okay.” Cas points to his open laptop. “Is that what you were doing? Looking for Michael?”
           Sam blushes, barely meeting Cas’s gaze. “Uh… I should have, right? But, that’s not what I –“
           “What were you doing?”
           “It’s… it’s a little silly, but…” He turns it around, showing Cas his open tabs and search bar. “I thought Dean might want to do something to get his mind off of all that happened, a quick day-off, nothing too extreme. And he really seemed to like this spelunking trip we did –“
           “Spelunking? What’s that?”
           “Oh! It’s this activity where people go and explore caves. I’m surprised you’ve never heard of it?”
           Cas smirks. “My apologies, but I know of it in a… slightly different tongue.”
           “So you’ve explored caves before?”
           “Only recently. I never had the desire or chance in the first few millennia of my existence.”
           “You should totally come with us then, next time!” Sam smiles, looking back to his screen. “Or maybe we can do something else? Laser tag sounded fun… and so did these escape rooms… do you have any thoughts?”
           Cas taps at his chin, expression stuck as it was. “Well… let’s just say whatever you plan for us…”
           “Make sure it’s low-endurance. I’m afraid Dean doesn’t have a lot of stamina for… multiple rounds.”
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Ties That Bind - Part 1: At First Sight
Characters (first names are as in the show renaming a few last names to fit my story): Reader (Y/N Harvelle), Crowley McCloud, Castiel Novak, Dean Winchester, Benny Lafitte, Ben Braeden, Asher (OC), Mike (OC),
Pairing: Dean x Reader (eventually)
Warnings: Violence, robbery, gun shot wound, language (I think that is it for this one)
Word Count: 3500ish
A/N: Thanks to @blacktithe7 for betaing and helping me rework this series.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You were practically hopping on one foot across the room, trying to catch your 6 month old german shepherd pup that had chosen to run off with one of your shoes just as you were about to leave the house. You were already late and in no mood for any of his shenanigans. Being late what not all that unusual for you though. You were a busy person, but when you were in a moment you gave yourself to it fully. No matter if it was the kids you worked with needing attention, your puppy needing love or a file you needed to read over. The last was what had slowed you this morning before everything started going wrong.
“Drop it Santo,” You pointed at him and spoke in a firm tone when you finally managed to get him cornered. Santo stared back at you for a few seconds before he reluctantly did as he was told.
“Good boy,” you mumbled as you retrieved your shoe and put it on. You led him out back and into his pin. You checked to make sure he had plenty of fresh water before you petted him goodbye and practically ran for your car. Even if you were busy and he was a brat, he still deserved your love. He was a sweet puppy and he was going to grow up to be an amazing dog.
Just as you put your key into the ignition, your phone rang somewhere down in your purse. “Damnit.”
To say it had been a shitty morning would be an understatement. You had woken up late. You had managed to drop Santo’s kibbles all over the floor, not that he had minded. After you had finally shooed the puppy out of the way and got it all cleaned up, you realized you had turned on your coffee machine without filling it with water so that smoke was now covering your kitchen. It was a lousy morning, and now you were late and about to get scolded by Crowley McCloud.
“Hey boss. I am so so sorry,” you started as you picked up the phone, but he quickly interrupted you.
“I need you to drive down town. We got a call from the police station. Ben and two other kids are holding up a convenient store. Cas is on his way down there, but I need you to go too.”
Damnit. This day just wasn’t getting any better was it?
“On my way. Text me the address,” you replied and hung up the phone. You connected your workplace app your GPS and a few seconds later you had the directions from Crowley. You pulled the car out of the driveway and sped downtown while you thought about Ben.
Ben Braeden had arrived at The Clouds a few months ago. He was 17 years old, and everyone knew The Clouds would be his last home before adulthood. Ben had been shipped through the system and bounced from place to place ever since his mother OD’ed when he was 11. Ben was a good kid, but he was easy to influence- If he ended up in the wrong crowd, things could go sideways fast. That had happened in the past. Actually that was the very reason why Ben never found a steady home. Still he seemed to be doing better at The Clouds, and everyone had been hopeful for him. Until today. You had no idea what had happened or why Ben was in that store, but you knew if he was to have any hope of a future, you would have to get to the cops and fast. You had seen episodes like this before. They tended to spiral out of control quickly because the officers forgot they were dealing with scared kids and not rationally thinking adults.
As you pulled into the parking lot, you breathe a sigh of relief when you saw one of The Clouds’ vehicles was already parked among the cop cars. Cas was already here, and hopefully he had managed to get some sense of control over the situation. You jumped out of the car and ran across the lot towards the store. A uniformed officer quickly approached you and tried to hold you back. “Ma ’me, you can’t be here. I am going to have to ask you to get back to your car.”
You quickly went through your pockets and pulled out you ID. “I am a social worker up at McCloud’s. My colleague is already here, and one of our kids is in the store. I need you to let me pass.”
The officer stared at you ID for a few seconds before looking back at you. He seemed a bit unsure of what to do, so you proceeded. “Look I know the kid, and I can help. I need to pass.”
The officer slowly nodded, and you ran past him before he had a chance to change his mind.
The space in front of the small cozy convenient store was swarming with cops, and you stopped and looked around, trying to locate Cas. You gulped when you saw the SWAT team gearing up. They weren’t really planning on going in guns blazing were they?
“Y/N?” You spun around at the sound of Cas voice and saw him rushing towards you.
“Fill me in.” you quickly commanded, and Cas pulled you to the side.
“There are three kids in there. 2 of them have guns, and from what I can gather, they are part of some local gang. One of them is already wanted by the police. I tried to get through to the SWAT officers earlier, but I can’t seem to make them understand that Ben is no treat. They see them all as armed and dangerous. Y/N, I do not for a second believe Ben knew what he was walking into. He may be easy to influence, but he would never point a gun at anybody.”
You nodded as you listened to Cas story while you kept looking around, trying to get a feel for who might be in charge. Your gaze landed on two tall burly guys without uniforms. The one with a beard was talking to the commanding SWAT officer while his partner’s eyes were resting on the front of the shop. You looked around and saw a few officers blocking your path to get to the SWAT car, and you knew you and Cas were already pushing your luck. There was no chance they would allow you to get even closer to the store, so you smiled knowingly up at Cas.
“I need a distraction.”
Cas followed your line of sight and immediately knew what you were thinking. He always did. He had been your teacher and mentor for a long time. A friendship and partnership had grown between the two of you, and now you worked pretty much all of your cases together. You trusted and admired him, and you knew he respected and believed in you. You were a good team.
Cas winked at you and walked straight up to the uniformed cops and started yelling at them, demanding their full attention. You smiled and watched him for a few seconds before you rushed across the street unnoticed by the officers who were busy trying to keep Cas calm.
You approached the detective that wasn’t currently in deep discussion with the SWAT officer. “Excuse me? Can I talk to you for a moment detective?”
The man turned around, and for a few seconds, you forgot what you were saying and even where you were. He had seemed like a good looking man when you had watched him from a distance, but up close he was almost god like. He stood tall, towering over you on strong, thick bowed legs and with muscles that were evident even through the three layers of clothing he was wearing. His eyes were green. Like, forest green. He had a strong jawline and full lips that almost made you wanna lick them.
His deep growl brought you back to reality. “You shouldn’t be back here lady.”
You shook yourself loose when he tried to grab your arm and lead you back across the street. “I am a social worker. I know one of the boys in there. If you would just listen to me for a second before you send a freaking army in there.”
The man’s eyes opened wide, and you actually thought you saw a glimmer of admiration in them before he spoke again. “I wasn’t really planning too, but if you think you can give me some insight into what I am walking into before I walk into it, I would appreciate it.”
The detective rested his hand on your back and led you back towards a big shining black car. “Talk to me?” He offered as he opened the car door and pulled out a vest.
It took all of your will power not to drool when he started stripping down to his t-shirt in front of you. You took a deep breath and started focusing on Ben rather than the gorgeous man in front of you.
“Ben Braeden lives up at McCloud’s. It is a group home for troubled kids and teens. Many of them have abusive backgrounds,” you started explaining making Dean chuckle.
“I know what it is. So how did… Ben you said?” You nodded, and the detective continued. “How did Ben end up in there?”
The detective started putting on his vest, and you began explaining Ben’s story to him. You told him how he had been in an unstable home with lots of men coming and going for the first 11 years of his life. How he was easy to influence, especially by older boys and men. He had never had a dad, so he needed someone to look up too. He just have a tendency to pick the wrong people.
“Are you ready Winchester?” The other civilian dressed detective walked up behind you as you finished your story and nodded towards you. “Who is this?”
“She’s a social worker up at The Clouds,” the green eyed detective explained. “One of the kids in there is from the group home.”
The green-eyed detective returned his attention to you. “I’m sorry. I didn’t catch your name sweetheart?”
You cringed at his choice of words. You felt as if he was talking down to you, but you decided to let it go. “Y/N Harvelle.”
“Okay Miss Harvelle. I am Detective Dean Winchester, and this is my partner, Benny Lafitte. Shots were fired in there recently, and apparently one of the boys was hurt.” You sucked in a breath, which didn’t go unnoticed by the man in front of you. He put his hands on your arms and gave you a reassuring squeeze. “I am going in there on my own to try and talk them down. I am not letting anyone else get hurt okay?”
You looked into his eyes. You saw and determination, but also a kindness there, that made you believe him. You didn’t have the best experience with cops in these kinds of situations, but there was something different about Dean. You nodded, making him smile as he returned it. “Alright. You are staying out here with Detective Lafitte.”
Dean’s PoV
Dean turned his attention to Benny. “Okay let’s do this.” Benny proceed to make sure his partner had his phone on and that they both knew the code word in case the SWAT team needed to come in.
“I got it man. This isn’t my first rodeo.” Dean winked at his partner before disarming and laying down his gun on the hood of his car. “Hold on to that for me will you?”
“Dean that’s a bad idea.” Benny argued, but Dean just shook his head.
“There are 3 kids in there and one scared store owner. I am not giving them more fire power. I am getting everyone out safely.”
Benny nodded, knowing after partnering with Dean for well over 2 years, that arguing in this moment would be pointless. “Be careful brother.”
“Always am.” Dean smiled before turning around and putting his hand over his head as he headed towards the store and the hostage situation.
As Dean slowly approached the store, he thought about the young woman who had approached him. The way she had spoken to him had impressed him. She had balls, and she was fucking beautiful. He remember the way the sun had made her Y/H/C shine and the sparkle in her Y/E/C eyes as she had spoken passionately for the kid he was about to walk in and arrest. That part weren’t going to earn him any popularity points that was for sure, but he had no choice.
Dean pushed Y/N out of his thoughts as he reached the door. He carefully knocked twice before pushing it open. He held up his hands defensively, showing the kid that stormed forward holding two guns that he was unarmed. “We asked for a doctor. You aren’t a doctor. You are a freaking cop.” The kid yelled at him, waving one of the guns at him.
Dean stayed calm as his eyes quickly searched the room. The store owner was tied up in the corner, seemingly unharmed aside from a bump on his head. In the middle of the room a blond boy was lying on the floor in a pool of blood and a dark haired one was kneeling down next to him, pressing a shirt against his friend’s stomach.
Dean quickly returned his attention to the slightly older kid holding the guns. “Yes, I am a cop, but right now I am that boy’s best chance of making it out of here alive. You gotta let me take a look at him.”
“NO.” The kid pointed the gun at Dean’s head. “You are leaving. I don’t want any damn cops in here.”
Dean sent the boys a trying smile. “Okay… I can do that, but if I leave there will be a hell of a lot more cops busting down those doors in a few minute. I am just here to help… Let me help?”
The boy with the guns hesitated for a few seconds, and the dark haired boy spoke from behind him. “Asher needs help, Mike. I don’t know what to do. Maybe he does.” Dean quickly committed the names to memory and gathered the dark haired boy trying to help his friend had to be Ben.
“Alright.” Mike waved Dean forward with one of the guns, “but don’t try anything, or I will shoot.” Dean nodded and kept his hands up as he moved across the room. “I’m only here to help man.”
Dean knelt down beside the wounded boy. He was in a lot of pain, and he looked like he was scared shitless. So Dean sent him a reassuring smile. “I am going to have a look at you okay? Just stay still. I’m Dean.”
“Asher…” the boy coughed, and Dean smiled. “Nice to meet you Asher.” Dean slowly removed the shirt from the boy’s abdomen. He was bleeding badly. Dean looked up at the boy next to him. “I am going to need your help. Ben right?”
Ben nodded, confused. “How do you know what my name is?” Dean smiled at him as he tried to earn his trust. “You got a social worker that cares a lot about you outside. Y/N Harvelle.” Ben’s eyes opened wide, and an ashamed look spread across his face. “She is here?”
“Yes right outside. Waiting for you. But right now I need to check Asher for an exit wound. Can you help me do that?”
Ben nodded. With a little coaching from Dean, the two of them managed to flip Asher onto his side, and Dean silently swore when he didn’t find anything. “Okay Ben.” Dean helped a screaming Asher back onto his back. “We need to find some alcohol, a tweezer, tape, and some bandages.” Ben nodded, but when Dean tried to get up Mike quickly pointed his gun at him again.
“You’re not going anywhere,” he screamed.
Dean felt his patience slowly starting to slip, but he calmly addressed the kid above him. “Your friend is going to die if I don’t get the bullet out of him and get him to a hospital. Do you really want that on your conscience?”
“You can try and help him,” Mike seemed, unaffected by Dean’s words. “Ben will go get the stuff you need, and Asher ain’t leaving until we all are.”
“You do realize he could die right?” Dean growled at the kid in front of him as Ben disappeared back into the store, but Mike just smiled. “It beats jail. I’m 20, and Asher is 18.”
A loud bang sounded from the other end of the store as a flustered Ben probably dropped something. The sound distracted Mike for just long enough for Dean to react. He jumped, overpowering the kid. He knocked one of the guns from his hands and grabbed the other before cuffing him to one of the shelves.
A smiled slid across Mike's face just as Dean backed of him.
“Shoot him Ben.”
Dean quickly turned to face Ben, who were pointing the before discarded gun at his chest. “You don’t want to do that Ben.” Dean tried, but Mike shouted again.
“Shoot him before he shoots you.”
Dean saw the terror in Ben’s face and he slowly bent down, laying the gun he was holding on the ground. “No one else is getting shot here today. We are just going to talk okay?” Dean didn’t take his eyes off Ben as he stood back up. He smiled when the kid slowly nodded.
“That’s it. Ben, your friend is going to die if we don’t get him help soon. We need to get him to a hospital. You don’t want him to die do you?” Dean asked and took a step forward as he reached out for the gun. Ben’s hands were shaking, but he let Dean take it.
“That’s it. It’s over.” Dean spoke calmly. “I am just going to call my partner, and we are getting your friend some help.”
Dean let the clip from the gun fall to the ground before finishing his cell out of his pocket. “Did you hear that? All clear. Get a medic in here.” Dean ordered just as Mike whistled beside him. “You are an idiot Braeden. You are going to jail.”
Dean looked up to see the panic on Ben’s face, and he didn’t have time to react before Ben’s fist connected with his jaw. Ben ran for the back door, but Dean wasn’t far behind him. He slammed the boy against the wall, making him cry out as he cuffed his hands behind his back.
“Sorry kiddo,” Dean mumbled as he pulled him back towards the store just as Benny and a few other cops busted through the door. “What took you so long?” Dean sent his partner a reassuring smile as he saw him breathe a sigh of relief at the sight of Dean still standing.
Your PoV
You had been waiting anxiously outside the store preparing yourself for the worst, but now you were furious. Detective Winchester had dragged a crying and scared Ben out of the store, and he wouldn’t even let you talk to him before shoving him into the back of a cop car.
“I told you. He didn’t know what he was walking into. You need to release him into our custody.” you spat at him, following him back towards his car.
“And I told you, Miss Harvelle, that is not within my power. Besides, the kid pulled a gun on me, and he punched me trying to escape.”
You stared daggers at him, but he just stared right back. You realized he wasn’t going to give, so you spun around on your heels, mumbling your thoughts out loud, and within seconds, Dean was in front of you, looking pissed. “What was that?.”
He was menacing. He towered over you. His green eyes had become 3 shades darker from his anger, but you didn’t care. You were furious. “I said you probably deserved it, and that he should have hit you harder.” you spat at him, and you watched his eyes narrow before he shook his head.
“Tell McCloud he will hear from us, and you should probably find a new job. That bleeding heart of yours is going to get you killed or burned out.” The venom in his words made you freeze for a second before you twirled around and yelled after him as he was walking away
“Don’t you dare tell me how to do my job.”
“Then don’t tell me how to do mine.” the man yelled over his shoulder without giving you as much as a second look.
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toxic-cotton-candy · 7 years
Is It True
Word Count: 2,175
Pairing: Sam x Dean x reader
Warnings: Threesome, unprotected sex, oral (for the reader)
A/N: It was inspired by episode 6 season 7 (called Slash Fiction). I tried to make something that was a bit catchy. Hopefully it is good (feedback would be appreciated). Requests are open so feel free to send me a message with a request. 
You had been working with the Winchesters for a few weeks now and you couldn’t help but notice the feelings you were developing for the boys. The three of you were currently following a case; there had been a trail of vampire attacks but no vampire Sam had said that maybe the Vamp was killing as he or she travelled. You were brought back to reality when your car rocketed past the sign saying you had reached the county town you had been following the boys to. You saw Dean break as he pulled the Impala up on the side of the road with you parking your car behind his. You turned the key letting the engine die down before stepping out of your car walking around and leaning back on the hood of your car your arms folded over your chest.
"There's been another attack" dean said his voice clearly trying to hid his annoyance at their poor timing as we walked around and leaned against the back of the Impala.
“What happened? Were there any survivors?” you asked concerned as a gut feeling told you that you’d all gotten there too late.
"A woman in her mid 20s was found dead in the car park of an old warehouse. Her throat torn out and she seems to be drained of blood; the reported that there was only a small amount of blood at the crime scene" Sam said walking around to join them the stress clear on his face. He had always been the most honest about how he felt you could always see how he felt by looking at his eyes.
"Vamps" you muttered to yourself taking a mental note of what Sam had just said. "When did they find the body?" you asked wanting a better idea of the situation at hand.
"Roughly 15 minutes ago" Sam said running his hands through his hair.
"Let's get suited up" dean said as he turned and opened up the trunk. "I think it’s time the FBI rolled into town" he said pulling out their suits.
"At least the fake FBI" you point out earning a light laugh from the two.
You walked around to the passenger side of the car opening the back door. You found your version of a suit not really caring that someone could drive past and see you changing. It really would only be the Winchesters who would see you there wasn't anyone driving past to see you at this time of the morning. You couldn't help but steal a glance at the two seeing their bare backs and the muscles flexing under their skin as they pulled on their suit pants. Shaking your head snapping back to reality as you kicked off your boots before pulling down your pants revealing your plain black underwear before pulling on simple black stockings. You then pulled on a grey pencil skirt that ended just above your knee; you thought it was a very business looking skirt and looked really professional. Little did you know all eyes were on you; both Sam and Dean was staring at you as you pulled your T-shirt over your head. Looking up your eyes caught the boys, you didn't know how long they had been watching as they were both fully dressed, but you didn't mind as you pulled on a simple white dress shirt buttoning it up before tucking it in. You finished by tugging on a matching gray jacket buttoning it before pulling on a pair of plain black heels.
"You two need to learn how to keep your eyes to yourself" you teased as you shut the door making your way to the front of your car as you fixed your slightly messy bun. Sam looked away blushing deeply but Dean on the other hand had no shame about the fact he had been caught being a pervert.
"It was a good show I couldn't help but watch" you were a bit surprised at his response but smirked. "I know Sammy felt the same way…" He took a couple of steps closer till he was right in front of you. "You should have heard how you affected my little brother" you leaned in closer to him on your tippy toes inches away from his lips.
"Is this how you talk to all the ladies?" you said before pulling away smirking.
"That was hot…" The two of you looked at Sam in surprise. You looked at Dean giving him a wink; you loved how close you had become to the boys. Both you and Dean walked up to Sam who had a slightly worried look on his face as you both stopped directly in front of him smirks on your faces.
"Is this what you wanted to see?" dean asked as he pulled you closer. It had become painful obvious there was some kind of chemistry between the three and all their care had slowly began to slip away as they gave in to their feelings. "Did you want to see a pretty girl kiss your big brother?" Dean asked there was something serious to the tone of his voice that sent shivers down your spine and a whisper of a moan escaping from your lips. He lowered his face till your noses were touching his breath tickling your face.
"Answer me Sammy" he had managed to have both you and Sam wrapped around his little finger. You leaned up trying to reach for him giving into your needs and desires. "She needs your answer to get what she wants, little brother".
"Yes" Sam said in a low voice unable to take his eyes off the two of you as Dean's hand cupped your cheek the other pressed to the small of your back pressing you against him. Your lips crashed against his hearing a gasp come from Sam’s lips. You blindly reached for Sam grabbing the of his white button up shirt and pulling him closer not wanting him to miss out on the fun.
"Your turn" Dean said to Sam as he spun you around so you were being pushed against him. Dean's hands grazed the curves of your ass before they came to rest on the small of your back as he pushed your body closer to Sam. Your lips crashed with his in a heated passion as your hands came up to rest on Sam’s solid chest. Dean's hands shifted resting on your hips as he stood behind you pressing himself against you in turn pushing you closer to Sam till you were sandwiched between them both.
"We need to get to that crime scene" you whispered against Sam's lips bringing them back to reality. A reality where sharing a girl with your brother wasn't considered right even if it felt right.
They gave a stern nod before separating and climbing into your cars speeding towards the destination (an old abandoned warehouse). There wasn’t must to find at the crime scene; it had been the same as all the rest till Dean heard something in the back of the warehouse. You’d all watched the police leave with the body so you all knew that it wasn’t one of them. You had ran out to the cars and grabbed three machetes before running back inside; inside you had come face to face with a Vampire who had an unconscious Sam at his feet and Dean in a head lock. You ‘surrendered’ but when the vamp let go of Dean you launched yourself at it swinging one of the machetes at the vamps neck. The vamp threw you down with a thud before pinning you down its teeth grazing your neck just as Dean sliced through its neck. The boys had both been grateful for you saving them but made at the same time as the thought of you getting hurt wasn’t something they would ever be ready for. When you all made it back to a Motel you were disappointed when Dean came back saying that there had only been one room left. Luckily the room had two beds in it at least. You walked in to the room kicking off your heels before flopping down on the bed; seconds later Dean spoke.
“So Sammy…” Dean started as you shifted to see him looking at Sam. There was a devilish grin plastered on his face as he turned to you walking over to you. He ran his hand up your leg as he sat next to you looking at Sam the whole time. “Would you like to finish what we started?” he said his hand slipping under your skirt as he rubbed your upper thigh. He brought his lips down against yours. He shifted kissing your neck; you felt one of his hands leave your body as he gestured for Sam you join his head resting against your collar bone as he looked at Sam. “Don’t be afraid Sam… You certainly weren’t before”.
Sam opened his mouth to protest but in an instant the hesitation disappeared from his face as he walked over sitting next to you. His lips crashed against yours as Dean let out a chuckle as he went back to kissing down your neck. The boys broke away to pull off their shirts as did the same and in a matter of second Dean was unclasping your bra as he massaged you breast; you let out a gasp as you felt soft lips latch on to your other breasts teeth lightly grazing your nipple sending shivers down your spine.  They had barely done anything to you yet but you were already melting under their touch moaning and whimpering.
“Damn you sound so hot” Dean said against your neck but before you could react he was gone and someone was tugging your skirt and stockings down throwing them to the floor. He lifted one of your legs over his shoulder as he kissed his way up your inner thigh before hooking his fingers into your panties and pulling them down throwing them to the floor with the rest of your clothes.
Dean licked a strip up your core sending shivers down your spine; his thumb swiped over your clit sending waves of pleasure over you. He switched up his technique as he slipped a finger inside you his tongue gliding over your clit was he fingered you. He kept curling his fingers up hitting your sweet spot as Sam working your breasts. He suckled on one, occasionally flicking his tongue over your nipple, as his hand rubbed the other. With a shutter your first orgasm hit you as you cried out and withered under their touch. You were left breathing heavily coming down from your high.  
Both of their hands left your body again as you let out a groan; Sam sat up pulling you with him so he was supporting you as Dean lined himself you with your entrance. With a smirk he slowly pushed into you giving you a second to adjust to his size before moving in and out of you. You could feel the pleasure building up as he your sweet spot with each thrust.
“Fuck…” he muttered his thrust becoming faster and deeper. “So tight…” he said as Sam held you steady with one arm and used the other to rub your breasts. Dean’s thrusts where becoming sloppy as he grew closer to his peak.
“I’m going to fucking cum” he said between thrusts his face set and his eyes full of pleasure. With a final thrust you both came. Your walls clenching around his member as he shot his load inside you.
“My turn” Sam said and within seconds he had pushed you down to your hands and knees with his hands on your hips. The fact Sam was so dominant surprised you but it turned you on more.
Sam lined himself you with your entrance which was still sensitive from you last climax; with a quick thrust he was fully inside you. Unlike Dean he didn’t give you time to adjust to his massive size as he trusted in and out of you as quickly as he could. He reached around with one hand and started rubbing your clit as he fucked himself into you causing you to scream his name. It wasn’t long before you came around him but he kept thrusting into you till his member gave a final twitch before he shot his load up inside you.
Sam pulled out as you dropped to the bed exhausted but neither of them joined you; turning around looking up at them you saw the two just sitting there. They were kneeling on the end of the bed looking at you with sickening grins on their faces. That was when you realised that they weren’t the Winchester brothers.
“Those Winchesters will find this funny” The thing that looked like Dean laughed before something knocked you out. The last thing you saw was the faces of two things posing as your best friends.
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