#THANKYOU for the asks i love morty so so much my boy.....my boy...
zanukavat · 10 months
it’s morty headcanon time! go go go
- this kid has audhd!!!!!!!!!!its written all over him, neurodivergent little guy. im sure he gets it from rick but hell no one in this family is NT and jerry is like. passing but the fucker is so autistic too lets be honest
- horrible sleeping habits. he gets up a lot at night, wanders around the house. walks down to the kitchen. if someone spots him, he'll just say he was thirsty and needed to grab a glass of water or something. has trouble falling asleep to the point where dr wong advised him to try sleeping meds, but he never followed up on it
usually he'll just stay up listening to music or videos on his phone until he passes out, then sleep in very late on the weekends unless rick drags him out of bed. in a way, rick gives him a somewhat better sleep schedule by forcing him to wake up lol
- has a lot of "staring off into space" / zoning out moments, except when talking to rick. usually being around rick will help him focus, because he talks in a way that morty can follow and make sense of most of the time. even when he blabbers about something drunkenly.
- music to help him focus! i know this is canon, but i relate to that a lot. always having music playing to give your brain that baseline of occupation but not too much. adhd having ass
- i think he was really interested in what the citadel has to offer back in s1 - s2-ish. sure, hes a curious kid in general, but i think he wouldve loved to take some sort of vacation on the citadel to see what life is like on there. rick never wouldve agreed but the thought was there
- speaking of curiosity, morty is such a quick learner imo. he gets talked down to for being slower than his peers but thats because he just works differently, and rick knows this!
as i mentioned before, i think morty picks up languages fast and is able to understand common words and phrases from many common alien languages that he hears a lot. in general i think he is more gifted in arts and crafts, language and interpersonal skills rather than strict science and math. tho he is also good at math, he just needs to be nudged in the right direction!! genuinely, he has so much potential, only it isnt immediately visible to those who arent looking for it and so they write him off as slow or stupid. which just isnt fair, hes such a clever kid </3
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bitchen-fiction · 6 years
Okok I got a c137cest 1 nwn ok so wut if morty gets blind from some device from another dimension and rick has to take care of him ( help him to go places he wants to go) until he can find or make a device to help morty regain his vision U can make it fluffy as well where morty sleeps with rick or morty kind of falling onto him bc he blind :p Lel idk anything u can try to make nwn love your fics btw ee nwn and u
You ask and I shall deliver! 
It was chaos, all Morty could do was try to keep up he stillwasn’t a very good shot, beams flying everywhere from different kinds of gunshe didn’t want to become a target but he had to help. They were ducked behindsome sort of bar. It all sort of blurred together Rick was yelling to thealiens and at him to shoot. He stood up shooting a few times everything wentdark.
Rick watched the shot he couldn’t get there fast enough. Hesaw him go down and everything else just happened. He shook his head momentslater everyone dead, he looked down to Morty who was now sitting up hyperventilating.Rick rushed to embrace him checking he had no external damage he scolded theboy for being so reckless he could have died.
“Rick?! Rick? I-I can’t see.” He grasped the what felt like hisgrandpa’s lab coat. He could hear Rick’s heart pounding. He felt the hands onhis face gently tilting his head in different directions.
“It’s going be ok, I’ll figure it out but we have to go homefirst.” He sounded panicked as he helped Morty up wrapping his arm around his shoulder to lead himthough the portal.
Rick lead the boy to his desk chair sitting him down with afirm order not to move until he returned.
Morty felt like he had been sitting there for a very longtime he just sat touching things he touched the old chair beneath him feelingthe frayed fabric he reached up gently patting his own body slowly finding hisway to his face, he touched his eyes to find they were closed he tried to openthem but it wasn’t working, he was about to try and pry them open when he wasstartled by Ricks gruff voice.
“Don’t touch Morty.” He paused “I’m going to scan you now Ineed you to stay very still.” Rick scanned his face examining the damage itlooked like he could fix it but it would take a day or two. He went and placeda hand on the boy’s shoulder, he apologized for startling him before tellinghim the good news.
Rick decided to give the family bells, he made up someseemingly non-dangerous excuse as to why Morty was currently blind but he couldfix it in the mean time they would all have to wear bells to avoid startlingMorty. The scientist worked tirelessly on what he needed to do for Morty,though he was readily available if he needed anything at all he told the boy toask no matter what or how stupid he thought it was Rick would be there to helphim.
It had been a few hours he decided to go check on him. He walkedinto the living room to see Morty coming back from the kitchen walking towardsthe couch when he noticed Jerry had the leg rest up on the chair, he was injust the right place when Morty tripped on it. Rick caught him easily holdingMorty in a protective hug.
Morty felt the freefall sensation as he tripped but he wascaught by what appeared to be Rick based off the feel of his clothes and form.He let himself be held enjoying the closeness and Ricks heartbeat he could hearit again it sounded startled like before. “I’m sorry Rick.” His muffled words beingpressed into Ricks chest.
“You don’t need to be sorry peanut.” He stroked the boy’shair before kicking the foot rest down.
“What the fuck Jerry! Next time you want to relax do itsomewhere you’re not going to potentially kill my grandson! Fucking stupid shit.”He lead them both to sit on the couch.
Jerry frowned leaving the room mumbling under his breath,Rick flipped him off with his arm around Morty’s shoulder.
“Do you want me to take you to school tomorrow? Since we can’tgo on an adventure? I could walk you around and write your answers for you?” Hewatched Morty’s face break out into a smile.
“Sure Rick, I think that would probably make actually goingto school pretty bearable.”
The next day Rick got up early to help Morty get ready for schoolhe snickered watching Morty try to put his shirt on backwards before helpinghim. “What would you do without me.”
“Probably fail worse at life.” He smiled reaching out totake Ricks hand so he could be lead to school.
Rick walked him there sitting him down in the principles officehe had to tell the school about what was going on and he would be right back.
The man walked into the office explaining that he would beMorty’s guide today helping him get to class and writing notes or answers orwhatever for him.
The principle looked at him passed interlocked hands. “That’sagainst school policy, you understand it gives him an unfair advantage to havesomeone else do his work for him.”
“It wasn’t a request, how is a blind kid going to a schoolthat has nothing to help him thrive being such getting an advantage by havingsomeone here to help him? I’m staying here and we are going to school today letthe rest of your staff know.” The flat intimidating tone seemingly workedbecause the principle worked quickly to send an e-mail to the staff alertingthem of the situation.
“Ok Morty we are set let’s go what’s your first class?”
They went through the school getting several looks, Mortycould hear the whispers of judgemental kids in the hall. Rick squeezed his handreassuringly, for both Morty and himself it was killing him to have to be backin a place he despised to thoroughly. He had to remind himself it was for Mortyhe didn’t want to be away from him while he couldn’t see anything he needed tobe protected. The guilt was eating at him it was his fault in the first placefor yelling in the moment. He was going to make it up to him no matter what.
Their first class went by with ease but Morty said he mighthave a math test today. Rick quietly read the questions to Morty, who would dohis best to answer them, he winced at how bad Morty was with this. I should really start actually teaching himsomething useful Christ. Swiftly he did the test without Morty’s ‘Help’ buthe made sure to get some wrong that he knew Morty probably wouldn’t know.
The rest of school went on similar to this Rick would ask thequestions Morty would try to answer and Rick would smile at how very wrong hisanswers were before doing the work himself in a way that would get an aboveaverage grade but not too high to cause suspicion. Rick would ruffle Morty’shair when he actually got something right he was so proud at how much sciencehe actually knew he took credit for that one.
Once they got to go home Rick sat Morty down to tell him hehad to go and work on the solution for his eyes, Morty sighed he really likedspending so much time with his grandpa it was nice to do normal stuff every nowand then instead of going off planet to all these other dimensions being thrustinto something foreign.
Morty laid on the couch listening to music when Rick finallyfinished.
“Morty its done! It’s a blindfold soaked in this special medicineyou wear it all night and when you wake up you should be able to see again.” Hesounded so excited.
Morty sat up reaching out for Rick who walked up to himputting the blindfold on the boy. Softly he caressed the boys face.
“You should go to bed kiddo, want some help?”
Morty nodded allowing himself to be taken up the stairs thecool cloth on his face countering his blush from having to be dressed, he saton the bed Rick kissed his forehead softly.
“Good night, see you in the morning.” He went to his ownroom laying down hoping this would work letting Morty see again. A few hourslater he was about to fall asleep when he heard soft bumps that sounded likesomeone walking into the walls, he let out a soft breathy laugh. What a klutz he really would be lost withoutme. The small baff on his door let him know Morty had made his way over hequietly stepped into the room.
“Rick?” his whisper filled the space. “Ca-can I sleep withyou?”
He sounded so small “Sure peanut come on over.” He heardanother baff as Morty connected to the bed with his shin.
Morty crawled his way into the bed snuggling up with Rick. “I’mscared, what if this doesn’t work?”
Rick held the trembling boy, feeling a pang of guilt for puttinghim in this situation in the first place. “It’s going to work Morty I promise.Now try to get some sleep ok?” He kissed the boys head again so he would havegood dreams before holding him close. Cuddled together they slept soundly protectingeach other.
“Rick.” Morty whispered. “Rick is it morning yet?”
Rick clicked his lamp on squinting at the sudden lightchecking his watch. “Yeah it is, what do you want to see first?”
Morty thought. “You, I missed your face the most.”
Rick felt himself blush a little before reaching out to takethe blindfold off. “It looks good try and open.”
Morty worked he could feel a little give it was working he triedagain harder, he could feel a blink saw some light the blue of Ricks hairflashed in his vision, blinking more until finally his eyes were open and hewas staring into the smiling face of his grandpa. He couldn’t be happier throwinghis arms around the man he poured out thankyous the fat tears dropping from hisface.
Rick wiped at his teary face thankful himself that it workedand he could once again see those beautiful eyes.
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