#THANK YOUUU ALMA these are fun
2,10,19 :)
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
this is beyond the scope of fanfic but im allowed to talk about my original writing here because i decided. landis of antlerscolorado fame was supposed to die in my original outline of chapter 2 and then i liked him so much i couldn't kill him and he became the second protagonist. you know how it is with guys who live in the woods and do blood sacrifice
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
usually as soon as i start or pretty quickly into the thing because most of the time (for fic, at least) i will pull a title from a song that i'm listening to while writing, lol. 1 time out of every like 10 finding a title is like pulling teeth and i have to hold up a bunch of different ones like paint swatches, but that's also kind of enjoyable in its own right!
uhhh original stuff is harder to title for me lol it mostly gets one word titles that are impossible to search (see: the woods, sapling, et al). antlers chapters were all modest mouse songs, psong chapters still get song titles mostly because alyssa lets me title them lol but also we are doing something a little bit different with ch21 and 22 in that they're both lyrics from the same song
19. what are some books or authors that influenced your style the most?
stephen king, grady hendrix, naoki urasawa, hiromu arakawa, patricia c. wrede, tamora pierce, madeline l'engle, uhhhhh those are the ones i got off the dome. there was a moment in like 2021 where i read a bunch of carmen maria machado and sarah gailey back to back and felt like i took a lot out of it stylistically/structurally that helped my writing level up too. also reading devil and the dark water back in like january helped me write better mysteries and sort of revisit the way i think about them while alyssa and i were working on psong chapter 20!!
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itsonlydana · 3 years
okaaaayy i see youuu River is a quality woman! I think you write her really well, as well as Miss P 🥳😅
~ ✨
oh thank you so much! Miss P is always fun to write but i wish we had more than the movie that gives us Alma Peregrine content. I read the first three books but enjoy writing with what the movie gave us more :D
if you want i could add you to an anon list (or i misinterpreted the emote :o)
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