dailycephalopods · 17 days
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"opotus!! opotus!!!" we all cry in unison
this is really very gorgeous, you've captured my favorite cephalopod in their squishy greatness!
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foxballad · 2 months
@adamanteine said: "is this an audience or a mosaic?"
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" I like to think that it is just a mere mosaic. " ; there is concern in her tone of voice. Uncertainty as well because considering the magical artifacts she has encountered, Evangeline wasn’t so sure if the art piece is just a mosaic ( it feels like they are being watched by it ). " Do you think it's alive ? "
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lesbian-in-leather · 1 year
I saw your WIP title ask game. Your ASOUE WIP's 'Memento Mori' and 'Esme Gigi Geniveve Squalor' sound particularly interesting. Can you tell us something about them? 😁
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this!! I'll give descriptions up here and I've put snippets from both of them under the cut ^.^
Send me a title and I'll tell you about the WIP (title list)
Memento Mori
This is one I started a long time ago, and though I haven't done any work on it in a while, I would actually like to finish it at some point! It is the epitome of 'hurt no comfort'—the idea is that each chapter is one member of the sugar bowl gen learning of or reacting to the death of another, which........ obviously isn't super cheerful lmao. I was also experimenting with some Snicket-style narration, though, which was very fun to do!!
Esmé Gigi Geniveve Squalor
This is a newer one that I absolutely want to finish, following Esmé as a child in a version of how she could have met the rest of the sugar bowl gen and ended up in VFD. It's also one of the peak examples of me enforcing my headcanon that Beatrice has a Southern accent, purely for my own amusement
Memento Mori
Beatrice Baudelaire was not what anyone would call a ‘morning person’. Morning people are a group of individuals who, by some strange mutation of their circadian rhythms, are seemingly instantly active and productive only moments after beginning their day at an obscenely early hour. Beatrice, however, would never willingly open her eyes before ten in the morning, and would rarely have a coherent conversation for at least half an hour after she’d woken. Some days, however, she would become conscious many hours before she would truly consider herself awake, and would wander the Baudelaire mansion like some English ghost taken from the pages of a classical novel. She often made this comparison in her own mind, and it usually made her feel a little better—or at least distracted her from the cause of her sleeplessness.
A particularly cold, autumn morning followed one such night. She had barely managed to steal a few hours of broken sleep before she’d finally given up, and had begun to aimlessly wander the halls of her home, hoping for something to distract her. The strangest thing was that usually, this sort of behaviour had a discernible cause—something would be bothering her, some difficult puzzle she had yet to solve constantly picking away at her brain and preventing her from sleeping. On this particular occasion, however, there was none that she could think of. Her mind simply would not rest, no matter how hard she tried to make it. She heard the distant thud of the Daily Punctilio hitting the front door, and sighed, accepting this final sign that she would be getting no more sleep until that evening, or perhaps a mid-afternoon nap.
“No rest for the wicked.” She muttered to no one in particular as she returned to her room to get dressed, and then downstairs to make herself some bitter wormwood tea and retrieve the paper.
More Romantic authors than myself would suggest that Beatrice’s sleeplessness was due to the news she would receive in that paper. That some primal part of her was aware of the misfortune that had befallen her friend in another part of the world. I would not bore you with such notions, so instead present an ulterior hypothesis—sometimes, as I’m sure you know, we simply have a bad feeling about something, or someone. A baker might have a bad feeling about a certain loaf of bread, and check it only to find that a rat has been nibbling away undetected, and the loaf can no longer be sold. A pilot might have a bad feeling about a certain flight they are to take, and insist everything is double checked on the plane before take-off—perhaps they will find a faulty engine, or suspicious stowaway, but they would never truly know if the flight would have been affected. A particularly fraudulent fortune teller might have a bad feeling when she sees an old, black car pull up at her carnival, but she can do nothing and so tells no one, resulting in a terrible fire and her own death at the hands (or, more accurately, claws and teeth) of a pack of hungry lions. All of these could be seen to be either magic or science—perhaps the baker heard squeaking in the night, or noticed a trail of crumbs that had not been there before. Perhaps the pilot had a sixth sense, or perhaps they used the five that everyone possesses to see the corner of a mysterious person’s coat caught in the toilet door, or heard an odd clunk when they seated themselves in the cockpit. The fortune teller would surely ascribe her feeling to the ‘gift’ many such people claim to have, but it would be far more logical to assume that, since she had no such talent, her misgivings came from her previous association with the owner of that particular black car, and the fact that he was well known as an arsonist, murderer, liar, thief, and cheat at cards.
In the care of Beatrice Baudelaire on this particular autumn morning, I would suggest that mere coincidence or a perhaps subconscious recognition of foreboding patterns are far more likely explanations for her insomnia. But, then again, I have been wrong before.
Esmé Gigi Geniveve Squalor
At first, Beatrice had simply been mildly intrigued. The girl had made her rounds at the party, introducing herself to everyone as if they should already know who she was—and so convincingly, that several people actually pretended they did. The party was filled with the City’s elite and their families, and no one wanted to risk offending whoever the girl’s parents were. And so, when the twelve-year-old in her bright blue tulle dress flounced over to any particular table, everyone at it quickly found themselves enthralled by her.
She was loud, and brash, and seemed only to care about pretty clothes and shiny jewellery. And yet, she held the attention of every child in attendance, and a good deal of the adults, for the entire afternoon. And, after hours of observing this strangely charismatic stranger, Beatrice was finally presented with a golden opportunity to talk to her.
“She’s awfully annoying, isn’t she?” it was Olaf, already partway through his eighth cupcake. Beatrice was more than a little annoyed that he’d noticed her watching the girl—she’d thought she was being covert. Clearly she needed more practise.
“You shouldn’t say things like that—people might talk.”
“Only if they hear me,” he was rather preoccupied unwrapping the cupcake, and didn’t even look at her, which he knew got on her nerves.
“She’s going to hear you in a minute.” Olaf’s head shot up, eyes comically wide as he looked to where the girl had been standing the last time he was actually paying attention.
“Oh, shit.”
“Language! You know what the Countess says about swearing in polite company.” He swatted at her arm, and she laughed, the effect of his glare rather ruined by the fact he was a ridiculously messy eater.
“I’d hardly consider you to be polite company, B.” she narrowed her eyes at that, pursing her lips for a moment before sitting up straighter, folding her hands primly in her lap as she smiled at their approaching guest.
“You have frostin’ on your nose.” She murmured to him, not allowing her polite smile of welcome to falter. She even managed not to laugh as he quickly ducked his head, attempting to make himself presentable just as the girl arrived at their table.
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avastyetwats · 10 months
How is it you always know what I need,hm? (Ed for izzy)
"That's what happens when you've had someone at your side for over twenty fuckin' years, boss." Comes Izzy's response as he approaches his Captain, bottle of unopened rum in his hand. "I should probably be insulted you're even asking me such a stupid fuckin' question." There's a smirk on his face now, no malice or irritation in his words whatsoever. He knew Eddie. Better than anyone. When his lips lied, his eyes always told Izzy the truth. Even when he tried his damn hardest to hide it, Izzy just knew. Of course, it went both ways. Eddie could read him just as easily, but Izzy preferred not to lie, anyway. Especially not to Edward. His Captain. His comrade. His best friend. His... fuck. He left that one unsaid.
"Here." He sets the bottle down onto the table before he pulls out the box of matches and ignites one, leaning over to light his Captain's pipe. After putting out the flame, he sighs and leans against the table, waiting for him to open the bottle of rum and take the first drink, but more so, waiting for him to tell him what was wrong. He didn't have to ask, he just knew.
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headless-over-heels · 10 months
what are your fav billy joel songs?
I have so many, my friend! Thank you for asking omg. My all time favorite is Only The Good Die Young, and I consider it my second favorite song of all time. I also love Pressure, A Matter Of Trust, River Of Dreams, and Why Should I Worry? from the Oliver and Company soundtrack. Not to mention his timeless classic bops, like Piano Man, We Didn’t Start The Fire, Uptown Girl… I mean the man has endless bangers if I’m being honest.
I’m also desperate to know what your favorites are!!
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youfought · 7 months
❝ I can't find the root of the bleed. ❞ @lockvale
"then take off your coat. and your shirt."
your words are nonchalant, lowering the crossbow from your right shoulder. you still have trouble understanding how his ability to numb pain works - you deduce it must be that which makes him unable to pinpoint where the bleeding soaking part of his body is coming from- thus, you resort to the most practical way of finding out.
you both conceal yourselves within the shadows of an alleyway leading to darkness, and the night is chilly, and as you place your weapons against a wall of the narrow corridor, you glance up at the man standing still, pale as a ghost; his phantom-like appearence still makes you feel uneasy.
"c'mon, we can't go around wasting time. have you gone shy on me?" sardonic remark is spoken as you place both hands on your hips, "you could be bleeding to death and you won't even fucking know!" you sound more and more exasperated, a heavy contrast to his stone-cold gaze, "do it. now. or i'll do it for you."
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lesbianlotties · 1 year
im thinking about, like... shauna killed adam. misty killed the investigator lady. lottie killed travis even if it was an accident. tai killed the dog and mayyybe her wife depending how that turns out/how we interpret that scene.
but van as far as we know hasnt killed anybody in the current timeline and natalie COULD have killed lisa but she didnt. and she COULD have killed the fish but she didnt.
IF somebody dies. AND I DONT WANT ANY OF THEM TO DIE. im afraid it will be natalie 😭 because van feels like a red herring and natalie has all these *almosts* that are making me so nervous???
but i love natalie so much and maybe out of all of them she is the one i want to live the most so what im hoping happens is coach ben shows up like "hey ladies, what are you all doing here? drinking?" and drinks the poisoned cup and dies and then everybody just shrugs like "welp the wilderness chose i guess."
this message started really fun until you had to go and say natalie why would you do this to me 😭😭 the worst part is that while reading my brain understood that you want VAN to kill NATALIE 😭 shouldn't it be illegal for them to kill juliette lewis??? listen... i just don't... i don't want to think about the signs, i don't have that kind of strength. she deserves to live so much 😭😭
you know what? coach ben surviving alllll of this just to accidentally stumble into some poisoned tea has to be my favorite theory so far. whatever happens tomorrow-ish, this is what i'll choose to believe, okay? thank you very much for your service 🫡
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umbrellasareforever · 2 years
Regarding "Another early character outline for the Doctor" - aren't there also notes somewhere from David Whitaker's early outlines for "Power of the Daleks" that say the Doctor's people had, at some stage, been in a war with the Daleks? The Time War: 1966
Oh really?? I actually don't know! I'll be honest I'm not the best at researching and digging for facts, but I did do a cursory look at the TARDIS wiki and found this very intriguing tidbit that not only concerns your point, but also brings up another interesting idea!
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"... also hinted that it might have been the Daleks who destroyed his homeworld."
Not only was there a war but the Daleks freaking destroyed Gallifrey!! It really is Time War: 1966!!
"... the Doctor had been renewed several times in the past; he was to open a drawer in the console which contained relices from his previous incarnations..."
Damn they canonized the Morbius Doctors a decade before the story even aired! ... Well, okay maybe since it didn't happen it's not "officially canon" but it does make me laugh a little at all the people who got up in arms about the Timeless Child thing "disrespecting William Hartnell as the first Doctor" when literally first episode after Hartnell's departure they were gonna say he wasn't the first Doctor.
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wickedsnack · 2 years
Hii! 🌸 For the wholesome oc ask meme: 9, 16, 23, 30 for Naraka Bonus: 5 for another character of your choice 💛
9. How would they react if a person they love gave them a flower bouquet unexpectedly?
Unless it was Thom, and history with the carta included, I would say she would first be suspicious/anxious. If she didn't have time to talk to the person, she'd be going to Varric trying to learn "flower language" so she can determine if it has some sort of secret meaning. I doubt anyone else in her life (aside from Thom) does understand "flower language" though, so I'm sure it would have some nefarious meaning unintentionally, which would only put Naraka on edge more.
If Thom gave her a bouquet unexpectedly, though, she'd just get gooey.
16. What was the happiest moment of their life?
Ooohh, that's a good one. I imagine Naraka by and large having a less-than-stellar existence. Pre-Inquisition, it was probably related to learning about Cadash Thaig, giving her a sense of belonging back with Orzammar. (Not saying she ignores everything about House Cadash getting banished so she can focus on hoping one day to step foot in her ancestral home, but like... She's a lotta delusional about how Good things are in Orzammar.)
In a bittersweet way, I think another moment of singular joy for her is finding out the truth about Thom/Blackwall, because it means he actually understands her in a way that almost nobody else does. It means he actually sees her for her and not just some Paragon of Andrastian Virtue she could literally never live up to be. He lied to her and he killed people and he's struggling through wanting to be a better person but trying to fill the boots of an identity far larger and Better than he thinks he could ever be, and isn't that just so perfectly imperfect?
23. Would they prefer reading books or listening to an audiobook? Besides, would they rather read for someone or have someone read for them?
I think it depends on how much she wants to pay attention to the book. If she's deadset determined on getting the information the first time, she would prefer to read, but otherwise she would prefer an audiobook so she can listen to it while she does other things. The problem with an audiobook is that she would have to rewind a lot as her attention splintered.
And the same with the second half; it depends on the intent. I think she would actually get a lot of pleasure from reading a book she particularly enjoyed to someone else, but someone reading to her would almost certainly put her to sleep. Not that that's necessarily bad; she doesn't sleep well with the mark at first because dreaming makes her feel like she didn't properly rest, won't properly rest. So anything that lulls her to sleep is undoubtedly a good thing.
30. What is their love language?
Toooouuuucccchhhhhh. Please she lives in a crime family she is so touch-starved please give her hugs and ruffle her hair and kiss her nose. Squeeze her hand and pat her shoulder and play footsie with her. Please touch her.
BONUS: Doing 5 for Ziphrane!!
5. What is the song you most associate with them?
"In Our Bedroom After the War" by Stars "Whispers" by Twin Atlantic
In Our Bedroom After the War is just kind of generally my Dragon Age Protagonist theme song, but I like it for Ziphrane especially because it makes me think of the first time she wakes up in the Fade and realizes that everything she's worked so hard for is over, and life is moving on without her, and wasn't that what she was working for?
Whispers by Twin Atlantic is just because there's not a lot of songs that can manage to have the chorus "If you thought dying was the easy part, leaving life behind's the thing that's hard" without feeling too edgy. Don't get me wrong, that's such an edgy line, but idk imo they make it work. That combined with "all i hear are whispers" just makes the whole song feel very Ziphrane.
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dimsilver · 2 years
for spotify wrapped, 18, 30, 49, 75, 92?
18 - Never Die Young (The Arcadian Wild cover)
favorite lyrics:
yes, other hearts were broken / yeah, other dreams ran dry / but our golden ones sail on, sail on / to another land beneath another sky
[this song is, for me, about two dear friends who are getting married in two weeks! I’m singing this song at the reception! I used to like the guy - that dream ended long ago (by God’s grace as it turned out) and I’m so excited to see them go on into this new and wonderful chapter of life.]
30 - The Graduate (The Arcadian Wild)
favorite lyrics:
failure is fruitful / so long as we do not forget to move
while you were sleeping / everything changed at once / you woke in the morning / and stepped into the stinging light of dawn
[this song is just incredible okay. it’s about the body of Christ showing us the way to walk this journey when we are confronted with the world’s brokenness and our own.]
49 - Wander. Wonder. (The Arcadian Wild)
favorite lyrics:
perfect, you’re my poison / I sip on you to wash down the shame
[this is such a good song (and actually the “question” answered by The Graduate, above!) about perfectionism!]
75 - Budapest (George Ezra)
favorite lyrics:
if you just say the words I’ll / I’ll up and run / oh, to you / you / I’d leave it all
[just fun and sweet.]
92 - Times We Had In Tennessee (Canyon City)
favorite lyrics:
maybe it's a sign the times are changing / the way you wear your hair, the floor that creaks / the old familiar places torn down for renovations / but there's some good that always keeps
[I was hoping for an ask about this one!! I love this part of the song so much. it’s just like a piece of my soul. the song is about the importance of memories and stories and finding your place amid all the changes of life. some changes are good and some bad, but that last line sums it all up. there’s some good that always keeps.]
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h-a-unted · 23 days
"It'll be okay." // @gingerspiice for reacher
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Will it? He wonders, running the different scenarios in his head. They're a ways from the hospital, maybe Frenchie wouldn't even want to go to the nearest hospital. Reacher's friends were a ways from New York, right now, not a viable option. Frenchie himself had mentioned a friend who was some kind of doctor – a former combat medic, M.M. or some other nickname like that... Maybe, they could find him. But where was he?
"You're bleeding faster than a broken dam." Reacher finally refutes, carefully placing hands over the other to lift him up. He doesn't think him a liar, but right now his words seemed like the very ones a liar would use. Was it an attempt at calming the inner turmoil inside the now slightly panicked Reacher? Or did he truly believe in something as fickle as luck?
"Where's your friend? Is he nearby? We should get him to help you, before you bleed out."
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allylikethecat · 4 months
YAY!! More questions from the Get to Know Me! ask game!! If anyone else wants to send some my way or reblog themselves the list can be found HERE. Thank you SO MUCH for being so wonderful and indulging me and sending this my way!!
💜 describe yourself in five words or less!
Short, opinionated, extroverted, loyal, passionate
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising)
Scorpio Sun, Sagittarius Moon and Capricorn rising (please not I had to dig through for a screenshot that my friend once sent me of all of this because I have no idea / no clue what it actually means lol)
🍓 favorite food
thank you SO MUCH for sending me these fun asks!! I am always so grateful when people are willing to play ask games with me!! I hope you are having a wonderful Monday and a great rest of your week!
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zorkaya-moved · 8 months
27. an old muse !
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
27. an old muse
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You are looooking at her! Jibril from No Game No Life is someone I want to talk about. She was my first eye opening to a not-morally-good set of muses and my opening to overpowered bastard pink haired women (Jibril walked so Tamamo no Mae could run). I really loved Jibril as a muse, she became the staple of my favorite muses to write: those who are flawed, those who will do what they want, those who are powerful but will limit their own power depending on their vice or virtue. She was such a unique muse, too, because I only knew of her from the anime and I couldn't find /anything/ about the light novels all those years ago. Either way, Jibril was a really fun muse but I can't see myself rping her anymore.
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barghest-land · 5 months
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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salamispots · 5 months
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a rug hook commission for @stickynotebirds! :O (who also drew the original sketch/design and I tweaked it a little bit)
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kimtaegis · 4 months
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JIN HUGS JIN HUGS! for @jinstronaut ♡
cr. namuspromised, dwellingsouls, 0613data
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