ronkeyroo ยท 2 years
nsbdhdhd you are currently one of my biggest inspirations, I especially love the way you do lineart, shading and... HANDS. Your hands are so good, do you have any tips on drawing them?? โ™ฅ๏ธ
Dude, thats!!! Thats so incredible to hear!!! It pleases my silly heart so and sets my spirit ablaze knowing my absolute top 3 favorite things to draw have been acknowledged and able to light such a spark within you!
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Oh my goodness, hell yeah I do, scoot close and listen up!
I've always had a big fixation on hands since 1) They've always been a very important, secondary best tool aside the face when expressing emotion! And 2) I hail from the beloved depths of YuGiOh madness where hands are constantly involved and drawn in epic focus & angles so I've had a big arrange of visuals to study from!
(One of my favorite YGO animators actually published a study book on how to draw hands, so thats an amazing resource too!)
๐Ÿ“ Now for the actual tips, which I doubt will be original (forgive me ;_;) The best I can suggest is practice by trace and break it down to shapes!
Take cool pics of your hands, pose yourself or find awesome reference shots you can directly trace over so you can introduce yourself to the way the hand is built and develop some muscle memory (make sure to pay attention and /feel/ the direction of the lines and how they connect) and then? Start breaking it down into quick simple shapes so its easier for you to follow up on the physical buildup! Do so even DIRECTLY on the reference picture so you can study the basic skeleton behind it!
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After you get a basic feel of it, start implementing what you learned without the reference while spicing it up with your preferred styles/ attention to details!
I know it sounds simple in theory and that hands are notorious for being difficult to draw at first, but behind every strong passion to learn, burns limitless potential bigger than any obstacle that may be in your way!
Practice is what sharpens you up every single time skill-wise, its not gonna be simple, but it doesnt have to be overly complex either! Its easier to understand something difficult once you break it down into steps, and especially comfortable when you have reference to study from!
Use what you have, gather resources and let them guide you until you can utilize their strength with your own two hands โ™ฅ ๐Ÿ–๏ธ๐Ÿ–๏ธ You got this!
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Thank you so much again for the lovely message anon, for being inspired and for complimenting me and my work so fondly!! ๐Ÿ’–
I hope I was able to help/encourage even if but a little bit, take care and dont give up if dem hands get too hard on ya - I was so crusty when I started out myself ;_;) But!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After getting to experience the process with both failure/success combined? The potential that unlocks before you can spark the passion that leads to further improvement, until one day It becomes second nature and the joy behind being able to draw those sexy grabby handz is WORTH it! ๐Ÿซต
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