rebuke-me · 6 months
the punk au finale- at long last
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milk-and-violets · 4 months
hello please give us your soup recipes ( ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
apologies to anyone who has ever sent me an ask please know I read them and weep and then forget to answer them
if anyone has questions about these soups, please feel free to ask in the replies or dm me!! also, you are welcome to reblog and add your favorite soups, I would love to see what other soups y'all enjoy :)
ANYWAYS here are some of my favorite soup recipes (part one ? I may post more if people like them)
This soup. This soup. Several things to say about it. Firstly, it benefits greatly from buying the nice crushed tomatoes, like the $5-6 cans if you are able to. The tomato makes up a lot of the broth flavor, especially if you want to make it vegetarian and thus leave out the sausage.
Secondly, double the garlic cloves (eight garlic cloves? yes, I'm serious) and use canned brown lentils. A whole can. Two if you feel like it, I often do. It's really very little detriment to the recipe over dried ones, and the soup comes together much quicker when you're not waiting for them to soften. You will need to decrease the cook time, or it will become mush.
Lastly, replace the water with chicken or vegetable broth, it's just better, and the celery is optional, especially if you're allergic, since apparently that's possible.
I acknowledge that this one is a stew, not a soup, however...
This dish is a delicious cross between a more English beef stew (see: NYTimes Beef Stew if you're interested, I highly recommend) and french Coq au Vin. It calls for boneless pork shoulder, but if you can't find that, bone in is fine, just more work. You will need to cut out the bone, which can then be roasted in the oven, I like to use the preheat time (this recipe requires some oven braising) to do so -- just pat dry, coat with olive oil and salt. You can also save the bone in a zip lock in your freezer, for making tonkotsu ramen broth, if you're like me.
Martha uses a pound of "small shallots" which I really find to be a bit much. Use that many if A) they're on sale, B) you've replaced them with pearl onions, or C) you really really love shallots (I respect that.)
I like to add eight cloves of smashed garlic to this, and 4-5 yukon potatoes, washed (but not peeled) and sliced into 1.5 inch cubes (you can assess their size based on vibes and how long you want to cook them for, approaching two-bite sized is generally good).
You can reduce the garlic cloves by half if that's too much for you, or if you're adding a significant amount of shallots still. I've used only 3 large shallots ones before and found it to be enough, so use what you've got. The potatoes add texture and body to the soup, and something to chew on other than the pork, which balances the dish.
Also, Martha suggests you cut your carrots lengthwise, but I personally prefer medallions, as they're much easier to serve and eat. If you're very worried about overcooking your carrots, maybe do large chunks.
This recipe does call for hard apple cider, which it really does need, but if you have to leave it out due to allergies or food restrictions, I suggest adding an 1/8 cup or so (maybe less, that might be a bit sour) of nice apple cider vinegar, and substituting the rest of the liquid with more chicken broth. Serve with some nice crusty bread! Or maybe egg noodles, if you leave out the potatoes and want a really Coq au Vin-esque experience.
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Alright, so I think I did the formatting correctly, and you should be able to click this image to access the recipe link, but just in case:
Anyways, this recipe calls for 2 cans of cannelini beans. If you can't find those, great northern beans are basically the same. For the sausage, it may also be sold as mild italian sausage, and you do not need to buy it in links, buying loose ground sausage is much easier.
It also calls for two bunches of kale, which is frankly a ridiculous amount, I would only put in that much if this is the only source of vegetables you'll be getting for a month. One (Large!) bundle of kale should be fine. After rinsing, you can simply rip the leafy parts away from the stems, and then discard the stems, or steam them if you really want to eat them. Personally, I don't think they belong in soup.
The onion you use for this should be a yellow onion, maybe white if you're desperate and fear no onion. It calls for 1 potato, you should use 3-4, medium to large sized (Russet!) potatoes. Use your heart to decide when it's enough potato for 52 oz of broth. Likewise, you should consider doubling the amount of garlic that goes into this.
If you don't want to do the math, 52 oz of broth is a little less than 2 whole packages of store bought broth. You may find that you want to add the last bit when you add the potatoes, just to give them a bit more liquid to cook in, since you should use more potatoes than the recipe calls for. If you make your own chicken stock (which is quite easy, and I do recommend it, but it's not essential here) 52 oz is about 6 and a half cups of liquid.
The serving suggestion is to top with cheese, which is really up to you. If your spice tolerance is in the negative, like mine, you may enjoy eating a nice cheese on the side with your bread. Port Salut is a very good spreadable option, or perhaps an aged gouda or white cheddar. Having bread alongside this is really a must.
I suggest making a garlic oil to top the soup, to replace the plain olive oil for drizzling. To do this, simply mince another 2-3 cloves of garlic (more depending on how much oil you want to make), heat generous amount of olive oil over medium heat, then add garlic and saute until fragrant. Do not let the garlic get completely golden brown, unless you really enjoy it crunchy. This is going in soup, and should be minced fine, so having slightly raw garlic will not be an issue. You can store this in an air tight container in the fridge, just scoop some out to top your soup before reheating.
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bookinit02 · 2 years
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muniimyg · 8 months
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10.5: love 》 series m.list
note: we made it !!! i am so incredibly grateful for everyone's love and support with c2u <3 meeting u all was so fun ,, answering ur asks and interacting thru comments truly made my day ! i'm glad i was able to share this silly goofy concept and have it well received . as usual ,, please lmk ur thots !!! i have 3 extras that will be posted soon (ie: their first hook up, a comfort scenario, and one final smut extra) so please look forward to those !!! thank u for ur patience ,, all the love 💗
warnings: sex tape vibes (kind of), pussy eating (nom nom), fucking LOL ... dirty talk & creampie! easy shit yk? lmaoo
taglist request: CLOSED
🏷️ permanent taglist: @joonsjuice @taetaecatboy @pb-n-juju @miss-rainy-days @firesighgirl @whoa-jo @vantxx95 @pamzn @kakixaku @casspirit0705 @tae165 @defzcl @sopebubbles @leefics @ggukkieland @bebebutbetter @yoongimentita7 @boraength @era-genius @4ksj @vampcharxter @miss-jupiter @floweryjeons @taegijns @jeonqkooks-main @ellesalazar
As much as Jungkook loves to play soccer for the glory, he loves it best alone. 
When the bleachers are empty and the field is wide and free—that’s when he feels the most love for his sport. To others, it comes off as lonely and sad but to him; it’s serenity. Sometimes, it’s the only place he feels like he can truly be himself. It’s a place where he doesn’t have to be anything to anyone. It’s a place where he can be lost and found at the same time. It’s also his go-to place when he can’t sleep. Jungkook hasn’t slept well in weeks. He figured it was time to be in his own space.
His haven. 
His favourite part has got to be when he plays so hard that he doesn’t even notice the world is waking up. The moment Jungkook looks up and sees the sunrise—he always gets this feeling in the pit of his stomach. It’s an easiness that can’t be explained.
It’s an incredible relief. 
When he sees the sun, he stops playing. He takes a break and sits down to watch the sun bloom on the horizon. There’s so much bliss in the stillness of the world. He feels so much clarity when it’s just him, the net, and the ball. It’s like nothing else matters and his mind can focus on one thing: winning.
Jungkook has only done these late-night sessions a handful of times in his life. 
The first time was the day before Uni tryouts and he doubted his talent. Everyone kept telling him he had nothing to worry about, but that didn’t make him feel any better. To Jungkook, his luck was just like everybody’s. He was afraid of it not coming through when he needed it the most. Therefore, he worked his ass off regardless of his luck history. 
Note: Jungkook was the first in his year to get in. 
The second time was when he fucked up at a game and cost his team a minor setback. It wasn’t the end of the world—he just felt like shit.
The third time was the day he redeemed himself and scored the winning goal that got the team to championships. It was the best game he had in a while. It was also the first time felt tired of it. Tired of the game, tired of the play… Just tired. 
The fourth time was when he decided to take a break from soccer and tend to his burnout… Eventually, he came back after a few months. Of course, he did. He loves soccer more than anything in the world…
That was until you.
He didn’t go back to the field and have a session to himself to celebrate. No, he celebrated with you instead. You didn’t know and he never told you… But that’s what he did. The first day he came back to soccer, he went to you right after. With you, he found rest. 
That’s when he realized something… 
He wasn’t tired anymore.
At least, whenever he was with you.
He wasn’t tired. That’s all he could really ask for, right? To fall in love with someone that was his safety net. 
The fifth time would be today. 
Jungkook has been out here since 3AM, kicking the ball and practicing drills. It upset him, to be honest. He thought being here would help ease his heart. Everything feels so clogged up and messy to him. It’s like no matter what he does to try to clean up his mess, everything stains. So, he thinks to himself that maybe if he ran enough laps or kicked the ball hard enough—it would stop.
The mess. 
The yearning.
The loving. 
But it doesn’t.
No, instead his heart continues to ache. As he clenches it every so often, he thinks of you. Then, for a second, his heart is still. In the stillness, he tries to think of good things around him. 
At least the rain wasn’t pouring as hard as it was an hour ago.
At least the sun is coming up and it’s a new day. 
At least you were here—
You’re here?
Jungkook rubs his eyes. Partly due to disbelief and partly because the rain made it hard to see you clearly. Yet, somehow… In his heart, he knows it. He knows it’s you. 
How’d you know where he was? More importantly, why are you here? 
Why was his heart racing so fast again? 
Be still. 
He isn’t sure of what to do. Should he wave? Should he call your name? Are you here on accident? 
Considering it’s almost 6AM… It can’t be an accident, right?
Just as much as Jungkook’s head begins to fill with questions, yours does too. As you walk closer and closer to him, you can’t help but only hear your heartbeat pound louder and louder. Is this normal? To feel like your heart could jump out of your chest if it meant getting to him faster? You let your mind spin. 
Why the fuck are you here? 
What are you doing again?
Did you write everything down?
You sure felt a lot braver ten minutes ago… Suddenly, seeing him has made you doubt all the courage you worked to have for this moment. At the same time, the complex feeling of pure happiness and relief blossoms. You can’t help but smile at the sight of him. There’s a stillness in the world and it’s only when you look at him and it’s good. You know that now… But oh my god. 
You’re about to lose your shit. 
How did you get here?
When did it all begin? 
Was it from the first night you two slept together? Or was it the karaoke night when you realized you were waiting for him to kiss you? Could it be time he fucked you in front of your mirror and you vowed to never drink coffee before meeting up with him ever again? 
… No. 
Maybe it was when Mina came along. 
You gave him a blowjob just to stall him from going (bad move, by the way. That was pretty bitchy). Oh, and we can’t forget about the time you craved him when you were drunk out of your mind and all he did was take care of you. Half asleep, you woke up to him mounting your mirror on the wall… And well, maybe…
Maybe it was then. 
When he fixed your mirror, he fixed your heart. 
That’s probably why the time you two hooked up in his bedroom at the party felt so right. It was finally clicking.
You were into him then.
You just didn’t know how to admit it. Then, it got fucked up because you were caught off guard. 
The perilla leaf.
The exile. 
The hate sex. 
Everything good and bad has led to this moment and you can’t help but feel like you’re falling apart. Finding the origin of it all feels exhausting… In your head, you debate it all. In your heart, you’ve always known. 
You see, it wasn’t supposed to be like this. 
The friendship, the sleeping with him, the hurting him—the loving him… It wasn’t supposed to do this to you. You aren’t supposed to be this nervous and so impatient at the same time. You aren’t supposed to feel this stupid either… 
But you do. 
… And that’s okay. 
Sometimes, with love, you’re going to feel a little stupid. You just have to cross your fingers and hope the person you’re being stupid for is just as stupid as you. 
In your case… There’s a good chance he is. 
As you stand on the sidelines, Jungkook places his hand over his eyes to see you clearer. He tilts his head in confusion as you drop your bag. 
Then, just like that…
It happens. 
His thoughts pause, his heart goes still for the nth time, and his world slows down as he takes in the sight of you. Nothing will ever be better than this. The same way he feels an ease when he watches the sunrise—he feels it as he looks at you right now. 
God, he loves you so much. 
He has known it for so long but this… You in this moment; it’s bliss. 
Complete and utter bliss. 
If that isn’t enough… His heart is completely undone the moment he realizes two things: one, you’re wearing his jersey, and two; you’re holding a towel in your arms for him. He can’t help but let a laugh escape his lips. All that shit you said about how you would never be a part of his fan club and how you could never be that girl…
Oh, this is gold. 
Honestly, it’s more than enough. For you to show up and make this effort—it fills his heart. Yet, you’re you. Always full of surprises and ways of making his heart go on overdrive. As he sinks in his thoughts and soaks this moment in; he watches you take a deep breath. Then, slowly but surely, you extend your hand out to him. 
It’s then when he knows it. 
The wait was worth it.
The wait is over.
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You and Jungkook sit on a bench, under the technical area’s cover. For a while, you two watch the sunrise in silence. Both too afraid to say anything to ruin the moment—both so undoubtedly in love. Once the sun is fully up, you brace yourself. 
This is it. 
Jungkook turns to you, chasing your eyes. 
“You nervous or something?” he jokes, as he begins to dry his hair with the towel you placed around his neck. 
“Yeah,” you confide. “Am I doing this right?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen as you scoot closer to him and take the towel. In your continued silence, you take over and start to dry his hair. Scrunching the towel, you pat dry his neck and cheeks. He gulps, unsure of what to do… He likes it though. He likes that you’re taking care of him and that you’re trying. He knows you are. 
As you pat dry him, you try to find your words. It takes a moment, but you think to yourself… It’s now or never, right? You’re already here. You’ve already folded. 
It catches Jungkook off guard when you suddenly tug him close. Putting the towel aside, you cup his cheeks with your hands. Your hands are cold, but he doesn’t mind. If anything, he’s holding himself back from kissing them. With a pout on your lips, you begin your confession. 
“I hate being your friend.” 
Jungkook squints at you and chuckles. He removes your hands from his cheeks, smirking at you. “What bullshit are you on now? Didn’t we agree on—”
“I never agreed,” your eyebrows knit together. “It’s been like… A day and a half and I’m going crazy being your stupid friend.”
“Fine,” he snaps. “Enemies?”
His suggestion annoys you.
You lift your hand to hit him, but he catches your wrist. Then, he opens his hands for you. You sigh teasingly but take it. Intertwining your fingers together, you two sit in silence again for a moment. 
Holding hands, watching as the rain pours, and preparing to give your hearts to one another… It feels like this could be a dream.
“Tae and Yuna, ” you begin, breaking the silence. Your voice sounds weary and desperate. “They’ve been friends since the very beginning. He always had feelings for her and she did too… But she didn’t do anything about it until it was too late. He’s dating Mina’s friend now or something—it’s so messed up. It’s so unfair, y-you know? They deserve each other so much and I—”
“Breathe,” Jungkook comforts you. “They’ll figure it out.”
“I don’t want that to be us,” you blurt. 
Jungkook blinks at you. 
“It’s so scary. Jungkook, I don’t want that to be us… B-but it is us, isn’t it? Y-you hate me because of—“
His eyebrows knit together. “___, I don’t hate you. Don’t say that.”
Your lips quiver, unsure of how to navigate through this talk. Maybe you should have planned it better. Maybe you should have written this whole speech out instead of word-vomiting like this… But that’s the thing. 
You aren’t good at this.
Regardless, you’ll try for him.
“I’ve been selfish,” you admit, letting your eyes dart to the field. You can’t look at him. It feels too overwhelming to.  “I’ve been inconsiderate and I know I can’t justify my actions because they hurt you—I just need you to know that I was scared. It was so scary trusting you, falling asleep beside you, and waking up next to you. It was so scary watching you laugh with other girls and not knowing how to tell you how I felt… I’m sorry I started fights while trying to figure out how I felt about myself… Honestly? I think I was so scared because you made it so easy.”
A beat.
“T-the truth is… I’ve always known how I felt about you.” 
Jungkook can’t help but smile. He wonders if you know what you’re doing to him… Do you? He’s afraid you don’t.
“Really?” he pries, moving closer to you. “How do you feel about me?”
Attempting to be intimidating, you turn to face him with a glare. 
“D-don’t push it.”
Jungkook pouts. “But I want to know… Please, please, please?”
For a moment you contemplate. Then, you look at him and take it all in. His wet hair, soft eyes, and pouting lips… How were you ever strong enough to say no to him before? Truly, you’re a changed woman.
Curling your fist, you shut your eyes and say it. You tell him the whole truth. 
You give him your heart. 
“You said you got ahead of yourself… But have you ever considered that I was beside you the entire time? L-like you said you’ve had feelings for me since the first time you made me laugh… Me too. I knew it then too. I just didn’t know what to do because every time I dated guys, it all felt the same… With you, it was different from the start. I don’t know how to explain it… All I know is that I like you in every way it’s possible to like someone—I like you. My heart has been yours all along. I’m sorry it took me so long to give it to you. It just felt like everything with you kept falling into place and I was terrified I was f-falling too… I think—n-no, I… Umm, I know that I…”
Something others may not know about Jungkook is that he’s consistently bad at one thing. That one thing is playing it cool when it comes to you. He has to fight his inner demons to stop himself from professing his love for you every 10 minutes. So, it would be a lie that he wasn’t loving this. He loves watching you feel what he feels. 
Your words, sweet and well-awaited, completely captivate him. 
He can’t help it when you’re like this. So perfect, so cute, so his. He can’t resist!
Which is why he kisses you mid-confession. 
Jungkook kisses you slowly and deeply. Like never before, you lose your breath from how passionately he kisses you. Once you two pull away, he rests his forehead against yours. Smiling, he sneaks in a couple more kisses. 
Timidly, you say, “So… You aren’t mad at me anymore?”
With a laugh, Jungkook shakes his head. “God, you drive me crazy.”
“So… That’s a no, right?” 
Jungkook rolls his eyes and purses his lips. You press your lips against them and kiss him once more. 
“... I checked my phone a moment ago and Yuna ratted you out. She texted me like ten minutes before you came. Said if you don't show up I should knock on your door and fuck your feelings out of you.” You gasp, burying your face with your hands. Sighly dramatically, Jungkook makes a cheeky comment. “Once again, I waited for you.” 
You hit his chest playfully. In pure disbelief, you groan at him. “What? Y-you knew and still made me do the whole speech—”
"I didn’t know!” You ignore his claim. “Although, I wouldn't have had any issue fucking the feelings out of you—"
"Are you insane?" you fume. "I was literally sick to my stomach trying to get this confession thing done right!"
“I was excited!” He teases, and nudges you. You remain annoyed at him. Jungkook can’t help but find it cute. “Awh, ___! Come on. It’s not every day that a guy gets to see his girl in his jersey, holding a towel for him on the sidelines! Also… I just really wanted to see what all your fuss was about. I promise, I didn’t know.”
It’s too late. 
Just as you stand up and storm away from the embrassment, Jungkook catches up to you. Out on the field, the rain continues to pour on you two. Drying him off was useless if you were going to be this dramatic. 
As he catches your wrist, you shove him away and cross your arms. 
“I feel stupid,” you sigh. “Y-you knew how I felt about you. I was worried and anxious the entire time and y-you knew!” 
Jungkook shuts his eyes and can’t believe how feisty you are. It’s entertaining and frustrating at the same time. God, you were so complex… But at the same time, he knows you’re just afraid. This is you finding an out. This is also you trying to stay. 
He takes your hand. 
You don’t shake him off say anything. 
You let him take it. 
He holds it like it’s all he has ever wanted to do (it is all he has ever wanted to do).
“I didn’t know everything! Hey, the fuss was cute,” he ensures you. “Do it again.”
“No!” you cry, feeling your clothes start to stick to your skin. It’s pouring now and you instantly regret being dramatic.
Except, Jungkook looks so perfect. His hair is wet and his shirt is soaked so you can see the way his muscles curve. He’s so handsome that you have to gather all your strength as a woman to keep yourself from jumping on him.
“This shit is so hard!” you complain through the rain. “How did you do this? You confessed like every time we fucked—”
“Yah!” Jungkook warns, feeling a little embarrassed. Maybe he should be the one to storm away now…  “Be nice to me or else I’m about to reject you.”
You roll your eyes at him. Grabbing him by the collar, you tug him to your eye level. Happily, he complies. 
“Do it then,” you call his bluff. “Reject me right now.”
Jungkook looks into your eyes, loving the way you look at him. He blinks at you slowly and bites his inner cheek. For a moment, he’s silent. You’d think he’s contemplating or something… But he’s not. He’s been sure about you since your first laugh, remember?
“Kinda cruel considering you’re all I’ve been waiting for,” Jungkook confesses, as he dips his head low and kisses you. 
As he kisses you, you squeeze his hand. Holding his hand tighter, he smiles into the kiss. The rain continues to pour, making everything feel unreal. As he pulls away, he looks at you the way he always has… This time, you get what Yuna was talking about.
The warmth in his gaze.
The love in it.
The you in it.
After what felt like endless heartache with other boys—this felt healing. 
This was yours. 
And that’s when your heart tells you something you never knew… 
You waited well too. 
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You two escape the rain and make it to your place.
In your bedroom, you quickly get undressed and sit in front of your mirror to dry your hair. Jungkook comes out of the washroom all clean. Passing by you, he plants a kiss on the top of your head. You watch from the mirror as he reaches inside your closet for one of his shirts. 
Your high from the moment at the field suddenly dies. Suddenly, you realize the confession wasn’t enough to move forward. For fucks sake, he has his clothes in your closet.
“Jungkook?” you ask cutely.
“Mhmm?” he responds as he dresses himself.
You almost choke on your words. “What are we?” 
He grins, coming back to you and swaying you side to side. Without batting an eye, he answers: “friends, of course!”
Instantly, you push him away. Your shoulders slump as you glare at him. He laughs his ass off, loving the way you reacted. When he calms down, he kneels in front of you and apologizes. 
“Okay, bestie,” you play along as he gets up. “Should we eat perilla leaves to celebrate?” 
Jungkook’s mouth drops. His eye practically twitches at the mention of perilla leaves.
Throwing his hands up dramatically, he cries, “Oh god... My girlfriend is so mean to me… She’s so hot, holy shit.”
That sounds about right.
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He’s so big. 
Sometimes, you forget that.
It slips your mind because Jungkook has always been a giver. You never really had to worry about it being uncomfortable. He makes sure you cum first and always puts his needs above yours—tonight was a prime example of just that. 
As he towers over you, he leaves a trail of kisses from your neck to your lips. Each kiss is so soft and intimate, your pussy clenches at his very touch. It doesn’t help when he places his thumb on your clit, rubbing and stretching it out to stimulate you even more. As you moan into his ear, he feels shivers go down his back. 
You gasp as he bites your skin, enticing you to want him even more. 
“Jungkook,” you breathe, “put it in, please.”
“Mhmm,” he moves the hair strands on your face and kisses you. “Be good for me, okay? Be patient. Gonna fuck you good so I need you to be on your best behaviour.”
“B-best behaviour,” you repeat rather lewdly. “Okay… W-whatever you want, love. You have it. You have me.”
God, you and your fucking words.
Jungkook bites his bottom lip, trying his best to take his time. Truth be told, he wants to fuck you silly right now. He wants you so bad that your legs won’t work and he’ll have to tend to your soreness. He wants to fuck you so good that you scream his name and lose yourself in him… But he’ll take his time tonight. 
He wants to show you so much. He wants to show you how good he can make you feel. How you won’t ever regret your decision of being with him. He wants to show you what kind of man you chose and what kind of man you get to have.
A good man.
A man that has wanted you for so long that now that he has you—oh was he ready to drag it out.
Jungkook gently places his dick in between your folds. It’s hard and thick. You can feel it against your wet pussy and want nothing more than for him to put it in. Instead, Jungkook lifts himself and sits in between your legs. There, he holds the base of his cock and slaps it against your pussy. He rubs his cock up and down your folds. Then, he splits them open with his fingers and spits on it. He then spreads his spit with his cock. You feel so lucky when he pokes it inside once in a while. Like a tease, he takes it out so quickly that you begin to feel frustrated. 
“P-put it in, please…”
Jungkook smirks. 
“Put what in?”
You glare at him.
“Your hard, thick, stupid cock. Put it in my wet, needy, desperate pussy right now… Please?”
Jungkook lets out a sexy chuckle. “Not yet,” he tells you, as he fully stops. He then moves over and helps you sit up. Leaning against your headboard, he spreads your legs. Just when you think you can predict his next move, he reaches over to your nightstand and grabs his phone. Unlocking it, he passes it to you.
“Film me.”
You nod, following his orders.
Tapping record, you angle the camera to your pussy. You watch through the phone screen as Jungkook positions his face in between your legs. Gulping, you throw your head back as he makes his first lick. 
Jungkook holds onto your thighs, helping you keep your legs open. He digs himself into your pussy, devouring every inch of it. To deepen himself, he digs his nose in and curls his tongue as he licks you. When he pulls away for air, he sucks on your clit making sure to keep you on your toes. 
“Oohhh,” you sob. “S-so good. J-Jungkook—“
“Mhmm,” he murmurs onto your skin. “Tastes so good.”
“A-aghhh! Oh my god!”
The thing is… Jungkook has eaten you out before.
But this was different.
It was slow and sensual. The way he licks you and eats you out just feels so surreal. Your toes curl, your stomach winces, and your pussy tightens as you’re about to climax—
Jungkook pulls away. 
He has a devilish look on his face. You stop the recording and toss his phone aside. Suddenly, he takes hold of your ankles and tugs you down. On your back, you open your arms and welcome him in again. Gladly, he buries himself in your breasts and moans at your softness. 
“That was—“
“Everything my girl deserves,” he tells you sweetly. “My girl…”
“Your girl,” you pull him in for a kiss. “All yours..”
Jungkook moans, unable to stop himself. He lifts his hips, making space for him to quickly pump his cock before guiding it inside you.
… And oh my god.
He feels so good.
Him inside you is so fulfilling and healing. 
“You okay?”
You nod, mesmorized by the man he is.
“More than.”
With that, Jungkook kisses you and begins to fuck you. He thrusts in and out, making you feel his entire length with each stroke. Your body takes him in as if it’s welcoming him home. As he feeds you your craving, he picks up the pace. You wrap your legs around him, moaning from how good it feels as he buries himself in you. 
“F-fuck,” Jungkook hisses. “Love this. Feels so good.”
“Mhmm,” you whimper. “J-just like that!”
Jungkook continues to fuck you, drilling himself deeper and deeper. Soon, you’re chanting his name and his ego begins to boom.
Jungkook fucks you like he loves you… And you know it. You can feel it. To express so, you claw his back. Digging your nails deeper and deeper, holding him close.
“N-nghhh! I’m gonna cum—”
“Cum for me, pretty girl. You behaved so well,” he praises. “Proud of you.”
Your heart flutters. 
Then, your pussy clenches as you release. He feels it. Jungkook groans, accepting that this round will be over soon. There will be plenty more, for sure. As he pumps inside you lazily, cautious of being sensitive to your climax but also because he’s hitting his. 
Then, he creams your pussy. It oozes out, but he pumps himself a few more times to stuff you.
As he spills himself onto you, he lets out heavy breaths and collapses on top of you. You let him catch his breath there as you tangle your fingers in his hair. 
“I love you,” you confess. 
“Good… I was hoping you would.” Jungkook lets out a tired laugh. “I love you too, ___. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted. You’re everything I’ve ever loved.”
You hold him tighter.
“I love you more.”
Jungkook bursts into laughter. “Love, we are not going to play that game.”
Tilting your head at him. “Why not? It’s true.”
“You think you love me more than I love you?”
“Prove it.”
With that, Jungkook laughs as you shift position. Leaving him on his back, you climb on top and straddle him. As you lift yourself to guide his dick inside, he lets out a whiney moan. You are so sexy. You are quite literally his favourite part of living.
“I’ll prove it,” you accept the challenge. “Will you last though?”
Jungkook’s lips slight part, amazed and shocked at your initiative. In response, he relaxes and gestures at your body. There’s a tightness that overcomes his entire body. It’s mixed with excitement and relief. For the nth time, he gives in.
Jungkook folds.
Happily, he gives himself to you.
“With you? Forever.”
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After 3 rounds, you two call it a night. As you drift to sleep, Jungkook holds you. Before this, you two talked as much as you could and even began to make plans. There is an indescribable comfort in being with each other.
Upcoming dates.
Better ways to communicate.
Everything and anything in between—you two want it all.
As the rain pours, Jungkook finally shuts his eyes. He pulls you closer, kissing you for the final time tonight. There would be tomorrow to kiss you anyway.
Tomorrow and the day after that… And the day after that. And the days that follow—he’d do just that.
He can’t wait to kiss you forever.
To hold your hand forever.
To love you forever.
For the first time in a while, Jungkook finds rest. His heart stays still and feels loved. Besides, this is what he has wanted to be all along—
Close to you.
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eggluverz · 1 year
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PAIRING. dan heng x gn!reader; dan feng x gn!reader
CONTENT WARNINGS. torture and imprisonment but nothing graphic or in detail!! 
SUMMARY. dan heng has been having dreams about you. they started off good—like a fairytale even. but soon he’s been getting the feeling something is wrong. you’re trapped and alone and can’t escape. dan heng wonders if his dreams are telling him something. and if they are…what is there for him to do?
SOF’S NOTE. *shoves this fic in everyone’s face* LOOK AT THIS! LOOK AT MY BABY!! PLS LOVE IT AND TREASURE IT!!! CRADLE IT GENTLE IN UR HANDS!!!! okay on a more serious note ahdjkdkd thank u anon for this amazing request i absolutely adored writing this 🥺🫶 idk where all the flower symbolism and dreams came from bc ik its not the in req but yk what it spoke to me for this story so i rolled w it HDJSKD i hope y’all enjoy!! :> 
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“What are all those flowers for?” you giggled, watching as Dan Feng entered the room with a cart full of peonies in tow. 
It looked a little ridiculous; the elegant and renowned Imbibitor Lunae wheeling around an absurd amount of white, pink, and red flowers. But Dan Feng never cared about pretenses when he was with you. He always felt comfortable enough to be himself, no matter how ridiculous it appeared. 
As he approached, he held a small, blooming red peony out between his fingertips. “They’re for you, naturally.”
He brushed your hair aside and gently tucked the stem of the flower behind your ear, admiring how the deep red of the flower complimented your complexion. 
You looked down at your feet with a small chuckle before meeting his gaze again. “Thank you. You’re beautiful as well.”
“Thank you, my love,” said Dan Feng, his hand resting on your waist as he planted a kiss on your forehead. “Do you like the flowers?”
You nodded, feeling the soft petals of the flower in your hair between your fingers as you stared at the bundles of peonies in the cart he brought in. Dan Feng walked over when he saw you staring and led you to each section of colors. 
“These are pink—to show my affection for you.” He picked a flower and kissed the petals before bringing it to your mouth to reciprocate. You obliged with a giggle and he smiled and hid the scandalous flower in his sleeves. “These are white peonies, to let you know I’m always thinking of you.”
You placed your hand on his chest, feeling the careful embroidery on the silken fabrics. “You’re always on my mind, too.”
“Good,” he jested. “As I should be.”
Without warning, he brought your body flush against his chest and captured your mouth with his own, softly tugging at your lower lip. You chased after his touch to give him a kiss of your own, but he soon pulled away with a teasing grin on his face. 
You pouted. “Hey!”
“Patience, beloved,” said Dan Feng. “I still haven’t gotten to the last color.”
“Oh, my sincere apologies,” you said sarcastically, knowing he was the very reason he hadn’t finished his own speech. “Please, carry on.”
“Since you asked nicely.” He cupped your face and stroked the petals on the flower behind your ear. The sensation of his light fingers brushing against the soft flower petals tickled the skin around your ear and you felt your breath catch in your throat. “This flower is a red peony, to symbolize just how passionate I am for you.” Dan Heng stared into your eyes before he spoke. “I hope you know how much I love you, truly.”
“I know,” you said, gaze not once meeting his. Your stomach tightened and your heart started beating faster as you placed his warm hand on your chest. “I love you, Dan Feng. Every part of my being is yours.” 
“And mine, yours.”
Dan Feng took your hand in his, leading you into your bed chambers. You had never felt more loved and wanted than in this moment. But when you entered the room and looked up, the hand you were holding was no longer Dan Feng’s. 
Instead, your hand was clutching an iron bar instead of your lover’s hand, shackled in chains on your wrists and ankles. Dan Feng was gone and you were stuck in here for eternity. 
You cried out, body racking with helpless sobs. Every fiber of your being—mind, body, spirit—missed him so much. The worst part wasn’t the torture, the solitary confinement, the lack of access to basic human needs. 
No, that was nothing. 
Nothing compared to knowing you would never see Dan Feng again. 
Dan Heng woke with a start, hair plastered to us forehead with sweat. His pillow and blanket were both strewn across the floor of the Archives and he found himself on his bed alone, a heavy pounding coming from the place where his heart should be. His heart hurt so much he wondered if it was even his. 
He squeezed his eyes shut, attempting to take a deep breath to calm himself down.
That was the third time this week Dan Heng had a dream like that. 
Before, it wasn’t terribly uncommon for him to dream about your experiences with his past reincarnation. Dan Heng thought it was strange at first— Why is he dreaming of your memories rather than Dan Feng’s? But the Archives had no answer, so he was forced to accept the fact with mild curiosity as he grew accustomed to the untraditional visions that manifested as dreams that he has been having. 
Still, the strange part wasn’t that he had dreams of you, the strange part was that recently, since the Astral Express left Luofu, Dan Heng has been getting bad dreams of you. Or, to be precise, he’s been experiencing bad memories you have gone through. 
Dan Heng thought the torture was the worst of it. As cold blades cut against your warm skin, Dan Heng felt each push. Each puncture. Each drop of blood they drew from your veins. He woke up constantly in pain, checking his own body to be sure it wasn’t happening to him. 
But he learned a new form of torture that came from the heart. The solitude and loneliness. The knowledge that the one you loved most has perished— Was forced to reincarnate and never see you again. 
The pain on his body was temporary. But Dan Heng felt the ache in your soul every minute of every day. 
He just doubted there was anything he could do to stop it. 
“Y/N,” came a quiet voice from outside the cell. “I came to check on you again.”
You looked up from your thin futon to meet Jing Yuan’s remorseful eyes. Your living conditions have been upgraded from those you’ve experienced for decades now. No longer were you in chains— You had access to a bath, and they even offered you books and enough food to sustain you. All while confined in a cell, of course. 
Perhaps they no longer viewed you as a threat. Not that they should have ever viewed you as such in the first place. You didn’t understand why you were punished solely for being Dan Feng’s lover. You weren’t a warrior. You didn’t hold any position of power. You were a scholar and lover of books and plants. But you’re an accomplice, the Preceptors said as they mercilessly chained you up. 
If you weren’t knocked into unconsciousness moments after, you would’ve spit at their faces as they took you away. 
You snapped out of your thoughts, dragging your gaze to the man in front of your cell. Placing your book to the side, you smiled up at Jing Yuan. “Sorry about that. I was a little out of it there.”
Jing Yuan frowned and your heart moved, feeling the depth of his sadness. “No need to apologize. Tell me, how have you been?” 
“Good, I have to say,” you said, sitting up straight on your bed. “I’m almost finished with the book you gave me last time.” 
He smiled but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’m glad.”
“Is something the matter?” you asked as you stood and walked over to him, offering a hand of comfort through the iron bars. 
Jing Yuan took it, giving you a gentle squeeze before dropped your hand. The rush of human contact, despite how brief it was, coursed through you. It’s been so long since you felt the touch of another person.
“Dan Heng and his friends left the Xianzhou Luofu,” he said solemnly. 
Your eyes shut as you let your forehead press against the cool metal of your cell. A tear fell down your cheek but a smile remained on your face. “That’s… That is good. He should be free from this place. Dan Heng is happiest that way, correct?”
“That is how it seems,” Jing Yuan sighed. He held back his words for a moment, hesitant. But as he looked at you, he could not longer keep it in. “Do you still think it was the right decision to not inform Dan Heng that you are here?” 
You let out a quiet laugh, taking a seat on the floor and Jing Yuan soon followed suit. “What would he do with that information? What if he felt guilty—? That could hold him back.”
“Are you certain that is a choice for you to make?”
Sighing, you shook your head. It wasn’t your choice to make; it was Dan Heng’s. You knew that deep down inside. But what could you do when you were aware of Dan Heng’s aversion to his past—to any potential connection to Dan Feng? And thus, any connection to you? 
You felt it, you dreamed about it. Dan Heng’s hatred for his past reincarnation. You mourned for them. Both Dan Feng and Dan Heng. For the former, you knew it must be hard having no connection to your reincarnation. Was his soul no longer tethered to this world? Perhaps he felt lost, even in the afterlife. For the latter, you did not blame any resentment that came from him. You knew all too well that being judged and punished based off the actions of another person was unjust. You wouldn’t wish it upon anybody. 
And so, it made sense to you that Dan Heng wanted to accept his past for what it was, and then be free from it. You did not want to interfere with that. Especially not when he was so close to healing and making a good, happy life for himself. 
And now, after Jing Yuan told you Dan Heng and his friends finished their adventures in the Xianzhou Luofu, excited to take on the rest of the galaxies, you thought that maybe you made the right choice. You would be happy enough here, alone in this prison, if you knew your beloved was free. 
It was a decision you made yourself, for Dan Heng. 
And it was one you hoped you wouldn’t regret. 
“Foolish! No!” Dan Heng thrashed in his sleep, wanting to reach out and shake you to your senses. He’s had terrible dream after terrible dream, but this was one he couldn’t simply let go of. 
This one seemed more recent than any of the others. That was not a dream of a distant memory from long ago— No, the Astral Express that Jing Yuan spoke of in Dan Heng’s dream had only departed Xianzhou Luofu a few days ago now. That meant you were there, locked up right under his nose, for the entirety of his stay at the Luofu. And no one told him a thing.
Dan Heng had to control his fury. He felt hurt and betrayed, despite not having a true, personal connection with you himself. He wasn’t Dan Feng and, deep down, he recognized he didn’t have a claim to your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. But the pain he felt from knowing you were there, and that maybe, just maybe, he could’ve done something to help you sooner, was something Dan Heng couldn’t shake.
He knew what he had to do.
Perhaps it was bold, impulsive, and maybe dismissive of their current plans, but he had to do it. Dan Heng took a deep breath, not waiting for the night to turn into day. He was going to ask Pom-Pom to please turn this damn train around.
“Where are they?” 
Much to no one’s surprise, Jing Yuan seemed to know exactly what Dan Heng was talking about. What else could be important enough for Dan Heng to barge into the Seat of Divine Foresight without a word of warning? 
Jing Yuan quickly excused the meeting he was holding, biding a quick apology and saying they would reconvene shortly. Despite the newfound privacy, he still didn’t reveal anything to Dan Heng.
“Well, good afternoon to you as well, Dan Heng—”
“Stop. There’s no time for formalities right now.” Dan Heng folded his arms, hands clutched into tight fists by his sides. “Where are the Preceptors keeping them? And why the hell haven’t you done anything to help Y/N?”
With a heavy sigh, Jing Yuan took a seat in his chair, gesturing Dan Heng to sit across from him. A gesture Dan Heng pointedly ignored. He wasn’t here to sit down and take his time. He wanted to know where you were now so he could get you out of there. The torture, the poor treatment, the punishment for something you didn’t do... It wasn’t fair. He could hardly put up with it in his dreams. He wondered how it was possible for you to even be surviving all this time. 
“It may surprise to you here,” Jing Yuan stated, voice low, “but as much influence I have over Xianzhou, the Preceptors unfortunately remain untouched by that.”
Dan Heng’s grip loosened, momentarily feeling guilty for assuming Jing Yuan did not try to help you in any way. From what his dreams could see, Jing Yuan was one of the only people who frequently visited you— Which was already more than he could say for himself. 
His face hardened but he relented. “I’m sorry for suggesting such a thing.”
Jing Yuan gave him a half-smile through hooded eyes. “If you hold any recollection of Dan Feng’s time with them, I don’t blame you for having such a severe reaction. Y/N was—is…remarkable.” 
“I shouldn’t know that myself,” said Dan Heng quietly. “Yet somehow, I know you’re right.” 
He looked at the ground solemnly, suddenly frightened that he wouldn’t be able to do anything to help you after all. If the Cloud Knight General Jing Yuan couldn’t influence the Preceptors, what could he do? 
He shook the negative thoughts out of his head. Sure, Dan Heng wasn’t Jing Yuan, but he was the reincarnation of Dan Feng, the previous High Elder and Imbibitor Lunae. Dan Heng was the friend and ally of current High Elder Bailu. Dan Heng had the General backing him with a token of alliance. And Dan Heng would stop at nothing to free you from your shackles. 
The process was more painstaking than Dan Heng had originally thought. After informing Jing Yuan of his plan to speak to Bailu, Dan Heng soon realized that conversing with her would be the easiest part.
The Dragon Lady was kind and had a good heart. She cared for other people and didn’t want to see anyone in pain. The difficult part came from feeling the lack of respect the Preceptors had for her. They treated her as more of a child than a High Elder, even withholding her title of Imbibitor Lunae until they deemed she was “of age.” But Dan Heng thought she had more sense and knowledge than all of the Preceptors combined. 
It took negotiations, possible acts of coercion that broke many Vidyadhara laws, and even the threat of Dan Heng to follow in his past life’s footsteps and destroy the seal at Scalegorge Waterscape and many more places… But Dan Heng, along with the assistance and backing of Bailu and Jing Yuan, finally got the Preceptors to agree to release you without forcing a reincarnation. 
You had suffered decades for a crime you had no hand in committing. The Preceptors were simply scared your love for Dan Feng would influence you to be a main headpiece in carrying out the rebellion against the Xianzhou Luofu—hence why those in charge had originally agreed to keep you here. But Jing Yuan was the residing general now, and with his army at his side, he was able to voice that he no longer viewed imprisonment on this land to be befitting of you as a solid conclusion. Bailu stated, as a complete bluff that anyone could have seen right through, that if you were not released immediately and given the opportunity to be reconnected with Dan Heng, she would no longer be as willing to repair any seals, should they be harmed in the future. 
Somehow, instead of all three of them getting locked up for treason or whatever Vidyadhara laws they horribly crossed, they managed to succeed in their goal of winning your freedom. The Preceptors wrote in their official records the release date of prisoner Y/N and agreed to escort one of them to your cell.
Jing Yuan and Bailu, of course, both opted for Dan Heng to be the person who sees you first. But only after making him promise they would get to see you once you settled into your new life. 
Dan Heng smiled, thanking them for their part in this operation. And when night came, he spoke his vow to you under the endless stars.
He would see you soon. And this time, he would never let anything bad happen to you again. 
“More peonies?” you asked with a laugh, staring in awe at the field of flowers that were newly planted on the grounds of your estate. The bright colors of the petals flushed against the dark green of the leaves lined the gardens of your grand quarters. 
Dan Feng nodded, the trimmings on his sleeves detailed with the faint embroidery of petals dancing around the wind. Your heart warmed when you saw it. It was fitting for him, such a beautiful and caring soul. 
“I had them planted for you,” he said, gesturing at the arrangement around you. He smiled, his eyes glinting. “Because one cartful just wasn’t enough.” 
You shook your head as you went around the rows of peonies, touching the petals in awe of the spring bloom in the air. The smell was sweet and the wind was cool, providing the right amount of breeze to offset the heat of the sun. First, you went to the patch of white peonies, then pink, then red. Then, you noticed a shade Dan Feng hadn’t given to you before.
“Yellow peonies?” you said curiously, Dan Feng following along as you explored the gardens fit for royalty. Because, he had said before, to him, you were.
“Indeed.” He plucked one from the bush, careful not to ruin the stem of the plant itself. Slowly, he brought it up against the light in the sky. “Yellow. As radiant as the sun.” 
You stared up, shading your eyes as to not get blinded by the brightness. “It shines almost as brightly as you.” 
Dan Feng made a noise of amusement at your words. “I should be the one saying that to you.” 
“Perhaps you should speak faster,” you teased. 
You walked over to him, placing your hand in his and leading him to a field of grass. When you got to an area you liked, you sat down on the floor, gesturing for him to follow suit. Dan Feng brushed at the fabric of his clothes once before happily obliging. As you sat there, you looked over at Dan Feng and studied the look of serenity on his face. His expression was calm, his eyes were soft and the corners of his mouth tilted ever so slightly into a smile. In the hand that was not holding yours, he held the yellow peony still in hand.
“Does it symbolize anything? Like the others?” 
He nodded. “Yellow peonies are rare to come by. Only the most renowned of breeders can craft one to the perfect shade.”
At his words, you looked back at the abundant row of yellow peonies dressing your land. You wondered how much effort he went through in searching for the perfect shade to gift you.
“They’re to symbolize my wishes for you,” stated Dan Feng, toying with the edge of a petal with his thumb. “I wish to bestow upon you luck and prosperity, for the rest of your life.” 
“I think I’ve used all the luck I possibly could, finding someone like you,” you giggled, bumping your shoulder against his before leaning your head on it. Dan Feng breathed deeply, resting his head on top of yours. “And the only prosperity I wish for is to be prosperous in love. With you.” 
He laughed, a deep rumble vibrating against your body. “So, all your wishes of luck and prosperity have already come true? What need was there for me to gift you these flowers, then?”
You held your palm out, waiting for Dan Feng to place the yellow peony at its center. He gently laid it there, letting his fingers linger against your skin. 
“I’m glad you gifted me these,” you reassured him. “Now, when I walk by, they will always serve as a reminder of the radiant peony right in front of me.”
The next morning, Dan Heng entered the dark corridor with a flower tucked into a hidden pocket of his outer garments. 
While he was nervous about how you might react to him going against your wishes that you expressed to Jing Yuan, his determination to assure your freedom was more than enough to counteract that. If Dan Heng truly wanted to be freed of his past and atone for the wrongdoings of Dan Feng, he would need to make sure no one else was being punished for his actions. 
He had helped repair the Ambrosial Arbor’s seal at Scalegeorge Waterscape, to atone for Dan Feng’s acts against the current High Elder and all of the Luofu Vidyadhara. Now, he would release you from decades of unjust punishment you suffered simply for being associated with him. 
“Y/N, you have a visitor,” one of the Preceptors said dryly, unlocking a cell. The hooded man could hardly hide the look of distaste on his face a before he rolled his eyes and walked away. “I’m sure you two must have plenty to catch up on. Leave here quickly before we change our minds.”
Dan Heng peered into the entrance, his gaze meeting your confused and alarmed face in an instant. 
You looked between Dan Heng and the open cell, not a Preceptor in sight. “Is this a test?”
He shook his head, showing you the official pardon signed by Bailu, Jing Yuan, and a representative of the Preceptors. You held the document in your hands, reading its contents and feeling the seal to believe it’s legitimacy, before giving it back to him. He felt your hands tremble as you made brief contact with his and he was overcome with the urge to comfort you. 
“This isn’t a test,” he promised, looking into your eyes in hopes you would see the truth in them. “You really are free from here.”
You let out an amused noise of disbelief, shaking your head. “Oh, Dan Heng… What did you do?”
He startled at the sound of his name coming from your lips. He was so accustomed to you only repeating Dan Feng over and over in his dreams that this felt almost refreshing. 
“Rather, what did Jing Yuan do?” you corrected, laughing quietly as you stood up from your seated position. Your robes, once beautifully crafted, were worn and tattered. But the light in your eyes never waned. “I told him not to tell you.”
“He didn’t,” said Dan Heng. He considered his statement before adding, “I suppose eventually he did confirm it, but I was the one who confronted him about it.”
You raised a curious brow. “And how, pray tell, did you know about this…situation?”
“From my dreams.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. For once, you were speechless. 
“I know it’s more normal to have dreams about your past reincarnation,” he stated, neatly folding the document in his hands before sliding it away into his pocket. “But, while I occasionally had dreams of Dan Feng’s life—bad ones normally, might I add—it’s been more common to have dreams of you.”
With a slow and shaky breath, you shut your eyes to think. “You’d had dreams of Dan Feng’s memories of me, do you mean?”
He shook his head. “No. They’re dreams of your memories. Some included your moments with Dan Feng from long ago, yes. Others were you in this prison. A recent one was of Jing Yuan visiting you and in it you said not to tell me about this.”
You chuckled helplessly. “What good did that do, after all?”
“Why didn’t you want me to know? Why didn’t you want me to help you?”
“It wasn’t that!” you protested, your eyes telling stories your words could not keep up with. You sighed. “Okay, it was.”
Dan Heng let out a sharp breath.
“However, it’s not for the reasons you might be thinking,” you corrected, arms folded over your chest. “I’ve come to accept my life being imprisoned here. It’s given me a lot of time to think and reflect. And, similar to you, I’ve occasionally had dreams of you, Dan Heng.”
He tilted his head to the side. 
“They weren’t long nor were they frequent. But what I have gathered from them, scarce as they were, is you resent Dan Feng. You don’t want any ties to your past. And you’ve accomplished so much growth and closure, finally freeing yourself from all that burdened you. What good would it be to drag you back here and make you relive this?” 
“You sound ridiculous.” 
His words were harsh and it stopped you right in your tracks. You stared at him, eyes wide as they peered into his, but he couldn’t let that stop the words of logic from coming out of his mouth. 
“You’re not a saint nor are you a martyr. You don’t have to try to be one. You’re a person, and for that you should be free in your own right. You’re a Vidyadhara, trapped and punished for actions that were not your own. I understand what you’ve been through— I’ve been there, too.” Dan Heng held his hand out to you from outside your prison cell, waiting for you to walk out and accept it. “Furthermore, you are a kind and loving soul, and you don’t deserve to spend a single moment in this place. Please, accept my help.”
Your cheeks were wet as you nodded your head. Slowly, you placed your cold, shaky hand in his. He felt your cool skin against his warm one and he enveloped your hands gently, brushing your knuckles with his thumb to share the heat in his body. 
“I’ve wanted to get out of here so badly,” you admitted through silent tears. “I hated being confined and alone. I felt helpless. Pathetic.” He watched with a heavy heart as you wiped your own tears away. Could he reach out and do it for you instead? He chastised himself. As much as he wanted to, he had no right. “But you suffered so much in your past life—in this life even. I didn’t want to cause you any more pain.”
Dan Heng shook his head. “What brings me the most pain is knowing you were suffering for so long, and I didn’t help you.”
“How could you help when you didn’t know?” you reasoned with a sad smile. “I’m sorry for making Jing Yuan promise to never let you know.”
His eyes squeezed shut as a sharp pang ran through his heart. “Please. Please promise me you won’t do something like that again. If you need me, I want to be there for you. Always.”
You gaze widened at his words before you recollected yourself. 
Dan Heng winced as he understood what he said. His mind and soul were confused. He knew he wasn’t Dan Feng, that this was the first moment he has ever had with you. But why does he feel like he’s known you forever? 
After a few moments of silence, as if you were giving him time to amend what he said, you finally spoke. “Okay. I promise.” 
He felt every muscle in his body relax at those words. He knew the promise you spoke was true to your heart. Dan Heng believed it with all his being and he let that console him. 
“Thank you,” he breathed. 
With one of your hands still in his, he slowly led you out of the corridor and up the stairs, away from your cold and dark prison. 
“What are you going to do now that you’re free?” Dan Heng asked, hating himself for hoping your future plans would somehow include keeping in touch with him. “Will you…stay on the Luofu?”
Your body tensed as a shiver went down your spine. You shook your head fervently as your expression twisted into one of grief. Dan Heng’s heart stirred at the sight. He knew that feeling all too well, and it pained him knowing you had similar conflicts to go through. “No, that’s the last thing I want to do. I won’t stay here. At least not now.”
“I understand.” 
You gave him a weak, but hopeful smile as he squeezed your hand softly. 
“And you?” you wondered, looking at him with thoughtful and eyes as you awaited his response. 
“I’m going to the Astral Express to continue on with our adventures,” he said with his lips upturned. “It’s a great place to call home, especially when you’ve lost the only place you had once called home.” He stared at you for a moment. “If you would like to join us—join me—I think you would very much enjoy it.” 
You teared up at his offer. “Can you really just invite people like that?”
Dan Heng briefly thought of the girl they picked us as an icicle and the boy who they found with no knowledge of the past. He considered your situation. “Yes, we really can.” 
The sunlight from outside finally started shining through the walkway, signaling that you were almost out as a freed person. 
“Also,” he said, before he could forget, “I, myself, would want you to come join our crew, even if it’s only for a little while. You can stay for as long as you want, and leave whenever you want as well.”
Your ears perked up at that. “I like the sound of that. If the Astral Express will have me, then I would love to join.” 
Dan Heng smiled as he patted the top of your head. Your body relaxed at his touch as you leaned into him, and he continued to hold onto you as you approached the exit. “No one will threaten your freedom ever again. That is my oath to you.”
You started at him, brows furrowed in determination. “And I vow the same to you. These new beginnings will bring only freedom and prosperity.”
At that word, Dan Heng suddenly remembered the small gift he brought for you. He blushed as he felt the soft petals of the peony in his large pocket. 
“I have something for you,” he said, slowly stopping in his tracks. He turned towards you and you followed suit, tilting your head to the side in question. “It’s nothing big. But it’s a token. A reminder.” 
He held out the peony in one hand, watching as your eyes lit up at the sight of it. Your mouth widened as you let out a noise of laughter, accepting his gift and holding it close to your chest. 
“Thank you, Dan Heng,” you said, tears of happiness filling your eyes. “I love it.”
It wasn’t yellow— He wasn’t the bright and radiant Dan Feng you knew and loved. It wasn’t red or pink, even. While he felt traces of love and attraction for you from his past memories, he knew in his heart that wasn’t really him developing those feelings for you. 
Instead, it was a white peony. 
You were always in his thoughts. It was both a blank slate, and a gentle reminder. He would never forget you, and as he got to experience life with you, who knew what dashes of color would be mixed in next with this pearly white. 
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lazycats-stuff · 2 months
Hiiii! I was wondering if u could do an male reader x batfam, where the reader is deaf and has to use sign language? P.s I love Ur work
Of course I can. Thank you for loving my work. Also, a heads up, I'm not deaf nor do I know anyone who is deaf and I have done my research on this. So, if there are some inaccuracies, I would like to say sorry in advance and if something is off, please bring it to my attention so I can correct it. And yes, it's a bit short, but I think I might be getting a writer's block... I hope not, but I think I might.😭
Summary: (Y/N) is deaf.
Warnings: none, a quick mention of death
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Being deaf is not that easy. (Y/N) was deaf from birth and had learned ASL to communicate with others. It wasn't easy, but he managed. When his mom passed away and we went to his father Bruce to live with, all the boys had to learn ASL. Before, they used yes or no question that were either on their phones or pads of paper.
Of course, that doesn't manage when a deaf person is living with them full time. Alfred already knew ASL, having it learned when (Y/N) was born. Bruce as well. Both Bruce and Alfred knew it fluently and had fun communicating with their son and grandson. Not to mention, Bruce supported anything that had to do with deafness. And he was even the advocator for the deaf community in Gotham.
The boys?
Well... It was a tad more difficult. Jason and Dick had a bit of difficulty learning, but they were trying. Although still relying on pieces of paper and something similar until they learn the ASL. They know that (Y/N) can read lips so that it something that they also use to their advantage. Also, they listened to (Y/N)'s preferences in communication.
(Y/N) informed them that it would be nice of them to focus on his face, to not turn their heads away because he needs to focus on their lips, as much as signing too. Jason and Dick understood, more so when they understood how much he needed to focus on communication, despite not hearing.
And more importantly, patience. Jason and Dick understood that hearing is something that a lot of people, them included, take for granted.
And I can hear you asking about Tim and Damian.
Tim had no problem learning ASL, in fact, it was a lot of fun for Tim. He, alongside Bruce and Alfred, was the most fluent. It was fun figuring out how to let (Y/N) know when he is coming into his room. They decided on the approach of opening the door just enough so he could flick the lights on and off quickly, just so let him know he is entering.
They saw that from a father on YouTube who has a deaf daughter. And everyone has implemented that if they are entering (Y/N)'s room. A nice alternative to knocking was the general consensus when it came to the matter.
Damian, on the other hand, couldn't really bother to learn it because he thought that (Y/N) was defective, not really valuable to the family. So, he wasn't very well liked in the family at first. The family had a simple rule.
Don't insult (Y/N) and don't mess with him. Sure, fights are normal with siblings, every single family in the world has those fights. Whoever has siblings can atest to that.
But insults about (Y/N) are unacceptable. And sure, that looks like favoritism, but everyone had a soft spot for (Y/N). That's why. And besides, does anyone want to insult a deaf person?
Without a reason, a good one as well, majority would say no.
But back to Damian.
His mindset was, if you are weak, you are not useful for the family. Bruce and the others tried to erase that mindset out of Damian. And Damian himself wasn't that rude to (Y/N), simply ignoring him. (Y/N) couldn't understand why, but the rest told him about Damian's mindset and what happened to him.
(Y/N) understood from then on and tried to not take it to heart.
And Damian was slowly but surely changing. He got all the rules regarding (Y/N) and started following them. And, he slowly started learning ASL. Damian, found this to be a bit difficult, since he never had to use his hands to communicate, but he actually enjoyed it.
And it gave him a perfect excuse to bond with (Y/N), practicing his ASL. And his understanding of it in general. (Y/N) knew that Damian was trying, giving him an effort and (Y/N)'s heart was happy to see his brother trying and not being... Cold.
(Y/N) was very happy.
It was one lazy morning, lazy Saturday more specifically, for everyone. Everyone slowly migrated to the kitchen to get some coffee and food from Alfred. Everyone was down expect for (Y/N), who now slowly woke up due to the sun light in the room, coming from a window above his bed and on the opposite wall.
He made his way down slowly, attracting attention from everyone, who signed good morning to him. (Y/N) signed back as well, sitting down onto his spot, Alfred giving him some coffee and some food to eat.
" How is everyone? " (Y/N) signed, looking at the reactions and signing from everyone.
The answers were varied.
From ' I'm great, you? ' to ' I want more rest, but my body can't take anymore.'
(Y/N) smiled, happy to know that he couldn't fall asleep as well. For some reason, it was difficult to fall asleep last night. He didn't know why, he just couldn't fall asleep.
(Y/N) nodded as he dug into his meal, the usual bowl of something light that Alfred whipped up in the morning. (Y/N) always preferred something more lighter in the morning. Nothing really greasy and heavy.
" What are the plans for today? " (Y/N) signed and everyone stopped to think, making sure to be in (Y/N)'s line of sight.
" I'm just going to be in my study, I have something to finish up in regards to the Wayne Enterprises. " Bruce signed and (Y/N) nodded, turning to look at others, sipping his coffee.
" I'm going to train. " Damian signed back.
" I'm going out with some friends, " Dick signed and then turned to Jason.
" I'm going to be doing spring cleaning of my weapons. " Jason signed back to (Y/N).
" And I'm simply going to be in my room. We can hang out later if you want. " Tim signed with a big smile on his face and (Y/N) smiled back. The two didn't really hangout much recently. And this Saturday is going to be the perfect day to do it.
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hitomisuzuya · 8 months
MY BELOVED (ur work is my absolute favorite u always have me on my hands and knees!!) I’m actually very serious the fire in my stomach when u post is <333
Dressing ur pretty boy Scara up as a maid! The outfits rather tight.. rather revealing and while he hates it and gives u quite the stinky eye all day, you can’t help but ride him to make him feel better! How sweet of you
Though his dominance starts to shine through as your “dominance” starts fading into submission when riding him, he calls you mommy while growling over how your walls clench around him, maybe if we ride him right after his orgasm he’ll get overstimulated and really see who’s really trying to be in charge here <3
“Wait.. wait! Wait oh fuck~” vibes <33
Scaramouche x fem!reader Smut. Riding. Overstimulation. Degradation. Dom!Scara.
This made perfect sense 😳 Thank you, everyone for all your support and patience❤️ Be careful in class now😌 I may write a second part for this.
Dressing Scaramouche up in a maid outfit was supposed to be joke at first. You'd told him that he had the perfect legs for a maid outfit, and after some hissing and grumbling, he'd indulged you in your silly whim.
He was resolved to also get a hold of your phone to delete the picture you'd taken of him.
The sour expression he'd worn on his face had long since fallen away. In an attempt to placate him, you were bouncing on his cock, making him feel nearly limp from pleasure as he twitched and rutted up inside of you.
Scaramouche's arms were around you, clutching you against him, his eyes hypnotized by the white ring that glossed his cock. He let out a volley of incoherent curses, his eyes flicking to watch your breasts bounce before leaning his head down towards them.
He let out a wanton whimper as your hand found the back of his head to push his mouth towards your breasts. "What's the matter, my sweet Scara?" You cooed, stroking his hair, "is this too much for you too take?"
One of his hands travelled down to grope your ass, growling as he latched his lips onto one of your nipples. "You are clenching around my cock like a total slut, Mommy," He groaned feeling you clench harder around his cock, a high pitched cry keening from your throat.
His tongue swirling around your nipple send jolts of pleasure to your throbbing clit. You arched your back, crying out again as his grip started to tighten a little around you.
You didn't think too much about it at first, figuring he was close to cumming. He had the sweetest, high pitched whimpers and moans. You completely missed the glare in his eyes as yours roll closed, enjoying the feeling of his cock kissing into your sweet spot.
"Cum for me like a good boy," You cooed, making him growl again. Your walls squeezed just right on his cock. It pulsed strong as cum roped inside of you.
Scaramouche writhed underneath you when you didn't stop bouncing. He spat a string of incoherent Japanese curses, overwhelmed by the pleasure of overstimulation.
He could do nothing but moan at your mercy. That is until something snapped in him. Your eyes suddenly open as his hand flew to roughly grasp your chin. "I'm fucking fed up with your feeble display of dominance," His fingers dug into your hips before he lifted you off his cock and fling you onto the bed.
Your eyes widened as he flipped you over onto your stomach. He'd stolen control so fast it stunned you. It made you wonder if you had ever really been in control at all.
"Ass up, slut," Scaramouche snapped, smacking a hand on your ass. You blushed, yelping as you did you were told. It was time for him to put you in your place, especially for making him wear a maid outfit.
A whimper of your own keened from your throat, making him laugh as his fingers found your clit to rub it before lining his cock up with your entrance. His hand pushed your face down onto the pillows as he thrust his cock inside of you all at once, smirking when you gasped loudly from the burst of pleasure.
You whimpered again behind broken moans, his cock slamming into you, his fingers digging bruises into your hips. "Fuck, how are you still so tight after I already rearranged your insides?" He smacked a hand on your ass again, smirking when he heard you choke back a broken cry of bliss.
"Awwa, my bad. I took you off my cock before you could cum," The condescending tone he used made your cheeks flush, drool pooling around your cheeks onto the pillow.
He grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking your head off the pillows so your moans wouldn't be muffled. He wanted to hear you scream while you creamed hard on his cock, crumbling underneath the sheer weight of his dominance.
And it sounded so fucking sweet to Scaramouche.
"My compliments to you for not ripping the maid uniform off of me earlier," He pulled out only to slam himself back inside of you, groaning when you came screaming on his cock. "I think it's time for you to put it on instead. You'll be the most delicate little maid fuck toy for me."
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jgracie · 3 months
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masterlist | rules
in which jason’s monthly trim turns into something much bigger
pairing jason grace x gn!reader
warnings i mention that reader changes their hair often!
an for all the buzzcut jason enthusiasts <3 this is very overdue so sorry my loves and thank u for ur patience with me xx 💌
after you trimmed jason’s hair for him one morning on the argo, the ship quiet save for your whispered confessions of love and the snipping of scissors, it became tradition for you to always do his hair for him - you’d insisted the next time you caught him hacking away at his gorgeous blond locks, and who was he to deny you?
every time you did it, you’d cut jason’s hair the same way, the roman way. it was the only way jason knew, and he wasn’t one to experiment; that was more your thing. in the years jason has known you for, his hair had stayed the same while you’d sported a bob, bangs and several different colours of hair, all of which he found you effortlessly beautiful in
jason admired you for the way you embraced change without a second thought. sometimes, he wished he wasn’t so afraid of something so inevitable. often, he prayed he’d finally muster up the courage to shed his old skin
“jase, stop moving, i really don’t wanna mess this up,” you said, giggling as you ran your fingers through jason’s grown out hair. as you did so, you recalled the first time you’d trimmed jason’s hair for him, marveling at how soft it was
the boy heeded your command and sat as still as he could, but said nothing. this worried you. despite not being the loudest, jason often engaged in your banter, and you’d expected some comment about how you could never mess up in his eyes to leave his pouted lips
a noah kahan song played from the living room - you’d forgotten to take the vinyl off its player - and filled the comfortable silence you were in. jason silently stared at himself in the mirror as strands of his hair landed on his shoulders, intently watching himself morph into the jason everyone knew: the son of jupiter, the praetor, the champion of juno, the son of rome
he snapped out of his thoughts once he heard you say, “all done!” with a bright smile plastered on your face as you pinched his cheeks. jason gave you a small smile of his own and mumbled his thanks, but a horrible feeling gnawed at his heart, eating him alive. was this really who he was? is this who he’ll always be? will he always be clinging onto a past he could barely recall?
jason’s eyes followed you as you put the scissors back where they belonged, right next to the razor. that day had finally come
“wait,” he said, his voice louder than he expected it to be. you turned and raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to elaborate, “i want it off.”
your voice went up an octave as you asked, “off? like a buzzcut?”
he nodded, fiddling with the single ring he had on his finger. despite it being his own hair, jason found himself hoping he hadn’t offended you in some way
he hadn’t. you grabbed the razor and motioned for him to sit back down, knowing jason better than he knew himself meant you knew how much the simple act of changing the way he wears his hair means to him
the sound of the razor’s buzzing accompanied noah kahan’s northern attitude and you met the eyes of jason’s reflection. “are you sure about this?” yours seemed to ask, despite already knowing the answer they were going to receive. jason’s bright blue ones hardened - “i’m sure”
jason’s head felt lighter as more and more hair left it, and he felt like a weight was lifted from off his shoulders. he no longer carried the burdens of his past self. his old skin had finally been shed
BONUS! ₊˚⊹♡
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tastesousweet · 8 months
⭒ the girl with the tattoo (iii) - pt 1 pt 2
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matt sturniolo x fem!oc / reader
summary : no one frustrates and confuses y/n more than matt
warnings : smoking weed, alcohol/drinking (i headcannon everyone 21+!), tension, sexually suggestive
mickey speaks : THIS IS LONG AS SHIT!!!! ngl im not obsessed w this part but u guys r the sweetest thank u for loving this story so far and for ur patience. part 4 definitely won't have as long of a wait.
MATT hates hosting parties.
now that he and his brothers have hosted three of these "get together"s to promote the warehouse, he’s realized just how much attendees dont give a shit about respecting the space they're in. he found it to be a cool concept for sure: give out free tiny tats along with food and drinks for more exposure and networking. nick came up with it and it sounded perfectly easy way to build their brand and get to know people in LA.
except the first one was a complete mess, with chris constantly promoting the party (he mentioned it to almost everyone he talked to, encouraging them to bring friends along), frequent instagram posts dedicated to the event, and natural word of mouth the warehouse was suddenly overcrowded and trashed within the first hour of being open. matt barely got through that night without losing his temper or calling the cops to shut down his own party.
that’s not to say matt hates attending parties as severely as he hates to have his own. he’s more than willing to go out when he has a set time to leave and good enough company. he’s trained his anxiety to behave within those spaces so that he's not ruining his or anyone else's time. now it seems his anxiety only spikes when it comes to (what feels like) hundreds of people surrounding him in his space with no intentions of leaving until well into the morning. at that point he’d prefer to be at home, completely alone.
just as he does now that nick has dragged him out to a nearby liquor store to buy “goodies” for the event later today.
matt’s face carries his typical dry expression as nick stands next to him, hands resting on his hips, eyeing the various vodka bottles.
“nick, it’s alcohol not the fucking newspaper,” matt grumbles.
“i know that! i just don’t wanna choose the wrong one.” he defends.
“if they don’t like something i think we have more than enough to choose from at this point,” matt sarcastically nudges his arms that hold onto a wide selection of alcohol that nick has impetuously given him with quips of ‘okay, hold this one.’
“matt, i wouldn’t have brought you if i knew you’d be such a buzzkill, jesus.” nicks tsks.
“alright, don't say that like i was begging to come here, nick. i had no choice and-"
nick cuts him off swiftly, noticing a few girls have joined them in the aisle, “matt, move." nick guides him backwards with his hand, "you’re like, in the way.”
matt turns his head to see what exactly he was blocking, before turning back to nick and scowling, “‘m literally not in the way at all.”
“they might need to see all the options,” nick shrugs, going back to narrowing his options down while matt stands in slight annoyance, zoning out.
until he overhears the two girls call, “yeah it’s over here, y/n! come!”
and matt can’t help but turn and look (at an embarrassingly quick pace that he’d blame on his brain's pristine sound recognition and not that he wanted to see you, necessarily).
and sure enough your frame comes into view (clad in a sweatshirt and small pair of shorts), confirming that he did not mishear and you unfortunately were in fact the y/n called for. not wanting to deal with small talk, he immediately turns to nick, “the second one is best, nick. alright, let’s go.”
nick looks over to him, throwing his hands up loosely, “ohh, now you wanna be helpful whe-" he closes his mouth when he sees you over matt's shoulder, "did you know y/n's here?” his eyebrows draw together and he swiftly grabs a tall bottle of Absolut and places it in matt’s arms before walking around him (ignoring his hand’s poor attempt to hold nick back).
you’re too busy discussing which vodka tastes best with a few of your friends to notice nick walking up to you guys. you only look over once you hear a snap followed by a hushed “matt!”
you host a tender smile when you recognize the two tattooed boys, “nick? what are you doing here?” you glance from nick to matt who seems to be holding a full bar's worth of liquor while nick holds nothing but a tote bag and sunglasses he enjoys fidgeting with.
“y/n, i have a party i’m hosting tonight why would i not be here? now the real question is why are you here at 11:30 AM?” he jokes, squinting his eyes at you.
“same reason as you,” you shrug then realize you haven’t introduced your friends properly. “oh! and these are my friends; i texted you about bringing along, remi, erin, and andrea.” they each wave slightly as you gesture to them.
after an exchange of greetings and smiles (though you could tell matt’s was so phoney), nick backtracks, “okay but actually why are you here?”
“did you think i was joking? i’m getting drinks for your party!”
“i mean this in the kindest way possible: why?”
“i wasn’t gonna show up empty handed! it’s common courtesy to bring you guys something whether or not you ask.” you insist and matt fights the urge to roll his eyes.
he knows you have no mal-intent but god damn do you make yourself look so fucking pretentious.
“yeah, we’re trying to figure out what would be the best kind to bring right now,” erin chimes in.
nick immediately agrees, “oh my god, tell me about it. i was just struggling with that too!” and he turns to matt to validate, see! it’s not stupid to care about possibly buying the wrong thing!
matt just rolls his lips into his mouth, trying to give anyone a fucking clue that the conversation should be wrapping up by now.
“we’ll probably just end up getting pink whitney,” andrea reaches for the bottle on a nearby shelf.
matt can feel your eyes on him but he chooses to keep looking down at nick's ugg boots as if they’re the most interesting thing he’s seen.
you shift your eyes back to nick who’s still talking to andrea before you begin to speak, “well, i’m sure you guys are busy, you know, party planning.”
suprisingly, matt speaks up to agree with you, "yeah, you’re right actually. we are pretty busy."
nick cuts in with a shake of his head, “well, we’re actually not doing much before the party starts, honestly. we’ll probably just drop this off at the warehouse and set up a little, then go home, right matt?” nick shrugs to his brother who's eyes only widen with a look of question, “oh that's so true, matt!" he turns back to the girls with a smirk, "if you guys want you should come hang out with us now!”
matt wishes he currently had a free hand so that he could slap it over nicks mouth and drag him away before he sells his own kidney next.
"oh that's okay, we still have some stuff at home to do before we even think to get ready, but we'll be there tonight," you smile and look over to the girls who each agree.
"okay, we'll see you around then." matt tilts his head to the side encouraging nick to follow as he walks away.
"you have my insta so just dm me if you need anything. okay, bye! don’t forget swimsuits!" nick smiles and waves before rushing to catch up to matt who has already left the aisle.
“i still can’t believe y/n was there, like what are the odds?!” nick giddily sighs and looks over to matt as the two walk out of the store.
“yeah, how fuckin’ weird," he murmurs, adjusting the brown bags in his hands to reach for the keys hanging from his belt loop. "small world, i guess.”
“how the fuck are you so calm?” you ask in shock from behind the bat squishmellow you hold while sitting on nick’s baby pink couch, legs crossed.
“y/n, it’s like the teeniest, babiest tattoo ever,” andrea almost laughs as she takes another bite of a miniature rice krispy treat.
this “get together” at the warehouse has been a hit as far as you can tell. when you and your friends arrived it was already rowdy with people everywhere, music pounding, and bottles of alcohol scattered on the counters of a kitchenette (where you placed your own bottle of pink whitney, tied with a dainty white ribbon). you all found nick early on dancing in a crowd of people. he gave out hugs and easily convinced andrea and remi to let him tattoo them. after looking over the flash sheet nick made specifically for tonight, the girls decided to get matching cherry tattoos.
nick’s work area was so soft. he had bright hues of berry hugging his walls in the form of posters and paintings and faint creamsicle colored pillows to keep his couch company. when you all first walked in he explained how much he enjoys when clients bring in a friend so he had to make sure they had a comfy place to sit. you found nick so endearing in that since, he’s very caring and thoughtful despite his attitude at times (a far more understandable attitude than matt’s).
“it’s soo small,” nick adds, “i still think you two should get one,” he smirks looking over to you and erin huddled on the couch.
“hell no, i think i'm good for like another year," you shake your head and look over to erin while you gently run your fingers over your tattooed lower hip.
"yeah, absolutely not. i'm not even close to drunk enough to do that shit right now." she laughs.
matt finds joint rolling to be the most satisfying part of smoking. the precision needed to perfectly fill, wrap, and burn makes him giddy in his own matt-kind-of-way.
after working on his last client (who wanted a somewhat abstract piece for the lowkey means of a “free tiny tats event”) and successfully sneaking through the crowd to grab a snack then sneaking back into his work area, he wanted nothing more than to get high alone.
he begins to gather his spare weed, grinder, and rolling papers from a spot tucked away in a drawer. he stops by his desk to turn his speaker back on, playing hushed kendrick lamar thorughout the space.
he taps his fingers along to the beat before sitting in a chair and displaying the items in front of him. he begins to grind the weed while humming, only to be interrupted fairly quickly.
"matttt!" chris peeks his grinning face through the curtain before taking it upon himself to walk in, "what are you doin' all alone in here?" matt pauses his movements with a sigh.
"no way you were rolling up and not planning to share? what the fuck?" chris pries in jest, rolling a chair over to sit in front of matt.
"dude, 'm so over this fuckin' party. i was planning to just smoke this and go nap on nick's couch or something." matt explains as he carefully lays the weed in the paper.
"you were barely even out there! got all your clients to text you whenever they got here." chris mumbles a scoff. "that is not the fuckin' point of this by the way, supposed to be meeting new people." chris rolls his eyes leaning himself so far into the chair that his back has practically met the seat.
"at least i'm doing something, you've only given like a tat or two all night," matt mumbles, slowly filling the white paper with weed.
because chris knows he's right he deflects the conversation to the reason he even came searching for matt in the first place. he clears his throat, playing with his fingers, "nick wants to take the girls up to the hot tub."
"thought we weren't allowing randoms up there anymore?" matt smirks at the memory of nick just hours before lecturing the both of them on what ground rules needed to be set so people don't demolish their shop for the fourth time now.
"obviously if they're with nick they're not just randoms." chris shakes his head, "pretty sure it's y/n and some friends she brought along. you remember that girl, right? she was-"
matt stops sealing the blunt to respond, "uh huh, i remember her."
chris lets out a breath, causing matt to finally look up and make eye contact with his brother (after spending their entire conversation too focused on rolling) in surprise at his pause in speaking.
"yeah, she's cool." chris yawns.
"i guess." matt says while finishing off the joint.
matt then lifts his hand up to give chris a view of his rolled joint. "stellar." chris smiles and matt hands it him, "swear you have a gift for this shit or somethin'." chris holds it in different angles near his face.
matt just shrugs and reaches for the tiny red lighter in his back pocket, "light that bitch up," he encourages chris.
"wait, no, let's save it for hot-tubbing."
"no? let's not? i didn't roll it for anyone but myself, let alone a group of barbies."
"be nice, matt."
"give me it, chris," matt rolls his eyes and signals with his fingers for chris to hand it over. “also who says i’m joining you guys in there?”
chris hands the joint back over to matt who’s immediately putting it in his mouth and bringing it towards the lighter’s flame, “nick wants the both of us up there, he thinks it’ll be fun.”
matt’s words come out quieter now that he’s speaking with smoke held in his lungs, “is he shit faced?” matt exhales the smoke as he speaks, “you know he thinks anything is ‘fun’ when he’s drunk.”
he takes another hit while chris explains, “no he’s actually really fuckin’ coherent, hasn’t had anything compared to me.” he smirks knowingly.
“not too much of this for you then,” matt exhales and passes the blunt over to chris. “so who’s gonna be hosting this party if we’re all on the roof?” matt asks squinting at him while playing with the soft edge of his graphic tee shirt.
chris’ face hides behind the smoke he releases, “we have dontae and claire working tonight too, they know how to deal with shit. i’m not too worried.”
“cool, so nick has contradicted himself twice already tonight, what happened to ‘one of us three should always be keeping an eye out’?” matt questions.
chris shakes his head, handing matt the smoked down joint, “literally how am i supposed to know why that kid thinks the way he does?”
matt licks his lips with a smile at his brothers comment then goes to hit the blunt once more.
“but i do know you need trunks on asap, brother.” chris lifts himself up, feeling a little looser now that he’s quite faded, and begins to dig through matt’s backpack in the corner of the room.
“why the fuck are my trunks just casually in my bag?”
“i put ‘em in there knowing you wouldn’t listen when we told you to pack them.”
“because i’m never getting in the pool at a party, that sounds terrible.”
“you think everything sounds terrible,” chris rolls his eyes throwing the plain black swimming trunks at matt’s chest.
“‘kay so the game is just called, “i dare you…” but we’re gonna play it like drink or dare,” chris explains before taking another sip of his pepsi (he’s attempting to ‘sober up’ before playing a drinking game). “assuming the crowd knows what drink or dare is..?” chris looks around to everyone to confirm. there’s quite a lot of people in the spacious hot tub: you and your friends, the triplets, asha, and two of the triplets’ friends nathan and cameron.
when everyone nods in understanding chris explains something about the order to follow and how to discard any used cards, but you only loosely pay attention. instead, your eyes keep an unfaltering stare on matt who sits across from you with the shadows of his face highlighted light blue from the water below and a warm amber from the outdoor lighting above.
he wears his hair messy and his signature silver chain that reflects in the water harshly. you find yourself focusing on his tattooed hands (large in proportion to the joint he’s just finished rolling), and his pink tongue that has slipped out a number of times to lick at the joint and secure its shape.
he’s so into his own task he hasn’t even acknowledged your presence really. somehow that bothers you and attracts you to him at the same time. his face is so neutral as well, it’s not easy to find matt without a resting bitch face and an foul mood to match.
you feel andrea’s hand guide up your back, carrying water in its trail. you still continue in your curious trance until she leans down to your ear, “don’t start drooling now.”
you immediately look up towards her (as she’s sat on the ledge of the hot tub, cautious of her new arm tattoo). she barks out a laugh and you try not to laugh as well, punching the side of her leg instead.
“what did i miss? what are we giggling aboutt?!” nick excitedly asks as he climbs into the hot tub and sits in the empty spot to the left of you. you turn and greet him with a smile and he immediately hands you one of the many beer bottles he holds, “here, take one, pass it down.”
“oh it was nothing, thank you.” you reply when handed the final bottle.
nick nods before swatting at chris who still stands in the middle of the hot tub, “kid, you can sit down now, i think we all got it.”
chris looks over to nick, “you go first then, nick. i’ll queue up a few songs.” he shifts a floaty that holds a set of cards in it towards nick before taking a seat next to erin (you can overhear him introducing himself even though your attention is on nick as he draws).
“who’s the bright one who chose a game with cards to be done in water?” nick jokes finally looking at the card.
“i’m sure you can guess,” asha laughs next to him.
you watch as nick’s face welcomes a large grin upon reading his dare. “okay…i’m reading this out loud, right?”
“i thought ‘we all got it’?” chris jokes and watches nick deadpan, “yes, nick just say it.”
“this one’s easy, ‘i dare you to make one of the group members crack a smile in less than a minute.’” nick adjusts himself to face nathan, “nate look at me.”
“oh come on nick, nate laughs at everything when he’s drunk.” matt talks despite his lips closing over the joint he’s just about to light.
“i don’t!” nate says before looking over to cameron, who elbows his side, making nathan giggle and cover his face. “no! for real, try me nick.” he adjusts his expression to be serious but just as nick opens his mouth to speak nathan explodes in sudden laughter causing the rest of the group to laugh as well.
even matt laughs into his arm as he passes the joint to remi, next to him.
as the group continued playing the dares leveled in dirty extremity. asha nibbled on cameron’s ear like a hamster, nathan texted a friend asking to have a threesome, cameron licked sugar off of andrea (who very much enjoyed it), until finally it was matt’s turn.
matt’s been far more sociable and charismatic this entire time spent in the hot tub than you’ve seen him before. but you can’t tell if it’s the weed and alcohol or even just the fact that he’s surrounded by a group with some of his close friends that’s bringing this out of him. you’re shocked the only nagging he’s done was to break up a small argument between his brothers and of course make fun of you, mouthing “you scared?” after you denied hitting the joint for a second time. you mouthed back “no” and rolled your eyes at him but his playful smirk never left.
matt hangs his head and stifles laughter after reading his card, “i dare you to bend over backwards and let the rest of the group spank you, chose who’s best.”
“oh my god!” chris’ laugh is higher in pitch now that he’s extremely high.
“guys i really don’t wanna,” he sighs.
“matt, don’t be lame! you’ll be the first one who’s drinking,” asha encourages.
“fuck this game,” he mumbles under his breath before adjusting himself to lean over the hot tub, everyone laughing at the sight. it was fun to see matt so unserious for once.
after taking turns to hit matt’s ass, he decided the fourth person’s was the best, per his dare’s request, and nathan celebrates with a throw of his hands in the air.
remi then performs a trust fall with the person she trusts least in the group, cameron (who she told there was no hard feelings since they’d only met today), making it now erin’s turn.
she blushes at her card before reading aloud, “i dare you to give a lap dance to the hottest person in the group.” she bites her lip in embarrassment but nonetheless leans over to chris and requests a song in his ear.
chris smiles and taps his phone as erin adjust herself to standing. “this is gonna be hard to do in water,” she messes with her hair.
“you’ll be fine!” you encourage with a smile.
“alright, you ready?” chris looks up to erin and she nods in response.
body party by ciara begins to play sensually through the nearby speaker gaining a few “oouuu”s from the group.
what you don’t expect is for erin to lean herself in front of matt. and matt definitely doesn’t expect this either, but he’s not too mad about it.
“oh shitttt,” cameron grins, he and nathan occupied in their own awkward-laughing fit while watching with wide eyes.
she moves slowly and hovers matt in a straddling position to “grind” on him. you take a heavy sip of your drink while watching in an attempt to hide your odd feeling about this. it was like watching a car crash. you watch as matt’s eyes gaze up and down her body, not daring to touch her but unashamed of his attraction.
asha laughs and whistles in support when erin turns around to give matt a view of her ass. nick dramatically ducks behind you yelling, “i actually can’t watch this! oh my god!”
you laugh and to mess with him whisper, “don't worry, it’s over now.”
nick looks back and immediately goes back to covering his eyes and laughing with you, “you bitch!”
you look back to matt who tilts his head back with wide eyes and lips puffing out in humor. and finally, after it feels like the two have dry humped for hours, erin stands back up and bows. matt claps with a wide smile, everyone else joining in.
when erin sits down you look up to andrea who just stifles a laugh with a sip of her drink. “well how the fuck am i gonna top that shit?!” chris exclaims while grabbing a card.
“real question is how the fuck will matt recover from that?” you joke causing matt to look over to you.
“oh don’t worry about me, sweetheart. i’m sure i’ll recover fine. chris,” he lifts his head gesturing for chris to begin his dare.
your tongue travels along your teeth to stop yourself from ruining a good time with your confusing feelings.
“i dare you to give a hickey to the person to your left.” chris bites his bottom lip and blinks slowly before looking over to andrea who just smiles and playfully flutters her fingers at him.
“you’re cool with this right, ‘m not tryna make you uncomfortable or any-”
“chris, shh.” andrea says.
“'kay, where do you want it?” he smiles.
“let’s make this fun,” she adjusts her bikini top and presses her manicured fingers along her right breast, “right here.”
nick is extra dramatic when it comes to watching chris suck harshly on his new friend’s tit, “okay, why the fuck did we choose this game?!” he turns away.
when chris is finished andrea shows it off to the group as proof and pushes chris’ cocky face away with a laugh, “nice job, stupid.”
afterwards, andrea gets a dare to expose her search history with the group, which she does without a problem.
it’s finally your turn to pick a card. “i dare you to lick whipped cream off a person of your choice.”
“oouu who’s it gonna beee?” nick nudges into your side.
you look around the hot tub, wanting to pick someone unpredictable, “ashaaa, you haven’t had much to do yet?” you look over to the girl who now has wide eyes and a growing smile.
“okay, yeah let’s do it,” she shrugs. “nate could you go get whipped cream, please?”
once nathan’s back you move closer to asha and decide to put whipped cream on her shoulder. “it tickles,” she giggles when you lick the entire dollop off of her easily.
you both laugh and you lick your lips as you head back to your seat.
after another round it’s finally matt’s turn again, he draws a card that reads: give a kiss anywhere, on the person you’d “take home to mama.”
matt slowly stands and rubs his chin with a devious smile. “ummm,” he draws out, giving multiple looks at everyone before he walks over and hovers over you. you’re shocked by your body’s ease when his wet hand lifts to hold your face and his lips connect to yours. the kiss isn’t sloppy, but rather needy. you were just getting used to the taste of the bitter beer he’d just been drinking when he pulls away and steps back, unfazed.
you blink and wipe your fingers around your lips as matt wipes a hand over his eyes while laughing to himself.
“mom, would love y/n,” chris adds, calling back to the initial dare that led to that stomach turning kiss.
“'course she would, she’s a fucking saint.” matt sighs.
you squint your eyes and tilt your head, “i wouldn’t say that…”
“yeah, shit, my bad.” matt spreads his legs across from you, “forgot you have that little tattoo. i’m sure you’re not such a good girl anymore.”
you’re fucking annoyed now. you hate that he thinks you're inferior to him in any way. “hey where’s that ashtray, chris?” you ask, adjusting your seated position.
“uh, here,” he reaches behind him and places it on the same floaty as the cards, along with the lighter.
“you guys are cool to keep going,” you say and take the abandoned joint in your hand to relight it.
matt watches in spiteful anticipation.
“take it slow, and hold it” andrea explains to you in a whisper, knowing you’d never smoked in your life.
erin begins her dare to prank call a customer service line and dirty talk them when you take a hit of the joint.
matt eyes never leave your bothered figure as you inhale and cause the tip of the joint to light a bright red. he can tell you’re trying to prove a point which makes it more amusing to him when your eyes begin to water after you shakily exhale and attempt to hold back a cough.
“don’t hurt yourself.” matt quips under his breath.
the group hadn’t realized just how long they’d been in the hot tub nor how drunk they all are until they struggled to get out and back to the main floor of the warehouse.
though, lots of giggles and piggyback rides helped them all stay together as they traveled back, cold and still damp. all partygoers were gone at that point, leaving the warehouse empty yet a mess.
nick (being the self-proclaimed good host he is) led the mass of drunk people to the bathrooms and brought extra graphic tee shirts and sweatpants to change into from the many boxes of merch sold in their tattoo shop. the boys had insisted that everyone just sleep at the warehouse due to their abundance of couches and chairs and their fear in sending anyone home in an uber at close to 3 AM.
matt is throwing pieces of trash in a large black trash bag when you step out from the bathroom near the colorful kitchenette of the warehouse.
he glances up when you approach slowly, feeling yourself sobered up quite a bit after peeing and washing your face.
“hey,” his voice is rough in tiredness.
“hey, do you have any water over here?” you ask politely, your lips taste salty when you lick over them.
“in the fridge,” he replies, crumbling wrappers and adding to his bag.
you notice how red and puffy his eyes truly are now that you’re this close to him and in better lighting. you walk past him to get to the fridge, almost completely empty after a long-lasting and full party.
“are you sleeping any time soon?” you ask, opening the water bottle.
“i don’t know.”
“i can always help you clean this if you need me to.”
“‘m good.” he analyzes a glass bottle to decide whether it’s worth keeping.
you nod your head, “cool.”
“you should probably sleep.” matt suggests looking over to you.
“i think i can decide that for myself, thanks.” you drink more of your water.
“you’re right i can only suggest. i’m suggesting you to go to sleep. and if you do stay up i'd suggest you don’t spend your time talking to me.”
you finish off your water and move closer to matt, placing it in the bag. “you truly know how to piss a girl off.”
“it’s my specialty.” he whispers and looks over your face now that you’re so close.
he’s so fucking hot that it genuinely upsets you at this point. you just back up and turn to go find the couch andrea’s decided to sleep on.
“goodnight, sunshine.” he calls after you, going back to his cleaning.
you're not too far away when you hear the bathroom door open and once again matt is greeting someone, only when you look over your shoulder you see erin approaching and matt leaning on the island counter with a smile.
you turn the corner with irritation. and you find yourself in the unfortunate position of having a problematic crush on matt while wanting nothing to do with him at all.
꩜⋆ ˚。⋆🎱˚
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elleloquently · 5 months
the wretched and joyful [ 3 ] : ellie williams
ellie williams x female reader | angst + slowburn
───⋆☆ And what the hell were we? Tell me we weren't just friends - This doesn't make much sense, no ♪
───⋆☆ All those sleepless nights - And all those wasted days - I wish loneliness would leave me - But I think it's here to stay ♪
| a/n - depending on how well this does, i'll decide if i'll be posting the rest of this fic or just leaving it here. thank you for your patience waiting for part three... please share ur thoughts bc that's my favorite part! i wrote this a little tipsy bc i wanted to get the right pacing of drinking so hopefully u get the vibe hehe | c/w - swearing, alcohol used as a coping mechanism, drinking, very small emetophobia warning! brief mention of sick (not detailed whatsoever), and a tiny dash of nsfw
you twirled and twirled in front of your dusted vanity mirror. the skirt that addie had made you was doing wonders.
you felt pretty.
what a ridiculous thing to say in this type of world.
the sky was streaked with orange, the promise of darkness growing closer by the second.
your stomach was in knots as you walked down the road. you tried to muster up excitement, telling yourself that was the reason for your shivers and shaking hands. if you forced it hard enough, perhaps it would be true.
perhaps you were a little too eager to drink, anything to numb your feelings or make you feel easy going, at least for a little while.
typically, you didn't like to drink much. you hated the taste, the way it constantly made you gag no matter how much you tried to like it. you hated feeling sick, too.
now, that didn't matter too much. if you were terribly sick the next day, so be it. maybe the sickness was the punishment that you deserved, and you decided that you would let it be.
dina's laughter echoed around you. you weren't sure what was said, but the ghost of a smile etched itself onto your lips anyway.
you pulled your gaze away from your feet, looking upwards to dina's grinning face instead. you had just caught the last second of a worried expression crossing jesse's face beforehand.
"stop dragging your feet," ellie complained, brushing your arm with her own. your skin responded almost instantly with chills. you could blame it on the cold weather, a cardigan wrapped protectively around your shoulders and arms. the days were certainly warming up, but the crisp air at night was an unforgiving reminder of the harsh winter everyone had struggled through.
you grumbled something inaudible in response, falling in line with your friends.
the four of you, a group of twenty somethings walking along almost happily as if the night could hold some sort of promise.
some older residents of jackson might chuckle, joking about staying out of trouble with a shake of their head. almost immediately their smiles would fall, remembering their own youth and how realistically, nobody would ever get to experience something like that again.
the light peeking through the tipsy bison ignited the fire in your nerves. jesse held the door open and you huddled in, giggling at the way seth loudly groaned once he set eyes on you and the three friends that followed. it almost could've been endearing if he wasn't such a piece of shit.
two older men sat at the bar turned and gave polite smiles as ellie claimed a rounded table in the corner. otherwise, it was pretty quiet. not for long.
"you look so cute," dina gushed in your ear, brushing her hands over your shoulder. "mrs. hollis really is a gem."
your lips slipped into a smile, cheeks burning. "thanks," you breathed out, looking at ellie out of the corner of your eye.
she had teased you quite a few times for saving a clothing item for a special occasion, but it didn't matter much. if you didn't go out of your way to try and make things special, how would they ever be?
dina pushed your back into the direction of the table where ellie and jesse were settling in. "go, sit. drink. be happy, or merry, or.. whatever they say."
you moved to the table as dina crossed to the bar. ellie's gaze raised, patting the seat next to her.
"hi," you said, sliding into the high top.
"so glad you could join us," jesse replied, charming and awkward and obviously testing the waters. he kept glancing between yourself and ellie and you wished he wouldn't. you hadn't even told him anything.
"you look pretty," ellie remarked, as if it were the most casual thing in the world that she could say. you felt feverish.
you opened your mouth to respond, but jesse drummed his fingers against the table.
"better go help my girl with our drinks," he announced, making things worse when he quickly stood up from the table.
"they're disgusting," ellie mumbled, watching as he joined dina and instantly snaked an arm around her waist.
you turned to look at ellie, watching as she watched jesse and dina. "you love them," you disagreed. "i'm glad they're back together."
"yeah. me too," ellie replied.
her tone sounded distant, causing your eyebrows to furrow as you turned and scooted closer to ellie. "what's the matter?" you questioned, just as music started playing throughout the bar. you both looked up at the same time, watching dina and jesse carrying drinks to your table. you wondered which was the one to sweet talk seth into turning on the music. you were almost certain that it had been jesse.
ellie went for her glass instantly, to which you glanced at her once again out of concern. surely though, you couldn't blame her. she had seemed so stressed lately. so.. tense. more than usual, at least.
jesse's filled glass matched ellie's, a flavor you certainly could never develop a taste for, no matter how troubled you were.
you stared down at your own beverage, swallowing hard. you could already taste it without even taking a sip. the anticipation was surely making it worse.
"cheers," you said suddenly, making your joke obvious by the way that you lifted your drink of choice. "to the happy couple."
dina groaned, reaching across the table to smack playfully at your hand.
"enough with that," dina pressed, but still tapped her glass against your own.
"cheers to this week of patrol being fucking over," ellie chimed in, sharing a knowing look with dina.
you wanted to ask about it, but the way that both of the girls took a long drink after the statement made you keep quiet.
the first sip was the hardest part. you knew how bad it would taste. you forced a straight face and took the biggest drink that you could manage. you swallowed down a cough, which didn't go unnoticed by jesse. he laughed, but didn't tease you.
falling into conversation was easy for your friends. you half listened, mostly focusing on the alcohol in front of you. it wasn't right, you knew that, but you wanted to get the drinking part over with quickly so you could just land at the end result.
get it over with.
"-don't you think?"
you tore your eyes upwards, wanting to locate the face that belonged to the voice just as you heard your name being impatiently called.
"i said, don't you think? you agree, right?"
ellie was looking at you expectantly.
"yeah. yeah, of course," you found yourself saying.
"oh jesus christ," ellie groaned, shaking her head.
"we've lost her," jesse concluded and you scrambled to sit up straighter in your seat.
"no, you haven't," you forced out. you had been preoccupied, but not lost. maybe your mind had just taken you for hostage, a thought repressed with every sip that you forced down.
your cheeks were starting to feel a little warm, but you were still painfully aware of ellie's body heat next to you and the way that you kept fidgeting with your hair.
"can you really blame him, ellie?" dina continued, not letting your short blip disrupt the conversation. "he just cares about you, that's all."
ellie snorted, and you knew the topic needed to change fast.
"can i try?" you questioned all of a sudden, eyes flicking to the glass held tightly in ellie's hand.
"you don't like it," she reminded you softly, the change in her tone genuinely catching you off guard.
"maybe i do now," you pressed, grateful for the way that dina and jesse began their own conversation from their side of the table. you scooted a little closer to ellie, as much as your chair could allow without swaying. you moved to grab the drink from ellie, but instead she raised the glass to your lips and tilted it. you took a careful sip, eyes scrunching shut as the flavor hit your tongue.
ellie laughed, moving away from you and taking a sip of her own. "that's what i thought," she mumbled, shaking her head with a smile.
"whatever, i'm empty. anyone need a refill?" you announced. it was maybe the third or second round of drinks, you couldn't tell who had what once drinks had started to be shared.
"please," dina grinned, sliding her own cup across the table for you to grab.
you nodded once in acknowledgment before attempting to hop off of the chair. it ended up being more of a slide, steadying yourself with one hand gripping the edge of the table.
"shit," you murmured, standing up straight and collecting the glasses in your hands.
clearly, you had underestimated things. it was only made apparent once you were standing up and moving.
you took focused steps, walking over to the bar and inwardly groaning as seth was very obviously trying not to make eye contact with you. he absolutely hated you, which wasn't much of a loss.. but still humiliating under the circumstances in which the negative feelings arose.
"you gonna drink me out of my own fucking bar again?" seth asked harshly, causing you to wince in reply. you simply shook your head, gesturing to have the cups refilled.
it had been two winters ago, maybe. a close call with ellie at an awkward sleepover had you running to the bison for something to help you cope. you shouldn't have been drinking anyway but you did and seth yelled at you, saying there wasn't going to be any alcohol left for the rest of the town.
the next day, you were horribly sick and ashamed. you spent the day throwing up, wallowing in your own pity.
you had told ellie that you had thought maybe you had the flu.
you debated on ignoring him altogether or making a witty quip, but you took too long to decide and the moment passed.
"just two of the same, please," you mumbled, setting the two glasses in front of him.
seth looked at you and breathed out heavily, squinting his eyes. whatever he wanted to say, he held back as he wordlessly refilled the glasses for you. once returned you smiled, or maybe grimaced, and began to turn away before a nagging idea entered your mind.
you drank, quickly, and had your glass filled once more. it only took a matter of seconds, and you had been convinced that was the last step required to rid yourself of the rather unforgiving thoughts plaguing your brain.
like nothing more even happened, you turned as quickly as possible to the table and made your way back to your friends without spilling any drops.
their boisterous laughter caused the appearance of a frown on your lips. a fear of missing out, why were they laughing so wildly now, once you weren't present for the conversation?
"what're you talking about?" your eyebrows furrowed together as you balanced your body back onto the chair.
"nothing," ellie shook her head, her lips slipping into an amused smile.
"that's not nice," you murmured, cheeks warm as dina reached across the table to grab her drink. "you're leaving me out."
"never," ellie responded, her voice dipping low into a mumble. her hand gently squeezed your forearm, reassuringly.
ellie's touch was gone as quickly as it had came and you held your drink up to your lips, hiding the flustered manner in which your lips twisted about.
ellie really was trying to focus on whatever jesse was going on about, but your cardigan kept slipping off of your shoulders and your laugh was ringing above the conversation.
her gaze kept wandering to where you were sat next to her, fidgeting with your fingers as you enthusiastically nodded along to the conversation. ellie could tell that you were drunk, or very quickly approaching it, by the way in which you were allowing yourself to fully ramble at the table instead of carefully thinking over and choosing your words.
truthfully, wholeheartedly, ellie adored the way in which you lit up when you told a story.
she leaned back in her seat, hand resting carelessly against her glass as she became more interested in your story than what she was meant to be listening to.
ellie could also tell when you were tipsy, at the very least, because you seemed to be a lot more prone to physical touch. every few seconds your elbow found itself bumping against ellie's. a hand on an arm, a head rested on a shoulder, your head in her lap.
you threw your head back while you laughed, a genuine, nose scrunched type of laugh. ellie quickly tore her eyes away and nearly choked on her drink when your head landed on her shoulder.
"you okay?" ellie mumbled. she might've accidentally interrupted dina, but ellie's words were quiet anyway. her body was tense at the contact and she found herself reaching for her glass once again, fingertips gripping at the rim.
you nodded, your cheek bumping against ellie's shoulder but your words came out in response to dina.
"-and did you see cat's new tattoo?" you asked, your eyes widening in an expression that ellie thought looked like awe.
"no," dina guffawed, and ellie felt you nod again.
"wait, another?" jesse questioned suddenly, and finally ellie had an excuse to join into your conversation.
a bigger gulp of alcohol burned its way down ellie's throat and she swore that she could feel her face flush.
you sat up suddenly, stomach nearly slamming against the table edge as you pushed yourself forward. your laugh was breathy now, as if it had taken all of the effort in the world for you to sit straight. you slapped your hand over your own shoulder blade in explanation. "right there," you clarified.
"what was it?" jesse asked, and ellie noticed that his face was looking a little red as well.
you shrugged. "i didn't get that good of a look," you sighed. "but it's probably something cool."
"damn," dina said wistfully. "she's cool."
ellie scoffed. "bullshit, i have never heard you say that cat's cool."
"what's wrong with cat?" jesse pipped in. you curiously raised an eyebrow, and ellie tried hard not to look at you.
"nothing," ellie defended. "but dina definitely never used to think cat was cool. you used to say quite the opposite, actually."
"did i?" dina teased. "i've never had a problem with her. you guys just weren't right for each other," she completed, settling seriously as her gaze met ellie's.
ellie could feel your eyes on her, and she could very nearly anticipate some smart remark from jesse. dina's gaze was practically unsettling, how intense it was all of a sudden. there was something there, something knowing between herself and dina. ellie brought her glass to her lips once more, a cop out from having to reply.
just like that, the gaze was avoided. your arm bumped against ellie's as you sank down in defeat.
how had you ever been sad?
the music had been turned up louder, louder than seth's grumbles and protests. it was something old, something with a lot of guitar that sounded like people would dance in boots to. ellie had rolled her eyes and swatted at you after your attempted description, but you didn't mind. you knew it was silly. the alcohol was too strong for you to mind.
you danced with dina, feeling like the most radiant person in the world while your skirt swished around your ankles. your own laughter sounded far away, echoing in your ears. your cheeks genuinely hurt from smiling, and if anyone were to place a hand across your forehead, surely you would feel feverish.
cardigan forgotten, your sleeves had been bunched up between your elbows and wrists. you twirled and twirled, laughing hysterically as your arms got tangled with dina's. you could hear ellie and jesse laughing too, somewhere far away and hazy. you knew in the back of your mind that they were laughing at you, but you didn't mind. you laughed along anyway.
the burn in your throat that tempted a gag with each sip was subdued. each taste no longer prompted a wince, which resulted in probably a sip too many.
you were happy. beaming, even. couldn't you feel like this forever?
time passed in seconds and years while you were drinking in the tipsy bison. had you been dancing ten minutes ago, or ten weeks ago? you looked down at your feet, trying to decide if they looked tired.
you squinted hard. were your feet always this blurry?
"you alright, kid?"
you squinted harder. a man was talking to you. you looked up, and raising your gaze took a few days, maybe.
it took a few seconds for his words to process in your ears.
"am i alright?" you questioned, your tongue numb. jesse laughed, so you laugh too.
so silly.
"time for her to go, williams." jesse says. you laughed, then realized he's talking about you, so you twist your lips into a frown.
"no," you disagreed.
ellie raised an eyebrow, in a way that almost looks lazy. she scans you over, almost pretending to be serious, before a lighthearted laugh escapes her.
"ease up," she tells jesse simply. you nodded once along with ellie.
yeah, ease up, you think, because you forgot to move your lips and say it out loud.
everyone seems to be satisfied because the conversation moves along. you sighed, content, and traced your finger along the edge of the table. you mentally searched your brain for the worried fuzz that previously clouded it, but found nothing. the ambience of chatter and laughter was like medicine for your mind.
you were the first of your friends to switch to water. you sipped it slowly, dragging your eyes between dina and jesse. you really did love them, the closest thing to a family that you had ever had. you felt an extremely strong urge to blurt it out then and there, but managed to swallow it along with your water.
you heard ellie laugh so you laughed too, like a reflex. your eyes found her now without even trying, but you never really had to try anyway. it didn't matter if you were sat right next to her or all the way across jackson, you always seemed to just find her. you were completely drawn to her, just as you had always been.
you felt like jelly.
ellie's features had you completely transfixed.
you weren't necessarily listening to the conversation, just studying ellie's features and reactions. the sounds around you had blended together and you blinked heavily, memorizing ellie's side profile as if you hadn't already had it memorized.
your eyes found the strand of hair following the curve of ellie's cheek and chin. the slope of her nose. she kept laughing, the corners of her eyes crinkling up. you stared for so long, your gaze was fixated.
at some point you must've laughed, because suddenly ellie was staring right back at you.
you forget to tear your eyes away, because you just don't really feel the need to.
"the fuck is wrong with you?" ellie questioned.
her eyebrows were knitted together in confusion, though the slow smile that grew on her lips made her look slightly amused, too.
"nothing," you breathed, and not even the alcohol could help the pounding in your chest when ellie looked at you like that.
"-think it's time to call it," jesse concluded, pushing his glass away from him.
"quitter," dina taunted, and she might've leaned in to kiss him but you weren't sure. you weren't looking.
"nothing?" ellie laughed, repeating your words. she squinted at you and leaned in closer, as if that would help her to reveal the truth.
"are you guys heading out too?" dina questioned, standing with jesse.
"in a minute," ellie answered, finally tearing her eyes away from your own.
sloppy goodbye's were given, giggles and thank you's despite seeing each other every day.
you ducked when jesse reached down to ruffle your hair, but you weren't able to dodge it.
ellie watched as dina and jesse left together, hand in hand. once she finally turned back to you, she laughed in astonishment.
"seriously, what?" ellie chuckled, shaking her head under your gaze.
"i don't know, shut up," you avoided, smoothing the material of your skirt over your lap.
"you're a bad liar," ellie said pointedly, leaning in closer with a determined expression as she scanned your facial features.
frowning at ellie's scrutiny, you caved under the minimal pressure that she had applied.
"your hair," you admitted softly. your answer obviously didn't clarify anything for the girl sat next to you. her brows remained furrowed, as if to imply 'go on..'
you shouldn't use alcohol as an excuse, but you did. reaching a gentle hand out, your fingers brushed against the strand of hair that followed the curve of ellie's cheek. her expression seemed to change a million times within the few, short seconds that the interaction lasted.
"i like when you wear it like this," you said simply, dropping your hand back onto your lap. ellie instinctively reached her hand back and touched her hair, cheeks reddening.
"shut up," ellie said, but her tone lacked any real authority.
"why?" you asked back, nearly instantly. "can't i compliment my friend?"
ellie shook her head, dropping her gaze and swallowing a chuckle as she finished off the rest of the liquid from her glass.
"what?" you asked, lips etching into a smile. you weren't sure why you were pushing now, but it was entertaining. "you said i looked pretty earlier, remember that?"
ellie coughed, eyes widening for only the briefest of seconds. "so what? you do look pretty." ellie doubled down, her gaze flicking over you. her voice was smooth, but her cheeks were red. it made you giggle.
"okay, thank you. you do too," you responded, fidgeting with the bottom hem of your sweater.
ellie pushed away from the table, rolling her eyes. "oh, fuck off," she snorted.
you scrambled out of your chair, thankfully grabbing onto the hand that ellie had offered out to you as you hopped down from the high top.
"fuck you, you look good," you insisted.
ellie dropped your hand, her nose wrinkling as she stopped to study you once again. "what's the matter with you?"
"oh my god, williams. you have got to lighten up," you laughed, looking away from her as you shook your head. you felt hot.
ellie was silent as you left the tipsy bison, and your stomach twisted.
was she actually bothered? you were being too much, right?
the sky was dark. everything outside seemed still.
you breathed in deep as the crisp air hit your face. something about the cold air burning your hot cheeks felt like a wave of reality. there was that lingering of the harsh winter still in the air, but something else, too. the promise of a warm spring to come.
"sorry," you said suddenly, concentrating really hard on the steps that you were taking. "i didn't mean to-"
"please. don't be dumb," ellie said. her tone was lighthearted. you were fine.
ellie's pace was relaxed as you both walked. it was a stark contrast from how tense she had seemed previously in the evening. you wondered if she had been using the alcohol to her own advantage too.
lost in thought, you nearly tripped over your own feet. ellie's laughter bounced around the empty road but she grabbed your hand immediately, helping to steady you. ellie didn't let go, so you didn't either.
you looked sideways at her, trying to step carefully so your steps didn't sound clumsy. ellie scanned her surroundings a lot when she walked, even now. it was less pointed now, but you could still notice it.
you thought back to the previous evening, ellie's body in your bed and the way in which she had looked at you. so close, so intentional.
you might've been anxious, but you weren't stupid. it had been a moment, right?
or at least, it almost was.
the alcohol wasn't pacifying anything. your heart rammed against your chest.
"where'd you go?" ellie asked, and the softness of her tone caught you off guard.
"nowhere," you answered, squeezing her hand. "just thinking."
"about?" ellie pressed, purposely bumping into you. you slowed to a stop, shrugging your shoulders.
"everything," you answered simply, dropping her hand. it almost wasn't a lie.
"ah, right. that narrows it down," ellie snarked.
"shut up," you laughed breathlessly, because her face seemed to be the only thing in full focus and ellie's stare was intense, even when it wasn't intended to be.
"what, we're keeping secrets now?" ellie pressed, her voice raising in pitch. her cheeks were still tinted, you could tell even in the dark.
a secret or two was fine to keep, you thought, especially if it was about potentially being in love with your best friend.
"please, as if you don't have any secrets," you retorted, almost a little too accusingly. ellie had been different lately.
ellie shook her head, eyebrows pinching together. "not from you," she answered, taking a step closer. her tone made your heart soar, but something about the way that her eyes changed made her words not entirely believable.
the smallest difference would make you spiral, but that's what the alcohol had been for. now, you could simply play along.
"well, me neither," you insisted as you continued down the familiar path to ellie's.
ellie scoffed in response. "aren't i special?" she said sarcastically.
"you are." your tone was straight forward, adamant.
ellie shook her head, which made you frown. you wanted her to reach for your hand again.
you lingered outside of ellie's, staying back a step as she fumbled with the door.
"i'll see you tomorrow, okay?" you said softly, not enjoying how much effort it was taking you now to enunciate your words.
"you're not coming in?" ellie asked, tilting her head at you. she looked disappointed, you thought.
"i don't know. you're making me nervous," you admitted without any time to regret it.
ellie laughed in disbelief. "what are you talking about?"
"you're being intimidating," you spat out, wrapping your arms around yourself. you wouldn't ever say that to her, but for some reason you did, and now you had to deal with the dejected expression that appeared on ellie's face.
"because im kind of drunk and i know i'll say something without thinking."
"something bad?" ellie questioned, eyebrows raised in concern.
"no," you answered.
"i think.. i'm gonna need an example."
you shook your head. "stop. you're being so... i can't handle it.
"i'm not doing anything," ellie argued.
"i know. you're just.. you."
"in a good way, or a bad way?" ellie asked, red in the face and obviously confused. you felt like you were floating, watching your body from afar and silently screaming at yourself to shut up! stop talking!
"a good way. a really, really good way."
brows still pinched together, the tiniest ghost of a smile appeared at ellie's lips. "what're you doing?" she asked slowly, her tone dropping.
"i don't know," you rushed out. you were dizzy. very dizzy, and you felt like you were burning up. you dropped your arms to your sides.
"are you being serious right now, or are you fucking with me?" ellie asked, stepping closer.
your body felt like it was buzzing. your words nearly came out in a whisper.
"i'm serious."
"you could've just said so," ellie muttered, eyes darting across your own.
it was like all ellie needed was confirmation that she wasn't being misguided, and she turned into a different person. not unrecognizable, just more confident. more assured.
you bumped your back against the door for stability. your knees felt like they could buckle at any second. you wished that maybe you had drank more, because your nerves seemed to be taking control now.
"i don't know what i'm doing," was all that you seemed to be able to muster up with ellie looking at you like that.
your words had some sort of reaction within ellie, because the corners of her lips twitched and she let out a breathy laugh, the scent of alcohol consuming you.
kissing ellie wasn't how you had imagined it to be.
it was sudden and hurried, her lips crashing against your own. your breath caught in your throat once her tongue slid against yours.
you had imagined, maybe, that everything around you would quiet.
instead, all of your senses were on high alert. the taste of alcohol in her mouth, the wind stinging your cheeks. your stomach twisted and turned and your knees threatened to give out at any second.
you pulled away eventually, eyes wild and glistening.
"was that okay?" ellie's voice was quiet and you found yourself nodding before her sentence was even finished.
at your confirmation, ellie gripped your hip with one hand to keep you steady as she pushed the door open with her free hand. the door swinging out from behind you almost made you jump, so ellie tightened her grip.
ellie's lips were on yours again within seconds of the door shutting. you were blind, taking backwards steps into ellie's house.
your heart was pounding. you swore ellie could hear it. you squeezed your eyes shut, forcing yourself to not think.
you startled once your back clumsily hit the wall and ellie tilted her head, deepening the kiss when you were steady once again.
her calloused fingertips slipped underneath the hem of your tank top, ghosting along your stomach and waist. the shaky sigh that you released into the kiss seemed to only encourage her more.
surely you would need to breathe soon, but you wouldn't dare pull away.
it wasn't anything like you allowed yourself to imagine, but that was fine. you weren't disappointed, it was just different.
you got the sudden urge to step back and look at her, to make sure that she was still your ellie, but you wouldn't.
stop. thinking.
ellie's hands were on your neck and then your shoulders, pushing your cardigan away from your arms and onto the floor. you dug your fingertips into the fabric of her shirt, pulling her body against your own. each breath apart was hurried and shaky, as if you couldn't collapse together again quick enough.
ellie's mouth attached to your jaw, kissing upwards until she was right below your ear. a small breathy sound left your throat, and you could feel ellie's lips turn upwards against your jaw.
butterflies exploded in your stomach. your hands were shaking as you wrapped your arms around ellie's shoulders, tugging her closer and pulling her lips back to yours.
this was everything that you had always wanted, right?
so you tried to push away the growing pit in your stomach and focus on the feeling of ellie's fingers tracing against your flesh.
goosebumps pricked over your bare arms and your body knocked against ellie's. you barely had one second to be insecure before ellie's grip tightened, hiding the trembling of her fingers.
ellie’s name left your mouth as a whisper, though it still gained her attention. she pulled away, just barely, her eyes boring into your own as her fingertips pulled at your hips.
“is this okay?” she asked, her words serious and steady.
you nodded, trying desperately not to shy under her gaze. “promise,” you whispered.
ellie kissed you again, the movements bordering on erratic. your breath hitched, every single thought in your mind ramming together and forming mush. your fingers found ellie's shirt, pressing your palms against her back.
you couldn't believe this was happening. and yet...
you were nearly certain that your hands were shaking. you hardly even noticed the fact that ellie's hands were shaking, too. your nails lightly dipped into ellie's back, causing her to sigh against your lips.
you had never- obviously. ellie knew that. was she considering that now? were you disgusting for even thinking it?
you assumed ellie had. though she never really seemed to like to talk about that sort of stuff with you. she had been with cat for awhile-
you deepened the kiss, speeding up to match the pace of ellie's movements.
not the time to think about the past.
"ellie-" you mustered, the words barely audible and practically swallowed by the kiss. ellie heard it, however, and something about it made her pull away.
ellie snapped back, her lips leaving yours just as suddenly as it had been when she first kissed you. she quickly pulled her hands away, taking a step back.
you nearly gulped the air, trying to catch your breath and make sense of the situation. you pressed a hand against the wall behind you, steadying yourself.
"ellie? what's-"
"shit," ellie murmured, taking another step away from you and shutting her eyes tight.
your stomach dropped.
the situation was unfamiliar to you, but anyone could tell that something was wrong.
this wasn't how it was supposed to be.
you froze, eyes wide and lips swollen. you watched as ellie raked her hands through her hair, pacing away from you.
"ellie, what?" you pressed, your voice coming out in a pathetic whisper.
"nothing," ellie dismissed, refusing to meet your eyes.
your heart hammered against your chest, a wave of emotions flooding over you.
shame, disgust, guilt, regret-
"seriously, nothing. it's just late. you drank a lot, right?" ellie accused, staring at the floor.
you shook your head, humiliation digging a hole into your stomach. "not too much, obviously. i'm fine, what's-"
"it's just late," ellie repeated. "i'm tired. you should probably get home."
and there it was.
you pressed your palm harder against the wall in an effort to prevent yourself from collapsing onto the floor.
every doubt, every insecurity, every reason preventing you from being honest with ellie about your feelings rang true in your head. your anxieties had been right, and now there was no taking it back.
you tried to catch her eye in the dark, but ellie wasn't budging.
"w-what?" you breathed out, tears pricking in your eyes.
"you should probably get going," ellie reinforced, her voice devoid of any emotion.
before you could get another word in or even process what the fuck had just happened, ellie turned her back and left the room.
you stood alone in the dark, hands trembling at your sides.
you stayed still for a moment, holding your breath and hoping that ellie would come back.
she didn't.
you gathered your cardigan from the floor, rushing to cover your arms and flee from the scene of the crime.
your body felt as though it was in shock when you were greeted again by the cold night. the unforgiving chill and the fevered warmth throughout your body were battling to win, each sensation fighting to take over.
you wobbled only a few steps away from ellie's house. your stomach lurched. you only had a second to keel over before you threw up, all of the alcohol and shame making itself apparent on the street.
you wrapped your arms tight around your body, trying to force your brain to wrap itself around what happened. you couldn't make sense of it.
you thought that you might throw up again, but instead a sob choked its way up your throat.
you waited just a second, sobs rattling your chest with your arms tightly wrapped around yourself. you stared at her house, willing her to come outside, tell you it was some sort of sick joke and comfort you.
you knew that she wouldn't.
you carried yourself home, steps heavy and uneven. you stifled your cries until you were inside, falling to the ground as soon as your door was shut.
nothing, you thought, felt as bad as this right now.
you rested the back of your hand against your forehead, willing this all to be some sort of alcohol, feverish induced dream.
surely that didn't just happen. it couldn't have, you didn't want it to.
even if ellie was just interested in some sort of drunken hookup and then came to her senses, you were her best friend. how could she suddenly be so detached, so casually cruel without another regard for your feelings? even if she didn't like you, you were her best friend.
you cried like a stubborn child having a tantrum.
it was all that you could really manage to do.
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averydayss · 5 months
Look At Me⋅˚₊‧୨୧ ‧
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>>contents: in which Sunghoon becomes jealous of his admirer, y/ns new friend
>>warnings: fluff, angst, kinda cliche romance
>>now playing: Look At Me - Twice
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Everyone in the campus knows of y/ns crush on Sunghoon, its no surprise that she follows him everyday, gives him lunch which he never eats, tries to strike up a conversation which he never answers and so much more. The head over heels girl was so in love with the quiet popular boy that never considered her a choice
"Sunghoon, good morning!" Greeted y/n with a happy smile, after all it was always a good day when she meets sunghoon first thing in the morning
As always Sunghoon didnt answer anything, instead walking away from the interaction. leaving a disappointed but not suprised y/n to stand alone in the hallway
"i don't get why you still chase him y/n, hes such a cold guy that doesnt even appreciate what uve been doing to him for the past months" said Sana, y/ns best friend who saw her interaction with him
"Dont be like that! Maybe one day he would finally see me as a someone, i just need to have patience" said y/n enthusiasticly
Sana only sighed and shook her head before dragging y/n to class
After class finished, Sana, y/n along with Danielle and Hyein all went to the cafeteria to eat. As always y/n prepared sunghoons meal beforehand
The daily routine goes about how y/n would approach Sunghoon to give him his cooked meal only for Sunghoon to give a slight nod and later throwing it away
As y/n was about to approach the cold boy, Hyein stopped her. "I don't think you should do it today y/n. I heard he failed his history exam and is in a bad mood today"
"Nonsense! I do this everyday, im sure by now its a natural occurrence to him" said y/n stubbornly, Hyein can only sigh at the realization that her best friend was head over heels for the boy.
Y/n approached his table, there was him and his other popular friends. "Hi Sunghoon, here's ur meal" said y/n while giving Sunghoon a lunch box which she cooked before school
She didn't expect sunghoon to suddenly snap. "God y/n why can't you realize that i don't like you? Is that too much to comprehend for your stupid and stubborn head? Do you not realize that i never ate your lunch? Do u not realize that i would never like someone as low as you?" Said Sunghoon furiously.
Y/n felt her heart shattering at his words, sure Sunghoon never said thank you to her, but he never snapped at her especially in front of the cafeteria, where everyone was watching
Sunghoon continued to bash her and humiliate her infront of the cafeteria, y/n just stood there trying to hold back her tears, looking at the ground
Danielle and the rest quickly approached the commotion and pulled y/n to the girls bathroom to fix herself. All y/n did was cry, she didn't expect for Sunghoon to humiliate her for the entire school to see, all she can think was the revenge she wants. She wasn't sure of whats happening but she is sure about one thing, she doesn't like him anymore
They comforted her and walked her to her next period
"Listen up students, today we have a new student" said their teacher
"Hello, im Soobin. Please treat me well" said the new student whos name seems to be Soobin
Y/n wasn't paying attention though, she was still in shock about what happened at lunch earlier
"Soobin can sit next to y/n, y/n raise your hand" y/n heard that and raised her hand
"Hi, I'm Soobin" said soobin who saw the gloomy girl
"Hi im y/n" said y/n shortly, again still sad about what happened
Although it turns out, y/n and Soobin seems to have a click. They enjoy the same tv shows, has the same opinions, understands each other's humor, they instantly became close friends by the end of the lesson
The next day, Sunghoon didn't expect her to not greet him first thing in the morning, instead avoiding him. At first he was feeling good with this change, it was one thing off his plate and now he didn't have to be annoyed by another admirer
Y/n was having a good day, she spent time with Sana, Hyein, Danielle and Soobin. The people who appreciates her and loves her for who she is
At lunch time, Soobin and y/n ate at the cafeteria together. Sana and Hyein was busy studying for their history test in the library, while Danielle was practicing tennis at the school field. Which ultimately left them both together to get lunch
Y/n had so much fun, Soobin's jokes were making her mood so happy today.
Unbeknownst to her, Sunghoon who arrived at the cafeteria before her was staring at her, he was confused on why she didn't even greet him, nor did she give him lunch today
"Seems that uve got a staring problem, u like her or smth?" Jay jokingly asked
"No? Why would i like her? Im happy that she's finally not clingy to me anymore, i never liked her anyways" said Sunghoon. Y/n heard that sentence and she feels her heart shattering once again
"Don't say that, she put a lot of effort on ur lunch that u throw everyday, atleast give her some credit" Heeseung, Sunghoons friend said
"Yeah, if i had an admirer that put in that much effort i would be honored, besides she's quite cute" Said Sunoo, who in return received a glare from Sunghoon
"Hey do you know that guy? He keeps glaring at our direction since we've arrived" Said Soobin, pointing to the person not other than Sunghoon
"Hm? I don't know him, he is probably just spacing out" reasoned y/n while trying to drag soobin out of the cafeteria
Sunghoons deathly glare at both of them certainly was a shock to y/n, usually he never even looks at her even if she tries to talk to him, but she ultimately brushed that thought to her just being dramatic
This went on for weeks, Soobin and y/n became practically attached (platonically) and Sunghoon would always often stare at them the whole time
Sunghoon still wouldn't admit to anyone (even to himself) that he misses y/n, her talks, her lunch, and just her being clingy to him. Until one day he finally had enough
It was lunch break, as usual y/n along with her friendgroup was walking to the cafeteria to get some food, Sunghoon knew this and took the opertunity to approach y/n and her friends
"Y/n can i talk to u?" Asked Sunghoon who was still giving Soobin glares. Before y/n can answer Danielle did. "What do you want sunghoon, leave y/n alone she isn't bothering you anymore" said Danielle while the others agreed.
"No i promise it's not about that, can i just speak to y/n privately for a moment? It won't take long" Sunghoon tried to reason. Finally y/n said "Fine, you guys can go to the cafeteria first ill catch up later" said y/n
Once they were finally alone, Sunghoon immediately said "Why do you keep avoiding me these past few weeks? I thought u liked me" said Sunghoon
Y/n scoffed "How do you expect me to keep clinging on to u after what you said? Its true, u never appreciated my efforts. I should've listened to Sana" said y/n with a slight crack in her voice
"What about Soobin, what is with that guy and why are u guys suddenly close? Do you like him now?" Asked Sunghoon bitterly
"Don't bring Soobin in this conversation, you know very well that this is your fault, me and Soobin are just friends, but whatever we would be is none of your business. I thought u hated me anyways? What happend to u having one thing off ur plate?" Said y/n
"I didn't mean it i swear, i was in a bad mood. Im sorry, i genuinely miss all the things u usually do to me in the past, i don't like it when u look at anyone else, look at me" said Sunghoon with a slight pout
"it's okay, i forgive you. Besides i kinda miss making you lunch" y/n said half jokingly
"I promise ill change" said Sunghoon while kissing her forehead
Since that day, sunghoon and y/n ultimately started dating (against Sana, Hyein, and Danielles will)
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💳: divider: @iluvrei & @chilumitos! Other pictures are from pinterest, credits to all the owners
A/N: feel free to send in a request xx
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heizouz · 1 year
whoever requested the sub lyney thing i am so in love w u ALSO UR WRITING IS AMAZING litch rally all i can think abt rn
lyney is def like. a cocky sub tho like he’s a little feisty idk !!???! like he starts off all confident and then he just. falls apart over time… idk he lives in my brain i swear
nsfw sub!lyney + gn!reader, reader is kind of mean (not really at all), brat lyney turned cockwhore, cock can be referred to as a strap :]
THANK YOUUUU TYSM UR TOO SWEET!!! i can't tell if i strayed a bit off the request here but i hope it's okay nonetheless🤞🏻it's my favourite thing to put boys in their places so this was so fun to write, tysm for the req anon!!! <3
lyney is definitely the type of sub to test his partner's patience and bring them to their breaking point instead of being obedient because, what's the fun in that?
he always acts so confident, both in and out of the bedroom—putting on a show for anyone who has the pleasure of being around him. you know he's not always like that; you'd seen the ways he'd beg for you to let him cum, seen how he'd fall apart from things such as soft grinding or needy kisses.
that's why you just let him carry out his act.
lyney was naturally clingy, but the way his touches seemed to linger for a second too long, or fall lower than they were supposed to, you could tell he was trying to rile you up. he'd been at it all day; fingers dancing over your chest moments after you'd woken up, teasing remarks to make you flush in front of your friends, hands gripping hard on your hips when you stood, and squeezing your thighs when you sat. you put up with all of it though, letting the cockiness go to his head so you could watch him crumble underneath you once you finally got him alone.
lyney had to force back a grin when you'd stormed into the house later that day, not a word from your lips as he smirked and happily followed you around as if taunting you till you made it to the bedroom. he'd giggled when you'd practically thrown him on the bed, tongue pressing against your cheek at the smug expression painted over the magician's face.
you weren't mad per say; lyney was just naturally feisty and way too cocky, so all of his taunts and tricks were nothing by now. but he got a thrill off of seeing your reactions and watching you snap.
so what can you say really? he was asking for it.
"good fucking boy." you growl, your hips pistoning slow and harsh into him. lyney's moaning, crying out against the sheets as you hold him down, knocking the breath from him with every thrust. "see? 's not that hard to be a doll and listen, is it?"
lyney's constant stream of moans echo around the room, unable to answer you whether you wanted him to or not. he's too fucked out, cries spilling from his pretty parted lips with every drag of your cock. he's too weak to grab the sheets, fingers clawing at the material. he's so perfect like this—nothing like the usual overconfident, charming character everyone sees him to be; all completely at your mercy and squirming underneath you.
your fingers tighten in his messy hair, his once pretty braid now loose and falling out, and you lift his head from the sheets. lyney whines, high and needy, volume so much louder now he was no longer pressed against the bed. your hips don't slow, rather they pick up a little in pace and lyney has to hold himself up with his arms to stop himself from collapsing on to the sheets.
"what's happened, doll? can't talk?" lyney can feel your smirk just from your tone alone. you fold your body over his back, thrusting deep into him and he whimpers, "have i fucked you dumb?"
letting you wrap your hand around his throat, you make him tilt his head back as much as he can to look at you. his eyes glaze over with nothing but needy tears, pants falling from his constantly parted lips with every drag of your cock and how you handle him so easily into such positions. lyney doesn't answer you, but if the moans dropping from his tongue with every hard thrust told you anything, it was that you had fucked him dumb.
lyney's brain is practically empty, pretty dumb whimpers leaving his throat and he can't form any words; especially when you pull out just so the tip of your cock stays inside before dragging him back onto you with such ease. especially when the fingers around his throat find his open mouth and stuff his needy throat full, shutting him up even though his moans bleed past your digits. and especially after he finishes, head blanking and eyes rolling back into his head as you continue to fuck him through his orgasm, letting him know that this is what he deserves.
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
eddie x cheerleader (strangers 2 lovers)
she had an awful fight with her deadbeat dad when she got out of work at the diner he told her he would try to take dustin away from her and her mom and when she refuses he slashes her face with a beer bottle 3 times ,
shes not close with the other cheerleaders so shes having a bad day
she chooses to sit with hellfire cuz dustin is her brother
eddie gets mad cuz he thinks its a joke to humiliate them so he tells her to go away
she listens but shes crying even more
she apologizes to everyone including dustin when she leaves & leaves him half her sandwich
dustin mike and lucas all say something mean to eddie and they follow u
they find u sitting in ur car and they join u
u and the boys avoid eddie for the rest of the day and he ultimately feels horrible when he overhears u crying to dustin , lucas and mike about why ur upset & then he hears u say he made it worse
he tries to talk to dustin but dustins crying too cuz we’re his best friend and he hates his dad he would never wanna leave Y/N and mike and lucas tell eddie he needs to figure it out how to apologize on his own so he does and u guys get close and both fall in love eventually
⚠️mentions of abuse- no detailed descriptions of the action.
⚠️Eddie is an asshole but he slowly figures it out
Thank you sm for your patience as I worked to get this out💕
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Y/N woke up sore with puffy eyes. Her reflection wasn't ever a pretty girl anymore. It was a girl who was abused, hurt, and drained. She gently cleaned the three new marks on her face. Her skin slashed open from her dad. She felt tears falling down her face as she was reminded of last night. Him waiting for her to finish work, threatening to take away Dustin from her. She'd never let that happen. She refused to let her dad ever see Dustin. She'd take the abuse, but she will never let Dustin be the target.
"are you sure you're okay?" Dustin asked from behind her. Sadness in his eyes as he watched his sister place band aid patches on her cheek.
"yes, don't worry about me dusty" she said, she gave the best smile she could. The bandage stopped her from making a real one.
Dustin knew not to try to fight with her. Nodding as he kissed her hurt cheek, heading to get ready for school.
She felt everyone staring at her cheek and she hated it. Luckily everyone in this school was an asshole. None caring to ask if she was okay or what happened. That included her cheerleading team. A group of girls she was with constantly but didn't have a real single friend on it.
She didn't want to deal with them so she headed to where she knows Dustin's table is. Seeing only Mike was seated, she took the spot across from him.
"hey Y/N, you okay?" Mike asked gently. Being closest to Dustin, he knew all about Y/N's relationship with her father.
"not today Mike" she said as gently as she could. Opening her lunch box, dividing her sandwich in half and digging out Dustin's half of the brownie.
She ate silently as the table filled up. Dustin still wasn't arriving yet, so she left his parts of lunch near her lunchbox.
"and who the fuck are you?"
She looked up to see a taller and much older boy, compared to the rest of the table. He had long hair and deep brown eyes. She's definitely seen him with Dustin, but couldn't recall his name
Before she could even answer, he spoke again.
"I don't know what game your little cheerleader ass is playing. But we don't allow stuck up assholes to sit at our table" he barked out, very harshly.
So harsh that she felt like her dad was standing across from her.
"Eddie stop" Mike said harshly as he could see Y/N's eyes watering.
"Mike shut up. I'm handling this" Eddie, apparently, said.
His brown eyes, glaring daggers at her softening slightly when he noticed her bandaged cheek but moved on. Figuring it was some cheerleading accident. She sat quietly letting him continue his rant.
Letting him call her every name in the book. A bitch, a princess, stuck up, rich, and shit she's never heard of.
She sat there and silently cried. Head down as she tried to take deep breaths. Reminding herself this was a random boy, it wasn't her dad and he wasn't going to hurt her.
She panicked when she felt a hand grab her shoulder. Flinching as she flew out of her seat.
Eddie quickly withdrew his hand as she practically sprung out of the seat. His eyes softened once again when he saw tears working down her face.
"Y/N, what's wrong?" Dustin quickly dropped his tray on the table and walked closer to her.
She shook her head and wiped her tears.
"nothing dusty. See you at home" she said quickly, handing him the sandwich and brownie. Racing as fast as she could out of that cafeteria.
"dusty?home? Who is that?" Eddie asked
"that's my sister. What the fuck did you do?" Dustin snapped, Lucas walked up confused at all the tension.
"what's going on?" He asked
"Eddie just totally freaks out on Y/N for no goddamn reason" Mike scoffed. Standing up as he grabbed his backpack.
"really Eddie. What did she do to you?" Lucas added in
"what you say to her?" Dustin said filled with anger. He didn't take that Eddie could easily kick his ass. He can't protect his sister from their dad, but he can protect her from Eddie.
"I didn't know she was your sister! I saw a cheerleader sitting here and I just got pissed" Eddie tried to explain. But seeing all three boys staring at him with the most pissed off look he's ever seen, he had a good feeling he fucked up.
"so you lashed out on her totally unprovoked? I mean did she even say anything to you?" Dustin argue.
"well no...she just kinda sat there and before I knew it she was crying. I didn't think she'd be so upset. Usually the jocks are cold-hearted assholes." Eddie tried to defend his stance
"SHE'S NOT LIKE THEM!" Dustin screamed.
"she only joined that stupid team to get a scholarship so she can leave this hellhole of what she's forced to call home. Fuck you Eddie" Dustin snapped as he grabbed his backpack. Marching straight to the parking lot.
"dude you know nothing about her. If you did, you'd feel like the biggest ass right now" Mike sighed, following behind Dustin.
"well I already feel like an ass" Eddie sighed
"that's a shame. She was excited that Dustin found a new friend. After this, I don't think he's going to ever want to see you again" Lucas added, following behind Mike.
Eddie decided to follow the group. At least he could apologize for being an asshole. He found all of them standing in a circle against her car.
Eddie gave them their space but waited to talk to her. With being so close he could easily hear their conversation.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt your guys' lunch. Go eat, I'm fine" Y/N said as she wiped her face. Carefully not to touch her bandage.
"you didn't. Let's take deep breaths and talk a little bit. I know you don't want to talk about last night but may-"
"Dustin! I told you last night never happened and we don't speak about it." She snapped
"you can't let dad abuse you like this" Dustin said softly as he touched his sister's cheek.
Mike held her hand softly and Lucas rubbed her back.
Eddie felt a very bad feeling in his gut.
He's been abused, he knows what it felt like. He didn't ever think twice about a girl being on the cheerleading team would struggle with the same shit he has. Eddie wanted to be better than the jocks but he proved he was just like them. Judging someone based on how others perceived them.
"I don't know what happened. But the way he was calling me names made me think of dad. And I shut down. But then he touched me and my brain was screaming at me to prepare for another blow."
Eddie could feel his own tears in the back of his eyes.
Eddie can't believe he allowed himself to be something he hated.
He was abused, he should have noticed the signs. He should have stopped talking the second she got quiet and didn't say a word.
If it was a joke, like he thought. She wouldn't have sat there and taken every word.
He was an idiot.
He took a deep breath and wiped his eyes. Putting his hands in his jeans as he walked towards the group. All seated in the car, except for Dustin.
"hey Dustin can I talk to her?" Eddie asked softly.
He watched as her eyes snapped to him through the windshield. He wanted to offer her a small smile but his heart shattered at the fear that rested as she quickly looked away
"hell to the fucking no. Leave her and us alone. We won't be at hellfire tonight" Dustin snapped as he slammed the car door.
Eddie watched as she drove out of the parking lot.
Dustin stook to his word. Not a single one of them showed up to hellfire. And Eddie wasn't even upset he had to cancel the campaign. He was more upset with the fact he put himself in a position that he wasn't sure he could get out of.
A few days past and the three little sheep, and Dustin's sister hasn't looked in his direction. They all sat at a table in the back corner, smiling and laughing.
Eddie noticed her cheek was no longer banged. Small marks left in her cheek but she smiled like she wasn't bothered.
Eddie thought she was gorgeous. He thought she was gorgeous when he first saw her at the table but watching as she laughed so hard, she had to clench her stomach. He realized how beautiful she really was.
She didn't deserve what he said to her and she deserved a real apology.
Y/N was searching through her car when she heard someone knock on her window. She jumped and quickly looked to see Eddie standing there.
She rolled down her window
"can I talk to you?" Eddie asked as he peaked his head in
"um I guess" she said quietly.
Eddie hated how closed off her body was. She didn't feel safe near him and he gave a good reason for that.
"I wanted to say I'm really fucking sorry. I was completely wrong. I should have never spoken to you like that. I should have never put a hand on you. You didn't deserve any of that"
She nodded with a small smile. Showing that she appreciated his words.
"I also overheard you talking to Dustin about your dad"
Her body stiffened quickly and Eddie noticed
"it's okay. I actually have been there before" he said softly, pulling out a piece of paper.
"I used to call this number every time my dad got done hitting me. No matter the time, they will pick up. And I added my number at the bottom. In case you need someone who can slightly understand." Eddie smiled as soft as he could.
"thanks Eddie" she said tearfully. Putting the piece of paper in her backpack
She calls Eddie every night, and he always picks up. He listens and listens. He never hangs up first or says he has to go. He devoted all his time into her calls. Speaking of things he buried down to forget. But allowing himself to open it back up for her.
The more she called, the less it was about her dad. She just loved hearing his voice. It made her feel giddy and excited. She was terrified the first time she called without wanting to talk about her dad. Afraid he'd hang up because that wasn't the reason he gave his number out.
"hey Eddie. I'm actually doing good tonight but I still wanted to talk to you. Maybe about happy things? I know it's stupid and that's not why you gave me your number but i-"
"shh it's okay. I gave you my number because I wanted to. And I'll gladly sit here and listen to you talk about anything you want gorgeous. Hit me with it"
After that call, she screamed into her pillow and kicked her feet. Dustin teased her for it for weeks. Making kissy faces at the lunch table when Eddie looked away.
"OW!" Dustin screamed as she kicked his leg under the table.
Eddie turned to the noise, "you good Henderson?" He asked as he looked at Dustin concerned
"totally" Dustin huffed out as he rubbed his leg.
Then she wanted more. She wanted more than phone calls
"random question but would you maybe want to go eat sometime? Talk in person instead?" Her body was shaking with anxiety. Preparing for a no
"only agreeing if this means I get to finally take you on a date"
And after that, there were many more dates planned.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @slightlyvicked @micheledawn1975@ago-godance@magnificantmermaid @tlclick73@hargrovesswifee
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l0vem41l · 7 months
Forgive me if I disturb you, but if your requests are open can I have a romantic Glamrock Freddy x Animatronic Cat reader who's really shy and insecure about themselves?
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「 tws + notes: no tws, SUPER unedited, animatronic cat reader, i love making stuff up thatz Not In Canon, writer is bad at animatronic reader writing (my bad), cat animatronic reader has cat-like behaviour becuz i Said So 」
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「 gn!reader, romantic relationship <3 」
↳ ft. glamrock freddy (other glamrocks, the dca + vanessa mentioned)
author's note: no ur not disturbing me at all!!! ^_^ my fnaf reqs are were open!! :3 i don't typically write for animatronic reader so i hope i did this ok!! i'm so sorry if this was a little slow!! but tysm 4 ur patience! i hope u enjoy o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ <3
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▸ a new animatronic at the plex meant a new companion! a new opportunity for friendship! at least, that’s what freddy initially expected. every attempt to greet you was met with you fleeing, every friendly wave met with awkward silence as you quickly averted your eyes and pretended not to see— and conversations were nonstarters.
he started to get nervous that you didn’t like him. which was a very rare experience for freddy.
▸ he asks vanessa all abt you. what were you built for? were you a new glamrock? why did you not like him? :(
“officer vanessa! i was looking for you! if i may ask—” freddy’s sentence was cut off with an exasperated sigh from the overworked security officer, barely through her shift and already done with everything. she jus like me fr.
“if it’s about that cat you keep asking about, upper management barely gave me any information. i’ve told you what i know,” vanessa rubs the bridge of her nose, reciting the info she had already told freddy possibly a thousand times, “the new animatronic is under beta testing, currently coded to not be overly social in case people get attached, and probably not going to stay very long.”
his ear twitches at the last part.
“i… i see.” freddy nods thoughtfully, thanking vanessa politely, which she dismisses with a small shrug before walking off.
he doesn’t notice you around the corner, quick to leave the scene before your presence could be discovered.
▸ skittish. that is his first impression of you. your first interaction is nothing more than him grinning at you and greeting you with a “hello!”
this seems to startle you. he expects you to make your escape immediately, as per usual— but to his surprise, you manage to muster up the tiniest “hi” before leaving.
he’s giddy about the exchange all week. the others never hear him shut up about you, freddy always gushing about the progress he made with you.
monty considers decommissioning him over this /j
▸ while vanessa had informed him of the fact you were not particularly socially inclined for the sake of beta testing, freddy began to question if that was the truth. in a few weeks time, with plenty of attempts made to speak to you and the utmost amount of patient, you grow close to freddy.
one day, you express a distaste for the limelight. something about the amount of eyes being on you frightening you, he recalls. and he’s certainly never felt that way— made for the spotlight, made to perform— freddy has a hard time conceptualizing what that might be like. and while he may never understand, he’s determined to help 
▸ no, he won’t force you to be friends with everyone at the pizzaplex and frankly doesn’t think that’s a good idea— but he certainly tries to encourage you to talk to the others who are just as curious about you as he was
freddy can’t help but be worried though. what if chica overwhelms you with her chattiness? what if roxy intimidates you too much? what if monty scares you away? what if sun and moon— well… the daycare attendant is a whole other thing in itself.
so, yes, while wanting you to speak to others and interact, he can’t help but be just the tiniest bit protective. freddy really  doesn’t mean to hover. but yes, he looks out for you always. can’t have any of his hard work be undone! not after he spent so long trying to get you out of your shell.
▸ this ends up in you two developing a system when first meeting the others. freddy accompanies you, holding your paw in his. every so often in the conversation, he squeezes it gently to ask if you’re okay.
one squeeze back for yes, two for no.
this is especially helpful when you get overwhelmed or anxious midway through a conversation and have no idea how to end it. he’ll simply make an excuse and find a quiet place for the two of you to calm down. he’ll always tell you he’s proud of your progress at the end of meeting someone new. slowly but surely, freddy sees you grow into yourself more— and he’s just delighted :))
▸ he’s quick to reassure whenever you’re insecure, earnest as ever. when you grow comfortable enough around him, freddy likes to hold your hand when speaking to you. a very good listener, and an insanely good pep talker.
▸ freddy is busy almost constantly, but he chooses to spend his free time with you!!!!! you contemplate with him what you life will be like after your beta testing stage.
he tries not to think too hard about it. to him, you’re here to stay. you have to be! he’d miss the way you absentmindedly paw at things when your bored, the way your voice box emulates a purr when you’re content, the way your yawn was stupidly cute— annndd yes fine, whatever, he was getting attached.
your shyness may have been coded as a feature to keep people away, to deter any potential attachment before a finalization of your launch in the pizzaplex— but it never deterred freddy. It just drew him in closer. and how special he felt, getting to know you.
“i don’t think i’m built to be a glamrock,” you say suddenly, breaking the silence as freddy organizes his room. the gifts from fans are arranged purposefully by him, each one placed with utmost care. you're sitting at the edge of his couch, kneading into a throw pillow absentmindedly as he decorates.
“and what makes you say that?” he questions, gaze focused on putting up a drawing done by a young child, depicting him in an array of messy lines of marker. he straightens it out and places it on the wall, taping it down before giving it a little satisfied pat.
“i’m just not as good as you guys. you’re all total rockstars and i’m just… useless.” you trail off awkwardly, averting your eyes from him. “my consciousness could be programmed into a staff bot and i’d still manage to be lousy.”
he looks at you. a beat of silence before he speaks again.
freddy’s voice is soft. “you’re perfect, superstar. you could be a glamrock. you could be anything.”
you glance up and him. he knows you don’t believe him.
“you have a place here.” he reassures.
“yeah? where?” you challenge.
“with me!” freddy’s response is quick, ears wiggling happily as he declares it— it takes him a moment to process what words just came out of his mouth.
“...and chica, and roxy, and monty— the rest. you’re one of us, now.” he tacks the last part on quickly, feeling bashful.
still, you smile, feeling slightly flustered yourself. “you think so?”
“i’m certain.”
▸ freddy loves you. in all your skittish, awkward, shy glory— he loves you.
naturally, he’s ecstatic to receive the announcement you’re there to stay! he can’t wait to see how you grow into yourself, and of course— he’ll always extend a helping paw when you need him.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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bloomingforerza · 1 year
May I please request headcanons for what kind of wedding and honeymoon the Style Five would have?
notes from bloom: hi!!!! im sorry this took so long. ive been stressing out and i could give u all of my excuses and tragedies but instead i’ll reward ur patience with ur request 🫶🏻🫶🏻
also for general notes please know not all of this is 100% accurate to japan’s marital laws and traditions, i just doubt some of our boys are destination wedding type men, and this is my idea of what they would enjoy.
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Haruka Nanase
🫧 You better like water.
🫧 Maybe you won’t have to like it as much as Haru does, but be prepared for Haru to argue for the two of you to be wed in a pool.
🫧 Instead, you may settle for a beach. Haru would be able to rip his tux off after the wedding and take a dip, and you’ll join him as his bride.
🫧 It’s something that’s probably not normal for most people, but for those that know Haru, they know you’re partaking for the same reason you’re marrying him.
🫧 Meeting his elusive parents almost seemed like it was something you had only dreamt. It wasn’t like they were bad or weird people, they were just never home.
🫧 The wedding reception is super awkward for Haru. After being stared at by loads of people, talking to not just his friends and family about the same things and then to your friends and family about the same things was really socially exhausting for him.
🫧 Especially when his ridiculous best friends put together a speech that was actually pretty embarrassing thanks to Nagisa
🫧 So when it’s time to leave for your honeymoon, he’s more than relieved.
🫧 The two of you planned to set out to Okinawa for your vacation. Not too far from home, but also very beautiful and a great place to swim.
🫧 After getting married and not having a moment alone with you all day, all he wanted to do was swim with his wife.
🫧 And the moment you guys were able to set your suitcases in the hotel room after checking in, you changed and raced to the ocean.
🫧 Haru loves that you can bring a slight child-like sparkle when it comes to normal things.
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Makoto Tachibana
🫧 This beautiful man is READY to marry you. He was ready the day he proposed and he couldn’t believe it when the day finally came.
🫧 Mako seems like the type to have a traditional Shinto-style wedding. He’d want to have it at a shrine too
🫧 (But if Mako’s fiance is foreign, he would also want to have a wedding that was traditional to your country.)
🫧 Considering it’s a traditional Japanese wedding, you had found the most beautiful white kimono for your wedding day, and it gave you chills looking at it morning of.
🫧 Ren and Ran were 15 now, so thankfully they were allowed to attend the wedding. Makoto purposely waited until they were older so they could behave they way they needed to (and they did great he was such a proud big brother)
🫧 The gift giving ceremony was definitely the most emotional part for you both. Aside from the goshugi, both of your parents had made you both matching aprons.
🫧 He definitely would love to honeymoon with you somewhere you two can be alone. He’s tired of being bothered by everyone
🫧 Probably somewhere in the mountains, in a cabin
🫧 He seems like the wholesome kinda man that’d wanna go camping, sit by a fire and stargaze with you
🫧 He’d dote on you the entire time, just appreciating the fact that you’re his wife now
🫧 He cooks all your meals for you the entire time you’re out there. He doesn’t want you to have to lift a finger after singlehandedly planning the entire wedding.
🫧 He just loves you so much and wants you to know he’d do anything for you. Never hurt him please
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Nagisa Hazuki
🫧 Nagisa would love to get married in a penguin aquarium. He isn’t super religious I would (personally) think
🫧 Which mean’s his wedding would probably be more western style. Most traditional weddings aren’t at the penguin aquarium
🫧 He loves the idea of giving you pebbles like penguins do on the days leading up to your wedding
🫧 He’s so excited. And considering he went with the western style approach, he wanted Rei to be his best man
🫧 He almost said no, but Makoto convinced him with a whole “This is so important to him Rei you don’t understand” argument
🫧 Nagisa’s older sister Nanako is just as amazing as your husband. She offered to do your hair for the wedding; and she helped make your day special.
🫧 Since his parents aren’t always the most supportive of everything or everyone, he’s so happy that they love you. His mom greets you with a “I’m going to have another daughters!” the minute she walks into the room.
🫧 He’s sooooo excited for the honeymoon! One of the best places to scuba and snorkel in the world. Koh Tao, Thailand.
🫧 Between the penguins at your wedding and your deep-sea adventure honeymoon, he’s more obsessed with you than ever.
🫧 He’ll find your cute knickknacks while out and about and just buy them; seashell necklaces, little plushies of sea animals, and even some cool pieces of sea glass he’ll occasionally find on the beach
🫧 He’d honestly love to have picnics on the beach every night of the honeymoon. He always says it’s because ‘loves the view’
🫧 He’s so grateful for you and he’s so happy that he can enjoy the things he loves with the woman he loves
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Rei Ryugazaki
🫧 Rei’s the kind of man that would love a destination wedding.
🫧 He’ll work hard for it. He wants a beautiful spot for it, and in his mind the best place for him to marry you in Paris.
🫧 He’s a man of beauty, and I personally feel like he’s an art man. He’d appreciate classic and timeless art.
🫧 I think he’d love to tour Italy for your honeymoon and spent a few days in Paris together. He’d need time alone with you eventually.
🫧 But he would 100% plan sightseeing trips for you and both of your families for your wedding week.
🫧 He would love to spoil you when it comes to the wedding and honeymoon. He’d love to just dote on you and show you amazing sights just to see the look of amazement on your face.
🫧 And when it came to the honeymoon, Rei had planned wine tours in Verona, art in Rome, food focuses in Bologna, fashion exhibitions in Florence, and of course a gondola ride in Vienna.
🫧 He’d tell you how amazing it is to be able to call you his wife now.
🫧He loves you so much and wants to give you the world but he can’t, so he’ll show you everything the world can offer instead
🫧 He wants to give it all to you. He would bring down the stars and hand them to you if he could.
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Rin Matsuoka
🫧 Rin obviously wants a destination wedding, no questions asked.
🫧 He’d LOVE a Hawaiian wedding. As cliche as it may sound, he loves the way they look in western movies.
🫧 He’d invite his host family from Australia as well. They played a big part in his life, he couldn’t wait for you to meet them.
🫧 Gou was your maid of honor. Ever since you’d first met Rin, just a little while after he came back from Australia, she was always asking if you were dating her big brother yet
🫧 You both want everything to be perfect. You chose millennial pink for your color theme to match some of the flowers at your wedding. The bridesmaids all had flower crowns if hibiscus, baby’s breath and plumeria.
🫧 The cake was his favorite part. He’d always dreamed of a western style wedding that he had seen in movies, but he never imagined he could live his dreams right here with you
🫧 His mom cried the whole time about how much she’s going to miss her baby boy, but also told you she was glad she was entrusting him to you. She knew she could count on you to make sure this silly athlete takes a break once in a while.
🫧 The honeymoon was set to be in Hawaii, but Rin’s the type of husband who’d love to spoil you. He’ll book a side trip for just the two of you in Bora Bora.
🫧 One of the cute little island houses and everything, with a little wine-stocked fridge. He’d love a night swim with you under the stars
🫧 You’re his real dream come true. Swim is his passion and first love, but he swears you are the key to helping him succeed at everything he does
🫧 He’s going to big spoon you all night, and give you kisses on the back of your head and shoulders before going to sleep every single night he spends with you.
🫧 My personal favorite boy please never hurt him, he would fight off an orca whale for you if it really came down to it
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custardcrazy · 1 year
Hi! If ur still taking requests for Ted Logan atm can I ask for super fluffy headcanons or a oneshot where he has a s/o who’s his exact opposite personality-wise (like they’re grumpy, sarcastic, cynical, and just has that “I hate everyone but you” attitude with Ted). Basically the black cat to his golden retriever. Thank u if u decide to do this!!
we've a star
summary: opposites do attract. (gn!reader)
wordcount: 1.2k
A/N: whoops, I think I projected a little. thanks for requesting!!
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It was comical, how different you and your adoring boyfriend were. 
It was a comparison that many pointed out, if they didn't know either of you too well. Ted was generally optimistic to the point of obliviousness. He was cheerful, goofy, and was physically incapable of being rude to anybody; it wasn't hard to see that he was an all-around good guy. And the complete and utter truth was that you weren't any of those things. Blunt, pessimistic, always having a hard edge to your words. 
To an outsider, it seemed impossible that people who were completely diametrically opposed in terms of personality and demeanor could be in a relationship in the first place. After all, there was that old saying: "opposites attract", but that usually didn't work outside of the movies. Differences brought conflict, and the more things people had in common, the better. 
However, any of your mutual close friends would know of your insane, ridiculous soft spot for your partner-in-crime. 
Maybe the fact that Ted was so sweet was why you couldn't bring yourself to be truly mean to him. Maybe it was why you were still so incredibly attracted to him. Usually people who weren't so bright just got on your nerves, and you didn't have much patience for morons. But Ted was a special case. Sure, you teased him, but it was never anything more than that. And somehow, every time he screwed up doing something it was just cute. Nothing else. 
At first, it caught you off-guard. And it still did, but you were kinda used to it by now. 
Speaking of now. 
Your legs were propped up in his lap, and he was hunched over somewhat, scribbling on a legal pad that he probably had taken from his dad's office before he and Bill moved in together. His bangs kind of obscured his eyes, and you observed admiringly how now and then he flipped his head back in order to get them out of the way. He always had nice hair. And yes, it was as soft as it looked. 
Bill wasn't in their apartment at the moment, as he had left maybe two hours ago to go hang out with some buddies. He'd asked you and Ted if you wanted to go -- you liked Bill, of course, but the same couldn't be said for that particular group of people. The thing you wanted to do the least right now was talk to people. Or socialize with people at all. 
Ted wasn't people. 
Reclining back on the sort of disheveled green couch, which was probably suffocating under all the pillows, you briefly turned your attention to the TV. But you only got a quick glimpse of whatever cheesy sitcom was on before Ted broke the companionable silence. 
"Babe?" He turned the legal pad towards you, and the page he was using was covered in the chicken scratch otherwise known as his handwriting. Oh, he was brainstorming lyrics again. "Does this phrase in particular come off as too … crazy?" Brow furrowed, he pointed to a sentence. "I know you know that this song is supposed to be most ludicrous, but I don't wanna cross a certain line." 
"Duh, you and Bill decided to call it Trapped In Clown Land," you pointed out.
"It's a metaphor, babe!" He announced cheerfully, unphased by your dry remark. 
Sitting up to squint at the page, you realized that with how fast he'd been writing, his usual scrawl had degraded even further. Normally, you could pick out a couple letters and move from there, but it was impossible this time. 
"Uh, Ted, I can't read that." You poked him in the side with your toe. "Translation, please." 
He smiled, scratching the back of his neck. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry, babe." Lowering the pad, you noticed that even he had to focus a little to read what he'd written. 
"Shoes too big to fill / Out of fashion, but he's coming in for the kill," he recited slowly. "Something like that. Might reword it later, but I'm usually no good at rhyming stuff." The aura of self-pride radiating from him was palpable, and you reached out to ruffle his hair. He didn't protest, beaming a little. 
"I think it's fine." Shrugging, you leaned backwards again. "The big clown shoes reference is kinda direct, but just enough so it comes off as clever." For a guy who'd almost flunked English, Ted wasn't too bad at songwriting. Well, maybe you were a little biased, but you'd seen your fair share of awkward local bands to know what worked and what didn't. (Suddenly struck by a wave of intense secondhand embarrassment, you tried to suppress the memory of that one time the vocalist screwed up on stage.) 
But, thankfully, Ted intervened. "Your input is totally appreciated, babe." He leaned over, kissing you softly; it was over too soon, and he was right back to work. 
All of your efforts to dispel the cringe-worthy recollections were promptly diverted to trying to preserve your dignity and not melt into a puddle. Which was funny, because usually he was the one blushing and hiding his face. 
"Obviously," you managed to supply, and the TV suddenly looked very interesting. 
It was a little while longer before the legal pad got placed delicately (thrown) onto Ted's bed, and his arm was wound comfortably about your shoulders, his other hand in yours. Even before you started dating, something about his very, very good bear hugs was incredibly tempting. And now that you were, Ted's habit of being a cuddler had increased tenfold. 
You weren't one to break some nice peace and quiet, but this time you had a valid reason. Surprisingly. 
"Thanks for staying with me," you murmured into the crook of his neck, and even though you were used to being honest, you still felt your face heat up ever so slightly. "I know you and Bill always hang out, and you have a lot in common with those guys, too. You could've gone with them." 
" 'S really nothing," came his reply, sounding so easy and genuine. Warm. "I know that you didn't wanna go out today. Especially after you ranted about Jenna being most bothersome at work. It's totally understandable." 
You scoffed, unable to help your natural urges to make at least one venomous comment when prompted. Still, the mushy feelings in your heart didn't dissipate. "Like she always has. Isn't it a requirement for someone who works at Claire's to at least have the capacity to put up with whining tween girls?" 
"It should be," agreed Ted, his thumb running over your knuckles in a slow, gentle motion. "But don't pay too much mind to it, babe. You only gotta deal with her for, like, a couple hours." 
"It's still too long." You softened, tone growing more affectionate rather than irritated. "Not everyone has your patience." 
"But -- " 
He opened his mouth, probably to protest or deflect -- most likely at the same time, but this time you were the one who leaned up to kiss him. Unsurprisingly, it took him a second, but he quickly reciprocated, turning his body to face you more in order to make things more comfortable. 
Satisfyingly, when you parted, he was the flustered one, too distracted to continue his previous statement. 
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