aurel1awrites · 7 months
𝙄 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙔𝙤𝙪
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Here's a small chunk from my newest chapter from my fanfic on wattpad! ⋆。°✩
“NOW!” Harry yells.
“STUPEFY!” All seven of us bellow.
We knock over several orbs, and some Death Eaters get hit by our curses, and some simply deflect them and leave.
“RUN!” Harry yells.
He seizes my wrist in one hand, pulling me along.
The others are no longer behind us, and we’re all completely split up. A Death Eater appears out of thin air on Harry’s left and catches him by the shoulder.
“Stupefy!” I shout, and the hand releases him at once.
We reach row ninety-seven and turn right, my wrist still clutched in Harry’s hand. 
I can hear footsteps behind me, and I turn around, prepared to attack any Death Eaters, but it’s just Hermione and Neville.
The door that we entered through earlier has come into view, and we pelt through it.
“Colloportus!” Hermione gasps, sealing the door.
“Where– where are the others?” Harry gasps.
I look around to realize that Ron, Luna, and Ginny aren’t with us. My heart drops.
“They must have gone the wrong way!” Hermione whispers in terror.
“Listen!” Neville whispers.
I can hear footsteps and shouts from behind the sealed door. I press my ear against it, and hear the voice of Malfoy.
“Leave Nott, leave him. The Dark Lord will not care for Nott’s injuries as much as losing that prophecy– Rodolphus, come back here, we need to organize!”
“We’ll split into pairs and search, and don’t forget, be gentle with Potter until we’ve got the prophecy. You can kill the others, but not Lestrange and Potter.”
“We’ll handle Cassiopeia,” I hear Bellatrix volunteer herself and Rodolphus.
“Alright,” Malfoy says. “You two take the left. Crabbe, Rabastan, go right. Jugson, Dolohov, the door straight ahead. Macnair and Avery, through here– Rookwood, over there… and Mulciber, you’re with me!”
“We need to go,” I whisper to my three friends. “Now.”
We run as quietly as we can past lined desks holding weird jars that are filled with odd entities. 
The exit comes into view, and we almost reach it when I hear something large and heavy collide with the door that Hermione has casted shut.
“Stand aside!” says a rough voice. “Alohomora!”
As the door flies open, the four of us dive under the desks, staying out of view.
I can see the bottom of two Death Eaters’ robes coming nearer, their feet moving rapidly.
My heart is hammering against my chest, and I’m barely breathing. From under the desk next to me, Harry reaches out a hand and takes my hand in his.
“They might’ve run straight through to the hall,” says a rough voice.
“Check under the desks,” says another.
I see the knees of one of the Death Eaters bending. I poke my wand out from under the desk and shout, “STUPEFY!”
A jet of red light hits the Death Eater and he falls backwards into the grandfather clock and knocks it over.
The second Death Eater leaps aside to avoid Harry’s spell and points his wand at Hermione, who crawled out from under the desk to attempt to curse him.
I punch the Death Eater to knock him over, and his spell shoots at the ceiling, causing no harm to anyone.
“EXPELLIARMUS!” Harry exclaims, and the wand flies out from the Death Eater’s hand, and he snaps it.
“Hurry, we have to go,” I usher my friends as I hear the voices of other Death Eater’s approaching.
I take Harry’s hand in mine and pull him along. 
But the second we leave that room, all hell breaks loose and we’re all separated again.
Spells and curses are shot at me in every direction, and I have to duck them while also firing back, making sure not to hit any of my friends.
Harry and I are stuck in a black room, two Death Eaters with us.
“Reduc–” I begin, but before I can complete the spell, two more Death Eaters enter, and with a cry of triumph, they both yell, “IMPEDIMENTA!”
Harry and I are knocked off our feet. I’m thrown into a desk, and Harry’s slammed into a bookcase, and I hear him cry out in pain.
“WE’VE GOT THEM!” I hear one of the Death Eaters yell. “LESTRANGE AND POTTER–”
“Silencio!” I cry, and the man’s voice is extinguished.
It’s only me against four Death Eaters.
“Give up, little girl,” one of them growls. He has dirty blonde hair that looks like it hasn’t met water in decades. “You can’t take down four of us.”
“You’re not allowed to harm me,” I laugh. “I know your master’s orders. You have to turn me in unharmed. So try to touch me and see how that goes for you.”
One of the Death Eaters that I recognize as Antonin Dolohov reaches down to where Harry’s limp and bleeding on the ground, and attempts to grab him.
The jinx hits Dolohov, and his body is bound together by invisible chords.
“Anyone else want to sacrifice themself forwards?” I ask innocently. “I mean… you did just say that I was a ‘little girl’.”
“We just want the prophecy,” the dirty blonde says, walking towards me with his hand extended. “Just give us the prophecy.”
“Yeah, that’s likely.” I laugh. “Flipendo.”
Once the jinx hits the death eater, the other two immediately charge forwards, throwing curse after curse at me.
Both of them are slowed down, and I duck down quickly, dodging the two curses shooting out from their wands. 
I snatch both of the wands and snap them, throwing them in a corner.
“Ah, you’re Rookwood.” I say, looking at the curly-haired man with a beard to match it. 
“Wingardium Leviosa.”
I simple spell that we learned in our first year, and I’m now using it to levitate a fully grown man.
With a simple flick of my wand, I throw him into the same desk he threw me into earlier.
I feel anger fill me. Revenge and hurt consuming me. I want to hurt this man. I want him to regret even thinking in the first place that he could lay a hand on me. I want to kill him ever so painfully that I can hear his cries of pleas.
He lets out a groan of pain, and I levitate him again, throwing him into the desk over and over again, until I see that his skull has cracked, bleeding out profusely. It fills me with satisfaction.
“Who have you got now?” I roar with laughter, yanking his head up with a fistful of his hair. “Not me, that’s for sure.”
I’ve just killed a man, and I don’t feel a morsel of guilt.
I turn to look at the other Death Eater that I jinxed with Rookwood, and she’s now on the floor, unconscious.
Harry is still limp against the bookcase, his leg bleeding like mad as his jeans soak it up.
“Colloportus!” I cast the door to the room shut, before helping him sit up straight.
I roll up his pant sleeve to reveal a big bloody gash. Harry lets out a groan of pain and my heart twinges.
“You’re okay, I’ve got you,” I whisper reassuringly. “Shh, you’re okay, Harry.”
“Vulnera Sanentur,” I point my wand at the wound, and the blood lessens.
I rip a part of the sleeve of my white school shirt, and begin wrapping it around the wound, so it doesn’t bleed any further.
“Y/N…” Harry says weakly, reaching out a hand to caress my cheek.
“You’re going to be okay,” I reassure him again.
“I love you, Y/N.”
I stop what I’m doing and look back up at him. His hand tucks a stray strand of hair behind my ear.
I look at his eyes. His beautiful green eyes that I could look at forever. That I want to look into forever. When I’m in love, when I’m happy, when I’m hurt. He’s who I want. Always.
I finally say the three words that I’ve avoided like the plague for the past year. The three words that I swore to myself I would never dedicate to anyone else. But I’ve finally come to embrace it.
“I love you.”
I cup his cheek and kiss him, tears streaming down my face, but I don’t care. Because I love him and he loves me.
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