#TEC registration
dineshbacklink · 2 months
The process of registering with the TEC is a vital step for many businesses in the complicated realm of legal compliance. If you’re looking to ensure that your telecom equipment meets the necessary standards, understanding the online registration timeline is essential. This blog will guide you through what to expect during the TEC registration process, from preparation to certification.
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brandliaisonindia · 8 months
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aleph-12india · 2 years
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fusioncompliance · 1 year
BIS Certificate Consultants: Elevate your products with BIS certification expertise. Our consultants streamline the process, ensuring compliance with quality standards, opening doors to the Indian market's vast potential.
FMCS Certificate: Obtain Factory Mutual Certification Services (FMCS) to bolster safety and resilience. Trust us to guide you through FMCS requirements, fortifying your business against risks.
CRS Certificate: Navigate the complex world of BIS Conformity Requirement Scheme (CRS) certification effortlessly. We specialize in simplifying compliance, enabling you to thrive in India's demanding market landscape.
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omgarudagroup · 2 days
Expert TEC Certification Consultant Services by Om Garuda Group
Unlock your business's potential with Om Garuda Group, your trusted TEC certification consultant. We provide tailored guidance through the TEC certification process, ensuring compliance and boosting your credibility in the market. Our experienced team offers comprehensive support, from documentation to strategic planning, helping you achieve certification efficiently. Partner with us to enhance your business's reputation and open doors to new opportunities. Contact Om Garuda Group today for a consultation!
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brandliaison2023 · 1 year
Mastering Compliance: You’re Ultimate Guide to BIS, ISI Consultancy Services
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s0llaris · 16 days
. attention ;
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mingyu x fem!reader • wc: 1k • smut; slice of life. • avisos: ❝curto❞ e sugestivo; mast!m; fotos e vídeos. • notas: Mingyu sendo seu namorado carente e bem dengosinho.
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Mingyu despertou repentino, demorando a se situar no cômodo familiar, tingido pelo fulgor esotérico do led roxo, aos poucos, lembrando-se que havia adormecido em teu quarto. Ele se aconchegou ainda mais em seus travesseiros ao sentir a brisa artificial do ar-condicionado afagar extensões de sua tez descoberta, sentindo vestígios de seu perfume flutuarem remotos sob os tecidos monocromáticos e, naquele instante, Mingyu quase se permitiu sorrir de saudade se não tivesse se atentado aos ruídos ininterruptos dos teus dígitos pressionando as teclas do notebook.
Eram mais de seis e meia da noite, ele constatou ao encontrar seu celular em meio ao pequeno caos de almofadas, e sua raiva – outrora esquecida pelo cansaço da espera – agora multiplicava a cada segundo sempre que um novo click ou tec era escutado por si. Mingyu não tinha a menor intenção de passar a noite de um sábado assim contigo, estava ali desde às duas, sendo paciente e solícito com os seus afazeres acadêmicos, contudo, odiava não só quando você fazia promessas que não iria cumprir, mas, sobretudo, quando o deixava carente de qualquer toque ou palavra afetuosa tua.
“Amor...” , ele entoou sonolento, num timbre que delatava a sua manha. “Benzinho.”, murmurou outra vez, com a voz ainda mais mélica, assistindo tua silhueta oscilar no ritmo da música que reverberava aguda através do fone de ouvido, alheia às suas súplicas. “Linda?”, tentou por fim, apoiando o dorso na cabeceira macia, a carência se metamorfoseando em ira momentânea, corrompendo suas convicções, fazendo-o desejar que, mais tarde, fosse você ali implorando por atenção depois que a fodesse daquele jeito abrupto e moroso que só ele sabia.
Não havia muito o que fazer, Mingyu divagou irritado enquanto abria o aplicativo de mensagens, cogitou ir embora, passar alguns dias sem falar contigo, deixá-la com tanta saudade que não iria conseguir pensar em mais nada a não ser nele. No entanto, não o fazia, permanecia ali, inerte em meio aos teus lençóis, sentindo a fúria se condensar numa sensação diferente ao reler as suas últimas palavras, transbordando em expectativa pela ideia fortuita que começava a corroer e subjugar sua razão.
Mingyu observou fugaz o seu perfil naquele aplicativo de mensagens, sem nenhum indício de que estava online, a fotografia de seu sorriso tímido intensificava aquele sentimento dissoluto em seu peito, e ele não ponderou muito quando selecionou o ícone da câmera, alinhando o celular na altura de suas feições monótonas e irascíveis, tirando uma foto de si apenas para ocupar o armazenamento interno do teu aparelho desgastado.
Um risinho presunçoso ressou baixo da boca bonita, havia gostado da fotografia – ciente de que você também iria e talvez a utilizasse como tela de bloqueio – e foi por isso, sem refletir muito, que ele registrou mais outro ângulo seu, ampliando o zoom, mantendo a correntinha prateada detida entre o lábio inferior e a língua orvalhada de saliva. Mingyu logo enviou a segunda foto, pouco importando se ela havia ficado nítida, sentindo sua frequência cardíaca silenciar suas percepções e o pau enrijecer ainda mais com aquela ideia sórdida.
Ele levantou uma fração do moletom cinza que aquecia seu torso, amontoando o tecido ao longo da própria cintura, incorrendo as pontas dos dedos pelo abdômen delineado com um afago solitário até chegar ao cós da calça de mesma cor, pendendo um pouco mais da peça no quadril esquerdo, tão sossegado que a ereção recém-desperta já não era mais incômoda, e não demorou muito para fazer outra foto sugestiva de si, abraçando o comprimento ainda coberto com um aperto maciço, ansiando que fosse a tua mão ali e não a dele.
Os pensamentos fervilhavam eufóricos, ardiam em cobiça, e Mingyu não escutava nada além de sua respiração desritmada, tentando estabilizar o celular na palma esquerda, o polegar pressionando o círculo vermelho, os segundos sendo contabilizados a partir do instante em que suas digitais livres submergiram através da calça maculada pela necessidade de senti-la. “Viu só como você me deixou, princesa?”, questionou retórico, acariciando o pau que vertia sem parar, dedilhando a glande negligenciada, deixando que um fragmento do íntimo sensível cintilasse sob o brilho violeta e a compressão do elástico, enviando para ti o vídeo de quase um minuto.
“Fiquei tão chateado que você mentiu pra mim, gatinha.”, iniciou outra gravação trêmula, descendo a calça o suficiente para que o pau extenso se libertasse daquela constrição, suspirando sôfrego ao sentir a algidez do quarto contrastar com tepidez de sua pele. “Tão chateado que fiquei duro de raiva.”, confessou num timbre afônico, quase envergonhado, dispersando por toda a sua espessura resquícios do líquido iridescente que entornava incessante, massageando as bolas com diligência, entoando débil o teu nome. “Por um momento, a minha vontade era de te comer em cima dessa escrivaninha, sujar tuas anotações com a minha porra.”, sorriu ao impulsionar os quadris ao ermo, captando o ir e vir arrastado da mão pelo falo grosso. “E tudo o que você iria lembrar nos próximos dias era no meu pau indo bem fundo, lentinho do jeito que cê adora.”
O celular ruiu sobre a cama, encerrando a gravação, absorto o bastante com o próprio desejo para se importar em enviá-la. Mingyu ciciava cada vez mais alto – ora rogava teu nome, ora lamuriava desconexo –, difundindo pelo quarto o sonido molhado do atrito constante de suas mãos asfixiando o pau em ebulição, insciente de que as mensagens outrora enviadas agora foram visualizadas e você o contemplava em silêncio, achando graça de sua inquietação, ansiosa para senti-lo suntuoso dentro de ti.
“Então era essa a atenção que você queria, Mingyu?”, indagou com ironia, sorrindo de seu semblante assustado, caminhando até ele somente para fazer uma carícia branda na glande chorosa, desenhando espirais na tez cálida de seu ventre com as unhas peroladas, sentindo-o estremecer sob seus toques. “Ficou chateadinho por que eu não te dei atenção na hora que cê queria?”, perguntou fleuma, afastando os fios escuros e suados que incidiam sobre a testa dele, contornando a boca cheinha, sentindo os lábios corados deixar um beijinho nos teus dígitos. “Por isso agiu como um mimadinho?”, nada ele disse, apenas anuiu silente com o rosto repousado numa de tuas mãos. “E, amor, o que um mimadinho como você merece?”
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fuzzydreamin · 1 year
Random Headcanons for: NPCs
♢ Ellie Perkins knits in her spare time. She knit her own scarf, and both Piper and Nat's scarves. She also does other things like gloves and socks, and is working on a blanket.
♢ Ellie's parents were triggermen. They both died in a shootout when she was still a teen. It inspired her to move out of Goodneighbor and begin working with Nick to stop crime.
♢ Travis 'Lonely' Miles is FTM.
♢ Kent Connolly is related to Eddie Winter.
♢ Fahrenheit's real name is Lydia.
♢ Sheng and Donny Kowalski are brothers. Sheng moved to Diamond City when their dad died and unknowingly misspelt his last name on the registration forms. Donny didn't want to leave the waterfront.
♢ The Vault-tec Rep is named ‘James Robert Smith’ and goes by Jim, Jimmy, and Jim Bob.
♢ Magnolia knows she's a synth. She already had a talent and passion for singing, and didn't want to risk a memory alteration changing that, so she just got the facechange and stays low-key. It's an additional reason to why she won't date, other than being married to her work.
♢ The two Minutemen who died at Concord were named Charles and Alice. (These were Preston's friends, and the other MM in his group were named, so these guys get names too.)
♢ As the Minutemen rebuild and Blake Abernathy is able to get farmhands to help him out, Lucy joins up with the Minutemen like she had wanted, to help stop other families suffering like hers did.
♢ Jake Finch also joins up with the Minutemen officially, taking his fathers flaming sword with his blessing this time.
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Brazilian-developed COVID-19 vax to begin human testing
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A drug against Covid-19 developed at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) will begin testing with a group of 432 volunteers, it was announced Monday.
Clinical trials of the SpiN-TEC vaccine have been green-lighted by Brazil's National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) for the product created at the joint CT Vaccines facilities.
According to Fiocruz, the clinical trials will start as soon as the National Research Ethics Commission (Conep) revalidates the approval granted previously, which is necessary to contemplate the recommendations presented in Anvisa's opinion.
Testing the vaccine in humans includes three phases before developers apply for the registration of results before regulatory agencies: In phase 1, the safety of the vaccine in a small group of volunteers is evaluated. In Phase 2, researchers increase the number of volunteers and also test the immune response of the proposed vaccine. Finally, in Phase 3, the number of volunteers is further increased, to test the vaccine's effectiveness against a control group.
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BIS registration, BEE certification, Certificate For Medical Devices, CDSCO Consulting Services, CDSCO Certificate ,TEC & WPC approvals, and other areas where compliance entails the customary way to start a new venture.
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TAC Registration Services: A Comprehensive Guide by Fusion Compliance Services
In India, obtaining a TAC (Type Approval Certificate) is essential for manufacturers and importers of telecom equipment to ensure that their products meet the regulatory standards set by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT). TAC registration is mandatory for any telecom product being imported or sold within the Indian market, ensuring that these products are safe, reliable, and compliant with the necessary standards. At Fusion Compliance Services, we offer comprehensive TAC registration services, helping businesses navigate the complex regulatory process and achieve seamless market access.
What is TAC Registration?
TAC registration is a certification process carried out by India's Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), which is part of the Department of Telecommunications. The major goal of this certification is to ensure that telecom items, including routers, modems, mobile phones, and wireless devices, meet the necessary technical standards. These requirements ensure that the goods do not affect the telecom network, provide quality performance, and comply with safety rules.
Why is TAC Registration Important?
TAC registration is vital for any company involved in the import, manufacturing, or distribution of telecom equipment in India. Non-compliance can result in penalties, product recalls, or even a ban on the sale of non-compliant devices. Here are a few key reasons why TAC registration is important:
Ensures Product Safety: TAC certification guarantees that telecom equipment does not pose any risk to users or the network.
Facilitates Market Access: Without a valid TAC registration, manufacturers cannot legally sell their products in the Indian market.
Boosts Consumer Confidence: Certified products instill confidence in consumers and business partners, as they meet stringent quality and safety standards.
TAC Registration Process
TAC registration is a multi-stage process that requires both technical skills and knowledge of Indian telecom legislation. Fusion Compliance Services offers end-to-end assistance to businesses, assuring a seamless and quick certification procedure. Here's an overview of the TAC registration process:
Product Testing: Before applying for TAC, the product must undergo rigorous testing to ensure it meets all the necessary technical and safety standards.
Application Submission: After successful testing, an application is submitted to the Telecommunication Engineering Centre (TEC), along with the required documents and test reports.
Document Review: The TEC reviews the submitted documents and verifies the test results to confirm compliance with the standards.
Issuance of TAC: Once the application is approved, the Type Approval Certificate is issued, allowing the product to be sold in the Indian market.
How Fusion Compliance Services Can Help
At Fusion Compliance Services, we are committed to providing our clients with top-notch TAC registration services. With over 20 years of experience in the compliance industry, our team of highly qualified professionals ensures that every detail is taken care of, from product testing to final approval. We understand the complexities of telecom regulations and offer customized solutions to meet your specific needs.
Our Services Include:
Guidance on product testing requirements and standards
Complete documentation assistance for TAC application
Coordination with testing laboratories and regulatory authorities
Monitoring the progress of your application and resolving any queries that arise
Post-certification support and advice on maintaining compliance
Why Choose Fusion Compliance Services?
Experienced Team: Our engineers and compliance experts are well-versed in telecom regulations and can provide accurate guidance throughout the TAC registration process.
Client-Centric Approach: We prioritize client satisfaction by offering personalized services tailored to your business needs.
Cost-Effective Solutions: At Fusion Compliance Services, we believe in providing affordable services without compromising on quality.
Contact Us Today!
For any inquiries or assistance with TAC registration, reach out to Fusion Compliance Services at:
Office Address: Office no. S1 520, Cloud-9, Vaishali Sector 1, Near Mahagun Metro Mall, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh-201012
Phone: +91-9696966665
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dineshbacklink · 2 months
Obtaining a TEC Certificate through online registration is a streamlined process that ensures your wireless products meet Indian regulatory standards. Leveraging the expertise of JR Compliance, you can navigate the certification process efficiently and with confidence.
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khalidhusain786 · 2 months
Csc registration
1.First take TEC certificate 1. Tec registration 2. Click here to registration csc All videos for registration Click all videos of csc
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jrcompliance1 · 3 months
Best Platform for Tec Registration Online You Will Read This Website
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Find the top platform for Tec registration online. Tec certification applications can be completed quickly and simply with the help of our website. You may easily navigate the Tec registration process with user-friendly interfaces and step-by-step support, assuring quick and simple success. Get our knowledgeable assets and help to simplify apply certification process.
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sunrentechnical · 4 months
How to Obtain a WPC License for Your Electronic Devices in India
If you're looking to import and sell wireless electronic devices in India, securing a WPC License is a crucial step in ensuring compliance with national regulations. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining a WPC License, highlighting the key requirements and steps involved.
What is a WPC License?
A WPC (Wireless Planning and Coordination) License is an authorization issued by the Wireless Planning and Coordination Wing, part of the Ministry of Communications in India. This license is mandatory for the import and use of wireless communication devices to ensure they meet the country's technical standards and do not interfere with other wireless operations.
Why Do You Need a WPC License?
The WPC License is essential for the legal import and distribution of wireless devices in India. It ensures that your devices comply with regulatory standards, thereby preventing potential interference with other wireless communications and avoiding legal issues.
Types of WPC Licenses
There are primarily three types of WPC licenses:
Equipment Type Approval (ETA): For devices operating in license-exempt frequency bands like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
Import License: Required for devices operating in licensed frequency bands.
No Objection Certificate (NOC): For devices that may use critical frequency bands or have high power transmissions.
Steps to Obtain a WPC License
1. Determine the Type of License Needed
Identify whether you need an ETA, Import License, or NOC based on your device's frequency usage and specifications.
2. Testing and Compliance
Ensure your device complies with Indian standards by having it tested at a TEC (Telecommunication Engineering Center) accredited laboratory. Obtaining a test report from a TEC accredited lab is a vital part of the application process, as it certifies your device's compliance with relevant technical standards.
3. Gather Necessary Documentation
Prepare the necessary documents required for your application:
Test reports from a TEC accredited laboratory.
Technical literature and user manual.
Circuit diagrams.
Importer Exporter Code (IEC) certificate.
Authorization letter from the manufacturer.
Import License:
Application form with device specifications.
Test reports.
Business registration documents.
IEC certificate.
Manufacturer’s authorization.
Detailed device description.
Security clearance (if applicable).
4. Register and Submit Application
Register on the Saral Sanchar Portal:
Visit the Saral Sanchar portal: Saral Sanchar Portal.
Create an account by providing necessary details and obtaining a login ID.
Login and Select Application Type:
Log in to your account.
Choose the appropriate application type (ETA, Import License, or NOC).
Fill Out the Application:
Complete the application form with accurate details.
Upload the required documents (test reports, technical literature, IEC, etc.).
Pay the Application Fee:
Pay the necessary fee online through the portal.
Submit the Application:
Review and submit your application.
5. Application Review and Approval
The WPC Wing will review your application and may request additional information. If everything is in order, they will issue the appropriate license.
6. Customs Clearance
Once you have your WPC License, you can proceed with customs clearance for your devices. Ensure you have all necessary documentation, including your WPC License, Bill of Entry, Invoice, and Packing List.
Securing a WPC License is a critical step for any business looking to import wireless devices into India. By following the outlined steps and ensuring compliance with TEC accredited standards, you can navigate the process smoothly and legally bring your products to market. Stay updated with regulatory changes and consider consulting a professional to ensure a hassle-free application process. With the right preparation and documentation, obtaining a WPC License can be straightforward and efficient, paving the way for successful business operations in India.
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brandliaison2023 · 1 year
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