#TDL just seem like someone that would tell him to “tough it out”
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mooneggtarts · 4 months ago
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To think TCO would soften a bit with Orange makes me go jumping on the ceiling. To think all of TCO's repressed emotions in the sake of survival just deflates and released once Orange was there. To think Orange willingly fight a 4v1 battle in order to keep TCO safe when he coulda just ran away and leave him. Brothers ever 😭😭😭
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adriennescomingbacktolife · 4 years ago
Neil Diamond is okay, I guess.
Written with TDL. 
The ride has been awfully silent thus far. Not that it was due to negative vibes. Just awkwardness possibly without Mameha being present with them. Adrienne couldn’t tell if The Dragon Lady was smiling due to her being masked. It certainly confused the driver but Adrienne didn’t care. She knew her partner was very committed to this so who was she to argue? So en route to the arena for some obligations, Adrienne thought it’d be a great idea for the team to ride over together after a brief training session at her partner’s gym. The driver kept eyeing them both warily so Adrienne smiled politely to his reflection in the rearview mirror and then broke the ice.    “So, uh, what do you like to do?” Adrienne asked as she put aside her cellphone. The 177th level of Candy Crush could wait until later.    The Dragon Lady gripped the front of her belt with both hands. Still feeling a little insecure with Adrienne. And not because Adrienne was some mean or hostile person. It would be quite the opposite of that. The Dragon Lady looked over at Adrienne and replied, "You mean besides trying to wrestle?"    She went silent a moment and then stared forwards again.    "I used to be a teacher's assistant before I came here to Baltimore. Never liked it much. Kinda did it because my ma wanted me to be some amazing smart woman. I thought I could do it. But just wasn't me. I haven't gone down there yet, but thinking about going down to the local nursing home. Maybe do some volunteer work for some older people. It's," she went silent again as she looked to be trying to find the right words to say, "easier to listen than talk for me. Thought I could listen to some interesting stories from the past. Try to get my brain to slow down with all the thoughts going on up there."    “That’s okay. I’m afraid my life isn’t very interesting. I’d tell you about all of the cool people I’ve met lately but it’s kind of obvious.”    Adrienne thought a little about what she said. This was the most The Dragon Lady had spoken to her directly. She’d cut a few promos but the rookie knew from experience that doing that sort of talk was quite different.    “I can understand managing the expectations others have for you. My mom wanted me to be a nurse before all of this.”    However, she was persistent and wanted to learn more about someone about this woman. It was clear that beyond the tough and mysterious exterior, there was an individual who believed in what was right.    “But, yes, besides wrestling, what do you like to do? Like for fun?”    "Think about Matt Knox," she said not even realizing what had come out of her mouth. Too late.    "Don't ever," she looked at Adrienne sounding completely embarrassed. "Don't ever tell him that. He has a big enough ego as it is. And I mean I don't think about him like all the time either. Just you know."    Even with her mask on Adrienne would be able to see the tops of her cheeks are red. And her ears have also turned bright red.    "Sometimes," she said.    Adrienne nodded respectfully.    She looked away again. Loosening her grip on the belt she held between her hands trying to look like she is at ease which is not the case.    The Dragon Lady changed the subject.    "I like watching movies. All types of movies. As I said, I'm not a people person very much. I find my escape with movies and popcorn." With that she stayed silent, planning to bring up Matt again now that it's brought up. "But no. Seriously. You seem like one of Matt's close friends here. Why haven't you told him he should rest after that ugly match he had with LRK?"    She sounded legit concerned for Matt. "I already know he's stubborn. I can tell. Did you try to talk to him?" She would not sound mad at Adrienne. The Dragon Lady's words came off more intrigued by the whole situation.    “I tried.”    Zane King was a touchy subject. Despite a clearing of the air, King had still crushed her windpipe due to pure circumstance. Like The Dragon Lady, Zane covered his face but the dreadful smelling leather covering seemed to be more of an extension of his body than just a mask. What King did to Matt Knox was too far whether he accepted the fight or not. Zane King couldn’t keep getting away with this but who could even stop him?    The driver turned up the radio slightly, interrupting her train of thought. Adrienne wasn’t a big fan of Neil Diamond but she was too nice to say anything.    Adrienne smiled with the sudden realization of this woman’s admission. It was the sort of obvious but it would be rude to point that out. The innocent gift left to Matt told her everything she needed to know.    “He does what he wants. I can suggest it. I can plead. But Matt revels in destruction. Even if it’s his own.”    The Dragon Lady looked to be someplace far away from this little car. She took a deep breath then, "Most men are like that. Believe me. I know." She definitely wouldn't have been referring to any boyfriend or past lover when she said this. She simply thought of her father. A man who also reveled in destruction. To himself. To the Dragon lady. To everyone in his past.    The Dragon Lady changed the subject again. "So what is it? That you see in Axton Gunn? I listened to a bit of his music. Guess it just wasn't my style." The Dragon Lady looked at Adrienne for this answer very curious. As she had already mentioned for their match against the young man, she was his number one fan.    “I wasn’t being dramatic when I talked about the impact he made. I guess you’re right. I’m just a huge fan. In the last few years, Axton’s music was sometimes the only barrier I had.”    Adrienne said this with hesitation. The barrier could be literal in a sense. Memories flooded in during those long road trips where her ex-husband would find one thing, one little thing, to harp on the entire trip. Eventually, she’d covertly slip in earbud into her “Gunn Show” playlist. It could be his music. It could be just his interviews. He loved listening to him talk as he was so passionate about the right things.    “I know he made a bad first impression.”    Early on, she had some suspicions that there were some ulterior motives to Axton’s conduct. But he checked Hawke almost immediately as the young man just laid into Adrienne about supposedly being a hypocrite.    “But that can’t be our focus.” Adrienne paused a beat. This was as a good time as ever to bring this up. They had been successful against Matthews and Goode despite what she had seen throughout that evening. “And Alex can’t be either. Gunn and Hawke are counting on distractions.”    The Dragon Lady kicked the back of the Uber driver's seat then. Not hard but enough to get his attention. "I can't think with that music on. Will you please, turn it down?"    The radio was muted without further incident.    The Dragon Lady looked back at Adrienne not looking mad. She looked serious. "I know. It's just so hard for me with Alex. Anytime I see his face or hear his name," she shook her head looking a bit frustrated. "I just want to punch him. Or something."    She let out a heavy shaking breath looking to be trying to calm herself. "I guess there's been to many people like Alex that have come into my little space. I am sorry if I ever seem distracted. I truly am trying. And I truly can't lie when I still want to punch him so bad. I wish. I wish I was different. Some person that could always just let things bounce off of me without a care in the world. Kinda like Alex. I guess. But I wouldn't be a prick about it like he is being."    “I’m not worried about what happens in the ring as so much what effect he has on you outside of it. When Alex first appeared, he went right after me. And I bit.” Adrienne shared. She didn’t regret standing up for himself and capturing her first victory against the man who promised to do horrible things to her was certainly sweet. However, it only seemed to make him bold. The embarrassment he suffered made him desperate and that was clearly recognized by those in power.    “Go after him for your own satisfaction. But know that he’ll never learn his lesson. He’s like one of punching bags that just stands right back up after being knocked over.”    There was a silence between the two as the Winter matter was put to bed.    She reached a hand over to Adrienne then. Resting it very lightly on her knee, patting it. "For the record, I never thought you were being dramatic about anything you said about Axton or Sebastian. I believe you. Of all people, I believe you when you say you think Axton may be a good guy. He hasn't proved himself yet though. And if he wants me to think differently. Well, he's going to need to get a bit more creative. Maybe take me to an all you can eat seafood buffet. But not until someone else does."    She was smiling under her mask now, even if Adrienne couldn't see it. She pulled her hand back then. This closeness to someone felt foreign. The Dragon Lady would say then, "So tell me, what is it you enjoy doing for fun?"    Adrienne could admit that she maybe twice a week she liked to drink that bottle of cheap wine and watch the Real Housewives of whatever iteration there was on currently. Although she didn’t want to come off as the company lush or anything like that.    “I don’t know. I’m kind of like you in that respect. Although, I really like hanging out with my friends. Always looking for new friends, too.” She said with an obvious implication.    The Dragon Lady looked at Adrienne as the taxi pulled into the Carnage parking lot. Many things went through her brain after Adrienne said the words on her mind. "Well perhaps sometime," she paused before continuing to speak. "Perhaps sometime you can show me more of the harbor. It would be an honor if you did." She balled a hand intonation fist then as the other was open palm next to it. A sign of respect from The Dragon Lady.    "It has already been an honor to work with someone so fine in their own special way."    “I’d like that,” Adrienne replied with a smile.    The Dragon Lady then reached into her getup bringing forth more than enough to pay for the ride. She handed it to the taxi driver.    "Keep the change," her eyes went back to Adrienne. "Until we see each other in the ring again. I look forward to this match and the next."    With that, The Dragon Lady slipped out of the Uber. She walked inside the Carnage Pavillion to find food.    Adrienne looked to the driver briefly.    “Have a good day, sir!” She said before running to catch up with The Dragon Lady. Adrienne averted a crisis by not tripping over her untied shoelace, instead stumbling a bit before catching herself.    Thankfully, no one saw.
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