matchamabs · 1 year
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huzzahhhh a collection of design stuff for glass joe's title defence 2! i'd love to do more for joe but. man. i really fucked myself making his design soooo fuckin elaborate. anyway. here u go. part 1 of lots i think...
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mirroredknight · 9 months
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Punch Out Wii, Title Defense 2: NES STYLED
All of the concepts and designs (except for Mr Sandman and Donkey Kong) are all by @matchamabs
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moocha-muses · 4 days
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starsoverthehorizon · 6 months
Did you hear that a new Habboi level was released? April 1st hell level, but does have bits of lore.
Oh shit, yeah he did.
It's time to redownload AHIT and review my notes, including my 3 failed drafts for Timmy Day 2 because it looks like that's still in play.
Thanks for the notif o7
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animasolascreenshots · 3 months
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loevhyuck · 1 year
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devileaterjaek · 9 months
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CC & Doll -> Sprain (like. Sprained ankle) (also & means platonic)
Sam & Dynamite -> TNT
Whatever Doll and Goldie have going on -> Dress up Doll
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fiftytwoeightythree · 5 months
tbh i didnt like mobeomtaksi 1 bec of hanas character. her character was forced &i think the writer wanted more bw her & doki. mobeomtaksi 2 didnt feel that pushy and was more focused on others and the bad guys. but i understand where u coming from :)
oh, oh, oh....
ok, let me put my thoughts into coherent words. so-
i also understand where you are coming from, anon. you're not alone with this opinion. of course, you are all allowed to hate her character & everything, especially that it wasn't in the original webtoon to begin with, so it was given that it'll modify the outcome of the drama. but times like this i always wonder: do people watch dramas as they are or as they want it to be like?
i think these are empty projections to be very honest.
i have never despised her character and i have never seen any implications that they meant to be, therefore i don't understant the general outrage she's getting. it's people and their warped imagination that goes "they'll have a relationship, look at them! the hate they feel for each other is so intense it's nearly attraction and love!" let me ask you: do you also feel attraction to people you hate and have different values from? if not, then why do you force this emotion on a pair that showed no sign of attraction but more likely utter loath (and then some understanding) based on how they're handling justice differently?
kang hana wanted to get rid of dogi and ceo jang from the very beginning while dogi kept his distance from her as much as he could because he knew she means huge danger. why do you all trying to force romantic feelings into plots that have different stories to tell? why do you all think that a story isn't whole without romance when it's obviously not true? it's you all that project that love line into stories, not the writers.
those that complain that "she was annoying, she was everywhere!" of course, you smartass peanut. as a prosecutor, who saw a mysterious car taking away criminals, sniffing out that one of your closest acquitances did it, with a mindset that you 'have to catch that one true criminal even if it means letting go a hundred' you'd also be everywhere near them. if she'd just stood on the sidelines, thinking "something is going on but it's my boss' best friend and my boss also told me to stay put anyway" then she wouldn't do her job right - and that was also the point of the story. kang hana was a prosecutor that took her job seriously & did it right while the other deadbeat prosecutors did what their boss and secured connections told them to do, and was also restricted by idiotic laws these criminals knew like the back of their hand - as that rat park yangjin did. please, be serious for a moment.
i also find it strange that when fans like me point out that dogi showed bigger affection towards goeun, people usually go "but don't they have a more sibling-like connection? i mean, their age difference-" again, if you had actually watched the drama and not let your imagination take over and write a different story, you'd seen that their connection is not sibling-like, (also not love-like, true), but it's obvious that the two have something going on. go eun seeing the bandaid set dogi gave her in the middle of her breakdown, dogi rushing to her after goeun saw the videos of her sister, or concentrating saving her first before everyone else in the end - subtle signs of placing her in front, and not because she's the only woman on board. and the joke is they've somewhat even confirmed this at the end of season 2 when they had a beer on the rooftop. dogi is not creepy towards goeun, and goeun never threw herself at him, but you could see how she was a little jealous of hana and how goeun is important to dogi. apart from this, i don't think age is a matter in here since they've met as real adults. (not to mention that esom is only two years older than pyo yejin, so all this age difference yapping is tiresome the least).
so again: do you all actually watch these dramas or fantasize about a different outcome out of anger? the creators push the signs and clues into your faces, what more do you need to read them?
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queensectonia · 1 year
last night i was reminded of one of my extremely few Hater Moments (lighthearted) about this series and i never got around to fully articulating my thoughts on it, so it is once again time for our regularly-scheduled kirby rant:
the spider sectonia reveal was poorly-executed on every level.
to start with, this plot element was introduced when the series was in its worst throes of Not Putting The Fucking Lore In The Fucking Games, but I will happily concede that this reveal was at least in a game; just not the game it should have been in.
I almost wonder if the Sectonia Clone as a whole was a leftover from the fact that Robobot started out development as Triple Deluxe 2, but considering that a) TD2 was dropped pretty early on and b) Robobot is just full to the brim with fanservice and callbacks anyway, I don't feel there's much evidence for such a theory.
at any rate, reducing the otherwise very intriguing reveal of Sectonia's prior form to a blink-and-you'll-miss-it easter egg in an entirely different game is pretty... underwhelming. we've had plenty of "reveals" or cool nods and expansions to other lorebits in similar easter eggs, but none of them were nearly as important as "oh, by the way, here's what the character whose whole arc revolves around personal and physical image used to look like! in a totally unrelated game!"
but that's the tamest complaint. that's just the accessibility of this information, which could have been better but certainly could have been worse.
the biggest problem is Sectonia's design. it's bad. it is just not good, fellas. she is literally just genderbent Taranza. it fails visually, it fails conceptually, and it fails really hard story-wise.
this design was so uninspired that when people in the EN sphere first saw it, tons of people thought it just was Taranza. then when we got screenshots, model rips, etc., it was still so painfully similar to Taranza that it made people assume HAL was saying Taranza and Sectonia were related - which turned into just as much of a shitfight as you might think.
even if this weren't attached to such a crucial character reveal, it's just downright a bad design! instead of taking even the slightest efforts to differentiate Sectonia from Taranza, they did the laziest, most barebones "uhhhhhh what if taranza But Girl" design shift possible. she's wearing the exact same outfit as Taranza, just palette-swapped. so little effort went into both the concepting stage and the modelling stage. she's just Taranza's model with the merest tweaks to make sure you know this is a Girl Spider.
genuinely, I would be a hundred times more amenable to this entire plot point if HAL had just bothered to give her an actual design.
but the problem is, making Sectonia a spider kind of just fucks everything about her story and contradicts itself at multiple points.
the aesthetic and theme language in TD is very clear. this is one of the biggest strengths that both it and Robobot share - the identity and literary through-lines of both games pervade every single visual element of them. Robobot tells its tale of capitalistic tech-fuelled colonialism through every part of the game from level backgrounds, to enemy designs, right down to surgical decisions like mechanising the pinwheel tree that was such a fond image from KRtD. every tiny thing bore the mark of the HWC, whether metaphorically or literally, such that you spent the entire game never forgetting that there was one unified force behind all of this, and Haltmann at the end of the game was the culmination of this aesthetic.
TD did the exact same. every part of TD sells that it's a fantastical fairytale romp through a series of themed locations with a connecting thread of the invading Antr* force.
*(this is a way better romanisation than "antler" this is my hill)
if anything, I'd argue that TD's design language in this respect is tighter than Robobot's, because Robobot had a fairly broad theme of "industrialisation and hi-tech space future sci-fi" to draw its foes from, whereas TD had to condense its antagonists under the stricter banner of "evil insect army".
and they did incredibly. every point of design about the Antrs points straight to Sectonia and draws from her in some way or another. it's absolutely seamless. she's the perfect logical endpoint of Antr design from every angle: she's the literal queen bee of this insect hive and the perfect expression of their anatomy. she's bigger than the biggest Antr. she's more developed. she's more powerful. they were so careful and thorough about this design conceit that Antrs have multiple stages that all march straight up to Sectonia. we go from the tiny bronto burt and waddle dee clones with their little wings and eyes that seem so familiar, to the Antr soldiers, all the way up to the Lord Antrs who are one step away from Sectonia. they have stripes and facial markings to echo hers. it's all wrapped up with the genius bow of combining ants, bees, and wasps: they're all hymenoptera! the metaphor goes even deeper than that because there's a species of wasp that parasitizes spiders! controls them, even!
... except no actually, we've decided she's a spider too and all of that buildup and artful design means nothing.
it's awful. it's taking what is far and away one of the best-executed designs in the series and saying that all of that buildup and blatant connection of ideas meant nothing.
but that's just the visual end of it. Sectonia actually being a spider makes no sense in the lore, either.
first of all, TD's incredible design sense and artistic direction applies to Taranza as well. while he's obviously derivative of Magolor, within the context of TD he's clearly meant to evoke the sky fairies. he's designed to look much more like them than any of the insect characters. he's got the same body type, he moves the same way as them, he's a sky fairy with a spider theme. the game draws visual parallels between him and the sky fairies more than once; this is not unintentional.
this is part of what makes Taranza's role as Sectonia's right hand more impactful: he's only insect adjacent, and the design language would have you believe he's more closely related to the fairies than the insects, so him being with the bad guys is notable and interesting.
so why would a spider character be the ruling monarch of the insect hive? why would the line go ant, bigger ant, fancy ant, armoured ant, spider, wasp?
I mean, shit dude, the miiverse posts directly tell us that Sectonia used to "look like her insect underlings". it really feels like the decision to make her be a spider was a total spur-of-the-moment one, between how badly it interacts with the rest of the story and how lazy the design was. Sectonia's backstory had a couple of holes in it regarding the actual timeline of things, but those were just mysteries regarding what order everything happened in. she was both a bodyjacker and a good queen at one point, which don't exactly jive, so it becomes interesting to think about how those two facts coexist. on the other hand, her being a spider just gets shoehorned in there for no apparent reason other than to... heighten her connection to Taranza?
and that just dovetails into the complete mockery HAL made of Taranza's character development after TD, and THAT is a rant for another time.
there was just no point to it all. Sectonia being a spider adds nothing, removes a bunch of nuance and intrigue, and muddies both her story and the background world of TD.
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namelessdeceased · 2 months
intro ~
longer (much longer) intro post here
☄️ ab me~!✩
theo || 27/10/2010 || he/him only || ftm trans, ⚣
╰ low support needs autistic || chronic headaches
╰ highest kins rn: charles xavier, tsumugi aoba, rinne amagi, riz gukgak
🪐 i love~!✩
subjects: astrophysics, particle physics, DnD
games: ensemble stars (!!) - kurei:b, alkaloid
tv/movies/books: dropout, loki (d+), x men but specifically cherik and pietro maximoff/lensherr, the goldfinch, naddpod
characters/people: enstars oshis, brennan lee mulligan, brian murphy, charles xavier, pietro maximoff, deadpool/wade wilson, marvel loki, theo decker
🔭 i do~!✩
academic: study (ofc), astrophys/particle phys research, tutoring science and math
life: self defense/mma, voice training, DMing
🌙 tags~! ✩
study logs: #theo's study log
╰ plans: #plan :)
╰ results: #result :)
moots: #theo's moots
asks: #theo's asks
posts i want to see again: #save
🌌 goals~!✩
by 2027:
GPA >/= 3.5
get into tripsci + lit + STEM TD2
pass express chinese
straight a math + science(s)
begin studytubing
by 2029:
cambridge university: natural sciences
win breakthrough junior challenge
successfully voice train before i go to uni
achieve valedictorian someday
properly move to the uk/eu after uni
when i move out of sg, go get hrt
☀ role models~!✩
i have a lot. but hey. it works. different types (personality, academics, DMing, etc etc yanno. dont assume)
irl people: my best friend, my parents, uncle sonny (family friend), uncle cesar (family friend), brian murphy, brennan lee mulligan, zac oyama, ruby granger
characters/ytbers: charles xavier, tsumugi aoba, hank mccoy, ouroboros (from loki)
𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒖𝒄𝒌 𝒑𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒆.
╰ the goldfinch :)
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mirroredknight · 7 months
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Punch Out Wii Title Defense 2: The Red Gauntlet
I decided to make hopefully my last NES styled related fanart for Punch Out Title Defense 2, which is by @matchamabs
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someg0yguy · 24 days
"THE TD2(Tails Disappear Doll)
urban legend/hoax"
(my tails doll curse retake)
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The td2 urban legend originates from back in the 20s on the sonic hq forums (more precisely south island forums).
The user posted a screenshot with their encounter a twisted rendition of radical city and td(it was later discovered that it was a beta copy), garnering attention all over the board.
The user and forums going down a rabbit whole as they keep uncovering the mystery around this game, all ending with the op given a final post saying:
"[OP Username] has been welcomed to city."
"C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s."
Then, the user disappear along with the game. As other forum members later brighten the screenshot before this post(this image) to see a final message located besides the doll:
Two pairs of eyes staring back
the user was never truly alone, and were never to be found or seen around the website ever again.
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iluminaughter · 9 months
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Billtober (?) Day 10 — Bill's Death!
hmm, idk to to describe this, I just wanted to make the shapes that he made before he died but as TD2 achievements art style! thought it would look cool, maybe in the future I could use it as something else!
The full thing! (and a variant)
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matchamabs · 1 year
Headcannon for TD2: When Dons Ring comes off, he just starts crying
he just flat out starts ugly crying. the rest of the match is fought by an enraged carmen
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justjaye233 · 8 months
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Game punishment implemented 6/4
Well, I might have drawn it a bit scary LOL
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