#TBT: Hestia Jones
mfletcher · 2 years
Location: The Prewett Estate Date: June 21st, 1984 Status: @helloxhestia​
Mundungus had spoken to Alastor after the meeting last night, and had not ended up satisfied with the answers he got from him. Who the hell thought sending him into the field was in any way a good idea? He’d gone out drinking afterwards, taking time to drink and maybe even get a little high to drown out the thoughts and have some fun for the night. Tomorrow, he told himself, tomorrow he’d worry about going to Hestia and figuring out what was so messed up in her head with all of this.
It was afternoon by the time Fletch finally rolled out of bed, groaning in annoyance and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. Sniffing his shirt to make sure that it was still clean enough to wear again, he moved to brush his teeth and try to make his hair presentable, before grabbing his wand and heading out. He needed to go talk to Hestia, and needed to figure out why they were doing this to him. Therefore, he headed to the Prewett Estate, figuring she’d be there.
Fletch made a beeline for her office, figuring that of course she’d be there. Did Hestia do anything besides work, he wondered, or was there a spell that literally kept her cooped up in the Estate so she couldn’t leave? Not that he’d put it past The Order, of course, but that was another point. Knocking on the door, he opened it and stuck his head in, offering her a lopsided grin.
“Got a minute to talk to me, Ma’am?” He asked, almost as sweetly as possible. Start off nice with her, in hopes to get a change, right?
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pspettigrew · 2 years
Location: The Prewett Estate Date: June 24th when they arrive back/June 25th early hours Status: Self Para, with Mentions of @perniciouspotter, @helloxhestia, @asphodelroot
Peter had begun to have hope, that perhaps what Sirius had said to him, what he'd come to feel like he'd realized the night before, wasn't the truth at all. Peter had begun to feel like James was still his friend, after the other had come to his rescue and made sure he was alright. Peter had thought that maybe their little row would blow over, and that James would talk to him... but then they arrived back at Headquarters and James had turned at him and snapped that it didn't change anything between them, and Peter stood for a moment, feeling like a balloon deflating as the hope for getting back in the good graces of a friend quickly slipped away from him.
He felt overwhelmed, truly, and he tried to focus on everyone rushing around as they got back; keeping an eye out to try and find Remus, Lily, and even Sirius, despite how upset he was with him. James went to confront Hestia, and so Peter stayed back far enough to be out of the way if that interaction went south, but close enough that he could hear what was being said. There was a bit of annoyance rising in his chest, but he was sure that was just because of the whole situation, not anything they were saying. It was only when Hestia finally spoke about Lily, and James looked back at him like that, that he felt fear again, that cold like from the Dementors, but now with the worry from how his friends were.
Obviously, Peter didn't head right away to see Lily, as James did. He wanted to be nowhere near the fight that would happen as James tried to get to her, even though a tiny part of him thought it would be interesting to see how many people James hexed out of his way to get to her. No, Peter was tired, and he knew his place was to be helping in whatever other ways he could, and to debrief and do what needed to be done as a team leader. He set his shoulders, and moved to do just that.
It felt like days later that finally everything was over; the debrief, the meeting, everything. Peter stepped aside into another empty room, feeling exhausted. He wanted nothing more than to go see Lily, but knew that he would never get a chance to; Peter wouldn't put up a fight, and he knew that there were too many others who would go in for time with her, that he would be last and not get the chance. The infirmary couldn't handle that many people, and the last thing Peter wanted was to make things worse by trying to crowd in.
Still, Peter did want to check in on Lily; she was his friend, after all. So he did the only other thing he could think of to do, in order to try and at least get in the room without being a nuisance; he transformed into Wormtail. Making his way through a few of the hidey holes that he'd found, Wormtail made his way carefully into the infirmary, back beside a cabinet where he wouldn't be in the way, or seen.
He wasn't spying or anything, and he didn't want it to seem weird; he just wanted to be able to see Lily for himself, and see what was going on. Quietly, he watched as everyone moved around, and tiredly rested on the floor. It felt like forever, and he may have drifted off, but then he realized that there was a lull in people who had come to see Lily; there was no one there for the moment, and so Wormtail decided he was going to take a chance to actually check on her himself.
Carefully, he made his way across the Infirmary and to where Lily's cot was. Climbing up the side, he crawled onto the bed and sat up a little, looking at her and feeling his heart sink. Merlin, what he wouldn't do to just make everything better for her, to make sure she was okay. Gently, he crawled closer, licking her cheek in a careful, gentle motion like placing a kiss there, as she always did for him. He looked her over, before Wormtail gingerly curled up by her shoulder in an attempt to cuddle close and comfort her, but not wake her or cause any disturbance.
For awhile it was quiet, and Wormtail just laid there, resting his head on her shoulder lightly and watching everything else that was going on. Too quickly though, someone else was coming towards her, and Wormtail didn't want to be caught laying there, or being in the way. He darted away, down off the cot and back towards the hidey hole that he knew of, and out of the room.
There were others there who would watch over her, and as he transformed back, Peter was going to head home and get some sleep of his own.
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