#TBB fanfiction
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The Melody
Summary: Omega wakes from a nightmare of her time on Tantiss. Hunter tries to help her though it, with some insight into his own trauma.
Read on AO3
Omega’s eyes fluttered open, the moonlight giving the walls the grey pallor of her cell on Tantiss. She sat up with a start, her heart beating frantically. Panic rising and threatening to steal her voice, as Hemlock had stollen her freedom.
“You okay, Kid?”
A soft, quiet voice asked from her doorway. She didn’t need to look to know Hunter stood there, leaning against the doorframe. She nodded, unable to rasp out the simplest word of acknowledgement.
She dug her hands into the sheets on her bed, sniffed the air for the faint hint of salty ocean breeze and blossom from the weeping maya tree. She listened to the jingle of Batcher’s collar as she shifted in her bed in the corner of the room and took a deep breath.
She was safe. She was home. Hunter was here.
Hunter crossed into the room, playing with something in his left hand. His shaggy hair was hanging over his eyes without his trademark bandana. He ran his hand through the loose curls in an attempt to tame them, but they fell back where they had been, and he didn’t bother to do it again. His wrinkled shirt and loose shorts gave him a relaxed appearance she was still getting used to. So different from the armor-clad Sergeant she had grown up with.
He perched on the edge of her bed, giving her enough space to move but being close enough to draw her into a hug, should she want one. He gently brushed her sweat soaked hair off her forehead, tucking the loose tendrils behind her ear. They were well rehearsed in this scenario now, settling into a familiar rhythm whenever the specter of her confinement came to bite in the dark.
All of her brothers had helped her weather to storm of her nightmares at some point, but Hunter was the most consistent. Omega wasn’t sure whether it was because his enhanced senses were attuned to her or whether the trauma of his own experience kept him up way into the night when the others had gone to bed. Either way, she felt comfort in his presence, as she always had.
Omega took another deep breath and finally felt the cool panic that had taken over her body dissipate.
“Do you want to talk about it?” Hunter asked quietly, his concerned eyes tracing her face.
She paused for a moment, weighing his question. She wasn’t sure talking really helped. Nothing was going to take away the terror of being ripped away from her family, of being used as a laboratory experiment, or seeing her brothers tortured as they tried to save her. But sharing the burden of those things with someone, with Hunter, did make her feel less alone.
“I just…I thought I was back there…Tantiss,” she said, her voice shaking unexpectedly.
Hunter nodded his understanding and placed his right hand gently on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “Come with me,” he said, taking her hand and helping her out of bed.
She followed obediently. He led her through the common room, the game from the previous night still scattered over the caf table. They wended their way past the kitchen, out the front door and to the patio.
The night was warm as always. Hunter guided her onto the bench that faced the ocean and sat down next to her. The waves below crashed into the black rock of the island. Above, the stars glittered and twinkled while the full moon shone down, illuminating the island like a jewel.
Omega looked up at Hunter, her eyes taking in the tattooed side of his face. His gaze was set on the water.
“What are we…” she began.
“Shhh,” he said gently, taking her hand in his and resting it on his knee. “Just listen.”
Omega turned to the water, unsure what she was supposed to be hearing. She turned her head left and then right, seeking the unknown sound.
Hunter sat completely still, except for his thumb gently brushing against the back of her hand. The warmth and rhythm were soothing. They sat in silence for a few more minutes, the crashing waves becoming calming, like a lullaby the island was gifting them with.
“Hunter. I don’t understand.” She said finally. Unable to hear whatever he was talking about.
He smiled, the skull like teeth of the tattoo spreading into a warm grin. He had something grasped in his other hand and played with it absentmindedly, but she was unable to see what it was in the dark.
“When I was a cadet,” he began quietly, still looking forward at the water, “I was subjected to a lot of…unusual experiments. The Kaminoans wanted to know how my enhancements worked, wanted to know the limitations of them. I’ll spare you the details, but sometimes during those tests I would be so overwhelmed, in so much pain and discomfort that the only way to get through it was to lock on to something tangible. Something real.”
Hunter’s face turned towards her, as though gauging her reaction. She wasn’t sure where this story was going but knew it must be somewhere important. Hunter rarely spoke of his time as a cadet and even less time discussing his experience with the Kaminoan testing. It was something he held deep inside, cornered off in a box, never to be touched or dealt with.
Crosshair and Wrecker had told her bits and pieces over the years but never delved into Hutner’s experience, saying it was his information to share.
“Did you know Kamino had a song?” he asked.
Omega felt her browns knit together in confusion and shook her head.
Hunter chuckled, “it’s probably not something anyone else could hear. But it was the one thing that kept me going during the experiments, a constant noise to fix on to. I fully believe I survived because of that song.”
“What did it sound like?” Omega asked, fascinated with the idea that her former home had a hidden melody that only her brother could hear.
Hunter sighed, “It’s hard to describe. It was the rhythmic beat of the ocean colliding against the struts of Tipoca City, way under the crest of the waves. The metal would creak and move, imperceptibly to most, but it sounded like a violin, playing a tune, just for me.”
Omega noticed his eyes turn glassy with the memory.
“Hunter, I still…I still don’t understand.”
He nodded, his eyes searching the island for a way to communicate in a simpler way.
“You have suffered horrors in your young life that many would have found impossible to survive. But you’re here and you’re thriving.” He said with pride, “In the moments when the past come back to haunt you, and it will, at the most inopportune moment sometimes, you need to find the song that will bring you back. Something to hold on to. Mine will always be the sound of Kamino, no matter how long it’s been.”
“What should mine be?” she asked, unable to think of anything that would have such power over her to free her in a time of despair.
“I’m afraid I can’t help you with that, Omega. But here. This might,” he said, handing her a small piece of metal he had been playing with.
“What is it?” she asked, her browns furrowed in confusion.
“It’s a piece of your home,” he said simply.
Omega looked down at the cool piece of durasteel in her hand. The edges were rounded, but a faint slash of paint was viable, along with some carbon scoring.
“Is this?” she paused and looked up at Hunter and noticed his intense gaze on her.
“It’s a piece of the Marauder. It washed up on the beach a few days ago. I thought maybe you should have it.”
Omega smiled as she reverently ran her fingers over the piece of metal. It wouldn’t have been anything remarkable to anyone else, just a piece of debris rounded with the constant beating of the saltwater waves. But to her, to her it was time spent with her brothers. It was her very first bedroom and midnight snacks in the cockpit. It was comforting talks with Hunter, laughter with Wrecker, lectures with Echo, discovery with Tech and healing with Crosshair. It was warmth and love and family.
She heard the roar of the Marauder’s engines, the beeps, whistles and chimes of the control panels, and the clang of her footsteps on the grated metal floor. And suddenly she realized the song was there all along, hiding in her memory, just like Hunter had said.
When she had longed for escape, longed for her brothers during her endless imprisonment, the Marauder was the ubiquitous common factor. They would rescue her on their ship, she was returning home to them on that ship and even though Pabu was now their home, and she loved it, the Marauder would always be her first real home, the place that had given her a family.
She smiled up at Hunter as she realized and threw her arms around his chest. He leaned down and she gently felt his lips graze her hair.
“I understand now,” she said with a grin, holding the small piece of the ship to her heart. “I think I’m ready to go back to bed.” She said.
Hunter nodded and followed her back into the house. She tucked the piece of the Marauder under her pillow, as though its mere presence would ward off any returning nightmares. Hunter sat on the floor next to her bed, gently stroking her arm as her eyes fluttered closed.
Her dreams were quick to take her home. She was curled up in the gunner’s mount of the Marauder, Lula carefully tucked under her arm. She could hear the quiet laughter of her brothers behind the curtain. Wrecker’s booming laugh, Crosshair’s snide comments, Hunter’s deep chuckle, Echo’s hearty laugh and the clipped proper dialect of Tech, unsure what was so funny. She smiled and pulled Lula closer, as the whir of the engines and chimes of the control panel lulled her back to sleep.
#tbb fanfic#tbb fanfiction#tbb fic#papa hunter#hunter and omega#hunter is Omega's dad#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb omega#tbb echo#the bad batch#sw tbb#tbb fandom#sergeant hunter#the bad batch hunter#post season 3#fluff and angst
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Relationships: 99 & Wrecker, 99 & Clone Force 99
Content Warnings: Clone Trooper dehumanization, Nightmares, Crying
When Wrecker comes to 99 crying after another nightmare, 99 starts looking for a solution to the bad dreams that are keeping the young clone awake.
Written for the @wrecker-week Bingo prompt "Lula"
Word count: 1,497
Read on Ao3
Work Text:
99 wakes to a knock on his door. Nobody comes knocking if he's needed to clean, 99 usually just getting a message on his comlink. This must be something else, likely not anything work related. 99's guess is it's a vode needing help in some way. With a groan, 99 pushes himself upright. The person at the door knocks again, more insistently. "Be right there!" 99 says, not sure if they can even hear him from the other side of the door. 99 doesn't change into his work clothes, just slipping on his boots. Body still adjusting to walking again after laying, 99 makes his way to the door, activating the panel that makes it slide open. He hadn't expected to see someone so small on the other side.
Wrecker, freshly named a few weeks back, is standing there, tears rolling down his young face. He's shaking, clutching at his shirt with unsteady hands. His sleeves are soaked through, proving that he'd been crying for a long while already. 99 wonders if he'd walked the entire way from the experimental squad's barracks to 99's tiny sleeping quarters whilst crying. He probably did by the looks of it.
“What's the matter?” 99 asks, carefully placing a hand on top of Wrecker's head. Wrecker's face scrunches up, then he bursts out in a sob, grabbing hold of 99's hand. It's hard to tell any of the mumbled words that burst forth from Wrecker apart, but from what 99 does understand, Wrecker's had another bad dream.
It's far from an uncommon occurrence. If anything, the dreams have been getting worse. But for Wrecker to be here, alone, something has to be wrong. He always goes to his brothers first and they can usually calm him. Wrecker tells 99 about the dream later during the day, since he finds it hard to forget the disturbing images his brain bothers him with.
“Are you and your brothers fighting?” 99 asks. That's the only option that 99 can think of. Wrecker shakes his head.
Wiping at his face, sniffing quietly as he tries to control his tears, Wrecker looks up at 99. “Don't wanna wake them,” he gets out, scrubbing hard at his face to rid himself of the tears. "They have to sleep," Wrecker sniffs. "They have training tomorrow!" 99 ducks into his quarters quickly to grab a tissue for Wrecker, handing it to him. As Wrecker wipes his face, 99 crouches down in front of him, ignoring his aching leg and back. "You need to sleep too. How about you tell me about your dream whilst we walk back to your barracks?" Wrecker nods, putting the wet tissue in his pocket before taking 99's hand. They don't walk very fast, 99 already slowed down by his bad leg and Wrecker walking slow because he's crying. 99 listens carefully as Wrecker talks, trying to offer ways Wrecker can push the bad thoughts aside. The dream sounds like it was confusing, but seems to boil down to the Kaminoans taking Wrecker's brothers away, then taking Wrecker away too because he was too weak. There's not much 99 can say to assure Wrecker. Those are both things with a real possibility of happening, as much as 99 hates to admit it. He just tries to tell Wrecker that they're too good at training to be taken away. It only works somewhat. At the barracks, 99 has to leave Wrecker, not wanting to wake his vode by entering. The young clone hugs him before he goes, clinging on to 99. 99 almost can't leave, wanting to stay and make sure Wrecker can sleep again. But he's not even supposed to be up, let alone staying here with Wrecker and his brothers. Walking back to his own sleeping quarters alone feels long. 99 spends the entire time worrying about Wrecker. By not waking his brothers, he gives them a better chance at doing well during training, but what about Wrecker? The dreams are only getting worse, meaning he'll get less and less sleep. 99 needs to think of something and he needs to do so fast, before Wrecker's performance drops enough to warrant decommissioning.
An idea finally comes to 99 when he finds Hunter, Tech and Crosshair arguing about the very thing 99 is looking for a solution for. He bumps into them on the way to his sleeping quarters, Tech loudly declaring that stunning Wrecker would make him sleep but likely wouldn't be very good for his health.
“Don't say that,” Crosshair hisses. “We're not stunning Wrecker!”
“I was merely saying that it technically would be an option,” Tech says, holding his datapad to his chest.
“I'm going to have to agree with Crosshair, Tech'ika,” 99 says, repressing a laugh. He'd be worried, but at their age, they're not allowed real blasters anyway, so there's very little risk of any of them actually stunning Wrecker.
Hunter's face scrunches in concentration. “There has to be something we can give Wrecker to stop his dreams! He's falling asleep during training.” Despite only being a little older than the rest of the batch, Hunter already feels responsible for his vode.
“Nothing that hurts or involves doctors,” Crosshair spits, glaring at Tech. Tech in turn rolls his eyes.
“It was a hypothetical suggestion.”
Then 99 remembers a conversation he'd had with an injured trooper a while back. 99 had been cleaning the medbay, purposefully doing so late as to not disturb anyone. One of the troopers sleeping on one of the uncomfortable medical cots startled awake when 99 passed him. He was in his mid teens by the look of it.
After greeting 99, he seemed to look for something, coming up empty.
“Have you seen Dusty?” he'd asked. 99 thought he was asking for one of the medics at first, so he offered to get someone for the trooper.
A peculiar expression crossed the clones face as he clarified that he had been talking about a stuffed animal, a bantha to be precise. 99 still wasn't sure what the man was talking about, but when he spotted something furry on the floor he picked it up. It really did look like a bantha, just gray.
When 99 hands it to the clone he smiles. “Thanks. These narrow beds keep making me drop her,” he says, placing the bantha toy on his knees to brush her fur down with his hands.
99 ended up asking the trooper what the stuffed bantha was for. He explained that she helped him feel more comfortable falling asleep. 99 never got the clones name, but the chance encounter may just help out Wrecker. There's no guarantee it'll work, but it's certainly worth a shot.
“Do you know what stuffed toys are?” 99 asks the boys. Hunter and Crosshair shake their heads, whilst Tech starts typing on his datpad.
“They are usually animals sewn from fabric and stuffed with something like cotton wool. These animals act as comfort items, often aiding in sleep or stress reduction,” Tech reads out loud.
Hunters eyes go wide. “Do you think something like that could help Wrecker?”
“There's no harm in trying,” 99 says.
“Where are we going to get one?” Crosshair huffs.
“We won't. We're going to make one,” 99 smiles.
“99, 99, look!” Wrecker exclaims running towards the janitor as he works. He's got the stuffed animal 99 and Wrecker's brothers have been working on all week clutched to his chest.
“What have you got there?” 99 asks. He'd collected all the materials for the stuffed tooka and had done a lot of the sewing, but 99 hadn't seen it as necessary to take the credit for making it. She'd likely mean most to Wrecker coming from his brothers anyway.
“This is Lula,” Wrecker says, holding it up so 99 can see it. He briefly wonders if Wrecker or his brothers named her. 99 found the fabric in various places, but always made sure what he chose was soft. “She's a soldier, like we're going to be! But she fights bad dreams,” Wrecker explains.
99 smiles. “Is she good at her job?”
“Mhm,” Wrecker nods, hugging Lula to his chest again. “She's amazing.”
“I'm glad to hear it Wrecker,” 99 says, ruffling Wrecker's short hair.
“Hunter won't tell me where he got her, but I don't care,” Wrecker continues.
99 laughs. “Where ever she came from, I'm sure she's glad she found her way to you.”
Wrecker beams up at 99. “I'm going to take really good care of her,” Wrecker announces seriously. 99's sure he will. Standing there with a pleased look on his face, Wrecker just holds Lula for a while, then realization crosses his face. “I have training!” he exclaims, saying goodbye to 99 before running off.
99 laughs again, glad he could at least help Wrecker a little bit. He's not sure how long this will last, but even if it's just a little while, the effort will have been worth it.

#tbb#tbb wrecker#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#tcw 99#wrecker#wrecker tbb#wrecker-weeks#wrecker weeks#wrecker-week#my writing#tbb fanfiction
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These are panels for chapter 1 and chapter 2 of my CX-2 Tech fanfic "Return From Darkness". If you like emotionally rich, grounded and character driven stories, please be sure to check it out! It is one emotional roller coaster ride. Art done by Collophora. Concepts by me.
#star wars#tbb fanart#star wars fanart#tbb#thebadbatch#the bad batch fanart#star wars tbb#art#illustration#the bad batch tech#tbb oc#tbb fanfiction#tbb fic#tbb tech#oc clones#people are so talented#people are awesome#star wars fanfiction#commissioned art#commissioned work#tech lives#tech is alive#starwars fanfic#storyboard#storyboarding
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Do yourself a favor and go read the entire fanfic work of @fanfoolishness
(In order: Under sun and shade, Blind Side, and Breathless (patching up is one of my fav too, I just had no cool sketch idea for it)
#star wars#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch fanart#tbb fanart#tbb fanfiction#dumping my “fanfic_doodles.clip” file here literally#sorry the style is messy#now I see them all Im like “ok it's all over the place zero/100 aesthetically pleasuring post”#hhhh its the thought that counts?#And tbh the point is just to convince you to read theses#because I'm like OBSSEEESSED with theses since you appeared in my notes#Every fic is gold#Me baiting my followers with pretty enough pictures to read fanfics#this being said I should really take the time to color properly my stuff#but I don't liiiiiiiiike it#there is tons of more talented artists if people want colored beautiful amazing art#me I can't really make my “”“spontaneous”“” “”“doodles”“” pretty without trying hard and at the end it's meh#They're so flat too#yesterday I was like “oh my scenes are becoming less flat I improved maybe”#Then I scrolled on my storyboard insta and was like#yeah sure no#I'm still faaaaaar away from the industry standards#I studied like at three arts school and I'm still bad at drawing TAT#why is my brain not working v_v#look brain I'm showing you nice pictures learn from them#brain: no Im gonna overfixate on this left hand here and only this#anyway
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I can't find the original image to reboot and credit, but here you go.
TECH: When I analyzed Omega's DNA, I noticed an anomaly in her blood. Upon further research, she has a high volume of midichlorians."
WRECKER: What does that mean?
TECH: There was a correlation between a "high M-Count" and a Jedi's abilities using the Force.
OMEGA: Does this mean I'm a Jedi?!
TECH: Possibly. You would need extra training by a Jedi to use those skills.
ECHO: I've never noticed she has Force skills.
TECH: I thought her ability to connect with animals was an obvious manifestation of such abilities.
HUNTER: I am sensitive to vibrations. Do I have the Force?
TECH: It seems of the Kaminoans' experimental Clones, only Omega was specifically given a high M-count, which probably explains why she is so valuable to Nala Se and the Empire.
ECHO: Now we know what we're up against. Thankfully, we don't need to collaborate with any suspicious women to get this information. We must find a more secure location to hide. I will contact Rex immediately.
#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch#bad batch#bad batch tech#bad batch fanfic#clone force 99#bad batch hunter#hunter bad batch#tech lives#tech bad batch#bad batch wrecker#i thought it was obvious#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb fanfiction#tbb echo#bad batch echo#echo bad batch#tbb hunter#arc trooper echo#the bad batch star wars#bad batch eve#force sensitive clones#tbb omega#bad batch omega#omega bad batch#force sensitive omega#m count#midichlorians#if tech lived
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I Want More, More
Crosshair x Reader Oneshot
WOW, I broke 20 followers! Thank you, thank you for reading my little fics, it means the world! Have a Crosshair battling with his feelings oneshot!
Word Count: 4605
Summary: Crosshair is made aware that he has not been treating you like he should. He has a crisis about it before talking to you like an adult, kind of.
Warnings: Here there be smut, minors begone, Crosshair struggling with his feelings is its own warning, Crosshair is a dick until he's not, he's a moron your honor, slightly desperate Crosshair, rough sex into talking into gentle sex into rough sex again, oral (m receiving), oral (f receiving), p in v sex, language, some derogatory pet names, talking during sex, reader is afab, there's porn here I promise, you just have to get through Crosshair's angst
This wasn’t fucking working.
Crosshair was near madness, and he was sure you were reaching a point where you needed a break. You’d never let him fuck your mouth for this long before. But there you were, topless, tears streaming down your face, knees probably scuffed or even bleeding from the durasteel floor, nevermind that you still had your pants on. And yet you pushed through, voicing not a word of complaint as you gagged on his persistent cock.
And he wasn’t anywhere close to finishing.
You should be complaining, he decided. What had it been? Thirty minutes? Fifty? Crosshair couldn’t keep track of anything except his own frustration, and that was making him a terrible lay. And if there’s one thing he would be loath to be terrible at, it was sex.
His cock throbbed, his balls ached, and you kept moaning. He growled.
Sooner or later, you’re going to hurt her. She’s going to get tired of this, and she’s going to leave. Hunter’s words from earlier in the week creeped back into his mind, and any hope of salvaging this situation dissipated into thin air.
Crosshair abruptly pulled you off his length and backed away, tugging his pants up as he went. Still you knelt, breathing heavily, awaiting what he’d do next. It was the arrangement you’d both worked out months ago. You allowed yourself to be used as he saw fit, and he made sure you left satisfied and ready for dreamless sleep. No feelings, no complications. It had worked well for a long time. But he looked at you then, your face a mess, your curled legs trembling, and for the first time, he couldn’t stand the sight.
She deserves someone who cares deeply about her, Echo’s voice, well, echoed in his head, as unbidden as Hunter’s had been. His nosy brothers had held an intervention of sorts a few days ago while you were out getting supplies. It had started with Tech’s “We want to know what you are doing with our medic,” gone through Wrecker’s “You know she likes you, right? Like, a lot,” and ended with a long speech from Hunter about how “One day Crosshair, you’re going to wake up and realize that she’s moved on. For some reason, she really cares for you. And you’re treating her like a meaningless one night stand, except you keep doing it over, and over and-”
It was stupid. You both liked what you were doing. You were both consenting adults with the power to walk away at any time. You were both happy and fulfilled with that. It was enough.
Except for the past few days, it hadn’t been.
Crosshair began to really notice certain things since the talk with his brothers. Like how you always met him with a cheery good morning, and how you didn’t expect an answer in return. How you’d sit next to him while he cleaned his rifle, content to do all the talking if he just listened. How you always ran over after a close call on missions, frantic about his safety and never expecting him to inquire about your wellbeing, even if you were covered in soot and limping away from an explosion.
He realized you were giving more, much more to your…friendship, than he was. And that didn’t sit well with him. Your relationship was supposed to be transactional, and here you were, giving him attention and assistance and contact without expecting one damn solitary thing in return. Always giving, never receiving, and he…
He was a fucking prick.
Horrible, awful scenarios started coming to mind after that. For two days, he thought about what would happen if you got transferred, or completed your service and left, or, stars-forbid, got shot. A concept he’d never considered before. You were always there, always constant as Tech’s pointing finger and Echo’s whirring attachments.
The idea of you leaving him - and he was completely arrogant for never seriously entertaining the thought - was frightening. And Crosshair didn’t do frightened.
The worst part? While he was drowning in inner turmoil due to his asshole brothers and your own damn sweetness, you were waltzing around, perfectly fine. You had never given any outward indication that you wanted something real from him, something more than a smokescreen of orgasms and sharp banter. Now that he knew how much you cared, now that he’d heard that you liked him no matter how hard you tried to hide it, he couldn’t let it go.
You’d been contenting yourself with his hands on your body and his lackluster personality for months, when, according to his brothers, you’d really wanted something deeper. Did you think he would reject you, or that he wasn’t capable of anything more to begin with? Both possibilities stung, a lot deeper than he’d ever supposed they would. Especially as he realized that neither of them were unreasonable of you to assume. Suddenly, he was furious.
That’s how he ended up with his cock down your throat in the back of the Marauder, while everyone else was out on the town. Not in his bed, never in his bed. That was one of the rules he’d made, to stop things from getting too intimate. Instead he’d had you kneel, and you’d done it with a wry smile and no questions. He’d planned to fuck these thoughts out of his head, but as it turns out, his brain was thinking the fuck out of his dick, so to speak.
So instead, he leaned against the wall, gazing at you. You still kneeled, still waited patiently while he’d stared for who knows how long.
You deserved better.
The thought was pounding against his skull, incessant and refusing to leave. And Crosshair knew there were only two ways to resolve it. He could walk away, wish you well, and hope that you found someone who could give you a true relationship, no matter what it might cost him.
Or…he could try to be worthy of you.
The first option entailed less risk, and was definitely more his style. He couldn’t be bad at a relationship if he never tried to give you one. But the thought of someone else seeing you like this, or worse, someone else seeing you in ways he hadn’t yet…on a beach, walking down a colorful city street, riding a speeder bike, in the snow…
He stood abruptly and crossed over to your languishing form. He had you in his arms in less than a second, and had you laying on his bunk in less than five more.
“Cross, wha-?” you protested. You knew the rules, knew his boundaries, and tried to sit up and leave.
He grasped your shoulders and gently pushed you back, “Please.” Was all he said, whispered and hoarse. He worried at his lip without realizing it. Your eyes widened, and you let him lean you back on his pillows. He fidgeted with them, trying to make them fluffier than the GAR issued sacks of foam they really were, and you quirked a brow.
“You fucking with me, Cross?” you asked, and he could tell you were putting real effort into keeping the trepidation out of your voice. “Because this is a real weird joke.”
Okay, he deserved that one. But his words were stuck somewhere between his brain and his mouth. How was he supposed to know how to tell a woman he liked her anyway? If the Kaminoans included a class on charm somewhere in their training programs, he definitely didn’t get an invite.
Maybe you would be better off with someone who didn’t spend their days getting up close and personal with other people through a fucking scope.
But all this staring was starting to freak you out. You were sitting awkwardly, legs open, tits out, under his genetically superior gaze. Crosshair didn’t know what kind of face he’d been making, but it clearly wasn’t one you were used to. You crossed your arms over your chest and turned your head to the side, away from him.
“Are we done?” You ground out through a set jaw, a slightly trembling lip. “Is this…ahem…is this over? Because you could just tell me, you don’t have to try and make it easier. I can just go back to my bunk and…and…”
He caught the sheen in your eyes, the catch in your throat. Fuck. Fuck.
“I-I want you…” stars, he can’t even talk. Damn you. Damn him. He cleared his throat. “I. want. you. to stay… there.”
Well, it sounded like it was being tortured out of him, but at least it got your attention. You turned back to look at his face, “You want me to stay here.” You said evenly, jerking your head towards his shabby pillows. “In your bed. Where I’m never, ever supposed to be.”
He swallowed, mouth dry as hell, and nodded. You were so much better at this, so much stronger than he was. He couldn’t do anything but spill his guts in what was probably the least romantic way possible.
So he did, “I want to try…something else.”
Your lips parted just a fraction, and something seemed to click behind your eyes. But you were tough, tougher than he ever gave you credit for, and you never gave him any ground. Oh you were gentle about it, cool satin to his rough burlap. He suspected it was the healer in you. But you always demanded communication from him, demanded that he explain his behavior, even if it took him a while.
“Something else,” the hitch in your voice had disappeared. “You’re going to have to explain that one to me, babe. You know I’ll try something new, and we have a safe word, but this violates your rules, and I don’t know how to act now. I don’t know what’s okay.”
Babe. It slipped out of your mouth every so often, usually in a teasing lilt over comms during a battle. He didn’t know if he loved it or hated it, but it always brought a sudden heat to his face. He felt the tips of his ears burning.
“I…” c’mon, bastard. You can get this out, you have to get this out. She’s waiting. “I want… toforgettherules.”
“I’m sorry? One more time?”
Brat. In any other circumstance, he’d have you over his knee for something like that. But he took a deep breath, like the ones he’d take before making an impossible shot. And maybe that’s what this was, “I want to forget the rules.”
Your eyes alighted with something like hope, “Why?”
Yes Crosshair, you stupid prick, tell the lady why. He needed to get his head examined. He was talking to himself more than usual. And now he’d started to sound like Hunter.
“Because,” he ground out, teeth clenched. “You deserve…better…than what I’ve been giving you. But I…I don’t want anyone else to deserve you.”
You sat with that for just a moment. And then you brought a hand up to your mouth and giggled. It was such a happy sound, he was almost completely unoffended.
“You like me,” you murmured, eyes full of mirth and pure, honest delight.
He let out a shaky breath. It was almost a chuckle, “I like you. You’re a little shit, and you give me a heart attack half the time. But I like you.”
“And… I’m allowed to like you back?” This question was tentative, small. Not how he wanted to see you. You should be bright, confident, unafraid to show your brilliance. A fierceness crept into his heart.
“You get to like whatever you damn well please,” he growled, then softened slightly. “But…it would be nice if you liked me.”
You hummed, and dropped the arms covering your gorgeous breasts to cup his face in both hands. Your fingers moved in his cropped strands of hair, but he resisted the urge to close his eyes at the peace it brought him.
“I like you, more than I ever thought you’d want me to,” you almost-whispered. Then you grinned that same grin you got when Wrecker offered to let you press a detonator. “But if you want in on this, babe, if you want some kind of commitment, I’ve got some rules of my own.”
Strangely, the thought didn’t concern him nearly as badly as it had a day ago. He didn’t know shit about real relationships. He wanted you, and if you gave him some kind of guide to go off of, well, at least there was less of a chance of him fucking it up.
Crosshair nodded, and your smile grew wider, joy sparkling in your eyes.
“First of all,” you began. “You have to say good morning and good night to me. You also have to hold my hand every so often, and let me kiss your cheek. I promise not to embarrass you…too much.”
He huffed a little, but conceded, “Agreed. Anything else?”
“Oh this is an ongoing list. There will be amendments,” you chirped happily. “I require actual conversation daily, and I get to sleep next to you after we fuck.”
“What do you take me for? Of course you get to-”
“No getting jealous of my guy friends, including your brothers. Like when I give them hugs or candies or-.”
“The regs absolutely cannot be trusted-”
“Ha! I knew you’d be a jealous boyfriend. Oh yeah! And I get to introduce you as my boyfriend from now on.”
Crosshair’s mild disgust must have shown on his face, because you laughed outright, “What about partner? Lover? Fuckbuddy?”
He rolled his eyes, “I’ll make ‘boyfriend’ work. Can I kiss you now or does the princess have more proclamations?”
That shut you up. Despite all the other parts of him you’d had in your mouth, one of his rules had been no kissing on the lips. Your eyes glazed over, and he smirked and leaned forward.
Your lips were so soft, plush and sorely neglected. A vague sense of regret and longing overtook him. How the hell had he managed to avoid kissing you until now? It didn’t really matter. He decided, as you let out a little hum of surprise, that it was about to become his new ritual. Every morning, every night, every time he could drag you into a private little alcove, he’d do it, just to get a chance to press his lips to yours.
He pushed forward, his tongue licking at the line of your lips, and you whined. His cock pulsed, and he began steadily rocking it against your clothed thigh. You opened your mouth eagerly and he dove in. Oh this was divine.
“Never thought,” he mumbled into your mouth. “Never thought it’d be like this.”
“Like…what?” you gasped.
“This…this fucking… brilliant. Stars, your mouth…”
You groaned, and he moved to sweep his deft tongue along your jaw, up to your ear. He bit at your earlobe, and your hips began doing some involuntary rocking of their own. Crosshair growled in your ear, satisfied when you shivered.
He stopped though, when he felt your stealthy hand cup his balls through his pants, “No,” he rasped, taking your wrist in hand and bringing the misbehaving appendage up to nip at your squirming fingers. “I told you, doll. I want… to try… something else.”
“Letting me call the shots would be something else,” you whined, still wiggling in his grasp.
He shook his head, “Not tonight,” he said, sounding out of breath. “Tonight, you just lay there. Look pretty. Look fucking gorgeous because that’s what you are, and keep making little noises for me.”
You whimpered at that, and he smirked. But it wasn’t his usual cocky, infuriating twist of the lips. This was an adorable half smile, part disbelieving, part alive with anticipation.
Your pants were hastily removed, and while your shoes caused a bit of an obstacle, Crosshair simply wrenched them off and tossed them over his shoulder. One landed with a thump on the durasteel floor - a place he swore you would never be kneeling unprotected again. He was pretty sure the other ended up in Tech’s bunk.
Crosshair traced his hands down your legs and slowly, ever so slowly pulled your knees further apart. You were pressed back against the pillows, open and waiting for him, and his heart rose to a furious din in his ears. He was almost positive you could hear it.
He was seized with another fit of insecurity. How was he supposed to know how to cater to you like this? He knew how to grasp your throat just hard enough that your eyes would roll back into your head. He knew how you liked to be tied down and spanked. This wasn’t even the first time he had held your legs apart and let you squirm under his attention. But tenderness… communicating one’s feelings with one’s body… he didn’t even know how to begin.
His eyes flicked to your face, flushed with shyness and lust. Your kind, welcoming eyes, more open in every breath than he was in his entire lifetime. You bit your lip.
You have to try to be worthy of her, he thought to himself. And he turned his attention to your pussy.
Still clothed in your thin, basic panties, the solid color was stained dark with your wetness. Crosshair cursed, and slowly descended between your legs.
First, he kissed your knees, not bleeding but definitely scraped, and the gentle touch of his lips had you sighing. You’d never made that sound before, that exhale of pure contentment. He wanted more of it.
You flinched and squirmed as he ran his tongue down your inner thigh, but he held you fast. You weren’t getting away from him. Not now, not when he was finally ready to really try.
Crosshair knew where you wanted him. You weren’t exactly subtle with the canting of your hips and the nervous fluttering of your fingers over the sheets. Your breaths were coming in short bursts of want. Stars, how were you this sensitive already? He’d seen you in a state of pre-orgasmic distress plenty of times, had made you beg for him past the point where you could speak in coherent sentences, but never had he seen such simple, sweet touches electrify you in this way.
Instead of lowering his mouth to your pussy, though, Crosshair moved to lick and nip at your hip bone. You squealed and moaned, and he decided he’d never heard such an addicting sound.
He brought his tongue across your belly, snapping the waistband of your panties with his teeth before teasing your other hip. Your whimpering was a constant symphony in his dark bunk. He pulled back and chanced a peek at your face. Your eyes were shining with yearning. You had one hand in your hair. He reached up, tugged your abused lip from between your teeth, worried that you’d draw blood, and glanced back down.
The wet spot on your panties had grown, and finally, with a lighter touch than he’d ever directed towards you, Crosshair ran a knuckle up and down your clothed center. You keened, and threw your head back on his feeble pillows, which had flattened almost completely under you.
I need to get new ones, he thought absently as he tugged your panties to the side, exposing your dripping core. She deserves to be fucked on real pillows.
He lowered his head, and you were both gone.
Crosshair had tasted you before, often as a tease while you were tied up and helpless. But not often, and not thoroughly. He usually enjoyed watching your face while taking you apart with his fingers, snarling demeaning pet names into your ear. But this…this was transcendent. You tasted like home, like he could live his entire life and die between your legs. He drank from you slowly, meticulously, lapping at your entrance and circling your clit before closing his lips around it and lightly sucking. Your legs were trembling within minutes. Every few seconds, garbled, meaningless sounds escaped from your throat and spurred him on. He gently, reverently pushed a finger into your hot center, caressing the spot you both loved. You seized up…, and let go.
He rocked you lovingly through your orgasm, fingering you slightly and keeping his mouth clamped around your clit. Your pussy spasmed, your hips jerked, and your mouth opened in a silent scream.
But he didn’t stop.
Crosshair began again, stroking your throbbing clit with his tongue, refusing to allow the fire in your abdomen to subside. Now that he’d really tasted you, now that he’d felt you fall apart on his lips, his only goal was to make it happen again.
“C-cross!” you yelled, hand flying down to his hair. You tugged hard, and he groaned.
“More,” he mumbled into your cunt. His fingers pressed at that tender spot inside you, and your head flew back. You shrieked and writhed on his bed, dripping onto the sheets.
You were moaning with every breath, tensing your legs and frantically thrusting your hips towards his waiting mouth. Your toes curled repeatedly in the corners of his vision. Your pussy was red and swollen, your slick arousal running down his hand and wrist.
Crosshair curled his fingers inside of you and allowed his teeth to gently catch against your begging clit, and your second orgasm hit like a lightning strike. You seized up, screaming your release to the ceiling of his bunk. He gently lapped at your clit as you came down, your yells turning to sobs. Tears spilled down your face and onto your chest. You reached for him, and he encircled your shaking body with his arms.
“Shhhhh,” he hushed into your hair. “You’re alright…you’re alright…I…I’ve got you, mesh’la.”
You pulled back, tears tracking your cheeks as you stared into his eyes, “Y-you’ve never called me that before.”
Crosshair knew you understood the word. Echo called you mesh’la on occasion, Wrecker too. “I felt left out,” he said. “I should get to remind you of how beautiful you are more than anyone else.”
You sniffed, and threw your arms around him, “You’re beautiful too,” he heard you mumble, and his heart swelled. “But…”
“But what, doll?”
Your voice took on a fierce, desperate tone, “If you don’t get inside me right now, we’re going to have our first fight.”
Crosshair was stunned, but only for a moment. This was why he lo…liked you in the first place.
He took on the domineering tone he usually had with you in these situations, “Demanding girls don’t get what they want.”
But you just grinned, and lifted your chin, “Girlfriend privilege.”
He threw his head back and laughed. What had he gotten himself into?
He couldn’t wait to find out.
“Just this once, mesh’la.”
You practically went limp in his arms as his straining, red cock breached your entrance. He stilled for just a moment, relishing in the feeling of being inside you. When you looked up at him, eyes shining with something he dare not name, not yet, he felt complete.
Crosshair grabbed hold of your hair and yanked, and you squealed from the pull of his hand and the push of his cock. This much he was sure of: he knew how you liked to be fucked, and he didn’t have it in him to be gentle any longer. And though he wouldn’t last as long as he’d like, no one could accuse him of not being a giving lover.
“Just like that, good girl,” he growled. You whined and writhed, impaled on his cock and unable to even think. “You just lay back, and come for me one more time.”
“Cross…I-I can’t.”
“You can,” he assured you, and his thumb went down to ever so gently move on your clit. “You’ve done it for me before, and you’re going to do it for me again. Scream, bite me if you have to, but you are going to give me one more.”
You wailed, hips thrusting up, frantically trying to match his rhythm. Crosshair released your hair to grab your throat. He leaned in, a hair's breadth away from your ear, and whispered, “That’s it, that’s my good girl.”
You tensed, and he grinned, “You like that? You like knowing you’re mine? That this mouth, these tits, this pussy all belong to me?” He started moving faster, keeping that pressure on your throbbing clit. He bit at your ear, “But remember, mesh’la, just because you’re my girl doesn’t mean I won’t fuck you like the slut we both know you are.”
That did it. Your cunt clenched around him, and you let out an ear-piercing scream. Your release came in strong, crashing waves, wiping your mind of anything else and soaking both of you. Crosshair couldn’t hold out any longer. He buried himself to the hilt and came deep inside you, and you shuddered with the aftershocks, so full and sated Crosshair swore you’d fallen asleep.
He was wrong. You lifted a trembling hand to his face and smiled gently at him, “Thank you, Cross.”
He scoffed, “Nothing to be thankful for. Not like we haven’t done this a hundred times.”
But you shook your head, “We’ve never done this before.” You gestured at the mess you’d made in his bed, at your tangled limbs and the invisible closeness that still existed between you, even after the amazing sex. “Thank you for trying.”
Crosshair felt his strength leave him. He gathered you up, and buried his face in your chest, taking deep, calming breaths, “Don’t let me coast on it.” He murmured. “Don’t cut me any slack. I’m bad at this.”
He heard your giggle from above, “A little unpolished, maybe, but I’ve never seen you fail to excel at something you were determined to accomplish.” You stroked his hair. “We’ll be fine, babe.”
“We need to talk about that nickname.”
“I can think of others,” you teased. “Honey, sweetie, my little tooka-”
He made a gagging noise against your breasts, and you were outright laughing, “Babycakes, darling, love-”
Crosshair knew he’d tensed up at that last one, had let a little gasp escape in his contentment. He blamed the recent orgasm. But you’d heard it, and you stopped laughing.
“Oh…” he heard your voice take on a strange tone, and finally looked up at your face. You looked…shy. Shy and happy. You nodded, “Love, then. I can make that work.”
He felt his ears burning, and he turned his face back into your chest. A sudden possessiveness overtook him, and he gathered you closer, “You can’t…” he mumbled. “You can’t call anyone else that.”
You were quiet for a moment, probably remembering all of the interchangeable nicknames you liked to use with his brothers. Then he felt your hands grab his face - still hiding in your breasts like a coward - and turn it toward your own. You smiled down at him.
“And that, love, is what we call boyfriend privilege.”
Crosshair gazed at you in amazement, then felt a rare smile break out over his face. He hugged you close, took his time kissing your lips again. He knew, in a moment, he would tell you to stay where you are as he got up and did something he’d never done for you before - clean you up himself. It’s something he would insist on doing from here on out.
Because, he decided, that’s what your boyfriend would do. And, as he was realizing rather quickly, he did not want anyone else to earn that title.
It was his. And he was yours.
#crosshair x reader#crosshair smut#tbb crosshair#the bad batch crosshair#crosshair fanfiction#tbb fanfiction#bad batch fanfic#the bad batch fanfiction#crosshair bad batch#wisteriabyrnefanfic#wistysfics
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Don't lose your focus
Summary: As a Jedi Padawan fighting during the Clone Wars, you and your Master are used to teaming up with Clones. But none are as intriguing as Clone Force 99 and their leader, Sergeant Hunter. Sparks fly immediately and it's difficult to keep your focus. With the mission complete, perhaps the two of you will finally give in and indulge in your desires...
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!fem!reader
Word count: 5.7k
Warnings: smut, 18+ MDNI, Dom!Hunter, use of pet names (sweetheart), shameless flirting, mentions of alcohol consumption, masculinity kink, voice kink, light choking, hand kink, body worship, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, orgasm delay, creampie
A/N: This is the result of me watching The Bad Batch while ovulating. This is (probably) not how the Force works but your honour I was horny. Thank you to my dear @thefrogdalorian for the immense help and support! I love you so much! Amazing divider by @saradika-graphics At the end of the fic you'll find the links to some amazing Hunter fanarts I found here on Tumblr! These were such an inspiration when writing and I wanted to thank and credit the artists for creating such amazing pieces!
Masterlist - Read on Ao3 - Read Part 2 here!
Another day, another dangerous mission in the Outer Rim.
Nothing new for you and your Master who are used to leading these missions successfully. The only difference is that this time you'll be assisted by Experimental Unit Clone Force 99. It’s the first time you even heard about them, but your superiors assured you they’re best suited for this job. A highly-skilled squad of defective clones with desirable mutations? Sounds interesting.
Apparently, The Bad Batch, as they call themselves, despise rules and protocol and adopt unusual methods to get the job done… Much like you and your Master.
Their ship has just made a bumpy landing on the field, causing a fuss. You watch curiously as the squad descends the ramp. There are four of them, and they undoubtedly look badass in their black armour.
The first one – their leader, you assume – removes his helmet and... damn. Damn. He's hot, with a confident look in his deep brown eyes. He also has long, wavy, dark hair; a feature which has always been a weakness of yours. His face is half covered in a tattoo that resembles a skeleton. He's undoubtedly the most charming of the Batch, and also the most attractive clone you’ve ever come across.
“I’m Sergeant Hunter,” he rasps as he greets you and your Master. His voice is deep and husky, very different from those of all the other clones you’ve met so far.
After introducing himself, Hunter moves to quickly describe the peculiarities that make each of the members of the team unique. As you stand back to observe them, you can’t help thinking just how much fun they are. Wrecker (the strong one) is getting reluctantly lectured by Tech (the smart one) while Crosshair (the laconic and lethal sniper) stands there in silence. He reminds you of your Master so much.
As much as you enjoy observing the rest of the squad, you find your gaze returns to Hunter, the clone with enhanced senses. You are unable to tear your eyes away from him. You know you have to keep it together, but you can’t help eating him with your eyes. Your gaze lingers on his body, on the way his pauldrons make his shoulders even broader, how much the black colour of his armour suits him.
You have just begun fantasising about the way his strong body would look without the armour when you notice Hunter staring directly at you. Busted. You lock eyes for a few seconds and you just know that he understands the nature of the thoughts you’re having about him. Then, your pounding heart skips a beat when Hunter winks at you. It is a split-second gesture that is over so quickly amidst the chaos of the conversation, a little secret between the two of you. You smile flirtatiously at him in response.
The whole group begins heading towards their ship, The Marauder. While the rest of the Batch and your Master head up the ramp towards the ship that will take you to the rendezvous point, you and Hunter pause at the bottom.
“I’m afraid I haven’t caught your name, sweetheart?” Hunter asks, breaking the silence with his deep, raspy voice.
"I am a Jedi, not a sweetheart," you point out teasingly and look at him with crossed arms, trying to sound tough.
"A Padawan," he reminds you with a smirk on his face.
You watch curiously as Hunter takes your braid – the unmistakable sign of your rank as an apprentice – between his fingers. He gently rolls it between his gloved finger and thumb contemplatively as his brown eyes meet your gaze once again.
"I technically outrank you, Sergeant," you say, challenging him.
"You do, Commander," Hunter nods, but makes no effort to move his hand away from your braid, or to interrupt eye contact.
Hunter can tell that you don’t mind the gesture. As if to push the boundaries further, he moves his hand from your braid to gently place it on your cheek. The leather of his glove feels soft against your face. You are stunned that a seasoned soldier such as him can actually be so gentle in the way he touches you.
You can feel the tension coming from the two of you, a simmering fire somewhere deep within. It's only a matter of time before it boils over. You look at each other straight in the eyes, neither one of you daring to look away.
Just as you're about to tease him with yet another witty reply, you hear the sound of footsteps at the top of the ramp.
"Hey, Hunter, are you gonna come with us or what?!" Wrecker shouts, abruptly interrupting your shameless flirting.
"On my way," Hunter replies, without breaking eye contact with you.
His intense gaze lingers on you for a few more seconds before he looks at you apologetically and turns to head up to the ramp and onto the Marauder.
As soon as Hunter turns away from you, you realise just how hard your heart is thundering in your chest. His gaze was so intense that it made you forget to breathe properly. So much for the Jedi breathing techniques. It turns out if there is a handsome man with dark eyes flirting with you, they lose all effectiveness. You take a deep breath, filling your burning lungs with oxygen.
When you enter the ship, you are still trembling. As you take a seat next to your Master, you try to ignore his accusatory glare. You feel his eyes burning into your soul as the guilt threatens to overwhelm you, even though nothing too scandalous happened.
As the Marauder enters hyperspace, your Master takes a seat on the cold metallic floor in an isolated area of the ship. Meditating before battle is a ritual he always follows and you immediately join him. It can help you shift your focus back to where it should be – on the mission. Only, you can't focus.
Instead of your mind becoming one with the Force, you're highly attuned to the actions of the members of the squad. It is as though you can see them as if you were standing before them: Tech studying the holo-maps, Crosshair cleaning his sniper rifle, Wrecker taking a nap, and of course, Hunter. He is mindlessly playing with his vibroknife as he slouches on a crate.
You are entranced by the way his fingers move across the handle and the blade. Maker, the movement of his hand and fingers – you can't focus on anything else as he makes the knife masterfully swirl between them. There's something so erotic about the way he plays with it. Your mind wanders to think about his hands roaming on your body, slipping between your thighs, skillfully rubbing your clit. You fantasise about how quickly Hunter would make you come, how hard your orgasm would be as it tore through you, leaving you a trembling wreck.
Your focus then goes to his muscular thighs. Hunter’s legs are spread wide and he looks so effortlessly masculine. The aura of confidence he radiates as he comfortably sits there, taking up the entire crate as he lounges on top of it, gives you even more thoughts that are unbecoming of a Padawan. It makes you almost dizzy with want as you think about how much you want to straddle him and ride him into ecstasy.
“Are you done?” your Master’s cold voice interrupts your filthy train of thought with a brief and concise message through the Force.
He heard your thoughts. Each and every single one. Your Master caught you red-handed. How embarrassing.
You are too mortified to even mumble an apology, through the Force or otherwise. Instead, you sit there wishing you could be anywhere else in the galaxy as you feel the heat rise in your cheeks and pull your hood up to hide your flustered face in your cape.
Luckily, before the awkward moment can continue for any longer, Tech announces the imminent jump out of hyperspace. You still cannot bear to make eye contact with your Master, shrinking into your blessedly baggy cape as you begin the descent into the planet’s atmosphere...
The mission was a success – you and your Master worked your magic with the precious support of Clone Force 99. What seemed like a desperate operation, turned out to be an extremely important victory for the Republic. Training with your Master has been so hard, but damn did that pay off. You slayed all your enemies elegantly and effortlessly, just like he taught you. The whole Bad Batch congratulated you two. Wrecker was especially impressed, electing the two of you as his favourite Jedi. What an honour. Hunter also invited you and your Master to celebrate the victory by having a drink all together in a cantina.
Just as you’re about to enter the cantina and join the Bad Batch, your Master calls your name. You stop in your tracks, scared that he might reprimand you for the way you acted today. You begin panicking and thinking back to what happened in guilt…
When you and your Master had taken off your heavy capes before engaging in battle, you noticed Hunter couldn't keep his eyes off you. You were wearing a skin-tight dark suit, after all.
It was a fact you decided to exploit after Hunter had given his squad their orders for the mission. You walked away swaying your hips, making sure you gave him a great opportunity to look at your ass. You remember how you could feel his eyes glued to it. You could also feel his desire for you. It was impossible for him to hide; it permeated him, radiated from him. Maker, you love making him crumble.
You think back to the way Crosshair rasped, "Hunter, don't lose your focus.” You are certain that is what your Master is about to scold you for.
Instead, you watch in shock as a half smile appears on your Master’s face, something you don't see very often.
“You did good today. I’m proud of you,” he nods.
Since when does your Master pay you compliments like this?
“Th-Thank you,” you stammer, caught off-guard by how unexpected his praise is.
“You fulfilled your duties as a Jedi. Now, go and have your fun.”
You don’t have time to respond before he turns on his heel and walks away, cape billowing in the breeze. You know your Master doesn’t often like to stick around after missions, often needing some quiet time to himself to decompress and meditate. You let him go, knowing that he will find his way back to the Marauder before it departs, as he always does.
As you step into the Cantina, a smile spreads on your face when you notice the Bad Batch sitting at a table with a full flagon of booze and an empty seat for you to toast your success. You and Hunter lock eyes again as he invites you to sit in that spot close to him.
Hunter loses no time in placing his arm around your shoulders while smiling at you. You lean into his embrace, feeling comforted and protected. The warm presence of his arm around you makes you smile contentedly. It feels so good to let the guard down for once, especially if you're in the arms of a handsome, strong and charming man such as Hunter.
As the night goes on, the three other members of The Bad Batch keep conversing with each other, giving you and Hunter the opportunity to speak privately. It’s as though the background noise fades out. You don't even bother focusing on the discourse the others are having. It’s just you and Hunter flirting shamelessly now.
“You know, I've never seen a ship like yours. I wish I had time to properly explore it... Thoroughly," you flirt with him while draining the last few dregs in your flagon.
"Want me to give you a tour, sweetheart?" he says with a smile on his face, perfectly understanding your intentions.
"Would be cool, yeah," you reply.
Hunter offers you his hand and you gladly accept it with a mischievous smile.
Just as you stand, you feel the alcohol has definitely kicked in. You’re not drunk though, just a little bit tipsy, enough to make you brave and go get exactly what you want.
As soon as you and Hunter get out of the cantina and find yourselves alone in the dark alley, you both give into the instincts you tried to suppress all day long. Hunter pins you to the wall as you pull him closer at the same time, until you join in a passionate, longing kiss.
You welcome his tongue in your mouth as his hands wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to him. His touch and the way he kisses you are so confident that you clench around nothing, holding him tighter as you moan in his mouth. Maker, you want him. His whole body jolts when he feels that, pinning you harder against the wall, mentally cursing the armour that is preventing him from feeling the softness of your body against his.
He stops kissing you just so he can look at how stunning you are under the moonlight, hot and flustered after that first, heavy session of making out.
"Look at you. So beautiful," he whispers as he cups your face with his hand, the other one still lingering around your waist. Hunter is treating you like the most precious thing in the galaxy now that he can finally have you all for himself. You lean into his gentle touch as he takes in all the features of your face, especially the way your eyes glimmer with admiration and arousal for him.
You look at his deep, dark and expressive brown eyes and the strong, masculine features of his face that make you throb with need. Your hand caresses his cheek, following the lines of his skeleton tattoo and the contour of his chiseled jaw. He observes you as a sweet smile appears on your face, making you look irresistible and drawing his lips closer to yours once again…
"Hey! Where's Hunter?!" you hear Wrecker shout from inside of the tavern, just as your lips are mere inches apart.
You and Hunter both laugh as you resume the kissing. It's like the whole galaxy stops existing. For a soldier who has seen nothing but war, his kisses are to die for. Your tongues twirl in each other's mouths and it's like his greedy lips can't ever get enough of yours. His mouth is hot like a damn furnace as he takes all the time in the galaxy to worship you with his lips, letting his hands wander throughout your body. You're getting soaked already, feeling your arousal slowly dripping down your legs as a throbbing need pulsates between your thighs. You moan in his mouth as you dig your fingers in his hair, pulling him closer. The kiss is getting deeper and more passionate as you go on.
Hunter's lips start to trail down to your neck, making you sigh deeply as he covers it in kisses. Your scent drives him wild. He can smell your pheromones, feeling you're unmistakably full of desire. He can't resist and just gives a swift lick from the base of your neck to your ear that makes you sharply stifle a gasp, arching your back and tightening your grip on his hair.
"Let's go to the Marauder, shall we?" he rasps in your ear, a voice full of lust that gives you goosebumps.
"Y-yes…" you stutter, feeling light-headed with arousal and being incapable of hiding it.
He offers you his hand as you enter the ship. The two of you cut a clumsy path through the Marauder towards Hunter’s bunk, frequently taking breaks where Hunter desperately pushes you against the cool steel walls of the ship, your arms clinging tight to his shoulders and his face buried in your neck.
"Maker... Take off your armour," you plead as his teeth dig into your delicate skin like a feral beast would do with his prey.
He does, letting each piece fall to the ground as you go on kissing each other, leaving a trail of armour pieces on the floor as you slowly make your way towards his bunk. He looks stunning with just his tight black suit on. You take in the broadness of his shoulders, the way his pectorals stand out, highlighted by the tightness of the suit and grope the strong muscles of his biceps. Oh, fuck. How much do you love a man. Tall, muscular, strong, confident, with dark eyes and a head full of long, wavy hair. A Man.
You moan in his mouth when you feel his thick biceps flexing under your touch. A smile forms on his lips as he feels how much you like this. As his arms wrap around your body, yours go in his hair. Maker, how safe do you feel in his arms. It's such an innate instinct – wanting to be held in the arms of a strong man, surrendering and trusting him, something that usually you would never be permitted to do in your life as a Jedi.
You can feel his erection against your lower belly, straining against his extremely thin black suit. His fingers hook in the hem of your pants, yanking them down over your ass, exposing your drenched cunt as he sits you down in his bunk.
He kneels before you, taking your boots and pants off and spreads your legs, his dark eyes looking into yours as a smirk appears on his face.
"Hunter–" you sigh.
"Wanna get you nice and ready for me, sweetheart," he coos as he starts to kiss your inner thigh.
The vision makes you tremble with lust and your hands helplessly clench into fists in a desperate attempt to grab the material under you to keep you steady. Your legs shake but he keeps them steady in his strong arms. He goes on trailing kisses on your inner thighs without ever stopping looking at you. He's taking his time with it, wanting to enjoy the way your whole body is throbbing with need. Your breathing gets more and more shallow as his mouth gets closer to where you want him the most.
You lift your gaze from Hunter’s dark brown eyes, shutting your eyes for a mere fraction of a second, trying to alleviate the aching need you feel. Hunter chooses that moment to finally give you what you need. With a quick lick to your clit, your whole body jerks into his touch and a whimper escapes from your lips.
Hunter smirks up at you, the corner of his mouth lifting upwards in a smug, satisfied look. Then, he proceeds to bury his face between your legs and masterfully lick your swollen clit. His tongue brings you so much pleasure that your back arches involuntarily, pushing yourself further into his mouth. You moan his name and grab a handful of his long, thick hair. He purrs in your cunt when you entangle your fingers in his hair and you notice how his grip on your legs becomes tighter.
"Oh... Oh fuck!" you exclaim in ecstasy, barely able to form words.
One of his hands releases its grasp on your legs, which he has been using to keep you spread open for him. You throw your head back gasping as he slowly slides two of his thick fingers inside you.
"So tight," he growls with a smirk on his face.
Hunter pumps his fingers inside of you, slowly increasing the rhythm, ensuring that you’re stretched out for him. It is a motion that brings you so much pleasure you wonder how it could possibly get better. Your whole body jerks in pure bliss under his touch. He enjoys looking at you like this, you can see it from how darkened his eyes are with lust.
For a brief second, his fingers and mouth leave your cunt, leaving you devastatingly empty. You watch in awe as Hunter sticks them in his mouth, without breaking eye contact with you. He sucks on his fingers, humming while closing his eyes to savor your taste from places where his tongue can’t reach.
"You taste so good, sweetheart," he rasps as he resumes fucking you with his fingers.
He watches you contort under him, moaning and begging for him to return his skillful mouth between your thighs. Your hips thrust up and down right in front of his face. You are shamelessly fucking yourself on his fingers, inviting him to bury his face back in your folds. You desperately bury your hands in his hair in an attempt to pull him closer.
"Damn, you're so beautiful like this," he says before his mouth goes back exactly where you wanted.
Then, Hunter does something absolutely devastating. While he continues licking your clit, he starts sucking it gently, all as he continues pumping his thick fingers inside of you. Hunter wants to draw an orgasm from you, his actions becoming more and more frantic as you grow closer to your climax. He can feel by the irregular way you breathe and shake that you're close.
"Yes. Yes. Like this. Let go, sweetheart," he encourages you.
It's only a matter of seconds before you come, writhing under him. Your legs are wrapped around his head, squishing it. You scream his name so loud it echoes in the Marauder. Hunter is pleased as he looks at your blissed-out expression and feels your cunt clamping around his fingers. Your back arches as you ride your orgasm, pushing yourself further into his tongue so you can feel him licking you through your orgasm. Hunter purrs into your cunt, loving the way you let go around him. He loves how his face is getting soaked in your arousal, so addicted to the way you taste.
Hunter holds you steady as your orgasm fades out. When you regain your senses, you slowly release your grip on his hair. Only then he props himself up and slowly unzips his suit, showing you the beautiful golden skin underneath. A warm contrast under the black, tight layer.
The dark hairs on his chest are perfectly trimmed, accentuating each of his toned muscles and the tattoos which decorate his thick, masculine body. Your gaze is locked on his hand trailing down his abdomen, his muscles rippling as he approaches the hem of his pants.
You shamelessly look at the bulge in his dark suit, a sight that makes your mouth water. Hunter’s lips curve into a smirk once again, noticing that you like what you see. The smug look on his face makes you throb with need once again, despite the fact that he just gave you an intense orgasm.
He hooks his thumb in the hem of his pants, watching intently for your reaction as he slowly pulls the material down to reveal the trimmed, dark hairs around the base of his thick cock.
Hunter notices the intense way you look at it and hears the whimper you just tried to suppress in your throat. He can feel your heart rate going up. It makes him smirk confidently as he goes on, finally freeing his hard, thick cock. You gulp while looking at it, as he uses the same fingers he had buried in you to cover it in your arousal. He gives it a few, firm strokes to ensure it’s nice and wet for you. The mere vision of it makes you bite your lip to muffle another impatient whimper.
Then he is on you, peeling your shirt away from your quivering body, rejoicing when he can finally touch it and worship it with his mouth. Hunter trails kisses across your collarbones and down towards your breasts. He swirls his tongue around the sensitive flesh there, before softly biting your nipples. You gasp when you feel his erection hard against your cunt. He starts to thrust his hips against yours so his cock can rub against your drenched core, getting it soaked in your juices. Your mind turns completely blank at that, heart thundering in your chest as his hands roam across your body.
Hunter aligns himself to your entrance, groaning as his cock slowly makes its way inside of you. You admire his restraint. You know how much he probably wants to take you with one thrust, but instead he is being so gentle and careful with you, making sure that you are well-adjusted to his size.
He takes your jaw in his hand, looking deep inside your eyes as his thick cock stretches you open. You struggle to keep eye contact with him, unlike earlier when you were flirting with him. Now, your eyes only want to roll backwards. The pleasure you feel as he splits you open is overwhelming your body and senses.
You pathetically try to mumble some incoherencies, but he's quick to shut you up with a kiss. Hunter growls low in his throat when he feels your walls desperately clenching around him, as he buries himself into you to the hilt.
"Fuck, sweetheart, you feel so good," he rasps, almost desperately before giving you another wet kiss. Then, he raises his hips only to bury his cock deep inside you, making you moan into his mouth.
"How – how can you feel so fucking good?" he whimpers.
Hunter’s large hands gently cup your face, as he continues placing passionate kisses against your lips while thrusting into you. You notice his kisses become more desperate as he slowly increases the rhythm. As Hunter picks up the pace, he buries his face in your neck, panting low in your ear.
You are certain that he can’t go any faster, before he proves you wrong. He increases the pace to a brutal rhythm, fucking you so hard you start screaming.
"So loud,” he rasps, “They're gonna hear us in the Cantina."
"Then make me shut up," you whisper daringly.
A blaze of lust glimmers in his eyes as you lay down that challenge. Something shifts inside of him as he gives you a feral, animalistic look. Hunter quickly covers your mouth with his hand, showing you his more dominant, commanding side which makes you clamp tightly around his cock.
"Oh, you like this," he smirks, satisfied that this is precisely what you wanted all along.
You nod frantically. There is no use hiding how much this turns you on. Despite how much Hunter shows care towards you, you suspect there is something darker which lingers below the surface. You want to draw it out of him.
"What else do you like, hm?" he coos as he wraps his other hand around your throat, lightly choking you, his thumb rubbing your throat possessively.
The sight of you, looking so vulnerable under him as he can finally dominate you makes him frantic with lust. Gone are the measured thrusts and even rhythm of before. Something feral has overtaken Hunter, a desperate need to claim you. He continues silencing your moans with one hand around your throat and one across your mouth, muffling your gasps as he wrecks you with his cock.
Having Hunter's hand muffling your own moans gives you the opportunity to hear his desperate grunts and pants as they mix with the obscene, squelching sound his cock makes each time he thrusts into you. You close your eyes in bliss, enjoying this moment of pure pleasure.
"Can't keep your eyes open for me, sweetheart? Look at me with those pretty fucking eyes," he growls.
You can't help but whimper at that, at how authoritative he sounds. The Sergeant of The Bad Batch is dominating the fuck out of you. You are a moaning, gasping mess beneath him, unable to think about anything other than how good being furiously pounded by him feels.
"I didn't catch that,” Hunter rasps as he slowly lifts his hand from your mouth. He leans down to put his ear against your mouth “What were you saying, sweetheart?"
"L-let me – fuck!” you gasp, too blissed out to form words.
“Use your words,” Hunter commands, slowing his thrusts down so you can finally speak.
“Let me touch you!" you beg, unable to care about how desperate and pathetic you sound. All you can think about is roaming your hands around the warm, firm expanse of his body.
Hunter smirks, intrigued by your request, only too happy to oblige you. He grabs your hand roughly by the wrist and positions it over his abdomen. You can feel his muscles flexing and contracting under your touch as he thrusts into you. His body is as hard as iron and on fire like a damn furnace, burning with lust.
"Maker…" you whisper.
You let your hand trail up to his firm chest. You grope his pectorals, appreciating the firmness of his muscles. Your cunt clenches around his cock at the sight of your hand against his golden skin. A smirk appears on his face, enjoying what he does to you.
Your hand goes up to his broad shoulder, rubbing over it before you move your hand towards his back. You feel how his muscles strain there with each thrust as he continues pounding into you at a relentless pace. Both of your hands are now caressing his back, feeling every single dimple under your fingertips. Just as you try pulling him close, he starts to give it to you even harder. You scratch your fingernails along his back. You watch in awe as Hunter moans in your mouth at that.
"Could–could fucking smell how much you wanted me earlier. You distracted me the whole time. Couldn't think of anything else besides how good you'd look with my cock inside of you,” he rasps in your neck before biting you, growling wildly as he does. “I was so fucking hard for you, sweetheart," Hunter grunts.
He's so feral for you, fucking you so hard. You can't even mumble a response.
"Smell so good – so fucking good–" he whispers in your ear.
"D-don't s–stop," you mumble in your cockdrunk delirium.
"I can't, sweetheart. This cunt's all I ever wanted,” he growls, “Gonna make you mine. Mine."
"Oh, fuck… Yes," you pant as he props himself up, kneeling in front of you without stopping that devastating rhythm for even half a second.
He looks at your body, at the way your boobs bounce with each thrust as he gives it go you even harder, holding on tight to your legs, using them as leverage to bury himself even deeper inside of you. Seeing him like this makes you remember just how badly you wanted to ride his cock earlier.
"Hunter. Hunter. I want to ride you," you whimper.
"Is that an order, Commander?"
"Y–yes. Yes. Order. S–s-sergeant," you mindlessly go on as he keeps thrusting his cock inside of you.
The thought of you bouncing on his cock makes him throb. In an instant, Hunter lifts you in his arms as if you were weightless and makes you straddle him. He sits with his back against the wall of the bunk. His hands are on your waist and you immediately start rocking your hips up and down, giving into your fantasy from earlier.
"Such a good soldier… So good at following orders," you whisper against his lips.
"Yeah… Sometimes," he smirks before gripping your hair and stealing another wet, hot kiss that makes you melt into him even further.
Your head rolls back in pleasure at the way his cock feels from this position. It's devastating, hitting something deep within you. You almost lose yourself in that feeling, but Hunter won’t allow you to. Even though you are on top of him, Hunter is quick to remind you who’s in charge as he takes your jaw in his hand.
"Eyes on me," he orders firmly.
"Yes, Sergeant," you moan.
You swear you feel him throbbing and choke a grunt when he hears the sensual way you pronounce his title. Clearly, using his rank in this context has done something to Hunter. He moves his thumb between your lips and you suck it provocatively, never stopping yourself from meeting his gaze. Hunter’s pupils widen at the sinful way your lips envelop his finger and your tongue gently touches it. His eyes take into your sensual, precious beauty, before bringing you to him and kissing you again.
Your bodies are damp in sweat and rubbing against one another. Your nipples deliciously catch against his hairy, broad chest. You continue moaning into each other's mouths; your tongues never stop touching.
"Hunter, I'm gonna come–" you whimper.
"Hold it for me, sweetheart," he rasps in a sweet, yet dark voice, having the opposite effect from what he intended.
"Please, I want to come on your cock," you plead desperately.
"Not yet," he smirks.
Hunter grabs your hips and guides your movements so that your clit starts to rub against his pelvis. You let out a loud moan as you hold on to him tighter, digging your nails in his shoulders.
"I can't hold it!" you scream with your eyes shut.
He grabs your chin in his hand, clearly uninterested in your desperate appeals.
"Look at me," he says firmly as you open your eyes. Your vision is too blurry to focus on him but you try nonetheless.
"Now come for me, sweetheart," he rasps darkly.
You obey his order and come hard around his cock. An overwhelming, intense wave of pleasure starts at your core and completely takes over your body. You’re wrecked by uncontrollable shakes as Hunter holds you in his strong arms. You scream and pant as you ride your high. Your eyes roll backwards while Hunter focuses on how beautiful you look when you lose control. Especially when he is the one responsible for it.
Hunter feels your heart running in your chest and every single contraction of your muscles around his cock. The unmistakable, heady scent of sex that fills the Marauder drives him insane, making him burst inside of you. He grunts loudly as he fills you up with his load, holding you tight in his grasp.
You moan in each other's mouths, your forehead leaning on his as you look into each other’s eyes. You never leave each other’s gaze as you both give into the highest of pleasure.
As you come down from your high, your rhythm slows down until it stops completely. Your bodies are intertwined like vines, naked and sweaty as you catch breath in each other’s embrace.
You really do make a great team, after all.
Fanarts: Hunter's back + Shirtless Hunter by @mesvi Hello handsome by @corukant Wet Hunter by @iszapizza Hunter under the shower by @shakall Hunter and his vibroknife by @ve-ti-ver Hunter under the shower by @cloned-eyes Hunter taking off his shirt + Tech by @constant-brain-fog Hunter taking a shower by kaijurave (on twitter/x)
#the bad batch#hunter the bad batch#the bad batch smut#hunter x fem!reader#tbb#tbb hunter#hunter tbb#hunter x f!reader#jedi reader#star wars smut#clone wars smut#clone smut#hunter x jedi!f!reader#smut#oneshot#dom!hunter#clone force 99#tbb smut#tbb fanfiction#tbb fanfic#the bad batch fanfiction#the bad batch hunter#bad batch#tbb hunter x reader#tbb hunter x you#tbb hunter smut#tbb x reader#the bad batch fanfic#hunter x jedi!fem!reader
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Mando'a (but Horny kov'taakyc)
Honestly, this is as much a post for me to reference back as it is for other writers to use 😅
** denotes words that I created based on the rules listed in this mando'a dictionary (found here)
mando'a - english - pronunciation
Body Parts
bevagol - penis, dick, cock - bayv-AH-gohl
murce - lips (pl.) - MOOR-shay
palon - hole, opening; aisle, passageway - pah-LOHN
pel'gam - skin - pel-GAM
pel'troan - cheek - pail-TROHN
petir - center - PEH-teer
shebs - backside, rear, buttocks (also rear of building etc) - shebs
yai - belly, womb, abdomen - yay
yaiten - vagina (anatomical) - yay-TEN
aar'betenor - groan, moan - ahr-bey-tehn-OHR
baa'ruir - shiver, shudder - bah-roo-EER
baar'murcyur - making love, having sex - bahr-moor-SHOOR
baar'mureyca - sex (lit. "body kiss") - bahr-MOOR-aysh-ah
bat'gaanir - rub, grind - baht-gah-NEER
chayaikir - tease, barrack, make fun of (not as hostile as mock) - chai-ay-KEER
dihaarir - undress, take clothes off, unbutton, unzip - dee-hah-REER
↳ ke'dihaarir - undress (command) **
gayiylir - spread - guy-ee-LEER
gedetir - plead, beg - geh-deh-TEER
↳ ke'gedetir - beg (command) **
irudir - hug, embrace - ee-roo-DEER
iviin'hiibir - grasp, grab, seize - ee-VEEN-hee-BEER
murcyur - kiss - moor-SHOOR
pehir - spit - peh-HEER
tigaanur - touch - tee-gah-NOOR
videkir - swallow - vee-deh-KEER
↳ ke'videkir - swallow (command) **
adenn - merciless - ah-DEN
aiki’yc - desperate - ai-KEESH
baar'laamyc - orgasm (lit. body high) - bahr-LAH-meesh **
↳ baar'lamycir - orgasming **
dola - throughout, pervading, soaked - DOH-lah
etyc - dirty, filthy, grimy - EHT-eesh
gebyc - narrow, tight - GEHB-eesh
jatisyc - delicious - jah-TEE-seesh
kandosii'la - stunning, amazing - kan-doh-SEE-la
murey'lin - lust - MOO-ray-leen
murey'yc - sexy, erotic - moor-ay-EESH
nepel - solid, hard - nay-PAIL
nukut'la - naked, nude, bare - noo-KOOT-lah
ori'aal - passion - OH-ree-AHL
piru'lini - thirst - pee-roo-LEE-nee
piryc - wet - PEER-eesh
tsikala - prepared, ready - zee-KAH-lah
yaihi'l - full - YAH-heel
yaiyai'yc - bloated, satisfied - yai-YAI-eesh
ash'emuurir - please someone - ash-eh-moo-REER
copaanir - want - KOH-pan-EER
haav - bed - hahv
↳ haavir - bed (verb; to bed)
jat'ad - good boy/girl (name of affection or praise) - jah-TAHD
jatisir - delight, please, indulge - jah-tee-SEER
linibar - need - lee-nee-BAHR
pel'tigala - tender - pel-tee-GAH-lah
pelid - mattress, something soft to lie down or fall onto - pai-LEED
tennir - open - teh-NEER
↳ ke'tennir - open (command)
brii'tay - knot - bree-TIE
↳ brii'tayir - knot (verb, i.e. A/B/O) **
nadal - heat - nah-DAHL
↳ or'nadal - in heat **
mircir - cage, lock up, capture - meer-SEER
tay'briik - cord, rope, string - tie-BREEK
tay'briir - tie up - tie-BREER
tay'gaan - strap, belt - tie-GAHN
yaihad - pregnancy - yai-HAHD
yaihad'la - pregnant - yai-HAHD-lah
yaihadir - conceive, impregnate - yai-hah-DEER
aar'ika - sting, little pain - AHR-eek-ah
aarar - hurt, cause pain - ah-RAHR
ekur - choke - eck-OOR
gratiir - punish - grah-TEER
kadalikir - scratch, leave a mark - kah-dah-lee-KEER
nynir - hit, strike - nee-NEER
oya'karir - hunt, chase - OY-yah-kah-REER
ky'goy - edge, verge, break, precipice - kee-GOHY
↳ ky'goyir - edge (verb) **
Drop a note or ask if there's anything you think I should add!
#future reference#mando'a#mando'a language#mando#mandalorian#mandalorian culture#the mandalorian#star wars: the clone wars#star wars: the bad batch#star wars the clone wars#star wars the bad batch#star wars#the clone wars#the bad batch#clone wars#bad batch#sw tcw#sw tbb#tcw#tbb#the clone wars smut#the bad batch smut#the clone wars fanfiction#the bad batch fanfiction#tcw fanfiction#tbb fanfiction#clone trooper#clones#clone smut#clone thirsting
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I Told You So
Pairing: Tech x F!Reader
Summary: After a mission goes wrong, Tech realizes that you are more precious to him than he originally thought, and though he is upset that you didn’t listen to him, he is more upset that he nearly lost you. And he intends to finally do something about it.
Warnings: This is very much 18+ Minors do not interact! Slight canon typical violence and mentions of injuries in whatever plot this has, smut; oral - f receiving, unprotected p in v (wrap it before you tap it!!), porn with feelings, possessive Tech, slight praise kink? language
Notes: I don’t know where this came from, it has been a minute since I’ve written anything remotely spicy let alone an actual smut fic. But please let me know what you think!
Word Count: 5.5k
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
Edit: Thank you all for the likes and reblogs!! I hope you enjoyed it 💚
"It is unwise for any of us to go out on our own, we should be working in teams of two." Tech pointed out as you were gearing up for your mission. You were to locate and rescue a Republic senator who had been imprisoned by the Separatists and bring them back to Coruscant.
"There's an odd number, we can't go in teams of two." You pointed out. "I can handle myself, I don't want to divide your squad."
Ever since you had teamed up with Clone Force 99, you had gotten to know them well, but you still felt like an outsider. In some ways, you were, but you never really felt like one of the team. It wasn't uncommon for you to be the odd one out for teamwork, and to you, this was no different.
In truth, you had always hoped to be partnered with Tech when you were given the briefing, but his talents were more complementary with one of his brothers. Ever since you met him, you were drawn to him, his brains, his demeanor, the way he lit up when speaking about something that interested him which ended up being nearly everything. He was handsome and skilled, and he welcomed you into the squad immediately, over the following months, you began developing feelings for him.
It never hindered your performance on missions, not only because you were never paired up with him, but you were good at compartmentalizing your feelings from your work. You wanted to get closer to him, but there never seemed to be a good time, and even if there was, you just didn't know how to bridge the gap.
"You can join Crosshair and myself, it will be safe for you." He suggested.
"We'll cover more ground in three groups. I'll be fine, I doubt there are even going to be any platoons that far out."
Tech shrugged, "Suit yourself. I will send you the coordinates for our rendezvous point. Keep your comm on."
You nodded and left the Marauder with your equipment.
You had no idea that this mission would be more dangerous than many you had encountered, but Tech knew, he always did.
As you approached the outskirts of the village, you saw a clear path straight through to the compound where you suspected the senator was held. It seemed a little too good to be true, there should have been droids out here, not full platoons, but someone keeping watch.
You drew your blaster to be safe, and crept onward, keeping an eye out for anything out of place. You could hear chatter over the comms of the others checking in with each other, and then you heard Tech say your name.
“All clear. As I said.”
Tech didn’t reply and you lowered the volume on your comm, still keeping it on, but not wanting to draw attention to yourself.
You had made it about halfway through the clearing when you saw blaster fire strike about ten paces to your left. You looked up, trying to see where it came from when you saw a platoon of B1s headed your way.
“Easy work.” You mumbled to yourself, aiming your blaster forward, shooting them as they neared you.
It was easy work at first, but there didn’t seem to be an end to them. When you’d shoot one, two more would appear, and before you could even disable a squadron of them, a tank appeared over the horizon.
“Kriff.” You said.
You considered calling for backup, but your pride couldn’t handle Tech telling you that he told you so, so instead you took a grenade out of your pack and threw it toward the platoon. It didn’t seem to damage the tank, but it at least got rid of the marching battle droids.
If you had raised your comm to ask for help, you would have heard Hunter say that the target was secure, and call for everyone to return to the ship, but you were the only one who didn’t check in.
“Tech, Crosshair, you two go find her. Wrecker and I will bring the senator back to the ship.” Hunter told them.
They left their post and headed to your last known location.
“Why didn’t she just join our team?” Crosshair finally asked.
“I did suggest it, but due to her stubborn nature, she was certain she would be fine on her own.” Tech’s tone indicated his annoyance. He wanted to be as annoyed as he sounded, but more than anything he was worried.
He liked having you around, you were always willing to listen to him prattle on about whatever topic was on his mind. You were kind, you treated him and his brothers well. The idea that you could be taken from them had never crossed his mind until now. Unlike you, he had no idea of the way he felt about you. He had rarely had feelings for anyone before, he didn’t know how it was supposed to feel. All he knew was that he didn’t want to sit through a briefing without you, or ramble on about some useless topic without you intently listening, and he didn’t want your last conversation to be the last conversation. He didn’t want to be right about this one thing.
When they saw the explosion in the distance, he began to fear he was right.
The tank fired toward you, it missed its mark and you were able to avoid a direct hit, but the explosion was just a little too close. You were sent flying back from the shock wave, and you could hear buzzing in your ear before everything went black.
If you hadn't gone out on your own, someone could have been looking out for you. Tech could have been looking out for you, just as he insisted upon.
But instead, you were so certain you could handle yourself that you had gotten yourself in trouble.
You woke up in your bunk, bandaged and sore, but still alive. You didn’t know what happened, and you weren’t exactly eager to find out, but you knew you had to face everyone eventually.
Wrecker smiled at you when you walked into the cockpit, “Well look who’s finally awake!”
Crosshair didn’t say anything, instead looking at the back of Tech’s chair.
You heard a sigh, and then Tech turned his chair around, eyeing you up and down.
“Something you need to say?” He finally asked.
“What happened with the mission?”
Hunter spoke, “Got the senator. We’ll be arriving on Coruscant shortly.”
Had you really been asleep that long?
"I told you you should not have gone on your own." It seemed Tech was tired of the small talk.
You looked at him, unsure of what he wanted you to say. “I was just doing my part of the mission, nothing I did was out of line. I didn't know there would be that many droids on the outskirts." It was a losing argument, and one you'd rather not have in the cockpit of the Marauder in front of everyone, but Tech didn't seem interested in anything but the argument.
"Precisely. If you had gone with Crosshair and I, you would not have encountered those droids. And now you are injured because of your own mistake." He had raised his voice, something you’d never heard him do.
You flinched slightly at his words but he continued, “What happened to keeping your comm on? We were trying to reach you.”
“My comm was on!” You retorted, “Just turned it down so I wouldn’t be spotted.”
“Yes well, a lot of good that did you.” He responded sarcastically. “We might not be there to save you next time. Keep that in mind before you choose to do something so reckless.” He turned away from you, facing the front again.
Your eyebrows furrowed at the back of the chair, "I didn’t ask to be saved, in fact I’d rather be back there with the droids. Maybe then-"
Hunter cut into your argument. "That is enough, both of you."
He looked at you with his eyebrows knit together, "Go lay down, rest is going to help your injuries, arguing is not."
You opened your mouth to protest, but before you could say anything, you turned and went to your bunk.
After you were out of earshot, Hunter spoke to Tech.
"What was that about? You can't just yell at her, she got hurt, she learned her lesson already."
"As I have mentioned, she would not have-"
"Stow it. We all know what's going on between you, even if you don't. You need to figure it out before your next outburst." Hunter turned in his chair to face the front of the ship again. Tech looked on at the dancing lights of hyperspace.
Tech didn’t speak to you for the next week. The five of you were granted time off after saving the senator and you had all decided to spend it on Coruscant, but with the tension in the ship, it didn’t seem like much of a vacation.
You knew that all you had to do was apologize, but you didn’t feel like you did anything wrong.
You knew the others were getting tired of yours and Tech’s attitudes; they all knew that it was more than just the mission. They knew about your feelings for each other, and they knew how worried Tech had been as he treated your wounds and bandaged you up.
The only thing they could do was to force a resolution.
“Okay, we’ve had enough.” Hunter said loud enough for both you and Tech to hear at opposite ends of the ship. “We’re all going out. And that includes the two of you.”
He slammed down a flyer he had found for a gondola ride through the upper levels, complete with all the sights Coruscant had to offer.
“Is that really necessary?” You asked, glancing at Tech from the corner of your eye. You couldn’t think of anything less beneficial than the five of you being cramped together in a confined space you couldn’t leave.
“It isn’t a request.” Hunter informed you.
You sighed and left the ship, followed by the others, and finally Tech, and you made your way to the park where the dock was located.
The five of you slowly arrived at the front of the queue, and when it was your turn, you were shoved into a gondola along with Tech. None of the other batchers joined you, but before you thought to exit, the vessel's door had closed and you were moving.
You sat down on the bench across from Tech, still avoiding eye contact by looking out the window, arms crossed.
Tech still kept his silence. Even a week later, he was still considering Hunter's words. Was there something between him and you? He knew he didn’t want to lose you, but that was completely normal, wasn't it? And even if it wasn’t normal, that doesn’t mean whatever he felt was reciprocated. But if you did return his feelings, he knew this might be one of the only chances he had to act on it, to tell you how he felt.
When the gondola had reached nearly the top of the track, the view overlooking the Jedi temple, he sighed and finally looked at you.
"You see, I... I felt responsible for your injuries."
"You felt responsible?" You repeated after a pause. "Wasn't it my fault that I got injured? For not following your oh-so-wise plan?"
You were acting petulant, but your emotions were still running high and the confined space didn't help.
"Well yes, if you had done as I suggested, you would have been free from injury."
"Right, because you know everything."
"Crosshair and I left with zero injuries. So yes, this I know to be fact."
"Do you really have to say 'I told you so'? I'm sorry, is that what you want to hear? I'm sorry that I got hurt because I didn't l-"
You didn't have time to react before you felt Tech's lips upon yours. One hand was on the side of your face and the other was digging into your waist.
The vessel rocked slightly at his movement, causing you to grip onto the bench. Your eyes were still wide at the sudden contact, but when he didn't back away, you closed your eyes and deepened the kiss, moving your hands to place them on his chest.
He stopped to take a breath, his lips still hovering tantalizingly close over yours, breathing you in, committing your perfumed smell to memory.
You closed the gap this time when you decided he had enough time to catch his breath.
His tongue darted out and swiped across your lip, asking for access to explore. You allowed it, moaning into his mouth when you felt his tongue against yours.
In one swift movement, he sat on the bench and pulled you into his lap, resuming the kiss once you had situated yourself.
Your hands moved up, resting on his shoulders briefly before snaking your arms around the back of his neck, holding him close. You could feel his strong hands massaging your thighs before resting on your ass, testing the waters by giving it a squeeze, you bucked your hips slightly in response.
You could feel a coiling sensation in your stomach, a heat pulsing through you, and pooling out onto your panties. You wanted him, and you could feel based on his actions and the stiff bulge in his pants that he wanted you just as badly.
He broke the kiss, and moved his head back, causing you to chase after his kiss. He put a finger to your lips and smirked.
"You must be patient, the gondola ride is near the end of its course, and I still have more to say about the mission."
You frowned in protest, feeling all that heat suddenly dissipate as he gently pushed you off of him.
"Not to worry, the Marauder is nearby, no one else will be there and we can continue our conversation there, if that is what you want."
You nodded in agreement.
"I apologize, but I will need to hear an answer before I can comply."
"Yes, I want that." You said too quickly, trying and failing to not sound too desperate.
He smirked again. "Good girl. You and I still have much to discuss."
You whined slightly at his praise, then waited for the door to open as you neared the dock.
After disembarking, Tech grabbed your hand, pushing past the people exiting their respective vessels. Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair were nearby, but you didn't see them as Tech ushered you back toward the landing port.
"I guess they finally talked about it." Wrecker had said, staring wide-eyed after you two.
"We should probably give them some privacy so they can talk more." Hunter shook his head, smirking toward the ground.
"Just as long as they don't talk in my bunk." Crosshair said as he crossed his arms.
The door to the Marauder wooshed open, and the two of you hurried on board. Tech was back on you before it could close again.
He pushed you back into the wall, pinning you there as he kissed you. Placing hot kisses on your lips, your cheek, your jaw, your neck, anywhere he could.
"Do you realize how worried I was when I saw you?" He asked between kisses. "When I heard the explosion, when I rushed over only to find your body on the ground?"
He stopped kissing you and looked into your eyes, "I thought I lost you before you were even mine to lose."
"Tech.." You tried to move a hand from his grip to place it on his face, but he tightened his hold on it. “I’m sorry.”
“I do not want your apologies.” He told you, “I want you by my side, I want you to be safe. I…” He kissed you again, this time more roughly, eliciting a moan from you again. “I want you to be mine.”
Behind his goggles, his pupils were dilated, his eyes half-lidded.
The coiling feeling returned. Your stomach was in knots. You had never seen Tech like this before, you hadn’t seen him behave so possessively, and you wanted to see more of it.
"Then make me yours." You said, only a whisper. “I want to be yours.”
His mouth found yours again, not bothering to ask you to give his tongue space to enter but instead forcing it past your lips. His knee slotted itself between your legs, close enough to tease you, but not close enough to give you friction where you desired it most. You bucked your hips trying to find it on your own, and he smiled into the kiss.
"What do you want, mesh’la?" He asked you.
You bucked again in response. He removed one hand from yours and brought it down, pushing your hips back against the wall so you couldn't move them again.
"I told you, I need to hear your words. Tell me what you want."
"I want you. I-I need you."
"Then I should not keep you waiting."
He let go of your hip, and with the hand that was still holding yours above you, he guided you over toward the console.
"Here?" You asked.
"Well, of course." He guided your hips downward so that you were seated. "I cannot help but think about how pretty you would look while I fucked you right on the console of my ship."
You let out an involuntary moan at just his words alone.
He caressed the side of your face, and with a feather-light stroke across your jaw, he tilted your chin up to meet your gaze. Despite his words just a moment ago, he placed a gentle kiss on your lips once more, and his hand slowly traveled down your neck, over your breast, down your stomach, and rested at the hem of your shirt.
He looked into your eyes, silently asking for permission. You nodded eagerly and he pulled your shirt up over your head. He tossed it onto the seat behind him and then looked at you, admiring the newly uncovered parts of you.
"Beautiful." He whispered. Out of everything done so far, this one word was enough to make you blush, you tried to turn your head away but he stopped you.
Leaning down over you, he placed a kiss on your shoulder, then your collarbone, trailing down to your breasts, still obstructed by your bra. His lips kissed the top of one, while his hand held the other over the fabric. You reached behind your back and unclasped it, giving him access to another part of you where you wanted to feel his touch.
He tutted quietly. "I could have done that myself."
You rolled your eyes jokingly and he resumed allowing his lips to explore your skin, now alternating between kissing and sucking. And where his lips weren't, his hands were. Squeezing the flesh, thumbing over your nipple while his mouth worked on the other.
Soon, he continued his exploration, and as he neared your stomach, he lowered himself down until he was kneeling between your thighs.
His gaze was hungry as it focused on your center, his lips formed a tight line, holding his mouth closed to prevent his tongue from hanging out.
His hands were on your knees, he trailed them up your thighs, stopping at the waistband of your pants, once again looking up at you to ask your permission. You situated yourself to make it easier for him to remove them, and soon they too were discarded, thrown back toward the pilot chair. His hands were back on your thighs, prodding the soft skin, placing hot, open-mouthed kisses on each of them, sucking them enough to leave marks.
You whined, both at the sensation of him marking your legs, but also at the lack of sensation where you really wanted him to be.
He smirked up at you, and then spread your legs further apart, slowly moving his face toward your aching cunt. He could see how turned on you were, and he licked his lips before speaking.
"Stars, you appear to be soaked."
"Mmhm." Was all you could manage, all your attention was on the fact that he was inches away from giving you the friction you needed.
"Cyar'ika.." He scolded. "Words. You need something of me, what is it?"
"I... I just need you, I need your mouth, your fingers, your cock, I-I need to feel you." Your desperate words turned his gaze dark.
"Good girl, telling me everything you want," his praise caused you to squirm, trying to close your thighs just to feel friction, but he held them open.
"You enjoy it when I call you that?"
"Gods, yes." You moaned.
He hummed in response, keeping that knowledge filed away.
He finally pressed his face forward, nose rubbing against your clothed pussy. You whined in response. He dragged the tip of his nose upward, knowing exactly where you wanted to be touched, and he hooked his fingers around the waistband of your panties, relishing in your whines and pleas for him to finally take them off of you, and soon he relented, letting them join the rest of your clothes before he dove in.
He ate you like a man starved, licking you through your folds, tasting as much of you as he could.
"G-ah, fuck, Tech," you cried out, your hands reaching for his hair. The feeling of your hands gripping his hair causing him to groan.
His lips wrapped around your clit, alternating between sucking it and circling his tongue around it. He could feel you squirming at his touch and he reached one hand up, resting it on your hips, hoping to help anchor your.
With his other hand, he circled your entrance, teasing you, making you beg him to touch you before he obliged.
He slid one long finger into you as far as he could, pressing against the spongy walls, exactly where you needed to feel him.
He let go of your clit and let his tongue run up and down your folds, getting another taste of your juices.
"M-mmo-" You began to say, being cut off by the feeling of his tongue making another swipe up.
"My apologies, you will have to repeat yourself." He looked up at you, his face slick with your arousal.
"More, I need more."
He raised an eyebrow and plunged another finger into you. Your head rolled back and you cried out.
"Is that what you wanted?"
Your grip tightened on his hair, pulling his face back into you. His hot breath fanned against your cunt and you sighed in contentment.
"Gods, you are a needy thing." His purred, his voice vibrated against you as he attached himself to your clit again.
He sucked on you while his fingers made scissor patterns inside you, all the while you could feel the coil start to tighten.
"I'm close-" You cried out. He didn't change anything about his rhythm. He strived to get you there, he was eager to please you after he had been so harsh toward you earlier. His tongue circled your clit and he could feel you pulsing around his fingers.
You could feel the heat growing in your stomach, your moans got louder as you got closer. He slid his fingers out, and before you could complain about the loss, you felt his tongue swiping up and down before dipping inside you. His fingers resumed drawing circles on your clit as he drank from you.
Your thighs clenched together, forcing him to stay exactly where he was, you muttered out a string of curses as the coil finally snapped and you cried his name as you came undone. He kept lapping at you until you were through.
You released your hold on his hair and he stood back up.
"You taste magnificent," He smirked, licking your arousal off his fingers before his mouth found yours again. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he leaned you back onto the console. You shuddered when you felt his stiffened cock press against you. His hands began grabbing at your breasts and your arms wrapped around his neck pulling him in.
"You are perfect." He said as he began kissing every piece of you he could. He locked onto your neck, he kissed you fervently, then gently bit down, giving you a mark that would be difficult to hide from the others, not that they didn’t already have an idea of what was going on here. But that’s what Tech wanted, he wanted to show everyone that you were his.
"Tech.." You said quietly,
"I want to see you." You pushed yourself back up onto your elbows and looked into his eyes.
For a moment, just for a moment, he froze, but soon enough, his hands moved to the fastener on his pants.
"Let me do that."
He smirked and helped you off the console gently.
You worked on the buttons on his shirt first, unbuttoning them slowly, placing gentle kisses on his chest as each loose button reveals it to you.
He tilted your chin up and leaned in for a kiss, pressing against you. You could feel his stiff bulge press into you again and your hands moved faster to unbutton his shirt.
You pushed it off his shoulders when it's finally unbuttoned, and you looked at his toned chest. You knew he'd be strong but it was still a surprise to you. Your fingers danced across his torso, feeling the muscles under his smooth skin, before finally landing on the fastener of his pants.
You look up at him, just as he did for you, asking for his permission. He pressed his forehead against yours in response, you smiled and kissed his lips, then moved to undo the fastening. He helped you to slide his pants off, and he stepped out of them, kicking them off to the side.
You could see the outline of his cock much clearer against his briefs and you could feel your mouth water, you clenched your thighs together, not wanting to wait to feel it inside of you. He raised an eyebrow at you.
"You desire it so badly?" He asked you, forcing your gaze away from it and back up to him.
You nod quickly, "Yes."
He smiled then rutted his hips against you, "Then please, continue."
Your hands moved to the waistband of his briefs, he moved his lips to yours again and you returned the kiss before kissing along his jaw, then his neck. You peeled the waistband down and he hissed as his briefs grazed across his cock. They had soon joined the rest of the clothes and you looked down.
You bit your bottom lip and you started to lower yourself down but he stopped you. You gave him a confused look, and he smirked.
"There will be plenty of time for that at a later time. But for now,"
He continued by guiding you back onto the console, laying your back down and he stood between your legs with his hands on your thighs.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked.
"Yes," you assured him.
You felt his cock rub against your folds, before he positioned himself at your entrance.
"Ready?" He asked.
You bucked your hips in response and he pushed himself in without another word.
You arched your back as you felt him stretch you open, if there was any pain, it quickly turned into pleasure as he buried himself in you inch by inch.
When he was fully sheathed, he gave you a moment to adjust before he started to move. He started out slow, he made sure that you were used to the feeling of his thrusts before he picked up the pace.
"Gods, you are taking me so well, cyar'ika."
You replied with a moan. You bucked your hips to meet his pace and he smirked.
"Is there something you want?"
"Mmm p-please, go fas-faster" you answered between thrusts.
"Very well," He obliged, his hands gripped onto your thighs and he buried himself again, quickening his pace at your request. He looked at you as you took his cock, the way your back arched, how your tits bounced with each thrust, the way your face contorted in pleasure.
He tightened his grip on your thighs, you took that as a hint to wrap your legs around his waist and he moaned in response, feeling himself go even deeper inside you.
"You are so perfect, such a good girl for me." Your walls clenched around his cock at his praise.
He thrusted into you harder wanting to explore the new angle he was permitted.
“Fu-uck,” you whined.
"Is this okay?" He asked, unsure of if he was hurting you.
"Gods, yes!"
He set a brutal pace, but you bucked your hips, meeting his thrusts each time.
Tech could feel himself nearing his climax, his pace started to become slightly more erratic. He slid one hand down your thigh toward your center. He circled your clit with his thumb, intending on sending you over the edge with him.
Your walls clenched around him again at the contact. You were getting close again. Your moans grew louder as you neared the edge.
"That's it," He said, he wanted to feel you come undone again. He continued circling your clit as he thrusted into you. "Be a good girl and come for me once more, come on my cock."
Your second orgasm crashed over you without as much of a warning as the first, your legs tightened around him, he slowed his thrusts down, helping you through it, and he moaned at how your walls constricted him. He knew he wasn't going to last much longer.
"Wh.. Where do you want me?" He asked.
"In-inside," you said, still overcoming the last of the waves of pleasure.
He didn't ask any further questions, he buried himself as far as he could before he stilled, his cock twitching inside you as he painted your walls with hot ropes of his seed.
He moaned out your name as he finished, feeling himself soften inside of you, he pulled himself out of you and you pushed yourself up, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing his lips, your tongue darting into his mouth.
He returned the kiss, holding you close to him, and his hands traveled across your thighs, before lifting you up from the console.
“I love you.” You told him, resting your head on his shoulder as he held you. “I think I always have, but… In case it still wasn’t obvious.”
He smiled and carried you toward the refresher, sitting you down on the counter when you arrived, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips. “Perhaps it was not obvious over the last week, but now, I would have more questions if you did not.” He smiled at you, “I love you too. But next time, if I ask you to join me on a mission instead of going off on your own, please listen to me.”
“But look where it brought us.” You replied with a smirk.
“Perhaps that is true, but for your own information, you do not need to nearly get yourself killed in order for me to fuck you. You could have just asked.”
He grabbed a towel before he quickly left to retrieve your clothes and clean off the console. Tech soon returned to you and turned the water on, helping you off the counter and guiding you to the shower where he joined you. It didn’t take long for his lips to be on you once again.
While it was your stubbornness that led you to this point in the first place, you were suddenly very eager to see what would happen on the next mission, should you and Tech finally be paired together.
#the bad batch#star wars#tbb#the clone wars#the bad batch fanfiction#tbb fanfic#tbb tech#the bad batch fanfic#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch tech#tech the bad batch#tech x reader#tech bad batch#the clone wars fanfiction#the clone wars fanfic#tcw fanfic#tbb fanfiction#tech smut#the bad batch smut#bad batch smut#tbb tech x reader
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Crosshair x Fem!Reader
Tags/warnings: Fluff. SFW, albeit with some mild suggestiveness here and there. Established relationship, some teasing. Mentions and descriptions of the common cold. So much Soft!Crosshair.
Word count: 1.4k
One shot masterlist | Main masterlist | Read on Ao3
You’d heard him shifting, tossing blankets, twisting, and turning throughout the night, and you giggled to yourself at the fact that he’d obviously tried not to wake you—and failed at it. You’d pretended to remain asleep so as to not worry him. You knew Crosshair was susceptible to feeling guilty over affecting you negatively in any way. Still, you knew something was up with him, and as you made pancakes for breakfast, you had already convinced yourself to act surprised when you saw an overly tired Crosshair emerging from your bedroom.
Nothing had prepared you, however, for the sight of Crosshair completely enveloped in a thick blanket with only his face peeking through the cloth, and you didn’t have to fake the shock that overwhelmed your sudden laughter. You looked away for a moment, diverting your gaze over to the pancakes as your laughter died down softly, but when you gazed at Crosshair again, you couldn’t help but erupt in laughter once more, now not only at the sight of him, but also at the fact that he was clearly annoyed.
“I don’t even know where to begin!” You kept giggling.
“How about, good freaking morning?” Crosshair crooned, his voice nasal and the sound of his m’s coming comically close to that of a B.
“Oh ho, sweetie,” you turned the stove off and you made your way over to him as he took a seat on the couch.
“Laugh it up,” Crosshair snarled, but his nasal voice and runny nose wouldn’t intimidate a mouse.
“Do you want padcakes?” You purposefully made your own voice nasal. “A good bordig is subbosed to have a good breakfast.”
His narrow eyes glared at you. “Ha ha.”
“Or would you prefer some chicke-d soup?” You grinned, still imitating his cold-infused way of talking.
In response, Crosshair laid across the entire sofa and faced the back of it, refusing to look at you. You chuckled at his grumpy-cat attitude and kneeled down beside the couch at the level of his head as he remained wrapped under the massive comforter.
“Okay, I’m done teasing,” you spoke normally, gently shaking his shoulder. “Will you look at me, please?”
“You’re really gonna make me move?” Crosshair crooned, immobile.
“I want to see your pretty face,” you smirked.
You heard Crosshair let out a big sigh, and he struggled under the comforter to shift his body, now facing you as he continued to lay on the couch. “I have half a mind to sneeze on you and bring you down with me.”
“I eat my fruits and veggies, you don’t scare me,” you raised a brow at him.
“Shut up and give me pancakes,” Crosshair moaned softly before he closed his eyes as though he’d fall asleep any minute.
“Don’t bite the hand that’s gonna nurse you back to health, sweetheart,” you leaned in and kissed him on the forehead.
Crosshair’s eyes opened for a moment at the contact of your lips on his skin, and the teasing went away from his eyes as he gazed up at you. Your lips retreated from his forehead, and you gazed upon him too—Crosshair didn’t fail to notice the glint of adoration in your eyes, sparkling as you looked down at him. Then, when you took your hand up to brush the backs of your fingers against his cheek, he inevitably leaned into your skin and his eyes closed again. You smiled softly at his reaction, and you took your hand up to his forehead before retrieving it and watching as his eyes opened expectantly, resenting the absence of your touch.
You chuckled. “Well, you don’t seem to have a fever.”
“Yipee,” Crosshair said monotonously.
“Oh, come on,” you said as you got up. “You have a tiny little cold, you’re gonna stay home all day on the couch in a cozy blanket watching movies, with your gorgeous girlfriend giving you pancakes and chicken soup all day.”
Crosshair chuckled. “You’re right, I can think of worse things.”
“And if you’re a good boy, I’ll rub some vaporub on your chest,” you winked.
Crosshair eyed you with a little gleam of mischief, smirking as seductively as he could manage in his current state. “Aye, here I am running with snot all over me, but you still want me, darlin’.”
You cackled. “Oh yeah, you’re irresistible, all wrapped up in a comforter.”
“You can put vaporub on me anywhere you want,” he kept smirking as he closed his eyes.
Laughter took over you again. “Gross.”
“You started it,” he hummed.
With a little giggle, you got up and made your way to the kitchen to finish what you’d started, putting in extra care to the pancakes and even sprinkled in a few chocolate chips, which Crosshair wouldn’t acknowledge out loud, but you knew he loved them. It was a perfectly slow day after that, with both of you spending almost the whole time in the living room together and cozying up to warm bowls of soup you improvised and nailed.
Each time you approached Crosshair for anything, you could see it in his eyes—the faint gleam and the fleeting softness that flashed through those brown irises, features glowing with a tender affection he didn’t need to put into words. He teased and he acted like an infuriated feline whenever he was sick, but close to nothing could measure the degree to which he appreciated and simply loved you. And each time you would feel him gazing upon you in such a way, you’d smile back at him, letting him know you felt the same way.
Crosshair insisted he’d spend the night on the couch—he didn’t want to increase your risks of catching his cold by sleeping next to you like he normally would, even if the idea of clinging to you in his sleep while you played with his gray locks seemed particularly appealing. You both went into the room to get his pillow and some blankets, and he spent a relatively peaceful night on the sofa while you lay dreamlessly on the bed, missing his warmth.
You’d spent the night shifting, tossing blankets, twisting, and turning, but at least you had no risk of waking Crosshair all the way to the sofa. That thought would comfort you during your sleepless hours, and after you finally managed to sleep and wake the next morning, your head ached, you felt your nose congested, and you wanted nothing more than to remain there the entire day. You sat up on the bed, groaning as you channeled all your inner exhaustion and irony—had you known you were going to get sick anyway, you never would have let Crosshair sleep on the sofa.
You got up and didn’t bother changing out of your pajamas. You walked into the living room to find Crosshair was already awake and sitting up on the couch sipping a cup of coffee with a movie in the background, its volume low. He still had a blanket around him, but he didn’t look as groggy as he had the day before. More than that, his handsome features instantly adopted a grin and a heartfelt laugh when he laid eyes on you standing at the edge of the living room in your pajamas, your hair messy as it could ever be, sneezing, and groaning in frustration.
“I don’t even know where to begin,” Crosshair shamelessly teased you.
“You did this to me,” you frowned, and your features scrunched even more when Crosshair laughed at the way you were now pronouncing your m’s.
“Funny how the tables turn, darlin’,” Crosshair smirked.
“And I suppose you’re feeling better?” You raised a brow at him.
“Better than yesterday, but…” Crosshair looked around at the living room before looking back at you. “I could use another day of rest.”
You smiled at him. “Lucky.”
Crosshair gave a light chuckle and opened one of his arms, inviting you to sit next to him under the warmth of his blanket. You slouched your way over to him and took a seat, snuggling into his lean figure, and Crosshair wrapped his arm and the rest of the blanket around you, gently kissing the side of your head.
“You want some soup?” He asked you.
You nodded, snuggling deeper into Crosshair’s warmth.
“I’ll call Wrecker,” Crosshair said before planting another gentle kiss on your temple and reaching for his holopad, and as long as you were curled up to him, the day ahead of you could take whatever turns it wanted.
#moonstrider writes#tbb crosshair#tbb crosshair x reader#crosshair x reader#tbb fanfic#tbb fanfiction#star wars tbb#crosshair x you#the bad batch#tbb crosshair x you#the bad batch x reader#tbb x reader#crosshair#clone force 99#clone x reader#the bad batch crosshair
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Who’s seen the pics from the new Bad Batch comic???

The boys look so hot. Like holy shit whoever is doing this is doing a good job👀🤤
#star wars#sw tcw fanfic#sw tcw#sw tbb#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb tech#tbb wrecker#sergeant hunter#hunter x reader#wrecker x reader#tech x reader#tech#wrecker#crosshair x reader#the bad batch crosshair#Crosshair#sw the bad batch#the bad batch x reader#the bad batch#star wars tbb#tbb fanfiction#tbb
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Last Line Challenge
Post the last line of your WIP drawing or writing, don't matter.
Thanks @crosshairs-dumb-pimp-gf for the tag!
This is from the next chapter of Repercussions.
“Wreck, I need you on guard. I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t ask but…”
“It’s fine.” Wrecker said, “I’m fine,”
Hunter rested his hand on his biggest brother’s shoulder. He wasn’t fine, he could see that. His glassy eyes were struggling to focus, and he swayed slightly as if the ship were in motion. Hunter gently guided him into the seat and shoved his DC17 blaster in his hands.
“I’ll be back as soon as I can. Comm if you hear from Cross.”
Wrecker nodded and held the blaster tighter in his hands as Hunter pressed the release for the ramp and walked back into Kamino’s sterile halls, one final time.
NPT: @indigofyrebird @cloneflo99 @electrikworm
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb hunter#tbb crosshair#tbb wrecker#tbb tech#tbb omega#sw tbb#clone force 99#tbb fanfiction#tag games
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| Programming |
A comic? From me? Magic.
Honestly, this idea has been plaguing me for a while, so I decided to just sit down and draw it. Please excuse this quality, my Procreate crashed trying to finish this so it has had to be coloured slightly differently than how I wanted.
I feel like Echo would have been so against leaving Crosshair, especially after they found out about the chips.
Also, did anyone tell him that they couldn’t confirm he was the Algorithm? Like, Rex knew and when Echo gets out of it, he thanks him for coming back, but like, the rest weren’t there to rescue him. Their mission was to shut it down, it just happened to be him.
Before anyone comments on the armour not being correct, translating it into a comic is hard, and I always draw Echo with Fives vambrace so that’s why it’s not his official set. Honestly, I just loved making this (insert me screaming at my iPad while it crashed multiple times) so maybe I should live up to my namesake and make more comics. (I have lots of joke ones in the works, I mean like proper ones like this.)
Anyway, sorry for ranting, the issues making this has frustrated me.
Hope you enjoyed
#star wars#the bad batch#tbb echo#arc trooper echo#tbb fanart#tbb fanfiction#fanart#tbb crosshair#order 66#tcw fanart#star wars tcw#tcw#tbb tech
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These pieces are for chapter 3 "Devour Hope" of my on going CX-2 Tech AU "Return From Darkness." Hope you enjoy!
Art done by Collophora. Concepts by me.
#star wars#tbb fanart#star wars fanart#tbb#thebadbatch#the bad batch fanart#star wars tbb#art#illustration#the bad batch tech#tbb tech#tech is alive#tech lives#tbb au#tbb fanfiction#the bad batch fic#star wars fanfiction#star wars fic#star wars au#tbb art#oc clone trooper#original character#star wars art#storyboard#storyboarding
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Fics rec of the week, and especially if you like well-written Wrecker, is the entire work of @electrikworm on AO3 In order:
The Batch have a terrible day
Human Shield
A peaceful moment
(But go read the others too)
#star wars#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch fanart#tbb fanfiction#tbb wrecker#tbb omega#again luring you all to suffer with me#hurt/comfort my BELOVED#Some of the best Wrecker fics outa there#go comment on them and all#I already ranted in the previous post so you're free#Slowly illustrating all the fics saved on my phone#Next ones are probably gonna be more angsty tho#I love drawing Wrecker tbh#tho I always fk up his proportions#I'm so bad at keeping proportions TAT#that's why I can't draw fast for s 'cause I check and recheck all the time#and it's never righhhhht#shoulder to head ratio who are you#Trying to give a spotlight to all the Batch haha#impossible#ok time to close (again) tumblr for a week#bye
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To Be Held in Return
Pairing: Crosshair/Reader
Words: 934 (ficlet)
Tags/warnings: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, established relationship on Pabu (post- s3) reader is insecure (the insecurity is for you to decide) and Crosshair shoulders it.
Summary: He knows you're struggling. Crosshair comforts you in his own way.
A/N: This came to me on a whim. Entirely self-indulgent and can be considered a continuation of to be held.
Cold metal presses into the small of your back.
It’s enough that it jars you out of your thoughts, your eyelids fluttering as you glance up at the looming figure beside you.
He says nothing when your gazes connect. The restlessness ebbing in your chest momentarily lapses into a familiar warmth, spreading from your stomach all the way up your cheekbones.
The sensation is enough that it contrasts starkly against this mood, guilt blooming into this hopeless concoction of self-doubt. Guilt, you begrudgingly realize, because he shouldn’t waste his attention on you right now. Not when he has his own demons to combat.
Durasteel fingers massage gentle circles into your lower back, and you hear him sigh before he looks out over the patio railing.
“Only I’m allowed to be grumpy,” he finally says, his voice brooking a subtle teasing that most people would interpret incorrectly.
You look down at your hands with a huff, a ghost of a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
You miss the way he eyes your fidgeting fingers as they tug on the hem of your shirt.
“Do you… want to talk?”
The ocean comes back into view when you crane your head upwards again. It's quiet, a unique kind of silence on Pabu that's only experienced during these late hours.
“Not really,” you say, forcing the words out. “At least, not right now. I have a lot on my mind.”
He hums in reply, the sound deep and thoughtful. The hand he has on you begins to trail up your spine, leaving a trail of goosebumps in its wake. He reaches the base of your neck and gently digs mechanical fingers into the muscle between your neck and shoulders. Your head dips back at the welcomed affection, your eyes falling closed.
Strong arms wrap around the entirety of your form, bracketing you against his front. The pressure of his embrace feels… grounding.
“Is this alright?”
You nod softly, leaning your head against his bicep. A waft of clean laundry and leather, melding with something distinctly him hits your senses, stoking a warmth in your chest.
He moves his head slightly before placing a kiss on your temple. It elicits a sigh from you and his touch lingers, his lips hesitant to break contact.
It would be so easy to keep these insecurities to yourself. To shed light on them feels far too daunting, especially considering you’re usually unperturbed by such things. If anything, you’re the one comforting Crosshair as he makes leeway with his past, offering a listening ear and comforting touch as he processes.
Maybe he understands that the roles have been reversed. Maybe this is him, offering you the opportunity to lean on him, both proverbially and literally.
“I’m sorry,” you say, steeling yourself.
“No, you’re not,” he says, and you feel his smile as he presses his cheek to the side of your head. “I think you just wanted more attention tonight.”
You roll your eyes, the corners of your mouth betraying your amusement by twitching upwards.
“I’m teasing,” he says, squeezing you tighter before loosening his grip. “It’s just weird, you know? You’re normally the… happy one.”
He pauses, seemingly at a loss for words before he lets go of you altogether and you nearly protest, twisting your body around to say as much when he scoops both of your hands into his.
“It feels wrong,” he says, holding your palms to his chest, “I think that was the most I’ve ever talked during dinner. Since when do I yap?”
You can’t help the giggle that bubbles out of your throat because… he’s not wrong. Usually it’s the other way around, with you talking his ears off while he quietly (and not-so-secretly) enjoys what you have to say.
Your mirth seems to encourage him because Crosshair waits a beat, his mouth twitching into a smirk before he says, “You’ve finally done it. You’ve turned me into a yapper.”
Tears spring in your eyes because he’s trying his best to make you smile and it’s working. It’s second nature to untangle your hands from his and encompass his torso with your arms, burying your face into his chest.
Before you know it, the tears start to trail down your cheeks and it becomes harder to breathe steadily.
“I’m sorry,” you choke out, your voice muffled by his shirt. “It’s been a rough couple of days.”
A hand threads into your hair, brushing strands away from your damp cheeks.
“It’s okay,” he reassures, his voice soft. “You’ve seen… my bad side, how many times? I’m always waiting for you to realize that I’m no good. That I’m not worth the effort. But... You always listen. You hold me. So I think it’s only fair to hold you in return, too.”
You think it's the most achingly sweet sentiment he’s ever verbalized. The realization coats your insides with a searing adoration, a heat that builds with each passing second.
You openly cry at that, gripping at him with a newfound ferocity that muscles a chuckle from him. He squeezes you gently before pressing a kiss at the crown of your head.
“I’ve got you,” he whispers. “It’s okay.”
His reassurance lessens the ache gnawing in your chest. He’s unmoving as he holds you, a pillar for you to lay your troubles upon. Time becomes irrelevant as you will your mind to quiet, a dullness settling in as he draws lazy circles into your skin.
Tomorrow, you think.
I’ll tell him tomorrow when I have the wherewithal.
For now, this is enough.
#jillianwrites#crosshair/reader#crosshair x reader#tbb crosshair x you#crosshair/you#tbb crosshair/reader#tbb crosshair x reader#tbb crosshair#the bad batch#tbb#star wars#tbb spoilers#crosshair tbb#the bad batch faniction#tbb fanfiction
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