#TAEMIN 10th Solo Anniversary
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drawaleol · 7 months ago
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Eternal Ace
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atlantis-area · 7 months ago
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TAEMIN 10th solo anniversary
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anotherdescentintomadness · 9 months ago
Best Take My Own Advice
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Painted for TaeMin’s birthday project over at @taemindiscord on Xitter
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jonghyunluvr · 7 months ago
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TAEMIN happy 10th solo debut anniversary
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svtslv-718 · 7 months ago
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240815 TAEMIN 10th Solo Debut Anniversary Thank you for all your hard work! You are art! ♥
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nso-csi · 7 months ago
240822 MCountdown Mini Fan Meeting — Taemin translation thread.
MC: If a fatal charm is born as a person, it will be this person. A word to your TAEMates. T. Hello everyone, this is Taemin who is back after a long while with my 5th mini album. Nice to meet you.
MC. Applause! Congratulations on your solo 10th year debut anniversary. T. I have been busy carrying out activities and before I knew it, it’s my 10th year since debuting solo. Looking back at it, it’s because of the love given by so many people that I was able to continuously promote. I will non-stop develop myself and be the Taemin that can present everyone with good music. thank you.
MC. Do introduce Sexy In The Air T. It’s song with various genre and it’s a song fitting for the summer. The summer is hot so I will be thankful if you can listen to it and spend this summer refreshingly.
MC. (Talks about the MCD’s concept today, Vampire) With that vibe, we would like to see a part of sunbaemin’s Sexy In The Air. T. If I were to say a little about it, the beat for Sexy in the Air is one where you can dance well if you dance to the beat. You can just do it like that and I think that would be good.
MC. That’s so cool. Shall we be Taemin sunbaenim’s wings and dance with him on both of his sides T. Oh that would be a great honour to me.
(After dancing to SITA)
T. How did you guys prepare this? You guys danced well. Thank you.
MC asked Taemin to review them with the stickers T. While I was doing it, I was able to feel how cool he danced on the side, and I could hear his breathing too and it sounded cool. And on this side, he did it sexily with the gaze and all… Hot guy. thank you.
MC. (Asking Taemin the questions MCD collected)
MC’s Qns. Congratulations on reaching your 10th year anniversary. In 10 words, what’s the aspiration you have for the future or what are your thought on the promotion this time. T. Oh in 10 words. Hmm…. I will be the Taeminnie that is always up for challenges. That’s my aspiration.
MC’s Qns. Second question. Matching the song title ‘Sexy In The Air,’ if there’s a time that you thought ‘Oh I am kinda sexy huh’ recently, when is it? T. (Checks the openings of his top) I think there was a time that I felt myself sexy. If you are asking when is it… I am actually working hard in preparing my concert rehearsal and when I saw myself when I was doing my rehearsals I would think ‘Wow… this is no joke though? I am kinda sexy though?’ If you guys are going to come watch my concert, you guys would probably able to see it too. Please do come and watch it a lot.
MC. I want to go too.. T. Thank you.
MC’s Qns. Third question. You will probably be everything from sexy, charismatic and chic on MCD today. So looking forward to it. In that case, can you be a super cutie after a long while and show us your aegyo? Please T. Ah… aegyo… Uh huh uh huh… well if you were to request for it, I can’t refuse right. (Does a peace sign, rabbit look) So do I just need to do this? I learned that there’s a front teeth flirting. Yes… thank you.
MC. Thank you. That’s all the questions we prepared today. We have TAEMates here with words for Taemin today. Are the TAEMates ready? 1, 2, 3!
TAEMates. Lee Taemin! x3
MC. Taemin’s sunbaemin’s stage will be revealed in a bit so do look forward to it. We will look at SF9 and Hyori’s stage first. SF9’s… T & MC. Don’t worry be happy!
cr. iheartshinee_
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living-in-5hinee-world · 7 months ago
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#TAEMIN 10th Solo Debut Anniversary💫 #태민 의 솔로 데뷔 10주년을 축하합니다🩵 #태민_솔로_데뷔_10주년 #10th_Solo_Debut_Anniversary
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jiasdoodlestation · 8 months ago
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[Illustration] ⚠️!!~Danger~!!⚠️ Happy 10th solo anniversary month, Taemin! May many more follow! ❤️
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taenuviel · 1 year ago
when u want taemin and kai to perform pretty boy together for taems 10th year solo debut anniversary but kais still in the trench
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married-2-the-music · 6 months ago
KEY Deep Dive: More Than Just A Comedian
Key first debuted with SHINee in 2008 (which also includes Minho, Taemin, Onew, and the late Jonghyun), and debuted as a soloist around their 10th anniversary in 2018, with Forever Yours.
Here are my credentials: As I’ve made abundantly clear on this blog, I’m a Shawol, and SHINee are my ult group. I’m a huge fan of Key, and he’s one of my favorite members. Despite that, though, I don’t know his solo discography very well, besides a handful of tracks (a couple titles and a couple b-sides), so I’m looking forward to hearing more.
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certifiedmaidenlessblog · 1 year ago
Taemin needs to collab w Koharu for the solo 10th anniversary thing btw. I need their combined masters in cuntology degrees to result in something that is dangerously radioactively cuntalicious.
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atlantis-area · 8 months ago
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TAEMIN - Press Your Number (Music Core, 160227)
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oneandonlyacetaemin · 4 years ago
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So it will happen before Baekhyun enlistment on May 6?
So Taemin’s schedule is like:
🦞🦀🐳🐋🦈🦭 Atlantis 🦑🐙🐡🐠🐟🐬
1. SuperM Virtual Concert
2. SHINee Japanese Album
3. Taemin Solo Album
4. Taemin Solo Beyond Live Concert
5. SHINee 525 Anniversary Celebration
6. SHINee Japan 10th Debut Anniversary Party
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allaboutaemin · 7 years ago
Looking back at K-pop group SHINee’s extraordinary 10-year career
T/W: Death, suicide.
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We speak to people close to the band to trace the making of six of their iconic songs over a decade of triumph and tragedy 
When SHINee debuted in 2008, K-pop looked very different to how it does today. Although a phenomenon within Asia, it was distinctively niche in the west. The industry, however, was moving forward, particularly in terms of the production quality of its music and videos, and on May 25, SHINee’s Onew, Minho, Jonghyun, Key, and youngest member Taemin (who was only 14 at the time) joined K-pop’s burgeoning ranks. Their debut was the sweet mid-tempo R&B song “Replay”, and their home was SM Entertainment, the long-standing entertainment giant who were, at the time, experiencing major success with another boy group, Super Junior. What set SHINee apart from other K-pop groups was “the harmonic trinity of fresh new sounds, their vigorous nature, and the creative visuals”, says SM’s creative director Min Hee-Jin, who has worked with the group since the beginning. Contemporary R&B has always been SHINee’s base sound, but as early as 2009 they were reaching towards sophisticated funk, lush ballads, and electronica, and would balance this exploration with the powerful, layered vocals that had became their signature. Min singles out their second album Romeo as a turning point for the group, visually as well as musically: in the video for bubbly electro-pop song “Juliette”, the members sported bright clothes and clashing accessories that accentuated their youthfulness. “The visualisation of that album reflected their identity the best,” she recalls. “I aimed to put the group’s signature colour (pearl aqua) on the map, as well as each member’s individual style.” In December last year, mere months away from their 10-year anniversary, news broke that 27-year-old Jonghyun had died by suicide. Although SHINee hadn’t released anything during that year, the members had been busy, with acclaimed solo albums by Taemin and Jonghyun, and acting gigs for Minho and Key. The gut-wrenching shock and outpouring of grief following Jonghyun’s death brought the industry to a standstill. Devastated ‘Shawols’ (a term for individuals within the group’s fandom, SHINee World) flocked to social media to try and make sense of their loss, even today leaving daily messages on Jonghyun’s Instagram posts. In the numb months that followed, Jonghyun’s already completed Poet | Artist album was released, and SHINee performed a previously scheduled Japanese concert as a farewell to their bandmate. Having been encouraged by Jonghyun’s mother to continue making music together, the four members began to pick up the pieces, eventually celebrating their 10th anniversary with a new album and a fanmeet, where Minho humbly asked for fans’ support as they moved forward with their lives. To celebrate SHINee’s 10th anniversary, we’ve looked at six of the most significant singles they released since their debut, and spoke to some of the people who helped make them what they were. “RING DING DONG”, OCTOBER 16, 2009 SHINee won several new act categories at Asian music awards in their first year, but it was the 2009, The Year Of Us EP that accelerated their trajectory. Out was the R&B of their debut single, and in was “Ring Ding Dong”s rhymically dense ‘afro-electro’ (as SM Entertainment call it). The group’s jeans and bowl cuts were replaced with aggressive red, black, and grey styling, and feathered hair. “The idea that got me started was creating a melody with a bongo sound,” says composer and lyricist Yoo Young-Jin, who wrote and arranged several of SHINee’s hits. “SHINee might have felt puzzled when they first heard it. They probably never imagined they’d receive a song in this style.” A heavily produced earworm about the shock of falling in love, “Ring Ding Dong” is unarguably a product of its musically outré time, the period (roughly 2008-2011) commonly known within the genre as ‘K-pop’s Golden Age’. The melody’s power to ingrain, however, hasn’t dimmed (it’s since been refreshed as a killer rock version, with its bongo rhythms front and centre, and as an ambitious rock/electro mashup), and the hook and dance is still so adored that Minho, Onew, and Jonghyun played it into an appearance on Korea’s Saturday Night Live in 2015. “I can’t forget when I first saw their dance practice video. Watching them perform with fire in their eyes completely captivated me,” says Yoo Young-Jin. “No matter how long the recording took, Jonghyun always sung with the same energy for the main vocals, (the) dubbing, (and) even the chorus. It was the same for Onew – he said he didn’t mind re-recording, no matter how many times he had to do so. Taemin, the youngest, but with the most ambition; Key with the special and unique charms; and Minho, who always fulfilled his role perfectly within the overall performances – it was a joy to work on their music.” “SHERLOCK”, MARCH 21, 2012 By 2012, Danish songwriter/producer Thomas Troelsen was a veteran collaborator with SM Entertainment, attracted, he says, by their “taking risks on really insane records. When I write for these guys, I try to think of it as a science-fiction project.” Following a year of shows and Japanese promotions, “Sherlock” was SHINee’s first Korean single since 2010’s winsome “Hello”; it was also K-pop’s first ever ‘hybrid remix’, seamlessly joining two album cuts (the new jack swing of “Clue” and the striding, percussive “Note”) that Troelsen also penned. The idea came from a senior A&R at SM, and the result is coy one moment and showy the next, with the harmonies on the chorus exploding as the group execute a sliding march forward, a little like an upright Russian folk dance. US choreographer Tony Testa says he tried to “create the illusion” that each of the members were “alone, retracing memories, their blurred bodies trailing behind as if trying to piece together their lives”. “It was my first experience in K-pop, but I could see they could dance well, so I brought choreography I felt would help them grow,” he adds. “They worked so hard. I think they were at a phase in their careers when they knew they had something special and really wanted to prove themselves.” The song’s complexity, and SHINee’s performance (particularly the confrontational energy live) signalled a coming of age for the band. Their metamorphosis, which had included controversially sexy teasers that shocked Shawols accustomed to seeing their idols as boyish or, at most, slightly outlandish, was timely – a new generation of idols, including labelmates EXO, were arriving to steal old crowns. “Sherlock”, however, allowed SHINee to step into a sphere that was entirely their own. “EVERYBODY”, OCTOBER 14, 2013 “We show something new with every release,” Onew told The Korea Times in 2012. “Initially, we can feel a bit awkward (in the new shoes), but then we fill them.” Around this time, K-pop songs were frequently incorporating dubstep but, rather than emulate others, “Everybody” juxtaposed SHINee’s melodic sensibilities with the grinding wub-wub of ‘complextro’ (complex electro). “The first time I heard the song, it reminded me of being a kid,” says Tony Testa. “The odd mechanical sounds were like (the) wind-up teeth and action figures I used to play with.” His childhood memories formed the backbone of the song’s choreography and influenced the video’s concept, in which Minho ‘winds up’ the members, dressed as toy soldiers. The “go-go gadget helicopter” move is a stand out for Testa, particularly live – he says he was “continually amending the dance because the track went through so many changes.” It’s also a tribute to the producers’ considerate touch, and SHINee’s vocal strength, that despite the pressing weight of complextro’s hallmarks, it holds a carefree lightness to match its breezy lyrics. “‘Everybody’ would have never worked in Europe – never ever,” says Thomas Troelsen, unwittingly pinpointing why so many westerners, hungry for new approaches to pop, often fall for K-pop. It sounds like nothing else from that era (nor would SHINee make another song like it), but as a benchmark for K-pop’s audaciousness and SHINee’s chameleonic allure, “Everybody” is unforgettable. “VIEW”, MAY 18, 2015 Before British writers/producers Greg Bonnick and Hayden Chapman, aka LDN Noise, made a mark with some of K-pop’s biggest songs (including EXO’s “Monster” and Red Velvet’s “Dumb Dumb”), they were obsessed with SHINee’s “Sherlock”. “(It) was a song and MV we really fell in love with on discovering K-pop – the vocals, the styling, everything,” says Bonnick. When it came to writing “View”, their first credit for SHINee, he says they “wanted to create something fresh rather than trying to do what K-pop had already done. ​We were vibing in the studio and once it started coming together on the topline and production, it was one of the quickest turnarounds from writing a song to it actually coming out​.” The ease with which SHINee’s vocals carry the understated instrumental is remarkable; Jonghyun’s graceful lyrics float high and strong above the cyclical bass, while members double up on lines of verse for extra colour and bring an endearing playfulness to the ad-libs. The faithful adoption of deep house influences eliminates K-pop’s showstopping choruses, but gives the track a lean, elastic quality. The video’s depiction of youthful, summery freedom also broke new ground for SHINee, with Thailand’s back streets replacing the glossy soundstages of their previous videos. As much as K-pop’s ingrained rigidity allowed for, it was naturalistic and intimate, helping make “View” a pronounced and successful change of sound and visual identity. “TELL ME WHAT TO DO”, NOVEMBER 16, 2016 “Tell Me What To Do�� began life penned by Americans, including the Grammy-nominated Mike Daley and Grammy-winning Dewain Whitmore Jr, before being rearranged by Yoo Young-Jin. “I vividly remember we changed melody and the lyrics in the hook so many times that I lost count,” says Yoo. “Normally, we modify it once or twice.” SHINee ended up recording it “five or six times”. The track’s magnificent ruse is that for all the lightness of its dance-orientated sound, its true nature is saturated in melancholy and pain. “When you think of breaking up with a loved one, you regard it as the end,” says Yoo. “However, it could be seen as a desperation to bring attention to fading love. It’s such a bitter thing to happen, where fluttering love turns into something that’s just common, like air.” Opened and closed by Taemin, who shifts its tone from questioning to resignation, the story’s depth comes via the back-to-back rap sections (Minho’s is rough and self-realising, Key’s rhythmic and retrospective), and Onew and Jonghyun, two of K-pop’s most distinctive voices, suffuse it with compelling, powerful emotion. “Tell Me What To Do” was SHINee’s last single with five members. The raw, unhampered ache in Jonghyun’s voice makes it a hard listen in 2018, but its dark flame is a poignant reminder that for all the slick moves, unnatural hair colours, and fantastical MVs, SHINee’s greatest strength is music that profoundly resonates with listeners. “GOOD EVENING”, MAY 28, 2018 In late April, the question hanging over whether SHINee would continue as a group was answered as they emerged united for their 10th anniversary with a trilogy of episodic EPs called The Story of Light. “Good Evening”, the first of three lead singles, had its house-driven lead track “already done but (with) no melody,” says US singer/songwriter Bryan Jackson. “And that’s where I came in.” Jackson used elements from 90s R&B group 112’s “Cupid” in the track and worked alongside writers/producers The Fliptones to complete it. “I think the song’s a perfect fit given the heartbreak they went through. It’s about not just loving yourself, but loving others and being a light for those in the dark.” Replacing the synchronisation they’re renowned for, Japanese choreographer Koharu Sugawara portrayed SHINee’s deep emotional bond through loose moves, which she says allowed them to “present their own unique interpretation” of her initial instructions. Their eyes avoid the cameras, and the group dance facing one another more than the audience, stemming from a desire to create a “dance that expresses a sense of love”, where “the way the members conversed with one another showed what love is”. “I wanted SHINee dancing towards ‘SHINee’, I wanted it to be a ‘conversation’,” says Koharu. The music video alludes to Jonghyun’s absence (the third single would be dedicated to him), but “Good Evening”, while delicate, is not encumbered by the grief that precedes it. Rather, SHINee make it nimble and airy, an elegant display of strength and the tying together of old sounds and new. But ultimately it’s so much more – a celebration of life and the closing and opening of chapters, its existence an affirmation of all five members’ talent and ambition, their journey, and the hard work undertaken to rise, succeed, and forever be SHINee.
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lemarane · 7 years ago
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thank you to SHINee!!!
its been just over a year since i started stanning
i have nO regrets listening to your music and im in love with each of you and you're all so so special and important to me
I remember I started listening to taemins solo songs and continued to SHINee from there. I remember before you became my ultimate group I would sing ring ding dong with my friends at the top of our lungs. I remember when I listened to view for the first time and literally fell in love. I remember watching key's drama lookout and crying over the sad parts and how it was my favourite for so long. I remember in October I was camping using my best friends hot spot and overall using 20gb of data over the 3 days because me and my other friend binge watched all kinds of stuff about SHINee on YouTube. I remember I was heartbroken over something in November and SHINee once again healed me. I remember in December I was so destroyed over what had happened but i remembered all of the good memories SHINee had given me. I remember a few days after the moon that turned the sky blue in Japan and how happy it had made me feel. I remember when poet | artist was released and I was at school. I remember watching shinin and crying so hard into my friends shoulder. I remember watching Pops in Seoul on TV and almost crying with happiness when 1of1 was played at the end as a request and how happy that song makes me feel. I remember buying 1of1 a few weeks later and running home everyday just incase it had arrived. I remember I found it lying on my bed on a Tuesday. I remember looking through the photobook for hours. I remember playing it in the car after me, my mum and my sister had gone for a walk and had gotten soaked from the rain outside. I remember in February just before the first Japan concert I had stayed up watching ice skating on the Olympics and by the end I was so tired I couldn't sleep so I listened to SHINee and eventually dozed off. I remember the Japan concerts and how I was frantically checking every fan site for updates on how SHINee were doing. I remember in April when From Now On was released and I was crying whilst listening to it over and over as I could feel everything in it.
That brings us to now. SHINees 10th anniversary. I will forever love SHINee with every fibre of my being for always helping me feel good.
Thank you so so much.
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nso-csi · 7 months ago
240819 ETERNAL 1Q1A
Q1. You reached your solo debut 10th anniversary this year. It must have felt very different, how do you feel?
Taemin: It made me realize that I have been active for a long time and I am very thankful towards the fans that have been loving me over this long period of time. I prepared this album with the intention to commemorate my 10th anniversary so I really wanted to present what I prepared as soon as I can.
Q2. There has been a huge change. You moved to a new company, BPM so is there any thing that changed or stayed the same from the usual? If there is, please share what is it.
Taemin: To be honest, there isn’t a huge difference due to the change of company. I have prepared it the way I always do regardless of where I am. But of course, I am learning how to communicate with the staff and other various things as I try to find a way to work together. I am just creating a new way of doing things but I think I have prepared it as how I have always been preparing.
Q3. We heard that you took part in all the process in producing this album, from the planning to the music, concept, music video etc. You included lots of your identity in the album introduction too so what’s the most core point when making the album?
Taemin: I have always put in lots of thoughts at what I need to do, what I want to show and I have tried to include them as they are in the album this time. However, I did not try to intentionally change anything or put any meaning to it just because there is a huge change to my situation. That’s why I am just doing it the way I usually do and connote the music and emotions I like to prepare this album.
Q4. Double title track ‘Sexy In The Air’ and ‘Horizon’ presented different color respectively. Please introduce each song.
Taemin: I think that ‘Sexy In The Air’ is a song that fits the hot weather. It has a very exciting and retro-ish sound and to dance a dance fitting to that retro-ish sound will give off a refreshing feeling. At the later part where the song atmosphere heightens, there will be drill (a music genre) where it makes the song a charming one. ‘Horizon’ is a synth pop genre with lots of energy and it’s interesting as it’s my first time trying out this genre. A passionate performance fitting for this song will be charming so it would be great if you can watch it together.
Q5. Performance is something important that Taemin cannot leave out. What’s the part that we have to keep our eyes on among the performance for this promotion?
Taemin: Choreographies that fit the flow of the music for each section has been choreographed. That’s why there will be parts that are very minimal and there will be parts that are very refreshing and then it will go to parts where it’s very conceptive. It would be great if you can keep your eyes on the performance that changes to fit the flow of the song.
Q6. Pre-promotion contents have already hyped up the anticipation. Are you able to give spoilers about ‘Sexy In The Air’ music video? We are curious of any episodes happening to.
Taemin: I shot the music video of ‘Sexy In The Air’ with director ‘SEGAJI’ who I worked with for ‘The Rizzness’ performance video. As we have previously worked together before, the director has a high level of understanding of me and pondered over many things with me. The mood of the song, which expresses the desire and confidence to move forward, is embodied in the image, and is expressed with a sense of speed transitioned with a huge scale set and the performance. There will be sensational moments delivered through water, light, wind etc. in a totally different space so if you look into parts like these deeper, you will be able to understand ‘Sexy In The Air’ better.
Q7. You did a listening session where you introduced the song to fans before the release and since that’s the first time the songs are being revealed, is there any interesting question or episode? Do share how it feels to do a listening session.
Taemin: I am always nervous when I release a new album so to be able to be in a space where I can be with my fans that are like my forces at the listening session made me feel at ease. It was meaningful to be able to share the stories from my recollection working on each and every song and it was nice to be able to see the various reactions of my fans myself. Rather than saying that it’s an episode, it was enjoyable to be able to talk to my fans but because it got too long, it was such a pity that the corner where I read messages from my fans got shorter at the very end.
Q8. Is there any reaction you wish to hear from your 5th mini album ‘ETERNAL’ or any goals you wish to achieve?
Taemin: I hope this ‘ETERNAL’ album can be the chance for it to be known that I have started to participate a little more in the album. Through this album, I think it’s the chance for me to slowly complete and grow more from parts of me that are still less inexperienced. It’s also for me to include the emotions of mine a little more or those that I want to express, as it is, in this album. That’s why, I would like to include the process of me being a little more of the main subject in the next album.
Q9. You have your first solo world tour ‘Ephemeral Gaze’ in schedule. You have done lots of concerts but it’s your first time doing a solo world tour so how do you feel? Do share what kind of stage are you preparing.
Taemin: I am very happy and grateful that I can finally do a tour. I have been imagining to do a tour like this right from the moment I dreamt of becoming a singer actually so to be able to finally fulfill it makes me very fluttered. I want to use this chance to meet lots of fans and make good memories with various people while going to places that I have never been to.
Q10. Please say a word to the fans that are always supporting Taemin’s path.
Taemin: It’s thanks to you guys who are by my side giving me the support that I am able to always try new challenges. I think it took very long for me to realize things like these. I feel even more grateful these days, and I want to show myself as a musician, and show it through my music so that I can always return my appreciation for this kind of support. Thank you and love you guys always.
cr. iheartshinee_
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