#T'dras Tia
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The Blue Bomb Mists, Ward 2, Plot 28
Demolitions, consultations, and commissions! Threat and minor obstacle management for those with a Flare for the dramatic and bombastic! Stop by today and talk to our trained*** specialist about how he can blow your problems up! Collateral damage guaranteed.
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Berrod, Autgar, T'dras, Viktor and Ulfarr headed out to Bronze Lake on a small leve to cull a pack of hounds that had been terrorizing the area. The job was a relatively simple one, and allowed the group to stretch their adventuring muscles with a harsh fight against several of the beasts -- including an alpha and a Mamool Ja beastmaster who turned out to be the cause of it all. Victory was theirs in short order, and the job was marked as completed!
#RP#Berrod Armstrong#Autgar Bloode#T'dras Tia#Viktor Harlenk#Ulfarr Reddwing#Bronze Lake#Balmung#Leve#Small Job
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@blueberrybombcat - T’dras Tia
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T’dras loves his new home and just about everything about it. Save for one small detail... Fret not though!
He’s working on a solution.
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Without any pleading signs, healers, or roegadyn barkeeps to stop him in his own home, T’dras can finally chase his dream unabated.
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“Twenty five turns and I’m only gettin’ better!”
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Honest Q&A: T’dras Tia
What is your full name?
“T’dras! T’dras Tia.”
What do your friends call you?
“... T’dras? What else’re they supposed t’call me?”
What is your favorite animal?
“I don’t bloody know. Anythin’ what don’t eat miqo’te? ... Rats. Rats’re cute ‘nough.”
Where were you born?
“A lil’ ways outside Ala Mhigo. Within walkin’ distance at least.”
Do you have children?
“... Gods I hope not.”
Is there a person/people you love?
“Uhh, my brother?”
What is your favorite color?
“Gods man, take a bloody guess, eh?”
What is your full occupation?
“Hrm. Adventurer like most of the madmen ‘round here? Salvager when I’m writin’ out a damn application I guess.”
Are you good at physical fighting?
“Good ‘nough. You wanna give it a shot?”
Which form are you best at?
“It ain’t got no name. ‘Stiff-arse trainin’ style’?”
What about magic?
“Oh, that I’ll just bloody blow you away with.”
Which type are you best at?
“The one what makes the biggest ‘splosions.”
“Aye.” He said, offering little else.
Any other skills?
“Uhh... Cookin’? I guess? I’unno. Ain’t needed much else t’get by.”
Are you an only child?
“No. I got at least a brother and some maybe twenty-odd half-siblin’s?”
Where do you see yourself in five years?
“Don’t ask me that, aye? It ends with me gettin’ upset and you with a big ol’ hole you don’t need.”
Have you ever almost died?
“Aye. More times than I can bloody count.”
Do you have a secret, not just a secret, but like a really big secret, hardly anyone knows?
“Aye. And I ain’t tellin’ you no more.”
Salty or sweet?
“Sweet. Gimme some chocolate and I might not kneecap ya for them last couple questions...”
Do you like yourself?
“Gods. I think I have to, don’t I?”
Do you believe in the Twelve?
“‘Nough not t’piss ‘em off.”
Are you religious?
“... Ehhh...”
Do you carry prejudice with you?
“Depends on what’cha mean by that. I mean, I know them lalafell bloody run everythin’.”
What do you consider entertainment?
“You don’t wanna know that. No, really, you don‘t.”
Favorite drink?
“Rum. Mix it with anythin’ and I’m your best damn friend.”
Do you have any family traditions?
“Uhh... I’unno. Ask m’brother.“
Are you a good person?
“I’unno. Don’t care. I’m ‘round, ain’t I?”
Thank you for answering my questions.
“Aye, sure. Now I was told somethin’ about a gil prize? Do you just gimme that or do I gotta send in or what?”
Tagged by: @nhara-tia
Tagging: @tombshine @the-batcams @khadanthehunter @surly-eggplant and whoever else got left behind.
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An Irrelevant Character Guide: T’dras
... No, that’s pretty much all of ‘em.
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FFXIV IC Class Knowledge
Gladiator || Paladin: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Marauder || Warrior: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Dark Knight: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Pugilist || Monk: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Lancer || Dragoon: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Rogue || Ninja: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Samurai: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Archer || Bard: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Machinist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Being born within one of the Seeker tribes T’dras was required to learn some skills, most of which pertained to hunting; spears, knives, bows, but none of them called to him the same way guns did, even if his earliest experiences with them were in the hands of Gyr Abania’s imperial oppressors. Later in life he picked up the sword, learning of them from Khadan when he repeatedly found his arsenal of close-combat answers to be... nonexistent.
Conjurer || White Mage: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Arcanist || Summoner || Scholar: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Astrologian: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Thaumaturge || Black Mage: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Red Mage: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
Magic only served to highlight the seeker’s eccentricities, his ability to quickly pick up something he found fascinating and even more quickly twist it to further his explosion addiction. Being so intrigued by the volatile nature of magic it’s no wonder he found little of interest within the schools of conjury or astromancy, turning instead towards the obvious then. Under the tutelage of Grand Boomcaster Flashstix he learned how to do things even magitek wouldn’t allow him.
Carpenter: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Blacksmith: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Armorer: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Goldsmith: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Leatherworker: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Weaver: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Alchemist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Culinarian: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master |
With his chosen vocation comes many other skillsets the seeker needed to at least understand to some degree; guns require specially shaped steel and numerous springs and small parts, magitek devices need ceruleum, and the engineer themselves often needs to patch scorched and shredded articles of clothing. As for his cooking? Well that he also learned from Flashstix. Suffice it to say his steaks are typically well done.
Miner: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Botanist: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master | Fisher: | Unskilled | Novice | Adept | Expert | Master* |
T’dras is actually incredibly adept when it comes to gathering the many resources and reagents he might need for his projects, and though many would deny that he is Eorzea’s greatest angler... well, he believes his results speak for themselves.
Tagged by: @aldispikeman and @poe-lhyzeal
Tagging: @khadanthehunter @tombshine @yubi-ishii @surly-eggplant @anyone else who hasn’t done this yet
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"It's as much your fight as anyone else's, Dras. Please consider it." T'vrahn begged, something quite unbecoming of a Nunh, but not unreasonable for a brother, especially a twin. That was likely why the huntresses behind him gave T'dras the same look, the lot of them clad in the padded armor known by the Resistance. Even though he'd long since left the tribe, even though he had all be dropped Tia from his name, it felt uncomfortable to him seeing the Nunh in such a position.
"I-- Fine! Fine." T'dras muttered, looking away, brow furrowed. "But I ain't cheap and neither is ceruleum." He quickly ammended, slapping his opened palm and giving his best impression of a stern expression.
"You understand how little we have, yes?" T'vrahn said with a smile, seeing through the man's act. "There will likely be much to go around when we win however."
"If we win." T'dras shot back skeptically. It took the Nunh a moment to consider further, and a moment longer to come up with something that turned that smile into a cocky grin one might better expect from T'dras. He stepped closer, muttering quietly, the other miqo'te unable to hear even as they leaned in and raised their ears. Whatever he'd said though, T'dras held his expression, adjusting his glasses and giving a quiet nod.
"You find it agreeable then?"
"... I get my pick of the Imperial scrap you lot leave behind too." T'dras added as he wandered off.
The seeker turned the map every which way, taking note of the scout's detailed work. Imperial patrol routes, the safehouses in each of the nearby villages, and a few potential places for T'dras to set up his supply drops. A lot of care went into choosing these locations, keeping them far enough from any one village to draw Imperial ire to them should they be discovered, marking a path between each of the villages and what times they might intersect with a patrol.
Such care was lost on T'dras of course, the seeker keeping his attentions on the westernmost marks on the map closest the the Eorzean borders. The safest ones he imagined as he set out towards the first, the chalked-in cross set in a desolate corner of the already eerily quiet swampland south of Oriens.
The mire was a place beyond Azeyma's reach, often called a cursed place under the breaths of many of the miqo'te tribes that settled in Gyr Abania. That isn't to say the hyur or roegadyn that lived there were any less suspicious of the seemingly lifeless bog, only that the seekers had a very particular dislike for it. It was covered in a constant fog and a canopy that blocked the harsh sunlight that beat down everywhere else in the region.
And in the heart of the marsh was a cavern...
The black maw was lit only by the crystals that lined the walls within, but even with that light it gave off an aura more foreboding than the rest of the swamp. The seeker approached nonetheless, ears pinned back and eyes darting about worriedly, he could have sworn he felt eyes on him as he stepped inside.
The shadows within were thick, so much so that the seeker could practically feel it against him every time he left the light of the crystals embedded into the cavern walls. The fog from outside followed him in, smothering what little light he already had as it crept along the stone beside, beneath, and all around him. He was lost in the depths of this cavern, unable to remember which way he came from not moments before; until he saw a faint light.
He followed it cautiously, opening the breech of his gun to ensure it was loaded, keeping it aimed forward. The light grew brighter as he kept moving, walking through a wall of fog not unlike a veil as it was seemingly held back by the light emanating through the ancient stone doorway. T'dras had barely noticed the unnatural formation though, staring about the elaborate foyer of the ancient mausoleum he had wandered into.
Overgrown and barely lit from the crystals that continued along the walls, even T'dras missed the Mhachi heiroglyphs along the walls; not that he'd have known what to make of them anyway. He was searching for something else anyway, peering down each of the stone hallways in search of the strange light that guided him there, aiming his weapon down each corridor until he spotted it. Forward.
T'dras couldn't tell if the crypt was truly massive or if he was being incredibly slow and cautious without being aware of it. He felt as though he'd been treading this one path for hours and the light seemed no closer, the darkness following closely behind him.
The light grew brighter with no warning as he finally entered the room it was pouring from, further proof of its unnatural nature, though the staff it was being conjured from dispelled any doubts of that on its own. It was the first time since entering the cavern that the seeker could see once again, and in detail as well! He wasted no time examining the staff plunged into the dirt between the ancient stones, reaching for it when he glanced a woman against the wall. She was unconscious, wounded, certainly Ala Mhigan by the look of her less than her clothes, frilly red things he'd expect to have come from Ishgard.
"Oi!" He shouted at her, waiting to see if she stirred. She didn't.
"Oi, you alive over there?" He asked, moving to approach, then stopping. He'd brushed against the staff, and for whatever reason that was enough to cease the spell it had kept going. The light was gone. The seeker scrambled to grab the staff, muttering an incantation that at least brought fire if not the radiant light the woman could, but the fire wasn't enough to keep it away.
"Your resolve wavers, girl...?" Came a low, dry growl from one of the other doorways, the seeker's attention and weapons turning to face it. "I'm relieved. I was beginning to worry you would never accept the inevitable. Wait there for me then, embrace your end."
An emaciated black claw stepped forth from the shadows, then another. Even with the rotting skin clinging so tightly to the bone the limb was intimidating and massive, the creature that controlled it just barely small enough to fit through the doorway to stare down T'dras with its unblinking, white eyes. The dog-faced demon stopped, turning its head this way and that, growing irritated.
"So silent? Repentant, are we girl...? No matter, I can wait. Once you open your mouth though, you'll have breathed your last..." He muttered angrily, practically slithering about with the way he walked right past T'dras.
The seeker was paralyzed in terror, the rest of him starting to turn blue as he held his breath and barely turned his head to watch the creature worm its way through the room in search of the girl-- The girl!
T'dras hesitantly took his eyes away from the rotted fiend, peering back towards the wall. The firelight didn't quite illuminate that far, but he could easily make out the extravagant hat from where he stood. Against all of his better judgement he had to get that thing away from her.
"Damnit T'dras, the hells're you doin'?"
The creature's head lifted upon hearing his voice, tilting somewhat sideways as it turned to face him. No sooner did the seeker see those white eyes though did the voidsent find itself struck with flame! It hissed and spat and cursed, shaking away the embers and roaring as it gave chase, T'dras dashing down the hall he'd come from in a panic.
"Who dares?!" The thing shouted behind him, snapping at his heels only to be struck by more poorly formed gouts of flame tossed over his shoulder. It was just enough to keep him from being caught though, and that was all he needed as he made it back to the large entryway once more, ducking behind a column and trying to steady his breathing as he heard the footsteps close in again.
"I know you're here..." It growled, the sound of its steps slowing down. "You're with the girl. I can hear your blade singing too, just like hers did. Your spells are far weaker though. Easy prey..."
T'dras reached for his belt, eyes widening when he felt no sword there. He'd never brought it with him as far as he recalled, trying to recall where he last had it when he caught it out of the corner of his eye. That wasn't a staff he was holding. The crystal focus stood atop a long blade that was glowing a faint red and giving off a quiet hiss as the strange steel burned hot, had it always been though?
"Hello, little worm." The voice came from the other side, the seeker's head snapping in that direction and his gun raising just as the beast's maw opened. The entire cave shuddered as the gun roared out, hot lead lining the demon's mouth and the distance between him and his prey growing once more. Both of their ears were ringing now, but at least T'dras was capable of navigating without his hearing, the seeker finding another pillar to hide behind as the voidsent monstrosity lashed out and tore down the previous column.
"I'll make you watch as I devour her!" It threatened, shouting into the darkness and crawling along the floor in search of the seeker once again, trying to listen for the hiss of hot steel. He was much slower now than before, not from the wounds though as far as T'dras could tell. The creature walked slowly, still stumbling and tripping over every stone, looking about in every direction after only a few paces. The demon was blind, and now likely near-deaf.
"I can do this." T'dras reassured himself quietly, handling both weapons carefully as he opened the breech of his scattergun, sending the spent shell from the last shot flying out from behind the pillar. To him it was barely audible, ringing when it hit the ground like a small Starlight bell, but the beast heard something closer to the Ishgardian cathedrals.
It turned hard and rushed to the location of the ringing, coming to a sudden stop when it felt steel against its leg. Thunder roared out through the crypt once again, the demon roaring out as its elbow was severed by gunfire and it fell partway to the ground.
This was his chance, the seeker dropped his gun and grasped the odd staff with both hands as he climbed up the great voidsent, silencing its curses on him and his family by driving the heated weapon downwards and into its head, every rotting muscle clenching tight and then falling limp to the floor.
T'dras stared at the old bones and the dusty, moth-eaten red strings that were left of whatever it was wearing before it reached this state. He was well beyond confused, prodding at the aged skull as though it had to be some manner of trick. He shook his head, cautiously removing the old leather pack from the skeleton's belt and peering around.
"I uhh... Sorry I couldn'ta been here sooner." He said to it with a shrug. "Best wishes and all, lass."
Even with that said he was hesitant to leave, uncertain if he'd been seeing things, pondering the possibility that she'd been knocked away when the creature first came through. He took a handful of steps back, waited, and then finally turned to leave.
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"Heh. All right, I got one. What's the best memory you got?"
“That’s a real tough one…” The seeker muttered under his breath.
If I had t’pick one though it’d be either beatin’ Wolf’s arse or the first time I got t’leave the village. Couldn’ta been too old seein’ as there weren’t the big ol’ wall there is now between it and the Shroud, surprised I remember it really. We got t’pass by some of the lil’ villages ‘long the way, saw one of them Ala Mhigan griffin-riders even!
We went t’Gridania t’meet up with grandma, Ma’s ma. Was the first time she’d ever seen us and said somethin’ about how blue Vrahn and I both looked like she was surprised. Had a whole lotta sweets and learned the first thing I ever knew ‘bout magic from Ma! Shite ‘bout focuses and such, how y’can’t just draw aether through yourself.
‘ventually she ended up tellin’ Vrahn somethin’ with a weird look in her eyes that got him all riled up and then told me I was destined for great shite too. … Not in them exact words, ‘course. Always wondered what she told him though.”
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“Growin’ up in Gyr Abania you hear stories here and there about them folks in red; stories you can’t really ignore when you see the things they left behind and all, and there wasn’t a whole lot you couldn’t see from up in the mountains.
It probably wasn’t any sorta coincidence I took to the sorta swords and magic I do, the more I think about it.”
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How is Nibbles doing lately?
“Sky Admiral Nibbles is the commandin’ officer aboard the Blue Bomber based outta Gridania! It was difficult choosin’ between him and Trashbin, but s’much as I want the lil’ pink shite outta my room I can’t have him eatin’ all the Resistance’s supplies.
Other than that? He’s gotten fat as all hells. Can barely lift the bastard myself no more, but it also means I can’t never lose him anymore really either. His tail’s also grown in finally! ‘Course now folks keep mistakin’ him for one of them Doman critters what with the striped tail and huge– Well, y’know. Supposed t’be lucky over there I guess.”
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T’dras likes to keep busy, lately he’s been digging through the Agency’s collection of tomes in search of inspiration for some new spell or tech when he found an old Agent’s grimoire among the shelves.
He too was confounded by the ancient Allagan secrets within.
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Character Profile: T’dras
B A S I C S Name: T’dras Tia Age: 24 Nameday: 31st Sun of the First Astral Moon Species: Miqo’te Gender: Garlean Gunship Orientation: Whatever he feels like Profession: Magitek Engineer and “Apprentice Boomcaster”
P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S Hair: Just a blue mess Eyes: Jade Green Skin: Yep, he’s got it Height: 5′4″ Weight: 140 ponze Tattoos/scars: None
F A M I L Y Siblings: T’vrahn Nunh (Brother) Parents: Tahreh Mhozu (Mother), T’bhar Nunh (Father) Grandparents: Migih Mhozu (Grandmother) Misc Relatives: None Pets: Nibbles and Trashbin the All-Consuming
S K I L L S Abilities: Thaumaturgy, some Arcanima, and guns. Hobbies: Inventing convoluted magical, technological, or magiteknol magitechnological(?) solutions to simple problems. And also guns.
T R A I T S Most Positive Trait: He’s always friendly and approachable. Worst Negative: Emotionally immature, easily flustered and frustrated, and can be a little obnoxious at times.
L I K E S Colors: ??? Smells: Smoked meats and ceruleum fumes. Textures: His own ears Drinks: Rum and juice, warmwine, and all manner of other spirits.
Smokes: No Drinks: A whole fuckin’ lot Drugs: Yes, please Mount Issuance: Left it in his other pants Been Arrested?: Yes
Tagged by @reioshora
Tagging @khadanthehunter @yubi-ishii @tombshine @nhara-tia @surly-eggplant @the-batcams @tiergan-vashir @anunlikelyknight
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Today T’dras found out that some of his fellow Agents don’t enjoy chocolate.
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