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noahideahwrites · 2 years ago
Omegas that would have obsessions — Multifandom
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Notes: This is inspired by @animeomegas's headcanon of Nara's obsessions, but since I discovered it through @omeganronpa I'm giving them both credit.
Warnings: Contain MAJOR Inuyasha spoilers, might have grammar errors, confusing talk about reincarnation (I don't know what I'm saying either lol)
I had this idea for a while, cause I like the idea of the Nara clan having a sort of "soulmate", so I thought to myself "What other characters that I write for would also have obsessions?". And here are the ones I think would have:
- Inuyasha: 
»» I think he and his entire family (his father and brother) would have it, just like it happens with the Nara clan every heir has an obsession. But in Inuyasha's case, it can be a little confusing.
»» Because if we follow the canon, his obsession would be Kikyo and Kagome, considering they are the same person since Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo from the future. So in the end, they're the same person in different timelines.
»» So we can have three scenarios in this case, first one: Inuyasha's obsession is Alpha from the very start, and he doesn't fall in love with Kikyo.
»» Second scenario is that (Name) is the only reincarnation of Kikyo, and Kagome either doesn't exist or just isn't the reincarnation. The third scenario would be that Kagome and Alpha are twins, and they're both the reincarnation of Kikyo, but Inuyasha only obsesses over one, cause otherwise it could lead to incest and I don't like that.
»» For the majority of the anime's plot to work, I think we would have to go with a mix of the third and second scenario, in which Alpha is Kagome's older sibling (by a few years), and is also Kikyo's reincarnation but either both the siblings have priest's powers or only Kagome has.
- Sesshomaru:
»» Being Inuyasha's brother he has an obsession too, but it is a lot easier to discuss how it would work.
»» I hate that they made Sesshomaru and Rin a couple, he raised her like a daughter through the anime, and in the end (and Hanyō no Yashahime) they turned into a couple. I understand that at their time this conception might not be weird and whatnot, but it is to me, so we will pretend like it didn't happen.
»» Unlike Inuyasha, Sesshomaru would already know this concept from his father. Since Inuyasha never met his dad, I think the obsession would be all news for him and he might get overwhelmed. Which would not happen with Sesshomaru.
»» Like, don't get me wrong, I think he would avoid "activating" his obsession because for him feelings and emotions are unnecessary and he doesn't need or want that. He's also very much anti-social, so it might take a while for him to find his obsession.
»» And for it to work he would have to find them after finding and adopting Rin, because he only became more accepting of people in general after her, principally human. If Alpha is a Yokai things would probably be easier for them, but if they're a human Jaken will make their life harder (and perhaps annoy everybody).
- Tōga:
»» This is also complicated to think about, cause adding a third party to his story would probably mess up the entire anime, considering that he would have to meet his obsession before he dies.
»» So basically we have two scenarios, one which doesn't disturb the canon as much and the other that probably will. Unfortunately, I don't think there is a way to not change the story of the anime on this one.
»» So, the first scenario is a little bit long so bear with me. Tōga and Sesshomaru's mom only married for power or political purposes, so both of them knew that there was no love in the relationship (I do believe this is canon, but I haven't seen confirmation). Some years later he meets Izayoi (Inuyasha's mom) and he thinks that he has "activated" his obsession, while Izayoi was pregnant, Tōga was fighting the dragon Ryūkotsusei, and in this battle, he met his actual obsession. Who would have seen and heard the fight and decided to help Tōga defeat the dragon, and also helped on saving Izayoi and Inuyasha.
»» Still in the first scenario, this could end two ways, either both Alpha and Tōga die because of the number of lethal wounds they have, or both end up surviving and escaping with Izayoi and raise Inuyasha together. Just an addon to this, I do believe that both Tōga and Izayoi are omegas, and in my universe, male omegas can impregnate others (that can get pregnant, obviously).
»» The second scenario is a lot shorter, but Alpha is Inuyasha's and Sesshomaru's parent, just because I want them both to exist in all scenarios. So if Alpha is either a human or a yokai would probably change the outcome of this, but I do think they would all be a loving family, which is kind of a weird concept considering that Sesshomaru and Inuyasha hate each other in the anime.
- Sebastian:
»» I'm gonna be completely honest, this is heavily influenced by a mod that I installed that makes Seb completely obsessed with the farmer, so this is the only reason why he is here.
»» I don't think this would run in his family, is his thing, but it might also happen to his children, so this genetic obsession might start with him and go for the future generations.
»» From this list, his obsession is the most similar to Shikamaru's, if not more intense, he is a very socially anxious person who only has two actual friends and spends the majority of his days in his room hidden from everyone and everything. He even got a job where he doesn't need to be talking to people or leaving his room.
»» It would be the first time he meets someone and has clear feelings for them, so it would be overwhelming to him and he would not know what to do, but would still try to spend as much time with his obsession as physically possible.
»» Now this would be weird for both Alpha and Seb, considering nobody else in the town has an obsession and he never acted like this towards anybody or thing.
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noahideahwrites · 1 year ago
Hi! Idk if you still do your X alpha reader hc but..
Can you do one for the Boys of Inuyasha again?? This time maybe How they ( the omegas/the boys ) secretlt like to be Carried by their Alpha?? Would be totes happy if you did this! ^^
How They Like To Be Carried — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I'm so sorry it took me this long to answer, the past few months have been wild with university and personal issues. But I'm gonna try and be more consistent, at least while I'm on summer break.
Warnings: Possible spoilers (principally on Naraku's), grammar mistakes, implied sex, and suggestive content
— Inuyasha:
»» As we all know this guy is a major tsundere, so he will deny and complain about you carrying him, even if deep down he loves it. You need to learn how to read his signs, similar to a dog's body language.
»» Now I'm a fan of making him flustered, so I would recommend doing it in front of his friends for a good laugh. But you need to keep in mind that he will not like you carrying him in front of others (who aren't his friends), principally if they're the enemy, even worse if it's Sesshomaru.
»» The guy has to keep his tough persona up and look intimidating, he cannot do it if he is red while you carry him. If you keep in mind those details, then you should be fine.
»» Inuyasha likes to be carried in any way, be on your back, shoulder and princess carried just to name a few, For him it doesn't matter how, as long as it's you doing it.
— Sesshomaru: 
»» There is only one way Sesshomaru likes to be carried and it's princess style, which can be surprising considering his personality and cold demeanor.
»» But for his alpha, Sesshomaru does and enjoys things he didn't think it would be possible for him to even consider. We have to remember that this guy is obsessed with his alpha, so he can tolerate a lot of things.
»» For you to even be able to carry him there can be only three people seeing, you, him, and maybe Rin, since she is your pup now. If even Jakin is present to see it, the moment you think of carrying him, he's gone.
»» The moment you're going to carry him the most is during aftercare, he loves to be pampered, principally after sex, so expect to be carrying him a lot after the act.
— Tōga: 
»» Tōga LOVES being carried, he doesn't care who sees it, or if people will start gossiping, or if he will embarrass his pups for being seen with you two.
»» He is also shameless, so he will ask you to carry him whenever he feels like it, and he will be smiling ear to ear and purring loudly, this man doesn't give a fuck.
»» He also loves carrying you, his alpha that he is really, REALLY obsessed with. If you don't like being carried he will only do it in the privacy of your home with only your pups to see.
»» Another frequent sight is Tōga carrying your pups around, doesn't matter their age, if they let him he will be seen just picking them up and walking around. But if they don't like it, it will be the same as when he does it to you.
»» Just like Sesshomaru he prefers the princess carry style, but he is not picky and will accept being carried in any way, shape, or form.
— Kōga: 
»» Absolutly HATES being carried with a passion, but loves carrying you. Don't even try to argue is not gonna work.
»» Every time you try to carry him, he does the uno reverse card and carries you instead. But you can feel the almost unnoticeable purrs he gives when carrying you.
»» Honestly, if you don't like being carried either just stop trying to carry him and you should be fine, he won't normally go out of his way to carry you around.
»» The only moment you will be carried no questions asked and without you initiating it, it's if you need to escape for whatever reason since he is faster than most if not all with the jewel shards.
— Bankotsu: 
»» This guy is the most neutral of all of them, he truly doesn't mind being carried, but it's also not something he likes, it's just indifferent.
»» Now, he does like teasing you when you go to carry him, saying something along the lines of "You really can't control yourself, huh?", he will make comments like this until you start blushing, this is the only part he actually likes about it.
»» But I feel like he is provocative to his alpha doesn't matter the occasion, it's just that you make it so easy when you like carrying him so much.
»» If he had to pick a style on being carried it would be a piggyback ride, he gets easy access to your ear, he can easily free himself if the need arrives and he can even provoke you if he feels like it.
— Naraku: 
»» ABSOLUTELY NOT, hates even the idea of it and hates even more thinking of carrying you, he just despises the carrying altogether.
»» How he goes about it depends on if it's just Onigumo that loves you or if Naraku as a whole loves you. If it's just Onigumo you won't even have many opportunities to even think about it after the first offer, he will cut you off and maybe even avoid you.
»» If the entirety of Naraku loves you, then it's another story. He still hates the thought of it, but the way he acts about it it's different.
»» Either he lets you carry one of his incarnations/clones, or he will try to distract you with other things, considering the way he is if he didn't accept on the first ask, I recommend not trying again if you want to live.
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noahideahwrites · 2 years ago
Alpha likes to play with their hair — Inuyasha Omegas
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Notes: I like men with long hair, hehe. Anyway, Inuyasha is by far my favorite anime, so prepare for a lot of content about it and also content about httyd, cause I need more of these.
Warnings: might contain spoilers, probably has grammar errors
- Inuyasha:
»» He is a tsundere, so it doesn't matter how long into the relationship you're, he will still deny he likes it.
»» But at the same time, he won't stop you either, unless you decide to tease or make any comment about it. So if you want to play with his hair for as long as your arms let you, then better not talk about it.
»» He will like it even more if you brush his hair either before or after sleep, might even fall asleep while sitting with how much relaxing is for him. Just be careful with his ears, they're sensitive, but not in a sexual way, in more of you're either making them hurt with so much rubbing or the fact he can feel and hear everything you're doing, and might get overwhelming.
»» Now, the only hairstyle he would tolerate is a ponytail and nothing more. I feel like he would let you do it the first time, but he might get teased either by Miroku or Shippo, and since then you're only allowed to do a ponytail.
- Sesshomaru:
»» Sesshomaru does not care about it, as long as you're not interrupting him from doing tasks like hunting, fighting, or whatever else he feels like doing at the moment.
»» It would be best to play with his hair before bed or when he is just relaxing doing nothing at the time. Now, he does take really good care and takes great pride in his hair, even if he doesn't say so, so don't just mess with it and get it tangled or ugly (somehow).
»» Out of everyone on this list, he is the one that likes hairstyles the most, he might even get ornaments for you to decorate his hair with. Also as long as the hairstyle doesn't inconvenience him with tasks and fighting.
»» Sesshomaru also has a liking to shiny things, so get him some silver or golden ornaments and he will keep them forever. If the hairstyle you did on him gets unmade by someone who is not you or Rin, then consider that person dead, principally if they broke one of the ornaments you gave to him.
- Tōga:
»» He is very happy whenever you show him affection, and he doesn't have any issues at showing or even saying he likes it.
»» He loves it principally when he gets home after a hard day, he will have you both taking a bath together and you have to wash his hair, you have to is a rule, doesn't matter how long it takes.
»» Always falls asleep when you play with his hair, so be sure to do it when that's not a problem, also cause he has the deepest sleep to ever exist, I mean the world is ending and he is still asleep.
»» About hairstyles, I think he wouldn't mind as long as it is a day off and he won't go out. Because let's be honest, this guy loves fighting, he probably will get in a fight when he goes out, either on purpose or not, and will get the hair undone unless is a simple variation of a ponytail, and he will be very upset that his hair is undone.
- Kōga:
»» Only lets you do it when you're in private, not a single soul besides you two can ever dream about this happening, he has to keep his image of the strongest of the pack and whatnot.
»» And because of that is difficult to make hairstyles on him, also the majority of them will get messed up by the speed he runs, so there is no point to do it if he won't spend most of the day inside.
»» But he will let you put certain ornaments on his head, now nothing that calls too much attention or is fragile, cause he won't accept those. The ones he would like the most are those that can be put on the band on his head.
»» Now, the only day he would let you do a hairstyle and he goes out, is on the day you two get married, or whatever ceremony they do to make a couple oficial (besides mating). And if anyone comments on it he will rub in their faces that he is getting married and they aren't.
- Bankotsu:
»» Man has a braid 24/7, his hair is begging for something different, also I don't think he cares much about his hair. He only puts it in a braid cause that way it doesn't get in the way of him doing chores or fighting.
»» If it wasn't for his "siblings" he would have cut it a long time ago, and probably with something that was not meant to cut hair, so it would look ridiculous.
»» Bankotsu is fighting to the death almost all the time, so if you do a hairstyle different than his usual, make sure it doesn't have a way of being undone or messing up his moves, cause this could cost his life.
»» He doesn't care, so he will walk around with the silliest hair and don't even acknowledge it. Jakotsu will see it and will care and make him or you undo it and make a proper hairstyle, if you do make an actual hairstyle and look good, maybe Jakotsu will ask for you to do it to their hair later.
- Naraku:
»» Naraku is another one that does not care about you playing with his hair or not, as long as it doesn't happen in front of his enemies somehow.
»» He might even let you do hairstyles, considering you won't try to make him look silly or make "children's hairstyles" on him, if you do make these, he will either take it off right away or stop you midway and don't let you touch his hair for a long time.
»» He likes displaying power and riches, so if you make a hairstyle that shows that off, with or without ornaments, it doesn't matter, as long as he looks handsome and powerful he will like it.
(This next paragraph will contain spoilers)
»» Now for his clones/incarnations, they will all be very much fans of you playing and doing styles on their hair, depending on the incarnation they won't let you know, but I do think that they have the same feelings for you that Naraku does, but they cannot "control" it as much as he can.
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