#T has numerous factories that can actually help with war efforts..he can even get knighted if SK takes this path “Sir Tommy Shelby” XD
deliciousnutcomputer · 2 months
SK is trying hard to save and redeem Tommy for the past 3 seasons. He's not going to kill him certainly in a "heroic death" ending. Tommy doesn't need a heroic death, he is already doing good being a minister where he has the most power to do good - free hospital care for the poor, shelter for children, affordable housing plans, research into illness, SK also said he put it in S5 script that Tommy even started a facility for shell shocked soldiers after seeing the condition Barney is kept - if Tommy wants the parliament to listen to him, he must lead by example.
Him working and reporting on Mosley despite the toll its taking on him and his family (sealing Mosleys fate) is the ultimate good isn't it? Coming out guns blazing (I guess this is what heroic means) to save someone/cause and dies and then sees his dead where he is at peace is as cringe as they come.
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