#Székely Drakula
politikapolka · 8 years
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El akartátok venni tőlünk a hegyeinkkel és a kétharmad országrésszel Drakulát is, de nem adjuk, nem, nem, SOHA!!!! Drakula MAGYAR volt és MAGYAR lesz. Ámen. Drakula a magyar wikipédián: https://hu.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drakula Valójában semmi nem utal rá, hogy Stoker Vlad Țepeșről mintázta volna Drakula alakját, sőt, a gróf magában a regényben - ami fölött sokan átsiklanak - explicit módon, többször is székelynek mondja magát, így valójában a világirodalom leghíresebb székelye. Ámbár az is igaz, hogy a regényben a székelyeknek egy kvázi-fikciós, romantikus definíciója van: egy magyarok alatt raboskodó, hunok és egy "izlandi törzs" leszármazottjai, akik a mohácsi vész után "ledobták a magyar igát". Dracula az angol wikipédián: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_Dracula
Bram Stoker eredeti, angol, csorbítatlan, cenzurázatlan Draculakiadása: http://www.planetebook.com/ebooks/Dracula.pdf +mégegy: http://literature.org/authors/stoker-bram/dracula/chapter-03.html bramstoker.org: http://www.bramstoker.org/pdf/novels/05dracula.pdf One thing he said which I shall put down as nearly as I can, for it tells in its way the story of his race. "We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood of many brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. Here, in the whirlpool of European races, the Ugric tribe bore down from Iceland the fighting spirit which Thor and Wodin game them, which their Berserkers displayed to such fell intent on the seaboards of Europe, aye, and of Asia and Africa too, till the peoples thought that the werewolves themselves had come. Here, too, when they came, they found the Huns, whose warlike fury had swept the earth like a living flame, till the dying peoples held that in their veins ran the blood of those old witches, who, expelled from Scythia had mated with the devils in the desert. Fools, fools! What devil or what witch was ever so great as Attila, whose blood is in these veins?" He held up his arms. "Is it a wonder that we were a conquering race, that we were proud, that when the Magyar, the Lombard, the Avar, the Bulgar, or the Turk poured his thousands on our frontiers, we drove them back? Is it strange that when Arpad and his legions swept through the Hungarian fatherland he found us here when he reached the frontier, that the Honfoglalas was completed there?And when the Hungarian flood swept eastward, the Szekelys were claimed as kindred by the victorious Magyars, and to us for centuries was trusted the guarding of the frontier of Turkeyland. Aye, and more than that, endless duty of the frontier guard, for as the Turks say, `water sleeps, and the enemy is sleepless.' Who more gladly than we throughout the Four Nations received the `bloody sword,' or at its warlike call flocked quicker to the standard of the King? When was redeemed that great shame of my nation, the shame of Cassova, when the flags of the Wallach and the Magyar went down beneath the Crescent?Who was it but one of my own race who as Voivode crossed the Danube and beat the Turk on his own ground? This was a Dracula indeed! Woe was it that his own unworthy brother, when he had fallen, sold his people to the Turk and brought the shame of slavery on them! Was it not this Dracula, indeed, who inspired that other of his race who in a later age again and again brought his forces over the great river into Turkeyland, who, when he was beaten back, came again, and again, though he had to come alone from the bloody field where his troops were being slaughtered, since he knew that he alone could ultimately triumph! They said that he thought only of himself. Bah! What good are peasants without a leader? Where ends the war without a brain and heart to conduct it? Again, when, after the battle of Mohacs, we threw off the Hungarian yoke, we of the Dracula blood were amongst their leaders, for our spirit would not brook that we were not free. Ah, young sir, the Szekelys, and the Dracula as their heart's blood, their brains, and their swords, can boast a record that mushroom growths like the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs can never reach. The warlike days are over. Blood is too precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peace, and the glories of the great races are as a tale that is told."
In the population of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons in the South, and mixed with them the Wallachs, who are the descendants of the Dacians; Magyars in the West, and Szekelys in the East and North. I am going among the latter, who claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns. This may be so, for when the Magyars conquered the country in the eleventh century they found the Huns settled in it.
Bram Stoker Háttérhatalmilag cenzúrázott magyar Drakula fordítása: http://mek.oszk.hu/06700/06765/06765.htm A Bran kastély angol nyelvű oldala: http://www.bran-castle.com/dracula.html Stoker’s Count Dracula is a centuries-old vampire, sorcerer, and Transylvanian nobleman, who claims to be a Székely descended from Attila the Hun. Encyclopedia of Monsters: http://encyclopedia-of-monsters.wikia.com/wiki/Dracula Nor is Dracula ever called "Vlad" in the novel. Furthermore in the novel Dracula claims to be a Szekler (Székely in Hungarian) - "We Szekelys have a right to be proud..." - whereas Vlad is clearly an ethnic Vlach. Finally, no one compared Vlad to a vampire in his lifetime (Being a descendant of the Dacian "Wolf People" who was sometimes called a "Great Berserker" by the Germans, it is possible that some associated him with lycanthropy). Drakula az IMDB filmadatbázisban: http://www.imdb.com/character/ch0002561/bio Liking the ring of the name, Stoker replaced his villain's previous name, "Count Wampyr", with this. Although Stoker makes an oblique reference to the connection between his Dracula and the historic Vlad III, it is generally perceived that Stoker knew nothing about Vlad III beyond Wilkinson's passing mention. Vlad's more popular nickname was Vlad the Impaler, referring to his favorite atrocity: impaling enemies through their torsos on giant stakes in the ground, frequently by the hundreds. In Stoker's book, Dracula identifies himself as a Székely, which is an Hungarian-speaking and rooted peoples. This is opposed to Vlad III, who was a native Vlach (the native Romanian race). Despite Castle Dracula's Romanian location, Stoker (as well as most playwrights and filmmakers) was no doubt indifferent to this ethnic distinction. Dracula (1992) film: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103874/synopsis He introduced himself as Prince Vlad of Szekely, and Mina is strangely drawn to him, as though she knows him. Dracula székelysége román nyelven: http://corbiialbi.ro/index.php/contact/141-dracula-8211-cel-mai-cunoscut-secui-din-lume/ Contele Dracula – cel din romanul irlandezului Bram Stoker – este secui. Un conte secui. În capitolul trei putem citi: “We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood of many brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. Here, in the whirlpool of European races”. Deci cel mai cunoscut secui din lume, este contele secui Dracula. Dracula székelysége német nyelven: http://www.sibiweb.de/dracula/legende/dracleg6.php3 In Stokers Roman wird es betont: dem pedantischen Rechtsanwaltsgehilfen Jonathan Harker wird im verfallenen Schloß des Vampirs eine Geschichtslektion in Form einer falschen Familiengeschichte der Draculeas zuteil:"Wir Szekeler sind mit recht stolz, denn in unseren Adern fließt das Blut manchen tapferen Volkes, das kämpfte, wie es der Löwe tut – um die Herrschaft nämlich. Hierher ... brachten die ukrainischen Stämme von Island herunter den Kampfgeist, den Thor und Wotan ihnen verliehen hatten und den ihre Krieger an den Küsten von Europa, ja, an denen von Asien und Afrika so wütend austobten, daß schließlich die Leute glaubten, es seien keine Menschen sondern Werwölfe."Die Verballhornung ist verwirrender gar nicht möglich, ein grausiges Gemisch. So kommen dann die Hunnen vor, auf die diese"Werwölfe" stießen, auf Attila. Wahr ist, daß die Székler, nicht Szekeler wie im Roman, ein ganz normaler madjarischer Stamm, und daß die Dráculesti Walachen sind, nicht Székler, Vlad Tepes gehört in die Walachei und nicht nach Transsylvanien, wo er nur zufällig geboren wurde, weil sein Vater zeitweilig dort im Exil lebte.Aber alle Filme plappern diese Fälschung nach. So wird etwa im Film "Dracula" (1979) von John Badham, Vlad vom Irrenarzt Dr. Seward in London gebeten, ein Buch in ungarischer Sprache zu übersetzen. Das kann der aber nicht, da er Székler sei und kein Madjar. Ein Blick ins Lexikon hätte genügt: Székler sind ein madjarischer Volksstamm. Die natürlich madjarisch sprechen. Coppola läßt Dracula mit starkem ungarischen Akzent sprechen, was völlig falsch ist. Im "Spiegel" wurde sogar von einem "unverkennbaren transsylvanischen Akzent" gesprochen. STB, stb, stb
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telaviv-delhi · 5 years
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Kelet-Portugáliábsn egy kisváros polgármestere egyik reggel teli talicska nemi szervet tolt a városházára. A távolból robbanásokat és puskaropogást lehetett hallani, az égből egymilliós címletű érmék és rádioaktív hópelyhek hullottak, balra egy nemzeti dohánybolt lángolt.
Miután a konvojt kísérő helikoptert vállról indítható rakétával leszedtem, Victor és a hét testőre rémülten kiùgrált a lángoló járművekből, utóbbiak tetőtől -talpig szemgyönyörködtető aranypáncélban. Velük volt még az állami jövendőmondó és bajelhárító fősámán, aki most nagyon meg volt lepődve. Nem haboztam, a Clint Eastwoodtól kapott Magnumommal konnyedén átlöttem a Viktor-ház címerével (egy Nagy-Magyarország alakú, piros-fehér-zòld mezőben két kisvasút és egy stadion kergetőzik Paks2 körūl) díszitett mellvérteket meg sisakokat, A hetedik testőrrel nehezen bírtam el, a Kill Billben látott háromujjas szívrobbantó technika érthetően nem mūkòdött, a svájci bicskám (Viktorinox pengével!) meg kicsorbult a fémen. A hátára borítottam, és amíg tehetetlenūl kapálozott, beszaladtam a közeli kínai boltba és vásároltam egy lézeres konzervnyitót. Kissé sajnáltam szegény testőrt, mikor kitéptem a szívét, mert a sikoltása gyermekkori aranypatkányomra emlékeztetett, amikor egy mutáns drakula-varjú álkulccsal bejutott a házunkba és elrabolta az ájfonját. Persze már hiába raktam vissza a testőr szívét, meghalt, ment volna inkább közmunkásnak. Most végre a Vezérre fordíthattam figyelmem, aki mindeközben hasztalanul probált elbújni a Volkswagen transzportere alá, mivel kövérsége miatt nem fért be. Visszaadom neked Magyarországot, zokogta, sőt a kūlhoni birtokaim is a tiéid lehetnek, a fiúmei kikötõvel és svájci számlámmal egyūtt - visītotta, mikor a bokájánál fogva megpróbáltam kihúzni a kocsi alól, de nem sikerūlt, mert erősen kapaszkodott. - Andy 2 kiló kokaint hagyott rám a végrendeletében, neked adom! - de ez sem hatott meg, zord voltam, mint egy székely bérc.
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Szóval a kocsi alatt akarsz találkozni Zsoltival? Nekem īgy is megfelel - mondtam belenyugodva. - Add át ūdvözletem, egészen megkedveltem, de szaladhatott volna gyorsabban is, így nem volti sportèrtéke a vadászatnak.. És azt is mondd meg neki, hogy sajnálom a nyúzást meg a zsigerelést, de a Sorossátán konyhakészen szereti megkapni az elejtett vadakat. 
Ezek után  beūltem a Transporter volánja mellé és nagyon ráérősen gázt adtam. A környező fákon, vörösen izzó szemekkel már reménykedve gyūlekeztek az éhes varjak, némelyik evöeszközöket és tányért is hozott,
egy csapat hiéna is nyálát csorgatva kacagott. Good bye, blue sky - dúdoltam.
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politikapolka · 8 years
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DRACULA: Please, permit me to introduce myself. I am Prince Vlad of Szekely. 1. Vlad székely név. 2. Vlad Tepes székely volt. 3. Tehát Drakula székely. Greatest Hollywood Moments.
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politikapolka · 8 years
Gary Oldman as Szekely Dracula in a 1992 Dracula movie
DRACULA:  “Please, permit me to introduce myself.  I am Prince Vlad of Szekely.” Great Hollywood Moment :)))))))
Bram's Stokers Dracula: http://www.bramstoker.org/pdf/novels/... 
 “We Szekelys have a right to be proud, for in our veins flows the blood of many brave races who fought as the lion fights, for lordship. Here, in the whirlpool of European races, the Ugric tribe bore down from Iceland the fighting spirit which Thor and Wodin game them, which their Berserkers displayed to such fell intent on the seaboards of Europe, aye, and of Asia and Africa too, till the peoples thought that the werewolves themselves had come. Here, too, when they came, they found the Huns, whose warlike fury had swept the earth like a living flame, till the dying peoples held that in their veins ran the blood of those old witches, who, expelled from Scythia had mated with the devils in the desert. Fools, fools! What devil or what witch was ever so great as Attila, whose blood is in these veins?” He held up his arms. “Is it a wonder that we were a conquering race, that we were proud, that when the Magyar, the Lombard, the Avar, the Bulgar, or the Turk poured his thousands on our frontiers, we drove them back? Is it strange that when Arpad and his legions swept through the Hungarian fatherland he found us here when he reached the frontier, that the Honfoglalas was completed there?And when the Hungarian flood swept eastward, the Szekelys were claimed as kindred by the victorious Magyars, and to us for centuries was trusted the guarding of the frontier of Turkeyland. Aye, and more than that, endless duty of the frontier guard, for as the Turks say, `water sleeps, and the enemy is sleepless.’ Who more gladly than we throughout the Four Nations received the `bloody sword,’ or at its warlike call flocked quicker to the standard of the King? When was redeemed that great shame of my nation, the shame of Cassova, when the flags of the Wallach and the Magyar went down beneath the Crescent?Who was it but one of my own race who as Voivode crossed the Danube and beat the Turk on his own ground? This was a Dracula indeed! Woe was it that his own unworthy brother, when he had fallen, sold his people to the Turk and brought the shame of slavery on them! Was it not this Dracula, indeed, who inspired that other of his race who in a later age again and again brought his forces over the great river into Turkeyland, who, when he was beaten back, came again, and again, though he had to come alone from the bloody field where his troops were being slaughtered, since he knew that he alone could ultimately triumph! They said that he thought only of himself. Bah! What good are peasants without a leader? Where ends the war without a brain and heart to conduct it? Again, when, after the battle of Mohacs, we threw off the Hungarian yoke, we of the Dracula blood were amongst their leaders, for our spirit would not brook that we were not free. Ah, young sir, the Szekelys, and the Dracula as their heart’s blood, their brains, and their swords, can boast a record that mushroom growths like the Hapsburgs and the Romanoffs can never reach. The warlike days are over. Blood is too precious a thing in these days of dishonourable peace, and the glories of the great races are as a tale that is told.” In the population of Transylvania there are four distinct nationalities: Saxons in the South, and mixed with them the Wallachs, who are the descendants of the Dacians; Magyars in the West, and Szekelys in the East and North. I am going among the latter, who claim to be descended from Attila and the Huns. This may be so, for when the Magyars conquered the country in the eleventh century they found the Huns settled in it.
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