autodi · 3 years
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Rish tries to write a report for work, but it seems that something is interfering with her... Deviantart ★ Twitter ★ buy me ko-fi :> ★  patreon
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autodi · 4 years
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Rish, calm down, it's just a can of beer Deviantart ★ Twitter ★ buy me ko-fi :> ★  patreon
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autodi · 5 years
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Deviantart ★ Twitter ★ buy me ko-fi :> ★  patreon
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autodi · 6 years
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I fucking grew up on this game! sukablyat!
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autodi · 6 years
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few sketch
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autodi · 6 years
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Syringa and Nonie  :зз Deviantart ★ Instagram ★ Twitter ★ buy me ko-fi :> 
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autodi · 6 years
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139 notes · View notes
autodi · 6 years
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some sketches again
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autodi · 6 years
OC Stats - Syringa InMay(Inga May)
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💰  financial: // filthy rich / wealthy / comfortable / modest / poor / destitute
🏥  medical: // fit / moderate / sickly / disadvantaged / disabled
👑  class: // aristocracy / upper / middle / working / poor / enslaved
🎓  education: // advanced / post-secondary / vocational / secondary / primary / none / self-taught / other
💣  criminal record: // yes for major crimes / yes for minor crimes / yes but wrongfully accused / none / has committed crimes but hasn’t been caught
🏠  circumstances: // orphaned / fostered / adopted / raised by birth parent(s) / raised by other relative(s) / other
☯  kinship: // close with family / not close with family / antagonistic with family / disowned / has no family / doesn’t know family / family is deceased
💗  relationship status: // married / divorced / widowed / in a relationship / it’s complicated / wants a relationship / doesn’t want a relationship / indifferent
🚼  children: // has at least one child / wants to have children / doesn’t want to have children / can’t have children / indifferent
♦  extrovert // introvert // balanced // contextual
♦  disorganized // organized // balanced // contextual
♦  close-minded // open-minded // balanced // contextual
♦  calm // anxious // balanced // contextual
♦  disagreeable // agreeable // balanced // contextual
♦  cautious // reckless // balanced // contextual
♦  patient // impatient // balanced // contextual
♦  outspoken // reserved // balanced // contextual
♦  leader // follower // balanced // contextual
♦  empathetic // indifferent // balanced // contextual
♦  optimistic // pessimistic // balanced // contextual
♦  traditional // modern // balanced // contextual
♦  hardworking // lazy // balanced // contextual
♦  cultured // uncultured // balanced // contextual
♦  loyal // disloyal // balanced // contextual
🌟  faith: // monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated / other
🔮  belief in ghosts or spirits: // yes / no / not sure / doesn’t care
🌈  belief in an afterlife: // yes / no / not sure / doesn’t care
🌿  belief in reincarnation: // yes / no / not sure / doesn’t care
👽  belief in aliens: // yes / no / not sure / doesn’t care
❔  philosophical: // yes / no / sometimes
👤  gender: // male / female / nonbinary / genderqueer / agender / other\ combat helicopter
👀  attraction: // straight / gay / lesbian / bisexual / pansexual / asexual / aromantic / demisexual / not sure / other
💕  romantically: // adventurous / experienced / jaded / curious / neutral / inexperienced / naive / reserved / indifferent / repulsed
🏩  sexually: // adventurous / experienced / jaded / curious / neutral / inexperienced / naive / reserved / indifferent / repulsed
☠  combat skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
💬  communication skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
📚  literacy skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
🎼  artistic skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
🔨  technical skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
🍸  drinking alcohol: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
🚬  smoking: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
💊  recreational drugs: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
🍰  indulgent in food:  // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
💲  splurge spending: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
🎲  gambling: // never / rarely / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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autodi · 7 years
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Stupid doodles 
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autodi · 7 years
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Kiss Again! this time wildstar сharacter  Mordesh: Stas Vetrov( @di-wild) and my Sirynga Inmay Aurin: Remi and Lann(char my friend in discord) Drawing in a sketchbook gives me some rest
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autodi · 7 years
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A few sketches that I only showed on twitter Deviantart II Instagram II Twitter ~<3
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autodi · 8 years
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my new fc mordesh *V*
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