#Sylvie Millstein
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malinda-knowles · 1 year ago
Inspiration: Hellessy Embellished Denim
Inspiration: @Hellessyny Embellished Denim #jeans #designer #fashion
A brand named Hellessy caught my eye recently on the Neiman Marcus site. The embellished denim trend has been going on for quite some time now and I just thought this denim shirt and ribbon detailed jeans stood out. Sylvie Millstein started the brand out of her Soho apartment after working with other brands and retailers around the world. Don’t you just love the detail? This beautiful velvet red…
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thesaintlaurent · 8 years ago
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baselinetreaty · 6 years ago
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alothmanfashion · 5 years ago
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♥️ NEW TO ALOTHMAN ♥️ Shop the new selection by one of our latest and hottest additions to our brands list for this season French brand @hellessy. Originating from the first syllables of her and her son’s names (Hendrix, Lennox, Sylvie), Hellessy launched in 2012 in NYC by designer Sylvie Millstein. The Autumn/Winter 2019 collection focuses on the brand’s line of seductive sophistication which sums up the lifestyle and attitude of the Hellessy woman. It’s not that of fantasy or past, it’s about what she desires today, and Sylvie Millstein has no doubt that her woman is in charge of her destiny and designs to fulfill these expectations. Discover the new collection now at AlOthman. ‎ تسوقي أحد أحدث المصممين اللذين انضموا مؤخرا لتشكيلة العثمان لهذا للموسم: هيليسي. ‎ انطلقت ماركة هيليسي في عام 2012 في مدينة نيويورك من قبل المصممة سيلفي ميلشتاين، والتي اختارت المقاطع الأولى لاسمها وأسماء أبناءها (هندريكس ، لينوكس ، سيلفي) ، لتكوين اسم علامتها التجارية. تقدم مجموعة هيليسي لشتاء ٢٠١٩ تصاميم جذابة تلخص أسلوب حياة المرأة العصرية. لا تتعلق التصاميم بالخيال أو الماضي ، بل تتعلق بما ترغب فيه المرأة في زمنها هذا، ولا تشعر سيلفي ميلشتاين بأي شك بأن المرأة هي المسؤولة عن مصيرها وتصمم مجموعتها لتحقق هذه التوقعات. اكتشفي المجموعة الجديدة الآن في العثمان. #newatalothman #alothmansnewdesigners #newdesignersatalothman https://www.instagram.com/p/B2jXm2hnGqX/?igshid=1gwc8obe7d5bl
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baranahayo · 5 years ago
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HELLESSY es una firma neoyorquina que mezcla lo arquitectónico con lo desenfado lleno de colores vibrantes y audaces que aportan luz y movimiento a quien lo porta. Sylvie Millstein es la directora encargada de darle vida a sus diseños que, para esta temporada #Spirng2020, lo llena de prenses, pliegues y fruncidos dándole un nuevo giro a los boleros que tanto han gustado las últimas temporadas. Destaca el blazer como prenda esencial, las faldas con vuelo y los vestidos envolventes. #Hvth . . . #Moda #DiorMio #Fashion #NYFW #Instalike #InstaFollow #Color @hellessy #FashionJournalist https://www.instagram.com/p/B2FnP9PJFdP/?igshid=4nm93zmh86rg
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roughonline · 6 years ago
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#ROUGHONLINE in conversation with founder & creative director of @hellessy Sylvie Millstein. Check it out now. #hellessy #womenswear #style #revolution #confidence #transcends #trademarkstyle #silhoutte #interview #funky #youthful #roughonlineloves #nyfw https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt30YqFgKh6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1qmw1jdjb6mdx
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walterfrodriguez · 4 years ago
South Florida by the numbers: From the Big Apple to the Magic City
“South Florida by the numbers” is a web feature that catalogs the most notable, quirky and surprising real estate statistics.
Attribute it to Covid-19, taxes, costs of living, weather, the rise of remote working, or some combination of the above factors — whatever the cause, New Yorkers are relocating to Miami at eye-popping levels. While this trend has been building in recent years, the past few months have seen a spiked flow of Gothamites trading stilettos for sandals, and in most cases, cramped apartments for roomy single-family homes. Is this a real exodus with “legs,” or a momentary craze that will settle down once things return to normal? We explore it in this edition of “South Florida by the numbers.”
40 percent: Decline in New York City office values predicted by Barry Sternlicht, Starwood Capital’s CEO, who moved his company from Greenwich, Connecticut to Miami Beach in 2018 due to a more favorable tax climate. Sternlicht anticipates that a loss of populace and capital would increase New York City expenses accordingly, driving office rents down by 25 percent. [TheRealDeal]
10,346: Square footage of a $22 million Gables Estates mansion recently purchased by Lee Scott Millstein, a private equity investor and Sylvie Millstein, a fashion designer, who are relocating from New York with this purchase. The nine-bedroom home features 255 feet of water frontage with a 160-foot dock, a master suite that overlooks the water, a home theater, game room with a wet bar and wine cellar, pool, rooftop deck and outdoor entertainment area. [TheRealDeal]
25 percent: Increase in out-of-towners looking to rent in Miami in 2020 compared to last year, according to Master Broker Christopher Zoller. “They are showing up in droves…fleeing high density, high-rise locations. They are learning to work from home or they can work from common spaces,” Zoller said. [MiamiHerald]
12: Number of months the general partner of a New York-based venture capital firm has agreed to lease a Miami Beach home, which is typical of other entrepreneurs who are taking “a taste” of South Florida before deciding whether or not to stay permanently. These investors are seeking more space, a lower cost of living, and warmer weather for their families during this time, but are not ready to completely divest themselves from New York for the long term. [SFBJ]
270: Estimated number of people leaving the New York metro area each day, with most of them choosing Florida. And it’s not just the wealthy residents fleeing increased taxes. Lower to middle class income earners are also leaving New York, and the costly Northeast in general. [Forbes]
This column is produced by the Master Brokers Forum, a network of South Florida’s elite real estate professionals where membership is by invitation only and based on outstanding production, as well as ethical and professional behavior.
The post South Florida by the numbers: From the Big Apple to the Magic City appeared first on The Real Deal Miami.
from The Real Deal Miami & Miami Florida Real Estate & Housing News | & Curbed Miami - All https://therealdeal.com/miami/2020/07/30/south-florida-by-the-numbers-from-the-big-apple-to-the-magic-city/ via IFTTT
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studio-khora · 5 years ago
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Fashion Designer Sylvie Millstein’s Apartment Is the Ultimate Live-Work Space | Architectural Digest
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batgeschaftsideen-blog · 6 years ago
8 Top Trends aus den Resort 2020 Kollektionen
https://de.bufinans.com/8-top-trends-aus-den-resort-2020-kollektionen/?wpwautoposter=1561762393 8 Top Trends aus den Resort 2020 KollektionenGeschäftsideen - Bufinanshttps://de.bufinans.com/8-top-trends-aus-den-resort-2020-kollektionen/?wpwautoposter=1561762393 Betrachten Sie es als Spickzettel für das nächste Jahr und lassen Sie sich von erstklassigen Urlaubsinspirationen inspirieren. Die Resort-Saison, auch Kreuzfahrt genannt, ist zum Synonym für atemberaubende Designer-Runway-Bashes an exotischen Orten geworden. Dieses Jahr war es nicht anders und es war für eine reisende Band von Models und Redakteuren üblich, über den Atlantik und wieder zurück zu gehen, um die Shows zu besuchen. Pässe bereit, Christian Dior eröffnete das Verfahren in Marrakesch, Vor Prada und Louis Vuitton in New York aufgetaucht, Max Mara in Berlin, Chloé in Shanghai und Gucci in Rom. Für Chanels erste Sammlung seit dem Tod von Karl Lagerfeld, dem neuen Artistic Director des Hauses Virginie Viard entschied sich dafür, in Paris zu bleiben, aber nicht ohne Zeremonie: Das Grand Palais wurde in einen Bahnhof im Stil der 1930er Jahre umgebaut, der einen Dampfzug, einen Warteraum und ein Café namens "Le Riviera" umfasst. Es gab auch großartige Mode. Entsprechend dem, was wir im Herbst auf den Landebahnen sahen, war das Anziehen weiterhin ein großer Erfolg bei Designern auf der ganzen Linie, ebenso wie bei kräftigen Schultern und Leder. Am anderen Ende des Spektrums gab es viel Romantik. Es hat jedoch einen Vorteil – besonders bei Gucci, wo Alessandro Michele Kleider mit einer rosa Gebärmutter bestickte und das Datum "22.05.1978" – der Tag, an dem ein Gesetz zum Schutz der legalen Abtreibung in Italien in Kraft trat. Seite an Seite mit so ziemlich allem befanden sich auch Unmengen von Blumen auf der Landebahn. Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Danke fürs zuschauen!Besuche die Website Bevor wir unsere Berichterstattung für die Saison abschließen, werfen Sie einen Blick auf acht herausragende Trends, die sich für Resort 2020 als überragend erwiesen haben. Betrachten Sie es auch als Spickzettel mit einigen erstklassigen Urlaubsinspirationen. Schick machen Die übergeordnete Botschaft des Resorts war laserscharfe Schneiderei und Anzüge. Die Möglichkeiten sind endlos: Gehen Sie mit einem extrabreiten Bein bei Chanel, einem gepunkteten bei Chloé, Burberrys klassischem Kamel oder einem Gürtellinie bei Daniel Lees brillantem Bottega Veneta-Debüt. Orange ist das neue Schwarz Von Rost über Sorbet bis hin zu Verkehrskegeln: Denken Sie in sechs Monaten an "Orange", wenn Sie die Farbpalette Ihrer Garderobe auswählen möchten. Es sorgt für einen auffälligen, monochromen Look, aber wenn das nicht dein Stil ist, bleib bei Spritzern unter einem Blazer oder in Kombination mit klassischem Denim. Mutige Schultern Balmain nimmt den Kuchen für die größten Schultern, aber Louis Vuitton und Moschino boten beide Alternativen in etwas kleineren Anteilen an. Bei Hellessy nahm der Trend eine skulpturale Wendung: Die Designerin Sylvie Millstein drapierte und verdrehte Stoff zu übergroßen, schlappenden Schleifen auf einer atemberaubenden Auswahl an Cocktailkleidern. 70er Jahre Vibes Böhmisches Fernweh prägte die 70er Jahre und war eine offensichtliche Referenz auf Designer-Moodboards für Resort 2020. Zu den Favoriten gehören Christian Dior, Coach, Altuzarra, Missoni und Gucci. Edelmetalle Ein Hauch von Funkeln durchlief viele Kollektionen des Resorts, aber es war verhaltener als in den vergangenen Saisons. Denken Sie an Silber, Gold und Bronze. Vollleder Zusammen mit einem wunderschön geschnittenen Anzug sollten diejenigen, die ein Statement kaufen möchten, überlegen, ob sie in ein Leder investieren möchten. Alles wird nächstes Jahr möglich sein. Die von David Bowie und Marlene Dietrich inspirierte Kollektion von Max Mara lieferte einige der stärksten Iterationen des Trends. Romantik mit einem Dreh Alessandro Michele war nicht schüchtern, wenn es um Politik ging. Unter seiner Führung spendete Gucci im vergangenen Jahr bis März 500.000 US-Dollar für Our Lives, um Waffengewalt vorzubeugen. Jetzt bekämpft er restriktive Abtreibungsverbote auf dem Laufsteg und entwirft Märchenkleider. An anderer Stelle zeichnete sich Moschino durch seinen gruseligen Film-Slash-Halloween-Look zum Thema Romantik aus. Sag es mit Blumen Es überrascht nicht, dass kein Designer widerstehen kann, mit Blumen zu spielen. Die in Buzzy New York ansässige Marke Collina Strada entschied sich für die Sorte, die Sie auf der Couch Ihrer Großmutter oder auf einem Vintage-Markt finden könnten. Givenchy nahm den königlichen Weg und ließ uns fragen, ob (oder wann) wir diese Sammlung auf Meghan Markle finden könnten. Homepage-Foto: Chanel Resort 2020, Imaxtree Verpassen Sie nie die neuesten Nachrichten aus der Modebranche. 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fivesages-blog · 6 years ago
Hellessy Is Seeking Fall '19 Sales Interns In New York, NY
Hellessy Is Seeking Fall ’19 Sales Interns In New York, NY
[ad_1] Founded in 2012 by Sylvie Millstein, Hellessy is a women's clothing brand that redefines the sexy American sportswear through a French point of view. Functional but high, the manufacture, cuts and colors are juxtaposed to achieve an architectural fluidity. Millstein combined her multi-cultural background and 9-year experience as a senior merchant at Chanel to create pieces that satisfy…
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asmr-slk · 7 years ago
Founded in 2012 by Sylvie Millstein, Hellessy is a womenswear brand that redefines sexy American sportswear through a French viewpoint. Functional yet elevated, the fabrication, cuts and colors are juxtaposed to achieve architectural fluidity. Millstein melded her multi cultural background and …
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thesaintlaurent · 8 years ago
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titoslondon-blog · 7 years ago
New Post has been published on Titos London
#Blog New Post has been published on http://www.titoslondon.co.uk/new-york-fashion-week-7-rising-designers-to-know/
New York Fashion Week: 7 rising designers to know
With marquee brands like Proenza Schouler, Thom Browne and Altuzarra off the schedule (they decamped to Paris—au revoir!), New York Fashion Week has more room than ever to feature newcomers, be they up-and-coming brands or established labels making their Big Apple debut. It’s a return to form, reminiscent of when America was the industry upstart standing in contrast to the European houses and their long shadows.“New York has been the global launch pad for young talent over the past two decades like no other fashion capital,” says Steven Kolb, president and chief executive of the Council of Fashion Designers of America. Here, some fresh faces to look out for.
Alice McCall
Boho dresses, lacy lingerie tops and ’70s-style denim rompers are just some of the Australian designer’s calling cards, a mix of breezy femininity and mid-century retro appeal. And while McCall launched her label in 2004, this season she’s showing in New York for the first time. “New York is the centre of the U.S. fashion scene and represents a gateway to the wider market,” she explains. McCall observed a growing appetite for her designs after holding an event in Los Angeles last year, and moving her show to U.S. soil seemed a no-brainer. This season she says to keep an eye out for her signature vintage prints and embroideries which will be worked into modern, elegant silhouettes.
Image: Getty
Designer Sylvie Millstein is French and Japanese, yet her business and life are based in the New York neighborhood of Soho – thus her loyalty to the city. Known for her languid shapes and playful proportions, the 2016 International Woolmark Prize finalist – whose clothes have adorned the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Emma Watson, Emily Ratajkowski and Beyoncé – is playing with maximalism this season, inspired by the rococo style of interior designer Tony Duquette. “I was feeling rich, opulent colours and textures for a woman who likes to make an entrance,” she tells Vogue. “I also wanted to inject some optimism and eclecticism into her fall wardrobe.”
Image: Rex Features
John Elliott
Known for elevating sweatpants from gym attire to street style fodder, Los Angeles-based designer John Elliott has created an entire lifestyle built around relaxed, low-key dressing. His ability to make casualwear look so effortless has been the hallmark of his brand, which, this season, is expanding to womenswear. It promises everything that has made him a success in the menswear market – slouchy hoodies, slim sweats, utilitarian outerwear and cool-kid t-shirts – reimagined through a feminine lens.
Image: Getty
Juicy Couture
While Juicy Couture isn’t new, per se – the brand rose to fame dressing the likes of Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton in baby pink velour tracksuits during the early-aughts and gained newfound love via a Vetements collaboration in 2016 – this is its first-ever runway show. “Juicy Couture is synonymous with the tracksuit, an association that is a great source of pride for us,” says Jamie Mizrahi, the brand’s creative director. “That said, as a global brand it is important that consumers know we offer so much more.” This is Mizrahi’s second season at the helm, the perfect time to push the brand into the spotlight and display its full range of offerings. She says that while fans will recognise the brand’s irreverent, fun and feminine ethos, it’ll be spun into new shapes and silhouettes.
Image: Getty
Lou Dallas
Like Eckhaus Latta’s Mike Eckhaus and Zoe Latta, Raffaella Hanley studied fine arts at the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) before making the leap into fashion, and now designs the line Lou Dallas. Her garments are made mostly from deadstock or recycled textiles, which are then imparted with handmade details like loomed knitting and embroidery. Hanley’s upcycled approach, artsy background and the Spring/Summer 2018 collection’s woodland nymph theme don’t yield twee or romantic designs. In fact Hanley’s work veers toward the funky-cool and aggressively lurid. Still, there’s hints of an odd and alluring beauty, like a hipster Miss Havisham remaking yesterday’s trash as today’s oddball treasures. This season, Hanley cited an invented story as her inspiration, concerning a “sometimes riotous, sometimes sinister” party at a “mysterious castle” and the “uneasy spirits” beneath it.
Raul Solis, the Mexican-born designer of LRS Studio, shies away from typical forms of pretty in favour of the wild abandon of club kids and nightlife for inspiration. The designer is an alumnus of Proenza Schouler and that cool-girl aura is all over his clothing. However he is willing to take it farther into untamed and unusual territory. His Spring/Summer 2018 collection was part arts-and-crafts, part architectural mayhem, all coming undone at the seams in the best of possible ways. His next collection will continue on the boundary-pushing vitality, which has become the underlying signature to his work.
Image: Getty
Moon Choi
With streetwear on the rise, the fact that a talent like Moon Choi is doubling down on tailoring is a bold move. However the Parsons graduate isn’t serving up stuffy C-suite suiting but proportionally playful takes on the classic blazer-trouser combo. Part architectural, part avant-garde, her work “blurs the boundary between feminine and masculine, as it gently shifts the notions of gender and identity,” she says. “It’s the expressive result of how I believe clothing can influence one’s identity and behaviour.” This results in strange yet captivating reinterpretations of classic garments.
The post New York Fashion Week: 7 rising designers to know appeared first on VOGUE India.
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fashionshoesworlds · 7 years ago
Exclusive: Hellessy Collaborates With Rupert Sanderson on Chic Lace-Up Booties
New York brand Hellessy is known for its elegant silks, elongated sleeves and trousers, and all around sense of luxe lounging. The brand’s designer Sylvie Millstein took her signature look even further for the fall ’18 collection by collaborating with Rupert Sanderson on a pair of red suede lace-up high-heeled booties just as sumptuous as the clothing. “There’s something very heritage about Rupert’s shoes, but they’re also kind of quirky,” the designer told FN backstage, ahead of the show, which was held at New York’s Pier 59 studios Friday. Millstein was inspired by the lush interiors of Los Angeles mid-century designer Tony Duquette, incorporating his signature jewel-tone colors of malachite, ruby and golden yellow into tailored trousers, silky sleeve-accented tops, floor-length hooded coats and draped tunics.”It’s for the woman looking to make an entrance,” Millstein said. Other accents included long leather gloves and sculptural gold hoop earrings by Mounser. The Rupert Sanderson lace-up booties, which have leather laces and exaggerated gold-tone grommet detailing, were also shown in a black suede. Want more? Jeremy Scott’s Thigh-High Moon Boots Are the Wacky, Colorful Cure to the Winter Blues Tom Ford’s Bringing Back ’80s-Style Fishnets and Leggings Meet the Rising Designer Making Chic Yet Walkable Booties
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fashion-sight · 7 years ago
Fashion Designer Sylvie Millstein's Apartment Is the Ultimate Live-Work Space - Architectural Digest
Architectural Digest
Fashion Designer Sylvie Millstein's Apartment Is the Ultimate Live-Work Space Architectural Digest “Irving Penn's Chanel Feather Headdress was a gift from my husband, a reference to my years spent working at Chanel,” says Hellessy founder and creative director Sylvie Millstein. An installation by Nicole Wermers rests beneath it. “So many people sit ...
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hotelamericano · 8 years ago
When Fashion Meets Art: A Conversation with Sylvie Millstein
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Join us on May 23 for “When Fashion Meets Art”, a conversation with Designer of Hellessy, Sylvie Millstein.
Moderated by Megan Maguire Steele. Featuring Carolyn Angel, Jayne Drost Johnson, Kelly Padden, and artist and designer of CJW, Christina J. Wang. For more details, contact [email protected]
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