#Sylvaine Ripley
sugarysketches · 9 months
I know they're new, but could you talk more about Clement? I fucking love him so much already
Clement has a very good eye for fashion, and is really good at helping people find their own style... They just prefer a pretty simple style for himself! They're a p friendly guy, but not the most outspoken and can be a bit spineless(ha) at times; likes collecting fruit themed mugs.
He is also the Community Leader of Ruteceae! A sunny town on the outskirts of a large forest, very popular place for designers and the fashion savvy :3 It also has a big market for citrus fruits... He's also the shortest Community Leader.
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megatraven · 4 years
what are your fave lovestruck ships that aren’t mc/li? like, li/li or li/background character? or if you can’t pick faves, just all the ones you ship?
HMMMM favorites hmmmmmmmmmmm im pickin one or two per series (but maybe not from all series since i havent played them all)-
li/li: andi/juliette, jett/leon, cal/darius OR yvette/vinca, lyris/sevastian, lucien/roman, razi/jd, altea/helena, alex/medusa OR alex/astraeus (sue me-), yoyo/irving
li/bg: andi/dahlia (was that her name efrefrrfrg crashingwaves!), lowkey???? ezra/arin, zain/marik OR lucien/sylvain, mackenzie/annabeth OR vanessa/liliane, cerberus/persephone, zoe/raveena
bg/bg: ruelle/piama, arin/omar (thinking emoji), elyscia/bejana OR sylvain/cyril, annabeth/damien OR mothman/roshni, sophia/caligo, megara/nemean OR eryn/scylla, dom/sienna
mc/bg: mc/galen, mc/chimera prime, mc/arin, mc/THE BEAR GUY :’(, mc/ripley, mc/zola OR mc/elyscia, mc/annabeth OR mc/victor (dont ask), mc/ryland, mc/robin, mc/gamma
i might be forgetting some faves but----- i tried
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minilev · 5 years
Get To Know Meme/20 Questions
Tagged by @starsandskies @ja-crispea @indigooeagle♥♥♥ Thank you so much!
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
Name: Anna.
Nicknames: MiniLev (”mini lion” because of my hair), Annett.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Height: 1.64 m.
Languages: Russian, English and espanol un pocito.
Nationality: Russian.
Favorite Season: Autumn.
Favorite Flower: tbh I’m indifferent about flowers. But I love plants and have a little garden.
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Favorite Scent: ooohhh boy, don’t even start it! Since I can’t eat tasty food, I compensate this deprivation with perfumes. While it’s cold and nasty outside I’m enjoyng Sylvaine Delacourte’s “Valkyrie”. Also wanna put my hands on Heeley’s “Cardinal”. At home - “Iced Vanilla Woods” B&BW candle.
Favorite Color: they all are beautiful!
Favorite Animal: my cat) love of my life!
Favorite Fictional Character: Ellen Ripley, Sharky Boshaw, Geralt of Rivia, Bilbo Baggins... too many, I can’t recall others right now.
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: depends on the mood and how it’s done.
Average Sleep Hours: 5-6.
Dog or Cat person: Cat, definitely.
Number of Blankets Slept With: one.
Dream Trip: Montana obviously), Route 66, Arctica/Antarctica, South America (I wanna see everything there is!).
Blog Established: May 2012 (yeah, I came here for Sterek).
Followers: 3,000+
Random Fact: idk, I don’t like vodka and other strong beverages.
I’m not gonna tag anyone because seems that y’all already done it) Do it if you want to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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headlesssamurai · 6 years
Thoughts on sci-fi fanstay that is super over the top/pulpy/cheese ball (i.e. Aquaman currently, The Last Starfighter in probably our early childhood, and other ones of such ilk)? And here's a fun one: best female leads in sci-fi?
Oh. Well, just one thing to start. To me there’s a vast, heavily distinguishable difference between today’s Aquaman and The Last Starfighter of 1980s cult fame, and not only because of their tremendous differences in budget and funding (something like $35 million in today’s value for The Last Starfighter versus a modest $200 million for Aquaman).
Both are coming from distinct sub-genres of sci-fi, Aquaman from the mythology of DC comic books a type of film so popularized by Disney’s Marvel brand with credit due to progenitors like Sam Raimi and Bryan Singer, and The Last Starfighter from the space opera adventure archetype revitalized in its time almost singlehandedly by George Lucas with Star Wars, though a great deal of credit goes to Kubrick in proving over decade earlier that high concept science fiction films were marketable product which could be executed with no want for class.
Prime of all, each film is coming respectively from a very different creative direction and visionary perspective, Aquaman has a decades-old established fanbase in comic book readers. And though they’d never admit it even under intense acupuncture torture, all those Marvel fanatics are buying tickets to watch it too, if only so they can shriek all over the internet that it blows every dick in a five block radius. It can be argued that The Last Starfighter, though obviously not highly lucrative in its earnings, was far more creative a film in that it’s written by the same guy who did Escape From New York and Hook, for instance, the director was a nobody (unlike James Wan), and while capitalizing on the clamouring space opera fever of its time, it was an original property not unlike Star Wars in that its inspirations were strong but it was trying to break into the genre by creating its own unique story in that ex nihilo sort of way. Given these, to my mind incredibly important distinctions, I’d thus be led to conclude that, if both Aquaman and The Last Starfighter are in fact over-the-top cheesy, this is incidental not intrinsically corollary, and equating the two would be something like equating the super talented fat kid in art class with the high school’s star running back who’s getting more ass than a toilet seat.
In the case of Last Starfighter I’m not sure if it could be described as totally cheesballs by the standards of the time, though clearly less dour in tone than The Empire Strikes Back say, and perhaps not aging well because of this, it seems to fit comfortably into the niche it’s carved out for itself. In the case of Aquaman, do think being over-the-top cheesy is perfectly acceptable in a comic book story, because that’s the sort of world those stories inhabit regardless of however much grit or glamour in which they try to dress it up. This isn’t to imply there can’t be paramounts of the genre which push things forward and raise the bar, even redefine how such stories are told, but at the end of the day it still takes place in a world where people dress up like bats and wear spandex outfits in outer space while fighting robots and alien shapeshifters. That’s just ridiculous, and the best sort of those stories are likely the ones which are so engaging for the audience they forget how ridiculous it all is for becoming so connected to the characters and narrative. This sort of potential for surprise is why I’ll always love comic books, and it puzzles me why so many older people act as if such fondness is idiotic when comic books existed long before even they were ever born.
Still, cheesy is a slippery slope, some films verge that direction but I ain’t sure how many fall over the edge. Myself, I always think of it as something like Planet Terror or Demolition Man (both of which I adore), or whatnot. That said, I got absolutely no problem with cheesy movies, speaking of Escape From New York, and dare I say L.A. as well! I tend to drift all over the map in terms of entertainment, with a particular affinity for science fiction, medieval war stories, sword and sorcery, and cyberpunk. But if a piece of fiction entertains me, I’m all for it, regardless of whatever it’s supposed to be. Why, I just finished reading a pretty stark and serious sci-fi book called Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel and goddamn not at all action-packed a story, but I couldn’t put the damn thing down.
Oh, man. That thing about best sci-fi female leads though is a whole other bowl of spaghetti, yo. Out of the gate I’m always wont to mention Samus Aran, since she was one of my favorite heroes to play as a child (and has had a far more profound impact on me than most video game characters from that era). Dr. Banks from Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival was the first one who popped into my head when I read your question, but “best” is such a tough quark to glimpse if you catch my drift. Plus, you know more, cliché examples like Ripley and Jill Valentine of course, and no proper nerd would bring up sci-fi protagonists without mentioning Commander Shepard of Mass Effect’s culturally significant influence (my original Shepard was a woman). But that’s such a huge subject I think I’ll need to think about that one for a little while. Ask me again some time, I’d be down to explore that subject more thoroughly. For the sake of any readers’ poor eyeballs and brains, I’ll shut the hell up for now.
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               侍    headless                                   
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Maratus is a group of four passionate individuals who decided to make games together. We are eager to share with you the deep stories and thoughtful characters that we’ve created in our own medieval fantasy universe: Var’Nagal.
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Anaïs, our Writer:
“Hello there! My name’s Anaïs. I’m the strange creepy thing who created the Var’Nagal universe. I enjoy food, sarcasm and passionate debates, maybe because I’m French. As a matter of fact, I relate to Oberyn Martel for my romance tastes, and to Ripley for my interest in dangerous grumpy creatures. I don’t bite - however, I can hurt you in many other ways. Mwahaha.”
(And trust me, she will hurt you. I stopped counting all the times I cried after a role play session with her as the GM…)
Sylvain, our Game Designer:
“Hi! I'm Sylvain. The guy who questions everything and looks for the fun that's hidden in it. Also called the game designer. I like puns and sarcasm more than anything. A bit of a musician, a bit of a sportsman, I’m curious about everything.”
Nicolas, our Developer:
“Hello, I’m Nicolas. I’m kind of shy and not very effusive. I like to learn new stuff everyday and share it around me. I’m nice to the people I like and openminded to any kind of discussions. I’m understanding and empathic.”
  And I, Elène, the 2d Artist:
“I’ll be the one interacting with you on Tumblr. Feel free to message us, I won’t bite. AND I WON’T HURT YOU IN ANY OTHER WAY EITHER (unlike someone else *KUFF KUFF*). I’m a tiny emotionally unstable potato, uninterested by sex-stuff. However, I fall in love too easily with fictional characters, and I want to spread this disease with you. I mean, even worse: I can’t wait to present you more of them! Otherwise, when I’m not crying watching a puppy video, I enjoy being wrapped in a plaid with some tea, while I procrastina- I MEAN WORK.”
As said above, we want to carry you into our world, ♪ a whole new world ♪, called Var’Nagal. Anaïs worked on it for 5 years, using it for D&D campaigns. We want you to have fun, we want you to bound with our characters, we want you to go on adventures and explore this gigantic world but also explore yourself and who you are. You’ll be confronted to a lot of choices, issues, happiness, sadness, doubts, love and frustration. We want to make games with a soul, games that will touch you.
We’ll share more about our first game soon! Make sure to follow this blog. You can also follow us on Twitter and Facebook.
  Take care and see you soon! ~ The Maratus Team
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sugarysketches · 1 year
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.:Originally started June 6th, 2023; Completed June 9th, 2023:.
More LoZ AU stuff~ God of Destruction/Darkness/Fire/etc. and God of Creation/Light/Water/etc. I would've put them all in their own pictures, but I think the program I was using would Actually die if I tried making the canvas that large ESDRGFH
[top character uses she/her pronouns, bottom character uses any pronouns]
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sugarysketches · 2 years
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.:Originally made February 13th, 2023:.
More Neopets brush doodles :3c
[left and center character uses they/he, right character uses any pronouns]
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sugarysketches · 2 years
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.:Originally made June 15th, 2022:.
Cherry Basket~
[character uses no pronouns]
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sugarysketches · 3 years
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.:Originally made November 17th, 2021:.
Comfy time
[character uses no pronouns]
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