airanke · 6 years
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I don’t usually do comic things and I know they’re missing their DH tattoos but I wanted to get this done ; o ; hope you like.
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airanke · 6 years
Hokay, you know I'm a slut for Uthelria, buuut can I also get Avi x Haldron (I think that's what his name was) aaaaand Trigon x Jaina pleaaaaase~~~~
Who is a night owl: Sylria because–
Who is a morning person: U’thel is already established morning child.
Are they cuddlers: Luckily for Sylria, U’thel is here for cuddles. Most of the time.
Who is the big spoon: U’thel.
Who is the little spoon: Sylria.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Chest to chest. U’thel also tends to sleep on top of Sylria.
Who steals all the blankets: U’thel is a blanket hog.
What they wear to bed: Pants for U’thel, underwear for Sylria - this is assuming the temperatures are nice tho LOL.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: U’thel thrives on Sylria wearing his clothes apparently.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: U’thel again.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Sylria because U’thel hardly dreams unless Loa happen.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: U’thel sometimes bites her in his sleep does that count?
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Neither, what is self-control.
Who said “I love you” first: Interestingly… U’thel.   
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Sylria would, expert photo taker.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: U’thel does, at the odd time.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Sylria, U’thel isn’t a huge gift giver.
Who initiated the first kiss: Sylria again, U’thel reciprocated smth fierce.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: U’thel does and he can get frisky.
Who starts tickle fights: Sylria and regret.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: What is asking, there is only joining.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: This is a difficult thing for them to do given their lines of work, so neither.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Sylria was. U’thel was confused.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: U’thel chases them down.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Sylria does because U’thel can’t drink and he is so grateful.
Hravart x Halduron and Trigon x Jaina under the cut!
Hravart x Halduron
Who is a night owl: Hravart, but Halduron stay up with him a lot and gives him hot chocolate and tries to sing him to sleep sometimes.
Who is a morning person: Halduron is a morning elf. He got thing to do as Ranger General.
Are they cuddlers: Kinda sorta, depends heavily on Avi in all honesty.
Who is the big spoon: Hravart is actually the bigger one in this relationship.
Who is the little spoon: Halduron ofc IT ANNOYS HIM.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Side by side, hands barely touching (if Halduron is.. lucky?? Avi will do the leg drape thing and cuddle closer. Halduron lives for these moments).
Who steals all the blankets: Thankfully neither.
What they wear to bed: Avi just wears loose pants, Halduron wears shorts and a tank.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Halduron convinced Avi to wear Farstrider armor once, now it’s a guilty pleasure to dress the priest in varying types of armor (the full coverage kind, mind you).
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Avi because Halduron has such a soothing voice.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Hravart, always.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Can’t see it happening.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: They are both pretty reserved.
Who said “I love you” first: Halduron, troll boy is scared of catching feels, so the elf had to say it.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Halduron again, always catching Avi doing menial tasks.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Hravart cuz Halduron’s muscles get tense a lot.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Halduron, he needs someone to blow his cash on.
Who initiated the first kiss: Hravart actually. He was feeling very content and it just… happened.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Halduron of course. Hravart gets really embarrassed about it and tries to hide under the pillows.
Who starts tickle fights: Halduron again.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Elf always asks because of Hravart’s aversion to (sensual) touch.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Hravart does, it’s one of the only times he gets to see Halduron blush.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: Hravart definitely, it’s not like Halduron is the Ranger General of Quel’thalas or anything important like that…
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Halduron of course.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Hravart. He has absolutely no filter when he’s drunk LMAO.
Trigon x Jaina
Who is a night owl: Trigon absolutely.
Who is a morning person: And Trigon again. He’s perpetually always up late and always awake early.
Are they cuddlers: Absolutely. Sometimes, Jaina cannot escape the cage that is Trigon’s arms. He is big protecc.
Who is the big spoon: Trigon OBVIOUSLY.
Who is the little spoon: Jaina sometimes ATTEMPTS to be big spoon but he just shadow shifts behind her so she is stuck as the little spoon forever.
What is their favourite sleeping position: Jaina will always find herself on Trigon’s chest every single morning he just pulls her onto him in his sleep. Either that or it’s with him half draped over her (big protecc remember?)
Who steals all the blankets: Trigon IS the blanket.
What they wear to bed: Pants for Trigon, gown for Jaina. Do these things stay on? Sometimes.
Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Trigon will sometimes pull Jaina’s capes over his shoulder and what not and she thinks he makes it work.
Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Trigon does, because Jaina’s voice is one of the few he finds soothing enough to fall asleep to.
Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Jaina, oh Jaina… Trigon also wakes up immediately to ground her back in reality. He will even protecc from nightmares.
Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Jaina probably did but Trigon also probably blocked it – imagine it. They get into mini sparring matches. While sleeping.
Who can’t keep their hands to themself: T R I G O N .
Who said “I love you” first: Trigon didn’t say “I love you” exactly but Jaina was quick to figure out that the combination of what Trigon said and what his actions were was literally him saying “I love you” and she wouldn’t stop blushing for hours.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Jaina would have so many pictures of Trigon he’d want to know if she was legitimately stalking him at some point.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Trigon because he can be romantic like that.
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Jaina because she will stop at nothing to get Trigon to smile - like actually smile, not crack a half smile. Smile.
Who initiated the first kiss: You better believe it was Trigon because it was Trigon. When he wants something, he will go get it.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Jaina. Trigon might be a morning person but sometimes you just wanna’ lay in bed and enjoy the warmth of your partner y’know?
Who starts tickle fights: Jaina does and Trigon just lets her attempt it because he’s… he’s not ticklish guys…
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: The one time that Trigon actually asks for anything (other than… “can we fuck tho”) is when showers are involved. Because sometimes, he likes to be alone when he showers, so he’s p sure that Jaina also sometimes would rather shower alone.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Jaina because she’s a mage. She can teleport all over the everywhere and Trigon can’t do nothin’ to stop her. He appreciates it though sometimes he forgets to eat.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: … see I’m not even sure if these two ever went on a planned date or if the dates just happened naturally like “so supper, I’ll get you at six?” and “yep, sounds good, see you then babe”. Which is really cute to imagine I’m just sayin’. They were a couple before they were a couple y’know what I mean.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Trigon will eat them if he’s in his demon form. Otherwise, he just… squish them. Squish them good.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Both of them. Trigon does his best to keep tabs on how much he drinks for the sole reason that ALL OF HIS FRIENDS watch him like vultures when he’s drunk because… because it’s the only time they see him actually act stupid.
ENJOY ALLA THE SHIPS @druidickats!!
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airanke · 7 years
6, 11 ( both SFW), 1, 4, and 13 (NSFW) for Uthelrya, and the same ones for Syl'jin! ^W^
MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM FEEDING ME…. YOU ARE…. but yes good, Uthelria and Syl’jin~~ I’ll stick Syl’jin under a cut, just so that this post doesn’t get too long!
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert? (sfw)
At first Sylria will get stuck paying, just because U’thel has gone so much of his life scavenging for his own food (scavenging for his own everything) that it’ll take him a little bit to start making some bank. Once he does, though, U’thel will return the favor (and to be fair, I’m certain Vol’jin gives the boy some spending cash). Sylria orders the most food, AND also orders dessert, solely because until U’thel’s stomach can actually handle other foods… well, he’s stuck with eating the most basic. But he’ll totally ask for bites of Sylria’s food. Just because he can’t stomach a full course meal doesn’t mean he can’t try food.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights? (sfw)
I know for certain this starts off as showers and alone, partially because Sylria is sensitive about her arm (and because that missing arm is something she tried to keep hidden from him for as long as she could before… questions were asked). U’thel walks in on her one day and ends up giving her a helping hand after seeing how utterly frustrated and upset she is about being unable to do something as simple as taking a shower. From then on, I get the feeling together showers become more frequent. Not too sure about bubble fights, but I mean, those could totally happen if Sylria can convince U’thel to have some downtime and relax for once.
1. How often do they have sex, if at all? (nsfw)
This is entirely dependent on how often Sylria wants it. U’thel is a pleaser by nature, so if it’s sex she wants, then she’s gonna’ get it. I’m sure that if U’thel really isn’t in the mood he’ll say something, but more often than not he’s down to fuck if Sylria needs it, or wants it.
4. Oddest place they’d have sex? (nsfw)
To be honest I’m not entirely sure? Maybe there was one night where Sylria’s bed was covered in books and so they compromised and ended on Khadgar’s bed and he definitely didn’t find them there in the morning and that was also DEFINITELY not embarrassing at all.
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How? (nsfw)
I’m so sorry Sylria, if you think this boy is going to let you not sing, you are wrong, he is going to do everything in his power to get you moaning. Even if that means pinning your good arm above your head. I don’t know what you were thinking Sylria–
THAT being said, U’thel can definitely be loud. Not that he’ll let himself be loud, the minute something slips out of him he’s clapping his hand over his mouth. I’m certain Sylria isn’t too keen on letting him get away with being quiet for very long though~ As for how, U’thel would find those little sweet spots, and Sylria definitely just has to run her fingers along the edges of the tattoos on his neck (yes, specifically those tattoos). If it doesn’t get him moaning it’ll sure as hell get him short of breath.
Annnd as I said, Syl’jin under the cut!
6. Going out to eat: Who pays? Who orders the most food? And who has dessert? (sfw)
Vol’jin, Vol’jin, and Sylvanas. I absolutely love the idea of her having a sweet tooth (a horrible, horrible sweet tooth), and Vol’jin is a terrible enabler about it. Because it’s definitely not endearing to see her eyes actually light up with something akin to joy whenever he tells her to get whatever she wants from the dessert menu. They also only go out to eat at places where either a) nobody is really familiar with them (and I’m positive in places like Pandaria, this would be the case), or b) where the people who work there know they better keep their mouths shut. Rokhan and Nathanos are never far, after all, and if Rokhan isn’t there, then Siami-quashi definitely are.
11. Baths or showers? Together or separate? Any bubbles or bubble fights? (sfw)
Baths. I don’t know why, but after the two of them come to terms with the fact that they’re head-over-heels, baths become one of those times where they can just… be together? And do nothing but relax, and chat about things, and just not care about anything that’s going on? So definitely bathing together - and since I also headcanon that Sylvanas has body image issues, bubbles are required and bubble fights will happen. Both will deny the bubble fights.
1. How often do they have sex, if at all? (nsfw)
Given their positions and how infrequently they would be together, not often at all. Lack of it makes the desire for it stronger though, so when they finally have the chance they take it. Vol’jin finds Sylvanas to be surprisingly passionate the more time she spends away from him. He matches her passion as best he can.
4. Oddest place they’d have sex? (nsfw)
The Undercity. Do you know the efforts Sylvanas had to put into it to get Nathanos to just leave? Do you know how much trouble she had to go to, to make sure the room she picked was spic and span and didn’t smell horribly of rot or anything else? Do you know how quiet they had to be because holy Titan does it echo? Yeah. They probably decided to never do that again. Too risky.
13. Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How?
While Vol’jin loves to hear Sylvanas sing (and I mean, we know she has a beautiful voice on her if the end quest for Ghostlands chain is anything to go by), they both put a lot of effort into being quiet: biting each other, biting a sheet, anything they can to keep quiet. After all, both Sylvanas and Vol’jin are leaders in the Horde. If anyone finds out about their relationship, it can easily be used against them.
But if ever they can get away to a place where no one can find them, even if it’s only for a few hours… Vol’jin’s gonna’ go out of his way to get Sylvanas to be loud. How he’d do that, I don’t really know, but I’m sure Sylvanas has a few spots that are more sensitive than others. Even if she is undead.
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airanke · 7 years
U’thel / Sylria’s daughter was kinda’ sorta training in secret for a short amount of time to be a Demon Hunter (apparently she and Sylria were keeping it from U’thel because I mean it’s pretty obvious he is NOT a fan of being a DH).
Anyway, there was an “accident”, and she lost her eye as a result (apparently it was very painful, when she was brought to priests she was screaming from the pain).
Of course this meant that U’thel found out that she was trying to be a Demon Hunter and he gets really furious, and... pretty much berates her (and I’m not sure if Sylria was part of this discussion???), and in the end he ends up going into his metamorphsis form (subconsciously) and snarling, “do you really think that I want my own child to suffer the way I’ve suffered?!” Naturally I think U’thel and Sylria feel VERY differently on the subject, so this is probably one of their, let’s say, bigger arguments? YEAH.
And out of respect for U’thel, their daughter abandons the idea of being a Demon Hunter entirely. I’M ALSO PRETTY SURE that DHs can still have kids, but I think that their children are tainted by Fel?? At least in some way, whether it shows in their skin / blood / eyes. For some it might be more obvious than others, and in U’thel and Sylria’s daughter’s case, I don’t see her as being too Fel tainted, but when her eye was removed, the Fel became VERY prominent on that side (kinda like how Vol’jin’s wound had those Fel green lines / cracks? That’s how her eye ends up looking).
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airanke · 7 years
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“Wat’cha tryna do, eh? Mark me?”
I couldn’t decide which version I liked better so have both!
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airanke · 7 years
I'll take you up on that! Uthelria, Volita, and VoljinxSylvanas! Pick one or do all three~~ ^w^
@druidickats​ OKAY HERE WE GO EVERYTHING IT IS--- becauseihavenoselfcontrol
U’thel x Sylria!
who takes longer showers?
U’thel. Because he actually really likes being clean NGL. I’m sure that if he takes too long Sylria will just walk in there with him like “wash my hair if you’re going to take this long” and he just DOES it begrudgingly and totally not because he likes to run his fingers through her hair.
(And the rest under the cut PFFT)
how do they make up after a fight?
I WASN’T SURE ABOUT THIS AT FIRST but then I thought about love languages and remembered that U’thel L I V E S to please his partner, if he was wrong in the fight, it would probably be easier for a make up NGL. Since all he’d be focused on is trying to make it up to her by pleasing her, whether that be by going and getting her her favorite snack, or, y’know, something else. A mutual fight probably ACTUALLY HAS DISCUSSION. If U’thel was “right” well…. I’m not too sure how a make up would happen after that, since he’s so… U’thel. RIP. I might be able to think of something more cohesive later, BUT MMMM for now I’ll go with this???
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
U’thel doesn’t really like the rain, so I’ll go with Sylria prefers the rain and U’thel prefers the sun. Especially the non-Broken Shore sun. Because apparently that sun is different (U’thel ur logic makes NO SENSE). Also I have this feeling that Sylria might just prefer the rain because there was one time U’thel saw her standing in it and just stared because “oh she pretty”. (DON’T ASKE ME WHERE THAT CAME FROM IDK BUT THERE HAVE IT).
what’s their favorite place to go together?
I established this in a really short drabble (called Allure for anyone curious), but it’s Val’sharah. It’s one of those “in their genetics” sort of thing. Nature is where they feel most at home, whether they recognize it or not. That, and being surrounded by life when most of their lives - particularly U’thel’s - has been so immersed in death is just… one of the more pleasant things. And it doesn’t really matter where in Val’sharah, so long as it’s just them and nature~
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
I have a feeling they enjoy holidays more than anything else. Brewfest has a special place in U’thel’s heart because it’s where he gets his Wolpertinger from (for basically everyone else, because only Kat knows this atm, but U’thel has a soft spot for rabbits. They’re his favorite animal, and after he got drunk at Brewfest he SAW A WOLPERTINGER AND JUST. WENT AWOL TRYING TO CATCH IT– obviously he eventually succeeded but the amount of things he nearly broke in the meantime is amazing) - but let’s not get started on Noblegarden. Because holy fuck U’thel is going to love Noblegarden (see “SYLRIA. HOLY FUCK. THERE ARE RABBITS EVERYWHERE. HOLY SHIT. YOU CAN BE A RABBIT” and yes he would promptly stick rabbit ears on her. I’m so sorry Sylria ur stuck with this). Not too sure what Sylria’s favorite holiday might be, so correct me if I’m wrong! I feel like she’d enjoy Midsummer Festival the most. Because of smth you told me on Discord, Kat~ As for other things, like birthdays and anniversaries, I’m not too sure? I can see U’thel wanting to because he’s a pleaser though O: !
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Listen U’thel is going to run away from anyone who tries to make him sing because I can actually see him having a decent singing voice cuz dem genetics though. If Sylria ever finds out I can see her just trying to get him to sing… a lot.
what’s their nightly routine?
Hrm… U’thel is the sort to spend the whole day DOING ALL OF EVERYTHING and then just crashing when he finally gets to rest (he’s an early riser, and not a night person at all). I can see part of their eventual nightly routine being Sylria probably reading to him until he falls asleep. And then cuddles ensue. I’d have to think more about this though, but I mean this is a start!
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
Vol’jin x Amita!
who takes longer showers?
Oh my GAWD Amita. And she doesn’t shower, she bathes. If Vol’jin EVER goes in there while she’s in there he’s going to get dragged in and be forced to sit through her being really attentive to grooming him, especially his hair. Amongst other things. They might need a second shower WHOOPS.
how do they make up after a fight?
Oh damn… it starts with sitting side by side, I know that much. There’s a lot of sitting in silence before they finally start a conversation, and depending on which one feels more responsible for the fight depends on who starts it (ex. If Vol’jin thinks about it and later decides he was at fault, he starts the conversation, and vice versa if Amita is the one who feels it was her fault). This is more applicable to when they’re adults (which is FUNNILY ENOUGH when most of their fights happen), but yeah. The short of it is, they talk it out. Depending on the level of frustration though, it gets worked out a different way ya’ll. (And yeah, it depends a lot on what the fight was about too! And honestly Amita is really REALLY weak when it comes to Vol’jin, so she can’t stay mad at him for an incredibly extensive amount of time. I’LL PROBABLY FIGURE THIS OUT BETTER LATER TOO HAHAHA but I mean, it’s a start!)
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
Amita prefers the sun, and Vol’jin prefers the rain. Amita has a slight aversion to water after something that happens in Pikit Mata, so while she still enjoys the rain, she’d rather stay dry (but of course Vol’jin can coax her out into the rain HUEHUE), and I mean, all of her druid forms are reptilian, and reptiles love to bask; Amita is no exception. Vol’jin has a preference to the rain because I feel it’s one of those things that reminds him of First Home.
what’s their favorite place to go together?
Oooh this is a tough one. I might come back to this later, actually, for a more specific place, but they both have a preference to being in more private places (because for a lot of the story they’re trying - and somewhat failing - to hide that there’s more between them than just “we’re childhood friends”. This is especially true after the MoP arc in Lascivious Ophidian and I’ll… get there eventually). So for now, their favorite place to go together is anywhere they can be alone, just the two of them.
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
I think they would both be hahaha! They both have the personalities and looks, so they’d be voted prom king/queen together xP
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Anniversaries definitely. Amita is a giver (*COUGH*), which I’m pretty sure Vol’jin enjoys. Birthdays I’m not too sure, because I honestly don’t know HOW TROLLS DO THE BIRTHDAY THING– (aside from sketchygoat’s idea that there’s a huge coming of age celebration, which would only be celebrated at one point during a troll’s life, and then they’d have another celebration again at a certain age). As for holidays, I can actually see them both enjoying Brewfest together the most, and probably Winter’s Veil. Amita will not admit that she really REALLY likes to celebrate Love is in the Air, and definitely doesn’t make it obvious that she keeps leaving things around for Vol’jin to find because why would she do that, of course she wouldn’t (he picks up on it and starts inconspicuously doing the same thing and I definitely don’t like the idea of them sending each other on LITTLE TREASURE HUNTS please that’s adorable, and since in origin stuff they were ALWAYS “playing” cat and mouse– I’LL STOP THERE BUT PLEASE). I have no idea what happened to this paragraph BUT IT GOT OUT OF HAND. I also don’t even know if I’m answering this question right, BUT DO I CARE NO I LIKE WHAT I’M DOING.
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
AMITA WOULD PRESSURE VOL’JIN BECAUSE SHE WOULD DEFINITELY JUST WANT TO SCREAM WITH HIM– I also kind of have a penchant for just making every single character good at singing because I can sing and enjoy singing, but I also like the idea of both of them doing fine, then they just start singING OFF KEY AFTER A FEW MINUTES because yes. And trying to out off-key sing each other and everyone else regrets letting them do this.
what’s their nightly routine?
I’ll go with when they’re actually in the same area together for an extended period of time (this also going off the basis that Vol’jin and Amita have already . It starts with them hugging each other. If there’s somewhere they can freshen up, then they do that next. Amita, as it is hopefully already obvious, loves to play with other people’s hair, so she spends some time grooming Vol’jin (and during this, they also have the chance to chat about their days). Vol’jin returns the favor, of course, and Amita has a tendency to relax into him when he brushes her hair. It can go one of two ways from there. They either opt to slide into bed and continue to chatter until one of them falls asleep, or after the grooming - and this is of course reliant on the mood - things will get a little more affectionate / steamy. There u w u
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
Amita, because she can get a little absent minded when she cooks and forgets what she’s doing. It doesn’t happen ALL the time, but it happens enough. Especially over campfires. She’s better with a more controlled flame. Vol’jin sometimes just notices her huddling REALLY CLOSE to the fire. Meanwhile, the fish she’s cooking is also up in flames. This poor reptile girl JUST WANTS TO BE WARM–
Vol’jin x Sylvanas!
who takes longer showers?
Vol’jin. He definitely drags Sylvanas into them though, because it’s an excuse for him to crank up the heat as Sylvanas’ chilled body does a decent job at keeping him cool in the face of said heat. And totally not because he wants to encourage her to put a little more effort into self-care (also, quick undead / Forsaken headcanon: if they bathe in scented water, their bodies adopt that scent, due to having more pourous skin. They would have to like, soak in it for a while, but hey, who said the undead can’t smell good?)
how do they make up after a fight?
Oh man. By shooting arrows together. I can just see Sylvanas being so damn frustrated at points, where she just storms into Vol’jin’s office, grabs him by the ear, and drags him off to the archery range. There’s something she discovered about shooting arrows with him when she was mad at him that helped to clear the air a little bit. Otherwise, they resort to getting really, and I mean REALLY professional. Talk about the fight and what went wrong and what they could do differently and why it happened and YEAH. I think it makes sense for both of them to try to iron it out that way!
who prefers rain and who prefers sun?
I still think that Vol’jin has a preference to the rain - even in this ship - but I also feel Sylvanas has a preference to the rain. She’s been a creature of the shadows for so long, I can’t imagine her enjoying being in the sun, especially since it’ll probably remind her of Quel’thalas, and what it was like when she was still alive. Things are already painful enough for her, she doesn’t need to be reminded of when she was alive (and likely happier). I fancy the idea of Vol’jin picking up on this and, given that he’s so tall, standing in front of the sun so his shadow falls over her.
what’s their favorite place to go together?
There’s a spot in Hillsbrad that they rather like. It works as a relatively easy place for them to escape to when they’re both in the Undercity (usually for business, of course). As for when they’re both in Orgrimmar, there’s a spot in Azshara that they favor going to so that they can have a few moments of privacy away from prying eyes and prying ears.
who’s more likely to be voted prom king/queen?
Vol’jin hands down. I’m sorry Sylv ur hot but ur ice queen personaLITY MAKES U UNPOPULAR IN THESE VOTES--- good thing Vol’jin knows how to melt you I mean what.
do they celebrate anniversaries, etc.?
Sylvanas got Vol’jin really into Hallow’s End and he’s not sure if he regrets this or not. Bonus that I can see Vol’jin getting all excited about Day of the Dead (at least... the version of it in WoW, which... I’m not sure how closely it matches real world Day of the Dead BECAUSE I ALWAYS MISS IT). I can just see them both celebrating these holidays hardcore, with Sylvanas figuring out a way to get Vol’jin all dressed up for Hallow’s End, and Vol’jin returns the favor on Day of the Dead by getting Sylv all face painted up y’know? And in colorful, probably tribal gear because listen Sylv would look REALLY GOOD in tribal stuff.
who’d pressure the other into singing karaoke?
Vol’jin would do this so hardcore because 1) Sylvanas can canonically sing and 2) her voice is fucking gorgeous. You know that something he says to her a lot is “sing for me, Sylvanas” - and you can take that however your brain takes it~~
what’s their nightly routine?
Following another undead / Forsaken headcanon of mine, is that they don’t have to sleep. Sylvanas lets Vol’jin groom her, especially if he’s had a stressful day (I like to think that being able to groom their partner is incredibly stress relieving for a troll). It slowly goes from there, to her semi returning the favor by running her fingers through his hair. It will then spiral into Sylvanas singing Vol’jin to sleep. The other Horde leaders totally don’t crowd the door and listen in on the singing sometimes.
who’s more likely to burn dinner?
Sylvanas because I don’t actually know if she needs to eat anymore. I do fancy the idea of her knowing how to cook some really specific things that she gets perfect every time and no one understands HOW SHE DOES IT SHE JUST DOES (like getting a marshmallow perfectly brown all the way around, that sort of really specific). And wow I apparently headcanon Vol’jin as a pretty good cook from the look of things.
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airanke · 7 years
✥ oooooorrrr ❀ for Sylria to U'thel! (❀ Could be helping her dress a rather deep wound on her working arm, since she couldn't really do it herself 👀 /SHOT)
Sylria mentally cursed herself for being careless - and wasn’t that how one usually wound up being, well, wounded? Blood trailed down her good arm, the one she worked so hard to keep out of harm’s way, the one she needed, because Elune knew that she couldn’t use her rotten little stump to stem the flow of blood.
She spat a curse when she stumbled, though she was able to right herself before she fell over completely. Where was he anyway? Maybe he set up his tent and was inside?
Really, the demon hunter could have let anyone help her, but in her state she had subconsciously made a bee-line to where she had last seen U’thel. He was... an odd sort of comfort, she supposed. The similarities they shared was something she basked in, and the fact that he didn’t shy away from her interest in him was another thing she revelled in.
That, and often times, she found him returning her advances.
What Sylria hadn’t expected was to stumble into his tent - obvious because it was the only one made out of dark, oiled yak fur - and find U’thel chewing on a long pretzel stick. She knew that he had a preference to biscuits, but a pretzel never crossed her mind.
Before she could ask him about it, he turned fierce fel green eyes to her and immediately snarled, “de fuck did you do?”
Sylria flushed, her ears twitching down at the tips. Normally she would raise her other arm to grip her bicep, but with her left arm nothing but a stump and her right arm too cut up for her to move it comfortably, she resorted to scrunching up her shoulders and lowering her head.
“I um... I was a lil’ careless, dat’s all,” she muttered, looking off to the side before glancing back up at him. Elune he was a sight, with his hair all tousled and lips slightly parted because he was biting down lightly on that stupid pretzel.
And damn did blue ever suit him--
She jolted a little when he suddenly moved closer, grabbing her by her left shoulder before dragging her over to what she could only assume was his bed. It looked more like a nest, blankets and pillows thrown haphazardly together in a circular shape. He shoved her into a sitting position, and Sylria instinctively jerked her right arm toward her chest, wincing at the pain. She didn’t want to get her blood all over everything.
Not like this, anyway.
U’thel muttered incoherently under his breath, and from what she could make out, it was a mix of Demonic and Zandali. A short giggle left her when it became clearer that he was muttering about her. She yelped when U’thel jerked her helm away, a scowl dominating his features.
“Seriously. Wat de fuck did you do?”
Her brows furrowed back, and when she didn’t answer him, he sighed. Without another word he easily removed the armor on her right arm, tossing it to the side. It all landed on the nest he’d made, and he pulled her arm away from her chest so he could get a better look at her injury.
“U’thel!” she complained, biting her lip, “I’m gonna’ get blood all ova’ ya bed!”
The male looked up at her, one brow quirked, and the faintest hint of a smirk on his lips, “and?”
She couldn’t stop the blush that spread over her cheeks. Sure, the interest they shared was no secret, but nothing had gone... that far yet.
He was back to scowling now, his gaze scrutinising her arm. He reached behind himself, keeping her arm out-stretched, and grabbed a clear glass bottle and a cloth. She was envious, sometimes, of people who had both arms. He pulled the cork off the bottle with his teeth, draped the cloth over top, and held it in place with one finger while he tipped it upside down. The liquid inside was clear, and Sylria could tell from the smell that it was a cleaning alcohol.
She hissed through the pain as U’thel went about diligently cleaning her arm. His expression relaxed for a moment after most of her blood was wiped away.
“Hm, don’ be lookin’ dat bad,” U’thel turned her arm a little, and Sylria found her skin was growing hot where he held her. She bit her lip again. Sometimes, she just wanted him to touch her. Sometimes she daydreamed about him touching the stump she had for her left arm - and quickly she shook away those thoughts. No need to disgust him with it.
“Definitely not as bad as I be tinkin’,” he mused after a moment. He lowered her hand to his leg, and Sylria’s eyes immediately darted to look down at the spot. If she were feeling braver, she would consider passing her hand along his thigh, but alas, U’thel turned back with a roll of silkweave bandages.
It was odd to see him being so careful. He wrapped her arm well; tight enough to stem the bleeding, but not so tight as to cause her discomfort. With a sigh, he pushed himself up to stand, and Sylria flexed her hand. Her arm still ached when she moved it, but she supposed that was a given. U’thel went about silently putting away everything he’d brought out, and soon enough he was back to sitting in front of her.
“Still didn’ tell me wat de fuck ya did ta git dat wound, Sylria,” he said, and Sylria decided she was really beginning to like how her name slid off his tongue.
“It... be a long storeh...” she admitted after a moment. U’thel shrugged.
“I be havin’ time.”
(( //POSES THERE YOU GO @druidickats !!!! ))
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airanke · 7 years
U’thel was far from understanding what he felt, but at least his expressions spoke for him when his own words could not.
They were alone in the woods. Val’sharah was full of beautiful trees, and U’thel was drawn to the place. Life was everywhere he looked. Completely different from the Broken Shore, where it had been a struggle to keep even a few trees from dying.
Interestingly, his companion seemed to feel the same way. He supposed it was natural, given their… similarities - but she embraced her heritage more than he did. That was something he could envy.
“Why did you bring me out here?” Sylria mused. U’thel scoffed. She’d developed this habit of speaking to him in Thalassian since she discovered he could both understand it, and speak it fluently.
He humored her:
“I didn’t bring you out here,” he snapped a leaf off a branch as he passed it, “you followed me.”
“I saw the way you looked in my direction,” she replied, a smile on her voice, “you wanted me to follow you.”
U’thel felt his mouth twitch in a smirk. Had he? He remembered looking in Sylria’s direction, but he couldn’t recall the expression he had made.
Based on her words, however, he could assume it was a subtle move of the brows, a flick of the eyes to the outer borders of Lorlathil, and then he surely jutted out his chin. U’thel had a habit of pointing with his chin - that was something even he was aware of.
“Guess I’ll have to take your word for it,” he finally muttered, ears flicking at the sound of her soft laugh.
His feet led him to a small clearing, if it could be called that. The trees reached for each other across the gap between them, filling the space with speckles of moonlight. Fireflies danced through the blades of grass. He rolled his shoulders, sighing, ears flicking at the sound of Sylria’s soft footsteps on the ground.
“Do you know what I want?” he asked, turning the leaf over between his fingers. He stared ahead, unblinkingly, and Sylria had paused behind him. She stepped closer, he could sense it, just like he had sensed she had intended to ask him a question before he spoke his.
A soft “hm” left her, implying she was thinking about it. U’thel’s gaze drifted to the leaf. He watched it burn to ash with green flames; watched the ashes float to down to pepper the grass.
“No? But, I could take a guess--”
He turned on Sylria swiftly, his left hand wrapping around her throat. She responded as he expected: eyes wide with surprise, her own claws digging into his forearm. It was reflex; good reflex - but he had no interest in being stopped. U’thel twisted her hand away from his arm, eyes locked with hers. She was still only surprised; not afraid, not worried, simply startled. It added kindling to the fire that was beginning to burn in his chest.
Fearlessness, apparently, was something he found incredibly attractive.
U’thel wasted no more time on his thoughts, however, because even if Sylria only had one fully functional arm, she still had powerful legs - so he hooked a leg around one of hers after stepping closer. With the same leg, he kneed her in the stomach, jerking her leg forward. The action threw her off-balance as she curled somewhat toward her abdomen, and she fell - and him with her.
The impact of her back against the earth below winded her, and U’thel pinned her arm above her head, letting most of his weight keep her legs down as he straddled her.
“I want to break you,” he whispered in demonic, green wisps of fel magic pouring out of his mouth. For a split second fear flashed through her eyes, but it was replaced by wonder when it became clear that he meant it… differently.
“I want to see you bleed,” U’thel continued, never taking his eyes off hers. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to properly express what he wanted - or what he needed. He trusted that his expression was going to do most of the talking, and it appeared to be working the way he hoped. Sylria had a gleam of fascination in her burning eyes, and U’thel chuckled, deciding this was enough. He let himself fall to the side, rolling a few paces away from her, letting his arms sprawl out until he decided to tuck them behind his head.
He stared up at what he could see of the dark skies above until Sylria’s silhouette blocked his view.
She straddled his stomach, an action that fanned the flames swirling in his chest. Her hand ran up his chest, tracing over his pulsing tattoos. Sylria leaned closer, her breath on his lips, eyes holding his captive and when she whispered back, a low growl rumbled in his throat.
“Break me then.”
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airanke · 6 years
🌸 for Uthelria ^w^ I don't care if he said not to give him flowers if she wants to shower him in flowers she godsdamned will! XD
🌸 Put a flower in my muse’s hairU’thel / Sylria
His hair was impossible to do anything with - or so Sylria had originally thought. Since she’d learned how to make a magic arm with magic, playing with U’thel’s hair had become that much easier.
U’thel, though, wasn’t fond of it. She was grateful that despite his obvious dislike of the fel arm that he kept his commentary to himself.
Besides, it helped her play with his hair, so that was a win-win situation all around, wasn’t it? Earlier that morning she’d found some small black flowers growing near one of the sewer entrances of Dalaran. A strange place for a flower to grow, she had thought, especially ones as delicate as these.
Sylria’fon had picked a few, cutting them at the stems, and now she felt they would look especially pretty braided into U’thel’s hair. The stems were a tad shorter than the longest strands of his hair, but Sylria could make it work.
At first U’thel grumbled when she prodded him, trying to get him to move. She supposed he couldn’t blame him: he had been resting so comfortably with his head in her lap.
The demon hunter straightened himself out eventually, hunching forward. Sylria’fon was forced to get up on her knees behind him, and she balanced her weight on his back.
She was glad when he made no comment at her inciting the fel arm. All he did was flinch, keeping his usual snarky commentary to himself.
Weaving the stems of the flowers into U’thel’s braids was a tricky task, especially with them being so delicate. She lost a couple blooms here and there, and dug her teeth into her lower lip in concentration. It had been a good choice to braid down the length of his faux hawk on either side, wrapping hair over hair and over stem and flower then back over hair.
Sylria could not resist threading her fingers through the strands that she didn’t touch, relishing in the soft texture of U’thel’s platinum locks.
Soft and smooth, the exact opposite of him with all his rough edges.
She wouldn’t have him any other way.
“Hm,” she hummed, resting her cheek against the top of his head, “you’re beautiful.”
“Hah,” U’thel scoffed, reaching up to grab a fistful of her hair, “look who’s talkin’.”
Sylria flushed, of course, and let him jerk her around until her head was resting on his lap. He experimentally ran his fingers along the sides of his head, lips pursed, “what’d you do to my hair, eh?”
“Braided it.”
“Braided it?” he repeated, furrowing his brows at her, “huh. Guess I’ll have to take a look later.”
She was surprised to see him with the braids - and the flowers - still in his hair the next day.
(( @druidickats ))
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airanke · 6 years
//Sticks leggy in air ❤ for Uthelria if you please my dear Air~ And maybe Hravita if you so desire~!
U’thel & Sylria’fon
Who thinks ridiculously extravagant gifts are the best and who prefers the heartfelt, sentimental gift?Both prefer heartfelt and sentimental. Neither are huge on the whole extravagance thing. Unless it’s armor or a weapon.
Who won’t stop saying “I love you” and making big, goopy puppy eyes?Sylria HAHAH U’thel doesn’t know how to handle is sometimes and eventually just caves and goes “... …. I don’t understand but I love you too”.
What’s the most extreme thing either would do for a kiss (or Klondike bar)?Mmm U’thel would jump off a cliff into the ocean. Sylria literally would not let him do this because he’s terrified of the ocean and HONESTLY ALL HE HAS TO DO IS ASK.
Who gets the obligatory cute stuffed animal?Sylria does of course. If there’s ever a carnival in town (modern) then U’thel will do everything in his power to get the biggest animal from a tent he possibly can (in WoW verse this is if U’thel happens to get to Darkmoon Faire).
Who would get a big bouquet of red roses?U’thel would. It would startle him. Then make him blush furiously.
Who would eat an entire box of Valentine’s chocolate?Sylria obviously and totally not because U’thel would be feeding her them.
Who writes the really sappy, romantic poetry?Neither, actually. Most of their poetry is done in bed if you know what I mean.
Who actually likes those chalk-tasting hearts with cornball messages?Both of them! U’thel was especially fascinated with how small the messages were yet they somehow fit on these tiny little heart things.
Who sneaks home early to put up candles and scatter rose petals everywhere in the name of ROMANCE?U’thel does this. It surprised Sylria the first time he did it but I mean. The sex was great so she’s not gonna’ complain.
Who is the wine connoisseur that insists on “only the best” for their meal?Sylria is but U’thel can’t have alcohol because his stomach hates him. But Sylria finds really awesome non-alcoholic drinks for her boy to enjoy when she’s enjoying her alcohol (plus he can get a taste of the alcohol from Sylria’s lips but that’s about it).
Who believes that Valentine’s Day is a corporate, soulless Hallmark holiday but still secretly enjoys it anyway?I don’t think either of them really care. It’s an excuse to spend as much time together as posisble. That’s literally all they want.
Do they watch bad chick flicks or horror movies (any excuse for close cuddling)?Umm I can imagine them watching horror movies but U’thel falls asleep because obviously he’s seen worse HAHAHA.
Do they make reservations at the expensive, ritzy restaurant or prepare a home-cooked meal?Meal at home tbh. U’thel’s a really good cook. If Sylria is gonna’ go out of her way to get him the best drinks then she’s getting the best food.
Do they go to bed early or stay up all night?Go to bed early. U’thel is an early sleeper and he enjoys his sleep because he wakes up so early anyway (to make pancakes or some other breakfast meal for his Miss Lady).
Do they end up cuddling on the couch or heatedly making out?H e a t e d l y  m a k i n g  o u t .
Hravita is under the cut of course.
Hravart & Amita
Who thinks ridiculously extravagant gifts are the best and who prefers the heartfelt, sentimental gift?Oh my GAWD Amita is like “RIDICULOUS EXTRAVAGANZA EVERYWHERE” and Hravart is 99% of the time embarrassed but also 99% into this. He likes heartfelt gifts more and is definitely pleasantly surprised when Amita manages to combine EXTRAVAGANZA with heartfelt.
Who won’t stop saying “I love you” and making big, goopy puppy eyes?Hravart and Amita are both hard-pressed to say the “I love you” phrase so neither of them do this.
What’s the most extreme thing either would do for a kiss (or Klondike bar)?Amita would let Hravart tie her up for a kiss because he’s significantly less nervous when she can’t r e t a l i a t e (also yes Hravart knows shibari don’t. Don’t ask. Or I mean ask it’s up to you).
Who gets the obligatory cute stuffed animal?Amita does. Hravart is hilariously strong for a priest so he does good at that “Test your strength” whack-a-button game!
Who would get a big bouquet of red roses?Roses for the rose boy~
Who would eat an entire box of Valentine’s chocolate?Amita would because I have already covered that her favorite part of Love Is In The Air is the chocolate, not the easy pick-ups.
Who writes the really sappy, romantic poetry?Hravart does honestly, but he’s actually good at it and Amita gets all flustered and also aroused and then very confused.
Who actually likes those chalk-tasting hearts with cornball messages?Amita does. She wants alla the candy. Alla the sweets. Alla the everything.
Who sneaks home early to put up candles and scatter rose petals everywhere in the name of ROMANCE?AMITA DOES AND IT MAKES HRAVART SO VERY FLUSTERED and actually also turns him on and then Amita has to help him with that LMAO.
Who is the wine connoisseur that insists on “only the best” for their meal?Amita again. She’s incredibly picky about her alcohol, lets be real, and is more of a drinker than Hravart is (and knows that she needs to make sure he doesn’t have TOO much to drink because he just falls asleep when that happens - but only AFTER he gets her all hot and bothered).
Who believes that Valentine’s Day is a corporate, soulless Hallmark holiday but still secretly enjoys it anyway?Neither care.
Do they watch bad chick flicks or horror movies (any excuse for close cuddling)?I can see them more so watching some sweet romance movies rather than anything else. Then fall asleep all cuddled together on the couch.
Do they make reservations at the expensive, ritzy restaurant or prepare a home-cooked meal?While making a reservation would be nice, Amita actually tries to make a nice Valentine’s day meal. Like totally themed and everything. And she knows how much Avi likes roses so expect a lot of rose themed stuff (he totally returns the favor in the morning).
Do they go to bed early or stay up all night?Stay up all night - or at least try, on Amita’s part. Hravart has trouble falling asleep, but he appreciates Amita trying to stay up all night with him.
Do they end up cuddling on the couch or heatedly making out?Cuddling. So much cuddling.
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