#Swummy Supremacy
ashthewaterghoul · 9 days
Important To You, Important To Me – A Rulti One Shot
“Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swi-“ “What the fuck do you want?” The Multi replied, voice deep and sleep-groggy. “Hi.” Rain said with a very adorable smile. “Hi? You woke me up at,” Swiss batted for his phone, nearly blinding himself with the brightness, “9:30am just to say hi?” “No. I woke you up because I want to go swimming.” Or, Some plotless fluffy Rulti bc why not?
Words: 2464
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Rain/Swiss
Tags: Fluff without plot, cuteness aggression, swimming, cuddles, Rain is a princess, The Swummy™️
CW for like a teeny bit of body insecurity talk towards the end but it's only a little and it's all good in the end.
    Breaks between legs of tours usually go without anything of any note happening. Copia’s pull as Papa also means that he grants his Ghouls time away from their regular jobs within the Ministry. Between rotting in bed and getting up for food, the Ghouls get time for their passions outside of their instruments.
    “Swiss.” Rain stage-whispered, “Swiss, you awake?”
    The Multi let out a comically timed snore that Rain couldn’t help but snigger at.
    “Swiss! Wake up, you lazy bastard!” Rain said at a regular volume. And when the Ghoul still showed no sign of waking, Rain resorted to drastic measures.
    “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swiss.” poke, “Swi-“
    “What the fuck do you want?” The Multi replied, voice deep and sleep-groggy.
    “Hi.” Rain said with a very adorable smile.
    “Hi? You woke me up at,” Swiss batted for his phone, nearly blinding himself with the brightness, “9:30am just to say hi?”
    “No. I woke you up because I want to go swimming.”
    “Swimming? Go get Phantom, or Cirrus, or someone. Why me?” Swiss asked, already trying to roll back over to go to sleep again.
    “Ugh.” Rain span around and flopped backwards on top of Swiss.
    “Oof, fuck. Get off me.” Swiss wheezed.
    “Fine.” Rain said but instead of getting off, he spun around so he was lying on top of Swiss, his chin on the Multi’s chest.
    “Why did you have to wake me up?” Swiss asked again.
    “Because everyone else is asleep.” Rain pouted.
    “So, you chose to interrupt my beauty sleep?”
    “You don’t need it, you’re gorgeous.” Rain said with a kiss to Swiss’s chest, “And we haven’t been swimming together in ages.”
Read on below the cut or on ao3
    “What do I get out of this?” Swiss asked, habitually running his hand along the Water Ghoul’s back.
    “You get to spend time with me, of course, your favourite little fish freak.” Rain smiled, sitting up so he was straddling Swiss’ stomach.
    “Please, don’t do that, I need a piss.” Swiss said, moving Rain off him and running into his bathroom.
    “And I need someone to go to the lake with.” Rain shouted after him.
    “You’re a Water Ghoul, you go by yourself plenty.”
    “Yeah, but it gets boring. I like spending time with you all but none of you ever want to go with me.” Rain was pouting properly now.
    Swiss came out of the bathroom and couldn’t stop his heart melting at the sight of a moody-Rain.
    “Fine, I’ll come with you.” Swiss said.
    “Well don’t sound too excited.” Rain mumbled.
    “Hey, come on.” Swiss said, “I want to come with you, I just didn’t appreciate the rude awakening.”
    “Okay.” Rain said with a small smile.
    “Seriously,” Swiss kneeled on the floor in front of Rain and rubbed a hand up and down each arm. “it’s important to you, so it’s important to me.”
    “Really?” Rain asked.
    “I mean it. I do love you, my little fish freak.” Swiss said.
    Rain laughed at the stupid nickname and wrapped his arms around Swiss’ neck in a tight hug.
    “Sorry about waking you.”
    “No, you’re not.”
    Rain smiled, “No, I’m not.”
    In no time they were both down by the lake, towels laid on the grass ready for when they got out, and both Ghouls were in their swim trunks. If they had it their own way, they wouldn’t have them, (Rain for his connection to water, Swiss because it’s Swiss) but neither really felt like encouraging the disciplines of the Clergy when their time off had been so peaceful.
    The weather was perfect, most of the reason why Rain absolutely had to go swimming now and not a moment later. It was warm enough that the swim would be lovely but not too warm that they’d cook in the water, and the sun was out with the sky painted in a lovely spatter of clouds.
    Rain dived into the water with all the grace and elegance you’d expect of a Water Ghoul, barely leaving a splash behind him. Swiss however, wasn’t as attuned to his Water affinity…
    “CANONBALL!” He proclaimed, but Rain had the mind to stay far below the surface of the water, knowing his Multi all too well.
    Rain had always been a deep sea Ghoul. It had taken him a while to adjust to life on land after being summoned, but he still adored the water and still held the lung capacity to reach very far down. His gills fluttered as he pushed himself deeper, and when he reached the bottom, he kept himself there by driving his tail into the bed. He could see Swiss watching him from above, so Rain blew him a kiss and made the bubbles it produced form into a heart as it floated up. It was absolutely cheesy, but neither particularly cared.
    Rain stayed far down, making the plants dance and he became well acquainted with the marine life currently calling this place home. He also liked to make sure none of what was living here were any invasive species, as well as helping any fishy-friends that might be hurt. He was happy to report that nothing was amiss today.
    He was also happy to see Swiss lying flat on his back on the surface. His tail floating around without a care in the world. So, Rain decided the early awakening wasn’t quite enough chaos for his taste.
     He sent a current up to Swiss’ tail and yanked him back down with it, pulling him further and further down until he was right at the bottom with Rain.
    Swiss was patting his chest and neck, trying to tell Rain he couldn’t breathe and swimming back up, but Rain narrowed his eyes. He pulled himself towards Swiss and placed his mouth on his. Using his gills, Rain poured breath into Swiss, and Swiss drank it down. At the slightly less panicked appearance of the Multi, Rain grabbed his hand, pulled his tail up from the lake bed and swam.
    Swimming with a Water Ghoul was different as they could zip around the current with the tiniest kick-off. Their bodies were built for their element, hydrodynamic in every way you could think. Their forearms wider to act as fins, as well as their thicker tails. They obviously had their gills on their neck and ribs, as well as webbing between their fingers and toes. Rain’s eyes were a calming teal and his hair an inky-blue-black to blend in with the depths of water he was used to.
    Swiss found himself struggling to hold on as Rain yanked him around. They seemed to switch directions five-times-a-second and the speed they were going at was mad. This is why Swiss much preferred to watch when it got to this part of Rain’s swims. Not only was this definitely not his cup of tea, but he knew Rain was leaving some hypnotising patterns of ripples behind him that he loved to watch and even photograph at times.
    Rain thankfully slowed down after a while, and let Swiss go. But the Multi knew Rain had one more thing he wanted to do. He wasn’t letting Swiss go for a curtesy as much as it was a necessity. After Swiss was well out of the literal splash zone, Rain dipped back under the water and again went as far down as he could. This time, instead of staying there, he kicked off the bottom and shot back up.
    In a manner not dissimilar to a dolphin at a marine park, Rain broke the surface of the water in arch, curving back on himself and diving back under in a flip you’d expect to see on a calendar, framing the sun behind him.
    Swiss absolutely adored when Rain would do that. Not only did it look spectacular, but the smile on the Water Ghoul’s face made it all worth getting up early for.
    He whooped and cheered as Rain went back under. And patiently waited to see if he was going to do it again or not. When Rain did pop back up, it was just his eyes and sea-glass horns that Swiss could see above the surface.
    “There’s my little alligator.” Swiss smiled, tugging on Rain’s arms and bringing him closer. Rain wiggled so he was essentially sat on Swiss’ lap in the water, their legs and tails tangling beneath them. Rain flashed that adorable smile and held up a blue topaz.
    “For you.” Rain said, “You can add it to your dreads.”
    Swiss’ dreadlocs were adorned with many trinkets. Some were random things he’d found over the years and others were gift from his mates. On a pack movie night not too long after everyone had been summoned, many a comparison was made to Captain Jack Sparrow and his own decorated locs.
    Swiss smiled his widest grin, “Thank you, Rainy. I love it.”
    He took the topaz and wrapped both arms around Rain, drawing him in for a deep kiss that only got deeper as Rain nipped on Swiss’ bottom lip, silently asking for entry which Swiss, of course, granted. Their forked tongues remapped the well-known topography of each other’s mouths and when they did finally break apart, they started laughing like a couple of awkward teenagers.
    It amazed them both that, despite being centuries old, they could make each other’s souls feel even younger than their vessels were.
    They were both content to just float around for a while, Swiss on his back and Rain on his chest like they were two otters. Rain may have fell asleep at one point, with the gentle lapping of the current and Swiss’ heartbeat making for a good lullaby, what he did know was that after a while, Swiss nudged him into alertness in a much kinder way than he had that morning.
    “Glamour on. Siblings are coming.” Swiss said, and Rain huffed as he hid his Ghoulish features away.
    Yes, it was the perfect weather for swimming. Which meant that Siblings not working or in classes also wanted to swim. Rain had half a mind to dig deep down into his soul, rip through his vessel completely and show his true infernal form, one that humans would only describe as a sea monster. Then they would all stay away and the lake would be his and his alone. But he quite liked this vessel and didn’t want to piss off the Clergy. Not today at least.
    The Siblings were always just in the way for whatever Rain wanted out of his swims so he groaned as he rolled off Swiss’ chest and called his powers so the water would gently swell and place them both on the ground. There were no rules against that after all.
    After Rain and Swiss were out, and had their towels, they made their way back inside and back to Swiss’ room.
    “I’m going to shower the lake off me, wanna join?” Swiss asked, placing the topaz safely on his nightstand, just for until he could make a wire cage for it to take residence in his hair.
    “Why would you ever want to shower the lake off you?” Rain said.
    “Because we’re not all Water Ghouls, Tadpole. It’ll stink up my nest.” Swiss laughed.
    “Hey! You always say my scent is the lake.” Rain narrowed his eyes again.
    “Yeah, but that’s different. Anyway, you joining me, or not?” Swiss asked, undressing as he did.
    “More time with you in water. How could I say no?”
    And so the two showered together, helping each other clean and dry off. Rain pilfered through Swiss’ clothes and stole a hoodie and sweatpants he had absolutely no intention of giving back. And Swiss was wearing similar outfit but had a t-shirt on.
    “Wanna watch a movie?” Swiss asked, sitting back on his nest.
    “Yeah, sure. You choose.” Rain said, making sure their still-wet trunks and towels were in the bathroom to make sure no dampness seeped into the old wooden floorboards of the main bedroom.
    Rain could hear the opening score of some sort of superhero movie, but Rain couldn’t focus on which one because Swiss had sat himself up against the headboard, his legs out in front of him, and one arm was back behind him, lightly tracing the carvings in the bedframe. But by putting his arm back, he had let his t-shirt ride up enough so that Rain could clearly see something he loved.
    Swiss’ tummy.
    He wasn’t quite sure when it happened, but Swiss had gained a gorgeous roll of pudge. It looked sexy as hell to Rain, and it felt even better.
    Immediately, Rain snuggled down against Swiss with his head on his stomach. His lanky arms wrapped around his waist and Rain started nuzzling into the Multi’s tummy and natural heat in one go.
    He was instantly comfortable, but it still wasn’t enough. So he nuzzled more, using the tip of his horn to get the t-shirt even more out of the way so he could have more space. Swiss’ happy trail was tickling Rain’s nose and he nuzzled into that too. Above him, Swiss chuckled. He knew none of it was sexual and Rain was happy so he left him to it.
    That was until Rain switched tactics. Just nuzzling wasn’t enough, and Swiss had the audacity not to let Rain crawl into his skin and fuse himself to Swiss’ stomach. So, Rain shifted positions slightly, found a particular spot of skin, and bit down.
    “Satanas!” Swiss said, jolting mostly from shock as Rain wasn’t anywhere near biting hard enough to break the skin or cause any damage, “Warn a Ghoul, fuck.” He laughed.
    “Sorry. I just had to.” Rain said with that adorable smile again, “Love it so much. So comfy and pretty and nice.”
    Rain’s jaws locked around the skin again as Swiss smiled. He didn’t quite know what to make of the weight gain when he first noticed it. He’d never considered himself very conscious of his body, but he couldn’t help how much he’d thought about it. It was Rain and Phantom who helped him see the beauty in it, and Aether had mentioned how it was a good thing. Ghouls and their vessels were a complicated science, but the weight gain signalled that Swiss’ soul was taking to the vessel even more, and that was only a good thing. The body would be fuelled even more by infernal magic, and Swiss would have even longer on the surface.
    He couldn’t help but love it after that. Especially if it meant Rain got to be as happy as he was now, alternating between kneading along his tummy, nuzzling into it, and harmlessly biting it. It was important to Rain, so it was important to Swiss.
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