#Swughead Imagines
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sweetimagines · 7 years ago
Keeper of my Soul
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Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Jughead Jones
Description: Based on Sweet Pea - Amos Lee.
Warnings: Lovers' quarrel.
Word Count: 2652
A/N: I know song fics are supposed to be named after the song, but I can’t name a Sweet Pea fic Sweet Pea... 
Shout out to my lovely wife @kaylaarann she’s my muse, my queen and my dialogue goddess. I’m changing my clumped writing style and it was HARD, so thank you, Kayla, for all the help <3 She also writes the most amazing AU Bughead fic so be sure to head over to Fanfiction.net and check her out!
Anon asked for more Sweethead, here it is :) next part will probably be smut :O
Tag: @southsidejuggie​ @serpent-squad (Let me know if you want to be tagged)
The school transfer is undeniably a great - if not, the best - thing to happen to the young Serpents, and other students of Southside High. However, for Sweet Pea personally, it comes with a little anxiety. 
Walking the halls of Southside High hand-in-hand with his boyfriend is easy when half the school is either afraid of him or on his side. However, Riverdale High is new territory, with few allies and multitudes of enemies.
If that wasn’t enough to stress him out, Jughead’s ex-GIRLFRIED also goes there. That triggers all of SP’s insecurities, but he bottles it up and focuses on the good that will come of it. 
Sweets wakes up to Jughead shuffling in the bed next to him. He snuggles closer, inhaling the musky scent of the previous night’s sin. He has never felt as at peace as he does when he’s laying down with his boyfriend. ‘Boyfriend’ The word still gives him butterflies.
SP knows better than to wake Juggie up. Instead, he simply places a soft kiss on the boy’s cheek before getting up - in only his dog tags and rings - to take a shower.
The warm water relaxes his muscles and clears his mind of the Serpent business he has to take care of in order to focus on school work.
Three loud knocks on the door cause him to end his shower quicker than he would have wished. He knows exactly who’s at the door.
Sweet Pea wraps a towel around his waist and answers the door, wincing at the strong sun light that streams into his dark trailer.
Toni was used to just walking into the trailer - since SP never remembers to lock the damn thing - but after walking in on Jug and him ‘showing their affection’ she started knocking.
“’Morning, Sunshine.” she teases, entering just as Juggie is heading over to the bathroom.
From the living room, SP hears the sound of water running, making him wish he had waited to take his shower. 
“Good thing you’re already obligated to wear a turtle neck.” Toni breaks his naughty chain of thought, pointing at a spot on her own neck, eying his and gesturing to it with a nod. 
SP grabs one of the many mirrors from the pink-haired girl’s makeup bag and checks his neck, a massive bruise sits right under his Serpents’ tattoo. A proud smirk pulls at his lips and a mischievous glint takes over his features. Toni chuckles, imagining the amount of fun they've been having. 
“What can I say? We’re in lo…” He was going to say it but choked nervously on his words. Toni picks up on it but doesn't pressure him on the subject.
It’s not because he doesn't feel it, more that he’s scared Jug is not on the same page. In fact, this is the exact moment he realizes that he even feels it. 
Pea excuses himself to put on some clothes and Topaz helps herself to some cereal while she brews fresh coffee. 
Sweets hates the way the uniform looks on him. He’d much rather be in his flannel and jacket. Still, he doesn't blame Jug. Even if he IS the main reason the Serpents are being forced to conform to uniforms. He would much rather blame Reggie and kick his ass for it. 
Pea slides his rings off and sets them on the bedside table. He keeps the chain with the dog tags safely tucked under his beige turtle neck. 
Juggie steps out of the shower, hair dripping onto his chest, the water droplets running all the way down his abdomen to the edge of his towel. It makes Sweets want to ditch school and repeat the previous night over and over. However, he settles for a kiss before heading out of the bedroom once more. 
Toni is waiting with hot cups of coffee and concealer in hand - since Principal Weatherbee insists on all tattoos being covered. She works her magic on his thumb, as she had done every morning of that week so far. He couldn't wait for the dust to blow over and for people to forget about the damn dress code.
SP sips the much-needed caffeine, waiting for Jug to get ready for school. He would also wear a uniform, since he convinced Weatherbee to have a Serpents club. Pea was still impressed by how he managed to do that. 
When Jughead finally steps out, beanie-clad and with his own set of hickeys. SP thinks there must be something wrong with his own uniform, because Jug looks gorgeous in his. Pea certainly likes it better in a pile on the floor, though. 
“I have to go get my Chem’ notebook, then I’ll go wake up Fangs. Meet you back here in 10?” Jug says, kissing his boyfriend goodbye. Toni bites her lip to keep from sighing at how adorable they look when they act like that. 
“See you in ten.” Pea agrees. He doesn't even make an effort not to stare at his boyfriend’s butt when he walks out.
Topaz playfully slaps his arm. “I raised you better.” She jokes, finishing her coffee and sitting down on the couch to wait for the boys. 
Fifteen minutes later, Jug shows up with a grumpy Fangs, whose mood lightens up after a grilled sandwich. Jug had four and SP finds his boyfriend’s appetite extremely cute, specifically since it boosts his ego on the mornings after the extreme ‘workouts’ they’ve been having. 
A few other Serpents join them on the walk to Riverdale High. Riding their bikes there would just create another uncomfortable situation and there’s already enough mayhem around the Southside Serpents as it is. 
Sweet’s hands intertwine with Jughead’s, earning a grin from the boy. He tries to squeeze in as much contact as he can, while he’s still able to do so.
The uniforms blow over. SP suspects it’s because the Principal finally came to his senses that the graffiti was not done by the Serpents. He is more than glad to get back to his usual color scheme: black and whatever other color Toni got for him on her latest trip to the thrift shop. Although relieved to never have to see those damn khaki’s anymore, they are still not allowed to wear their jackets, but that’s the least of his worries.
Jug is back writing for the school paper. To his - jealous - boyfriend’s gratitude, unlike before, he doesn't spend as much time at the Blue and Gold’s office. Instead, doing all his articles at home - sometimes on Sweets lap, while he does his homework. 
That gets SP thinking he should also find an extracurricular activity. Now that he’s actually studying at a good school, he sees a decent shot at college. 
However, even as he improves his grades, he knows his track record from Southside High is stained with low grades. The next logical thing that can help him get a scholarship is sports. Luckily, Sweets is rather skilled at basketball and tryouts are just around the corner. 
The coach doesn't seem to care if anyone’s from the South or North, what matters to him is if you play a good game, and Sweets does. 
That’s not his favorite part about making the team, though. Constantly outshining Reggie is. That always puts a smirk on SP’s face.
Not to mention the way his boyfriend stares at his crotch in those gym shorts, making Sweets have a hard time hiding his boners - but a great time when they’re back at the trailer. 
They both agreed on keeping a low profile regarding their relationship, which leads to countless make-out sessions under the bleachers or inside closets. Jug knows all the good places from when he’d roam around school at night. 
However, if Pea is completely honest with himself, the thrill of secrecy is losing the appeal quickly. All he wants is to walk up to his boyfriend’s locker, press him against it with heated kisses and have his arm around Juggie’s shoulders as they walk to their next class. 
There is another factor, actually the biggest one, that doesn’t exactly help him be at peace with keeping their relationship under wraps, which is Betty hinting she wants to get back with Jug.
Sweet Pea takes a quick shower after basketball practice, ensuring he smells good before meeting Jug at the Blue and Gold office - like he’s done every time they stay late - so they can walk back to Sunnyside together. 
Since there’s not many students still in school after the last period, they can let go of their self-control and just freely enjoy each other’s company. 
Unlike the previous times, he hears chattering coming from the room. As SP approaches quietly, he recognizes the soft voice of Betty Cooper. It’s not exactly surprising that she’s there, since she’s the editor, but what’s coming out of her mouth glues Pea to the spot, just outside the door. 
“I miss you, Juggie.” It’s almost a whisper, that makes Sweets inch closer, but instantly regret it as he gets a peek at the blonde slithering her palms behind his boyfriend’s neck and inching closer to him. 
His heart feels like it’s going to beat out of his chest and he doesn't think he can bear to watch what’s about to happen. 
Pea walks away silently, the sound of his heart shattering echoes in his ears. He’s wishing he had his Harley parked outside because more than anything he wants to get far away, as fast as possible.
Without even realizing, he starts running, with no specific destination in mind. But, obviously, in a moment like this, his mind unconsciously leads him to the Whyte Wyrm. 
Jughead apprehensively walks into the Serpents’ bar and, after a quick look around, he breathes a sigh of relief when he spots Sweets playing on the Mortal Kombat arcade game. Now that he knows his boyfriend is safe, rage finds its way under his skin, angry that his boyfriend had made him worry and had stood him up. 
“What the hell, Sweet Pea?” He drops his bag on the table, walking closer to the arcade game that SP just keeps on playing. “We were supposed to walk back together.”
Pea chuckles humorlessly, making Juggie even more confused. “Seemed like you found someone else to walk with.” Sweet pea spits with venom in his voice. 
“Why are you getting mad? I was the one standing outside school for thirty minutes!” Jug retorts, taking off his beanie in frustration and throwing it on the table beside with his bag.
“Maybe if you weren't so busy making out with Betty, I would've stuck around.” Sweet Pea fires back, an eerily calm fury seeping from his tone – one they may have been lost on anyone else, but Jughead picked up on it. Jughead is taken aback by his boyfriend’s words. He didn't think SP had seen that, though it seems he did. Clearly, he just saw a part of it. 
“I…” He’s cut off before being able to explain.
“I knew you were just having some fun with me…” Sweet pea scoffs. “Just until Betty would have you back.” Pea tries his best to not look affected, but his grip on the joystick tightens. “Did you want me to see it? Was that just a sick, sadistic way of breaking up with me?” Sweets says, looking at Jug for the first time since he walked into the Wyrm. Jughead can see immense pain in his gaze, a pain that pulls at something intangible in Jughead’s chest.
“Damn it, Sweet Pea. No!” Juggie inhales deeply before slowly huffing out the breath in attempt to calm his anger down. He wants to explain the situation from a caring place and with a clear head, not out of indignation.
“I pushed her away, told her I’m with someone.” Jughead speaks as softly as he possibly can, unable to hide the slight edge to his voice. 
“Fuck…” Pea mutters under his breath and slams his fist onto the control panel, causing it to shake with his frustration. 
“Why are you overreacting? I just told you, nothing happened.”, Jug questions, annoyed. 
“Because, I’m… I’m in love with you!” Sweets shouts. His eyes widen slightly as he realizes what he’s just admitted. He can’t take the words back… and he doesn't really want to - he means them - that’s just not the way he wanted them to come out.
Now he’s frustrated both at Jughead and himself. Jughead’s expression was clear of any emotion, taken aback by Sweet Pea’s words. Sweet Pea has no idea what to do, feeling overwhelmed. He just needs to get out of there. 
He pushes past Jughead and storms out of the bar, ashamed. Juggie is frozen in place, trying to process what has just happened.
That night feels colder than usual for SP. He had grown accustomed to Jug’s warmth right next to him and now his bed felt wrongfully empty.
He lies awake, replaying everything in his mind, torturing himself over every word spoken. 
Jughead’s night is also restless, though not for the same reasons. 
He didn't really have time to react to Sweets confession earlier, barely had time to take in what his boyfriend said. 
Jug slips on a shirt Pea left at his dad’s trailer and lays awake on the couch. The aroma of him still strong, it fills his nostrils with a desperate longing.  
He’s missing the feeling of his fingers tangled in Sweet Pea’s hair, the low grunt that escapes his boyfriend’s mouth every time he sucks on his bottom lip.
Jug knows he has to do something meaningful to show SP that he feels the same way, that HE is the one for him. He wastes no time in preparing his grand gesture.  
Sweets considered skipping school but he’s not going to jeopardize his chances at college over an argument, even if he’s terribly ashamed of it. Though it may be Toni insisting that he HAS to go to school - to the point of annoyance - that really makes him leave the trailer.
He keeps his head down until he reaches his locker, in which Jughead is leaning against, reading a book. Toni gives Sweet Pea a knowing look and encourages him with a nod before heading to her locker. 
Pea allows himself a second to enjoy the quiet before the storm - at least that’s what he’s expecting: for Jug to officially break up with him because they’re moving too fast.
“Hey…” Sweet can’t seem to form a coherent sentence. He wants to apologize and beg Juggie to give him another chance.
Jughead puts his book back in his bag and smiles shyly at his boyfriend. Pea looks more confused than ever. 
“I think you’ll like my shirt.” Jughead says as he starts unbuttoning his sherpa jacket, revealing the shirt underneath.
‘The hotheaded giant is my boyfriend’ stamped on it. For a moment, Sweets can’t believe his eyes. A blatant expression of their relationship on Jughead’s chest for the whole world to see.
“I love you too, Sweet Pea.” His boyfriend’s words are the sweetest he’s ever heard. 
SP cups Jug’s cheeks and clashes their lips in a heated kiss, pinning him against the metal locker doors. 
He pays no attention to the whistles and stares they’re attracting. All he cares about is that they love each other. 
“I love you, Jughead Jones. Sorry I’m such an idiot.” He pulls his boyfriend closer to him by the waist, resting his forehead on Juggie’s. 
Jug closes the short distance between them with another kiss, this one soft and tender, conveying the full extent of his feelings. Jughead pulls back, lips brushing against Pea’s as he says, “Yes, but you’re MY idiot.”
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sweetimagines · 7 years ago
First Impressions
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Part 1 | Part 2
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Jughead Jones
Description: Falling in love is a curse Sweet Pea never thought he’d experience. 
Warnings: None I can think of.
Word Count: 3305
A/N: Happy New Year! This year I’m thankful for each and every one of you. I wish you all an amazing 2018. 
Tag: @southsidejuggie @ju-gg @lostnliterature @eternally-infinitely @mrsjugheadjonesthethird
Sweet Pea stood by FP’s trailer, watching the leader’s son get a jacket. Recruitment was already routine for Sweets at that point. Before the Jones boy, it turned out to be his best friend. However, there was something different in that particular occasion as if time slowed down and his heartbeat was echoing in his ears. It was a completely unusual feeling for him and he still can’t quite explain it. A sweet female voice calling for Juggie broke him out of the transe. That nickname coming out of her mouth sounded wrong to him. Toni pulled him by the cuffs of his jacket since he stood there, staring at the empty space where Jughead occupied a few seconds before. 
Next time he saw Jughead, it was in English class. SP leaned against his own desk and Jug sat not too far away, next to Toni. From the corner of his eye, Sweets glanced at him, noticing the funny beanie he was wearing, even if his focus was on his phone. Juggie looked lost and defenseless, not only because he chose to sit alone at lunch, but also due to the fact he was new and still adapting to how things work in the South. Pea’s not a fan of school, but, for some unknown reason, he really wanted to stick around for the lesson that morning. Unfortunately, a text from the Snake Charmer changed his plans. “Damn it!”, he shouted before speeding out of class against his will to do another ‘favor’ for Penny. Sweet didn't look back. Somehow, if he had looked at Jughead straight on, that hypnotic boy would've made him back out on the job and he couldn't afford that.
SP headed to the Red and Black office the next day. Although it was a long forgotten place, the newcomer somehow found a way to bring that newsroom back. Sweets didn't have to go there to get Toni, but he needed an excuse to invite Jughead to join them at the quarry. Jug’s rejection didn't sit well with him, even if his name falling from his lips sounded like music. Not only is the tough Serpent completely unused to it, but he genuinely wanted to spend time with the Jones boy. However, Pea was not about to admit that in front of his friends, so his usual defense mechanism surfaced. He licked his bottom lip unconsciously before going towards Jughead. Luckily, Toni stopped him before he did anything he regretted, but her words cut a deeper wound in his chest, worse than the rejection. “Take a hint. He’s just not that into you.” Sweet Pea is not sure why, though. Something inside himself wants to turn back and say he’d rather stay and help Juggie fix the office. Instead, he just decided to head straight to the parking lot.
After the “encounter” Jughead had with the Ghoulies, Sweets had to use self control he doesn't have not to smash the faces of the thugs who touched Juggie. At lunch that day, Toni and him got an unexpected guest. The first thing SP noticed about him was the bruised eye. In a slight second, he gazed down at the boy’s body as he sat down next to Topaz. Pea deviated his look before he even realized he was doing it. They didn't exchange words, but the act of Jug sitting with them spoke more than speech could. And Sweet Pea was sure that if he opened his mouth, it would've ruined the moment. They just nodded in understanding and, deep down, SP was glad he could step in to help Jughead from that moment on.
They still seemed to have a very different view of the Southside vs. Northside situation, though. However, as Sweet Pea is very immediatist, Jug sitting with them at lunch meant for him that he was ready to take on the Serpents name, so he didn't know how to react to the young Jones still trying to protect his Northsider friends. After getting in a fist fight with said ginger friend, Sweets got arrested and nothing like a 6x9 cell to make one reflect. He was frustrated, not only because the Serpents got into trouble - again - or due to the Northside, but his true reason for frustration was that Jughead still seemed to want to hold on to the perfect Riverdale image he was living on rather than accepting his new reality. 
Sweet Pea still had a fresh black eye next time he met Jug, who had facts all wrong from his Northside buddies. Good thing Fangs took lead on straightening things because SP was a bit too heated for his own good, but he didn't fail to share either who gave him the bruise or about the time they spent on the Sherrif station while Archie and his Red Circle walked free. He was gonna leave out the part about their plan to set a pipe bomb on The Register, but Fogarty’s tongue knows not bound. Sweets held on to his tough guy act, although deep down he was questioning his every decision, given Jughead’s reaction. But then again, why would he show weakness for someone who hasn't even picked a side yet? He reminded Juggie of that. “Us or them?” Pain was noticeable in his words, for he was afraid it would be the latter. “You can’t be half a Serpent.” Something that had been echoing in his mind for quite a while. He stormed out now completely confused as to what he feels towards the beanie-clad boy.
Pea was sure of what he felt when Jughead showed up at the Wyrm wearing the jacket he watched him put on for the first time: hate, that’s what he felt. What he missed was that hate usually comes out of love. That night, SP was instructed to deliver ‘the beast’ at the Jones’ trailer. He gathered a few other Serpents, each with a monster mask and headed towards the leaders’ son home. Sweets had Hot Dog’s leash and, while they walked, he wondered if that boy who had it easy on the Northside would survive the initiation, and, even if he did, would he stick around or bounce at the first sight of trouble? His thoughts were cut short as they arrived at Jughead’s front steps. Fangs opened the lock with the spare key FP keeps under a plant. The Serpents stand at the foot of his bed for a short while as he’s still asleep. Sweet Pea couldn't help but admire the serenity surrounding Jughead as he slept on his side. SP’s face grew hot and he was glad he had a mask on, otherwise a blush would be visible to the other guys. As soon as Jug woke up, confusion and startlement took over his features. They unleashed the dog who jumped on the bed happily and left Jug to complete the first task.
Sweet Pea had a front row seat to Jughead proclaiming the 6 laws. A smirk never left his lips, partially because those words coming out of the boys mouth sounded right, partially because he had the honor of presenting the next trial. The look of terror in Jug’s face upon seeing the rattlesnake was amusing to the tall Serpent. However, watching him and Toni talking so close to each other sparked something inside him, a fire that burned internally, hotter than the sun. Sweets had felt that before, so he knew it was jealousy, just not sure why. He drowned it with tequila shots listening to Fangs’ snake puns. 
Arriving at the Jones’ trailer to call him for the last part of initiation and getting face to face with Archie Andrews was not what Sweet Pea was expecting. The sight of the ginger Northsider made his blood boil, but the word “thugs” is what drove him over the edge. Jughead stepping in to stop him from getting to Archie wouldn't have had any effect if it weren't for Jug’s palm touching SP’s chest. It was as if that froze him in place, unable to think. He missed the feeling the second the beanie-clad boy’s hand was snatched away, though. Revengeful acts crossed his mind again until he witnessed Jughead being dumped by his girlfriend via best friend. That wasn't exactly nice to watch, but unleashed a few butterflies in Sweets stomach that not even Andrews’ new insults to the Serpents could make disappear. Things changed a little inside him, from Northside hate to Southside business. Unfortunately, the only thing that could get his mind out of itself relied Tall Boy arriving. It took a while until everybody was also present, a lot after Archie had left. Eventually, the final step to become a Serpent took place, having an opposite result over SP, getting him more inside himself. As he watched Jug walking towards him in the gauntlet, Sweet Pea realized he was wrong about hating Jughead. He landed the last punch on the Jones boy in anger because that was when he knew he liked Jug, but couldn't tell him. 
SP got out of jail to learn that Tall Boy wanted to merge the Serpents with the Ghoulies, that Jughead wouldn't allow it, that FP advised them to race the drug dealing gang for independence and that Serpents’ territory was on the line if they lost. That was way too much to process, specially since the race was happening hours from when he found out, but the only thing that stuck to his thoughts was the fact that Archie Andrews was Jughead’s choice of a co-pilot and not him. The ginger boy wasn’t a Serpent, not even a Southsider. In Sweets’ mind, Fangs or himself would be the clear choice for a race. He didn't peruse it to change Jughead’s mind on it since he didn't know about the boy’s driving abilities. However, if anything, he wasn't expecting Jug’s ex to be there. Seeing her made an internal volcano explode, but he hardly had time to think about it since the cops intervened and they had to bounce. 
Sweet had stood up for Jughead when Tall Boy was trying to undermine him and he thought that meant something, for the boy looked pleased to see they were on the same side. However, Betty Cooper entered the Whyte Wyrm for FP’s retirement party and SP couldn't believe his eyes. If he had been drinking, he could blame that, but Sweets was as sober as one can be and both Cooper girls were very much there - and it was clear Jughead and Betty were back together. For the rest of the night, all Sweets could do was stand at a secluded corner, silently watching things unfold before his eyes. By the end of the night, everything he cared about was that FP was back leading the Serpents. “Fuck those two”, he thought, until Toni told him Jughead broke up with his blonde Northsider girlfriend - again. 
Sweets is finding it harder to work past Jug’s first impressions of him than keeping his temper in check. Reckless, impulsive, violent, those are the main things attributed to Sweet Pea, and he doesn't mind it most of the time. However, there’s more to him. He’s loyal, protective, and selfless, traces he wants Jughead to see. If you break into SP’s outer layers, you find honesty is highly important to him, his sense of humor is impeccable and, behind his strength, there is vulnerability. It seems as if they are going on the right track, since Jug is asking for SP’s help (and other Serpents, but he’s leaving that part out of his thoughts.) rather than Archie’s. The Serpent stands tall among the rest of his “family” to back up Jughead on taking down the Snake Charmer. 
After dealing with Penny together, Juggie and him have been on better terms, hanging out at the Wyrm a lot more now that they have free time from school. They even went on a few Meals on Wheels runs together and Sweet Pea appreciated every second of it. As Serpents Christmas tradition is to give to others, New Years is about them enjoying themselves. And they have a lot to celebrate this year. Despite a few huge bumps on the way, the Serpents are all united and with new members. “Is Jugg... Jughead coming? I know he’s not big on parties.”, SP asks while hanging silver decorations on the spots Toni can’t reach. “Funny. He asked me the same about you.”, she replies, handing him another thread of the sparkling material. “What did you say?” He’s trying his best not to sound nervous or too interested in the answer. “Isn't is obvious? You almost live here.”, she states. “So, he’s coming?”, he insists. “Yes, he’s coming. Why do you care anyways, are you into him or something?”, Topaz jokes. “Oh my God. You are...” She widens her eyes in shock. “Shut it.” Sweets looks around to make sure no one was eavesdropping. “I ship it.” She smiles and walks away, carrying SP’s secret with her. 
Sweet Pea is the last guy to worry about his looks, though he knows he’s quite handsome, still he spends a good half hour staring at his small (messy) closet to find something to wear for the party. Serpents are usually seen in casual outfits with the snake embroidery in the back of their jackets or vests, but they all make an effort to look neat on New Year’s (Tall Boy even ties his hair). Pea slips on jeans without any holes in them and puts on his best flannel, buttoning it to the top. The boy considers a tie but can’t seem to get the knot right and gives up. Sweets tucks his dog tags inside his shirt and slides in his scorpion ring before putting on his black jeans jacket with the loop snake in the back. Instead of having his hair down like always he brushes it up in a kind of quiff. SP even sprays on some cologne, but regrets it once he starts sneezing from the smell. He walks to the Wyrm, since it’s not far from Sunnyside, not to mess up his hair with the helmet. 
Pea walks into the Whyte Wyrm and smiles at how unusually happy his big family is. While looking around, he spots Juggie, without his beanie, something that, now, has been more often than not. The boy is wearing a white S T-shirt and suspenders. A flannel hangs form his hip and flusters SP. “Hey, Sweet Pea.” Jughead calls him over to table he’s sharing with Fangs and Toni. “Aren't you supposed to wear white on New Year’s?”, Jug asks, looking at the bright red flannel and black everything else Sweets has on. “My boxers are white.” The tall Serpent’s palm sweat as he attempts at flirting and Juggie’s cheeks seem to match SP’s shirt color. He sits next to the Jones boy and Fogarty, with Topaz facing him. She raises her eyebrows and has a devilish smile. “Come one, Jug. Let’s do the next song.” The pink-haired girl pulls the boy to the edge of the stage. As they await for the previous song to end, she whispers something in his ear and Sweets just hopes it’s not about what she found out.
Toni and Jughead step on stage together as the melody for Life on Mars? begins. The Serpent girl sings the first verse and Fangs chants her on, pulling SP to the middle of the crowd so they can have a closer look. Jug takes over the second one and the boy’s voice is surprisingly on tune. Sweet Pea has never been much of a David Bowie kind of guy, but right now this is his favorite song. Both sing the chorus together. Something Sweets would not have guessed about Jug is him being a good singer. The Jones boy doesn't take his eyes off  Sweets as he delivers the words of the last verse. Since Bowie was a bisexual symbol, Pea guesses it was Toni who chose the song because she’s an outed bi. However, he can’t shake the feeling that she may have been trying to hint him that Jug is also on the lgbtq+ community. The tall Serpent offers to buy them a round of beer for the great show they put on, but Jughead doesn't drink, so they end up sharing a cherry cola. 
The night goes from singing to dancing. While Jug dances with Toni and a few other Serpents, Fogarty and Pea hang out at the bar counter. Fangs eyes don’t leave Topaz’s figure. “Fangs... I gotta tell you something.”, he says in his lowest voice possible. “Shoot.” The boy is still watching Toni dancing. “I like someone.” Sweets couldn't think of any other way to say it. “Yeah?” Fogarty switches his focus completely towards his friend. “He may not like me back, though.” Sweet Pea finds it hard to get the words out. It’s the first time he’s saying that out loud. Getting it out felt good, though. “I think you’ll never know if you don’t do something.” He looks towards Jughead. “How do you know?”, he’s quite perplexed. “Toni, man. She can’t hold anything in. Go get him.” Fangs pats his friends shoulder encouragingly. Sweet Pea nods and starts walking to the dance floor, coming back straight away. Fogarty looks confused, but just laughs at SP downing his first tequila shot of the night before heading towards Jug again, close but not actually touching him. The three swing to the beat of the song. Topaz wraps her arms around both boys (Sweet Pea with a lot of difficulty.) and start jumping to the rhythm. Sweets takes that to his advantage, slipping his hand on Jug’s waist, forming a circle. Fangs joins them as they all have the time of their lives. 
The countdown to the new year starts and the whole bar begins shouting the numbers. “10... 9... 8... 7... 6...” Sweet’s heart starts beating faster. “5... 4... 3... 2... 1...” They all raise their plastic champagne glasses and take a sip before kissing/hugging their significant others. Pea watches Toni jump on Fangs’ lap before turning around and accidentally bumping into Jughead. They don’t break eye contact. Sweets looks slightly down at Jug, who glances at his lips and any self control the tall Serpent had is now gone as he rests his right hand on Jughead’s cheek and places a quick peck on his lips before backing out, waiting for either approval or censure. He gets his answer in the form of a breathtaking kiss. The boys have to part their lips for air but both are unable to open their eyes. SP just rests his forehead on Jug’s and brushes his tattooed thumb over the boys lips. Both share a “let’s get out of here” look and leave the bar to make up for lost time. 
SP had girls pining over him since he was old enough to be desirable, but never really retributed it. He claimed it was because he liked to be praised and they all lost the appeal once they kissed. Now he knows it’s because he was looking for love in the wrong people as he watches Jughead fast asleep on his arm. He feels as if everything has finally fallen into place. All his anger and frustrations vanish and he’s left with warmth and kindness. Sweets’ lips are still a little swollen from all the kissing they did the previous night and his bare chest feels the heat from where Juggie’s palm is resting. 
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