#Swimming Instructors
swimlyau · 1 year
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ellecdc · 3 months
Elle have you ever felt the urge to write more swim lessons with the marauders? I’m not usually much of a “part 2??” person but when I read that one I thought it was begging for a continuation. No pressure though!! Only if you feel like it, thanks for writing the first one at all :)
wellllllllll, since you asked so nicely (no but I'd literally do anything for you, just name the price - also, this feels like a full circle moment since the first part was absolutely not heavily influence by my love for your EMT!marauders...........)
swim instructor!marauders x fem!reader who learns that praise kinks are a transferrable skill
find part one here!
CW: joking about drowning each other, nerves surrounding learning how to swim, inappropriate jokes because.....well.....you know.
You had left last week's swim lesson (which you had dubbed your latest near death experience) quite certain you would rather just enjoy the white-sand beaches of the Maldives by the waterline.
That is until perhaps the third time someone joked about bringing you a set of water wings, and the second time someone pointed out the horrid tan lines those would leave on your skin. 
So here you were, sitting on a bench in the posh dressing room of the posh country club that your friend’s fiance’s posh family owned as you waited for the rest of the patron’s to clear out of the pool for your private swim lessons.
Oh God, what if you were expected to compensate them for this too?! 
You were so consumed in your spiralling - wondering if you could manage to take out a line of credit simply to attend your best friend's wedding - when you heard your name being called into the change room. 
“You in there?” You could hear Remus call.
“Yup!” You called back; horrified when your voice cracked. “I’m coming.” You added after clearing your throat.
You reluctantly grabbed your towel and hugged it to your chest as you headed towards the pool.
“There she is!” Sirius called as he spotted you. “Our favourite swimmer!”
“I’ve not actually done any swimming yet.” You corrected quietly. Not quietly enough, unfortunately, as the acoustics in this room seemed to carry your words to the black haired swimmer and his bespectacled counterpart across the entire pool.
“You won’t be able to say that for much longer!” James countered.
Remus apparently noticed the panic look form on your face as he let out a low chuckle. “We’re staying in the shallow end today, love. There’s no need to worry.” 
You wanted to be annoyed with him at his incessant use of pet names and endearments, but any ire that may have bubbled in your chest simply vanished when he flashed you a soft, crooked smile. 
You watched then as James and Sirius launched themselves into the pool without a second thought whilst Remus gently lowered himself into it from the edge. 
You weren’t proud that you had to force yourself to look away from the muscles in his shoulders as they flexed under his weight. 
“How tall are you?” Sirius asked then, causing James to gasp dramatically.
“You’re not supposed to ask a lady that, Pads.” He scolded. 
“No.” Sirius countered slowly. “You’re not supposed to ask them how much they weigh.” 
“I don’t think you’re supposed to ask them anything to do with numbers; weight, age, height.” James continued.
“Age!? What can you ask them?” Sirius beseeched.
“Would you sods shut up?” Remus grumbled. 
“Right.” Sirius said then, apparently remembering himself. “I only ask because you should be able to touch the bottom here; why don’t you try getting in like Moony did?”
You felt your brows furrow as you looked at Sirius in bemusement. “Moony?”
“That’s me.” Remus clarified as he let out a sigh of exasperation; you couldn’t help but notice the shy blush that took over his face and threatened to spread to his chest at the moniker, however. “He’s Pads, and James is Prongs. Sometimes. Right now, they’re sod 1 and sod 2.”
His insult was met with one indignant ‘oi!’ and a retaliatory splash. “But what Sirius was trying to say was that it would be good practice getting in and out without a gradient; you said the wedding was in the Maldives?”
You nodded in response. 
“You may at times only have the edge of a dock or perhaps a small staircase to get into the water; doing this in the shallow end will help train your body not to go into fight or flight mode each time.”
And while that all sounded well and good, you couldn’t help but look at the water warily. 
“Come on.” Sirius encouraged you as he situated himself below you and patted the edge of the pool. “Have a seat, doll.”
You bit back a grumble and did as you were told, sitting on the edge of the pool where Sirius stood between your legs and set his hands on either side of you. “Then you just slide in, and I’ll be here to catch you; got it?” 
“Is there gonna be a tattooed bloke in the Maldives to catch me too?” You grumbled to yourself, horrified when Sirius’ bark of laughter alerted you to the fact that you had said that out loud.
“Why, you looking for a date, doll?”
You have got to stop blurting out every thought that enters your mind, especially around these men.
Instead of dealing with your embarrassment, you figured you may as well just try drowning.
Unfortunately for you, the water was shallow and you were tall enough to touch the bottom and Sirius had caught you, so it looked as though you would just have to deal with your embarrassment like a mature adult.
But fuck that.
So instead, you splashed him. 
“Oh she’s feisty today.” James commented as Sirius squawked something or other about his hair.
Humour danced behind Remus’ whiskey eyes as he considered you. “Thank you for splashing him so I wouldn’t have to.”
“We should invest in some of those spray bottles for when he’s being a pest.” James called over with a smirk.
Whatever qualms Sirius may have had about his hair seemed to dissipate at the prospect of dunking his mate as he lunged for James and forced them both under the water.
You were mortified to realise you had leaned into Remus’ side to avoid getting tangled up in whatever underwater brawl was taking place; only realising your proximity to the tall swim instructor when he placed a placating hand on your back. 
“This is actually what we’re going to be practising today.” He explained as his two counterparts emerged from the water with gasping breaths.
“Drowning each other?” 
“Holding our breath.” Remus corrected you with a smirk. “The hope is that you will feel more comfortable in practising if you’re not so worried about what will happen when you’re underwater.”
“We’re gonna have a cheeky seat at the bottom of the pool!” James explained.
You looked to Remus with what you were sure was a ‘you’re kidding me, yeah?’ face who simply smiled at you encouragingly. 
“I thought the purpose of swim lessons was to not end up at the bottom of a pool.” You deadpanned. 
“The purpose of swim lessons is to avoid ending up at the bottom of a pool, and knowing how to get back up to the surface when you do.” Sirius offered.
“We’ll just lower ourselves to our knees and-”
“My favourite position.” Sirius interrupted Remus’ instructions.
“James?” Remus deadpanned.
“On it.” James answered quickly as he put Sirius in a headlock and dunked them under the water again. 
“As I was saying,” Remus continued without the distraction of the other two, “we’ll lower ourselves to our knees, try to count to 10, and then we’ll come back up.”
The other two instructors reemerged at the end of Remus’ sentence and you let out a heavy breath. “I don’t think I can do this.” You admitted quietly. 
Any humour and levity seeped from the three men as they circled you protectively.
“No, hey, of course you can!” James offered, trying to imbue some of his eagerness and enthusiasm onto you as he swiped water away from his eyes. 
“Why would she trust you, James? You look like nothing but trouble.” Sirius said haughtily as he tried to re-restrain his hair into an elastic. 
You were expecting James to squawk in offence, but his face lit up brilliantly as if Sirius had just solved world hunger.
“That’s it!”
“What’s it?” Remus asked warily.
“She doesn’t trust us!” James clarified, which clarified nothing for you at all. 
“What! I- no, that’s not true. I…I do trust you, I just-”
“No, no. Not like that angel.” James offered. “I’m sure you trust us enough as employees here, but not necessarily enough to willingly put yourself at risk, right?”
You tried to think of an argument.
You couldn’t. 
“Okay, let’s see…oh!” James started as he lowered himself into the water enough that it lapped against his chin. “I was completely broken when my marriage ended, and these two were the only ones who could convince me I wasn’t a complete failure.” He offered casually as if he hadn’t just dropped a significant amount of lore on a near stranger. 
“I ran away from home at 16 and James’ family took me in, no questions asked, and have treated me as their own ever since.” Sirius added quickly. 
Remus let out a sigh as he looked to the other two in faux exasperation. “And I was a poor scholarship kid attending an elite and posh prep school, and these two did everything they could to make sure no one made me feel insecure about it.” 
“All this to say, angel; I’d trust these two with my life, and I think you should too.” James finished. 
You let out a steadying breath and nodded your head. “Okay.”
“Yeah?” Sirius smiled. 
“Yeah, yes; I can do this.” You decided, mostly speaking to yourself.
“Hell yeah, you can!” James cheered as he splashed the water, Remus muttering something about him being a giant toddler. 
“So, you can plug your nose if you’d like; but try to take a deep breath in, and then whilst you’re under water try letting that air out slowly, okay?” Remus instructed then. You felt more than a little discombobulated with all of his attention focused on you.
Sirius demonstrated and you mimicked his actions which earned you a dramatic round of applause.
“Brilliant! You’re gonna rock this.” James assured you quickly.
“‘Course she is.” Sirius scoffed as if James had said something rather outlandish. “She’s been brilliant at everything so far.”
You felt your cheeks heat up near painfully and looked down to the water in hopes that no one noticed you fluster.
Unfortunately for you, it seemed Remus was more observant than you gave him credit for. “You going to be brilliant for us again today, love?” 
You felt like it was your turn to scoff. “‘Course I am.” your inner voice echoed Sirius. 
“‘Course she is.” James echoed for you; a knowing smirk gracing his lips.
“Ready?” Sirius started as he lowered himself to his shoulders.
You nodded and he started to count down. 
At one, you sucked in a deep breath and plugged your nose before plunging yourself into the pool.
You were too buoyant; your body trying to return to the surface immediately after submerging yourself which left you feeling rather panicky, but you saw Sirius blow out dramatic bubbles and decided to do the same, feeling your body slowly sink to allow you to settle onto your knees. 
James beamed a smile at you as Remus looked at a stopwatch counting down your seconds.
You realised it wasn’t so bad down here - letting the air out of your lungs left you not feeling as if your body was going to burst from the pressure, and it was beautifully quiet. It reminded you how peaceful you found floating to be just the week before.
You felt a gentle tap on your wrist, noticing Remus pointing upwards.
You stood and suddenly, you were horribly aware of how loud an empty pool could be; the sound of water filtering, the large fans in charge of the humidity levels, and the echoing of the great cavernous space left you feeling slightly homesick for the bottom of the pool.
“That was brilliant!” James cheered as he pulled you roughly into his side. 
“You say that as if you’re surprised, Prongs.” Sirius teased gently. 
“Of course I’m not surprised, she’s our brilliant student.”
And instead of an embarrassed flush of your cheeks, you felt a simmering pride settle within your chest.
It appeared that having a praise kink was, indeed, a transferable skill.
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birgittesilverbae · 2 years
I see your "Beatrice taught Ava to swim" and raise you "Ava took beginner classes with four year olds"
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leafdragon16 · 28 days
I'd like sum old ocean grandpa High Tide in exhange of a small sacrifice pls,, your art is so goooooddd
Y’all I completely forgot what I labeled my ask box and was mildly terrified by the wording of this ask until I remembered LMAO
Anyway THANK YOU ANON and I am so sorry for taking literal months to answer this
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Since it seems like Dani is the only scuba certified person in the Burns family, I think she and High Tide probably went on some deep sea rescues together
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tangledinink · 1 year
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i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now? [ au ]
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beemovieerotica · 1 year
the wildest thing about my diving post was in the weird spiral of discourse, people who presumably skimmed both the original and the callout have been like "oh!! so it's fake, the story is fake, and stuff like that doesn't happen" which is...definitely a far more harmful takeaway than having overabundant caution about this sport. lmao
anyway i'm willing to take the L on badly explaining shit to power through to the fun part of a story. sorry about that.
not sure about those saying i intentionally lied for clout. besties this is tumblr. what clout. i don't even take tips or donations on this blog, i'm here to write porn for free
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Laughing at R posting the wicked video in his stories. Like I get that he’s in a production of wicked but he follows JB and JB doesn’t follow him back 😂
Is he trying to be buddy buddy with JB since L doesn’t have a job haha
whoa whoa WHOA...
L does have a job
He is Lifeguard Luke
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werewolfoffeverswamp · 2 months
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artistic ode to some of the jobs ive had over the past year. you may be saying to yourself, three very different jobs in the span of one year? to which i would say i get bored easily
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connormccafferyhater · 23 hours
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just filled out a job application and they actually responded 💔
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lexa-griffins · 8 months
Dilf Clarke takes her son to the pool for swimming lessons. She didn't expect his new instructor, Lexa, to be so beautiful. It doesn't help that Lexa wears a swimsuit that accentuates her curves especially her ass. Clarke tries to keep a respectful gaze as Lexa teaches her son but her glance always strays to Lexa's cleavage, hips, or ass in her tight swimsuit. Once practice is over, Clarke thanks Lexa. Lexa flirts with Clarke openly since she saw her checking her body out multiple times during the lesson. Gaining courage, Clarke asks Lexa if she also does adult swimming lessons. She could always improve her form and technique. Lexa says yes and she wouldn't mind helping Clarke with her "strokes" during a one-on-one private lesson
!!!!!! Oh oh oh 👀👀👀👀
Jack has been BEGGING to take swimming lessons. He still can't swim like his cousins can and Clarke can honestly barely swim too so she is definitely not the prime teacher for thia. So, swimming lessons it is, even if they cost so fucking much.
She's not expecting to have a good time. She's expecting to be bored and scared out of her mind for her little boy on the water.
Any of those seemingly awful feelings are absolutely gone the moment she hears the cheerful "Good morning class." She read the panflect, she knows the teacher is a competitive swimmer and someone who has life guard training. She knows she's youngerish, mid 20s she believes, but somehow she did not expect /her/. She introduces herself to the parents and the class as Lexa and unfortunately Clarke doesn't catch much other than that. The swimsuit is as basic as they come and yet this woman seems to make it look like high fashion lingerie, with the way it clings to her hips and lifts her chest and if Clarke so much as thinks about how it all but disappears beyween her cheeks she's gonna get in trouble.
It is only luck that her kid seems to find himself so famn attatched to Lexa during the whole class, giving Clarke an excuse to look at all while making sure her little boy is alright.
The lesson is short, as most of the kids can barely get in the water at this stage without needing Lexa's full attention. Jack seems to not want to let go of her at all.
It starts there really. How clearly Jack feels sage around Lexa, always the one to go and hug her first, clingning to her despite being a fast learned. This means Clarke and Lexa talk a lot more. /Flirt/ a lot more.
"He's like a little fish! Look at him go!"
"He seems to have taken quite the liling for the water. He's a very smart boy Clarke, you should be proud."
"Oh believe me, I am. I can't even step in the water without feeling like I'm drowning. Maybe i need some basic lessons too."
That, that right there was the magic word.
Because Lexa suggests giving her some classes. And Clarke accepts it.
It is almost embarrassing for Clarke, splashing around the pool at her big age without knowing how to swim. But it also shows her why the kids love Lexa so much, how patience and helpful she is.
Its in the locker room after their second lesson that it happens. Because Clarke cannot stop staring at the way Lexa's wet bathing suit clings to her, her drying hair curling more and more, the droplets of water dripping for its ends and making their way down her back and the curve of her ass. She knows Lexa stares too. Clarke made a point of choosing a swimsuit that is more than generous with her cleavage and knows the swimming shorts do accentuate her crotch.
They are crashing against the lockers before the other has a chance to say anything. They reek of chlorine, but neither care. Clarke lifts Lexa without struggle, pulling long legs around her shoulders, forcing Lexa against the lockers. Some adjusting is nedded to free her dick from the bathing suit, while Lexa's is easily pushed to the side ao she can enter her.
Its desperate and fast, and still Lexa has the time to bring the top of Clarke swimming suit down, freeing her tits from the small cage they were in. Clarke palms Lexa's ass, finally satisfying the impulsive desire to keep her hands there.
It lasts so little that Clarke almost wants to cry when she feels her balls tighten. Lexa grabs her by the back of her neck and crashes their lips together, seemingly finding no discomfort in her squished position as Clarke cums inside of her.
They stand there for a minute. Clarke's dick softening, her chest out as Lexa breathes heavily, eyes close and head against the locker, a satisfied smile on her face. Clarke is careful to help her down, a "wow" leaving her as Lexa nearly falls once her feet touch the ground, Clarke's arms around her waist to keep her steady.
Lexa looks at her with a genuine smile, happiness clear as day in her arms. Clarke knew Lexa had somewhat of an attraction to her, but it wasn't until just now that she realized just how big of a crush the younger girl truly had on her.
That surely complicates things.
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quenthel · 3 months
I was drying my hair in front of this full body mirror at thee swimming pool in my binder n boxers n I had this yay yippie! I look so good! Moment so I'm just smiling cutely forever okay
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swimlyau · 1 year
Dive into excellence with swimming lessons in Sydney » ! Our expert instructors provide personalized coaching for all ages and levels. Boost confidence, refine techniques, and enjoy aquatic skills in a comfortable environment. Book now and make a splash with skillful swimming. 🏊‍♀️🌟 #SwimmingLessonsSydney #SkillfulSwimming #DiveIntoExcellence
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nat-20s · 6 months
words truly cannot express how little I want to go to work today
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whippetcrimes · 5 months
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The progression. First, run from pool. Then be very uncertain about it. Then, only partly unwilling swimming
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rivertigo · 7 months
I tried to reconnect with a childhood friend on ig by following her and seeing what she’s up to but she’s such a cop like going to school for criminal justice and posts a bunch of cop sympathetic posts to her ig story i had to get rid of her 😭 but it tracks because she was vindictive and a bad friend
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yearningagain · 1 year
don't let me drown
so i had this thought and decided to elaborate on it, but i ended up having 1.5k words and i'm not even a third of the way done :,) so pls let me know if this would be something you guys would like more of!! this is my first time posting writing here except for a few snippets, so pls be nice but constructive criticism is welcome!
ft. modern au, Single(Seahorse)Dad!Eddie, SwimInstructor!Steve
Eddie Munson didn't know how to swim. Growing up in landlocked states while despising every swimsuit he was ever presented with, it just made sense. He didn't need to know how to swim, there was no reason for it, and he was perfectly fine with it.
Until Max.
Specifically, until Max decided, after watching the 2020 Olympic swimming, that she was going to be an olympic swimmer. She kept bugging Eddie, begging him to sign her up for swim lessons with all the umph a six year old could muster.
And Eddie was a weak willed man, especially when it comes to his daughter. So he said yes.
Eddie spent the next week and a half researching the best swim instructors around, googling and calling and looking at reviews. Eventually, he settled for the Hawkins Aquatic Center. With it being relatively close, a 20 minute drive at most, and having the best reviews out of any and all other pools in the area, it was a clear winner.
So that Tuesday, while Max was at day camp, Eddie made the call.
“Hawkins Aquatic Center, this is Robin! How can I help you today?” One of the bubbliest voices Eddie had ever heard answered the phone, immediately putting him a little more at ease.
“Hi, I was looking to set my daughter up for some swim lessons?” He asked, hoping Robin didn't pick up on his slight nervousness.
“Of course! I just need a little information. Her name, age and birthday, and skill level is what I need now, and I’ll ask for some more information about you once we schedule.”
“Yeah, for sure. Her name is Maxine Munson, but everyone calls her Max. She’s six, her birthday is June 14th, 2014. She doesn't really… know how to swim?” As he gave her the information, his nerves almost doubled. He couldn't swim, he wouldn't be able to practice with her! What if she drowns? What if something happens? What if-
“Alright, Mr. Munson, I’m assuming?” Robin asked sweetly, interrupting his spiral.
“Uh- yeah that's- that’s me. You can just call me Eddie. Eddie Munson, at your service! Ha! Sorry, that was, like, super lame.” He cringed at his antics, but a bubbly laugh filled the phone.
“Got it, Eddie! So from the information you’ve given to me, it seems like it’ll be best to put her in our beginners class for kids under 7. We typically have two instructors that rotate throughout the week, but one of them is on paternity leave, so she’ll only be with Coach Harrington. There's two options for this class. Twice a week, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5:30 in the afternoon, or three times a week, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 5 to 6:30 in the afternoon. Do either of those work for you?”
Eddie hesitated. He knew how much enthusiasm Max had about swimming, but he was nervous about taking her so often. But the more time she can get in the water, the more she’ll practice. Plus first grade homework isn't terrible, so she’ll be able to continue when school starts up again.
“Eddie? You still with me?” Robin asked. He must have taken too long to answer.
“Yeah, sorry! Just, uh, just thinking.” He replied lamely.
Robin seemed to catch on to his anxiety. “A lot of parents are nervous about teaching their kids how to swim, I get it! But Steve, or Coach Harrington I should say, is the best in the area. He’s been an instructor here for a few years and loves it. There’s always lifeguards on duty and all of our staff are trained in basic first aid and CPR. Parents are always welcome to sit in on lessons as well, there's seating in the instructional pool area. Max will be in great hands!”
Eddie took a breath. Robin's ramblings helped put him at ease, knowing all of the precautions the center takes to keep everyone safe.
“Thank you so much, Robin. I think three times a week will work best, Max has been bugging me for weeks! I know she’ll be ecstatic when I tell her I signed her up.” Eddie can already picture her reaction, grinning and hopping around in excitement.
“Sounds great, Eddie! I can guarantee she’ll love it. So now I just need to ask you a few questions! I just need your email, the best phone number to reach you at, an emergency contact other than you, and we can get her all set!” Eddie breathed a sigh of relief, giving her the information she asked for.
“Alright, we’ve got her in the system! You guys can come in any time this week for a tour of the place and meet Coach Harrington, but her first lesson will be next Monday, August 10th. We do ask that she brings goggles, but we have extras in case she forgets them. Do you have any other questions for me?”
Taking a second to think, Eddie replied. “I think we’ve got everything covered. Thank you, Robin. I really appreciate your help!”
“It’s really no problem! If you do think of any questions you may have, you can always ask when you tour, or call us! We look forward to seeing you!”
All that was left to do was to invest in a good swimsuit, some goggles, and tell Max.
“Hey, stinker! How was camp today?” Eddie asked as Max climbed in the car and got herself situated in her seat.
“It was great! We did finger paintings ‘n played on the playground! There was a worm on the slide and Lucas was too afraid to touch it, so I got it ‘n brought it to the grass!” Max beamed at her father, showing her gap toothed smile. “I’m gonna bring home the art tomorrow, but Miss Joyce said we have to let it dry tonight. I did a picture of us!”
Eddie laughed lightly at his daughter's antics, smiling right back at her. “Sounds like today was fun, bug! I do have a little surprise for you when we get home though, okay?”
That got Max’s attention quickly, asking all sorts of questions about it. Eddie simply smiled at her and turned up the music, an old The Cure CD playing on the radio system. As the volume rose, all Eddie could hear was an exasperated “Daaaaaad!” from the back seat.
The ride home was short and sweet, the ending of Friday I’m in Love fading out as they pulled into the driveway. As soon as the car stopped, Max unbuckled and sprinted towards the door, abandoning her backpack and lunchbox.
“I know you're excited, Max, but you have to come get your stuff!” Eddie called out as he exited the driver's seat. The sound of her Skechers on the concrete and her small giggles approaching before receding back to the front door where she bounced on her feet in a poor attempt of patience.
Eddie sighed and shook his head, a small smile playing at his lips as he unlocked the front door. Immediately, Max ran inside, throwing her stuff on the couch and turning to her father expectantly.
“Where is it? What is it? Can I know now?” She asked, her little body practically vibrating in excitement and anticipation.
Eddie laughed warmly, dramatically rolling his eyes. “I guess you can know now, since you’ve been so patient.” Max snorted at his sarcasm, eyes going crinkly at the corners. “Go look in your room, love.”
And with that, she was off. Running as fast as her little legs could take her, not minding her dad’s warnings to not run in the house. Practically tearing her bedroom door off its hinges, she rushed into her room. Sat in a neat pile on her bed was a small black and red one piece swimsuit, a pair of black goggles, and a print out of the confirmation email from the Hawkins Aquatic Center.
Finally catching up and leaning on her door frame, Eddie quietly asked, “What do you think?”
It’s a miracle the neighbours didn't call the cops that day.
All of Max’s excitement and happiness seemed to explode out of her, letting out one of the loudest screams he had ever heard. Before he could blink, the small child tackled Eddie into a crushing hug, jumping onto him like a koala.
“Really? You’re for real?” She asked, pulling her head back from the embrace to look at her dad, unshed tears threatening to escape from her eyes.
“I’m for real, baby. I promise.”
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