sweetimpurity · 24 days
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Ripping the condom off mid sesh with your big boyfriend Miguel. He’s pumping into you, long deep strokes into your gushing pussy. He’s a moany mess on top of you, pounding into you from behind. Just the way you like.
“Ohhhh baby~ ugh mmmm hah…” His noises alone could make you come. You’ve just switched birth control so you’re using condoms for a few weeks. Don’t want any surprises.
But he’s used to being bare in your heat, he knows how it feels, he’s memorized it, he’s dreamt of it, there’s no other feeling like it.
“Please baby… lemme take it off… needa feel you… please please” He pants in your ear and you know exactly what he’s talking about. You want it it too. “Mig…..” You whine and nod. Both a protest and a plea. You’d do anything to take him raw at this point. Anything for his cum.
“We’ll get a plan B baby… tomorrow morning… I promise” He kisses your cheek, sitting up on his knees and ripping the rubber off like shackles and he’s a prisoner finally freed.
“Ohhh… yes baby… my baby girl…” He pants, sinking into your pussy finally bare, his dick instantly enveloped in that naked wet warmth. Kissing your back, your shoulder, your neck, anywhere he can get to you. He’s addicted for sure.
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Hello there again! I saw you had a WEBTOON master list and came by to suggest one of my favorite series to you, Of Dark Lords and Cabages. Have you read it? If not you should it’s super cute 😁
Hello again! :D Oo, I've never heard of it! After looking it up, it looks like something I'd be into! :D I'll give it a shot! :D
My webtoon experience is fairly limited- I've really only read Bastard (eventually gonna start Home Sweet Home), Heartstopper, and Boyfriends, and about 8 ish episodes into Echo; and soon I'm gonna read Lore Olympus and Crumbs! Any recommendations on what I should check out are always appreciated! :D
Thanks for asking!
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sweetwriter · 6 months
Second Chance
Single dad! Bakugou x Black! Reader
The alarm wrings in his ears awaking Bakugou from his slumber. Starng up ap at the ceiling, he turns his head to the empty side of the bed and sighs. Its been a couple of years since everything happened with his ex wife. He doesn’t miss her, but he ,ssed sharing his life with another.
‘No sense in whining.” he sighs to himself.
Bakugou gets up and walks to his kitchen beginning to pack lunches and make breakfast for his daughter
“Kasumi, time to get up.” She groans and opens her eyes, “‘morning papa’ she says with a smile. He smiles back at her. After years of having a sharp edge in his speech and his actions, the sharp edges dulled down a little bit, and he mellowed out. But after everything with his ex wife, he was completely worn out. She drained the life out of him, one of the first and only people he opened himself up to burned him, he didn’t even have the energy to hate the world, he just hated himself. But what could he do, Kasumi is four, in desperate need for stability. He couldn’t fail her by crawling into a ball until the press let him breathe, he had to stay strong and be a hero, even if it was just for Kasumi.
As he gets little Kasumi dressed and ready for pre-k she babbles about her amazing preschool teacher Ms. Y/N. Ms. YN who changes her hair all the time. Everytime get green lights all week she changes the color of her hair. Ms YN who teaches the kids which flowers are edible and which aren’t.
“And t’day, Ms. Y/N is gonna teach us about da moon”
“Oh yeah?”
He drops her off into the class for the first time, since his parents aren’t there anymore. When he walks in the first thing he sees is who he assumes, based on how beautiful Kasumi expresses her to be, Ms. Y/N.
“MS Y/N!!!” Kasumi exclaimed running to one of her teachers.
“Good morning Kasumi” Y/N says with a big smile. Y/N looks up from the little girl hugging her leg to see Pro Hero Dynamight holding Kasumi’s backpack.
“Well well well, looks like I finally get to introduce myself to the exceptional father Kasumi speaks of,” she holds out her hand, “I’m Y/N L/N, I’m Kasumi’s teacher.”
A/N: Ok- 😭 It’s a lil rough, but I wanted to just start- hopefully the series is going to be good. Thank you for making it this far and reading it.
With love,
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sschaos · 4 months
Got distracted waiting for the new world hoppers episode to render so I wrote world hoppers fanfiction... you got to be your biggest fan?
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white-poppie · 1 year
Sending cute messages to my favourite writers through @sweetwriters has to be the best thing to do!
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teataglia · 2 years
I can’t because I’m one of the only people who knows even somewhat what’s going on and I can’t take time off school yet because of the fact that it’s literally just started. (I was the one who wrote the thing from sweetwriters)-🎶
OMG OMG THANK YOU SO SO MUCH!! yes i feel that. but good luck with everything, stay strong, i believe in you💪
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sweetnsinfull · 3 years
Tall Over Ice | K. Bakugo x E. Kirishima |
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⪀Pairing: K. Bakugo. X Fem!Reader X E. Kirishima
⪀Word Count: 4.8k
⪀Summary: You’ve never been all that great at relationships, so as school winds to a close and summer break draws near, you decide to spend your 3 months of freedom with your nose buried in new books, rather than hanging out with friends you don’t have. Luckily for you, two Barnes and Noble baristas just happens to catch your attention, and suddenly you find yourself crushing on the boyishly charming Kirishima, and the gruff, romance novel loving Bakugo.
⪀Rating: Explicit
⪀Genre: Porn with a teensy bit of plot.
⪀Warnings: Minors DO NOT Interact!! Vaginal sex, threesome, Alcohol consumption, Slight Dub Con (reader is drunk, but not off their ass), cumming inside (wear a condom please), teasing, one instance of dumbification and mild degradation.
⪀AN: I’ve had this bad boy in the drafts for the last two weeks. I got addicted to drawing my OC again, and totally got side tracked. This work is a part of @miriobaby ‘s university collab! Thanks for letting me participate! If you really enjoy it, please consider reblogging, rather than just liking it.
DISCLAIMER: All of the characters I write for are aged up. Thanks!
Relationships never quite worked out the way you wanted them to. Things were just too complicated. It was nearly impossible to balance 21 credit hours at your university, the part time job you’d picked up, keeping your apartment clean and trying to keep up with a partner, let alone a sexual one. After two failed relationships and an attempt at a friends with benefits situation, you gave up. Your social life was pretty much dead. Occasionally you’d chitchat with your roommate in the laundry room, or drop by one of your professors offices to shoot the shit, but you really didn’t have friends. Instead, you buried yourself into your studies, and video games once in a blue moon, anything to keep your mind off of how lonely you felt.
Close to the end of the semester, you chose to use one of your rare days off to go to the Barnes and Nobles in town, with the intent on getting a new book to keep your attention. Summer break was just around the corner, meaning you’d finally be able to get back into reading for pleasure, one of your preferred past times when there wasn’t any school work to keep you busy. You climbed into your beat up Honda Civic, buckled yourself in, and made your way to one of your favorite stores.
Barnes and Nobles was rather quiet for a Saturday, just a few people meandering here and there, with books or journals tucked under their arms. You went straight for the historical fiction section, hoping to pick up some sort of romance novel set in World War Two, or a dystopian Western. As your eyes scanned up and down the shelves, occasionally you’d pluck a book from the display, flip it over in your hands and skim the summary to see if it peaked your interests. While you had decided beforehand that you would only get one book, there were three that caught your interest. You had extra money in your ‘Dick around it’s summer’ budget anyway, so with a small shrug, you carried your chosen three to the register and paid for them. On your way out, you decided that a drink was in order since you’d skipped breakfast, and the sweet smell of fresh brewed coffee wafting over you as you headed for the exit was calling your name.
The barista was a tall man, with wild blond hair sticking out from beneath the green visor that adorned his head. Red eyes met yours, knocking a bit of air from your lungs with just how intense this man looked, while wiping down a countertop of all things. “Gimme a minute.” He said gruffly, earning a click of the teeth from someone you couldn’t quite see behind a curtain a short, dark curtain, covering a doorway.
“Bakugo, that’s not polite.” The voice called, slipping past the curtain to reveal wildly broad shoulders beneath a tan turtleneck and long red hair tied up in a messy bun. His green apron was decorated with various brightly colored buttons that clink together as he walked over. Your eyes caught a couple of them with silly sayings, making your lips twitch upwards into a smile. “Sorry, he’s new. What can I get for you today?” He asks kindly, grinning and showing off a pearly white row of pointy looking teeth.
“No, it’s cool.” You brush off with a small shrug, offering a sympathetic smile. “I work in retail. I totally get it. Could I get a tall, iced cold brew with a shot of espresso?” You ordered, already fishing around your purse for your wallet to pay.
“Sure thing, love! What’s the name for that order?” He quickly replies, the little term of endearment making your cheeks heat up ever so slightly. You relay your name to him, and watch the blond bustle around the small area, pouring things into a cup before he calls your name and presses the cup into your palm, with a little green straw.
“Thank you!” You chirp, offering him an appreciative smile that makes him blush this time, as he shrugs back at you, and turns back to the redhead, who waves at you, calling after you to have a great day. If you would’ve had cash, you would’ve tipped them both. You’ll have to remember that for next time.
The summer passed by much too quickly. Every few weeks you return to follow the same cycle. Buy a couple books, grab a drink at the café, and chit chat with the baristas, who you come to learn are Kirishima and Bakugo, both seniors at your university who had been best friends in high school, and started dating their freshman year of college. You learned that Kirishima was the sweeter and more open of the two. He always had a bright smile on his handsome face, and he’d frequently up your drink size or hand you a cake pop or a scone just because “you deserve a little something sweet”. Bakugo is a little more rough around the edges. Quiet and almost always broody, it’s not uncommon for you to catch him reading a book, though you would’ve never guessed he was a bookworm from that gruff persona he always wears. He would occasionally give you freebies as well, though even a brush of his hand against yours while he passed you your drink made him fluster, a dark blush coating his cheeks while he huffed out a “whatever” when you thanked him.
Slowly, a surface level friendship began to blossom between the three of you. Bakugo liked giving you romance novel recommendations, and Kirishima loved to talk about comic books or space or dinosaurs, only feeding the familiar feeling of boyish charm you got from him. It came as a bit of a surprise, when the redhead slid you a napkin with his number on it, as he handed you your usual drink order, something both men had come to memorize.
“There’s a party to kick off the start of the semester on Saturday at one of the frat houses. I don’t know if you’re the p-“
You cut him off before he can even finish, excitement bubbling in your gut at the word party alone. “Sure! I’ve actually never been to a college party, so this will be my first. Any sorta dress code I should be aware of?” You ask, sipping your coffee and eyeing the number messily scrawled on the brown napkin. Kirishima shrugs, that goofy, crooked smile playing on his face, a smile that always seemed to quicken the beating of your heart. Maybe you had a little bit of a crush, something that made you feel a bit guilty. Crushing on someone’s partner was pretty dirty, but both of them were gay. There was no way they were leaving one another to get with you, anyway.
“Wear whatever is comfortable! If you want, you can shoot us a text and we’ll come grab you from your place?” He offers, bringing you out of your guilty thoughts. You nod, trying to play off your earlier train of thought.
“Gotcha. I can do that. I’ll see you two lovebirds on Saturday then!”
Saturday is a mess. You’d decided you wanted to get your hair done, which had taken so much longer than you’d planned for, which in turn made you late for your nail appointment, which left you rushing around your apartment, holding up dresses and considering something more casual. It was a frat party, after all, not some sort of fall formal. Finally, when your make up was done, and your hair was perfect, you pulled your phone off of charger to send Kirishima a text.
Hey! I’m ready. I’m in the Lakeview Apartment Building. If you text me, I’ll come right down, okay?
You read, and reread the message a few times before pressing send, anxiety eating at you, as you slide on a pair of tall heels to compliment the tight, black dress that accentuates your curves. Your phone buzzes twice, and with another shaky breath, you read the notification.
Deal! Katsuki and I are on our way! We’ll text you when we’re outside.
Bakugo drives a sleek, black SUV, that’s bumping music that seems to pound in time with your heart as Kirishima hops out to help you into the backseat, insisting he doesn’t want you to bust your ass in your heels, and he’s right. The metal bar along the bottom that’s supposed to be used to climb in is too slippery, so the man easily manhandles you into the backseat, going as far as to buckle you in with a grin and a “Safety first!” That makes you blush a bit.
The party is mostly noise and heat. People cheering on a game of beer pong on the back porch, the sounds of splashing as people jump into the large pool, and music loud enough that you cringe. Kirishima high-fives some of the people he sees on his way in, but Bakugo sticks close to you, your hips bumping together every now and again as you make your way through the crowd to get drinks. There’s a huge plastic tub of something you assume must be jungle juice propped up on a plastic folding table, as well as various bottles of alcohol lined up with bright red solo cups.
“Hell yeah, they have IPA!” Kirishima cheered, picking a bottle of beer, while Katsuki busied himself pouring various liquids into a cup, before he pressed the drink towards you, the familiar action making you smile, despite how much the loud music was making your head hurt. You sipped, surprised that you couldn’t taste any alcohol at all, and instead find something that tastes almost like fruit punch instead. When all three of you have your drinks, you make your way to the dance floor, rather surprised at the way the alcohol seems to peel away Bakugo’s hard nature. He wastes no time rolling his hips to the beat of the music right behind you, your back pressed against his chest. Kirishima slots himself in front, long hair sticking to his sweaty forehead as he presses his hips into yours, his beer bottle raised high above the two of you.
The dance makes your head spin, though it thankfully doesn’t last long. Drinks are refilled and the process continues, the three of you rotating between being pressed up against one another’s sweaty bodies and rocking to the beat, and sucking down drink after drink, until you start to wobble a bit. Bakugo notices almost immediately, a hand resting on your hip to steady you as he leans in, huffing whiskey scented breath over your neck.
“You’re drunk.” He points out, obviously. You scoff and press your ass into his groin, the roll too coordinated to come from a drunk person.
“Just tipsy.” You murmur back, eyes flickering up to meet Kirishima’s crimson gaze, from where he hulks over the both of you. His tongue swipes out to lick over his bottom lip as he takes in the way Bakugo grinds into you with fervor, his cock visibly straining against the fabric of his black jeans. The two of them lock eyes, something oddly knowing being passed between the two lovers. Together, the three of you stumble off of the dimly lit dance floor, squeezing between other partygoers as you make your way back out to the car. Kirishima presses you back into the cool metal, caging you between muscular arms as he eyes you up and down like prey.
“Wanna come back to our place? We’ve…never done this before, so bare with us.” He pleads. You nod, quickly, panties already damp from the way Bakugo’s dick was pressing so firmly between your supple ass cheeks just a moment ago. Thankfully, Kirishima has only had a couple beers, and feels comfortable driving himself over to one of the student housing apartments situated on the campus. Their apartment is surprisingly well maintained for two college students. Bakugo helps peel your heels off and lines them up at the door, filling in an already existing row of various pairs of large shoes. He slides his hand into yours and easily leads you back towards their bedroom, the mood shifting almost visibly. Bakugo has to stand on his tiptoes to slam his lips into Kirishima’s, his hands making quick work of shoving down his pants and boxers in one fluid motion. You’re pressed tightly between their bodies, face reddening at the feeling of both of their cocks pressed into you.
“Been wanting you all night…both of you…” he grumbles into his mouth, as his tongue presses past the redhead’s lips, catching the bitter taste of the IPA he had consumed and the salty burn of pretzels he’d shoved in his mouth while he chose another drink. You can’t help but touch yourself a bit, hand pushing the skirt of your dress up your hips, to press the heel of your palm against your already damp panties.
Kirishima’s dick is big. Bigger than the stupid one night stands you’d had as a freshman…bigger than you’ve ever seen in a porno. For a moment, you’re unsure if you’ll be able to even stand having something that big stretching you open. They peel their clothes off of each other quickly, hands fluid and skilled from years of fucking one another. Fingers brush nipples, mouths leave dark bite marks and hickies in their wake. Occasionally a hand will slip between them, quickly pumping the other’s length in a palm, before they pull away from one another and set hungry eyes on you, watching the way you touch yourself at the sight in front of you. The blond easily maneuvers you onto their bed, and you flop backwards with a small gasp.
“Aren’t you a dirty girl?” Kirishima mumbles, large arms caging you in he stares you down. “Sitting here, touching yourself while the two of us touched each other.” Bakugo is suddenly behind you, hands sliding around your torso and grabbing handfuls of your tits, as he curses under his breath.
“Fuck they’re even better when you hold them…soft…”. He huffs, pressing the fat tip of his cock against your back and smearing precum over the dark fabric of your dress. He shoves the top down, watching your tits spill from the material before he’s on them again, rubbing his fingers along your pebbled nipples and dipping his head into the crook of your neck to mark you. You gasp, and arch your back as he tugs your buds between warm fingertips, only dampening the light blue panties you’d chosen even more with slick.
Kirishima sinks to his knees, and slips his hands beneath your dress to pull the damp fabric down your thighs to pool at your ankles. For a moment, he sits still, taking in your gasps and whimpers from the way Bakugo continues rubbing and rolling your nipples back and forth between the pads of his fingers, and watching your clit swell. “So that’s what it looks like up close.” He hums lowly, hiking your skirt in one hand, and biting up the fat of your thighs with sharp teeth. When you hiss, he swipes his tongue over your labia first, moaning at the taste of your cum. You yelp again, and sit up and he has to eye you for a moment, short eyebrow shot up in surprise. “You’re not a virgin, are you?” He asks, lips nibbling up to your clit as he blows on it.
You shake your head, swallowing down the lump in your throat and struggling to find the words to speak as cold air wafts over your swollen bundle of nerves. “Just been awhile…” you admit, a bit embarrassed. It had been a whole year since you’d fucked anyone, leaving your pussy oversensitive to even the smallest amount of stimulation.
“Oh! You’re just sensitive. I can rock with that.” Kirishima dives back in eagerly, nose bumping your clit and making you groan as he licks into you quickly. He pinches your thigh, making you arch your back and lift your hips off of the bed a bit. “Look at me while I make you cum.” He orders, leaving no room for a reply, before he’s fucking you with his tongue, the slimy muscle dipping in and out of your pussy over and over as he noses your clit, maintaining his unwavering gaze. Bakugo doesn’t let up either, pinching and pulling at your nipples as he grinds his cock against your back. You whine his name, pleasure pooling low in your gut as he eats your cunt like a man starved.
“Like that? Eijiro is good with his mouth.” Bakugo murmurs in your ear, eyeing the dark bruises he’s left in his wake. Your head spins, so close to coming apart as Kirishima grins into your pussy. “Cum…make a mess on his face.” He orders, squeezing your tits in his hands and enjoying the way the fat spills between thick fingers.
You nod, hands dug into the sheets as you mewl, following his instructions. Your pussy clenches around his tongue and you finally cum, creaming all over his mouth. “What a little slut you are…who knew you were so needy?” The blonde degrades, watching the way you toss your head back against his shoulder. Pleasure shoots down your legs like lighting as you squeeze your thighs against the redhead’s face, grinding your twitching clit into his face. Slick coats his chin and mouth as he sits up to catch his breath, grinning ear to ear like an idiot. The couple shares a look again, and in a flash, Bakugo is pushing you up and tugging the zipper of your dress down, and shoving it up and over your head roughly.
The blonde is quick to pull away from you and flip you onto your belly. He keeps a hand on your hips, using his other to force his fingers into Kirishima’s mouth to get them wet, before he drags them between the lips of your pussy, collecting your slick on rough digits before he slowly sinks them into your cunt. You groan, and gummy walls fluttering around them. He pumps them quickly, curling them inside of you and pressing against that spongy spot inside of you that makes you see stars.
“You’re going to cum that fast? From just my fingers? Kind of pathetic. How hard are you going to cum on my cock?” He asks, flicking his wrist quicker and scissoring his fingers to stretch you out.
“Bak- Kats-” you babble, struggling to form words every time he brushes against your g spot, adding a third finger so he’s sure you’re ready for his weeping cock. Kirishima sits back against the pillows, jerking his dick lazily. His gaze sweeps up and down your body, clearly enjoying the show.
“Damn Suki, you fucked her dumb, from just a few fingers! I guess Mina was right, curling your fingers does help. Do you feel it?” He asks, maybe a bit too curious. He hadn’t felt it when he was eating you out, and for a moment, he wanted to make his boyfriend move so he could try and find your g spot himself, but his cock was already dribbling precum down his fist. The last thing he wanted to do was push his luck on just how much more he could stand. The way you whimpered and squirmed and leaked more cum down Bakugo’s wrist when it became too much made his cock twitch in his hand.
Your sloppy cunt squelches when he pulls his digits free. The blond turns them over in the low light streaming in from the bedroom and pulls his fingers apart a few times to test the viscosity of the liquid. “Yeah, I did feel it…All that, just for some fingers and tongue?” He grunts, voice still deep and teasing as he uses his dry hand to maneuver your boneless body onto your back. Taking in your flushed cheeks and fucked out gaze, he huffs a breath out of his nose, and grasps your jaw tightly. “Open wide.” He commands, smirking a bit when you are quick to comply, and part your lips for him. Without any hesitation, he shoves his slick coated fingers into your mouth, eyelids drooping when you wrap your tongue around them and stare up at him.
“She ready?” Kirishima asks, catching your attention and drawing Bakugo from thoughts about fucking your throat, as he fumbles around in their nightstand drawer. The red head takes his time, spreading lube up and down his veiny cock.
“Don’t look at him.” He grumbles, when your eyes wander across the bed to the redhead. “I’m going to fuck you, and you better not pay Shitty Hair any attention.” He warns, spanking your oversensitive clit with a heated hand, enjoying the way your mouth sucks his fingers in deeper.
“All ready on my end.” Kirishima informs, a large hand pressing into the small of his boyfriend’s back, and pushing him over you. Your sweat slick back finds the plush of the mattress, and his pecs brush your already oversensitive nipples. Your eyes dance in his gaze, taking in the scent of musk and aftershave. Face to face, you notice that Bakugo has a small scar just above the bridge of his nose, but before you can get lost in the little nuances of his handsome face, he’s running the tip of his cock between your puffy folds. Hands finding purchase on either side of your hips, he rolls his pelvis, engorged manhood catching your clit as he teases you.
“She’s more than ready for me, aren’t you?” He asks, vermillion eyes half lidded, and clouded with lust. You manage a nod, and he slowly sinks his cock between your lips, leaning his full body weight on top of you and groaning your name in your ear. You shiver and grasp at the taught muscles on his back. The stretch is immaculate and the veins along his cock drag against your g spot, making you clench down on him as he fills every crevice of your velvety walls. Kirishima takes up the space behind him, wasting no time setting large hands on Bakugo’s toned hips, and surging into his boyfriend’s tight ass. You buck your hips upwards, jaw sliding open as you moan for him, music to Kirishima’s ears. Bakugo cants his hips, ever so slightly and licks at the bruises he’s left on your shoulders.
“Shit you’re tight Katsu…” Kirishima whines, his face screwed up behind his boyfriend as he tries his best to stay still. Any movement, and he’d only surge Bakugo’s cock deeper into your pussy, but it takes everything in him to be patient and wait for you to open up for them.
“M okay…” you slur, looking over Bakugo’s scarred shoulder to eye the redhead with half lidded eyes and a sideways smile. Bakugo wastes no time and nudges himself backwards on his boyfriend to rut into you with a deep groan.
Kirishima picks up the message and joins in, hips slamming into Bakugo’s, and surging him forward to push into your weeping pussy. Even during sex the two are polar opposites. The redhead is noisy, moaning and complimenting Bakugo on how tight his ass is, occasionally whining about how he wants to cum and fill his boyfriend to the brim. Bakugo is quiet and goal oriented, determined to watch you fall apart on his length. He slips a hand between your sweat slick bodies to thumb your overstimulated clit in circles. He huffs hot breath against your neck and grunts in your ear, occasionally grumbling about how you love being split on his cock, and how your pussy is swallowing him so good.
Your head spins, chest heaving as goosebumps blossom along your skin. White hot pleasure shoots through every axon in your body as you take in Kirishima’s needy face, his eyes closed tightly and hit lip tucked between his teeth as he bites down on it. He’s so lost in the sounds the three of you make, the quick slap of his balls on Bakugo’s shapely ass, the airy whines and whimpers tumbling from your mouth, the squishes that your pussy produces every time Bakugo’s cock kisses your cervix, that he doesn’t notice the muscles in his boyfriend’s back twitching, a tell tale sign he was drawing closer to his orgasm.
“Where?” Bakugo asks, hips growing wild and sloppy as he pulls away just enough to get a good look at your fuck drunk expression. “Cum…shit…where?” He questions again, a bit more urgently. Brain foggy with pre orgasm bliss, you shake your head, struggling to put coherent thoughts together.
“In-Inside!” You cry, body arching off of the bed as Kirishima delivers a harsh thrust that sends Bakugo impossibly deeper into you, and draws a moan from the both of your mouths. In a split second, your resolve breaks. The coil of pleasure thats been building, tugging at your gut with every rough thrust finally snaps, and you cream around Bakugo’s cock, leaking down your thighs and dampening the bed below you. Bakugo’s breath hitches in his throat as he’s caught off guard. Your walls clamp down on him like a vice grip, and he lets out an breathy groan, and shakes sweat from his spiky blond hair like a dog.
“Too tight…” he moans, eyes screwed closed as he finally cums, jolts of pleasure shooting up his spine as he shoots line after line of thick cum into your pussy. “Holy fucking shit” he curses, fucking his cum deeper into you.
Kirishima tumbles over the edge last, with quick huffs of “Gonna cum, please gonna cum so hard, too good to me, so good!” He paints Bakugo’s ass with hot ropes of cum, so much that as he gives shallow thrusts to ride out his orgasm, lines of white drip down the back of Bakugo’s toned thighs.
Everyone catches their breath in their own time, the only sounds between you deep pants and shallow breaths. Even as Bakugo and Kirishima begin slowly untangling themselves from one another, you struggle to steady your wild heart. Your eyes flutter closed as Bakugo slowly pulls his softening cock from your swollen lips. The sudden wetness of a warm cloth brushing your overstimulated clit pulls you back to reality, and as your eyes snap open, you find the redhead dabbing at cum that’s started to seep out of you. He gives you one of those boyish, lopsided grins that makes your chest ache, and takes a moment to enjoy the view of your puffy lips leaking messily onto your plush thighs as he wipes it all away. Bakugo forces a cool bottle of water into your palm and leans down to capture your lips in a quick kiss, that sucks the breath from your lungs.
Together, all three of you cuddle up in bed, you head resting back against a soft pillow. Kirishima traces circles up and down your belly, while Bakugo dozes behind you, not used to staying up so late at night, and drained from the good lay he just had.
“That was actually really great.” Kirishima whispers, dipping his head to speak into the shell of your ear. “You’re really great, I mean. At everything. That was our first time with a girl.” He compliments, always sweet.
“You both know one another’s bodies so well. It’s sweet.” You murmur, looking down at the wild head of spikes pressing into your chest, moving with every small breath you took.
“It comes with the territory. I think I speak for both of us when I say that we would like to come to know your body that way, if you’d let us, of course.” The last thing the redhead wants to do is sound pushy or clingy. He relaxes, tension oozing out of his shoulders when you shake your head and lean into him.
“I would love to do any of that all over again, for as long as you’ll have me.” You promise, sighing lowly and closing your eyes. Kirishima looks like a child that has just won a gargantuan plushie at the fair as he tugs you and Bakugo into him. You inhale the scents buried in the soft material of the pillow, finding the lingering smell of Starbucks coffee and the sandalwood cologne Kirishima seems to always have on, and finally start to doze off to sleep to the sound of Bakugo’s soft breaths against your chest and the rumble of Kirishima’s deep snores. The deep ache between your legs makes you feel oddly...content and loved. All because you were looking for books to keep you occupied during summer break.
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sweetcandyholic · 3 years
Dreamt of You.
3-sentence ficlet
Koala has dreamt of her life Before the kidnapping: an island she barely remembers, people she barely remembers, a normalcy she wishes desperately she still remembers. She's not on an island right now, nor with people she knows, nor living a life anywhere close to normal.
It's okay, she thinks, to not remember where she used to be from; when she sleeps at night, she dreams of a boat rocking on the waves, of fishmen cheering and laughing with her, of adventures and new experiences and wonder, and she smiles, because it feels like home.
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sweetwriters · 3 years
Dear @sweetwriters
Thank you for providing such a lovely, positive space for all of us!! We appreciate all the work that you do, and all the positive energy you're bringing to fandom spaces. ♥️
With love, anon.
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odinsarchive · 3 years
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♡ this blog was created so people can enjoy poetry with me ♡
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! about ! dni ! rules ! submissions !
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can i submit a poem/my thoughts?
♡ yes you can! please make sure to credit the poet/author if the piece of work isn’t yours <3
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♡ any and all hate messages will be deleted and blocked.
♡ if your submission contains a piece of work that has already been posted, it will be deleted.
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sweetimpurity · 1 month
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Miguel man spreading as he fucks you. Could be in the apartment, in his office, the backseat of his hover car. Wherever, his long legs are spread out way over the cushions, his hands on your hips guiding you, bouncing you up and down on his dick. So hard and deep that when he pulls out he can occasionally feel the flushed tip of his dick slip out of your hole before pounding back in again. Pulling cries of pleasure from your sore throat. His breath heavy and broad hairy chest gleaming in sweat from the work out. Leaning back as your spine arches, your shaking hands settling back on his knees and wiggling your hips on his dick balls deep. The happy trail leading down to his base tickling your clit as you grind on him. His abdomen tensing and relaxing wildly from the soft warmth of your pussy. Moaning like he’s never had sex before. Like he’s just been dying to wet his tip in your slick. Dark eyes searching your face as you whine in that familiar tone. Grabbing you by the back of the neck and growling deep words of threatening praise as he takes back control. His thick thighs slapping up against your ass, getting more leverage from his legs spread wide. Biting into your neck as you come, and spurting his hot seed deep inside.
Man spreading as you suck him off OH MY-
Part 2
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Random thing I’d like to say, tho not request related in the slightest. I saw that your favorite dog breads were pugs and beagles so I thought you’d enjoy this picture of my dog shadow, who’s a puggle. Also just wanted to add that your posts always tend to brighten my day so thanks for doing what you’re doing!! 😁
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And thank you so much! I appreciate it immensely friend 🥰🥰🥰 Have an amazing day and keep being wonderful!
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sweetwriter · 6 months
Prologue: the beginning
Single dad! Reiner x black! Reader
Description: Reiner has been feeling lonely ever since his divorce- and he’s recently found someone who’s caught his attention; however, there’s a problem, he has a major crush on his daughters babysitter
A/N: I guess I’m kinda making a series out of it. But I like the idea of characters being parents, having to struggle and then finally have a second Chance of happiness. I guess I’m pretty naive to believe in happy ending, and even though they sometimes don’t happen in the real world, maybe it can happen on my little space on the internet :). This series will be apart of a collection of stories. Let me know if you guys have any ideas on what the collection name should be called. Enjoy the reading-even if it’s kinda short lol.
Ever since the divorce from his, now, ex-wife, Reiner has been trying to stay afloat. He has custody of his daughter 5 days out of the week. Being a single dad, working a full time job that also asks for overtime, he wants to be there for his daughter, but he can’t do all the things she wants to do. Sasha is 7 years old
He loves his daughter. But everyday, he wakes up by himself in his king sized bed.
Makes breakfast him and his daughter.
He doesn’t know when it started, that he began to realize he wants to share a different type of love with someone.
And on a completely different day, that he wanted to share that type of love with his daughters babysitter, YN.
YN, she has to be one of the beautiful people he’s ever come across.
“Mr. Braun” Reiner snapped out of his thoughts, “ye-yes, sorry I guess I zoned out.”
“Yeah you were really out of it,” She giggled. His heart is pounding out of his chest, his chain is bouncing at the rhythm. He’s hoping she doesn’t notice. She did.
“I was asking if you wanted to go to the store with us. We were going on an adventure.” The thought, of them going to the store together as a family, being shoulder to shoulder pushing the cart with Sasha being in the cart. He’s been dreaming about domesticity with her for months.
He wants YN, not only for her body. He wants her love. He wants her gentleness.
“The grocery store is an adventure?” He chuckles, “Of course, sometimes we get stuck in the manotiny of life, we forget to live it.”
YN grimaces,”That sounded super cheesy didn’t it” they both laugh, “yeah just a little bit”
“Ok just forget I said that part, do you want to- want to go with us”
“Yeah let me just grab my keys.”
A/N: was that a lil rough-just a smidge lol- but it will get better I promise. Thank you for reading
Much love,
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sweet-rabbit · 7 years
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It is not stated in the chapter itself, but it should be known that Keith has more game than his older brother.
PS: Got two other Christmas fics from last year if anybody’s got EXTREME CHRISTMAS KLANCE THIRST. They be WAY more Klancey, instead of this... pre-klance.
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sweetwrite · 6 years
Eita porra, não sei nem como começar isso.
Vamo lá.
Não, pera.
Tá, agora vai.
Fernanda, Sol, Miss, Fefa, Nanda, Cebola, Miss. Garota, gente, humana, e vive trocando de esmalte. Problemas com ela são como piscina num dia de chuva; não afetam visivelmente, jamais, se preocupando inevitavelmente aos que estão à sua volta e quase, eu disse quase, esquecendo de si própria. Mas, meu povo, não se enganem porque essa guria quando explode é tiro, porrada e bomba.
Brincadeiras à parte, hoje, sim, é seu dia. Aquele clichê que se repete todo ano, mas que quase sempre é bom pra gente, como uma renovação. É maravilhoso.
E há quase e 1 ano atrás (8 meses) eu me via numa situação um pouco desesperadora, mas sabia que Deus jamais ia me deixar na mão. Havia criado um blog, bem pequeno, no começo com idéias de uma postagem por semana, por aí - se bem que ultimamente as manas já devem estar querendo nos matar, heheu. Prometo que virão muitas coisas boas, amores de nossas vidas.
Ok, ok, voltando ao assunto “tenho que fazer o texto da Fernanda senão ela me esfaqueia”...
E daí, após criar esse blog eu fiquei louca de pedidos (maravilhosos, cof, cof) e resolvi procurar por uma ajudante porque simplesmente eu não sou como as maravigold da @dearoppa ou a @oppainfires ou as manas do @kbr (perdão por não citar cada uma de vocês, anjos). Achei, por um acasozinho, um texto na minha caixa de mensagem. Resolvi ler e vi que era um puta imagine, todo lindão e cheiroso de uma talzinha de “Sol”.
Manas, nada, absolutamente nada me fez mudar de idéia; era ela. Foi uma loucura ela toda tímida enquanto eu tava toda “EU TENHO UMA ADM GENT”, heheheueu.
E nossa amizade só foi crescendo cada vez mais à cada conversa, desabafos, choros e quase brigas. And now, saber que nossa menina tá fazendo 17 anos, pota ke pario, é demais pra mim. Minha mana, cebolinha, coisa linda da “balduco” aqui, quero muito te dizer um puta “te amo” e um lindo “obrigada” - mesmo que seja pouco comparado à tudo que vem fazendo e ainda vem feito por cada um dos 822 Sugary's, nenês, amores, anjinhos da minha life.
Mal consigo contar quantas vezes ela deixou de dormir pra editar uma masterlist, escrever mini Imagines, imagines e reactions, responder asks e ainda fazer os snap fakezinhos maravilhosos. Particularmente, invejo essa dedicação imensa e disposição que tem. Essa guria é inexplicável, manas.
E por isso, hoje eu te desejo, finalmente, sem mais delongas, um feliz aniversário!
Te amo demais, obrigada por tudo e eu espero que esse textinho bobo tenha chegado em seu coraçãozin cheio de luz e que tenha saído sem erros, heheeheu. Que nosso Bom Deus te abençoe, guie e te encha da graça dEle.
~Sweetie♡ :)
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sweetcandyholic · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: One Piece Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Sabo (One Piece) Additional Tags: Post-Marineford, Canon Compliant, koala is there too and a few characters get mentioned but its mostly sabo, shoutout to the koala&sabo tag and the sabo&luffy tag Summary:
After Sabo is awake, after he's calmed down and had a few days to settle back into his own skin, to wrestle with the Sabo of the Revolutionary Army who leads fearlessly and the Sabo from Goa Kingdom who hates himself and ran away but still couldn't escape and maybe find some sort of peace when guilt and grief still churns in his stomach — after all that, he picks up his Chief of Staff duties again and walks early into a meeting with one of their scout teams.
or, Sabo regains his memories, is weighed down by guilt and grief, and...does not go find his brother.
Not yet.
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