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grandmagbignaturals · 1 year ago
God. palisade huh!!!!!!
Gur guvat gung xvyyrq zr gur zbfg jnf gur pbhagre/Jrvtug pbaarpgvba evtug? Pnff guerj gurzfrys vagb gur fha sberire fb gung evtbhe jbhyq qvr naq gur tbyqra oenapu jbhyq abg trg pbzohfgrq. Gur tbyqra oenapu ribyirf, qrirybcf orlbaq n arrq sbe qvfgvapgvba orgjrra qvivar naq zbegny naq ebobg naq riraghnyyl cueltvna rkvfgf. Cueltvna, jvgu gurve svany npg, rafherf gung AB flfgrz jvyy or fgryyne pbzohfgrq, naq va n zbir gung vf "irel nevn wbvr" oebnqpnfgf gurve eribyhgvbanel flzoby gb gur jbeyq. Fbzrjurer pnf'nyrne vf pelvat naq qbrfa'g xabj jul
Translation of spoilers under the cut
The thing that killed me the most was the counter/Weight connection right? Cass threw themself into the sun forever so that rigour would die and the golden branch would not get combusted. The golden branch evolves, develops beyond a need for distinction between divine and mortal and robot and eventually phrygian exists. Phrygian, with their final act, ensures that NO system will be stellar combusted, and in a move that is "very aria joie" broadcasts their revolutionary symbol to the world. Somewhere cas'alear is crying and doesn't know why
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waspsinyourclan · 3 months ago
Gur jnfc rzonexf ba n dhrfg gb vgf svany qrfgvangvba.
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kieuecaprie · 5 months ago
Finished Nightmare Kart, again, now that it's out on Steam. After having playing the 1.0 version on Itch (because the game was stuck in hell on Steam for a while), I wanted to play it again on Steam since it's using the most up-to-date build (and, let's be honest, I'm a little tired of having to manually grab updates to shove onto my Steam Deck lmao).
I can say that it's a fairly solid racing game, it's not terribly difficult (Maybe it's because I just finished Master Mode on Dr. Robotnik's Ring Racers and this feels tame in comparison, lol. I dunno.) and while there are quite a few rough edges (particularly on Pocket Dream Course where I lose speeds by bumping into hills sometimes), I'd say it's definitely worth a look.
However, I will say, there is ONE part in particular that really, really sucks and kind of stands out from the rest of the game. I'm just gonna ROT13 this next paragraph:
Gur svany obff vgfrys jnf svar, ubjrire, gur eha hc gb gur svany obff jnf abg terng. Vg jnf rira yrff terng va rneyvre irefvbaf fvapr lbh unq gb fvg guebhtu gur yratgul "LBH QVRQ" frdhrapr rirelgvzr lbh sryy bss naq, oryvrir zr, lbh JVYY snyy bss. Vs vg'f abg orpnhfr bs gur fcrrq, vg'f orpnhfr bs n ahzore bs guvatf:
Lbh uvg gur fvqr bs gur cyngsbez
Lbh qvqa'g ernpg dhvpxyl rabhtu gb obbfg naq fynfu bss gur cyngsbez naq abj lbh pna'g ernpu gur arkg bar.
Lbh ybfr nyy ubevmbagny zbzraghz nf fbba nf lbh uvg na rarzl naq fb ba.
Ntnva, nsgre pynjvat cnfg gung cneg (gunax lbh Evat Enpref sbe genvavat zr va qrnyvat jvgu jrveq (nppvqragny be bgurejvfr yznb) yriry qrfvta), gur erfg bs gur obff jnf zhpu zber cyngnoyr. Vg'f whfg gur eha-hc gung sryg gur jbefg naq nofbyhgryl fgbbq bhg gb zr.
V qhaab ubj bar pbhyq znxr vg srry orggre, zvaq lbh. Znlor oybbq? Vg ernyyl qvq srry yvxr gur "QBA'G FYBJ QBJA" zrpunavp jnf n aba-vffhr pbzcnerq gb nyy gur snyyvat bss. Znlor znxr gur nggnpxf zber pbafvfgrag? Tvir gur fjbeq n ybatre yrnc? Nygubhtu gung jbhyq znlor xvaqn oernx gur svany svtug gbbïżœïżœ uzz, sbbq sbe gubhtug.
Anyway, long story short, Nightmare Kart good. Go get it on Steam. Go get it on Itch. Go get it on Itch and Steam.
Oh, right, I forgot. The game runs perfectly fine on Deck. Gamescope reports a Solid Sixty but the game looks like it slows down in places but gamescope isn't picking it up. Use that information as you will.
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mawaroon · 5 months ago
ffxiv dawntrail 7.0 thoughts
ROT13 text below the cut
vg'f tbbq. ernyyl, ernyyl tbbq!
evgr bs fhpprffvba nep vf gur oernx gur JbY arrqrq sebz snpvat Gur Svany Qnlf, naq gur qrpvfvba gb chg gur JbY ba gur fvqryvar chyyf hf njnl sebz gur fcbgyvtug orsber gur urnivre nyrknaqevn nep. jr trg gb rkcyber Gheny naq yrnea nobhg vgf qvirefr cbchyngvba, abg gb zragvba rkcrevrapvat gur ornhgvshy fvtugf gur qrif chg gbtrgure gb znxr gur birejbeyq nofbyhgryl oerngugnxvat. vg'f n arj nqiragher, vg'f whfg cynva sha.
unira'g unq gur gvzr gb ehavangr ba gur nyrknaqevn nep fb gung'f sbe nabgure gvzr
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pocketbelt · 1 year ago
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Blue Archive: Volume F: Where All Miracles Begin (& associated events)
Those events being Operational Plan: Nisir’s Summit, Ark of Atrahasis Conquest and Phrenapates Showdown, because they pulled out every fucking stop for the grand finish of Story Arc #1.
When a gacha game’s story arc manages to pull off gameplay-story integration far beyond what games with thousands of staff and hundreds of millions of dollars in budget across a 5-7 year dev time don’t even consider doing, because that would involve giving a shit about your gameplay
Blue Archive’s Volume F could be a perfect end to its story, practically, incorporating as it does basically every single last character possible, referencing basically every single event and giving all of its dozens their moments in the sun. I’m glad it isn’t, because more is unbelievably welcome, but as grand endings to years of story go it’s top tier. Even the earliest and seemingly completely irrelevant events like Bunny Chasers On Board pay off here, it’s nuts.
As well as using its standard story format to deliver the plot, the game locked progress behind clearing Nisir’s Summit (all recurring raid bosses active, needing to be worn down by the server), Ark of Atrahasis Conquest (the ‘territory control’ hex grid map event type) and Phrenapates Showdown (server-wide co-op raid event); they ‘used the whole animal’ when it came to using game mechanics and modes for this story, to say nothing of the final trick of Phrenapates Showdown (ROT13 cipher: znxvat lbh gryrcbeg gur fghqragf bhg bs gur rkcybqvat rarzl onfr, naq gura yrggvat lbh hfr gur svany bar erfreirq sbe gur cynlre punenpgre gb fnir Fuvebxb Nygre vafgrnq, lbhefrys, abg ivn phgfprar). I don’t know how well that plays after the events end, but if they’re integrated even in basic form that’d be ideal.
There’s too many great lines to share, too many good moments, payoffs, arc resolutions and advancements and character developments, too many to share. Blue Archive isn’t as philosophical and often isn’t as deep or complex as contemporaries can be, it’s practically meathead at points, but that is also its strength. It’s earnest, often simple, regularly fucking funny and it manages its characters and story threads better than you would expect. It doesn’t fall into the trap of wallowing in the struggles and miseries of its world, but actually does something with and about them.
When the gacha game story arc breaches the GOTY list.
And for a slightly spoilery take: Blue Archive Volume F hits the same notes and has the same anti-nihilistic "life is worth living for its own sake" declaration as Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, only it doesn’t shit the bed in the final hours and devolve into gracelessly yelling it on repeat and beating your head in with it. So yeah, Volume F > Endwalker
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orinthered · 1 year ago
yvxr vqx v whfg guvax gung yvivat jvgu gur erterg bs lbhe cneragf qlvat ol lbhe unaq gurzngvp jbhyq whfg jbex orggre vs vg jnf fbzrguvat fur qvq va gur cnfg engure guna yvxr fbzrguvat fur gung unccraf jura fur ernpurf gurz nsgre xvyyvat 30 thlf naq gurl'er yvxr Qbag Jbag Qnhtugre jr Jnag gb ghea Vagb Onyyf naq Sybg Njnl. yvxr vqx v whfg guvax vg'q or pbby? rira vs lbh erterg lbhe cnfg naq qrpvqr lbh jnag gb erzrql vg gurer'f whfg ab gheavat onpx fbzrgvzrf. rira vs lbh qbag erzrzore qbvat vg. cyhf gurz gheavat vagb onyyf jnf xvaq bs fvyyl naq v guvax gung ure pbzvat gb gur ernyvmngvba gung lrf gurl'ir orra qrnq sbe yvxr 10 lrnef ol abj jbhyq'ir abg bayl znqr zber frafr ohg znqr n orggre zber rzbgvbany fprar. h srry zr
(this is rot13 regarding shadowheart quest spoilers, first part of anon’s ask below)
v rawblrq funqbjurnegf dhrfg ohg gur svany bar jnf xvaqn jrveq gb zr.. jul gur uryy jrer ure cneragf ybpxrq va n pryy sbe yvxr 10 lrnef yvxr vs lbh trg punvarq naq gbegherq sbe n qrpnqr lbh'er tbvat gb qvr Zna. v guvax vg'q or orggre (nf va aneengviryl) vs gurl jrer nyernql qrnq ol gur cbvag lbh ernpu gurz (v qvqag zvaq gung byq yrnx gung fnvq fur gbegherq gurz gb qrngu). v guvax vg'q whfg znxr zber frafr?? cyhf jul qb gurl ghea vagb onyyf bs yvtug. gurerf nyernql nabgure "xvyy lbhe cnerag gb or eryrnfrq sebz n rivy phefr" cybg va gur tnzr. bgure guna gung v guvax vg ebpxrq. v gubhtug funef nccrnenapr va gur raq jnf xvaqn tbbsl. yvxr ure ibvpr whfg fbhaqrq tbbsl. yby
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glitchbitchwritingblog · 1 year ago
Introducing some of my Skyrim Ocs!
Name: Verona the Brute
Personality: Serious and rather stoic,no nonsense person. Usually focused on her quests,quiet.
Backstory: Verona was born in the small town of Rorikstead to a couple of Travelling Merchants. The first 10 years of her life involved moving from place to place constantly. Her mother taught her to read a write,while her father taught her tricks of the trade. When she was 11,her mother died in a bandit raid and her father was seriously injured,Verona herself was kidnapped by the bandits after being knocked out trying to defend her unconscious father. The Bandit leader,a man known as Joric the Cruel,forcibly made Verona his Apprentice of sorts. He found her Spiteful and stubborn attitude interesting. He lived up to his name,though there were moments where some softness showed through. The first year Verona lived with the bandits,beatings were often and swift,After each one Joric would tend to her wounds and speak softly,almost fatherly,to her. He would often call her his little Sabre Cat/Kitten for short. Verona was taught how to fight by the bandits and they tried to raise her to be one of them. Life with them was hard,and often Verona missed her family,but she learned quickly running away was not an option. 
When Verona turned 14,she had her period for the first time,one of the bandits,a woman named Svani, helped her clean up and explained what was happened. The woman also explained that now that Verona Had bled,that she would be considered a woman and that the men in the camp and in the rest of the world would try to make her their wife,mistress,or simply bed her,and that some men would not take no as an answer. Svani gave Verona a dagger and told her to use it to cut the throat of any man that tried to,but that if the man was stronger than her and disarmed her,to close her eyes and relax her body so as to avoid unneccassary pain or even death. By that Age Verona Had grown to have a shapely figure,and as Svani had warned,many of the men in the camp began to try and get her in their beds. Joric was one of those men.
When Verona was 15,Joric bedded her. She knew if she rejected his advances for too long,he would no doubt force himself on her anyway,so she gave into his advances. He was experienced in bedroom affairs and her first time was one where he used every trick he knew. He would take her again and again,sometimes he would take her multiple times a night. Physically it felt great,but mentally Verona hated every second. This would continue until she was 17,when she noticed she had missed multiple periods. She had been impregnated by a man she hated more than anything. When she told Joric, he was
...overjoyed to say the least. Boasting later that night how he had bred her good. He would then propose marriage to Verona,and she knew better than to turn him down. He kidnapped a preist of Mara and they were wed. He released the preist of Mara but luckily Verona was able to have the man smuggle a note to the guards in the nearby hold of Whiterun. Verona would give birth to a Little boy who would be named after his father 3 months later. She loved her son,she did,but she struggled to show it and to bond with him. She feared that the rest of her life would involve having baby after baby and having no choice but to watch them be raised into banditry. 
A month after her son was born,3 Companions,Villas,Farkas,and Aela would raid the bandit hideout and kill nearly all of the bandits,Joric being one of them much to the releif of Verona. Vilkas was the one to found her and her son,and that would be the one and only time he would see her cry. She was releived to finally be free of the bandits who had taken so much from her. 
She and her son,whose name she changed to Kond, were brought back to Whiterun where she was given a bath,hot meal,some clothes,and was tended to by the temple priestess. Hulda let her sleep at the Tavern for free until she could find a job or get in contact with any family.
It took a year but on her 18th Birthday she found her father and moved in with him. He had searched for her for many years and wept when he saw and learned of the life she was made to live after being kidnapped all those years ago. He doted on his grandson and spared no expense on making up for lost time. 
Five years later,Verona was now 23,her father would pass away. He left her 2 homes,one in the forests of Falkreath and One inside the walls of Whiterun. He Also left her plenty of gold,enough so that she would never have to work. She chose to move back to Whiterun and hired a nanny,3 guards,a cook,a Maid,and 2 tutors for her son as she decided to join the Companions. While she had lived w her father,she wasn't idle. She practiced and learned how to fight,how to wield a 2 handed battle axe with ease and move in heavy armor. She Had taken bounties and killed endless amounts of bandits and other creatures,and she was good at what she did. 
She was permitted to join and proved to be good at her job,she was merciless to bandits of any kind,often over doing it when it came to making them dead. 
When she turned 27,she was asked to get the dragonstone for the court wizard. She did and then helped fell the dragon that attacked the tower. There she found out she was Dragonborn,and was made Thane of Whiterun. She found Tally after she decided to take just a couple weeks to wander around after such news,and found Kaidan and Lucien after hearing about a guy kidnapped by thalmor and about a man looking to adventure. Now she's on her way to become the best dragonborn she can be.
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jalopeura · 6 days ago
finished the veilguard at 89.2 hours played!
spoilers for the end - not relating to plot, more game design: rot13 zl oebgure va gur znxre gur jubyr svany frdhrapr bs gur tnzr jnf snagnfgvp, RKNPGYL gur jnl crbcyr unq ubcrq gur raq bs vadhvfvgvba jbhyq tb va grezf bs tngurevat nyyvrf naq znxvat qrpvfvbaf jvgu lbhe pbzcnvbaf
i have lots and lots of 'old dragon age fan yells at clouds' type gripes about the game but i did also very much enjoy it and the final act definitely pulled it all together for me. a pretty good game
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rukbat3 · 3 months ago
Babylon 5 Rewatch - Babylon Squared
I could have sworn I'd posted this one already, but I can't find it in the tag, so here goes!
This is a post I originally wrote several years ago for Mark Oshiro’s Mark Watches blog. I don’t really plan to edit them before posting, so there may be some references that don’t make sense. If you see words that look like gibberish, they are actually rot13, which was our way of discussing spoilers. There are plugins you can install to decode the text (Cryptext is the one I use), or you can copy/paste to rot13.com, or just ignore it.
EEEEEEEEE!!!! We’re finally here! I think this is one of the episodes I have most been looking forward to Mark getting to. It’s also one of my favorites of the series (although there are many, so I’m not sure that’s saying as much as it seems). One of the things I really love about it is the way it both “solves” a mystery and sets up another, bigger one at the same time.
So, Babylon 4 is back! Briefly, at least, before being PULLED THROUGH TIME again to some unknown destination! I feel like this episode is really the first one that opens up the show to give us a glimpse of just how big a story we could be getting. (Sinclair is not the One—but someone who looks very much like an older version of him is? What does it all mean?!)
This episode also has one of my very favorite guest characters—Zathras. He’s so endearingly odd (and quotable!), and I’m super glad that “the One” arrives at the the end to presumably rescue him.
[season 3] Mnguenf fnlf va guvf rcvfbqr: "Jr yvir sbe gur Bar. Jr jbhyq qvr sbe gur Bar." Guvf vf gur svefg gvzr jr urne jung jr jvyy riraghnyyl yrnea vf gur zbggb bs gur Enatref, naq vs jr erzrzorerq vg ol gung gvzr, vg jbhyq, creuncf, tvir hf n uvag!
[whole series] Gur raqvat erirny gung vg jnf Byqre Fvapynve vafvqr gur fcnprfhvg nyy nybat—be jnf vg?—vf vagrerfgvat sebz n ovt cvpgher crefcrpgvir. V urneq fbzrjurer gung va WZF'f bevtvany cyna, gur svany wbhearl bs Onolyba Sbhe onpx guebhtu gvzr naq gur erirny bs Fvapynve nf Inyra jbhyq unir bppheerq va gur frevrf svanyr, naq Fvapynve jbhyq unir ntrq anghenyyl gb gung cbvag. WZF'f fbyhgvba gb gur ceboyrz bs rkcynvavat gur byq-ntr znxrhc vf cerggl vatravbhf, rfcrpvnyyl nf vg tvirf uvz na rkphfr gb shysvyy Vinabin'f erdhrfg gung arkg gvzr fur trgf gb tb juvyr Vinabin fgnlf oruvaq. Vg qbrf znxr zr jbaqre, gubhtu, ng jung cbvag gur qrpvfvba jnf znqr abg gb unir Zvpunry B'Uner erghea. Bar jbhyq guvax gurl zvtug unir unq na vaxyvat ng guvf cbvag, fb V jbaqre jul WZF qvqa'g punatr gur fprar.
Moving on to Delenn’s storyline, we see that her desire to spend more time studying the humans (and perhaps her dislike of leaving a job half finished) has now caused a rift between her and and the rest of the Grey Council. You’d think if they were ready to make her the leader of the whole thing, they might trust her judgement a bit more? But I guess the very idea that she could turn down such a great honor is enough to call the rest of her judgement into question. Regardless, this seems like something that could have repercussions in the future. We’ll see!
[season 4] Bar bs gur Pbhapvy zrzoref nfxf Qryraa vs fur vf shyyl njner bs gur pbafrdhraprf bs gheavat qbja gur bssre gb yrnq gur Terl Pbhapvy. Fur fnlf fur vf, ohg fur vf jebat. V jbaqre vs fur jbhyq unir punatrq ure zvaq vs fur unq xabja gung guvf zbzrag jbhyq riraghnyyl yrnq gb gur oernxvat bs gur Pbhapvy, naq gura gb n pvivy jne? V zrna, pyrneyl va gur ybat grez guvatf ghearq bhg bxnl, ohg vg'f engure uneqre gb frr gung jura lbh'er va gur zvqqyr bs vg.
[season 1] Jul qbrf gur sevraqyl Terl Pbhapvy Zvaonev tvir Qryraa gur gevyhzvanel? Vg qbrfa'g frrz yvxr ur vf njner bs nal fcrpvsvp ernfba jul fur zvtug arrq vg. Naq eryngrq, jung jbhyq Qryraa unir qbar vs ur unqa'g fhqqrayl unq gur oevtug vqrn gb tvir vg gb ure? (Naq jul qbrf fur gel gb ghea vg qbja?)
Favorite scene: How can I pick just one? No, seriously, I can’t. This episode contains so many moments which are iconic for me. However, there are two scenes I love which I haven’t talked about yet, both combining my favorite elements of humor and friendship, so I guess I’ll mention them here.
The first is the very first scene of the episode, where we see Sinclair, Garibaldi, and Ivanova sharing breakfast together. Or rather, Sinclair and Garibaldi get some breakfast. Ivanova not so much! :p (Okay, I’m sure she gets to eat after we cut away.) In addition to being hilarious, I love that they all know each other so well that this is clearly a Thing They Do. Although, I’m still not sure how Sinclair and Garibldi knew to be prepared with empty dishes right there underneath the table! Also, it seems unfair that Garibaldi should be the only one to get the blame when Sinclair was in it up to his neck! :D
[season 3] Fvapynve zragvbaf va guvf fprar, nf ur qbrf va n pbhcyr bs bgure cynprf guebhtubhg gur frnfba, uvf onpxtebhaq univat orra envfrq ol Wrfhvgf. Yby, WZF, lbh fb farnxl! ;) Guvf vf rknpgyl gur xvaq bs guvat juvpu fyvcf evtug cnfg lbh gur svefg gvzr, ohg juvpu vf fb svggvat bapr lbh pbzr onpx naq jngpu jvgu gur xabjyrqtr bs jung vf gb pbzr. <3
The second scene is the conversation Sinclair and Garibaldi have while they’re on their way to Babylon 4. It’s so delightfully random. But seriously, guys. You knew how long this trip was going to take. Bring a book!
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dulcedanielle · 2 years ago
Still Life by Leonardo Svani
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fantastickkay · 8 months ago
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Album Review of the Week: Veronique Medrano - MexiAmericana (2023)
Veronique Medrano has been on the cutting edge of tejano music for a few years now. 2023 saw her 4th self produced album, recorded in Corpus Christi and San Antonio - a true Texas tejana. This is certainly her most ambitious and cohesive work to date! This album embraces her roots of duality between Mexican and American cultures. Between tradicional mĂșsica mexicana and americana country.
The album opens with Crying, which had been released a few years prior as a stand-alone single. It is a bilingual version of the classic Roy Orbison ballad. The instrumentation is very country, so the addition of Spanish lyrics does well to introduce this album whose purpose is to bridge the gap. This track also has some of her best vocal work!
Mezcal María was released just about a year prior and it is one of the coolest songs out there! Blew my mind when it first came out and still gets me going to this day. It is just full of energy and sass - I love the ay, ay, ay mås mezcal then ay, ay, ay, ay NO MÁS and of course ¿oyé, qué día es?? (what day is it?). It's just such an instant classic Latin party song!
Pam Pam Pam keeps the energy going with a pulsating drum beat. The chorus always reminds me of Selena's No Debes Jugar as well, I would be curious to know if this was one of the tracks that Svani Quintanilla (Selena's nephew) produced - who worked with her, among other popular tejano producers.
Hay Otro En Tu Lugar brings in the classic accordion sound, that I just happen to love. I have only known tejano music for about 7 years now, but there is something about that accordion that feels like home just the same. This is definitely a track fit for the "washing machine" cumbia dance move, just maybe a bit more slow motion than a classic cumbia track, but hip swiveling all the same!
ÂĄQue Hueva! perfectly marries country and tejano vibes in a scathing response to the overturn of Roe v. Wade. I personally cannot understand all of the lyrics, but the attitude is definitely there! I do believe I heard a pendejo at the end there.
Dear Dorothy is pure country. While I do not appreciate country all that much, I can definitely appreciate a sassy female led diatribe, which can often be found in country music. This track, paired with the last 2, is a great example of Medrano's vocal versatility as we go from Spanish to a country-accented English track.
Wasted Days is now an English track that perfectly marries tejano and country. The instrumentation screams tejano while the vocals are the country-accent.
Running on Empty seems to be today's working class anthem. Trying to fit 25 hours worth of tasks into a 24 hour day. While I sometimes find the vocals to be a bit abrasive only due to the mixing of the track, it is still a fantastic song and I love the little bridge where everything slows down for a bit.
Que Suerte Tienes has much darker instrumentation and more of a bilingual touch than the other tracks thus far. This one dips in to rock even! A very cool track, if I do say so myself.
Get To Heaven is a dreamy ballad. Personally, it's bit boring for me but I do appreciate the sentiment and why it belongs.
Our closing track, Lost & Found, brings in some reggae action. While this is still a ballad, the instrumentation keeps it interesting!
Overall, while I do think that the vocals could be mixed back a bit on most tracks, this is a really really great album from Medrano and I cannot wait for her to really blow up! Keep on truckin!
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francyfan-bukowsky · 10 months ago
era tutta matta
ti amo, disse lei,
e sputo' nella ciotola di
la mise nel
e disse:
puoi mangiarla piĂč tardi
per cena!
poi svani'
come un turbine
fuori dalla porta
in un trambusto frusciante di vesti
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Da: Cena a sbafo
Charles BukđŸ–€wski
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bitchoftruth · 11 months ago
Thank you very much for your thoughts. I largely agree with your perspective and thoughts on the novel. I'll put my spoilery thoughts in Rot13:
V nyfb sbhaq zlfrys dhvgr hapbzsbegnoyr jvgu gur frkhny haqregbarf orgjrra Zngfhevxn naq Envpuv'f eryngvbafuvc, rfcrpvnyyl gur yvarf nobhg znfgheongvba naq rkcbfvat bar'f srgvfurf. Ba gur bar unaq, V pna haqrefgnaq gung jr'er rffragvnyyl cynprq vafvqr Envpuv'f urnq, n "zbafgre" jub unf creirefr, ivbyrag snagnfvrf, naq jr ner sbeprq gb ernq gubfr gubhtugf sebz uvf cbvag bs ivrj. Fb V pna haqrefgnaq jul vg'f jevggra gur jnl vg vf, ohg gung qbrfa'g znxr vg nal yrff pbzsbegnoyr gb ernq. Ba gur bgure unaq, qrfcvgr univat gubfr snagnfvrf, Envpuv qbrfa'g ernyyl gnxr nqinagntr bs Zngfhevxn sbe gur zbfg cneg, ur znvayl fcraqf gvzr znxvat ure oryvrir gung vg'f bxnl sbe ure gb rkvfg gur jnl fur vf, juvpu vf nqzvggrqyl avpr.
V erfcrpg gur pbzzragnel ba zragny vyyarff naq ubj crbcyr fhssrevat sebz guvf pbaqvgvba qrfreir gb or gerngrq, naq V svaq gur birenyy fgbel gb or uvtuyl rzcngurgvp gbjneqf fhpu crbcyr, juvpu V ernyyl nccerpvngr.
V'yy ersenva sebz pbzzragvat ba gur svany cneg bs gur fgbel, nf lbh unira'g svavfurq gur abiry lrg, ohg V jnf xvaqn 'zru' ba gur jnl gur fgbel raqrq.
thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'll admit bc of my low level of jp I tended to be unsure with a lot of those elements of the story and whether they are "as bad" as they seemed and combined with not knowing anyone else who read it to disscuss with, I didn't want to condemn that strongly without feeling like I have all the facts.
Though even when written uncomfortably on purpose I feel those scenes already were inherently "wrong" enough that they didn't need to be dressed up in sexual metaphors imo
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mitchipedia · 1 year ago
I’m thinking about “Level 7,” an apocalyptic 1959 novel that had quite an impact on me when I read it as a boy 📚h
”Level 7,” by a Ukrainian-born Israeli writer named Mordecai Roshwald, is written in the first person by a modern soldier whose name was taken away from him by the state, and is now designated only as X-127. He lives in an underground military complex, and his sole job is the push the buttons that launch the missiles in the event of nuclear war. X-127’s nation, and that nation’s enemy, are intentionally left unidentified.
The residents‘ lives are regimented and standardized, with the people reduced to little more than machines themselves. And yet I found X-127’s little world fascinating, and weirdly appealing.
Next paragraph is a spoiler—cut-and-paste it into Rot-13.com to read:
Va gur zvqqyr bs gur abiry, gur rarzl angvbaf unir gurve ahpyrne jne, naq rirelobql ba gur fhesnpr vf xvyyrq. Gura gur ahpyrne ernpgbe gung cbjref gur haqretebhaq pbzcyrk ortvaf gb yrnx enqvngvba, naq gur erfvqragf ortva gb qvr bar ol bar. K-127 vf gur ynfg fheivibe, naq ur qvrf ng gur raq bs gur abiry, fpenjyvat gur svany jbeqf vagb uvf wbheany. Gung ohttrq zr jura V jnf n obl—vs gur ynfg zna ba Rnegu vf qrnq, jub’f ernqvat guvf svefg-crefba obbx. Vaqrrq, V yrnea abj gung guvf cbvag obgurerq Ebfujnyq, gbb; gur bevtvany abiry unq na nccraqvk fhccbfrqyl jevggra ol Znegvna nepurbybtvfgf jub pnzr gb Rnegu naq sbhaq gur znahfpevcg.
Roshwald emigrated to America and died in Maryland in 2015.
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luposolitario00 · 2 years ago
“Tu faje comme vuĂł tu e a me me piace accussĂŹ pecchĂ©
Jesse a murĂ­ pe’ttĂ© dimane si tu vuĂł
Ma tu nn”o facisse pe’mmĂ© mentre i’ ‘o facesse pe’ttĂ©
PecchĂ© muresse pe’ttĂ© pure si nun vuĂł.”
Questa canzone vuole far capire che,per il proprio amore si Ăš disposti a far di tutto,mille pazzie,e che l'altro riesce a tirar fuori il meglio del proprio partner,anche se non si sa di averne!
"staij rrenn e t facess chiu e na fot' i momenti belli,come i sorrisi del proprio amore
..sono unici,ed ù bello ricordarli attraverso foto.
lo per te non sono mai esistit" perchĂš per te,oltre a te stess* non esisteva nessun'altr"
Ci fecimo una promessa ma subito svani...
lo e te non siamo fatti per un "NOI", ma tu sei fatt* per me,perché mi fai sia male che bene.
Pur sta vot,m puort e n'arij e po me faje care
'nderr,pchĂš t piac e nun
me fa capi niente, ma
chesta vot,bast.
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grs-motors · 2 years ago
Lease Vans Bad Credit: Stress-Free Van Buying Guide For All Drivers
Though most people do not enjoy the process of shopping for a van, having a new van is fun. If you want to take the mystery out of getting a new van, it's important to do all the research you can. Start by going over the ideas in the following paragraphs and you can get going into this process well prepared. Go to our website for detailed information about lease vans bad credit.
When sitting at the bargaining table, take the time to negotiate the price of the van before talking about your trade-in. Doing this will help you get the best price on both vehicles. To do this effectively do not discuss trade-ins until after you have settled on a price of the new vehicle.
Don't forget to calculate ownership costs when selecting a new vehicle. That bargain priced SUV might not be such a good deal if it means you will be spending twice the amount you used to on gasoline to drive it. The same goes for sporty racing style vans or models favored by van thieves that both can come with increased insurance rates.
Search for your new van online before you ever visit a dealership. Searching online allows you to look at inventory from multiple dealerships, and it makes you privy to information about online only pricing. This is a great way to comparison shop and really make sure you are getting the best deal.
Before buying a van, consider the cost of insurance. If you are financing the van, you will probably need comprehensive coverage, in addition to liability protection. Some vans cost significantly more to insure than others. Avoid any surprises by asking your insurance company for a quote before you sign any paperwork.
Once you have found the perfect van, ask for a vehicle history report. A vehicle history report will list any instances that the vehicle has been involved in. If your dealer does not offer this service, you can purchase one yourself online for a nominal fee. This report will help you avoid purchasing a van that has been in a wreck.
Test a van by renting the same make and model. This will give you a chance to spend some time driving the vehicle. Take the van and your family on a road trip. This will allow you to be comfortable with it before spending the money on it.
Be firm in what extras you want. Almost every salesperson is going to at least attempt to "upsell" you in an effort to get a bigger sale. Don't let them pressure you into the next model up or features you don't need. If they claim not to have the model you are looking for in stock, only the "better" one, ask if they can locate one at another dealer.
There is no denying how svany the van buying process can sometimes be. As long as you're willing to learn about the process of buying and selling automobiles, you will be prepared enough to get a great deal on a solid van. Each tip you've just read will help you to get along in the process.
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