#Sure Louis was all about trying to get Sharon to put out
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carryonlikewedidbefore · 2 years ago
Thinking about the fact that in every version of Grease, the Pink Ladies all have personalities and interests that make them individual, while the T-Birds are kind of 'The Leader' and 'The Rest of Them'.
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allwaswell16 · 3 months ago
[4 pics, 4 quotes, 4 iconic 1D fics]
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Iconic fics by...
- haztobegood -
NailedByLouis: Don’t worry, I cleaned up the mess
Before Harry types out a response, Louis sends another. This time it is a picture. A selfie of Louis licking the blue frosting from his fingers. It is so suggestive, nearly pornographic, the way Louis is staring straight into the camera. Harry drops his phone on his face.
“Ow,” Harry whines as he picks up his phone and looks again. Did Louis intend for that picture to look like that? It’s a much clearer selfie than the one posted publicly. Harry notices a few tattoos on Louis’ wrist, the sharp line of his jaw, his piercing blue stare. Everything about the flirty picture turns Harry on. Blood rushes south as unbidden visions come to mind of what else those fingers, or that tongue, could do to him. He shifts around on his bed, surprised to realize he is getting hard from just one selfie. Harry’s heart races and his palms are damp as he types.
harrysizzles: I’m not sure anything about that is clean
NailedByLouis: Maybe next time you should be here to help me clean up ;)
Harry’s eyes turn dark as he challenges Louis with a fierce glare. It’d be incredibly intimidating if it wasn’t so damn hot. “I told you not to do that.”
“Whoops,” Louis huffs out a laugh. “I forgot.” It’s not like he regrets tossing the mic and he’s sure his fans loved it, too.
“The mics are fragile and I don’t know if I’ll be able to find replacements easily if one of them were to break, especially once we are in the Midwest. You need to be more careful with the equipment. Don’t make me have to remind you again.”
“Right,” Louis clears his throat. He really needs to get railed if this talking-to is all that he needs to bring him to his knees. Louis aims for feigned nonchalance, hoping his indifference will push Harry’s buttons the way Harry’s warnings are getting to him. He smiles at Harry sweetly, and taps him lightly on the chest twice as he says, “Well, I’ll try to remember next time.”
“Well, I’m sure Harold would look stunning in a wedding dress someday.” Louis laughs lightly.
Louis' joking tone doesn't ease the sting of the four people laughing at Harry's expense, especially when the thought of wearing a dress hits a little too close to home for Harry. To deflect from further comments about brides and dresses, Harry swats at Louis’ arm. Louis grabs his hand and holds it tight to prevent any further attacks. Unexpectedly, he twines their fingers together at their sides. “You’re right Aunt Sharon,” Louis grins devilishly, “I should put a ring on him so no one else can scoop him up.”
Everyone in the room laughs. Everyone except Harry. He might have found it all funny, if he didn’t want so badly for it to be true. It’s unnerving how spending just a few hours around Louis has made him feel more intense crush and desire to be with him. And all the while, Louis has seen it as a joke. To him it’s a strange situation of helping his friend's little brother to get out of an awkward situation. But to Harry, it had started to feel like so much more.
He should have never agreed to Niall’s suggestion. He should have turned Louis away the moment he’d opened his door.
By Niall’s third drink he has thrown subtlety out the window. He leans his elbow on the table nonchalantly and asks, “So, Louis, are you planning on showing Harry the Royal Jewels tonight?”
Louis laughs loudly, caught off guard by the brazen question.
“Hey!” Harry whines in protest. He gives Niall’s shoulder a teasing push in retaliation. “I’m not that easy. I require at least one date before I put out.”
Harry winks at Louis. Louis breath catches in his throat, laughter cut short by Harry’s coy response.
Answers below...
Nailed By Louis
It had started as a joke, just two months earlier. Louis had tried to make recipe from HarrySizzles Instagram account. It looked doable: no strange ingredients, no scary kitchen machinery. Just a simple layered lettuce salad. The result had been catastrophic. His friends had laughed so hard at the disgusting appearance of his salad, and after a few drinks, Louis had been convinced to start his own Instagram to track his food failures.
More Than a Mic Drop
“You dropped the mic last night.”
“Oh, yeah. I did.” Louis gives a little shrug. He tucks his hands into the pockets of his baggy grey sweatpants.
“That was really careless.” His tone is very stern, unlike his usual bubbly and helpful voice when he suggests Louis try singing a chorus for the third time as he adjusts the sound mix again. Harry levels him a serious look and suddenly the room feels too hot. “You could have broken the mic and we don’t have a lot of spares.”
Not Another Lonely Christmas
Harry should be more nervous that he’s bringing a literal stranger to meet his extended family, but he figures it can’t be much more awkward than Aunt Sharon’s Christmas parties usually are. Instead, he’s looking forward to having an extra person to buffer the conversation.
A knock comes one minute after eleven. He lets out the breath and opens the door. “Hi there— Louis?!”
Or, the one where the friend Niall sets up as Harry's fake boyfriend turns out to be Gemma's best friend Louis
The Prince and The YouTuber
The Annual Rosendal Spring Gala hosted by the Royal Family is the most prestigious fundraiser in the country. When a problem with the honorary foundation arises, Crown Prince Louis Tomlinson must pick a new worthy foundation on short notice. He discovers the perfect replacement in an unlikely place, while watching his favorite YouTuber, Harrysparkles.
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tricksters-captain · 4 years ago
Bucky Barnes Imagines - Some Sunny Day Part 3
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Summary: Before the Blip, you and Bucky were close. After you both returning and Tony’s funeral, you decided to go back to your home town to spend time with your family. When duty calls, you return.  
In this chapter: After finding Sharon in Madripoor, you learn about the creator of the soldier serum (Based on S1 EP3)
(PART 1) (PART 2)
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Sam Wilson x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 3,457
Warnings: Spoilers for episode 3, violence, strong language.
Once you arrived at Sharon’s you were itching to get out of the costume Zemo cooked up for you. 
“Looks like breaking all those laws is treating you well.” Sam gawked at Sharon’s place which was full of art work and collectables. 
“I thought if I had to hustle, might as well enjoy the life of a real hustler. You know how much I’ll get for a real Monet?” Sharon shrugged as she lead you through her gallery. 
“Easy...Deactivate your hustle mode. You sell fake Monets.” Sam didn’t believe her as he stared at the artwork. 
“No. She means real. This gallery is specialized in stolen artwork. Monet. Van Gogh. Classics.” Zemo defended Sharon as he followed her.
“It’s true. You know, half the artwork in museums like the Louvre is fake. Real stuff sits in places like this.” Bucky informed Sam. 
“Okay, guys, I see what you’re doing. You’re more worldly than good old Sam.” Sam pulled out his phone and started searching a nearby paining. 
“Yeah. What’s Google say?” Bucky teased him for it. 
“No shit.” Sam muttered as the realisation hit him. 
“You guys need to change. I’m hosting clients in an hour.” Sharon beckoned you along to which you were silently thankful for. 
Sharon was kind enough to let you look through her vast collection of clothes until you picked out something you liked. 
“Hey... You okay?” You asked softly. 
You and Bucky were alone with your backs to each other as you changed in one of Sharon’s many rooms.
“I’m fine.” Bucky replied quietly. 
You knew he wouldn’t be fine after having to act like the winter soldier again. You watched him at that bar. He didn’t hold back when he attacked those men. 
“Buck, you know you can’t lie to me.” You tried to keep it light but Bucky wasn’t having it. 
“I’m not.” 
You didn’t push.
“Hey, will you zip me up?” You asked after stepping into your dress. You didn’t turn but you could hear Bucky’s footsteps as he approached you. 
You felt the cold of his fingers brush against your back as he slowly zipped up the dress. 
You turned when the zip reached the top. 
“Thanks.” You whispered. 
Bucky’s eyes were burning through you as he admired your choice of dress. 
“You look beautiful.” Bucky murmured, his eyes taking in every detail. 
“You scrub up quite nicely yourself.” You smiled as you admired Bucky in the suit Sharon had given him. You couldn’t deny the butterflies in your stomach as you thought about a possible normal circumstance Bucky could wear something like this. Like a date. 
“Come on.” Bucky took your hand and lead you to the door that would take you back to the others. 
“It’s alright. I’m gonna sort my hair out. Running through Low-town didn’t exactly do it any favours.” You retracted your hand and returned to the mirror. Bucky hesitated didn’t question you. 
“What’s going on with you and Bucky?” Sharon’s voice filled the room as you  heard the door open again. “Thought the two of you’d be together by now.”
“We’re coworkers. We’ve always been coworkers.” You were wary of Sharon’s new found attitude.
“Oh please. You two have wanted to jump each others bones the whole time I've known you.” Sharon rolled her eyes at you as she slump down on the love seat beside you.
You remained silent as you brushed through your hair. 
“Oh come on.” Sharon rolled her eyes. “You two have never?” 
“No.” You said almost too quickly. 
“Well it’s only a matter of time. I don’t know why you are dragging it out so long.” Sharon sighed dramatically as she picked at the fabric on the settee. 
“I don’t know why everyone is so invested in mine and Bucky’s relationship.” You spun around to face her. “You. Sam. Steve. You all poke and prod but you don’t take into consideration all the factors.”
“No you don’t take into consideration that there’s only so much time before one day you’re shot or killed or you have to go on the run and never see him again. You need to grow some balls, (y/n).” Sharon didn't bother sticking around after that. 
You groaned and closed your eyes. 
When you finally decided to rejoin the group, they were discussing Sharon’s status in Madripoor.
“What’s going on, Sharon? You don’t ever wanna come back home?” Sam asked as he put on a shirt. 
“They’ll lock me up if I step foot back in the States. Madripoor doesn’t allow extradition.” Sharon replied pretty matter-of-factly as she walked over to her desk. 
“Look, I’m sorry I didn’t call, but after the Blip and the chaos, I just––” Sharon cut Sam off before he could explain himself. 
“––Look, you know the whole hero thing is a joke, right? The way you gave up that shield, deep down, you must know it’s all hypocrisy. 
“He knows. And not so deep down.” Zemo felt the need to jump in. 
“By the way, how is the new Cap?” Sharon asked.
“Don’t get me started.”Bucky grumbled.
“Please. You buy into all that stars and stripes bullshit. Before you were his pet psychopath, you were Mr. America! Cap’s best friend.” Sharon smirked as she sat down beside Bucky.
“Wow. She’s kind of awful now.” Bucky said as he looked over at you.
“Karli Morgenthau and at least seven others have taken the serum.” You took the initiative to change the topic back to the reason you were here in the first place. 
“You guys really should steer clear of all of this for your own safety.”Sharon warned you as she shook her head. 
“We know it’s a risk, but we won’t leave until we find the one who cracked the code.” Sam took the chair beside Sharon as he spoke. 
“We got a name. Wilfred Nagel.” Bucky told her. 
“Nagel works for the Power Broker.” Sharon informed you as she stood to pour herself a drink. 
“We need your help, Sharon. I can get your name cleared.” Sam offered. 
“You haggling with my life?” Sharon smirked again.
“Not like that.” Sam shook his head. 
“I don’t buy that. You pretending like you can clear my name.” Sharon leant back against her bar. 
“Okay, maybe it is hypocrisy. Maybe you’re right. What happened to you. But I’m willing to try if you are. They cleared the bionic staring machine, and he killed almost everybody he’s met.” Sam approached her with his good old puppy dog eyes. 
“I heard that.” Bucky frowned, unimpressed by Sam’s use of example. 
“I don’t trust charity.” Sharon sighed. 
“All right, a deal then. You help us out, and I get your name cleared.” Sam offered his hand. 
“Well, I sell to some pretty connected people. Lay low, blend in, enjoy the party. Try to stay outta trouble. I’ll see what I can find.” Sharon took the deal. 
The party seemed to suddenly start. 
Within minutes the whole place was jam packed. Music suffocated the space and the smell of sweat and alcohol was growing.
You stayed in between Sam and Bucky as you walked single file through the gathering. You reached back and linked fingers with Bucky’s to make sure you didn’t get parted in the crowd. 
As the bar came into view, you felt a hand grab your ass. 
“Hey!” Bucky took hold of the stranger and slammed him against the nearest wall. Holding him by the throat. 
Sam was there to diffuse the situation in a second. He placed a. hand on Bucky’s shoulder to pull him away. 
“Lay low remember.” Sam repeated what Sharon had told everyone over the blaring music. 
Bucky released the creep and stepped back. 
That gave you enough space to send your own punch. The man cried out, sliding down the wall and cradling his gushing nose. 
“Looks like she does not need help.” Zemo chimed in. 
You all left the guy without drawing too much attention to yourselves. 
The music wasn’t exactly your taste and you knew that it definitely wasn’t Bucky's but that didn’t stop you from taking him away from Sam and Zemo. 
“What are you doing?” Bucky asked you. 
“Got a bit boring just standing there, no?” You smirked. 
“You can’t expect me to dance to this, can you?” Bucky grimaced at the pulsing beat that classified as music. 
“You can try.” You smirked as you brought yourself closer to the man. 
You moved your body to the music, smiling widely him as he awkwardly tried to sway to it. 
“I thought you were a good dancer?!” You teased Bucky as you watched him. 
“I was!” Bucky defended himself. “When the music was Louis Armstrong and Glenn Miller!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at the man before wrapping your arm around his neck. 
“You gotta move a bit more like this.” You tried to show him, taking his hand and placing it on your hip. 
Bucky was starting to look a little less like a grandpa as he got into the groove of it. 
His eyes were locked on you, a small smile on his lips. He looked undeniably handsome. 
“I think you’re getting it.” You leant up by his ear to tell him. 
“Well, we can’t look any worse than Zemo.” Bucky pointed through the crowd where Zemo was dancing. 
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You burst into laughter at the sight of the war criminal dancing and buried your face into Bucky’s neck. Bucky laughed next to your ear. It was a rare genuine sound that sent tingles through your head. 
“Come on.. Let’s get some water.” You left the dance floor and rejoined Sam by the bar where he had started to speak to some other guests.
Sharon approached you a little while later with some good news and so you all immediately left the party. 
“Madripoor could give New York a run for its money.” Sam stated as you arrived at the location of Nagel. 
“They know how to party.” Zemo agreed. 
You followed Sharon through the shipping container yard as she searched for the right one.
“With that bounty on your head, the longer you’re in Madripoor, the less likely you’re ever leaving.” Sharon stopped and pointed over to a red container. “All right. He’s in there. Container four-two-six-one. I’ll watch while you guys talk to Nagel. But hurry. We’re on borrowed time.”
“You want me to stick around out here with you in case you run into trouble?” You asked her as you all took an ear piece. 
“I’ll be alright. I’ll call if I need any back up.” Sharon dismissed your offer before walking away. 
You all entered the container cautiously before Sam contacted Sharon. 
“Hey, Sharon. You sure this is the right one? It’s completely empty.” He was right. To the eye, it was empty. 
“Positive. It has to be.” Sharon replied. 
You shared a look between Sam and Bucky as Zemo felt around the. back of the container. 
Suddenly, it shifted and a hidden door opened. 
Soft music played from below along with a muffled voice. 
It has to be Nagel. 
Sam, Bucky and you all went in armed. 
You silently negotiated between each other which urged Sam to go ahead and cut the music. Nagel spun around at the intrusion. 
“Dr. Nagel?” Sam inquired. 
“Who are you? What do you want?” The man wasn’t intimidating and didn't seem to have any weapons around him but you had learnt in the past not to underestimate your opponent.
“We know you created the super-soldier serum.” Sam informed him. 
“Get out of my lab.” Nagel demanded pretty boldly considering Sam was the one with the gun. 
“Hey! You know who he is, right?” Sam asked as he caught the shocked look on Nagel’s face at the sight of Bucky.  This is Baron Zemo. I know you’ve heard of him, too, right? You seem like a pretty smart guy. So you better become conversational real quick.”
“How about a counter proposal? Make me a better offer and I’ll talk.”Nagel smirked. 
“Guys, we have company.” Sharon’s voice whispered through the ear piece. “Every bounty hunter in the city is here. We gotta go.” 
“I’ll go up.” You lowered your gun from Nagel and went to turn when Sam stopped you. 
“No, we might need you.” Sam meant he might need your powers. 
“But...” You gestured to your ear. 
“She didn’t ask for back up.” Sam argued. 
You sighed but listened to Sam. 
Bucky moved Nagel over to a chair. He held his gun to the man’s temple. 
“Here’s your counter offer.” Bucky shot next to Nagel’s head which worked wonders to make him talk. 
“Okay. Okay. I was brought into HYDRA’s Winter Soldier program to pick up their work after the five failed test subjects in Siberia. When HYDRA fell, I was recruited by the CIA. They had blood samples from an American test subject with semi-stable traces of serum in his system. After much labor, I was able to isolate the necessary compounds in his blood. I was a god. I did what no other scientist since Erskine was able to do. But mine was going to be different. No clunky machines or jacked up bodies. Mine was going to be subtle, optimized, perfect.”
“How have we never heard about this?” You asked, your eyes flicking over at Sam. 
“Because… Before I was able to complete my work, I turned to dust. Then when I returned, it was five years later, program had been abandoned, so I came here. The Power Broker was more than happy to fund the recreation of my work.” Nagel explained. 
“How many vials did you make?” Sam asked. 
“Twenty. Karli Morgenthau stole those, so I can only imagine what the Power Broker has planned for that poor girl.” 
“Where’s Karli now?”You stepped forward, rolling up your sleeve as a warning.
“I don’t know where she is. But a couple of days ago, she called and asked if I could help someone named Donya Madani. Poor woman has tuberculosis. Typical of overpopulation in displacement camps like that.” You took a mental note of the name Nagel mentioned. 
“Well, what happened to her?” You pushed
“Not my pig. Not my farm.” Nagel shrugged. 
You looked back at Sam with a look asking if you should check if he's telling the truth but Sam shook his head. 
“Is there any serum in this lab?” Bucky asked. 
Nagel sent Bucky a deep glare but Bucky’s gun brought forth the answer. 
“Now what?” Bucky asked you and Sam. 
“Guys, we’re seriously outta time here.” Sharon bursted in, looking a little battered. 
All of a sudden, Zemo pulled a gun out and shot Nagel. 
“No!” Sam cried out
You lunged forward and reached for the man’s arm. If you could catch his final moments of life leaving his body you could still get the memories but as you hand touched his skin all you saw was darkness. 
You screamed as you went blind. 
You felt a pair of hands pull you up from the ground to which you could only assume was Bucky. 
“What did you do?!” Sharon gasped at Zemo’s action. 
“I can’t see, Buck.” You felt your whole body go limp in his arms as you muttered those final words before you passed out. 
When you felt your eyes open again, you were out of the container. Gun shots were muffled in your eyes as you heard Bucky and Sam arguing. 
You were covered in dust and you didn’t have your gun. 
“Where’s my gun?” You asked. That’s when the boys realised you were awake. 
You only managed to crawl over to Bucky to take it from him and start to fire. 
Your aim was off from how exhausted you were but the adrenaline was there enough for you to get a good few shots in. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked you as the firing stopped. Zemo was busy taking out the remaining bodies so it gave you time to sit back again. 
“Not really.” You shook your head. Your body felt cold and darkness still clouded the corners of your vision. It’s what happened when you tried to get the memories from a dead body, all you could see and feel is death. Your powers only worked on living people or people close to death. 
“Come on.” Bucky lifted you up, tucking his arm underneath you to keep you steady on your feet. 
You only lasted being half dragged/half running before Bucky picked you up. You hated being carried but this was a life or death situation. 
“Buck!” Sam shouted as some more bounty hunters appeared. Bucky put you down and you fell against the container door as he used a broken off pipe to fight them off. 
“Let’s go!” Sam tugged you both inside.
Bucky kicked open the back of the container so you could escape, only for you to be met by Zemo in a swanky getaway car. 
“Supercharged.” Zemo gestured to his ride. 
“You’re going back to jail.” Sam told Zemo. 
“Do you want to find Karli or not?” Zemo asked. 
“He’s right. We need him.” You tried to speak but your throat was hoarse. 
“And there’s only three of us, and at least 20 of them.” Bucky added. 
“Fine. But if you try that shit again...” Sam warned him. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” Zemo stated. Not that he was to be trusted. 
Sam helped you into the back seat. There was concern painted across his face. 
“Well, that was one hell of a reunion.” Sharon sighed as she placed her hands on the car. 
“Come back to the States with us.” Sam tried to persuade her. 
“I can’t. Just get me that pardon you promised me.” Sharon reminded him of the deal they made. 
“Thanks for everything.” Sam nodded. “You’re not gonna move your seat up, are you?”
“No.” Bucky shook his head. 
You laughed weakly as you remembered the same conversation back when Steve was still around. 
Back on Zemo’s plane, you took a position on the small couch with Bucky. You were resting your eyes but trying to stay awake as you listened to the boys talk. 
“Donya Madani. She’s a refugee, yeah.” Sam had contacted Torres about the woman Nagel had mentioned. “Call me if you get a hit. --- Thanks, Torres.”
“You okay?” Bucky asked Sam as Sam slouched down.  
“Yeah. Just thinking about all the shit Sharon had to go through. And Nagel referring to the American test subject like Isaiah wasn’t even a real person. Just makes me wonder how many people have to get steamrolled to make way for this hunk of metal.”
“Well, it depends on who you ask. That hunk of metal saved a lot of lives.” Bucky looked up from cleaning his hand. 
“Yeah, I get that. All right. Maybe I made a mistake.” Sam confessed. 
“You did.” Bucky agreed with that statement and so did you but you kept your eyes closed. 
“Yeah. Maybe I shouldn’t have put it in a museum. Maybe I should have destroyed it.” Sam didn’t say what you expected. 
“Look, that shield represents a lotta things to a lotta people, including me. The world is upside down, and we need a new Cap, and it ain’t gonna be Walker. So before you destroy it, I’ll take it from him myself.” Bucky turned to face Sam as he spoke. You felt the couch shift.
Sam then got a call with the information on Madani. 
“They found Madani… Dead. She died in Riga, a city near the Baltic Sea.”
“I have a place we can go. I, for one, am looking forward to coming face to face with Karli. Oeznik, we’re changing the course.” Zemo’s voice was the last thing you remembered before waking up at landing. 
“Hey sleepy head.” Bucky whispered quietly. He’d rather be caught dead than let Sam hear him say that. 
“Have we landed?” You asked as you rubbed your eyes. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded. “Come on.” 
It didn’t take too long to get to Zemo’s place but when you did, Bucky decided to break away. 
“I’m gonna go on a walk.” Bucky announced before you entered the building. 
“You good?” Sam asked. 
“Yeah.” Bucky nodded as he stepped away. 
“Be careful.” You warned him. 
You knew Bucky needed his space sometime but now wasn’t the best time for him to just be wandering the streets. Especially if Walker clocks on it was you three that broke Zemo out of prison. 
“Always.” Bucky winked at you before finally leaving. 
But that was a bad feeling in your gut. 
(PART 4)
Bucky Barnes Tag List
@florencxs @mystictimetravelcolor @yourphotographyteen16@shannon-posts @darkbluenovember @sexwithhiddlesbatch@thefandomimagines @mydarkness-itsnotmyfriend @sad-huffle-nerd @glitchingghosts @themaddies-obx @avenging-parker @delilahsdaydream​ @felicityofbakerstreet​ @purplewcrld​ @opheliaaaa​
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hide-in-imagination · 5 years ago
Kaleidoscope Of Views // an excerpt of the Gary is her father AU
Because an anon asked me to write everyone’s reactions to finding out Gary is Ámbar’s father, and because Taylor Swift’s folklore album fed my inspiration. 
I dedicate this oneshot to the anon who wrote me, obviously, and to my friend @theuniversezecho because she loves dissecting every line on my fics and I feel like she’ll have fun with this one doing just that. 
Nico was there for it all.
His uncle’s presence had always had some kind of double effect on him. On one side, it made him want to avoid him as much as possible, but on the other, it kept him hyper-aware of everything he did when he was near. Maybe all of it could be summarized in apprehension. In wanting to be ready for whatever he did.
That’s how, when his uncle started talking with a woman he had never seen before, with an expression he had never seen in him either, Nico almost by instinct gravitated toward the scene, keeping a distance but completely tuned in to the conversation.
He hadn’t even noticed Ámbar was in the middle of it until it became evident. He couldn’t believe his ears and eyes as everything unfolded. It was like a scene taken out of a soap opera. It didn’t seem real, but the dawning, heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach was disturbingly real.
Ámbar left the Roller as if her life depended on it. Nico could only imagine what it must have felt like for her. Maybe it really was like she’d collapse onto herself if she stayed there a second longer.
The woman— Silvana, her mom— tried to go after her, but his uncle grabbed her before she could get far.
“You have a lot of explaining to do,” he told her.
Silvana didn’t look like she wanted to talk. She told him as much, that it wasn’t the time, but his uncle roared at that.
“The time passed eighteen years ago, I’m not waiting any longer!”
Silvana looked around then, and her eyes met Nico’s for a fleeting instant.
“Not here,” he heard her say.
His uncle all but dragged her outside after that.
Around the Roller, conversations resumed— or maybe they never stopped— and everything was as usual again. Normal. Calm.
As if nothing had happened.
Pedro noticed Nico had stopped working.
That wasn’t unusual, unfortunately. His friend wasn’t a bum, don’t take him wrong, but he did have a tendency of getting distracted. It could be over anything— a pretty girl, a notification on his phone, a song beginning to play through the speakers of the Roller making him go ‘Bro, this is my jam!’
So, when Pedro saw him standing in the middle of the Roller staring at nothing in particular, he didn’t think any of it at first. He just walked up to him, intending to snap him out of it as always and get him back to work.
When he reached him though, two things became instantly apparent.
One, he hadn’t been staring at nothing as Pedro had thought. The appearance of a wandering, unfocused gaze was just a cover, an attempt at hiding the fact he was actually quite focused on something.  
Two, the scene he was witnessing, and now, in turn, Pedro as well, was very important.
He could tell by the tension between the three, by the tones of their voices and their body language, even before he heard the words that actually changed everything.
Ámbar ran out of there, Gary and the woman quickly followed, and Pedro could do nothing more than stare agape.
He turned to his friend. “Nico?”
Nico looked positively shocked.  
“Did… Did that really just happen?” He asked, meeting Pedro’s gaze. “You heard it too, right? Right? It’s not just me, I’m not hallucinating, right?”
“No, I heard it too,” he confirmed. It was really crazy though. Gary? Ámbar’s father? “Did you know any of this?”
“No! I had no idea!” Nico snapped, distressed. “Oh my god…”
Nico ran a hand through his hair and paced, his face scrunching more and more in confusion.
“So, Ámbar is my cousin? But- But she’s Luna’s cousin. Does this make Luna my cousin too? I- What the fuck is going on?!”
“Okay, slow down, slow down,” Pedro said, placing calming hands on his shoulders. “First of all, there’s no real blood relation between Ámbar and Luna so, no, technically Luna’s not your cousin. Ámbar though... yeah, it appears she is.”
“But- how?! How could we not know any of this before?!”
“Judging by the looks of it, it was a very complicated situation,” Pedro said. It was all he could say, really. Nothing was very clear; not even to those involved, apparently. “Now that I think about it though,” he commented after a pause, “you’re both blond and have fair eyes. It does make kind of sense.”
“You have fair eyes too!” Nico countered. The ‘you idiot’ at the end was implicit. “Are you my lost cousin as well?!”
“Lost cousin?”
Both boys turned to find Simón looking at them with an amused expression.
“What did I miss?” He chuckled.
Pedro and Nico looked at each other.
This was going to be a hard one to explain.
People could say anything they wanted about her, but Jazmín Carvajal was talented.
Perhaps not at studies, or at board games, or at videogames, or at cooking, or at chores, or at swimming— but who cared about any of that? Her talent was better than all of that together, it was the Louis Vuitton of talents. And no, she wasn’t talking about her impeccable fashion sense or enviable good looks. Although, she had been born with both. But whatever, her other talent was still better than those.
Now, people would probably wonder: Jazmín, what could possibly be better than having a great fashion sense? Well, at first, she had thought so too. But then she realized that there was something even better:
Being in the right place at the right time for gossip.
Whether it was arriving at just the right time to see new couples form, or at just the right time to hear juicy secrets, Jazmín had a talent for being there.
And this? This was the juiciest secret to ever juice.
Gary was Ámbar’s father? And her biological mother was not only also in the picture but she was way prettier than Sharon. Now she understood where Ámbar had gotten her beauty from— with those parents there was no way to be anything less than gorgeous. She had to admit, she was a little jealous. But then she remembered she was Jazmín, the Roller’s second prettiest, owner of Ja-Jazmín, and luckiest girl in the world because this news was going to be a HIT.
Right when the Sol Benson drama was starting to subside, life gifted her with this pure gold scoop. Her talent really was the best. Even Delfi, her best friend and biggest competition in the media world, hadn’t been there to see it due to a Uni class. No one had, except Jazmín. If you asked her, it was a divine sign that this was her calling. Being a star/influencer was her destiny.  
Sadly, by the time she realized what was going down, most of it had already been said. She was a little slow at pulling out her tablet discreetly, so she only got to film Ámbar’s storm out and the tense exchange between Gary and Silvana before they left as well. But whatever, she’d just recount the rest. Storytelling was her specialty after all.
Once the coast was clear, Jazmín stood rapidly and walked out of the Roller. Normally, she’d record in the lockers, but she didn’t want anyone to overhear her and find out about everything before she could post her video.
She found a quiet place next to some trees, lifted her tablet and began filming.
“Guys, you will not believe what just happened.”
 Simón could not believe his ears.
Ámbar knew her biological mother? She had never mentioned that. He thought she didn’t know who her real parents were. Well, no, at the time they all thought she was Sol Benson, but then that had turned out to be a lie. When had Ámbar met her real mom? It couldn’t have been in Cancún, unless the woman followed her all the way here. Maybe it had happened shortly after they came back.
Silvana— that’s what the guys had said her name was. They’d also said that, apparently, Ámbar didn’t get along with her at all. That made sense. If the woman had appeared out of nowhere after 18 years of absence— years in which she had to live with Sharon— Ámbar had valid reasons to be resentful.
Simón wondered how it must’ve been for her to see her for the first time. To finally be able to put a face to the empty space.
Then the guys finished their recounting and he didn’t have to wonder anymore. He could picture it better than he wanted to.  
“She ran out.”
“It was too much.”
“She was very upset. I honestly had never seen her like that.”  
Simón had.
He had seen her sad, had seen her lost, had seen her trying to act strong with tears in her eyes.
If it had been like that or worse…
Simón found himself wishing he had been there. But for what? What would he have done? Run after her? He didn’t do that anymore. They weren’t like that anymore.
Wanting to be by her side was almost nostalgic, except the feeling was too wrapped in barbed wire to be remotely nice.
(And could it really be nostalgic if it had only been two months? If he still had flashbacks in dreams? If he hated himself for seeing her sometimes and not hating her as much as he wanted to?)
Simón got back to work along with the guys. But as he delivered orders or wiped tables, the image of Ámbar remained in his mind; sad, lost and broken as those times before, but this time alone. It came with the anxious thought that, if he wanted to, he could find her. He knew he could. If he just walked out that door, he’d know where to find her.
But he stayed where he was, because he had promised himself not to go near her again.
She probably wanted to be alone anyway. She’d want to pull herself together before having to face anyone again. She had a lot to think, a lot to come to terms with— surely the calm of solitude would help with that. And even if she wanted someone… it surely wasn’t him.
And so, the minutes ticked by. He wouldn’t be able to say exactly how many, but it had been a while when Gary returned.
Simón saw him immediately, but he didn’t notice him. He was by himself. His conversation with Ámbar’s mom must have ended and she left. Would she come back another day to see Ámbar? Simón wasn’t sure if he wanted that or not.  
His thoughts, though, focused on the one that was there. Gary. Gary López. The new representative of Vidia and manager of the Roller. The creator and manager of the Red Sharks. Ámbar probably had a good image of him due to that, before. Then she’d had to watch that image corrode into the man that should’ve but was never there.
Simón knew Gary was arrogant and selfish. He had swayed Vidia into dropping the music business because he wanted to pursue rollerskating instead. He had dismantled their skating team for deeming them not good enough and forbidden them from using the rink. All of that he’d done it without the slightest empathy.
But one thing was to be a business obsessive man willing to push everyone aside in order to get what he wanted, and another very different one was to be the kind of man capable of causing an irreparable damage to a person that was his responsibility and carry on with his life as if it was nothing.  
If Simón didn’t like Gary before, now he hated him.
“Nico,” Gary called the instant he spotted his nephew. “Come here.”  
Nico left the table he had been cleaning and went to his side obediently. Simón stood close to them, watchful.  
“Yes, uncle?”
“Ámbar’s not picking up her phone and I need to find her, any idea where she could’ve gone?”
“Um, I don’t know. Her house, maybe?”
Gary pulled out his phone. “Send me the address.”
Nico pulled out his own phone and began searching for it.
Simón moved towards them.
“Nico, don’t.”
Both turned to him as Simón stood next to Nico and put a hand on top of his phone, pushing it down. “Don’t give him anything.”
Gary glared at him. “Who told you this was your call? Mind your own business,” he spat.  
“If Ámbar’s not answering your calls then she doesn’t want to talk to you,” Simón reasoned firmly.
“Well, I need to speak with her, I’m not asking for your opinion.” He turned to his nephew. “Nico.”
Nico looked nervous at the threat in his voice, but Simón kept his hand stubbornly over his phone. He stood in front of Gary and stared him down.
“Do you even realize how hard this must be for her?” He said indignantly. “Have some empathy and give her some space—”
“The one who doesn’t understand anything is you!” Gary roared, taking Simón by surprise, but he managed not to back down one centimeter. “I didn’t know any of this, I didn’t even know I had a daughter walking around somewhere— So don’t come telling me to have some empathy because the only one who knows exactly what she’s feeling right now is me!”
Simón was left as if in pause.
He hadn’t been expecting the outburst. No; that wasn’t exactly right. Gary was known for being short-tempered. He could be calm and then screaming at some poor soul the next second. Simón had been prepared to stand his ground against that.
But, the thing was, those outbursts were always based on anger, on annoyance. And while this one had much of that too, there was an emotionality, a raw anguish in his eyes and voice that Simón had never seen or expected to see in Gary.
And so, against all logic and all he thought he knew, Simón found himself forced to accept what was in front of him.
He does care.
Gary seemed to realize his slip. He squared his shoulders and lifted his chin, straightening the scarf over his chest. Simón recognized the gesture, the physical display of putting his guard back up. His heart skipped when he realized from where.
Ámbar does the same.
“She needs to know I had no idea,” Gary stated, serene now but with the same firmness of steel. “So, Nico,” he said turning to him again, “hurry up.”
Simón saw Nico glance at him out of the corner of his eye. A question.
Simón lowered his hand.
Nico lifted his phone and typed on it for a while. He looked at his uncle and said, “Sent.” Gary checked his phone and turned to leave.
“I don’t think she’ll be at her house.”
Gary stopped in his tracks and turned. Simón met his gaze.
“Check the park around the corner. That’s where she used to go when she was upset.”
Gary didn’t say ‘thank you’, but the feeling was there in the one courteous nod he gave him before heading out.
Simón watched him go, clenched fists and anxious heart.
He hoped he had done the right thing.
Luna, Nina, Jim and Yam had just finished P.E class, their last class of the day, when they found out about everything through Jazmín’s video.
Luna had been the last one to finish changing from her gym clothes back to regular ones. When she walked out of the dressing rooms, she saw all her friends were already on the schoolyard and hurried towards them.
“Sorry I’m late, I’m ready now,” she said as she reached them. “What are you watching?”
They were all glued together looking at something in Jim’s phone. They turned to her and there was an expression in their faces Luna couldn’t pinpoint.
“Luna, you need to see this,” Nina said, at the same time as Jim passed her the phone.
“What is it?” Luna frowned, receiving it. It was open on a video in Jazmín’s channel. All girls gravitated toward her as Luna tapped ‘play’, watching it along with her over her shoulders.
At first, it was just Jazmín’s typical blabbering, but as the video went on Luna’s eyes widened, and by the time it ended, she was totally agape.
“What?” She uttered, blinking rapidly as if the video she just watched would disappear from the screen and prove to be a figment of her imagination. “Wait, wait, wait, wait, is this real? Gary is Ámbar’s dad?”
“Well, there’s not much video of the moment but, why would Jazmín lie about something like this?” Nina reasoned, who also looked taken aback.
“Yeah, I mean, Jazmín may want to make her channel popular but, she wouldn’t just make up something like this to achieve that,” Yam said.
“Yeah, Jazmín is not a liar,” Jim agreed, “so we can only assume she’s saying the truth.”
“Wow…” Luna murmured. It was the only thing she was capable of saying.
“‘Wow’ is cutting it short,” Nina said. “Statistically speaking, this is something near impossible. I mean- Gary didn’t get here because of Ámbar, he came because Vidia hired him and he happened to get interested in the skating business. If none of that had happened, he and Ámbar would never even have crossed paths. This is like— less likely than getting struck by lightning.”
“And if Ámbar’s mom hadn’t appeared and Gary hadn’t recognized her, they never would’ve even known either,” Jim added, just as surprised as the rest.
“The worst part is that, if we look at their actions, it makes sense that they’re related,” Yam reflected. “I mean, Ámbar has done nothing but harm the Roller lately, and in the short time Gary’s been here he’s done exactly the same. Except worse because he’s the manager and therefore he can do whatever he likes.”
“You think they’ll join forces against us?” Nina asked worriedly.
Luna shook her head.
“No, no, no, stop. You’re getting way ahead of yourselves,” she reproached. “Ámbar just found out that he’s her father— Do you really think she even cares about the Roller or us right now? Finding out about something like this is very shocking. Didn’t you see how she ran away? She must be very upset.”
The girls looked shamefaced.  
“Yeah, you’re right,” Jim said. “It must be very tough.”
“Yes,” Yam expelled reluctantly. “Although it’s a little hard for me to feel sorry for her after all she’s done.”
After some coaxing from Luna, the girls continued with their daily routine of dropping off their bags and then meeting again at the Roller as usual.
As Luna walked home though, she thought that nothing was ‘as usual’ anymore. Her whole life had changed in the last couple of months, and now things kept changing around her at a dizzying speed.
Luna didn’t want more things to change. She wanted some sense of normalcy back into her life, like the warm feeling of happiness and belonging that washed over her whenever she was with Simón.
The Roller team didn’t exist anymore, they weren’t allowed to skate in the rink she loved so much, her given name was Sol Benson which meant everything was different and her biological parents were long gone… She didn’t know how she would be dealing with all of it if it wasn’t for Simón accompanying her all summer, the unconditional love of her parents, the grandpa she didn’t know she had, and the girls, who were always there for her.
Now Ámbar knew who her real parents were too, but, unlike hers, Ámbar’s were alive, which meant she actually had to face them.  
And, unlike her, Ámbar didn’t have that many people around.
Well, it’s her own fault, a little voice protested in her head, but Luna couldn’t help but feeling sympathy for her. After all, she knew very well what it felt like to uncover your past, and no matter what bad things she had done, no one deserved to be alone during a time like that.
She could only hope that the Red Sharks would act as a support for her, although she doubted it with the kind of people they were. Ramiro perhaps would want to help, although he and Ámbar were never really close.
Luna was the one farthest from Ámbar, they always had been, but at the same time, she had moments in which she felt like they were the ones who could get the other the most. At least on some level. If only they could understand each other… but Ámbar had never wanted to get along with her.
Luna sighed, half from tiredness and half from frustration.  
She was gonna try to be nice to Ámbar during this time— like she always had, to be fair— but if Ámbar kept pushing everyone away, there was nothing she could do.
 Juliana looked at her watch and back at the three teenagers in front of her.
“Still no news from Ámbar?”
Benicio lowered his phone from his ear. “She’s not picking up.”
“Something must have happened,” Ramiro said. “Ámbar has never been the kind to skip training sessions, and she’s always on time.”  
“Well, what do we do?” Emilia asked. “Do we train without her?”
Juliana looked at her watch again, seeming troubled. She was probably thinking of how to adjust steps that required couples to just three people. For Ramiro it wasn’t an issue because he was paired up with Emilia, so he was more worried about why Ámbar hadn’t appeared than about the training session.
Ramiro looked to the side and saw Simón standing near the entrance of the rink.
“Can I speak with you?” He asked.
With a slight frown, Juliana nodded. “Yeah, sure.” She turned to the trio. “Try contacting her one last time,” she told them and walked toward Simón.
“As if I hadn’t sent her a bunch of messages already,” Emilia said with a roll of her eyes, but she unlocked her phone anyway.
Ramiro focused his gaze on Juliana and Simón. He couldn’t hear what they were saying from he was standing and Juliana’s back was to him, but he could see Simón’s face and he looked serious as he spoke. Juliana must have asked something because Simón shook his head no. He looked somewhat... unhappy? No. Worried, maybe. Ramiro wondered what it could be about.
It was over as soon as he formed that thought though. Simón walked away from the rink and Juliana returned to their side.
“Ámbar is not gonna come today.”
“What? Why?” Benicio asked, voicing Ramiro’s thoughts.
“I don’t know, but she’ll tell us whenever she comes back,” Juliana replied. Ramiro frowned. If that’s what they had talked about, why didn’t Simón tell her? “In the meantime, today we’ll—”
“I think I know why.”
Everyone turned to Emilia. She tapped on her phone and positioned herself so everyone could see the screen. Juliana protested at first, claiming they were already behind in their training and it wasn’t the time to watch silly videos, but then, as Jazmín’s tale went on, even she was left speechless.
The video came to an end and there was a collective silence. Ramiro felt it as one of those moments during skating when you connected with your partner on a level so instinctual that you almost became one mind. At this moment, they were all processing the same.
Benicio was the first one to react.
“I gotta go see her.”
He attempted to skate away, but Juliana stopped him immediately with a hand on his chest.
“You will do nothing of the sort, you’re staying right here,” she declared firmly. “All of you.”
“But Juliana,” Emilia said, looking bothered, “this is…”
“I know,” Juliana said, more softly now. “And I’m sure Ámbar is going through a lot right now, so if really you want to help her, give her time to process all of this. Okay?”
Ramiro understood the logic of what Juliana was saying, and if Benicio’s and Emilia’s deflated stances said anything, they understood it as well. And Ámbar was not his friend by any means or even someone he had talked to that much. But…
“Does she have to process it alone?” He had to ask.
Juliana looked at him.
“This kind of news?  …Yes.”
That afternoon, Juliana put them up to do individual training. Ramiro loved perfecting himself so it was an almost ideal outcome for him, but even though he tried to focus wholeheartedly on his footwork, his thoughts kept jumping back to Ámbar intermittently.
Like- First they had convinced her that she was Sol Benson when in reality it was Luna –that alone was enough to merit an existential crisis— and now she had to deal with this? If Ramiro had to deal with a life like that then, fuck, he’d be burning things down too.
He had said that he didn’t care about his Red Sharks teammates, only about their skating abilities and the chances the team had at succeeding and making it big. His friends were the Roller guys, even if they were mad at him, and that wasn’t going to change. But maybe he’d make an exception.
After all, Ámbar had been part of the Roller Team once too. And from the look of things… She was gonna need a friend.
 The instant the video ended, Delfi was already marking Pedro on her phone.
“Hello, my l—"
“Is it true?” She fired instantly.
“What is?”
She could perfectly picture his frown of confusion but she had no time for it.
“Is Gary Ámbar’s dad?” She quickly clarified.
“Wh- How do you know about that?!” He asked, stunned.
“So it is true!” She replied agape. “Oh my god!”
She was speed-walking through her campus, meaning to take a cab the moment she was outside. She had to go to the Roller asap.
“Delfi, seriously, how did you find out? I thought you were in class.”
“Jazmín made a video about it and posted it on Ja-Jazmín.”
“What? I didn’t even see her there. Oh god.”
“How is Ámbar? Is she there?”
“No, she never came back. Gary either. Her mother even less, she looked like she didn’t want to be near Gary for another second.”
“Wow… I can’t believe all of this, it’s so crazy. I mean, what are the odds that precisely her biological father would be put in charge of the very place she had frequented all her life AND the new skating team she is now part of? This is insane.”
“Tell me about it. Nico is freaking out.”
“Oh my god, Nico! Right, this makes them cousins! Wow…” She finally got to the street and turned her gaze to the traffic. “Now that I think about it, they do look quite alike.”
“I said the same thing!” Pedro jumped, maybe a little too excited, but it warmed Delfi too that they had thought the same. “At least genetically it adds up.”
“Was anyone else there when it happened?”
“Only Simón. Although he didn’t see it first-hand, Nico and I told him.”
Delfi told him to hold as she climbed into the cab and gave the driver the destination.
“And what was his reaction?” she asked once she was settled. “I mean, I know he’s still mad at Ámbar for what happened, but he did have a thing for her at one point…”
Pedro sighed. “I think that thing you mention may not be as in the past as we thought,” he said worriedly.  
She frowned. “Why do you say so?”
“You should’ve seen how he confronted Gary when he returned asking for Ámbar’s address. He blatantly told him to leave her alone and have some empathy.”
“Oh wow. Was Gary mad?”
“Super mad. He yelled at him, told him he had no idea what it was like and that he had no right to meddle. Simón had no other choice but to let him be.”
Delfi sighed, staring out the window as the streets passed and blurred together.
“Yeah, I think the only ones who really know what it feels like are Ámbar and Gary.” The rest of them could imagine it but… No, scratch that, she couldn’t imagine it.
“You know Ámbar is not my friend anymore,” she continued. “And truthfully, I’m happy it is that way, but… I don’t know, I think this whole thing is awful. I hope she and Gary can talk and figure things out. I hope he’ll be nice to her. Although, it’s very unlikely because Gary it’s a brute. I mean, neither of them are very good people but… I still hope they can clear things up, get along, bond… It’d be awful if Gary denied her. Or if he ran away; she doesn’t deserve that. I mean, sure, Ámbar it’s no innocent flower but, as much pain as she’s caused, I don’t want Gary to treat her badly…” She paused, going over her own words. “…Is it silly of me to think that?” She asked, feeling unsure.
There was a small silence before he answered.
“No. It just goes to show the amazing, beautiful girl you are.”
Delfi could hear the smile in his voice, see the tenderness written in his expression as clear as if he were with her, and it made a thousand butterflies flutter in her stomach.
She smiled warmly. “You are the amazing one. The best boyfriend any girl could ask for.” She looked out the window again. “I’ll be there in a couple minutes, talk to you there?”  
“I’ll have an apple juice ready for when you arrive.”
God, could he be any sweeter?
“Thank you. See you soon. I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Delfi put her phone back into her bag and let out a long sigh.
Yeah, she was quite content with her life right now. She wouldn’t change it for the world.
 When Matteo arrived at the Roller after some long classes at University, he had been hoping for some peace. Studying Business Administration wasn’t as boring as he had feared, made even more bearable each time he imagined himself owning his own record company. The classes could be very tedious though, and the amount of information his teachers could shoot his way in one hour and a half was as impressive as it was tiring.
Matteo wanted to relax, but just walking into the cafeteria, he realized that wouldn’t be possible.
Tension hung heavy in the air as everyone was gathered talking about something. Matteo heard them mention Ámbar and Gary and he immediately prepared himself for the worse.
“What happened?” He asked as he joined the group.
“You didn’t see Jazmín’s video?” Yam asked.
He frowned. “No, I haven’t seen anything, why?”
There seemed to be a silent conversation between everyone. Luna looked at Simón. He didn’t seem happy, but he sighed and made a gesture as if saying ‘go ahead.’ Matteo felt the usual jab of jealousy he got each time he watched them together, but he pushed it down. He was more worried about what Gary and Ámbar could’ve done this time.
He expected to hear some new, unfair prohibition, like they couldn’t be in the Roller for more than two hours at a time or something.
He did not expect what they actually told him.
“What?” He looked at everyone, searching for signs that they were messing with him. “Are you serious? Gary?”  
“Yeah, we couldn’t believe it either,” Pedro said.
“I still can’t believe it,” said Nico. “I mean- Ámbar is my cousin. This is so weird.”
It was weird. It was very weird indeed. Just with Luna turning out to be Sol Benson, Matteo thought he had met his quota of coincidences for the rest of his life. Apparently not.  
He was still getting his head around everything Nico and Pedro had told him when, suddenly, many voices rose at once.
“Where have you been?”
“We called you many times!”
Jazmín looked absolutely ecstatic and unconcerned as she entered the Roller and came up to them.  
“I was doing some celebratory shopping!” She said cheerily, showing off the shopping bag in her hand. “What are you doing all gathered like this? Ah, I know, you’re talking about my video, right?” She grinned. “Isn’t it the best? I totally made it in a rush but it’s such a hit, guys. You have no idea how many comments I’m getting. Everyone is so shocked by the news!”
“Jazmín…” Delfi said in a disapproving tone, but she didn’t seem to notice.
“Now tell me, what were your thoughts? I mean, besides the fact I look gorgeous in this outfit,” she said with a flip of her hair. “Do you think Gary will take a paternity test? Many people seem to think so, but I think that with how alike they look it’d be a joke to take one– I mean, how do you deny that?”
Simón’s voice finally stopped her. He stood in front of her and looked at her seriously.
“You need to delete that video right now,” he said in a polite but rigid manner.
Jazmín snorted. “What? Are you crazy? Is my biggest success so far!”
“What you told in that video was something private, not something for everyone to find out about,” he reprimanded. “It wasn’t right for you to upload that.”
Jazmín’s smile finally fell and her posture turned defensive.
“And was it right when she burned down the rink?” She demanded. “Was it right when she gave our choreography to The Sliders? Or when she bought dislikes to my video in the Vidia competition? Guys, it’s Ámbar,” she reminded them, in a tone that suggested it was silly to be even talking about it. “She has done worse things.”  
No one jumped to contradict that and Matteo could understand why. Everyone had been affected by Ámbar in one way or another.
Which is precisely why it was so telling when Luna, the one who had been targeted the most, was the one to intercede on her behalf. She told Jazmín that Simón was right, that even though Ámbar had done bad things, those had nothing to do with what was happening now.
Not a day went by that Matteo wasn’t amazed by how big Luna’s heart was.
Jim was the next one to say she agreed, and it was written in everyone else’s faces that they did as well, even if begrudgingly.
With one last “please” from Simón’s lips, Jazmín finally gave in and deleted the video. She moved to one of the chairs and sat down, sad, holding her shopping bag to her chest as if it was a plush toy. The pout remained on her face even after everyone else carried on with their day.
Unfortunately, it didn’t matter much now if the video was gone. Deleting it was more a nice gesture than anything else considering the ton of views it had. Everyone who knew Ámbar probably knew everything already.
Matteo settled down at one of the tables with an orange juice, and his thoughts went back to their dating days. Ámbar used to love having videos made about them, showing off how perfect they were. Or just about her, to bask in people’s love and attention. To be honest, he couldn’t completely blame Jazmín for not having thought twice when Ámbar used to be like that.
But she was not that Ámbar anymore, just as he was no longer the same.
There was a shift that occurred in the mind of a person that used to live for praise when they realized image was of no help when they needed it most. When they realized they couldn’t get what they truly wanted because they didn’t know how, because in the world of appearances it was never taught how.
Something happened at that moment. Something that Matteo knew very well because he had been through that too.
The visibly defined lines in the world seemed to fade, like a chessboard with no squares, leaving you in doubt of how to move. You had to rebuild your sense of self, but without the polished, beautiful vase of glass that had always been there, water had no shape.
Matteo had slowly found his way thanks to the people around him. His friends had shown him there were other scales to weigh his worth. Luna taught him that not being bound by fixed contours could be a good thing— it allowed new, better things to come in.
Matteo was a slow learner. He still had times when he felt that to lose or win defined if he had worth or not. He lashed out when he felt insecure. He lost Luna for it. But he had a sense now of who he was and what he wanted. He was still like a clay figure made by a kindergartener, but he was getting there.
Ámbar though, seemed to had collapsed without a direction. From the spilled water had risen a storm, still shapeless and chaotic, but strong enough and deathly enough to keep any harm from ever touching her again.
Matteo wondered what she would do now that her past had hit her and her present had changed. Now that everyone knew what was happening, turning her storm into no more than a snow globe, displayed for everyone to see.
Would she become even worse? Like a vengeful hurricane destroying everything in its wake?  
Or would she finally subdue her waves into a less hostile tide and allow someone to try to reach her?
Knowing Ámbar, he feared it would be the first. From his experience, he hoped it would be the second. But if she let someone like Gary in— would that be a good or a bad thing?
After everything Ámbar had done to the Roller and the team, he doubted anyone else would want to get near.  
But maybe…
He looked over to the side and watched Simón as he took the orders from one of the tables.
Maybe the one who tried once would be willing to do it again.
After all, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
Matteo took a long sip of his drink and leaned back in his chair.
Only time would tell.
This was a very fun writing exercise for me. I had to get into a lot of character’s minds and, sometimes, it was like I wasn’t even the one writing anymore. There are some lines here that make me proud, but I feel like I can’t take the credit for them because they came to me almost as if something had possessed me. 
In my experience, though, that’s the best kind of writing. 
I hope you liked this and thank you for reading ♡  — C 
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 5 years ago
I’m Sorry (Part 3)
Summary- You are Michael’s vessel as you are dean’s kid and letting him use you instead of your dad
Dean x daughter!reader
Word count-2,374
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A man sits in a small motel room getting ready to pray. “Glorified be you, all praise is yours, perfect is your name, most high is your majesty and greatness. None has the right to be worshipped but you, the only one God.” he speaks in Arabic placing his knees and hands on the floor, “Glorified be my God, the highest. Glorified be my God, the highest. Glorified be my God, the highest.”
He looks up. In front of him, Michael is sitting on a chair and staring down at him, wearing Y/n’s vessel. He falls back, scared. “Hello, Jamil.” Michael greets “Who are you?” the man quivers “Oh, we’ve never met. But you’ve read all about me. How does it go?” “Whoever is an enemy to Allah, and His angels, and His messengers, and Gabriel and Michael then indeed, Allah is an enemy to the disbelievers.” He declares resting his hands on his knees as his eyes glow blue.
“You’re… God?” Jamil wavers
“Close, but… not quite.” Michael sighs “Gabriel?” he questions “The other one. The better one.” Jamil replied“Michael.” “There we go.” Michael clasps his hands “No, no, no, no. Why are you here?” He asks Michael stands up brushing the invisible dirt off him “Well, that is the question, isn’t it? Why are we here? I know why I’m here to ask you a question.” Jamil wonders “What question? Michael leans in closer “The same question I’ve spent weeks traveling around this world asking all sorts of people. Holy men, leaders, killers. And now I come to you, Jamil Hamed...What do you want?” Jamil stutters “What? “Do you want? Exactly. If you could have anything, name it.” the archangel pressed “Peace. And love.” Jamil answers Michael hums “If you cared about peace, you never would have left Syria. You never would have ran and abandoned your friends to die – and they did die.” “No.” “And if you cared about love, you never would have gone into that broom closet with – What was her name?” Michael continues “No.” Jamil breathes shakily “Darlene? Your wife would have never left and you wouldn’t be living in this... rat hole.” Jamil tries to attack Michael, who throws him on the floor without even moving. “And that’s the problem with you. You’re lost... And not worth saving.” Michael sighs “Wha—what—what do you want?” Jamil cries
“What I always wanted... a better world.”
Survivors from the Apocolypse are preparing their weapons. Mary approaches one of them. “Hi.”
“You got silver. Devil’s trap. Holy Oil.” Russel lists pointing at various bullets as he grabs a gun “And these here, they’re dipped in Dean Man’s blood.” Mary takes the gun and loads it. he continues “Basically, you need some freak dead? I got you.” Mary checks the gun. In front of her, Maggie is helping another survivor with his wounds. “A rawhead did this?” she asks “Yeah. Outside Phoenix. They’re faster than they look,” Howard winces as Maggie extracts a fang from the wound, “Meaner, too.” he said “So, so gross.” Maggie gags
The door creaks open. Trevor walks in. “Soup’s on. Who’s eating?” “Right here.” Howard lifts his good arm up “Yeah, I’ll –” another began just as Sam enters the bunker making his way down the stairs. “Yeah, right here. How about you guys?” Trevor asks Mary looks up to her youngest “Sam.” she smiles pulling him into a hug “Hey, Mom.” “How was Atlanta?” she asks walking with him “It was, uh... It was a bust. The woman who claims she saw an “angel”... was,” he laughs, “Let’s just say I think she had one too many hits of the brown acid, you know?” Mary frowns“Sam, we’re gonna find her. Ketch is working that thing in London. Castiel is in Detroit. I know it’s been three weeks since Y/n...Something will break. It has to.” Sam nods yawning “Yeah. Yeah, you keep saying that.” Mary sighs “Have you slept? At all. Sam, you need to rest. Go and lay down.” trying to convince her son “Mom –” Sam sighs “Chief.” Someone cuts into their conversation “Hey.” Sam gives a weak smile “Good to have you back.” he says handing a bowl of soup. “Thanks.” Sam nods
“Don’t thank me yet. Word is we got some vamps heading East on I-90. Gipsy types. Pickin’ off truckers mostly. Last body got drained and dropped just outside La Crosse six hours ago.” he explains  Sam sighs before talking
“Okay. Um... All right. Get me teams of two. I want watchpoints every 50 miles. If you see something, say something. Maggie, can you hack the traffic cams on the freeway?” he questions
“Um... no,” Maggie says sheepishly
“Right. Right. Of course. Sorry. Um, I got it. Thank you,” Sam says passing the untouched food to Mary “Uh, please. Would you call in Sharon and her crew? We’re gonna need all hands on deck here.” the man nods walking out the war room Sam sits down, starts typing on his laptop. Mary approaches him again.
“Sam..” Mary starts “I’m good,” Sam replies Mary puts a hand on his. Sam looks at her. “I’m good. I am you should be asking Dean that he’s the one with the missing daughter.”Sam says giving her a sad smile  “Hey, how’s Jack?” As devotees are leaving the Church. A couple stops to talk to sister Jo. “You saved me, Sister.” The man thanks “Thank you.” Sister Jo smiles “God bless you.” the woman states “He does, every day.” Sister Jo walking down a dimly light alley, counting the money she made. Suddenly, a flutter of wings “Hey, Jo.” The feminine voice stops her in her tracks. She turns Y/n Winchester but not her. “Who are you?” Jo queried “You don't recognize me with this pretty face?” stated Michael Jo frowned “You're not -- You're not Y/n Winchester. You're,” she trailed off seeing his true form, “oh god.” she inhales sharply
“People keep calling me that.” Jo turned to walk away. “Ah, ah. We need to talk.” Michael tsked “You're the Archangel Michael, from another world, and you're possessing Y/n Winchester.” Jo confirmed
“Sounds more complicated than it is.” Michael shrugged “Why would she ever say “yes” to you?
“Love.” Michael spat walking towards Sister Jo. “Really? That's very Hallmark Channel. So, I'm just gonna go now.” Jo chuckled “No, you're not. Not until I ask you... what do you want?” He remarked
“I don't know. Chanel, Dior, Louis Vuitton.” Jo joked “You think this is a joke?” Jo shook her head “I don't know what this is. You asked I answered. We done?” Michael scoffed “No. I asked, and you lied.” “I didn't.” Jo crossed her arms Michael walks closer to her placing a hand on her cheek. “I know about you, Jo. Because he knew about you. You're the rebel, the angel who doesn't like playing by Heaven's rules or whatever. You pretend to care about these things -- pretty things. But that's all it is -- pretending. These trinkets, they don't make you happy. They just pass the time. They're not what you really want.”
“And if you're so smart, what do I really want?” Jo sassed
“Love,” Michael stated, “To belong, to have a place -- a home, a family. It's very very human of you. And so, so disappointing,” he smirked, “I can sense how many angels are in this world. There aren't many left. I thought... maybe I could help. But if they're all these sad, lost, fallen things -- things like you -- maybe they're not worth saving, either.”
Sam walked out of Nick’s room sighing running a hand down his forehead. his phone goes off seeing it’s Cas he picks up “Hey, Cas.” He greets “Hello, Sam.” A voice answers Sam straighten up at the unfamiliar voice “Who is this?” he demands the voice laughs “Oh. I'm the boy who's got your angel. And if you want to see him again, you know, alive, we should probably chat.”
Sam begins to pack some weapons to rescue Castiel, along with Bobby, Jack, Maggie, and Mary. “It's a trap.” Mary sighed closing up her bag “Yep.” Sam nodded continuing packing
“This guy's a-” bobby asked “Demon.”Sam cut him off as he closed up his bag “He just told you he was a demon?” Jack questioned
Sam nodded “Yeah. He seemed pretty proud of it, too.” Bobby grumbled, “Yeah, they ain't a real humble bunch.” Maggie looked at the group of people “So, what do we do?” Sam loads his gun speaking “We get Cas back. All right, grab holy water, Devil's Trap bullets, angel blades, because whatever we're walking into-”
“It's gonna suck.” Bobby groaned “Exactly. Maggie, you're with Bobby. Mom, you're with me.” Sam continued Jack stood up looking at Sam “I'm coming, too. I know I'm not as strong as I used to be, but... I can help...I have to.” bobby placed a hand on jack’s shoulder “Listen, kid..” “Okay. Grab your gear.” Sam interrupts him Jack smiles at him and hurriedly leaves to prepare. Bobby looks over at Sam shocked “Sam, I mean -- Jack's a worker, but he ain't ready for a full-on demon smackdown.” Sam sighed “So... we keep an eye on him. He needs this, Bobby.”
Kipling grabs a cup of coffee from the bar. Castiel is still chained to the chair, bloody from his previous fight with the demons. “And danke, sweetie.” The demon raises his glass towards the bartender as he sits next to Castiel. “Castiel, you sure I can't get you anything hot and black?” Cas replied, “Coffee has no effect on me.” Kipling shrugged “Hm. Me either.” he takes a sip “You know, not anymore, but it's like saltwater taffy or infants -- you know, I just like the taste.” “Why are you doing this?”
“I'm just trying to be a good host like Mother would have wanted,” Kipling answered
Castiel sighed “No, Why are you using me as bait?” He said shaking the chains around him Kipling looked over at him “I mean, it's kind of what you're for, isn't it? And I need something... from Sam Winchester.”Castiel laughed “You really think that he's gonna make a deal with you?”
“Oh, he's dealt with worse. You see, recently, I had a revelation. You know, somebody asked me what it was that I wanted, and I realized that after 600 years as a demon walking the planet, destroying, drinking, defiling -- you know, the Three D's -- I didn't know. So, I sat back, and I gave it a good think, and I realized exactly what I wanted.” Kipling continued now standing above Cas
“And what is it?”
The Impala speed down the road, followed by another car Sam focuses on the road as Mary is sitting shotgun “Sam, it's gonna be fine.” she tries to reassure him. Sam scoffs “Stop saying that, please.”
“It's gonna be fine,” that everything's gonna be fine, we're gonna find y/n, and..” Sam started thinking about his niece out there with Michael having no clue what he could be doing to her. Mary placed a hand on his shoulder “We are.”
“You don't know that....Y/n's gone, and we have no idea where she is or-or if she's even still alive. You know, Michael could have... burned her out or... worse, and...” He sighed
Mary frowned ”I know. I know she's out there, scared and alone. I know. I know she might never come back. Never think I don't know that. But -- I can't -- I have to think about the good, Sam, because, if I don't, I will drown in the bad. For Dean's sake for his kid, I can't do that. We can't do that.” She answers for the sake of Dean Sam and the rest had left after killing Kipling and most of the demons before heading back. Sam sits at the table, pressing a cold beer to his forehead as he talks on the phone “Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I -- No, I don't care. I -- just keep looking. Yeah. Thanks.” he hangs up sighing another dead end.
“Who was that?” Cas said entering sitting next to Sam “Uh, Ketch. He's in London searching for the Newton-Dee Hyperbolic Pulse Generator.” Sam answers
“The what?” Cas tilts his head in confusion
“It's the -- It's the magic egg that kicked Lucifer out of the President. I thought we could use it on Michael, but -- Ketch can't find it. So, that's another dead end, which is just awesome.” Sam explained sighing
Cas glanced over to his friend “Sam, are you all right?
“Yeah, I've been better. I've been worse. You?” Castiel looked down ashamed “I'm-I'm just sorry. I should never have gone to those demons.” Sam placed a hand on his shoulder “Cass, I -- No, I-I-I don't blame you. I... Honestly, I-I wish I'd have thought of it first. If it meant finding Y/n, I-I'd work with -- I'd do anything. Dean hasn’t been himself since.”
After Cas left Sam headed to his room he turns the light on and leaves his phone on the table. The phone starts vibrating Sam grabs it answering “Hello?”
“Sam?” The voice of Sister Jo calls through 
“Jo?” Sam handed heard from her since Lucifer 
“Yeah. We have a problem.” Jo answered
“Now, you -- you know exactly what you want. You don't pretend to want to help people or save the world. Your want is pure and simple and clean. And that's why you are worth saving. That's why we are going to work so well together. Because you -- you just want to eat.” Michael smiles looking over at the pack of hungry werewolves and vampires.
Dean sits in his room staring at an old photo of him and Y/n it was her 17th birthday they were sitting on impala talking about life when Sam took a photo of them together so happy and pure. A tear lands on the glass as Dean realizes he’s crying, wiping the tears from his face he stares at her face in mid-laugh. The door opening tears Dean from his thoughts.
Sam looks at him with a small smile “Dean we found her.”
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powwidge · 6 years ago
I’m basically uploading this so that @exicio suffers but no one else will understand this but basically this is vanoé from my harry potter au. read at the risk of not understanding it at all. (also look at the tags because of trigger warnings first.)
the song is ‘show me love’ by robin schulz :D
There's a notebook on the table
You can take it to the store
So you won't forget the groceries anymore
The first time Noé had met her, the girl had still looked like a boy. She had worn red chucks which were soon going to be covered in blood, a pair of jeans, a black pullover and her hair, oh, her hair had been the worst Noé had ever seen. Messy, not combed, probably not even washed.
But nevertheless, he had been so happy and so relieved that he wasn't going to be alone for the coming seven years.
Or so he had thought.
Her name was Vanitas and instead of sitting down next to him, she had moved to the end of the table, not wanting to talk to anyone.
Noé had hated her, he really had. She had been strange. Distant and cold, oh so cold.
He had longed for his best friend to just be there for him. But it had been his friend who had screamed. His friend who had died.
His friend whose blood had colored Vanitas' red chucks even darker.
He had died, just like that.
And from then on, the only person at his side had been Vanitas.
The only person who had hugged him after Louis died had been her.
The only girl making him able to feel love again, after his first love had been killed by his own father – that had been her, too.
There's a rifle in the cabinet
That I used to fight a war
But to this day I don't know what I was fighting for
Been fighting for
The first time he had seen a part of the real her was when she wasn't able to cast a simple spell. She had cried, cried and screamed her lungs out because she was afraid of getting beaten up again, like her father had always done.
It had hurt Noé to see her like this, even though he still didn't like her. She had looked broken and lost. But it finally made sense that she was always so distant, that she didn't allow anyone to touch her.
Because the only touches she had ever known were harsh and cold and hateful.
Noé hadn't known better than to put his hands to her shoulders to show her that not everyone would touch her in the way her father had. He had wanted to show her that touches could be gentle and calming and in the end, she had accepted his hands on her shoulders.
The second time he had seen a part of the real her was when she was sitting in a corner of their room, crying again, screaming again, looking so broken and thin that Noé had been afraid to hurt her. But his heart had won over his fear and he had walked over to her to pull her towards him. Slowly of course, so that she could back away if she wanted to.
But she had allowed him to hug her, to hold her in his arms, she had been warm. Her trembling shoulder against his chest had been warm, her head on his shoulder had been warm, her hands had been warm on his back, even when her nails dug slightly into her skin.
She had told him repeatedly that she was ok, but of course he had not believed him.
How was he supposed to believe such a thing when she was shivering in his arms?
Will you
Show me love as we get older
And I'm falling at your feet
After 30 years of service
And one to fit our need
Show me love as we grow colder
Let our love provide the heat
That our older bones are missing
But our hearts will never need
The moment Noé should have realized that he was in love with her was when they had stood below the mistletoe shortly before Christmas.
He had stuttered excuses to not have to kiss her, stuttered nonsense because his heart was racing so much that he thought he was going to die for a moment, racing so much at the simple thought of kissing her.
He had thought that it was because he was embarrassed that he had never kissed someone before; because he was disgusted at that thought.
But he hadn't. He had thought a lot about it later in that night, thought about how it would feel to kiss someone, to truly love someone.
He hadn't noticed the stirring in his heart at the image of Vanitas kissing someone else though, exactly as he hadn't noticed his flushing cheeks when Sharon, Break and Mikhail had started telling them to kiss because that was the tradition.
He should not realize what those feelings meant until quite some time later.
In the same year they had fought two dementors that had suddenly appeared on the school yard. Noé hadn't thought long about what his happiest memory was.
It was Vanitas. Vanitas who was chosen to be his roommate.
The moment he had met her had been incredible. He would only admit to himself later that back then he had already been in love with her.
His patronus had won in an instant. His memory of her, of her in those red chucks, of her with this messy, boyish hair had fought a darkness greater than the night.
There's a blanket on the sofa
That I use to keep you warm
When I find you fast asleep at half past four
The first time he had slept while holding her hand had been when she had gotten drunk. Drunk because of a heartbreak. Drunk because she had had seen her two best friends in the library.
She had quietly whispered to him that he should not let go of her hand, because her mother had always done that.
Noé had assumed that letting go of her hand while she was trying to sleep was some kind of traumatic memory for her. Maybe because her father had then gotten her for practicing spells and beating her up.
So he had stayed with her, the whole night, clinging to her hand himself, hoping that she wouldn't disappear like his parents had and like his best friend, his first love had.
Her hand had been incredibly warm, just like the strand of hair he had stroked out of her face when she had already fallen asleep.
He knew that she was a girl. A normal girl, like everyone else, with the exception that her body didn't match her mind.
In the morning he didn't remember that he had stroked the hair out of her face.
Noé had known that I was a bad idea to visit the mirror which showed your deepest desire.
But still, he wanted to know what his deepest desire was. If it could help him figure things out. But all it did was destroy him, when he saw Louis, standing next to him, holding his hand.
He did not admit to himself what this meant, though.
But when Vanitas had stood in front of the mirror, Noé knew exactly what she was seeing.
Herself. He was sure that she was simply seeing herself in the mirror, with softer skin and a higher voice.
Of course she had broken down, started crying and sobbing, because it broke her to see herself like she could have been, rather than how she ended up looking.
He had hugged her, again, pulled her close again, like in year two. She had been warm again.
She was always warm.
And maybe, maybe she was as warm as Louis, even if Noé didn't understand why.
There's a record we keep turning
That reminds us of our youth
But there's still nothing as beautiful as you
The next time he hugged her, he hated it. He hated everything about the situation with his guts because she didn't deserve it.
She didn't deserve to be mocked for who she was. She didn't deserve to be kicked and hit for who she was.
She had screamed so loudly, that, for a moment, he had thought that he would go deaf. It had sounded so desperate, her whole body was screaming to just escape its prison, to leave this world, her whole mind was screaming to finally find the one she had been looking for all the time – herself.
He had held her closely, carried her to their room to calm her down, to not lose her too. Deep inside of him he knew that she would be gone too soon if he hadn't helped her.
The only thing that had really, truly calmed her down was him openly saying that he knew that she was a girl and that he was ok with that.
The only thing that saved her was her saying it to herself.
That she had always been a girl.
And from that point on, their relationship had changed into something closer, something more intimate – into something which allowed Noé to kiss her cheeks when she had stood in front of him, in a skirt and a little bit of make-up, for the very first time.
She had been so beautiful and he had simply not known how to handle his emotions, so this was everything he was able to do. Kissing her. If not on the mouth, then on the cheeks. All day long he had protected her, told everyone to leave her alone when there were stupid comments, patted her back when she was close to crying once again because people were either amazed at how proud she was or they were assholes about it.
Noé himself was amazed by this. He didn't know how she felt. Of course not. Vanitas never talked about her feelings and overall, he himself was not in a wrong body, so he would never know this feeling.
But he knew that this was brave.
Probably the bravest thing anyone could ever do.
(As we grow colder
Love provide the heat
Older bones are missing
Hearts will never need)
The first time he had slept in one bed with Vanitas for a whole night had been when Domi had disappeared for days.
She had told him to sleep because he barely had slept. She had forced him to lay down and had cuddled up to him to keep him there, so that he wouldn't try to stand up and look for her again.
Noé had been sure that he would wake up to everyone crying because she was dead, so he obviously didn't want to sleep. It had hurt. Everything inside of him had hurt, but Vanitas had been there for him, holding him until he managed to close his eyes, holding him until he started to fall asleep for some minutes at least.
He still remembered how he had been clutching onto her hand and her shoulder, how he had breathed into her neck, to smell her because it calmed him down.
Because Vanitas was the only person able to keep him sane in those nights.
Noé hadn't understood why it had hurt so much when Vanitas had admitted that she was in love again.
His whole heart had seemed to be bursting, his whole body felt as if it was burning, slowly breaking away below the weight of that information.
He hadn't known why.
All she had done was cry and cry and cry and clutch onto his hand, almost as if it was him. Noé didn't know why he was hoping that it would be him. Maybe because otherwise she would forget him? Not care about him anymore? If only he knew what this pain was about, what all this sorrow was about.
She had added that it was possible that he liked her back – that the boy she was in love with liked her back and Noé had just gulped it down, gulped down the pain and acted as if he was happy for her, as if he would help her.
And he really wanted to help her, but everything about the thought hurt more than he would ever admit.
Because your hand
Belongs in my hand
Belongs in your hand
Belongs with...
With me!
Once again she had broken down right before him, screaming something that he hadn't heard because other people had started screaming at the same time too. If he had only known that it was a 'because I'm in love with you', they would have had one more year, but he hadn't.
He hadn't because everyone at the ball had screamed in agony, looking at the two corpses in the hall, laying there.
Two more of his friends had died that night and everything he had done was breaking down right in front of Vanitas, into her arms, even though she was the one who was crying and trembling, even though she was the one who should be protected and not him.
But he couldn't do anything against his body collapsing, against him falling into her arms.
At least he could be close to her like that.
Just some days after he broke down again, in Louis' old room, holding onto the black plush rabbit that the boy had loved so much before he had died.
He was just sitting in this room, on the carpet, clutching onto the black piece of cloth and cotton wool.
He had dreamed that he had kissed Louis. Kissed him. On the lips, softly and his heart had beaten so quickly that he had woken up.
And then he had understood. Noé Archiviste had understood that he had loved Louis more than anyone else in his whole life. But he was gone, gone for six years but he still loved him nonetheless.
Even though he had seen him die right in front of him. The room hadn't smelled like him anymore – it only smelled like dust and wood, probably from the furniture.
And then Vanitas had come in. And she had filled that room which was so full of tears and pain with laughter and love. Love, Noé had thought, was truly something weird.
He had slept in her arms, thinking that maybe, maybe she would be able to replace Louis one day.
(Blanket on the sofa
That I use to keep you warm
There's a record we keep turning
That I used to turn you on)
Noé had known that visitting the graveyard wasn't a good idea, that visitting Louis' grave wasn't a good idea because it would hurt so much. But he had no other chance of telling him, so he had to tell him like this.
He had bought roses – pink roses; meaning young love – to lay onto his grave. He could have chosen red roses, but he was still so young when it happened.
They fit.
He had laid them onto his grave and clutched onto the gravestone, marvelling at how cold it was even though his heart was so full of love that it might spill over if one more person entered his life.
He had cried and had been held by Vanitas when he hurt himself with one of the roses to see again that physical pain was not nearly as bad as the pain he felt in his heart when he thought about Louis.
He had almost kissed her. He would have kissed her if Sharon hadn't interrupted them.
He had already felt her breath on his face, on his lips, almost kissed her, kissed her.
Everything inside of him had yearned to just be closed to her after he had finally understood what those feelings meant, yearned to kiss her and maybe, maybe a tiny part of him had wanted to make love to her in the gentlest way possible to make up for those seven years in which he hadn't understood that he was in love with her.
Those years that she had to wait for him, he wanted to make up for them.
Will you
Show me love as we get older
And I'm falling at your feet?
After 30 years of service
And one to fit our need.
Show me love as we grow colder
Let our love provide the heat
That our older bones are missing
But our hearts will never need.
He had kissed her.
After seven years of loving her and not knowing it.
After seven years of living together with her.
After seven years of consoling her. After seven years of being consoled by her.
After seven years of growing closer.
After seven years of arguing.
After seven years of loving her – and not knowing it.
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skshepherd · 4 years ago
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9 Tips for Buying and Selling Your Home at the Same Time
01 Sep 2021
by Sharon Shepherd
Selling your home when you still need to shop for a new one can feel daunting to even the most seasoned homeowner––especially when the demand for new homes keeps rising, but the supply feels like it’s dwindling.¹ You’re not alone either if you’re already feeling drained by the complex logistics of trying to sell and buy a new home all at once.
Searching for a new home can be exciting, but many homebuyers admit that it can also be stressful, especially if you live in an unpredictable market with plenty of competitors. Unfortunately, waiting out a competitive housing market isn’t always the best idea either since listings are expected to remain limited in the most coveted neighborhoods for some time.²
That doesn’t mean, though, that you should just throw up your hands and give up on moving altogether. In fact, as a current homeowner, you could be in a better position than most to capitalize on a seller’s market and make a smooth transition from your old home to a new one.
We can help you prepare for the road ahead and answer any questions you have about the real estate market. For example, here are some of the most frequent concerns we hear from clients who are trying to buy and sell at the same time.
This is an understandable concern for many sellers since the competitive real estate market makes it tough to plan ahead and predict when you’ll be able to move into your next home. But chances are, you will still have plenty of options if you do sell your home quickly. It may just take some creativity and compromise.
Here are some ideas to make sure you’re in the best possible position when you decide to list your home:
Tip #1: Flex your muscles as a seller.
In a competitive market, buyers may be willing to make significant concessions in order to get the home they want. In some cases, a buyer may agree to a rent-back clause that allows the seller to continue living in the home after closing for a set period of time and negotiated fee.
This can be a great option for sellers who need to tap into their home equity for a downpayment or who aren’t logistically ready to move into their next home. However, many lenders limit the duration of a rent-back to 60 days, and there are liability issues to consider before entering into an agreement. A contract and security deposit should be in place in case of any property damage or unexpected repairs that may be needed during the rent-back period.³
Tip #2: Open your mind to short-term housing options.
While it can be a hassle to move out of your old home before you’re ready to move into your new one, it’s a common scenario. If you’re lucky enough to have family or generous friends who offer to take you in, that may be ideal. If not, you’ll need to find temporary housing. Check out furnished apartments, vacation rentals and month-to-month leases. If space is an issue, consider putting some of your furniture and possessions in storage.
You may even find that a short-term rental arrangement can offer you an opportunity to get to know your new neighborhood better—and lead to a more informed decision about your upcoming purchase.
Tip #3: Embrace the idea of selling now and buying later.
Instead of stressing about timing your home sale and purchase perfectly, consider making a plan to focus on one at a time. Selling before you’re ready to buy your next home can offer a lot of advantages.
For one, you’ll have cash on hand from the sale of your current home. This will put you in a much better position when it comes to buying your next home. From budgeting to mortgage approval to submitting a competitive offer, cash is king. And by focusing on one step at a time, you can alleviate some of the pressure and uncertainty.
This is one of the most common concerns that we hear from buyers who are selling a home while shopping for a new one, and it’s realistic to expect at least some overlap in mortgages. To make sure you don’t get into a situation where you are carrying dual mortgages for longer than you can afford, examine your budget and calculate the maximum number of months you can afford to pay both.⁴
If you simply can’t afford to carry both mortgages at once, then selling before you buy may be your best option. (See Tip #3 above.) But if you have some flexibility in your budget, it is possible to manage both a home sale and purchase simultaneously. Here are some steps you can take to help streamline the process:
Tip #4: As you get ready to sell, simplify.
You can condense your sales timeline if you only focus on the home renovations and tasks that matter most for selling your home quickly. For example, clean and declutter all of your common areas, refresh your outdoor paint and curb appeal, and fix any outstanding maintenance issues as quickly as possible.
But don’t drain unnecessary time and money into pricey renovations and major home projects that could quickly bog you down for an unpredictable amount of time. We can advise you on the repairs and upgrades that are worth your time and investment.
Tip #5: Prep your paperwork.
You’ll also save valuable time by filing as much paperwork as possible early in the process. For example, if you know you’ll need a mortgage to buy your next home, get pre-approved right away so that you can shorten the amount of time it takes to process your loan.
Similarly, set your home sale up for a fast and smooth transition by pulling together any relevant documentation about your current home, including appliance warranties, renovation permits, and repair records. That way, you’re ready to provide quick answers to buyers’ questions should they arise.
Tip #6: Ask us about other contingencies that can be included in your contracts.
Part of our job as agents is to negotiate on your behalf and help you win favorable terms. For example, it’s possible to add a contingency to your purchase offer that lets you cancel the contract if you haven’t sold your previous home.
This tactic could backfire, though, if you’re competing with other buyers. We can discuss the pros and cons of these types of tactics and what’s realistic given the current market dynamics.
When you’re in the pressure cooker of a home sale or have been shopping for a home for a while in a competitive market, it’s easy to get carried away by stress and emotions. To make sure you’re in the right headspace for your homebuying and selling journey, take the time to slow down, breathe and delegate as much as possible. In addition:
Tip #7: Relax and accept that compromise is inevitable
Rather than worry about getting every detail right with your housing search and home sale, trust that things will work out eventually––even if it doesn’t look like your Plan A or even your Plan B or Plan C. Perfecting every detail with your home decor or timing your home sale perfectly isn’t necessary for a successful home sale and compromise will almost always be necessary. Luckily, if you’ve got a good team of professionals, you can relax knowing that others have your back and are monitoring the details behind the scenes.
Tip #8: Don’t worry too much if your path is straying from convention
Remember that rules-of-thumb and home-buying trends are just that: they are estimates, not facts. So if your home search or sale isn’t going exactly like your neighbor’s, it doesn’t mean that you are doomed to fail.
It’s possible, for example, that seasonality trends may affect sales in your neighborhood. So a delayed sale in the summer or fall could affect your journey––but not necessarily. According to the National Association of Realtors, the housing market tends to be more competitive during the summer and less competitive during the winter.⁵ But it’s not a hard and fast rule, and every real estate transaction is different. That’s why it’s important to talk to a local agent about your specific situation.
Tip #9: Enlist help early.
Which leads us to our final tip: If possible, call us early in the process. We’ll not only provide you with key guidance on what you should do ahead of time to prepare your current home for sale, we’ll also help you narrow down your list of must-haves and wants for your next one. That way, you’ll be prepared to act quickly and confidently when it’s time to list your house or make an offer on a new one.
It’s our job to guide you and advocate on your behalf. So don’t be afraid to lean on us throughout the process. We’re here to ease your burden and make your move as seamless and stress-free as possible.
Buying and selling a home at the same time is challenging. But it doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and it can even be fun. The key is to educate yourself about the market and prepare yourself for multiple scenarios. One of the best and easiest ways to do so is to partner with a knowledgeable and trustworthy agent.
A good agent will not only help you evaluate your situation, we will also provide you with honest and individually tailored advice that addresses your unique needs and challenges. Depending on your circumstances, now may be a great time to sell your home and buy a new one. But a thorough assessment may instead show you that you’re better off pausing your search for a while longer.
Contact us for a free consultation so that we can help you review your options and decide the best way forward.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, FEDS Notes – https://www.federalreserve.gov/econres/notes/feds-notes/housing-market-tightness-during-covid-19-increased-demand-or-reduced-supply-20210708.htm
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, FRED Economic Data – https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MSPUS
com – https://www.realtor.com/advice/sell/what-is-a-rent-back-agreement/
com – https://www.bankrate.com/real-estate/sell-your-house-while-buying-another/
National Association of REALTORS – https://www.nar.realtor/blogs/economists-outlook/seasonality-in-the-housing-market
Sharon Shepherd
I am a Real Estate agent working the Riverside County (Inland Empire) area of Southern CaIifornia. I have worked for Norco Realty (aka Olde Tyme Realty) for the past 30 years. My BRE # 01016493. I have lived in the Riverside area for the past 40+ years working in the computer industry before I became a Realtor® in 1989.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 4 years ago
Marvel Fans React to The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Finale
This article contains spoilers for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale.
We made it. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finally finished its run on Disney+ this week, and no one must have been happier about it than the cast and crew of the ambitious Marvel series, who had to fight tooth and nail to get it wrapped up during a global pandemic.
There weren’t too many surprises in the finale, but the show delivered pretty much everything it promised. Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie) took up the Captain America mantle and tried to resolve the Flag-Smashers situation once and for all, but ended up giving a passionate speech about the nature of terrorism and the grey areas that many politicians would rather pretend didn’t exist instead.
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) continued to make amends for his actions as the deadly Winter Soldier and found some peace in his resolve, while Sharon Carter (Emily VanCamp) was revealed as the decidedly deceptive Power Broker, surprising precisely no one. Not even a belated pardon from the US government was about to get her back on side, it turned out.
Baron Zemo of course had one final chess move to play from the relative comfort of his cell on The Raft, neutralising the rest of the Flag-Smasher super soldiers in a bomb blast carried out by his devoted butler. The gang’s leader Karli also lost her life to the cause, which she’d seemed dead set on throughout the episode, even when Sam was refusing to play the game.
In an incredibly emotional scene, Sam made sure that Isaiah Bradley’s sacrifices would be public knowledge and never again forgotten. Will we see Isaiah’s nephew Eli become Young Avengers member Patriot in the MCU at a later date? Possibly!
The matter of John Walker’s future was left deliberately muddy, but the ex-marine made some progress in fighting the emotional effects of the super soldier serum, eventually becoming his current Marvel Comics counterpart, US Agent, in a rushed scene towards the end of the episode. Julia Louis-Dreysfus’ Valentina Allegra de la Fontaine was there to make sure Walker’s new suit fit just right, but we didn’t get any further information about what the Contessa is planning, only a promise that things are about to get “weird”.
Much like WandaVision, there were no big Marvel Cinematic Universe cameos during the finale – Chris Evans making an appearance as Old Cap just wasn’t in the cards – and a post-credits scene simply cemented Sharon Carter’s future as the elusive Power Broker. The US government has accidentally acquired a very connected mole out to steal new weapons and tech in Agent Carter, and this story will surely play a part in Marvel’s upcoming Armor Wars and Ironheart series. Peggy must be rolling in her grave.
In the end, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier became Captain America and the Winter Soldier. But whether we’ll get a chance to see the duo have any further adventures together on Disney+ is anyone’s guess at the time of writing.
Here’s how Marvel fans reacted to the finale:
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoilers – – – – – THEY RECREATED THE SUIT FROM THE COMICS EVERYONE CHEERED pic.twitter.com/Rj1W53lOVg
— ray (@finelinesloki) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale : SPOILERS – – “that’s black falcon right there “ “no that’s captain america”’ pic.twitter.com/gnMZJGPmYi
— jaa • tfatws era (@rambeaurogers) April 23, 2021
// #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale  SPOILERS !!!!!! – – – – – – – – Captain America: Captain America The Winter Soldier And The Winter (2014) Soldier (2021) pic.twitter.com/F4IRkopdjR
— ًjulie/sam! (@fetussatann) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoilers • • • • • • yes I will be watching and admiring this gif all day pic.twitter.com/thMpQVj73o
— malachi (@MCUMarvels) April 23, 2021
// #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale SPOILERS !!!!!! – – – – – – – – SAM WILSON CAPTAIN AMERICA NO SUPER SERUM JUST PURE BLOOD AND SWEAT pic.twitter.com/gIKABJQBSf
— ًjulie/sam! (@fetussatann) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier spoilers – – – – “im not gonna fight you” is an iconic captain america quote pic.twitter.com/oNBl8EeZR8
— b | tfatws spoilers (@spideywiinter) April 23, 2021
Sam’s monologue here is one of the most important scenes that’s ever been done in the MCU. Listen. To. Every. Single. Word. #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier pic.twitter.com/f7hcgrRlN3
— Spider-Man: No Way Home Updates (@spideyupdated) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale   SPOILERS . . . . Bucky being proud of captain America then and now 🥺 pic.twitter.com/9nWyjtbiiL
— Bel (@Belstarkb) April 23, 2021
— violet (@swiftiebucky) April 23, 2021
— dei ☆ TFATWS spoilers (@buckycap) April 23, 2021
#TFATWS SPOILERS #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale deadliest assassin in history—turned—cool uncle pic.twitter.com/Q0NEMocjLb
— dei ☆ TFATWS spoilers (@buckycap) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoilers – – – – – this scene. chills. pic.twitter.com/2fK5TPLxmw
— violet (@swiftiebucky) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoiler – – – – – sharon carter revealed as the power broker and john walker as U.S. Agent pic.twitter.com/YvRwy01rwU
— 🦋 • tfatws era (@giselleeibarra) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale   #TFATWS   SPOILERS – – – – – – – – – me for the last few weeks: “sharon is the powerbroker” *sharon is revealed as powerbroker* me: pic.twitter.com/uSSxszk5u7
— B (@beakelly_) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale . . . . . . Honestly Sharon being revealed as the Power Broker was the same feeling of Agatha being the bad guy in Wandavision pic.twitter.com/JwAOroVpKm
— ꍟ.ꂦ.➳ (@emmanuelpt_3) April 23, 2021
cw // tfatws spoilers #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale              – – we didn’t get enough torres such a hate crime pic.twitter.com/YjTfcimiX2
— michelle (@starkdiIf) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale #FalconAndWinterSoldier spoilers – – – – Zemo got to kill Nagel, smash the serum AND then also blew up the rest of the flag smashers my man keeps achieving his goals ✨ pic.twitter.com/zGXoqm7P8p
— lisa ✨ | zemo simp (@palioom) April 23, 2021
The Falcon and The Winter Soldier finale spoilers • • • Flag smashers: “One world. One pe- “ Zemo: #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale #TheFalconAndTheWinterSoldier #TFATWS pic.twitter.com/9PTUCqWsBq
— peep (@TheGeekyPeep) April 23, 2021
TFAWS Spoilers!! . . . . . . . . Is anyone more ride or die than #Zemo ‘s Butler? this man took out more flagsmashers than everyone else combined#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale pic.twitter.com/PgzISvmlyr
— 2 Dudes Screaming ab TFATWS (@screamfix) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale Me thinking Him trying on John Walker wont. The US Agent Become the Suit: US Agent Because he saved those People in the Van: pic.twitter.com/BsUdVAfvbM
— Sanesha Misquita 🌈 (@hey_its_sanesha) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoiler . . . . . . . . Ngl, HATED him as “Captain America” but kinda excited to see Wyatt’s US Agent. pic.twitter.com/mRpVpnVcvR
— TFATWS now on Disney+ (@bearded_cap) April 23, 2021
#FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoilers – – – – – – – walker when he put on the US agent suit pic.twitter.com/i7EjntHDLk
— andy !! fatws spoilers (@4NTF4RM) April 23, 2021
leo is me and i am leo, pointing at the tv and shouting #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale #FalconAndWinterSoldier pic.twitter.com/eRv7WYCtEt
— Jessie Donnelly (@JessieDonnelly) April 23, 2021
// #FalconAndWinterSoldierFinale spoilers – – – how it started how it's going pic.twitter.com/wVFmQ5Vigb
— kat (@thorIovebot) April 23, 2021
What did you think of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier finale? Leave a message* (*comment) after the beep** (** in the comments section below).
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writemarvelousthings · 8 years ago
Ride With Me (Part 14)
PAIRING: readerxbuckybarnes au
WARNINGS: Swearing, graphic content. Character death. 
Steve receives an urgent call that puts the fate of not only you and Bucky at risk but for the entire gang.
Previous Chapter
Okay so this was going to be the last chapter, but I ended up getting carried away... enjoy!  
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You barely slept, most the night you had spent staring up at the ceiling. Bucky had opted to sleep on the couch. You were torn, right down the middle. Like an open wound, the man you loved. The man, who you thought you could trust, lied to you, not once. But multiple times. You had thought of packing up and leaving for good this time. But you couldn’t you were too far in now to abandon your friends… your family. Maybe it was the stress of the emotion of the last few hours. But suddenly you felt the cold shiver down your spine as your skin prickled. You swallowed thickly as you shot up from the bed. The room spun violently as you raced to the bathroom, you heard Bucky call after you faintly as you fell to your knees. 
The cold tiled floor stung your skin as the bile rose from your stomach, emptying into the toilet bowl. You let out a sob as you heaved, curling yourself around the toilet. Your head throbbed at the sound of water running as warm hands rubbed your back, Bucky smoothed your hair from your face as a cool washcloth placed itself over your forehead.
“It’s okay doll, just breathe” you wanted to scream at him to leave you alone. But it came out as a low moan. Besides you never really had the heart, as much as you hated him. You could never stop loving Bucky Barnes. Once you felt your stomach settling you uncurled yourself from the toilet. Leaning against the wall you breathed sharply through your nose.
“You okay sugar?” you closed your eyes as Bucky’s large hand circled your back.
“You want me to make you anything?” you inwardly flinched. He was trying his best, your rational mind tried to reason with you. But his best wasn’t going to be enough.
“No, I just need a shower. I’ll be fine” you tried not to let the subtle hint of pain that shot across Bucky’s face affect you. But you couldn’t help it. It was too soon.
You sat for a moment as Bucky regarded you, before standing up and slowly walking out of the small bathroom. You waited for the door to close before standing yourself. Turning on the shower water on high, you tried to avoid your reflection, but that small voice inside you won. You hardly recognized the woman looking back at you. Her skin was pale and dead looking, her eyes slightly sunken and red as her lips were chapped. You watched as her tongue crazed her bottom lip, you felt the biting skin against your own tongue. Hot tears stung your eyes as you watched the woman’s own tears fall down her face. Stooping over the sink you let out a sob, your body shaking with pent up emotions. Unaware of Bucky standing on the other side of the door, his fist curled up as he felt the anger and sadness at what Thanos had called wash over him. He needed to fix this once and for all.
When you emerged from the bathroom you expect Bucky to be on his own, you didn't expect to see half the gang all huddled around the kitchen table. It was tense for a moment, no one knew what to say or do. Steve and Sam flitted between looking at you and Bucky.
"She knows" Bucky all but whispered, Natasha hadn't taken her eyes off you. Something about her calculated stare unnerved you as you walked silently to the coffee pot. But one smell of the freshly brewed liquid had your stomach churning. You opted for water instead, Steve turned slowly back to Bucky the unleveled tone in his voice didn't go unmissed by you.
"Peggy said that Coulson thinks something big is going to happen and it's going to happen soon... too much has happened for Thanos to sit back and do nothing" you couldn't help look to Bucky; everyone knew it was his call.
"What do you think we should do?" Bucky didn't hesitate in seeking out your advice, and it shocked you. You held your glass in your hands, it was the age-old question and Bucky was looking to you for an answer.
“We need to put an end to Schmitt” Your voice was cold and final. You watched Steve and Sam’s stoic expression as Nat narrowed her eyes slightly. Your eyes fell to Bucky who looked as if he was about to say something until Steve’s phone rang in his pocket.
“Yeah?” He grunted you felt your stomach drop as Steve's face became panicked.
“Fuck…. okay stay calm, we’re on our way” you knew instantly something wasn’t right, the way Sam, Nat, and Bucky all shot up from the table as Steve ended the call almost gave you whiplash.
“Stay here” Bucky growled.
“You’re fucking deluded if you think I’m staying here” you hissed grabbing your jacket from the couch.
“Can we keep the domestics filed for later?” Nat grumbled throwing on her own jacket.
“Buck it’s no use, Schmitt’s taken Hawkeyes at gun point… ”
You swallowed thickly; it felt as if your stomach had fallen right through the floor.
“I’m coming with you” you didn’t even space a second look at Bucky as you marched through the door.
“It was pure chaos when you arrived at Hawkeyes, police car’s blocked the entrance as you jumped off the back of Nat’s bike. You tried to look around for a familiar face, but the two women huddled together almost made your heart stop.
“Wanda, Sharon” You called, pushing through a group of police officers you had never seen the two women so shaken, not since Pietro was in the hospital. You knew then and there something wasn’t right.
“It’s Schmitt and Hela, Rumlow as well. They have them in there…there was” But Sharon couldn’t speak as she sobbed into Steve’s chest.
“Who's they?” Sam asked, you looked to Bucky his face-looked stoic but you could see the storm raging behind his eyes.
“Maximoff, Barton, and Carter” you turned at Coulson’s voice. He and Ward stood grimly. You were taken back as Bucky stomped towards them. 
“You knew this was always going to happen” Bucky seethed.
“I’d advise you not to lose your temper, Barnes” Coulson squared up to Bucky. There were an uneasy few seconds that passed between everyone before Coulson’s eyes flicked to you.
“They want you and Miss (Y/L/N)” you felt yourself sway slightly as Nat held your elbow steadying you. 
“They’re threatening the safety of everyone in that bar. So far, Maximoff, Barton, and Peggy are the only ones we know for sure… there could be mo..” but the sound of two gun shots going off made your blood freeze.  Your mind thought of only Clint as your feet carried you forward.
“(Y/N) wait” you ignore Wanda’s pleas as you wiggled out of Sam’s actions to grab at you. But suddenly a firm hand pulled you back sharply, blue eyes looked back at you.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Bucky shook you slightly.
“We can’t let them die because of us Bucky, we can’t. It’s Clint and Pietro and Peggy, fuck what if Louis and Darcy are in there? Thor could have easily gone for a drink after his shift. Bucky we have to save them, they're our family” you made no attempt to wipe away the tears that stung your eyes, making your vision blurred.
“Fuck” Bucky whispered softly, pulling you into his chest. You welcomed his embrace, pressing your face into his broad chest. Breathing in his comforting scent. You felt his lips press against your forehead as he turned to where Coulson and the rest were standing.
“We go in together, by ourselves. It’s us they want, no one else is getting hurt because of me. Do you understand?”  You turned your head to see Coulson nod slightly. Bucky stepped back, taking your hand as you both turned to the entrance of Hawkeyes.
“You ready for this (Y/N)?” You wanted to scream and cry that you weren’t. You wanted to run, you wished you never came back. But the small encouraging squeeze from Bucky gave you all the courage you needed to look back up at him.
“I’m with you, now and always” You smiled as a small expression of joy crossed Bucky’s face as he brought your hand up to his lips.
“Till the end of the line doll,” you nodded gently at his words as Bucky pushed on the door, leading you into the unknown.
You gripped Bucky’s hand tight as you noticed the dark wet liquid on the floor, chairs, and tables were strewn all over the place. The lighting was low and obvious, your heart raced as you recognized the liquid as blood. Fresh blood.
“Ahhh, I see you got our message,” your head snapped up at the sound of Schmitt’s voice, the psychotic giggle that came from Hela made your blood boil. Schmitt was sat in one of the more grander chairs as Heal perched herself on top of the bar, you noticed the orange light of a cigarette in the corner of the bar. Hammer was here too, his eyes watching you intently before looking over to the burned face of Rumlow. Holding a gun pointed at Clint and Peggy. They were both tied up; a large bruise graced the side of Clint’s face as blood seeped from a large cut above his eyebrow. Peggy was slumped forward, unresponsive. Your heart leaped as your eye swept over to behind Rumlow, you felt the familiar urge to throw up. Or scream, but you couldn’t your brain couldn’t compute the sight before you. You felt Bucky’s had grip yours tightly, subtly pulling you closer. Behind Rumlow, lying at Hela’s feet were two bodies. Louis and Pietro, the blonde man’s eyes were still open looking up at you lifeless.
“Please, have a seat… then we can begin” You curled your other arm around Bucky elbow completely terrified of what would happen next. 
“Sit” Schmitt’s angry yell made you jump slightly as Hammer stood up walking over to you, Bucky held up his hand slowly walking you both to the two chairs in front of Schmitt’s. You sat slowly, keeping a wary eye on Hela who was twirling her gun haphazardly in her hands.
“Now listen very carefully, because I’m only going to make this offer once and once only. Thanos want’s you Barnes, although I doubt this comes at a great shock to you”
“Thanos can go fuck himself for all I care” Bucky voice shook with anger, you watched as his blue eyes flicked over to Pietro’s body lying stiff. Riddled with bullet holes.
“Now, now Barnes. Let’s not say things we regret. Thanos want’s you…and he also wants you to” Schmitt’s eyes flicked to you.  
“I share the same view as Bucky” you kept your voice as level as you could, but inside you were shitting yourself. The girlish giggle that came from Hela made you sit up straight as she hopped off the bar.
“The boss said you’d say that he also said…” you had no time to protect yourself as Hela grabbed a fist full of your hair, pulling you back off your chair. Your hands flew to her trying to pry her off but the feeling of the barrel of her gun to your jaw stopped your struggling. At the same time, Hammer had taken both of Bucky’s arms behind his back, there was a sickening crack as Bucky let out a scream of pain. 
“He doesn’t mind if you’re alive or dead… although I prefer the latter if I’m honest”
“That doesn’t surprise me you psychotic fuck” you spat, Hela pulled at your hair. Clicking off the safety on her gun.
“My, my such strong vulgar words for a dead girl”
“Don’t you fucking dare” Bucky growled, you looked down at him. His eyes looked wild from behind his long hair.
“Let’s just calm down, shall we?” Schmitt made a pointed look at Hela who reluctantly lowered her gun from your head, but never releasing her grip on your hair.
“Barnes you could make this so easy on yourself, just give in to Thanos, you know it’s the easiest solution” Schmitt, stood from his chair walking slowly to Bucky. You glanced over to Clint who shook his head slightly. You had to think of something and fast.
“Over my dead body” Bucky seethed, Schmitt looked amused for a moment before pulling out his own gun. Your heart raced as you struggled against Hela, she pulled you against her more, leaning down to whisper in your ear.
“Say bye bye” you struggled even more against her as Schmitt raised his gun to Bucky’s forehead.
“That can be arranged” suddenly there was a gun shot and a scream as you felt your heart stop.
Next Chapter - coming soon
Tag List: line through wouldn’t let me tag you :(
@assembletheimagines @capsbuchanan @cassandras-musings @loricameback @ho-ne-y  @tieddown-withbattleshipchains  @jasura @cry-me-a-fkin-river @fanfic-for-days @wolfgamzee @tired-alpaca  @hamil-scribbles @siobhanrebecca @tft-imagines @the-craziestone @urwarriorangel  @bemself123 @seninjakitey @coley0823 @courtneychicken @the-amaranthine @sub-miss-me  @skeletoresinthebasement  @amrita31199 @flodderien @tatortot2701 @bucky-plums-barnes  @paranoiadestroyah  @chou-maitresse @musichowler 
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uterusclub · 6 years ago
I think it goes without saying that Sharon and I were well-aware of the infamous town of Alton, IL for quite some time due to our extended ghost-hunting research. The only detail daunting us from execution was the 5 hour drive down state. It wasn’t until Ghost Adventures recently released a few episodes investigating the spooked town that our fire was fueled! The itinerary was, shortly thereafter, drawn up (thanks to Sharon) with inclusions of Saint Louis, Missouri as well.
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Our journey jump-started at a departure of 7:30 a.m. With freshly burned CDs in tow for music accompaniment, we headed out the door with much excitement. First stop – Grafton, Illinois to check in early to our hotel, Ruebel Hotel where we had prebooked an allegedly haunted room #11. Driving into the small town, we noted but dismissed several ‘road closed’ signs as they had no effect on our commute to the hotel. Upon speaking with Moe at the front desk, we were informed that our check-in was actually scheduled for the night before and that our reservation was for 2 nights? Whoops! This conversation had taken place a few weeks earlier as I recall trying to verify this detail with Sharon who assured me we were only staying for 1 (she later redacted and apologized for miss-remembering). In any case, we checked out our room very briefing concluding it didn’t ‘feel’ haunted before heading back out to soothe our aching bellies. Next stop? Grafton Harbor for food and drinks!
On the way to the car Sharon scoffed at her GPS. “This wants us to go all the way around which is 18 minutes, but it’s a 7 minute walk!” We prepared to depart but happened to look back at a ‘road closed’ sign which now made sense. It was then that we noticed the backdrop to our hotel – high waters submerging the streets below it. “Guess that’s why it’s telling me to go this other way” Sharon concluded. Leaving with minimal annoyance, we made our way to a flooded roadway of unpredictable depth. Sharon reluctantly backed the car up to return back the way we came, only to notice several cars behind us. “Wait, wait, wait, let’s see what they’re going to do” she said. So we sat and waited as one ballsy car at a time drove through the wading tides to the other side. We watched in awe and terror. And while tempting, decided in the end, it wasn’t worth it. The panic, that is. So no food.
Venturing forward with a slight chip on our shoulders, we skipped to our next scheduled stop: Piasa Bird. As Sharon drove along the shoreline we continued our perfect view of the high waters. We also noted several barriers stating ‘road closed – local traffic only’ which Sharon concluded didn’t apply to us for some reason. Bi-passing without a thought, we continued our journey hoping upon hope that there was indeed an end in sight as there was really no way of turning back on this one-way road. As we anti-climatically reached the Piasa Bird and climbed out of the car, our enthusiasm dwindled as we both half-heartedly took turns reading the backstory to it. I can’t even recall it now (and this occurred yesterday) so clearly, it was too much detail for my a.d.d. brain or just uninteresting. You decide. A couple photos later, we jumped back into the car and headed to the downtown area of Alton, Illinois!
Next stop? My Just Desserts! The thing is, we hadn’t even had what I refer to as ‘normal’ food yet so by the time we got to this little town and found the joint, I didn’t care much for pie or baked goods. I’ll also blame my questionable stomach but we ended up splitting a spinach, bacon, and chicken salad with an amazing poppyseed vinaigrette that Sharon ended up purchasing. Having fed the hunger demons, our demeanors quickly simmered. The majority of our ‘activities’ for the town were based around the local shopping area. We visiting the Mineral Springs Antique Mall where we saw some gorgeous ceiling-lined umbrellas and had far too much fun in the Historic Museum of Torture Devices! Several random shops later, Sharon had a Doodle Bear ($1.50) and I, an awesome corduroy hippie dress (definitely not $1.50). Shopper high complete, we now made our way to Elijah P. Lovejoy Monument or what I’ll refer to as, ‘pretty cemetery’ for all intent and purposes.
Cemeteries. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all and if you’re Sharon, they’re all ‘pretty’ so there’s really not much to say about the stop. Literally. We can move along now. To St. Louis, specifically.
Now my only recollection of St. Louis, Missouri was occasionally visiting childhood friends of my family ‘back in the day.’ That and it being hot as balls during the summertime. Outside of that, nada. First and most regrettable stop – Gateway Arch. So I guess it’s a thing now that you can ‘ride’ inside an elevator to the top? Sounded cool. SOUNDED. Foreshadow much? Anyway, after a confusing debacle over the ‘parking’ situation ie. being in a ghetto ally and asking a random ‘officer’ looking dude for assistance, we parked in a nearby garage and walked over to the grassy grove encompassing the Arch. I wont knock the splendor of the shining sight and absorbing all the un-obnoxious people enjoying themselves around us, however, I WILL take a few jabs at our attempts at finding the goddamn entrance to the illusive ‘ride.’ There was no ‘pot of gold’ at the end of either rainbow for these unlucky leprechauns. It wasn’t until we actually FOLLOWED the random arrows painted on the ground that we discovered an underground mound. Victoriously entering the ticket line, I glanced at the pricing monitor: ‘Trams sold out for the day.’ Mother****! ALL that effort. Though I will add that we mysteriously ended up departing our parking garage without paying which I can only assume was karma’s apology to us.
So now what? BOOZE. Much much deserved BOOZE. A quick ride took us to Brick River Cider where we were greeted immediately and provided with an oratory comparison of all draft ciders. Sharon and I settled on different, favorable choices which resulted in a growler and 6-pack for the homefront. With inebriation healing past wounds, we moved ahead to the City Museum of St. Louis. Sharon had briefed me on this but I couldn’t recall much – save for it looking interesting.
Upon arriving to the City Museum of St. Louis and parking across the street, you could see a whole, structural display on the very top of the building which we hoped would be open for the season (it wasn’t). You could also see and hear the shrills of lots and lots of children playing outside on the interactive displays. Normally this would put me off but the booze had muted the sounds and annoyance for the moment. I suppose I should take this time to mention Sharon’s wardrobe change from a dress into a different dress with pants for what she claimed was ‘comfort’ purposes. Entering this playground from hell, I can only describe it as a poor man’s attempt at a children’s Meow Wolf inside the locker room of a YMCA. Between the chaotic amount of children, the dingy apparatuses and the confusing layout (which was suppose to be a ‘schtick’ of exploration’), sobriety became king. I’d like to also point out that the main form of ‘travel’ was through slides and tunnels – the likes of which were most inconvenient for probably the only individual at this place wearing a dress! Still, I attempted to ‘play nice’ and took a turn on a ‘slide’ which I’m fairly sure, resulted in me flashing one very happy man (he owes me at lease $5 for that). Fixated on annoyance, we didn’t last long and decided our only salvation now was food.
We chose to eat at Square One Brewery & Distillery solely based on my pre-researched discovered of them having a goat-cheese artichoke dip appetizer which was the best part of the entire meal. My salmon with potatoes and broccoli was beyond basic (shame on you) and Sharon’s ‘barbecue’ pork sandwich tasted of funky, spiced ketchup (I still can’t believe she ate as much of it as she did after trying it myself). The only saving grace to this most egregious meal was our next stop down the street – Bailey’s Chocolate Bar. Surely, no wrong can come of chocolate!
This cute little bar was situated atop an escalating stairway into a dim, intimate dining area. The menu consisted of ice cream booze drinks, booze drinks, or desserts. Both deciding upon ice creamed, booze martinis, we partook in some mini, complimentary chocolate chip cookies which were divine! Drinks were strong AND delicious. I’ve actually never heard Sharon confess something to be ‘dangerous’ so many times.
Feeling much better after chocolate intoxication, the only thing left now was to continue boozing for the remainder of the evening! We headed over to W Karaoke Lounge which I had previously researched and observed a super cool looking ‘performance’ floor that lit up beneath the performers. We stayed just long enough for me to get one rendition of ‘Just a Girl’ in and finished up one drink before moving along to the next booze endeavor.
Thaxton Speakeasy. Another place I had previously researched which looked super cool inside. We arrived a few minutes after the place ‘opened’ and were met by an older gentleman outside the door advising us that the place was closed for a private party. Goddamnit! Foiled again! Guess we didn’t need that drink. Onto the next!
Our last stop for the night was at The Monocle & The Emerald Room where we had purchased tickets to a see a Burlesque show a few ladies I knew were in. We sat, drank and bided our time for an hour and a half – despite the show time scheduled for 10pm. Once 10:30pm hit and the performances began, we knew we wouldn’t last long. Sharon’s mentality drastically switch from ‘if your friends are in the second half, we have to stay’ to ‘yeah, I’m sorry, no, if they’re not on the first half, too bad, I’m tired.’ We were glad to stand in line next to a super buzzed, hilariously friendly gentleman who had absolutely no filter. The theater gods granted us the delight of seeing my wonderful friends during the first half of the show after which we immediately took our exit for the long journey (hour) back to our hotel in Grafton, Illinois.
Suffice it to say, we were absolutely exhausted by the time we got back to the hotel. Ironically, I had a difficult time falling asleep after falsely identifying paranormal activity of my toiletries. My heart was literally in my throat for quite some time. I could hear Sharon had no problem getting to sleep. At some point, tossing and turning throughout the night, I caught some portion of sleep and roused at the usual, ungodly hour of 7am Tired still but forcing the will to journey for more immediate comfort at home, we showered, packed and departed in optimal time. Discovering no roadside coffee availability nearby, save gas station coffee, we waiting patiently (2 hours) for the reward of Dunkin Donuts. I took the reigns for the rest of the drive home and played road tag with a Kia whom I’m not sure when I divulged from. I can only hope that some day – definitely not today – definitely not tomorrow but in the very, very distant future, we may meet again in St. Louis.
Meet Me In St. Louis Or Rather, Don’t I think it goes without saying that Sharon and I were well-aware of the infamous town of Alton, IL for quite some time due to our extended ghost-hunting research.
0 notes
avalindin · 8 years ago
Watching you
Quicksilver one-shot
The shutter was going slower with each push of the button. She pushed faster, asking for danger but it had to be done. What she was doing was dangerous. No, she was committed as she was afraid. She’d been tailing the same group weeks after her father had long since been buried and she had to follow whatever instinct or voice was telling her to find them.
She pulled her hood lower to stay hidden as she aimed her lens to the right.
*Click, click*
Her neck arched forward to try and find them as they began to blend into the crowded streets.
She looked to the last picture she took, seeing a light blur, skewing the vision of the men entering the street of shoppers. The blur had become more noticeable the more she used the camera but as long as there was evidence, that would be justice enough.
Sharon tucked her camera into the lower lapels of her shawl and forced herself forward. She had the weight of death on her but it was more from the loaded gun and the knife she had stashed in her boot. She had more ammo in her messenger bag, knowing there wouldn’t be time for her to use it all.
Two shots were all she needed. That and she had to get close to both of them…
Grey hair. Perfect posture for his early fifties. All-American mob boss that put a bullet between her accountant father’s eyes. She was sure to follow the stories. He was told that it was her father that made an error in the collective books that were flagged down by people he’d been trying to avoid when it was lucky man number two that was really to blame.
Late twenties. Scar across his ugly face and never gave a rat’s ass about anyone but himself. The real story was that her father was trying to get out clean but the Scarface-looking motherfucker wouldn’t have it. She pulled her father’s jacket tighter, feeling the gun handle touch her ribs. The sudden winds around her calmed her as she was still getting used to the Northern winds of the country.
Sharon was taken from her thoughts when she felt an arm wrap around her shoulders, strong enough to keep her from breaking free and making a run for it. God knows she didn’t need to draw any attention to herself.
“You are not good at this.”
She listened to the thick European accent of the guy that had her pinned to him.
“You have until the count of three to get the fuck off.”
“Or else you’ll shot me with the .45 matte black at the bottom of your bag?”
Sharon was quick to check her jacket, feeling nothing as the man next to her chuckled. Her hand slipped into the side of her bag feeling the gun handle without its magazine in place.
“You really are looking for trouble, aren’t you?”
“You have no idea who I am.”
He loosened his grip for a moment, tightening it again as she saw a few of the lesser mob men vanish. The scarf was pulled from her head as she tried to remain calm. From the corner of her eye, she saw the fabric disappear under the busy feet of the street.
“They’ve been following you for days. They know what your disguises look like but not you. You’ve been made. The next alley, you run.”
“Why? Who are you?”
Sharon was startled as she saw the bits of her jacket rip apart on her shoulder. A scream was heard in the crowded street as the man in front of her was shot in the back, screaming in pain as people began to scatter. Sharon cried out under the panic as her hand shot for her bleeding shoulder. She was pulled to her feet as she looked up to the blue eyes and the silver hair of the man that walked with her.
“That’s why. Run!”
Gun shots were fired around her as Sharon met the predatory gaze belonging to the grey hair and facial scar, pointing their guns to her. It was all a trap.
Sharon ran for her life as bits of brink chipped off around her. The pain in her shoulder made her run faster as she climbed the trash cans and launched herself over the side of the metal fence to safety. She heard another shot and felt her whole legs seize in pain as she tumbled hard to the pavement underneath her.
She pushed herself on her feet and pulled off what she could. She ignored the clank of her camera and her father’s jacket as she left them behind and scrambled for the weapons in her bag. Pain pulsed through her body as she ran further from the gunfire and the screams. She stopped for a moment, dizzy from blood loss as something knocked her from her feet. At once, the man with the scar across his face straddled Sharon and wrapped his hands around her throat. She clawed his hands, gasping for breath as she tried to stay awake.
“You look just like him, in life and death,” he chuckled as he moved one of his hands to her shoulder wound and pressed down hard.
The man smiled, feeling her throat trying to push out a scream. Sharon kicked her feet up to do whatever to get anyone’s attention. She blinked seeing the man squeezing the life from her and then, he was gone, his body sailing towards the other side of the alley as a blur of silver raced after him. Sharon’s head spun as she gasped for breath, coughing through the pain in her neck. She turned to her side, feeling pain radiate her body.
Her vision blurred as something turned her to her back and lifted her from the dirty pavement…
Everything went backwards.
She tried to wipe her hands clean as dirt flakes from the ground floated back to her palms. Sharon opened her hand as bits of her dirt from the top her father’s oak casket returned to her. She clutched the dirt in her hands and looked up to the small group that had collected at the edge of the cars.
They only gave the grave a look and left. She knew who they were and she was more than determined to make them pay. She took a step forward and was stopped as a hand shot from the dirt and tried to pull her back.
A bang made her wake as her eyes shot open.
Sharon tried to move but was caught in a state of soreness. She tried again, stopping again when she realized she was in an apartment that wasn’t hers. She was cautious, pushing her way out of the bed she’d been sleeping in. A loose shirt hang at her shoulders as she tried to move about the clean but slightly messy bedroom.
The limp of her leg made her look down to the bandage wrapped around her thigh. She checked her shoulder and saw a clean bit of gauze sticking out from under another bandage. Sharon jumped at the gust of window around the apartment as she teetered back to the nearest wall. She saw no weapon in sight but she did know how to fight a little bit as she slowly made her way out of the room. Her steps were light and cautious as she made her way down the short hallway, stopping in the empty living room. Furniture was covered in plastic and several boxes lined the wall where wonderful smells were emitting from.
Sharon stepped from the shadows and into the kitchen where a steaming plate of food sat. her eyes peeled from the food to the note as she was able to make out what was written.
Take the pills for the pain, they’re help. Eat. I’ll be back soon.
Sharon could feel another rush of wind at her back as she turned in time to see more boxes stacked to perfection against the wall. She knew she wanted to know more but was forced to sit as her leg throbbed. One by one, the pills went down and her eyes set for the food. The taste of eggs, meat and biscuits calmed her stomach as she finished her plate in no time at all. The pain in her leg started to ease as she pushed herself up with both arms to try and not put so much pressure on it.
Sharon gasped as a strong gust of wind nearly swept her from her feet. Her clean brown hair danced around her as a familiar arm wrapped around her waist. She was frozen but not in fear as she looked up to the blue eyes of the man that told her to run.
“How is your leg?”
“It, uh… It’s doesn’t hurt as much.”
His hand reached for her shirt, pulling it away only enough as he inspected the clean bandage.
“Good. You must have questions.”
He turned to the rest of the apartment, leaving her to follow as she limped after him.
“Who are you? Where the hell am I? How did you find me?”
Sharon stopped in the hallway, seeing something in one of the open doors. She saw it for a second as the man snatched the doorknob away and closed the door in her face.
“Pietro. My name is Pietro and you nearly got yourself killed.”
“I never asked you to rescue me.”
“Would you have liked to be dead? It wouldn’t have brought him back.”
Sharon stepped away from her savior knowing something was amiss.
“Who? You have no idea how I am.”
She looked down to his hand forming to a fist as she grabbed the doorknob behind her. Sharon used all of her body weight to open the door behind her. She thought at first that he would pull her back into the hall but was petrified as a blue and silver blur stopped, forming Pietro in front of her.
Her eyes turned by chance to the walls covered in ink drawings. They started at the door to the dark coat she remembered wearing to her father’s funeral. Her heart broke seeing how she looked to her father’s business employers. The drawings panned out to the six weeks she tailed them in secret, now not much of a secret as her eyes remained the same.
“Sharon Lennett. 26 years old. Born Trenton, New Jersey. Father, Louis Lennett, dead six weeks ago of asphyxiation. What’s a photography major doing in Sokovia this time of year?”
“You were spying on me!”
“Is that the only thing that you are going to say?”
“I was like you,” he sighed as he gave up, leaning to a bit of the wall that wasn’t covered with her flawlessly drawn face, “I was foolish but death from them was my fault. I was reckless, stupid and my sister paid the price. I was a show-off.”
“I couldn’t tell,” she huffed.
She stopped at the wooden desk with a fresh paper smeared with her sleeping peaceful image. Her strong leg started to hurt as Pietro took notice. She wasn’t ready for him to sweep her off her feet and to the tidy bathroom she’d missed on her walk through the apartment. She gripped the counter when she was able to make her vision stop spinning. Sharon was quick enough herself as she grabbed Pietro’s jaw and looked into his eyes.
“Why did you follow me?”
He allowed her to keep him in place as he reached for the first-aid box behind her. His ripped apart the gauze and ignored her and snapped the bandages on her leg. She looked down to the healing bit of flesh where the fence had caught her skin. Pietro pushed a bit of alcohol to her wound as Sharon tried to bite back the pain.
“Stop being baby. Bullet went through shoulder too. It could have been worse.”
He sped to the other side of the bathroom and back before she could blink, taping the side of her leg to perfection.
“Are you going to answer my question?”
“We do stupid things when we are alive but it seems we do more foolish things when death is involved. I was given with what I can do. My sister warned me but I did not listen. I went after them. I took out the ones at the bottom first. There was so much anger, hate, wanting to feel something from where my sister once was. I worked my way up, thinking of a way to try and bring them to justice but then one day I stopped.”
He finished with her leg, swallowing the lump in his throat as he pulled the shirt from her shoulder. She knew any other person would have reacted when he kissed the bit of skin next to her bullet wound.
“That’s when I saw you.”
He took his time changing her soiled bandage, looking to the healing scab as he checked for infection.
“I saw them looking to a funeral with smiles to their faces and knew killing them was not the answer. I looked down the saw myself in your eyes.”
He ran his fingertips on her shoulder blade, replacing the fabric as his breath warmed her skin.
“If you wanted to stop then why would you follow me.”
“You think you could have stopped them. I have powers and were only able to do so much.”
“Grief makes you so stupid things.”
He was slow to turn his head, just inches away from hers. Sharon felt her heart beating from her chest as his face moved closer to hers. His thumb brushed the side of her face as his lips nearly touched hers.
He softly cleared his throat and backed away from Sharon as she remained on the counter.
“Yes, it does,” he spoke, not meeting her gaze.
He turned out of the bathroom, leaving her alone as she eased herself to her feet. She pulled her shirt together and made it one step into hall as Pietro raced back to her. She was taken completely by surprise as he wrapped his arm perfectly around her waist and pressed her to the threshold, leaving an unquestionable kiss to her lips.
Pietro pushed himself away and ran. Sharon stood still in case he came back but after an hour of standing on her leg, she knew he wasn’t coming back for her, at least not for a short while. She hobbled back to the bed and tried not to worry about what had happened.
The rushes of wind lulled her to sleep as she looked to her hands. The edges of her skin were drawn, smudged beautifully like she’d stepped off one of Pietro’s drawings of her. Thunder clapped over her head. She looked to the familiar group at the top of the hill and felt tears streaming from her eyes as they smudged her face. The lines of her cheeks wrinkled with the rain ruining her figure.
Her body felt weak, sinking down to the ground as a rush of wind lifted her.
“It’s okay,” a soft voice whispered to her, “I am here.”
Pietro wrapped his strong arm around her waist as Sharon tried to ran forward and let out her fury on those that killed her father. She opened her mouth as silent screams passed her open lips. The rain blotched her skin more as she sobbed like a child. Pietro only held her closer and whispered into her hair. She turned in his arms and cried as her smudged image began to blend into his skin.
They faded together but she could still feel him. His thumb brushed her tears away. Though her paper skin was breaking, he held close, making her feel safe.
Sharon opened her eyes, not knowing that she was crying in her sleep. She’d clutched at Pietro next to her in the bed as she had sobbed into his chest. She was quick to wipe her eyes and turn away from him as she stared to the blank wall. She thought she was done but her tears fell to the bedspread underneath her.
She could feel the bed shift underneath her as his arm rested on her waist.
“You will be safe here. I have friends that will take care of those men but I took care of the ugly one.”
Sharon could feel her throat tighten as she remembered the man’s fingers wrapping tightly around her neck. Her cold finger tips calmed her own skin.
“What did you do?”
“I’ll show you in the morning. Sleep now.”
She could feel his uneven breaths through the strands of her hair.
“What was her name?”
“Your sister. Was she like you?”
“Wanda. She was 12 minutes younger than me. She was special in her own way and it could have saved her life but… I wasn’t supposed to be acting stupid…”
Sharon never knew her mother and her father had never remarried. It was only always them. She could only think of him.
“It still hurts.”
“You may not see but when I stop running after so long, I stop and feel the whole world moving around me, trying to pull me along.”
“I could feel it too.”
They both stayed still as Sharon pulled Pietro’s arm tighter to her waist and closed her eyes.
Sharon didn’t realize how tired she really was as she woke the next cloudy morning from Pietro’s gush of wind pushing the smell of fresh food to her nose. Her eyes forced open as she turned to her side of the bed. Sharon finished her food in no time and took another aspirin for the shortened pain in her shoulder.
She wasted no time in venturing the small apartment again. One bedroom, Pietro’s room of drawings, a living room and the kitchen space. She stopped as she saw a small pile of boxes pushed towards the high windows of the apartment. Her curiosity struck her as her finger tore the tape from the top of the first box, finding her belongings folded and placed in a rush. She pushed the thing off and looked to the one underneath it as she found more of her things.
“Don’t worry. Your father’s things are in the attic.”
Sharon turned to Pietro wiping fresh pencil lead from his hands.
“You went through my stuff?”
“Not in a sense but it should all be there.”
“Why is it here in the first place?”
“I told you. You are safe here.”
“This is a safe house. I have friends that will take care of those men but their system will take months.”
“Months! What kind of friends are they?!”
Pietro smiled as he brushed a bit of her dark hair from her eyes.
“Secret ones. You’ll be safe here for the time being. I promise. I’ve kept you alive this long. Come.”
She followed behind him as he kept open the door to his other drawings.
Sharon was surprised to see her camera in his hands with only a few more dents and scratches on it as he placed it in her hands.
“I’m not as good of a photographer as you but I did what I could.”
Her finger was hesitant to power up her camera and look to the blurs of Pietro’s images as she found ones of the ugly fucker that tried to kill her. He wasn’t dead from the look of his angry eyes as he stared to Pietro on the other side of the camera. She didn’t know how badly she was attempting to hide her smile as she continuously scrolled through more pictures until she ended up at the last one. The man was literally tied up with ribbons and a bright red bow and left at the front doors of Shield’s headquarters.
“Wow, top marks for this one.”
“I don’t think pencil would have done it justice.”
Sharon powered off the camera and clung it to her chest as she looked down to Pietro reclining in his chair.
“I’m sorry for my attitude.”
Pietro only shrugged his shoulders and smiled.
“I tried to be careful with it. The camera belonged to your father, didn’t it?”
“You have a better eye than I do.”
“I wouldn’t really say that,” she grinned as she looked to the etchings done wonderfully by his hand.
His hand grabbed her free hand as his thumb brushed over her knuckle.
“I am sorry for how I acted yesterday.”
“You were a gentleman about it.”
Sharon met his eye and the slight blush to his pale face.
“What if I don’t wish to be?”
She didn’t know if she was pulled forward or if she had taken a step to him but he did help guide her legs over his as she settled on his lap. His hands formed to her thighs as she leaned forward and traced her lips to his. He met hers, kissing her tenderly. His hand moved up to brace her back to support her so she could put no weight on her leg.
He kept her steady, pushing the shirt from her arms as her hands cradled his neck. Her heart raced faster than she did but the kisses she left on his lips didn’t need to be rushed. She took her time, gradually wanting to touch more of Pietro as he reclined with her in the seat. Before she knew it, she was grinding herself into him and his fingers wrapping into her skin.
Pietro pulled the strap of her tank and kissed the edge of her bandage. Sharon forced herself to stop. The feeling of Pietro’s arms around her made her feel safe but there were other parts of him that made her feel something else. He buried his face into the crook of her neck, moving down so close to her breasts when he stopped suddenly.
“Damn, I-I’m sorry…”
Sharon looked down to the ink smudges across her skin and the reopened wound on her shoulder. He rushed her to the bathroom and started a shower for her. She kept her eyes on him as he tried not to look at her.
“I’ll leave you alone. Just let me know when you are done and I’ll redress it.”
“You can join me if you want.”
He turned and held in his chuckles.
“You are just too much trouble…”
The click of the door handle made her inhale as she tried to catch her breath.
“No,” she told herself as she pushed off what was left of her clothes, “Way too fast.”
“One of my better qualities.”
She turned at the sound of Pietro as he pulled the shirt from his shoulders and lifted Sharon from her feet. Her laughter echoed from the shower walls as Pietro held her to the wall with no problem. His lips stayed pressed to her skin, the bits that took him the longest to shade in all his drawings.
The shower water dripped down her skin as Pietro’s lips were there to catch them. They traveled up her neck, taking their time at her jaw as she tilted her head back. The hand that didn’t hold her steady drifted down to the edge of her panties. She jumped at the sudden vibrations she could feel on the tips of his fingers.
“And another you may like…”
He brushed his fingers to mound as water collected in his palm. Pietro could feel her whole body jump as he pushed the elastic away. He eased his finger into her, making her voice fill the small shower. Sharon ignored the pain completely as she rocked her hips for more and pushed his hard deeper to her clit.
“Be careful,” he warned, “I may just give you what you want.”
He pulled his hand away, licking his finger with a grin as it left a tingle to her skin. She kept her eyes to his as his fingers tugged her panties down her legs. She could see from the corner of her eye how he pushed off his own.
“And what do you want?”
He pulled her close, sitting on the edge of the tub and guiding her forward, careful with her in every moment. He pulled her to him one last time and let Sharon take her time.
“You,” he whispered into her ear.
Sharon bit her lip, helped onto him and she slowly sank down on his lap. She held on to Pietro, shuddering as he, in turn, moaned into her neck. She rocked her hips to feel all of him as his hands formed to her skin. He leaned forward into the other side of the shower as Pietro snaked his hips into her. Sharon turned her head to his and pressed his lips to hers.
Her body fell back a few inches to the other side of the tub as Pietro’s thrust held her up. She could hear him moaning in her ear in Ukrainian, whether to tease her or making him lose a bit of control, she didn’t care. She was covered by him with the warm water barely making it to her now.
He moved his hips faster, angled as Sharon’s hand wrapped around the back of his neck. The louder her voice grew, the sharper his hips went as she felt his nails clawing into her skin. She closed her eyes feeling the force of him crash over her. She could feel a bit of cold and a tightness in her shoulder before Peitro buried his face into her neck again. She could feel his breath panting at her skin as he kissed her jaw.
Sharon was silent as her body crashed into Pietro. Her knuckles formed around the edge of the tub and she forced on him. There was warmth everywhere as he called her name; so soft like his hand as he cupped the side of her face.
She opened her eyes, seeing him regaining his breath.
“I’m here,” she panted.
“Did you feel it?”
“Excuse me?”
She followed his eyes to the tight freshly sewn stitches on her shoulder and clean of blood.
“There’s a matching set on the back too.”
“Thanks, I guess. You really are fast.”
He kissed her cheek and turned off the water behind him. He wrapped towels around them, reaching for the ointments and clean bandages for her wound. Sharon laid her head on Pietro’s shoulder as he set to work to patch her up. He finished the front, moving to the back as Sharon turned her head. The bullet wounds didn’t hurt much anymore and her feel for vengeance had disappeared. It wasn’t the path she wanted to take but she could accept that it was the wrong and dangerous way to avenge her father. She was lucky she had Pietro.
“He is in a better place.”
“I guess we are too…”
He arched his head forward and kissed the top of the bandage. His hands canvassed her back and she did the same. She could feel him lift her from the tub as if she weighed nothing and carried her to the bedroom. He was careful to tuck the sheets around her as he joined her in the bed. Sharon turned laying herself on his chest as his back hit the mattress.
He pulled her close and kissed the top of her head.
“We are safer, you are safer with me.”
“Thank you,” smiled Sharon as she listened to the falling rain outside the tinted window.
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bayisbetter · 8 years ago
RIP 2016 Retrospective Dance Mix: David Bowie, George Michael Prince and More
I didn’t want to celebrate 2016, nor was I excited to ring in 2017. The future looks bleak, and we lost so many greats. Especially the loss of David Bowie, which hit me harder than any celebrity death ever has, or likely ever will. So this year, instead of bringing you the best dance music of 2016, I’m offering up a retrospective dance mix comprised of musicians who died in 2016.
Honestly, I wasn’t all that hip to new music this year. I had David Bowie on repeat after his death in January, and with every unarmed black man shot by police, I put Louis Armstrong on repeat. It was a year for listening to Nina Simone and a lot more Louis Armstrong. With so many celebrity deaths, it felt like a year for looking back, not only to those who died, but to those living we might not be honoring because they have the nerve to keep breathing without releasing new albums.
If you’re looking for a retrospective mix, this one touches on most of the notable musical deaths of 2016. Download or stream it right here.
I think this tweeter put it best:
It is becoming increasingly obvious that David Bowie has established a better alternate universe and is populating it selectively one-by-one
— Miss Texas 1967 (@MsTexas1967) December 27, 2016
  NOTE: If you are throw this on at a party, make sure you stop it on the next to the last track. The final track is a Leonard Cohen song read as a poem. It’s not remotely dance-able, and it’s grim enough to suck the cheer out of any room. But I felt it was the right tone to wrap up 2016 (on that note, lots of posts coming up about American fascism).
RIP 2016 Retrospective Dance Mix
(right-click, “save as” to download mp3)
Playlist of songs below.
RIP 2016: Retrospective Playlist of Artists Who Died in 2016
Prince – Let’s Go Crazy
Tribe Called Quest – Can I Kick It?
Wham! – Wake Me Up Before You Go Go
David Bowie – Modern Love
Prince – Seven
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings – Natural Born Lover
George Michael – Freedom 90
Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings – This Land Is Your Land (Woody Guthrie cover)
George Michael – Faith
Leonard Cohen – Partisan (Melle Kuil deep house mix)
David Bowie – Young Americans (Impeach the President remix)
George Michael – Too Funky
Parliament – Flashlight
Prince – Kiss
Vanity 7 – Nasty Girl
Jefferson Airplane – White Rabbit (Fuzzion remix)
David Bowie vs Eric Prydz – Dunproofin’ (Let’s Dance)
Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows (Tiger Tooth Rerub)
David Bowie – Space Oddity (Munk Machine remix)
Wham! – Everything She Wants (’97 version)
Leonard Cohen – You Want It Darker (Paul Kalkbrenner remix)
Leonard Cohen – Democracy (as a poem, Neil Gaiman with Amanda Palmer on piano)
Dance Along to RIP 2016 with Me
Staying home on New Year’s Eve was a big deal for me. I always go dancing, mostly because its’ the one day of the year I can rally my homebody pals into going out. Like David Bowie says in “Modern Love,” “I don’t want to go out, I want to stay in, get things done.” Since I’d been meaning to try out live-streaming, I decided to ring in the new year dancing to my retrospective playlist. It’s pretty silly, and yes, I’m three sheets to the wind in this video. But if you want some company, or if you just want to have a laugh, you can dance along with me.
This playlist is a little different than the one above. I made a second draft with a few artists I’d left out the first time (Phife Dawg of Tribe Called Quest, Signe Anderson of Jefferson Airplane and Vanity of Vanity 6). Also after the first song it stopped, so I started it anew from where we left off. I am hoping to upload a dancing video with the new edit over it, but LightWorks crashes whenever I open it so it seems unlikely.
Google flagged one of the Prince songs in the video for copyright, so that section is muted, and due to the other tracks, it forces the video to have commercials…I’m beginning to see why people prefer Vevo.
Watch it on Facebook to avoid ads, muted Prince.
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via Gotta Hear This Music | Future Is Fiction Blog http://ift.tt/2igtk5H
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iuniverseblog · 7 years ago
iUniverse’s Guy Franks tells us about new book, “A Midsummer Madness”
Veteran author Guy Franks discusses his new book, A Midsummer Madness, along with his literary interests, writing approach, and passion for baseball!
A Midsummer Madness was born out of my love for William Shakespeare and baseball. To me, the music of Shakespeare’s metered verse, his cutting wit, his insight into the human soul, pairs nicely with the perfect distances of baseball, with its theatrics and homespun wisdom. When I listen to Giants manager Bruce Bochy I hear Prospero. When Coriolanus offers his services to his enemy Aufidius it reminds me of Jeff Kent, the great Giants second baseman, choosing to sign with their archrival the Dodgers. The famous actress Tallulah Bankhead understood the parallel when she said, “There have only been two geniuses in the world — Willie Mays and Willie Shakespeare.”
  When I watch a game of baseball, preferably with a cold beer and a bag of salted peanuts, I see a Shakespearean play unfold before me. There is a beginning, a middle and an end, and it’s filled with great characters, surprises, and twists of fate. It can be a thrilling triumph like Henry the Fifth, a Comedy of Errors, or, depending on one’s fortunes in the bottom of the ninth, a tragedy like Julius Caesar. But comedy or tragedy, all the ingredients of any one of the Bard’s plays are there to enjoy on a baseball diamond. It was the great baseball writer Roger Kahn who first drew the analogy between a minor league ball club and an Elizabethan acting troupe traveling from town to town plying their trade. In A Midsummer Madness, I’ve attempted to take the great themes and elegant poetry of Shakespeare and blend them with the dirt and grass of baseball to make a savory tragic-comic stew spiced with music and wordplay.
  My stage is set in 1986 Connecticut during the great renaissance of minor league baseball, and my acting troupe is the New Britain Kingsmen of the Double-A Eastern League. The Kingsmen are managed by Shakespeare Louis Glover. “Shake” Glover is my focal point. As the Bard-quoting skipper of the Kingsmen, he is meant to embody the harmony that is Shakespeare and baseball. He’s an ex-ball player turned successful minor league manager, but he’s also Leontes in A Winter’s Tale, as well as Henry the Fourth with a little bit of Prospero thrown in from The Tempest. The story follows the Kingsmen from opening day to the championship game, and along the way I’ve woven in characters and subplots from such Shakespeare plays as Hamlet, Othello, Henry IV, Much Ado About Nothing, Cymbeline, Twelfth Night, and As You Like It. 
  I’ve been a baseball fan all my life. My dad took me to my first game when I was a boy to see the San Francisco Giants play at Candlestick Park. Some of the greatest players of all time where there—Willie Mays, Juan Marichal, Willie McCovey—and I’ve been hooked ever since. It’s the finest game ever invented, and the fact that it has remained relatively unchanged for a hundred and fifty years and has survived the vagaries of time gives me solace. The poet Sharon Olds put it best when she said, “Baseball is reassuring. It makes me feel as if the world is not going to blow up.”
  Like most of you, I was formally introduced to Shakespeare in high school. I think it was Romeo and Juliet in Mrs. Burns’ English Class. Once I got to Cal Berkeley as an English Lit Major, Shakespeare was an inevitability, like Haley’s Comet, and I hopped on that comet and have been riding it ever since. I have read all of his plays, some multiple times, and my DVD movie library contains many of the best adaptations of his work—movies like Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet (the one with the sublime Olivia Hussey), anything by Lawrence Olivier, and Kenneth Branagh’s Henry IV. I also enjoy movies or plays that have fun with Shakespeare (Theatre of Blood with Vincent Price comes to mind), or ones that entertainingly update his plays like Ten Things I Hate About You, which is a rendition of Taming of the Shrew set at a high school. It was movies like these that were the idea behind A Midsummer Madness.
  A Midsummer Madness is my third novel. Beggar King is an historical fiction novel set in Ancient Greece that was published in 2008. Railhead is a western novel set in 1869 Wyoming and was published in 2012. Historical fiction is my preferred genre, and I think that each of my literary influences—Hemingway, Faulkner, Twain, Steinbeck—all wrote historical fiction novels in one way or another. Certainly Dickens and Tolstoy did, and in terms of more modern influences I would point to Steven Pressfield and Charles Frazier. During my research for A Midsummer Madness, I experienced the added delight of discovering some wonderful baseball writers like Roger Kahn, W.P. Kinsella, and David Lamb.
  When I sit down to write a novel, it has to have a subject that grabs me and keeps me motivated through the months of research and writing. Whether it’s the myth of Odysseus or the old west or Shakespeare and baseball, the passion for my subject matter has to be there. And I hope that this passion comes out in my work. I try to write the same way Clint Eastwood directs—straight forward, moving the story along, not wasting scenes, and keeping the viewer engaged. If I can accomplish that, I’m happy. And along the way, if I can impart a little about my philosophy or the power of myth, without hitting the reader over the head with it, I’m even happier.
  I’m planning something of a launch party for my book here at the local library. My wife is also working hard on social media to get the word out. Signed copies of my book are also going to Larry Baer, CEO of the San Francisco Giants and to their manager Bruce Bochy. I’m hoping to use their positive feedback on my new website that iUniverse is designing for me.
  This is my first run at self-publishing, and I have to say that iUniverse delivered on everything they said they would in a timely and professional manner. I’ve also recommended them to other author-friends of mine as an alternative to trying to crack through the granite monolith that is traditional publishing. One of my favorite experiences was working with the iUniverse folks in designing my book cover. And, of course, nothing beats the kick you get when you see that book cover for the first time on Amazon.com or BarnesandNoble.com.
  My advice to aspiring writers would be directed to a very select group of authors who, like myself, are trying to write a book while at the same time working a full-time job and raising a family. Find a way to carve out the time. That’s all I can say. I wrote my first novel when I was a middle manager in a major corporation, with a wife and two kids, a home mortgage, and bills to pay. But I found a way to carve out an hour or two, here and there, sometimes at home and sometimes at work, and over time, little by little, brick by brick, I finished the book with my family and job still healthy and intact. It might take years, but what the heck. What else do you have to do?
    Make sure to check out the iUniverse site for more advice and blogs, as well as iUniverse Facebook and iUniverse Twitter. For a FREE Publishing Guide, click here!
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writemarvelousthings · 8 years ago
Ride With Me (Part 8)
PAIRING: readerxbuckybarnes au
WARNINGS: light swearing. 
*(Y/N)’s working double time to cover Wanda’s shift she is confronted with a handsome stranger who is as dangerous as his silver tongue   
 I did it, I bloody did it. A whole day spending time with my Aunt and Uncle and I was still able to write this chapter. I may suffer for it in the morning but who cares, I can sleep when I’m dead ahaha 
Previous Chapter 
“It’s been over a month (Y/N) and you didn’t call of course I was going to worry” You rolled your eyes as you shimmied into your jeans.
“I’m sorry Jess, I really am. Thing’s just got a little crazy” you trailed off trapping your phone between your shoulder and ear as you fiddled with the button of your jeans.
“This is my point, you left to get away from crazy. Now you’re six feet deep in Sheild and Red Skull shit,” You sighed knowing she was right.
“How are things on your end? How’s Trish” You asked tentatively.
“She’s ok, coping as best as anyone can. She still didn’t think you had to move away”
“It was the best thing for everyone if I left Jess, you know that” you pulled on a shirt as you did your best to sort out the bird’s ness that was your hair.
“I know, I know. It still sucks” Jess huffed, you could imagine her now. Stood on the sidewalk smoking glaring at any passerby.
“Do you really think Luke would have let me stay any longer than he already did? I left on semi good terms, it would have been a lot fucking worse if I stayed you know that.” You spun around looking frantically for some socks; you could have sworn you’d seen a pair not five minutes ago.
“Look at the end of the day you chose to leave and I can’t hate you for that, what I can hate you for is getting involved with this Bucky guy. The things they say about him in Chicago…. are you sure about him (Y/N)?” No matter how much of a truthful bitch Jess could be, she was your best friend since high school and she did have your best interest at heart.
“It’s different this time Jess, I know you and Trish are going to think I’m stupid and naive to get myself involved. But it’s different, it know it’s different”
“Like it was with Danny?” You froze in your search for your missing socks.
“That was low even for you Jess” you heard her swear under her breathe.
“I’m sorry, I know I’m a bitch.”  
“Yeah you are, look I have to go I’m late for work” you ripped the phone from your ear slamming your thumb on the end call button before Jess even had a chance to explain. Throwing you phone in your bag you gave up the search for the sock and went to your chest of draws. Grabbing the first pair you could find you hands hovered above them. Just underneath was Schmidt’s gun. You had managed to strategically place your socks and underwear to cover it, a month had passed since that night and Peitro’s accident and you had hardly seen Bucky at all. Sharon kept you inform as much as she could and Natasha would swing by Hawkeyes from time to time, but since you and Sharon has split Wanda’s roster between you so she could look after Pietro in the hospital you had been flat out working. You hadn’t seen much of the Red Skull gang and you didn’t know if you should feel relieved or worried, it was like they had dropped off the map since Pietro’s accident. Apparently Tony couldn’t find anything suspicious much to his persistence that it must have been someone or something behind it. Clasping the socks in your left hand you reach in for the gun with your right. Swallowing hard your brain was screaming two different things at you, like an angel and a demon whispering in your ear. Slipping on the socks you shoved your feet into your boots, grabbing your jacket from the back of the couch you were out the door in minutes. The gun safely back in your underwear draw.
“So I’m thinking Italian food, you can’t go wrong with Italian good. It’s real romantic too, little Italian restaurant. A bit of wine some pasta a bit of light flirting and she’ll be putting in my hands right?” you had to laugh at Louis as he explained his master-dating plan.
“Well I wouldn’t be able to say no to lasagna and wine” you chuckled as the two of you carried the clean glasses tray from the kitchen to the bar.
“Right! It’s fool proof, my roommates say’s I’m an idiot but what does he know. He sit’s on the couch most of the time eating Baskin Robbins if he’s not running from the law” Louis must have realised he said too much as his eyes widened at you.
“You didn’t hear that from me ok” you mimed zipping up your lips and throwing away the key.
“My lips are sealed, but you better get going if you’re going to pick your date up on time” you glanced at the clock on the wall.
“But Darcy isn’t here yet” Louis pointed out, Clint also had the day off but it was a Monday night. It had been a quite afternoon and there was no one in the bar even at seven thirty.
“She’ll be here in five minutes, I’m sure I can cope being by myself. Just go and remember no roses it’s too cliché get her a mixed bunch” Louis seamed to like this idea as he pointed a finger at you.
“You’re good girl, no wonder Barnes swooped in when he did”
You tongue felt heavy as Louis skipped out of the bar giving you a wave, you groaned into the empty space as you started putting the clean pint glasses away. You were frustrated to say the least; Bucky had said that he wanted to be with you. Maybe he’d had time to think and didn’t want that anymore, you had respected that he needed space so you didn’t push. You threw yourself into taking up shifts at Hawkeyes; Wanda’s presents at your apartment was almost non-existent had been few and far between so you didn’t really have anyone to talk to. When you broach the subject with Jess earlier she wasn’t exactly offering a shoulder to cry on, bring up past mistakes certainly wasn’t what you needed right now.  You let out a heavy sigh as you finished putting away the first tray, you were so preoccupied with your thoughts you almost didn’t seen the stranger walking into the bar. He was an older man, but still good-looking. His suit was defiantly tailor made, with hints of green detailing it. His dark hair was slicked back over his ears; his eyes scanned the bar with a less than impressed look on his face as he twirled his cane around.  His green eyes found yours for a moment before he smiled.
“Can I get you anything sir?” you asked as causally and friendly as you could, your whole body was in overdrive at the sight of this stranger. Something about him seamed familiar and unsettling.
“A pot of tea if you would be so kind” you nod at his unusual request, but you complied. Five minutes later you set down the old small silver pot of steaming tea and a cup and saucer in front of him, he thanked you as he sat down at the bar.
“Would you like milk?” you asked but the man waved you off.
“No thank you” you nod moving away slight to finish putting away the pint glasses.
“I bet your wondering why a man like myself would come to an establishment like this and order a pot of tea” the man’s lips had curled up into a half smile as he practically read your mind.
“It’s not like we get men like yourself coming in here often” you joked slightly.
“There are no men like me” you felt a shiver travel up your spine as he took a sip of his tea, his eyes never breaking from yours.
“I hear you’re quite familiar with my daughter Miss (Y/N)” you felt your stomach flip.
“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific Mr…”
“Loki. My daughter Helena had some choice words to say about you” you felt your blood run cold. Helena… Hela.
“I believe the phrase you used was ‘the next thing coming out your mouth will be your teeth’ that’s a very serious threat Miss (Y/N)” Loki eyed you, your mouth felt like sand as you tried to swallow.
“I’m not going to apologies to her if that’s what you came here for” you crossed your arms as your hearth thumped in your chest.
“Oh no on the contrary, knock as many of her teeth out as you like. I just came by to see what type of woman Bucky Barnes had moved on to. Helena can be quite possessive of things that are no longer her’s to play with” Loki’s comment almost took the wind out of you things that were no longer her to play with. What the hell did that mean? Loki must have seen your confusion.
“You didn’t know, Helena and Bucky use to be quite the item back in the day. It’s a father’s duty to keep tabs on their daughter’s suitors, not matter how questionable they may be. I’m surprised your friends did not tell you. Hmmm” Loki made a curious noise as he finished his cup of tea. Taking out a crisp five-dollar note he threw it onto the counter as he stood.
“You seam like the type of woman who can stand her ground, I’d hate for you to get involved in something you can’t control. My daughter may seam psychotic and unstable, but she is just as capable as you are. Don’t underestimate her or me for that matter” you felt a cold wash over you as Loki’s words turned dark and sinister.
“Oh good look whose here.” Tony’s sudden voice made you jump in surprise, he and Darcy were stood at the doorway glaring at Loki.
“If you’re trying to start something Loki I will taser you” Darcy threatened. Loki seamed un-affected by this simply straitening up and smiling.
“Just giving (Y/N) some friendly advice” Loki looked to you still smiling, a gesture that you were not willing to give back.
“Well then un-give it, I’d hate to have to tell Barton you were in his bar. Especially after what happened last time” Tony narrowed his eyes.
“It was hardly my fault my adopted brother becomes a blundering idiot when he is intoxicated”
“I’m sure Thor would love to hear that” Darcy snorted as she pushed past Loki.
“Seriously fuck off before I taser you, I’m not joking” your eyes almost bulged out of your head as Darcy barked at Loki and that Thor and the man before you were related… kind of? Loki didn’t seam fazed as he walked towards the door that Tony was blocking.
“Move, before I throw you out of the window” the two of them sized each other up for a moment before Tony moved away and you relaxed slightly. You watched as breeze through the door with out another word.
“Did he threaten you?” Darcy asked worry etched into her features.
“It seams to be a common occurrence in his family. I just need a minute, I’ll be back” you excused yourself before either of them could object. Fishing your phone out of your pocket you typed out your message.
Loki just called in to Hawkeyes for a visit. We need to talk.
You leaned against the kitchen wall; looking up at the ceiling you replayed Jess’s words to you earlier that day.
You’re six feet deep in Sheild and Red Skull shit.
You hated when she was right, she had tried talking you out of coming back to New York. Tried to convince you to travel down to New Orleans or even LA. But no you wanted New York; you thought coming back would somehow be easier. The two years you lived in Chicago were hell; Danny was the one thing you didn’t account for. But your relationship was doomed from the start, you needed a distraction from Jeremy and he got too involved. The sharp ping of the incoming message drew you out of your thought as you looked down at your phone.
I’ll be at yours when you finish your shift tonight doll.
Of course he knew when your shift was ending, you thought rolling your eyes. The message was brief; there were no mentions of missing you or wanting to see you too. You felt a sharp pang of hurt in your chest followed by a rumble of anger. Hela was his ex and he didn’t even tell you. What’s more so, you threaten his ex at gunpoint and he wasn’t even the slightly bit mad at you. Granted you didn’t know any of the details yet but even so, if someone pointed a gun at Danny you would still be pretty fucking pissed. Jess was right about another thing it seamed.
Did you really know Bucky Barnes at all?
Next Chapter 
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