#Suporte 24/7
ghostbite0 · 4 months
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regarding the whole 21 trio turned baby thing....
feel free to ask about this concept im so invested. i need to draw like 20+ things. "ghostbite stop making aus with the hashira being turned into kids." no they are severely traumatized and deserve to have fun and cope every once in a while. its cute. my art my rules
more info under the cut...
giyuu is so over this whole situation and just wants to sleep it off. he cooperates but very reluctantly. when hes all baby mode hes a curious little guy. the other hashira see his smile and they all lose their minds. despite this shinobu and tengen tease him constantly. i imagine hes rlly similar to how he was as a kid where hes more reserved and smiley and everyone thinks its super sweet. he's the easiest to take care of by a long shot
sanemi is angry and hates the world and is constantly smacking whoever will scoop him up. he loves to pull on people's hair and is regularly being lectured. then of course you have people teasing him like aww is the little guy fussy (this immediately results in sanemi unleashign hell)... when hes baby mode hes the happiest little thing and he drools everywhere. he is only nice to genya when hes in baby mode otherwise hes just screaming bloody murder and trying to rip off all his hair
as for obanai hes shy and embarrassed about the whole thing. he has mittens on 24/7 and is almost always wrapped up in a blanket bc he needs the warmth. timid and at war with his demons. if he doesnt have a pacifier he has his little tongue sticking out and if this is pointed out to him he will shrivel up and die. when hes baby mode hes the sweetest little thing and it confuses everyone bc arent u supposed to be like the meanest person in the world. hes the smallest of the three so everyone pays closer attention to him to ensure hes eating and he doesnt get sick bc his little immune system just cant handle it. mitsuri absolutely adores him and muichiro has claimed him as his baby brother and if you try to take obanai away from him he will bite you
also shoutout to my bud @photographicapparitions this whole au is based on a concept we have talked abt & they characterized baby mode giyuu and i was a coward and scared of posting things but they have been endlessly suportive.... go send them some love
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rowretro · 4 months
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✧taglist✧: @baevsxii @nikisdubblchococake
✧warnings: Yandere themes, toxic themes, unhealthy love, mentions of blood, a little goofy w won
♡synopsis: Nishimura Riki. The Robot created by Yang Jungwon himself, a robot that is insanely human like, inside and out. No one could tell he was a robot. However, the Robot had possessed demonly powers, from Satan himself. So I guess you could see it's a half robot. Yang y/n, the younger sister of Jungwon finds herself stuck to this robot 24/7 no matter what she tried, he will always be by her because she's his muse, his world, his love, his obsession.
(PART 2)
Jungwon gasped seeing Riki carry inside the unconscious, somewhat bloodied body of his sister. "NI-KI BOT NO! HOW COULD YOU FUCKING KILL MY FUCKING SISTER?! HOW DO YOU CALL THIS LOVE?!!!" He exclaimed, mad as he searched for a weapon. "No no master Yang... she fainted. She saw me take the life of another human and fainted... nothing to worry about, I ran a body scan she was just stressed..." The robot male simply said as he softly laid her down.
Riki eyed her up and down, oh how peaceful she looked when sleeping. He cleaned himself up, taking a human shower. Even Jungwon was in utter shock seeing the robot act so human, not one bit effected by the water. Riki dried his hair as he glanced at Y/n. The girl still dressed in the bloodstained, sweaty clothes. Riki approached her unconscious figure. His hands making it's way to her shirt.
He slipped it off, Then her trousers, as he threw them in the laundry. "NI-KI bot. I need to run a test on- AH WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER... I DON'T EVEN KNOW IF A ROBOT IS ABLE TO MAKE A BABY, BBUT I KNOW MY SISTER CAN'T CARRY A CYBORG CREATURE INSIDE HER." Jungwon yelled as the robot ignored him, clean clothes at hand. "Do robots even have hormones?... hey I need to run a few tests on you so hurry up and don't hurt my sister." Jungwon warned.
The robot remained silent, carrying her to a very fancy, and wonderfully scented bath tub. "God fucksake what did I fucking create... who's the fucking mom- why does it have human parts-... did he steal someone's heart literally- what the fuck is fucking going on-" Jungwon mumbled to himself. Eventually, Y/n woke up. She was clean, dressed in one of her nightgowns and tucked into her bed comfortably. Maybe she was just having a nightmare?
The clothes in her laundry bag said otherwise. Y/n walked down the hallway and glanced into Jungwon's lab. Sitting there was Riki himself a few wires connected to him as Jungwon ran through a few things on a few computers. "It's fucking unbelievable... he's half Man half robot... practically- but that's impossible..." Jungwon mumbled as Y/n stood there, creeped out by the way Riki turned to her. "W-won... you're doing a really bad job as a brother... Either you're careless, irresponsible and shit at science, or you're so over protective to the point you wanted to make my future husband." Y/n said.
"Well... I don't know what you want me to do... if it was a robot completely- I can turn it off, dismantle it and melt it with acid or some shit..." Jungwon started as the robot turned it's head to Jungwon. "B-But- he's not just robot so I can't... a-also I think he's a great guy- he literally dressed you and didn't even hurt you or yknow... glaze your donut?" Jungwon added as y/n stared in shock, throwing her small teddy bear at him.
"OH MY GOD. BAD BROTHER BAD BAD BAD- FIRST YO U LET THAT MURDEROUS LAB RAT FREAK OF NATURE TOUCH ME AND YOU'RE LETTING HIM GET AWAY WITH THIS???" Y/n exclaims as Jungwon scratched his head. "Sis... I tried EVERYTHING. He's just impossible to get rid of trust me..." Jungwon added as Riki stared at him "HEY I'M TRYING TO SUPORT YOUR CASE HERE-" Jungwon yelled, raising his arms in defence.
"HIS CASE? HE IS MEANT TO BE JUST A HUMAN LOOKING LAPTOP." "OH MY GOD Y/N, NI-KI BOT LISTEN. I'M JUST TRYING TO CO EXSIST AND NOT GET MURDERRED. PLEASE." Jungwon finally yelled as y/n sighed. Riki got up when the wires were removed, his hand resting against the wall, his face leaning into hers. "So beautiful up close... Never seen something so beautiful, you can check my database for proof if u want." He simply said as Y/n rolled her eyes.
"You want to feel my kiss? boy you can't touch this." She simply said, her hand softly pushing his chest away. The robot found her cute, following her around everywhere, watching as she pours herself a glass of water, staring in the mirror, pouting and twirling her hair. Or even when she's just randomly working out, or making a snack. "Can you like stop staring?" she asked annoyed as he blinked. Riki then took a seat beside her. "Why don't you love me?" The robot asked as Y/n rolled her eyes. "NI-KI bot.... You're creepy, weird, a robot and in no world is it ever normal for a human to love a clunk of metal." She simply said.
"So you're saying, it isn't love because I can't shed blood for you?... It isn't love because when we kiss there won't be saliva?... Technology's improved darling... and My name is Riki do not call me NI-KI bot." He said, his voice going a whole octave deeper as he slit the skin on his arm, real blood dripping out the slit, the cut itself looking like a human's. "Now should we test with the kiss?" he asked his head tilted a little, as he stared intensely at her. "N-No NI-KI- I-I mean Riki.... you just stay here..." Y/n simply said as she ran off into her bedroom.
Y/n checked that he didn't follow her, and shut her room door. She made her way to her bedroom window, opening it as she looked down. The coast is clear. So she jumped, expecting to have a fairly painful landing that'll be less impactful by the bushes. However, her landing was a little softer. She found herself, staring directly into Riki's eyes as she was indeed in his arms. "Where we off to pretty baby?" The robot man asked, his eyes darkening as he carried her in.
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lactosa2 · 28 days
i really like writing.
₊ ⊹₍ᐢᐢ₎
cc: Phoenix as a boyfriend, hc, soft, comfort content.
He is really playfull, he knows limits and wont joke about sensitive or hurtfull things, but that doesnt change the fact that he love messing whit you.
As his partner, you HAVE to stand his crap 24/7, and honestly he is very sutil whit that. He knows where and how mess whit you, he is not dumb, even if it that seems like all the time.
Is only a part of his personality yk?
When he is tired he is very clingy, he is always lovely and touchy, but not in a playfull maner. Usually when he is whit his usual energy he would like to tease whit soft kisses and giggles on your face, poking your cheeks and messing your hair.
He is totally diferent when he is tired, he is just snoring and holding you in your place while cudling, his legs on top of yours and arms arround u. Belive me, he wont let you scape from him.
Very attentative, he gonna know when you are down or really exited whit sum, and he gon na suport u whatever your mood is.
Likes to yapp, more if you give him more material. His perfect date is holding hands while walking and just talking about random things, then, of course, ice cream.
I usually just write bout Omen, but hey! i think drugs may give me inspiration to do shit about other people.
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beeindaclouds · 2 years
DSMP as Love Tropes
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A.N.: This is inspired by the many Tik Toks I've seen about "Love Tropes"
Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers, Awesamdude, Aimsey
Click Here before requesting, please ^^
Reader: GN - They/Them (expect for Aimsey)
Dream: Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Your relationship started off a bit...rocky, let's say. He came off to you as a selfish and overly confident, while you came off as cold and judgemental to him. You two still interacted, whenever you were streaming and obligated to, but the tension could've been cut with a knife. After a year, you two got over your initial reactions, admitting to having jumped to conclusion way to soon so you became friends. And the transition from friends to lovers was pretty much easy from there
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Georgenotfound: Highschool Sweetshearts
Highschool for you two was really something; but through the highs and lows you to seemed to always have eachtoher. And right on your last year of highschool, George had got out of his safe space to ask you out, to which you accepted lmost immediately. You two have been inseparable ever since. You support and help him with his streams and he suports you with your own work
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Sapnap: Puppy Love
You two have that kind of cute and innocnt love that everyone is envious of. It's like constantly being in a "honeymoon phase" with him and just never getting enough of it. And I'm talking all cheesy things like constant kisses, hugs where he lifts you off your feet, hand holding or pinkies interlocking 24/7, blushy cheeks, ect. You two just can't get over eachother, and it probably will never change
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Badboyhalo: First Love
The one love you will never forget is the first love. You and Bad had dated, if you could even call it that, in middle school for like a year surprisingly. But you later had to move away so the relationship eneded there. And years later, around half way though your 20s, you two met up again. The only difference it's that this time you were going nowhere and Bad wasn't gonna let you escape that easily
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Quackity: Pretend Lovers/ Fake Dating
It all started as a way of making jealous one of your ex's at the wedding they had invited you too. You, not wanting to go alone, asked Quackity to work with you and your plan to which he accepted, but only because you were friends. But the more time you spent as lovers the more you both started noticing how natural everything felt, like there was nothing fake being said and done
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Karl Jacobs: Childhood Friends to Lovers
You two had been togheter since you were little babies, your parents being neighbors and close friends. So growing up togheter you always got the "when are you two getting togheter" comments that, at the time, you would both disregard or laugh about. But now that you two are both adults, and both have clear understanding of what you feel for eachother, it might change everything
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Wilbur Soot: Lonely Togheter
From an outsider prospective you two had nothing in common, but loneliness kept you togheter. He was there when you needed time, comfort or just a shoulder to cry on and the same was for him. No matter how miserable you two were, it felt better doing it with him...and only him
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C!Technoblade: Sunshine × Sunshine Protector
You brought joy to his life, colors to his black and white world, music to his lonely lyrics and he would do anything to protect you from the evil this world could bring. Your warm aura, you comforting smile and pure love was all he could have ever asked for. And nobody, and I mean nobody, could take that away from you or him; he would make sure of that
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Nihachu: Love at First Sight
People say that believing in soemthing as "stupid" as love at first sight it's childish, but the feelings you and Niki felt the moments your eyes landed on eachother couldn't be described in any other away. It's like being hit by lighting, something so quick and unpredictable but more welcoming then actual lighting haha
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Eret: Extrovert × Intorvert
She was everything you wanted to be and more; confident, friendly, not scared to say whats on her mind. While you were quiet, a bit shy and scared of people in general. But she always brought out the best in you and you were her charging place whenever the social battery would die down
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Punz: You fell first, but he fell harder
You loved everything about Punz, and could go days listing things you liked about the man. These feelings didn't take long for them to be noticeable to the blonde, who happily reciprocated them. But the more time he spent with you the more he started to fall into the abyss that it's you. He started noticing little things he loved about you, keeping in mind all of your likes and dislikes, going out of his way to do things for you that he knew you would appreciate. He was head over heels for you
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FoolishGamers: Soulmates
Finding your soulmate is like searching for a needle in a haystack, and yet you and Foolish seemed to have hit the jackpot. You two were like two peas in a pod right away. In a way, you two seemed to complete eachother and oh did you feel lucky to have found one another
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
Awesamdude: He loves you more
.·:*¨༺ ♛ ༻¨*:·.
No matter how much you argue about it, it is so obvious that he loves you more. From his actions to his words, filled with love and passion only for you, you couldn't deny just how obsessed he was with you (in a positive way, of course). Even outsiders could see the chnage in him whemever you are around; from the softening of his eyes to the happy smile planted on his face. You are his entire world
Aimsey: Destined to be Togheter
To you two it seemed like the stars aligned for you, like destiny made a path just for you to meet, like the odds were in your favour. Everything clicked, everything seemed right and perfect whenever you were togheter. Nothing got in the way of you two as you proclaimed your love for eachother, and it seemes like nothing ever will
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ijustlovefiction · 1 year
Cars Universe Chalenge!!!!
(cuz why not)
1. Fav character from Cars
2. Fav character from Planes
3. Fav character from whole universe
4. Your least favorite character from Cars
5.Your least favorite character from Planes
6.Character you hate the most
7. Character that you kin the most (character, that you see yourself in them/you can relate to them)
8. Characters that you wants as friends
9. Fav character(s)?
10. Things that you like the most in you fav character(s)
11. Thing that you find out, why you kin this character (if you have character that you kin)
12. Fav song(s)?
13.Fav moments from Cars
14. Fav moments from Planes
15. Fav racer?
16. Lightning or Dusty?
17.The saddest moment in whole franchise?
18. Favorite Cars on the Road episode?
19. Fav ship?
20. Fav duo/trio?
21. Cars, Cars 2 or Cars 3?
22. Planes or Planes or Fire and Rescue?
23. Fav Cars Toons?
24. Fav Mater's Tall Tales?
25. Song that you listen the most rarely?
26. Fav video game?
27. Fav soundtrack (music without words)?
28. Best antagonist in whole franchise?
29. Which machine you would be in Cars Universe?
30. Fav girl?
31.Place from Cars Universe you really want to visit?
32. Thing from Cars Universe you want to have?
33. Radiator Springs or Propwash Junction?
34. Do you want to ride a WHOLE road 66 with all atractions?
35. Character that shows you data fanbase MBTI personality
36.Song (not from Cars), that reminds you your fav character(s)
37. Best agent?
38. Best lemon?
39. You want a "Boats" movie?
40. What do you want to see in Cars on the Road season 2?
41.The character you think they would have the same style like you (if they would be a human)
42.Luigi or Guido?
43.Character form Radiator Springs that you want have as roommate?
44. How much you miss Doc?
45.Character that you think they would be the most suportive to you
46.The worst Cars/Planes mockbuster? (Lucky you, who doesn't watch it)
47.Your favorite fanarts (if you don't have it, you don't have to do this)
48.Fav voice actors from Cars Universe?
49. The moment in whole franchise that made you angry
50. Best trailer?
51. Character from Radiator Springs that you would have least good relationship
52.Ideas for next movie?
53. Fav easter egg in whole franchise?
54.Best deleted scene?
55. What would you say to younger version of you, when you see that you are playing with toys from Cars/Planes?
56.With which movie/game idk and Cars Universe you want to see a crossover? (If you have idea, ofc)
57. Thing that you hate in fandom
58. Cars or Planes?
@penname-artist @leiasky (you two must do it, haha)
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laisecruz9877 · 3 months
A Ferroada da Traição
Se você já foi traído, sabe o quanto isso pode doer. É provável que tenha sentido que não poderia confiar na pessoa que te magoou, ou pode ser que tenha se sentido solitário ou isolado, e talvez tenha se pergunta se alguém realmente entende a profundidade da sua dor.
Jesus entende.
Sua própria jornada na Terra incluiu traição. Nos evangelhos, Judas Iscariotes é lembrado por trair Jesus às autoridades religiosas por trinta moedas de prata, o preço de um escravo (Êxodo 21:32), levando à prisão e crucificação de Jesus:
“O Filho do Homem irá, como está escrito a seu respeito, mas ai daquele por quem o Filho do homem é traído! Melhor seria que não houvesse nascido.”
Mateus 26:24 NVI
Assim, Jesus também trilhou o caminho da traição. Ele conhece a sua ferroada e a dor da confiança quebrada. Ele entende a fundo a nossa dor porque Ele mesmo a suportou. E porque conhece a nossa dor, Jesus é capaz de caminhar ao nosso lado pelos vales mais sombrios, oferecendo empatia, compreensão e, em última análise, um caminho para a cura e a restauração.
Quando você se sentir traído, Jesus tem uma resposta melhor. Em vez de sermos vencidos pela amargura e pela desesperança, o poder de Cristo torna-se a nossa força, guiando-nos mesmo nos momentos mais difíceis com uma paz que excede todo o entendimento (Filipenses 4:7).
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aprenderexcelemcasa · 9 months
Olá, como vai? Se você chegou até este artigo é porque quer fazer um curso de Excel Online para transformar a carreira.
Então neste artigo vou revelar tudo o que você precisa saber do curso de Excel Online mais procurado do Brasil.
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Procurar um curso de Excel Online é fundamental para se destacar, seja para conseguir um emprego ou para impressionar seu chefe. Isso porque mais de 90% das empresas exigem o conhecimento em Excel…
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É por isso que fazer um curso de Excel Online é um excelente investimento….Afinal, nada melhor que investir na sua carreira, não é verdade?
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O Excel Sem Segredo é um curso de Excel Completo, que ensina passo a passo, do básico ao avançado, tudo sobre planilhas, fórmulas, gráficos, funções, tabelas dinâmicas, base de dados e atalhos.
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E o curso de Excel Online do prof. Lourival Melo tem também certificado válido e reconhecido em todo território nacional.
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Você compra o curso de Excel Online do prof. Lourival Melo apenas no site oficial.
Lembre-se de comprar apenas pelo site oficial, pois é por lá que você garante o certificado, suporte e a garantia do curso.
Aqui está o site oficial do Excel Sem Segredo: https://cutt.ly/CURSO_EXCEL_OFICIAL
Review Completo Curso de Excel Online
Agora você vai ter a oportunidade para ver o vídeo completo do prof. Lourival Melo, onde ele explica em detalhes como funciona o curso de Excel Online:
Espero que tenha gostado do vídeo falando do curso de Excel Online.
Se tiver mais dúvidas, basta ver outros artigos ou entrar em contato. Será um prazer te ajudar!
Curso de Excel Online Vale a Pena?
Curso de Pacote Office Mais Recomendado
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There are thousands of reasons to love Harry, but I will do my very best to narrow it down to 29 to celebrate his 29th birthday! 🎂
So, let’s begin! 
1. he is kind
2. he is humble 
3. he is a feminist 
4. he is respectful 
5. he loves unconditionally 
6. he is talented
7. he is a genuine soul 
8. his hair clip 
9. his old dirty white vans 
10. the way he always introduces himself 
11. he is a consent king 
12. his little dances 
13. the way he says “obviously” 
14. his dimples 
15. his curls 
16. his akwardness 
17. how sincere his humor is 
18. he is caring
19. he is suportive 
20. the way he is extremely shy and many people don’t realise that 
21. his crunchy nose 
22. the thing he does with his hand when he gives speeches
23. the things he does when he gets nervous like nervous laughs or playing with his rings 
24. he laughs when he sings 
25. his giggles 
26. he truly listens when someone talks to him 
27. he never breaks a hug 
28. he isn’t afraid of being vulnerable
29. he is just Harry and that’s enough. 
Happy birthday H, you are a ray of sunshine and you’re my comfort person. Thank you for being you. ❤️
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weirdboi · 2 years
||Wich The Bad Guys character are you||
Enjoy :>
No looking at the results,first answer the questions and then you can look at the results
Don't do this quiz if you necer read the books or you'll get confused
Answer honestly no lying
What would you do if a child was starring at you?
💛I would smile at it
💚I would say "Boo"
🧡We would have a starring content
💙I would just turn around
🤍I would just wink
🖤The child would just start crying,I know it bc that always happens
2.If yiu found a wallet on a street, what would you do?
💛I would try to find the owner
💚I would take it,I mean no one leaves a wallet on a street unless that don't need it
🧡I would ask everyone in town and if it's nobody's i would just leave it on a street
💙I would gave it to the police
🤍I would try to find the owner but I think they would got scared so :')
🖤 Depends
3.If your friend is upset,what do you do?
💛Ask them what is wrong and if they don't want to talk about it I'll be ok with it
💚 Pretend like I don't exist
🧡Ask them what's wrong until they tell me
💙Make them some tea to feel better
🤍Give them a Biiig hug
🖤Still Depends
4.If your friend comes out as LGBT+
,what is your reaction?
💛 I'm glad you found your true self
💚Good for you I guess
💙I always knew that your gay
🤍Give them a hug and promise that I'll suport them no matter what
🖤Gives a big hug that they can berley breath
5.You didn't learn for a big Monday test,what are you going to do?
💛Learn at the lunchtime
💚 Depends from wich subject the test is
🧡Panic and scream in bathroom
💙I try to learn for test very fast
🤍I accepted my future
🖤It wouldn't be the first time so
6.It's movie 🎥 night,wich film do you want to pick?
💛 I'm ok with everything except horrors
💚 Anything without clowns
💙 Romance
🤍 Something with romance and tragedy like Romeo and Juliet
🖤 Horrors something like Mr.Babadook(2014)
7.Someone wnats to fight with you,what do you say?
💛No way!Call me a pussy but I ain't fightin with you
💚Ok when,where and are any weapons allowed?
💙Just walk away
🤍Bites him and job is done
🖤Ummm hi 911?There us a guy I had fight with and now he can't stop bleeding
8.You have a crush on your best friend and how will you tell them that?
💛I like you,more than friend,I really like you and I think we could work out
💚Hi I like you
🧡 Marry me 😍
💙I like you,do you like me back?
🤍*Writes on paper* I luv you be mine pls
🖤*Kiss* Your welcome
9.There's a fire,who do you save?
💛 Family
💚 Myself
🧡I try to save everyone in the place
💙The children
🤍I save everyone except myself and die slowly
🖤I caused the fire so
💛If you had most of the yellow hearts,than your Mr.Wolf.
You are fun, loyal and always there for your friends.You'll always believe in them even when they don't believe in themselves
💚If you had most of the green hearts,you are Mr.Snake.You care and love you friends,but you don't show it that much.You have a bit bigger ego than theirs and you would do anything for your friends even if that means becoming Satan's batler
🧡If you had most of the orange hearts,you Mr.Piranha.Yoy are a funny and sometimes a bit annoying person.You are full of energy 24/7 and love Mexican food.And you also have stomach issues
💙If you had most blue heart,your Legs/Mr.Tarantula.Your a small person with big brain.You always want to help and you are ready to give people second chance (Only if you believe they deserve it)
🤍If you had most white hearts,your Mr.Shark.You're a quiet,shy and big person who isn't the main character of the group but you still help.You have some issues that mess with you but you're still trying to get up.Also you have an amazing taste in clothes
🖤If you had most of the black hearts,your Joker Black (my Tbg Oc). Your a bit creepy but funny person.Sometimes you do some evil things to help others and you like hanging out with boogie mans and clowns.You have some amazing powers and aslo daddy issues :)
Tell me in comments wich characters did you turn out to be
Luv you 💟
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alonekings · 1 hour
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schoje · 19 hours
A Caixa Econômica Federal anunciou novidades importantes para os beneficiários do Bolsa Família em julho de 2024. Além do pagamento regular, foram liberados dois pagamentos extras para ajudar as famílias que dependem desse programa de assistência social. Calendário de Pagamentos de Julho Os beneficiários podem receber suas parcelas entre os dias 18 e 31 de julho, seguindo o cronograma com base no final do Número de Identificação Social (NIS). Confira as datas: Final do NIS 1: 18/7 Final do NIS 2: 19/7 Final do NIS 3: 22/7 Final do NIS 4: 23/7 Final do NIS 5: 24/7 Final do NIS 6: 25/7 Final do NIS 7: 26/7 Final do NIS 8: 29/7 Final do NIS 9: 30/7 Final do NIS 0: 31/7 Extras do Bolsa Família Os beneficiários também terão acesso a pagamentos extras que podem aumentar o valor recebido. Entre esses adicionais, estão: Auxílio Gás: R$ 110 Benefício Primeira Infância: R$ 150 por criança menor de 6 anos Benefício Variável Familiar: R$ 50 por pessoa (inclui crianças de 7 a 17 anos e gestantes) Benefício para Superação da Extrema Pobreza: Valor variável para garantir renda per capita acima da linha de extrema pobreza Antecipação de Pagamentos Em casos de calamidades, como desastres naturais, o governo pode antecipar os pagamentos do Bolsa Família. Este mês, municípios que sofreram com fortes chuvas e outras emergências têm acesso ao benefício antes do prazo regular. Como Receber o Bolsa Família? Para garantir o recebimento do benefício, é essencial manter os dados atualizados no Cadastro Único (CadÚnico). Verifique os documentos necessários e siga os passos para o cadastro: Cadastro no CadÚnico: Faça ou atualize o cadastro no CadÚnico nos postos de atendimento da assistência social, como CRAS. Documentação: Apresente CPF ou título de eleitor. Verificação do Calendário: Consulte o calendário de pagamentos conforme o final do NIS. Acompanhamento: Verifique regularmente os extratos para garantir que os pagamentos estão corretos. Cidades Contempladas com Antecipação Cidades em estado de calamidade também terão os pagamentos antecipados. Entre os estados contemplados estão Roraima, Amazonas, Rio Grande do Norte, Maranhão e Paraná. Veja a lista completa das cidades no site oficial. Importância do Bolsa Família O programa Bolsa Família é uma iniciativa crucial do governo brasileiro para apoiar famílias em situação de vulnerabilidade, garantindo segurança alimentar e bem-estar. Com os pagamentos extras e antecipações, o objetivo é oferecer um suporte ainda maior para quem mais precisa. Para mais informações, acesse o site oficial da Caixa Econômica Federal e fique por dentro de todas as novidades sobre o Bolsa Família e outros programas sociais. Gostou da notícia? Aproveite para participar do nosso grupo no WHATSAPP e receba notícias exclusivas diariamente. ENTRE NO GRUPO AQUI é grátis, e você recebe em primeira mão as nossas notícias! Siga o SC Hoje News no Google News para ficar bem informado. Siga nosso perfil no Instagram: @schojenews Siga nossa página no Facebook: @schojenews Inscreva-se no nosso Canal no YouTube: @schojenews
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meajudadoutores · 5 days
INSS Antecipa Aposentadorias no Rio Grande do Sul
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Detalhes da Antecipação dos Pagamentos
Conforme divulgado, o INSS, em conjunto com o Ministério da Previdência Social, decidiu antecipar os pagamentos de aposentadorias e pensões do mês de junho para maio. Esta medida visa oferecer um alívio financeiro imediato para aqueles que se encontram em dificuldades devido à calamidade pública. Os pagamentos, que normalmente ocorreriam entre 24 de maio e 7 de junho, foram ajustados para começarem no primeiro dia do calendário de pagamentos, facilitando o acesso dos beneficiários aos seus recursos.
Benefícios Incluídos na Antecipação
A portaria conjunta INSS/MPS Nº 46 especifica que a antecipação abrange aposentadorias, pensões e o Benefício de Prestação Continuada (BPC). Entretanto, benefícios temporários como auxílio-doença, salário-maternidade ,auxílio-reclusão, inicialmente não estavam incluídos. No entanto, o INSS sinalizou que esta política poderia ser revisada e expandida, dependendo das avaliações subsequentes da situação.
Ano passado também ocorreu a antecipaçao dos benefícios
Esta não é a primeira vez que o INSS adota tal medida. Em setembro de 2023, a região Sul também foi beneficiada com antecipações devido a adversidades climáticas. Adicionalmente, existe a opção para os segurados de solicitar o adiantamento de uma parcela do benefício de 2024, caracterizado como um empréstimo isento de juros e correção, que deverá ser quitado em até 36 meses.
Antecipação do Bolsa Família: Beneficiários Receberão Pagamento em Data Única
Conforme informado pela Folha de S. Paulo. De acordo com nota, o Ministério do Desenvolvimento e Assistência Social, Família e Combate à Fome (MDS) decidiu antecipar o pagamento do Bolsa Família para os beneficiários que possuem Número de Identificação Social (NIS) terminados entre dois e zero. Essa medida visa beneficiar os cidadãos que vivem nas áreas afetadas por determinadas circunstâncias.
Essa decisão representa uma forma de agilizar o acesso dos beneficiários ao recurso, proporcionando mais eficiência e praticidade na distribuição dos recursos do Bolsa Família.
Impacto e Significado das Medidas
A antecipação dos pagamentos previdenciários é mais do que uma medida de assistência financeira; é um gesto de solidariedade e compreensão do governo frente ao sofrimento dos seus cidadãos. Em momentos de crise, ações rápidas e eficazes como esta são cruciais para a recuperação das áreas afetadas e para a restauração da normalidade da vida dos indivíduos impactados.
Um Olhar para o Futuro
Enquanto a região se recupera do impacto devastador das chuvas, a antecipação dos benefícios previdenciários pelo INSS serve como um importante lembrete do papel dos serviços públicos em situações de emergência. Além disso, destaca a necessidade de políticas mais robustas de gestão de desastres e apoio social para prevenir e mitigar os efeitos de futuras catástrofes. O compromisso do INSS em responder prontamente à crise é um exemplo da responsabilidade governamental em proteger e apoiar sua população em tempos de necessidade.
Mantenha-se Informado
Para mais informações sobre estas e outras ações de suporte aos cidadãos afetados pelas chuvas no Rio Grande do Sul, acompanhe o blog do Previdenciarista. Mantenha-se atualizado com as últimas notícias e orientações sobre como acessar os benefícios disponibilizados neste período crítico.
Essas medidas são essenciais para proporcionar alívio financeiro imediato às famílias que enfrentam dificuldades devido à catástrofe natural, reforçando o compromisso das autoridades com o bem-estar social em tempos de crise.
Acompanhe mais informações sobre programas sociais e outras notícias relevantes em nosso blog Meajudadoutores.
Saiba Também sobre:
Aposentadoria por Idade
Aposentadoria por Tempo de Contribuição
Aposentadoria Especial
Aposentadoria por Invalidez
Pensão por Morte
Salário Maternidade
Benefício Assistencial
Se você gostou do conteúdo, não hesite em compartilhá-lo com seus amigos, conhecidos e familiares no WhatsApp, a fim de que possam também se beneficiar das informações disponibilizadas.
Equipe MeAjudaDoutores
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bloger130 · 5 days
Impulsione Sua Presença no Instagram com a Fox World Panel
Com a crescente importância do Instagram no cenário das redes sociais, destacar-se é essencial para influenciadores e empresas. A Fox World Panel oferece uma solução abrangente para quem deseja aumentar sua visibilidade e engajamento de maneira eficaz e segura.
Vantagens de Comprar Seguidores no Instagram
Comprar seguidores Instagram pode ser uma estratégia eficaz para aumentar a credibilidade do seu perfil. A Fox World Panel oferece seguidores 100% reais e orgânicos, obtidos através de anúncios online, garantindo um crescimento genuíno e interações verdadeiras.
Serviços Personalizados para o Mercado Brasileiro
Se seu objetivo é alcançar o público brasileiro, a Fox World Panel disponibiliza pacotes específicos para comprar seguidores brasileiros. Esses seguidores são ativos e genuinamente interessados no seu conteúdo, o que é ideal para empresas e influenciadores que desejam fortalecer sua presença no mercado nacional.
Segurança e Autenticidade Garantidas
A Fox World Panel se destaca por sua autenticidade e segurança. Diferente de outras plataformas que utilizam bots, todos os comprar seguidores reais, evitando riscos para o seu perfil. Além disso, a empresa oferece suporte 24/7, garantindo que qualquer dúvida ou problema seja resolvido rapidamente.
Diversidade de Serviços para Impulsionar seu Perfil
A Fox World Panel não se limita apenas à venda de seguidores. A plataforma também oferece curtidas, visualizações, plays, ouvintes, comentários, avaliações, inscritos e serviços para lives. Todos esses serviços são projetados para aumentar o engajamento e a visibilidade do seu perfil de maneira orgânica e segura.
Se você busca uma maneira eficaz de impulsionar sua presença no Instagram, a Fox World Panel é a solução ideal. Com serviços autênticos, segurança garantida e suporte contínuo, a plataforma oferece todas as ferramentas necessárias para influenciadores e empresas crescerem de maneira sustentável e eficaz. Visite Fox World Panel para saber mais e começar a impulsionar sua presença nas redes sociais hoje mesmo!
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Skotlandia di Euro 2024 Perjalanan Singkat Yang Mengecewakan
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Nagaliga.news – Timnas Skotlandia menjadi tim kedua yang tersingkir dari Euro 2024. Andrew Robertson dan rekan-rekannya harus cepat angkat koper setelah perjalanan singkat mereka di Jerman. Kekalahan dari Hungaria pada laga terakhir Grup A memastikan akhir perjalanan mereka di turnamen ini.
Kekalahan Skotlandia Di Laga Penentu
Pertandingan penentu antara Skotlandia dan Hungaria berlangsung di MHP Arena, Stuttgart, pada Senin (24/6/2024) dini hari WIB. Skotlandia, yang harus meraih kemenangan untuk menjaga harapan lolos ke babak berikutnya, malah takluk 0-1 dari Hungaria. Gol tunggal yang tercipta di menit akhir pertandingan mengubur impian The Tartan Army untuk melanjutkan perjalanan mereka di Euro 2024. Hasil Grup A Yang Mengecewakan Dengan kekalahan tersebut, Skotlandia hanya mengumpulkan satu poin dari tiga pertandingan di Grup A. Mereka memulai turnamen dengan kekalahan telak 1-5 dari Jerman. Meskipun sempat memberikan harapan dengan menahan Swiss 1-1, kekalahan dari Hungaria memastikan mereka finis di posisi keempat grup. Grup A dipimpin oleh Jerman dengan 7 poin, diikuti oleh Swiss (5), Hungaria (3), dan Skotlandia (1) Harus pulang lebih awal dari turnamen ini. Tiba di Jerman lebih awal, tepatnya pada 10 Juni 2024, lima hari sebelum pertandingan pembuka melawan tuan rumah Jerman. Persiapan mereka di Jerman berlangsung intensif, didukung oleh ribuan suporter yang terbang langsung untuk menyaksikan mereka berlaga. Namun, penampilan di lapangan tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi, dan mereka gagal melanjutkan momentum dari kualifikasi. Read the full article
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issoimporta · 10 days
Características do Produto Se quiser causar uma boa impressão em uma importante ligação no Skype, fazer gravações refinadas ou mostrar suas habilidades e paixões no YouTube, a C920S entregará tudo, com vídeo Full HD notavelmente nítido e detalhado (1080p a 30 qps) e som estéreo claro. EspecificaçõesVideochamada Full HD de 1080p (até 1920 x 1080 pixels) com a versão mais recente do Skype para Windows Videochamada HD de 720p (até 1280 x 720 pixels) com clientes para os quais há suporte Gravação de vídeo em Full HD (até 1920 x 1080 pixels) Compactação de vídeo H.264 Microfones duplos estéreos incríveis com redução de ruído automática Correção automática de pouca luz Clipe universal pronto para tripés que se ajusta a monitores de laptop ou LCD Requisitos do SistemaWindows® 10 ou posterior, Windows 8, Windows 7 Funciona em modo de dispositivo de vídeo USB (UVC) com clientes de videochamada compatíveismacOS 10.10 ou posterior XBox One Chrome OS Android v 5.0 ou acima Porta USB Conexão com a Internet Itens InclusosC920s com cabo de 1,5 metro Proteção de privacidade Documentação do usuário DimensõesA x L x P: 29 mm x 94 mm x 24 mm Comprimento do cabo: 1,5 m Garantia2 anos
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alonekings · 1 day
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