supaliaxpress · 7 years
Hi Lia, I want to ask you about your thoughts on people saying bride of the water god being the same as goblin. What do you think? some people say goblin is better and that bride of the water god is copying goblin. I'm curious about what you think cause you really liked goblin.
Hey there! Ahhhh… that’s a good question. 
Hmm… tbh, The Bride of Habaek did give me some Goblin vibes at first, but I’d like to think it just got some inspiration from Goblin. After all, I believe there was an article about how the director did say the drama would be similar to Goblin with the supernatural concept. However, after watching 14 episodes with two episodes left of the drama… The Bride of Habaek is totally different from Goblin. The only connection between the two is the supernatural aspect.
It just really sucks how we haven’t really seen Habaek’s powers in action as much as I’d have wished, but I do understand why his powers haven’t been used. >.> But still…. I really hope we get to see his powers in action before the drama ends…. like really… he’s the water god for heaven’s sake. 
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On the other hand, we got the total package of how badass and awesome the dokkaebi, Kim Shin, was in Goblin… which I do not mind at all and was glad that he loved to show off his powers. >.
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We could say that The Bride of Habaek is similar to Goblin, in a sense that the god fell in love with the human first… or expressed their feelings first. But Kim Shin and Habaek are totally different gods with different personalities and agendas. It’s quite rude to say that The Bride of Habaek copied Goblin, since the original material was from a manhwa… but even then, the drama is a totally different story compared to the original material. 
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All I can say is that we’re getting quite the fan-service with all the lip smacking action in The Bride of Habaek… as opposed to Goblin, when the long-time awaited kiss scene literally almost made me break my screen because they FRIGGIN CUT IT SHORT!!! 
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The second lead couple in The Bride of Habaek is very appealing just like in Goblin too. But Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom’s relationship is totally different from our second lead couple in Goblin – Reaper and Sunny. Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom have a cutesy-childish love-hate relationship, where Habaek stands in the way due to Moo Ra’s affections. While in Goblin, Reaper and Sunny had a very angsty and heartbreaking relationship where being together and not being together were both painful to them. 
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The one thing both second lead couples’ do share is the intense sexual tension, lmao. Moo Ra and Bi Ryeom have this amazing chemistry together just as Reaper and Sunny… why are the second lead couples always so amazing and hot?? 
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One thing that The Bride of Habaek differs from Goblin… the one aspect it has that Goblin doesn’t have… is the presence of a second lead male for the main lead female to cause a love-triangle drama. In Goblin, Kim Shin was the #1 contender and the ONLY contender for Eun Tak’s heart, lmao… poor childhood friend had no chance. BUT, all I can say is that CEO Shin (Hoo Ye) is flippin amazing, gorgeous, hot, precious, and he needs to be protected. Damn, he is making it hard for me to be loyal to the main couple… cause I really want him to have a happy ending (and I low-key want him to steal So Ah away from Habaek…. hahaha.) Tbh, how in the world can So Ah NOT fall in love with him??? 
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Now the plot… well… I can’t really say for sure what the ending will be for The Bride of Habaek. I’m still confused as to how they’re going to tie everything up in the last two episodes… but the biggest problem would be how will Habaek and So Ah stay together, with him being the water god and her being a mere human. As for Goblin, we had a very clear cut story built from the beginning with new surprises with each episode… plus their relationship wasn’t necessarily “taboo” compared to So Ah and Habaek’s relationship. So I’m gonna say that the plot aspect is not really comparable between the two because 1) in Goblin, it was kinda of a life and death situation, while 2) in Bride of Habaek, it’s more about responsibility, as well as, what is consider right and wrong. Also, people have mentioned how the cinematography is similar to Goblin, which is true… but, in my opinion, I think Goblin wins this category… especially how symbolic the scenery was for Goblin. However, I must say that the metaphorical usage of the Sakura trees (short lived but beautiful) was well used in both dramas, just with different settings.
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Overall, I’m kinda sorry to say that The Bride of the Water God has, thus far, not lived up to my expectations… and it’s not the actors/actresses fault at all (which I will discuss when I release my overall review of the drama when the drama is complete). So far, I enjoy the drama… but that’s it… I just enjoy it. I’m not emotionally attached to the drama nor am I totally invested in the main couple (though they are very cute)… tbh, I actually also really ship So Ah with CEO (Hoo Ye), lmao. (I totally think if the story line was about the god’s servant and the halfing falling in love, it would have been an awesome love story of perseverance and true love). But I’m not going to give a final verdict until I watch the last episode… so my thoughts on the drama could change… maybe. I definitely have to say that this drama is really good with the couples’ wearing matching outfits… But I don’t think this drama has tried to intentionally copy Goblin in any way… so it’s quite rude for people to say so. All I say is to give this drama a chance and to watch it without comparing it to Goblin… that way you can enjoy the characters, the story, and the many adorable/hilarious scenes. 
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supaliaxpress · 7 years
Saying the ending to The King's Woman is a waste of time is dismissing the characters' fundamental personalities. He killed her because, yes, he had a goal. But like she had pointed out, as a king and in his past, he never had anyone to rely on or trust. I agree, not everyone had to die. But war and hate lets out the ugly in people and that's what happened to a lot of them. But he still told her he loved her, and she understood that. That's how she got him to kill her, tragic as it is.
Lol, when I said, “waste of my precious time,” it was used more like a saying instead of being literal. I had just finished watching the last episode and had to blow off steam somewhere. 
Logically and rationally, I understand the ending especially being someone who loves to analyze everything that I watch… but emotionally I’m like every other romantic fangirl who wants a happy ending. I’m sorry if what I said offended you, etc., but I wasn’t trying to dismiss the drama or the characters. The drama was fabulous and captured the essence of the era and, probably, what really might have happened if the King had such a wonderful woman by his side.
I also enjoy talking about c-dramas a lot cause they have such a deep plot… I just have no one to talk to with since c-dramas don’t tend to be discussed as much as k-dramas. And like you said, I do think the ending is fitting for the drama since it’s about the first Emperor of China. Li used his love to provoke him and she had already decided to die that day. Therefore, her death was inevitable. However, her death was not in vain because she died to help him with his goal and he understood her actions at the end too. I think he was prepared to die by her hands. At the end, he understood that for the sake of his goal, he had to sacrifice friendship, love, and happiness. Likewise, I also agree that death in period dramas are characterized by hate, war, and revenge. 
Overall, I really did enjoy the drama, but at the end of the day… I’m still salty asf because she died and he’s alone, haha. 
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supaliaxpress · 7 years
Alternate Theory for Chicago Typewriter Ending: The Past is the Present
OMG OMG OMG…. I just had this crazy theory about the ending of Chicago Typewriter… 
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What if… the ending was actually the present? What if Shin Yool was the one who was time traveling this whole time? What if… because he dreamt of the future, he was able to change their fates? And this allowed his image to appear in the picture because he was successfully reborn to meet Se Ju and Seol! Thus, confirming his existence in the future… And the reason why Hwi Young didn’t show Soo Hyun the ending of ‘Chicago Typewriter’ was because he didn’t finish writing it yet since they haven’t achieved their goal.
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Ugh… I highly doubt this is true, but sometimes these kind of endings are so tricky because they are open-ended with no absolute closure. The scene in which Shin Yool reunited with Hwi Young and Soo Hyun was very similar to the scene in which Soo Hyun tried to steal ‘Chicago Typewriter’ to read… but instead of Shin Yool interrupting the fight to help out Soo Hyun… this time he looked at them with hope and confidence because he knew they will be reborn in a liberated Korea. Shin Yool even quoted, “I’ve been dreaming,” after Hwi Young told him how he napped in broad daylight. Most importantly, the picture that Shin Yool looked at didn’t have his image… but later on his image appeared in the picture in the last scene. I think it appeared because, this time, he changed his fate of being killed by Soo Hyun (and sealing himself in the typewriter) to the three of them successfully living their past lives to be reborn in the future. 
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And the reason why I think Shin Yool couldn’t remember his death was because, presently, he had not experienced his death… therefore he could only remember up to where he left off before falling asleep/time-traveling. (Of course…. he could also have not remembered his death because he died a sad death by Soo Hyun while also having regrets). 
So perhaps, the ending of Chicago Typewriter wasn’t the “ending”… but only the beginning for the main characters’ past lives to eventually be reborn in the future?
I don’t know… I think I’m just making up stuff cause I really wanted to see Shin Yool be reborn… poor sunshine suffered so much after learning of his betrayal and his death. I think I’m just overthinking this lol… 
Here’s my overall review of Chicago Typewriter that’s more sensible lol… 
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supaliaxpress · 7 years
there are people who actually think that BotWG copied Goblin? The hell? BotWG manhwa came out YEARS before Goblin and was only recently adapted as a kdrama! Perhaps if they stuck to the saeguk setting in the manhwa instead of modernizing it, there wouldn't have been comparisons...
Yeah... I don’t think BotWG intentionally copied Goblin... I mean... it’s kinda hard to come up with unique and original supernatural storylines about gods in modern times, without using the same elements similar to other sources. But of course, there will always be haters. 
Like you said though, BotWG manhwa came out years before Goblin... but even then... we can’t really say the kdrama itself is an adaptation of the manhwa. Honestly, it would have been pretty nice to see the drama in the saeguk setting instead of modernizing it. By modernizing the drama, the entire storyline was different... and thus I can see why people began comparing it to Goblin. Heck, even I couldn’t help but sometimes compare scenes and elements of the drama to Goblin when I watched the drama too (I’m guilty as charged). 
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Personally, I believe the modern era made the plot of the drama kinda... “confusing?” I’m going to go more in depth with this in my review... but I personally believe the drama didn’t have a good central idea to drive the storyline... it was just kinda messy and everywhere. There wasn’t enough, what I like to call, a “plot punch.” The plot just didn’t captivate me... or punch me in the face. There was soooooo much potential... but it just kinda went down hill... especially the ending... >.> I’m just kinda disappointed... 
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supaliaxpress · 7 years
i just re watched the goblin and i was wondering how did eun tak know her mother died?
Hello there! First of all, I’M SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY! As you may or may not know, I was on a SUPER LONG hiatus due to college. But now it’s good ol’ summer and I’m free as can be (well aside from summer classes, summer jobs, >.>). 
Clarification: Thanks to @magnusbaen for reminding me about when Eun-tak lit the candle and her mother didn’t have a shadow. Remember, ghosts don’t have a shadow. I honestly totally forgot about that. >.
But honestly, the saddest part that broke my heart was when Eun-tak asked her mom if she’s dead… T.T Poor baby… no child should ever experience having to watch their mother/father pass away… especially on her birthday. 
I hope this answers your question… once again, I’m so sorry for the late reply.
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hello! I'm not sure if anyone realized this or am I just being delusional or something. But in ep16 after GR reincarnation, he came back as Lee Hyuk, right? Did anyone realized that he got his dream name? If I remember correctly, in the first few eps (can't rmb which), he asked ET on what names women would like men to have. & ET asked GR what names does he personally like. GR replied that he like the name Hyuk.. AND HYUK HE IS IN THE PRESENT DAY :-) (if i'm not mistaken ahhaha)
I went back and watched that scene in episode 5 and INDEED GR SAID “HYUK” AS HIS FIRST NAME CHOICE!!!! *MIND BLOWN*
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I still think there might be a special meaning to Hyuk since it may mean “bright” which might symbolize that he’s the “Sunny” in their relationship in the far future when him and Sunny meet again T.T
So his future name was foreshadowed in episode 5, lol... wow...
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
So I don't know if this has been discussed, but a friend of mine who hasn't been able to watch Goblin but has rather seen discussions about it, asked me "what do you think about the age gap?" and if I thought it was intentional with the casting? I wanted to do a blogpost about it, but I got to no time to do a proper one so I'm leaving my thoughts with you to expound on in the beautiful way you always do: (part 1/3)
(direct quote from my reply) “supaliaxpress on tumblr has a post on that, and I agree with her completely. i dont mind it. one basically, the male is a soul somewhat frozen in time. it’s not established what his age really was when he died as a human being. his soul never aged, though time passed. and i think that concept and belief is proved throughout the drama.” (2/4. realized it could take much more space)
Lastly, to add here I think it’s one of the major themes of the story of Shin and Euntak, and even with Wang Yeo and Sun. The love that carries on with the soul, and that love binds more than bodies- love, true love, binds souls. Despite the age, the social standing from where each party comes from…love overlooks these differences and is founded by something more profound. And that souls, who lived life with care, never really “age”.
Ah, I think you said it perfectly :)
The topic of the “age gap” is something I’ve been questioned many times and I always refer people to this post about pedophillia whenever that topic comes up, lol. Anyways, there’s really not much to attack about the age gap since it was PERSONALLY addressed in the drama itself… yes… the writer acknowledged the “ridiculous age gap” between Kim Shin and Ji Eun-Tak… an age gap of 900+ years >.> Now… really, the age gap doesn’t matter in their relationship because, like you said, Shin is in a state of “frozen time.” He’s an immortal for goodness sakes. He’s gonna forever look like that in 20 days, 10 years, 1000 years, FOREVER. But what ticks me off is how people ALWAYS mention his actual REAL LIFE AGE… when his REAL LIFE AGE has fuckin no importance in the drama whatsoever… Just like Kim Go Eun playing both a 19 yo and 29 yo… BUT SHE’S 25. So… what is the real purpose of their age gap in the drama???
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The age gap serves as an obstacle for Shin and Eun-Tak to overcome if they want to meet again in the next life; that’s why they FIRST met when she was 19 and MET AGAIN when she was 19 because this shows that Shin loves her no matter what age she is, who she is, and what she is. Shin doesn’t know at what age he will meet Eun-Tak (goodness… she could be a frickin grandma by the time they meet again >.> which I hope that never happens cause that’s sad), but this doesn’t change the fact that he loves her and she is his only and last bride. Like I’ve mentioned, Canada is a special place because it is a land known for acceptance… which is their love… she accepts him for who he is and vice versa. People forget that Eun-Tak also has to love and accept Shin for who he is… yes… he physically looks like a man in his mid thirties but she doesn’t see him like that… she only sees him as the man she loves – not numbers. Their love defies all aspects of numerical value that we hold highly in today’s society… aka. age and time. A love so deep and true that their love cannot be quantified. Therefore, NUMBERS DO NOT EXIST IN THEIR WORLD… THEIR LOVE STORY. 
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Here’s a beautiful poem by Lang Leav that I think sums up Shin and Eun-Tak’s age difference… 
“What if I told you that one day you will meet a girl who is unlike anyone else you’ve known. She will know all the right things to say, what makes you laugh, what turns you on, what drives you wild and best of all, you will do for her exactly what she does for you.“When will I meet her?”“Well let’s put it this way, she doesn’t even exist yet.” 
~Lang Leav
In the end, age is just a number…
We use numbers because we know how to make sense of them… 
However, we don’t know when we’ll find that person we want to spend the rest of our lives with…
We don’t know when we’ll fall in love…
We can’t tell ourselves to fall in love…
We can’t stop ourselves from falling in love… 
But when we do fall in love… 
When has love ever made sense anyways?
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hi! I was hoping you could help me! Do you remember Eun Tak's words to console Kim Shin when Deok Hwa's grandfather died??? I love that part... btw your tumblr is awesomeeeee
Hi there ^^ Awww Thank you!
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Oh yes, that scene is in episode 12! That is one of the best Shintak moments in my opinion... it just shows how mature Eun-Tak is and how she understands Shin so well. But the best part is that Eun-Tak’s words are not empty words of advice -- they have meaning behind them because she has experienced the same loss. She lost her mother at a very young and important age and cried a lot, but she wiped her tears away and continued to live... to grow... to make someone of herself because her mother gave her that very precious life. This scene also shows how Shin, despite being a Goblin, will never get used to seeing his loved ones die before him... no matter how mighty and great one is... he still has his moments of weakness because, in the end, he is still human through and through. Love is our weakness as well as our strength. And this is perfectly shown by how Eun-Tak is able to instill strength to Shin through her words and her embrace. T.T That’s how Shin was able to approach Deok-Hwa and comfort him.  
“So this is what it means... to be immortal. Chairman Yoo will probably keep looking back. Saying, “How attentive my lord is.” That’s why the people left behind have to live their lives to the fullest. You may shed some tears sometimes... but you’ll laugh a lot, and be strong again. It’s only right to repay the deceased like that, for the love they gave you.” ~Ji Eun-Tak
Now I’m a crying mess cause I just watched this scene T.T
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
I just finished Goblin last night and then I realized.... wait. Kim Shin said he'd met Eun Tak in her previous life and got a glimpse of her future, but Wang Yeo said that she was living her first life?? Now I"m super confused!
Hello there ^^ Yay! Congrats on finishing Goblin! 
Ahh, yes, this was a confusing aspect for many others so you’re not alone. I’ve actually already answered the same question in previous posts so I’ll just link them to you, if you don’t mind. 
1. Please read this post first about Shin seeing Eun-Tak’s future in the past. To summarize, he indirectly saw Eun-Tak’s future through her teacher, who was the lady who served tea to him during that historical time period. 
2. After you’ve read that post, it should then make sense that it was Eun-Tak’s first life because GR/Wang Yeo could never see her past life ever. She never had a past life to begin with. Her first life was to meet Shin and free him from his curse - so in a nutshell, her fate was to be Shin’s bride just as god had told him. Now that she freed him from his curse, her next remaining lives will be to finally be happy with Shin where they don’t have to worry about pulling out a sword or a creepy ghost trying to kill her. I think it was genius of Kim Eun Sook to write how Eun-Tak’s first life was being the Goblin’s bride... that’s just so friggin beautifully sad. Feel free to message me anymore of your questions :)
Every time I talk about Shintak... I just get the feels. T.T
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hi! I really love Shin and Eun Tak but I'm kinda curious when ET fall for Shin cause we know that Shin already love ET from eps 4 but I feel like there's no hint that ET love Shin before eps 9 That's why I kinda 'wth' when ET use love word in eps 9 cause that's such a strong word to use than like I really ship them from the start but I'm still questioning that part What do you think?
Oh, you bring up a really good question Anon! Let’s investigate. 
So from episodes 1-5, I personally think Eun-Tak sought for confirmation of her existence through Shin because she was desperately deprived of a genuine love in her life, since her mother died when she was 9 yo. This explains why Eun-Tak kept summoning him and then later revealed that she saw his sword because she wanted to get closer to him. In episode 6, Eun-Tak kissed Shin... but we can’t really say that she was “in love” with him per se because she didn’t really take her feelings seriously towards him -- after all, he’s an immortal goblin and she didn’t have confidence in herself because she wasn’t exactly a “beauty” (as defined by Eun-Tak... though she’s fuckin gorgeous). 
But wait, we see how Eun-Tak gradually got more interested in his past and became more jealous/possessive over Shin (hence her saying “first loves” don’t work out because she got jealous... and was probably referring to herself cause she probably liked Tae-Hee first). I think Eun-Tak slowly fell in love with Shin to the point where she didn’t realize that she was in love with him and this really began rolling when Shin pushed his efforts to live instead of die (for example, their movie date or taking her to her exams). Then Eun-Tak’s perspective of Shin broaden when she witnessed his miracle in the making, aside from herself being a living proof. 
So in episode 9, Eun-Tak obviously broke down after learning the truth behind the sword... and I believe it was at this point that Eun-Tak realized she really loved Shin and didn’t want him to die. Therefore, she’d rather disappear from his life knowing he would be alive than her ending his life -- plus she probably felt betrayed by Shin and thought he didn’t really care for her besides her completing her duty as his bride (hence she said, “this wasn’t a true home for me either”). But it was in the face of death did Eun-Tak finally admit she loved him and needed him... her true desires despite driving Shin away. This quote from “Good Will Hunting” really sums up how Eun-Tak must have felt when she thought she was going to die and never see Shin again (and especially when Shin disappeared before her eyes, as the same for Shin when Eun-Tak died).
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In conclusion, I think Eun-Tak falling in love with Shin was meant to be gradual as compared to Shin who announced his first love early in the series because it was his first love. Why though? 1) He wasn’t her first love and 2) he slowly healed her heart until she didn’t realize that she had already given her heart to him. First loves are important... but second... third.. fourth loves are just equally as important because it doesn’t matter what order and time for love to work it’s magic. I believe Eun-Tak falling in love and Shin falling in love were supposed to compare and show how love has no boundaries and rules whether it’s your “first love” or “second love,” that love happens when we least expect it and that we all crave... search for it... whether we do it subconsciously or knowingly.  
We really can’t explain why and how love happens...
It just does. 
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
i need to talk with someone about Shin's outfit in ep 6 when he says goodbye to everyone, omg he looks amazing, i mean he always does but idk there's something about that outfit, sorry if this is weird but I was watching the ep again and i noticed that he looks extra handsome im gonna cry bye
OHHHH yesss I love that outfit too Anon! ^^ Actually, I have a review in the works, as requested by @scarletheartlove, about rating Shin’s outfits (It’s taking some time since I’m also busy and I kinda need to rewatch certain episodes for the outfits lol)! 
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But I love how they chose an all black outfit for Shin for that scene because it literally represents Shin “embracing” his death. He was so dead set (pun intended) on dying.... he even wore black for his own funeral, lmao. Setting aside all color symbolism, Goblin has definitely set a trend for long coats which is FABULOUS! Gong Yoo + Long Coats = PERFECTION! (He looks so good in turtle necks too... ugh... plus he’s got a tall and lean figure which goes so well with the fashion in Goblin; A+ to the stylists of Goblin! Wardrobe done right!) Plus, with his very simple and black-elegant outfit, there was a lot of emphasis on Shin’s face... his expressions! This way, we were able to put our attention on every movement of his face while looking at Eun-Tak... gazing at her... slightly smiling at her... and thinking that it might be his last time he will see her. He is the master of facial expressions... I swear he breaks my heart every time at this scene... he’s just looking at Eun-Tak with such softness and gentleness even though he didn’t die T.T
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Plus I love how his outfit contrasts with the snow, the scenery, the sword, and with Eun-Tak. Eun-Tak’s outfit is fun, youthful, and bright... while his was dark, gloomy, while also being sophisticated/mature. I just love how they put so much emphasis on colors in this drama... have I told you guys before that I FRIGGIN LOVE SYMBOLISMS!!! ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY’RE USED SO THOROUGHLY AND STRATEGICALLY LIKE IN GOBLIN??? 
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And yes... Gong Yoo just looks so handsome in that outfit... T.T he looks good in anything and everything. 
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could please explain goblin ep 16 timeline, it got a bit confusing towards the end for me. Thanks ❤️
No problem Anon! ^^ It did get a little confusing in the last 10-15 minutes. 
I hope you understand the beginning of episode 16: Shin proposed to Eun-Tak, Eun-Tak reunited with her ghost friends, and Shin got ‘jealous’ so he quickly sped up the marriage (lmao). It was also the last time we saw Deok-Hwa as he had a very touching conversation with CEO Kim about growing up and adulthood. Sunny submitted her goodbye to Eun-Tak’s radio show and GR found her at the bridge... where they first met and where they separated... exactly what a bridge symbolizes: life & death, new beginnings & separation, challenges & success. GR was depressed, but he couldn’t do anything about it, because it wasn’t meant for them to be together in this lifetime due to him being a grim reaper and Sunny making the decision of moving on; while Shin tried to cheer him up (he cut the apples into bunnies T.T like GR did for DH). Eun-Tak’s Aunt was finally able to go to the afterlife with the help of her longtime ghost friend (this was really touching and sad T.T) and Eun-Tak still thanked her Aunt for raising her (Eun-Tak is such a wonderful person). As a wedding gift for Eun-Tak, GR gave her a bouquet of Buckwheat flowers while Eun-Tak also told GR her philosophy on life, “To live each day as if it were your last.” Shin and Eun-Tak got married!!! They celebrated with their friends while almost giving CEO Kim a heart attack, lol. But their happiness was short-lived as Eun-Tak sacrificed herself to save the children on the bus. Eun-Tak promised Shin that she will return and she will find him... so he must promise her to live his life well and wait for her. 
So here’s the first time skip: Shin was trying to live his life well a year after Eun-Tak’s death (shown by the 4 seasons changing) even though everywhere he went it reminded him of Eun-Tak, then 30 years later... 
GR was released of his duty as a grim reaper and received his last job: Sunny. Thanks to @iroasenai’s translation, Sunny died of sickness at at the age of 68 and was greeted by GR where they finally made amends (him giving her the ring). Shin didn’t come inside to say goodbye to her because, once again, his sister chose Wang Yeo/GR over him, but he was content to see her happy, even in death, with her lover. 
Here’s the second time skip: another 30-40 years later... (totaling about 60-70 years after Eun-Tak’s death) 
Mr. Kim (sandwich guy) helped Shin by giving him advice to stay strong (read here for my theory on Mr. Kim) while in return, Shin pointed him in the direction to help Chairman Kim with his broken car (Chairman Kim looks about in his 90′s considering a total of 60 years have passed). Since he is now referred to as Chairman instead of CEO... perhaps this suggests that DH has taken over the company now? I’m not too well versed in company hierarchy. That’s when Shin saw the reincarnated Sunny and Wang Yeo (in about their 30′s); this suggests that Wang Yeo and Sunny were reincarnated immediately after their deaths. Then Shin moved to Canada where he finally met a reincarnated high schooler Eun-Tak who was on a field trip from Korea. This suggests that Eun-Tak purposely came on this trip to find him because Shin was no longer living in Korea and the only other place he’d be at was Canada. Eun-Tak looked around the same age as when she first met Shin -- 19 years old. So the reason why she probably couldn’t find Shin immediately was because she was most likely born during the 20 year span in which Shin moved to Canada and she had to wait until she was of legal age to get a passport. Why didn’t she just summon him?? Because she promised to be the one who would come to him this time... not him coming to her even if it meant having to wait a while longer for them to reunite. Also, I think them reuniting in Canada makes sense because Canada is a land of openness and acceptance which shows that, no matter what age or time they reunite, they will love each other for who they are. 
I hope this helps you a little bit to follow the time skips of the last 10-15 minutes! ^^ I hope you enjoyed Goblin as much as I did :D
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hi! This is not goblin related but Gong Yoo related! sorry!! but I would like to ask if you've watched coffee prince and what's your thought about it? I've seen a review on @gladgladysgongg on instagram and I'm asking if you have the same opinion? What do you think?
Ohh, my thoughts on Coffee Prince vs. Goblin… Gahh.. that’s a hard comparison for me lmao… xD (I love both dramas)
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For Coffee Prince, Gong Yoo’s portrayal of his character Choi Han-kyul is FLAWLESS. A rich heir who learned the meaning of true love and worked hard for his goals/dreams despite being from a well-off family. Coffee Prince tackles many aspects of social norms and issues that are heavily important topics of today being a drama filmed 10 years ago!!! The part that captured me the most was how Gong Yoo was able to express Han-kyul’s emotions of betrayal and hurt when he found out the truth of Eun-chan’s real identity; but the most beautiful part was how he accepted her for who she was and he told her that he would love her regardless of what she is… who she is. T.T 
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Now for Goblin, Gong Yoo’s portrayal of his character Kim Shin is PERFECT. A 939 yo god who only sought his death and didn’t know the first thing about receiving/giving love, only to learn the true joy and meaning of life when he first fell in love with his bride… and remember he continued to love her even when she couldn’t pull the sword the first place. Once again, Goblin tackles many aspects of social norms and issues that are discussed today. Gong Yoo was able to express Shin’s pure and unyielding love for Eun-Tak despite their “age difference” and him being an immortal; but the most beautiful part was how he accepted his immortal fate in order to be with her again, even though he knows he will continue to suffer from her death. T.T
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So final verdict? Coffee Prince is maybe a little more realistic (even though he’s a hella rich chaebol >.>), but I like Goblin a little more because of the intricate storyline and the meaning behind Shin and Eun-Tak’s relationship. Despite my thirsty fangirl side, I’ve never seen such a pure and innocent love as the one between Shin and Eun-Tak ever in a k-drama. A perfect depiction of what first love encompasses. A love that made my heart hurt when they were in pain. A love that made my heart burst with joy when they were happy together. A love that made me feel loved when they found each other again. Gong Yoo’s kisses were so gentlemanly just like Shin is supposed to be… not aggressive or controlling. I just feel that Gong Yoo put his heart and soul into giving us his depiction of the lonely and shining goblin - from all of his subtle looks to every action, you could feel how Shin felt about Eun-Tak, GR/Wang Yeo, Sunny, DH, Grandpa, his soldier friend, Samshin, God, and just everyone he interacted with. His expressions, his voice, and his actions are more polished from his younger acting days. I feel that he perfected his role with the help from his experience from Coffee Prince because Han-kyul and Shin are actually similar. They both love their special person regardless of who they are and what they are. 
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Now the one thing that Coffee Prince definitely wins over Goblin… must I say it??? lmao… Gong Yoo’s special skills were fully used in Coffee Prince, while I’m literally sitting here screaming in frustration that Shin and Eun-Tak didn’t have enough steamy moments. But just look at these beauties… My eyes have been blessed lmao… I kinda like the Shintak kiss better though cause it’s just so sweet how they’re looking into each other’s eyes while smiling and gently kissing each other (it feels very touching and nice to look at while giving you the giggly feels)… T.T While the Coffee Prince kiss is just soo damn hot with all the cuddling and passion, lol (but I love it too). Regardless which ever is your favorite or you haven’t seen them, I recommend to watch both because they both equally have their strong aspects and have a beautiful story to tell. Perhaps I’d recommend to watch Coffee Prince first before Goblin if you haven’t seen it so you can see how Gong Yoo’s acting has polished from 10 years ago. 
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Me: *fans self* Too much hotness in one post
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Help me :((( I can't seem to forget abt Goblin. So I'm currently watching another drama yet it's not giving me the feels on what I had with Goblin. Ughhh no one can top Goblin in my heart.
Awwww... there there... come here and I’ll give you a hug ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
I’m also starting a new drama too! But it’s definitely gonna be hard because I’ll subconsciously keep on comparing it to Goblin T.T though I know I shouldn’t do that cause that’s terrible. 
How about some Goblin head canons to cheer you up? ^^ 
In Eun-Tak’s second life, she has a baby brother (about 6 months old). The first time Shin met him, Eun-Tak joked with him saying it was her baby. It started to rain immediately. 
Eun-Tak loves to give her baby brother (now 1 yo) pats on the head for doing good things. Shin got really jealous one day when he came to visit her while she was babysitting... to the point he made baby noises too when he did something good, “Goo, goo, gah, gah.” Eun-Tak questioned Shin for his behavior and he points to his head, “I want a pat too.” Eun-Tak loses it and laughs like there’s no tomorrow (I would too, lmao). In the end, Shin got his head pat. >.
Eun-Tak’s brother (now 2 yo) and Shin have “who’s the cutest” contests to win over Eun-Tak... in the end... the baby wins, lmao. 
Eun-Tak asks Shin to watch her toddler brother (now 3 yo) for a few minutes. Her brother starts to cry and Shin has no idea what to do. Eun-Tak comes back to find her brother and her boyfriend both laughing and floating in the air. Shin sees Eun-Tak and asks, “Ah, do you want to join too?” 
Both Eun-Tak and Shin take her brother (now 4 yo) to his first day of school. As they’re walking, her brother asks Shin to hold hands and Shin... at first hesitant, obliges and takes his little hand into his big hand. Her brother smiles happily as he walks hand in hand with Eun-Tak and Shin. When they get to his school and say goodbye to him, her brother runs back and hugs Eun-Tak and then Shin. A suprised goblin returns the hug and tells him to quickly get along before he misses school. Eun-Tak smiles and tells Shin, “I can’t wait for our children.” Shin gets over-the-top flustered as he thinks to himself, “She said ‘our children’!”
At age 5, Eun-Tak’s little brother asked Shin if he has superpowers too like him. Shin is shocked and quickly declines he doesn’t, but her brother exclaimed, “But humans can’t fly!” Eun-Tak tells him that everyone has powers but he must not use them because it’s dangerous. But her brother already knows that Shin is a Goblin because his sister would tell him the story of the Goblin and his Bride, lol. 
Shin is overprotective of her little brother that he sometimes comes to watch him at school. One day, Eun-Tak’s brother (now 6 yo) gets bullied by older kids because they called his sister “weird” and a “freak” for seeing ghosts. He gets really mad and tells them to stop before he uses his powers and they mock him. Suddenly, he starts to float and the bullies ran away -- saying he’s not human. Eun-Tak’s brother turns around to meet Shin and they fist-bump each other.  
Lol... this turned out differently than I expected but I totally would love the idea of Eun-Tak having a brother or a sister, lmao. 
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Hi! I absolutely love your Goblin discussions! So I have a question for you as well! Eun-tak died similarly to how her mother died. But Shin was able to save her mother. Why do you think he couldn't save her?
Hey there ^^ Awww thanks!
Hmmm.... I answered a similar question pertaining to Eun-Tak’s death and here’s what I said as to why Shin couldn’t simply open a door/teleport to Eun-Tak: 
Ohh, well that’s a very good question. If we think back on previous episodes, Shin can’t really just conveniently “teleport” to where Eun-Tak is whether she is in danger or not (as confirmed in various scenes… especially when he couldn’t find her at the ski resort or when she was being choked by Joong Won). And even if he had a door, he doesn’t know where she is and would continuously have to go through lots of doors until finding her.
Now, you’re probably thinking about the time when she was kidnapped and GR and Shin appeared to save her. That was different because 1) her birthmark was still “fresh” and 2) her birthmark activated for Shin to appear because she was in danger and needed help. At age 29, her Goblin bride powers returned because she summoned Shin… So in a sense she “reset her powers.” But that may not necessarily mean her birthmark was back (which I don’t know for sure cause it was never shown).
Now... Shin did actually pop out of nowhere when he saved her mother... but that’s because Eun-Tak’s mom was literally praying to the gods to save her. While I think Eun-Tak didn’t have the time to even think about saving herself cause that’s just the type of person she is... she’s selfless. Before she knew it, her body had already moved to drive the car forwards to stop the momentum of the truck. That’s why even her death was not known by god and the grim reapers because her death was unprecedented. 
Ugh... every time I think about Eun-Tak’s bravery and selflessness... I just turn into a fuckin ugly mess cause I love her so damn much... she’s the type of person I strive to be.... she’s the type of person that shows us how amazing all the real-life heroes of the world are miracles to the people who are living today! 
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supaliaxpress · 8 years
Omg I love how everyone's still discussing Goblin even though it has ended. So to contribute, I think the reason why Kim Shin was walking in the desert in what feels like there's no end is cos God gave him a chance to finally be at peace/return to ashes after the sword was removed - no longer immortal. But he pleaded with w the divinity to stay as the rain & snow. So that's why his only hope was the contract w Eun Tak. But I'm still confused. Why only after 9 years is he summoned?
Hello there ^^ Yes, It makes me super happy how my one little question sparked an entire conversation!!! :D
Oh, well you’re on the right track there but the reason why Shin was in the desert was because that’s the world between the living and the dead. So Shin wasn’t technically “dead” nor “living” but rather he was stuck in an endless world with no beginning or end. God did give him the chance to return to nothingness but Shin declined it... but God could not return him to the world of the living because God had no jurisdiction over that in-between world that Shin was stuck in. 
Just like you said, his only hope to return was the contract and for Eun-Tak to summon him on the first snow fall. But that’s my same question... why after 9 years?? Perhaps there’s no logic as to why it was 9 but simply because it’s an important number in the drama: 9 is the closest imperfect number to the perfect number 10. And we know that Eun-tak at age 9 said she would never make a wish again... but made a wish on her 19th birthday... and then when she was 29. And perhaps even if she were to have blown many other candles before she was 29, perhaps she never blew a candle on the first snow fall and made a “genuine” wish as compared to when she said, “please, anyone, someone save me.” 
Ahh, but either way... there are quite a few open-ended questions with the finale of Goblin and we’ll never really know the exact truth/thinking of the writer... but just as I wrote in my review... perhaps Kim Eun Sook wanted to leave it this way so that the fans/viewers of Goblin are the ones who can continue their story... continue the theory making... and with this... this keeps Goblin alive in our hearts. 
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