Current Music Obsessions: July 16 - 31, 2017
July was filled with great songs that I had intense obsessions with, but let’s start out with the honorable mentions first.
The Oblivion - Losing Gravity London Grammar - Truth is a Beautiful Thing Theatres des Vampires - Delusional Denial Freakangel - Insight Avelion - Never Wanted October Ends - Living in Shadows Kimberly Freeman - Amnesia The Autist - The Great Lioneess feat. Audrey Berset (Emma-O) and Sara Henriques (Aura's Seers) Adastia - Shadow Story Konqistador - Fiend Quadrus - Sense of Matter Quadrus - Entropia (The Final Chapter) Inertia - Face of Defeat Septicflesh - 3rd Testament The Rinn - Symphony of Light Tid - Dumhetens Gudinna Cyclocosmia - Immured Pt. IV Bare Infinity - Robin Eyes Velaverante - Jailed Draconian - With Love and Defiance Barque of Dante - The Reason feat. Ines Vera-Ortiz Face Off - Water Infected Rain - Orphan Soul The Hardkiss - Журавлi The Eternal - Down
Now it’s time for the songs I was OBSESSED with.
1) Shape of Despair - The Distant Dream of Life
After hearing In the Ocean of My Tears by Clouds, I had to find out if the singer featured in it was in an active band and found this band as a result. She's not in this song, but it's absolutely wonderful. I've been finding myself gravitating more and more to gothic doom metal and I'm not mad about it.
2) Kesha - Praying
SHE'S FUCKING BACK! Do I have to say much about this? No. She hit that note and sealed the deal that she's back and is gonna slay the game.
3) Silentium - Shame Forever Mine
I decided to check out more from them after falling in love with Hangman's Lullaby and I'm so glad I did. This song is so gorgeous and was way better than I expected it could be. Gothic doom metal at its finest. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
4) Phedora - The Way is Shut
I discovered this song through Spaceuntravel on YT. It's so different. If nu metal and progressive metal had a baby, this would be the result of it. The synths are absolutely wonderful and are low key my favorite part about this song. Definitely give this a listen.
5) Cradle of Filth - Heartbreak and Seance
Let me get this out of the way: it starts out kinda bland and boring, but it kicks into high gear and gets so much better halfway through. They definitely went in a different direction for this track and I'm digging it so far and wonder if the whole album will follow a similar direction. Also, the video is absolutely GORGEOUS.
6) Sarasvati - Entropy
I found out about these guys through their female singer after I heard her in a song she was featured in. She has such a great low and slightly monotone voice. The song has a bit of a doomy/post metal vibe to it and I really like it. Definitely plan on listening to more from them.
7) Eskimo Callboy - MC Thunder
This is one of those songs/videos you see the thumbnail of and have to check it out. The video is bizarre, but the song itself is so fun. I LOVE the bridge. The breakdown and the "dubstep" bit go so well together and suit the atmosphere of both the song and video. The sound reminds me a bit of We Butter the Bread with Butter, but less electronic. I think I'll check out more from them in the future.
8) Suodeth - Nothing
I think I discovered this band through Facebook one day a few months ago. They're a symphonic death metal band whose "orchestrations" resemble that of something from a power metal band and I really like it. This song's flow and the orchestrations are absolutely wonderful. I'm for sure gonna check out their upcoming album when it's finally released.
9) Dreamslave - Torments
I discovered this band a few years ago and they have FINALLY released a music video. They're a theatrical sounding symphonic metal band. This video definitely rekindled my love for this track. It's so good, dramatic and theatrical. The singer gets into the music in the video and looks absolutely amazing. Can't wait to hear and see more from them in the future.
10) Omnimar - I Wanna Know Now
I decided to listen to their new album, Poison, and this and Out of My Life have to be my favorites off it. This song just has this vibe and flow to it that is absolutely wonderful. I really want to discover more industrial/harsh ebm/darkwave bands like these guys, so if you have any recommendations, feel free to send me some.
11) Karkaos - Tyrants
Children of the Void is an epic album, but this song, Kolossus (feat. Morgan Lander of Kittie) and Bound by Stars are the standouts on it for me. The symphonic element complements the instrumentals and suits the vibe of the song (as well as the rest of the album), but my favorite part is the last minute or so of the song. It just changes form and goes absolutely ape shit. Love it.
12) Empyrean Throne - Haereticus Stellarum
I can't remember how I discovered this band (it was either through IG or FB), but they're symphonic black metal band that I'm getting hooked on. There's something about them that really stands out to me. I think it's their choir and the fact that it's mainly (if not only) tenors that I love it so much. I'm really looking forward to their upcoming album, because I'm loving everything I've heard so far.
13) Kobra and the Lotus - Light Me Up
I know it's bad to judge the direction of an album off singles, but I have a feeling their upcoming double album is going to be a bit more emotionally driven and have more of proggy element to it. I'm not mad about it at all, in fact, I love it. It's just different from their older stuff. But then again, these are just singles, so everything else can be like their usual stuff. ANYWAYS, love the song. It's so beautiful, probably their prettiest song I've heard from them.
14) Eilera - Angel Made Temptress
I rekindled my love for this song thanks to Facebook Memories. It's such a gorgeous track. The singer has this kinda raspy voice and blends in with her pretty cleans so beautifully. It is a bit catchy, but not in a bad way. Love this song so much. I really need to check out more from them.
15) Exit Eden - Impossible (Shontelle cover)
Another outstanding cover from them! They did so good with this cover. I remember when this song was released, everyone in my school was obsessed with it, so them doing a cover of it brought back some of those memories. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of the album. I need the box set in my life!
That’s it for the month of July! I wonder what obsessions August will bring.
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patricksilverrose · 4 years
My Favorite EP’s of 2020
It’s that time of year again! I’m a bit late on this since it took me a bit to finish off my list of new releases, but it’s time now! Here we will be looking at my top 5 favorite EP’s of 2020. I will also be doing a post on my favorite albums of 2020 in a day or two, so I’ll be sure to link it here once it’s up.
Before we get into this, let me explain my system. I compile a list of majority of the releases I checked out over the year and have them separated into three categories: the good, the ones that have potential to be favorites, and the favorites. The good will have ** marked next to them and the potential favorites will have *** next to them. I didn’t have many releases this year that didn’t make it onto my list, which is great to hear.
As always, let me give some disclaimers. First and foremost: these are my personal thoughts and opinions on these releases. If you think a release should be higher, lower, or not even on my list, that is on you. Second: I am a metalhead, so most of the releases you will see on here are metal releases.
Without further adieu, let’s look at these releases starting with the honorable mentions!
Suodeth - Aja** Space of Variations - XXXXX** Disconnected Souls -Warring Elements** Aesop - Ephermeral** Circus of Fools - Contracult** Face Off - Machines** Emphasis - Spiral of Time**
Exlibris - Shadowrise*** Aborted - La Grande Mascarade*** Divitius - Primordial*** The Inferno Doll - Sacrifice*** Lutharo - Wings of Agony*** The White Swan - Nocturnal Transmission*** Qveen Herby - EP 9*** Become Zero - When Numbers Became Words*** Katya - Vampire Fitness*** Winter's End - Into the Sea***
Now it’s time for the top 5!
5. Qveen Herby - EP 8
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This EP is wonderful. It definitely got me back on the Qveen Herby hype train. The production on a lot of these songs is definitely the style that I was missing from them since EP 5. It's fun, catchy, and in your face.
Favorite songs: 1. Dump Truck 2. Self Aware feat. Durand Bernarr
4. Aeonian Sorrow - A Life Without
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This EP really took me by surprise. Their debut album was wonderful, but due to the fact that they're a funeral doom metal band it was a bit droney for my liking. This EP is everything that I love about this band though. Crushing guitars, dreary landscapes, and heartbreaking lyrics.
Favorite songs: 1. My Solitude 2. The Endless Fall of Grief
3. Eklipse - In Portrait
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I was so shocked to see a new release from these ladies. They went through a major lineup change (only their cellist, Linda, remains from the original lineup), but it's still the same band that I fell in love with several years. From covers of metal songs to pop songs, this classical string quartet never fails to impress.
Favorite songs: 1. Weak Fantasy (Nightwish cover) 2. Thought Contagion (Muse cover)
2. Netta - Goody Bag
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I wasn't expecting to love this release as much as I do. It's so much fun, but then again it's Netta that we're talking about here. If I needed a quick pick me up, this was a release that I decided to put on. It just radiates positivity and fun times.
Favorite songs: 1. Cuckoo 2. Bassa Sababa
1. The Big Jazz Duo - Samael
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I know. I'm shocked too. I never once thought I would have a deathcore release be a number 1 favorite for me. This EP is pure insanity. The production is solid, I love the intensity and the use of orchestrations, and it's overall an absolute blast to listen to.
Favorite songs: 1. Fall of Valtiel 2. Red Pyramid
And those are my favorite EP’s of the year! It’s definitely interesting that only two of my top 5 are metal releases, but that’s how things turn out sometimes. But if you want a more metal list, keep your eyes out for my top 10 favorite albums list in the coming days! Again, it’ll be linked at the top of of this list once it’s up so you can go check it out.
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melodicdmbot · 6 years
[Bandcamp] Suodeth - GAUJA https://t.co/5ryyHbmfVt pic.twitter.com/Hv2BLNmnKt
— Melodic DM Music (@melodicdm_bot) November 2, 2018
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dmtagbot · 7 years
[Bandcamp] Suodeth - The Enlightenment https://t.co/QJyWkGjBjQ http://pic.twitter.com/4PQGpWirqN
— #death metal in BC (@dmtag_bot) October 13, 2017
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dailymetalinactive · 13 years
Kalmah - Suodeth
Well im currently listening to this song on loop. Thought id post it. One of the most beautiful intros in metal i think
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patricksilverrose · 4 years
Current Music Obsessions: April 2020
Oh boy is this list long. I definitely worked hard on purging my watch later list. But let's look at those honorable mentions for April.
Bloody Hammers - The Summoning Suodeth - Era Turmion Katilot - Sano Kun Riittaa Omar Naber - Stop Evereal - When You're Gone Omnimar - You and I Aenimus - Between Iron and Silver Voodoo Chambers - Witches Death - Flesh and the Power it Holds Fluisteraars - Tere Muur Burning Witches - Battle Hymn Dakesis - Surrender Your Fears Semblant - Insomnia Caligula's Horse - The Tempest Black Crown Initiate - Invitation Cynic - Humanoid Clouds - Above the Sea Neverlight - Thirteen Nails
For Selena and Sin - Horst Innocens - Remember Rainover - Lumina Omnia feat. Anders Jacobsson (Draconian) Interlock - Straight The Browning - Pure Evil Arkan - Crawl Angel - A Woman's Diary Psychotic Waltz - While the Spiders Spin The Hardkiss - Гора Murder by Death - Lost River Aeternam - Al Qassam Heart of Pandora - A Girl in a World of Wars Ad Infinitum - See You in Hell Infant Annihilator - Plaguebearer Semblant - Wallachia Lingua Ignota - Spite Alone Holds Me Aloft The Birthday Massacre - The Last Goodbye Green Carnation - Leaves of Yesteryear Votum - One of Them Haken - Prosthetic
And now for those main obsessions.
Space of Variations - Slowmo
This is a song I didn't expect to love nearly as much as I did. It's djenty, has a bit of a hip-hop flare in the intro, then it takes a turn and adopts a bit of an ambient 80's flare for the chorus. Definitely dig it. The clean singer's voice is absolutely stunning. This track definitely stands out the most to me on the EP.
Ani Lo. Projekt - A Time Called Forever
Randomly came across this song and fell madly in love with it. Their front woman has some serious pipes. The chorus is so much fun and is catchy and dramatic. This song is just an epic journey from start to finish and I definitely need to listen to their new album.
Lor3l3i - Renn
I don't know why, but I have this strange obsession with Heike Langhans. When she sings softly and in her lower register (which she often does with this project), it just creates this dark and haunting sense of beauty that I hope they explore more of on the new Draconian album. This song is just so dreamy, dreary, and absolutely stunning. It makes such a huge impression for being something so soft and ambient.
Moran Mazor - Rak Bishvilo
I came across this old Eurovision entry while checking out an ESC compilation video and became obsessed with it. First of all: get into this look, honey. That dress and that hair are everything. And the song is just absolutely amazing. Full of so much power and emotion. And the backing vocals are just as amazing. This song is an all around banger.
Project Renegade - The New Joker
I discovered this band a while back through IG, but I haven't done much of a deep dive into their stuff. This song right here is super fun and catchy. They create such a great atmosphere with the production. Definitely a fun one to jam to.
Dool - Wolf Moon
This was the first single for their new album Summerland and it's wonderful. If you've never heard of them before, just think if Fleetwood Mac and Black Sabbath had a baby. This is such a great song and is definitely one of my favorites off the album. A very catchy chorus and fun bridge. Also the video is stunning to look at.
Orville Peck - Dead of Night
I finally decided to check this gay cowboy out and I really love it. It's almost if Lana Del Rey was a guy and made sad folk music. I didn't expect to love his voice as much as I do, it's so pretty. Also it's fun knowing he's into fisting.
Nightwish - Shoemaker
Bitch. This is the best song that they've done with Floor and is my favorite off Human Nature. It's so beautiful and powerful. The exit is where it's at. They went full blown cinematic masterpiece with it. If you listen to anything off the new album, let it be this song.
And that's it for the month of April. Let's begin to wonder what May may bring.
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Current Music Obsessions: October 1 - 16, 2018
Well. I'm obviously working on purging my watch later playlist because this list is LONG. So let's get started with the honorable mentions.
MaYaN - Saints Don't Die Progenie Terrestre Pura - Twisted Silhouette LVCI - Not Yours Suodeth - Gauja The Number Zero - Web of Truth Trail of Tears - Poisonous Tongues Harpyie - Berserker A Metaphor for Betrayal - Confess Rave the Reqviem - Are Yov Happy Now, Fidelio? Jem - Come On Closer Shadowrise - To Live and Die For Dust in Mind - This is the End MaYaN - Tornado of Thoughts (I Don't Think Therefore I Am) Dim7 - Spinecrawler Oudn - Chaos Ignea - Queen Dies Black Mirrors - Mind Shape Bif Naked - Lucky MaYaN - The Power Process Illuminata - Phoenix Infinite Tales - Innocent St. Evil BrightStorm - Vampire Setanera - Spettralia Michael Romeo - Djinn Bysantine - The Cicada Tree Lena Katina - Косы Victorius - Lazer Tooth Tiger Elyose - Psychosis feat. Mark Jansen (Epica, MaYaN) The White Swan - Pelvic Sorcery
And now for the MANY obsessions.
1. The Last Martyr - Into the Black
This a really great find on Spaceuntravel that really caught me by surprise. I'm so glad I decided to give this song a shot, because it's super great. I wasn't sold at first, but when homegirl started screaming I was totally on board. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from these guys.
2. Asphodelia - Cassandra
I found these guys through IG one day when the band/singer liked a post or followed me, so I decided to check them out. The song is fairly simple, but the impression it leaves is a strong one. Their singer has a really pretty voice and the video is so striking with the look she wears where she's sporting the contacts.
3. Zahna - Underneath
Ok, from now on, I'm gonna put Spaceuntravel at the beginning of my statements for any song from them since I keep finding such great jams from that channel. This is a really beautiful alternative metal track and I'm obsessed with the lead singer's voice. There's just something about it that I'm just over the moon about. And the song is pretty catchy too, so that definitely helps.
4. Dol Ammad - Force of Freedom
This song is my favorite off their new album. The middle in particular is absolutely everything to me. There's something about that one singer just softly singing those lines and the rhythm that just really gets me. It's such a simple song, but the production and execution make it the excellent track it is.
5. Lavinium/Levinia - Alluring Fear
After discovering Levinia, I decided to look more into them and found their bandcamp where I saw they had their first demo/EP of the same title when they were originally called Lavinium. This song is definitely one of my favorites off that demo and is an absolute powerhouse of a track. I can't wait for Levinia's debut EP, Liberation, to drop on Halloween. These guys have quickly become a band on my immediate radar, and the fact that they are a symphonic metal band from the States that are this good blows me away.
6. Leprous - Contaminate Me (live)
Thank you Facebook memories for rekindling my love for this ballbuster of a track. Ihsahn is a fucking beast. He really takes this song to the next level, especially on this live version. And Einar's voice is gorgeous as always. I really love the fact that him and I have similar vocal ranges.
7. MaYaN - The Flaming Rage of God
This is my favorite song off Dhyana. It's so dramatic and powerful. The choirs in the beginning are absolutely everything. The verses where Laura and the male singer (not sure if it's Henning or Adam) are singing are so epic and haunting. They harmonize together so well. The pacing of this song is so great and I love the solos. Definitely give this track a listen.
8. Battlelore - Journey to Undying Lands
Another song I rekindled my love for thanks to Facebook memories. Definitely one of my favorite early tracks from them and the video for it looks like a legit movie. It's so exciting to know that they're working on a new album after such a long hiatus.
9. The Anix - This Machine
This is the second single they've released and I'm so hyped now for their upcoming release. This song has so much energy behind it, but still has an ambience to it in the verses leading up to the chorus. I hope a lot the new album packs in a lot of energy like this and Fight the Future. I love the softer, ambient tracks, but these tracks really show off the singer's voice so well, and he's got a beautiful one.
10. Chthonic - Millennia's Faith Undone feat. HOCC
This is the latest single these guys have put out and it's an intense one. These guys are a symphonic-ish blackened death metal band from Taiwan that I've known of for a little while now, and this is my favorite song I've heard from them so far. The energy behind it and the female guest singer has a lovely voice that adds such a great dynamic to the song.
11. Alesti - Eye of the Storm feat. Diego Tekuo
Spaceuntravel. This track isn't that special, but the production and Diego's voice are wonderful. This is the second song I've heard him on (the other is The Hidden Truth by Against Myself, which shows off a lot of his vocal talents) and is nice to hear this kind of singing from him. He's got a nice voice.
12. Sick N' Beautiful - Megalomaniacal
I discovered these guys after finding the singer on IG one day and holy tits is this a fun song. I'm definitely am gonna check out their new album, The Art of Sex. It sounds like it'll be just as fun and wild as this song. I live for the sci-fi vibes of their look and the video is so much fun to along with how fun the song is. I love their singer's green hair and her look in the video is amazing.
13. Sirenia - Love Like Cyanide feat. Yannis Papadopoulos (Beast in Black)
I wasn't so sure how I felt about this new single of theirs at first, but it grew on me and became an obsession. It's a bit all over the place in experimenting with different sounds. You got some symphonic metal, gothic metal, power metal, black metal. It's a big melting pot of different stuff and oddly everything mesh well together. It's a definite improvement over the last album, I'll say that much.
14. Dead Can Dance - Sanvean (live)
My Facebook memories really gave me a lot of stuff to reminisce over. This live performance is absolutely divine. Lisa is an absolute goddess and she proves it with this performance. I'm so excited for the new album to come out.
15. Dark Sarah - Golden Moth
I wasn't too keen on listening to the new album since a lot of the singles have been pretty lack luster, but this song changed my mind. This song is exactly what I needed to hear from them. It's full of so much beauty and emotion. And don't get me started on how amazing and gorgeous the video is. I can't get enough of it.
16. Eliza Red - Still
I can't remember how exactly I found this guy, but I found a song of his and thought it was too short and found this song, which in my opinion is also too short. But that doesn't stop the fact that I absolutely love it. It's an atmospheric r&b track and his voice is so lovely. I'm definitely am gonna look more into him, even though all his songs are super short.
17. Soulextract - Cryosleep
Spaceuntravel. This song became an obsession for one possible reason only: SPACE SHIT. I love it when songs are about space. Hello, I'm Patrick and I'm a sci-fi buff who's obsessed with space and the universe. Anyways, the song itself is pretty simple, but the execution and the fact it's about space shit is what makes me love it so much.
18. Meg Myers - Numb
I found this song through an IG ad one day when browsing through stories and had to check it out immediately. It's a great alternative track that has a punk vibe to it. I'm really interested in checking out more from her and seeing just what else her music entails.
19. Soul Desire - From the Flames
This is one of my favorites off their debut EP. It's such a lovely song that really shows off their front woman's range and the beauty of her voice. It's much slower compared to the other songs, but that's what helps it to stand out.
20. Northward - Get What You Give
This project is looking like it's gonna be an amazing one. After listening to an interview Floor did recently, it turns out that this is going to be strictly a rock project, so no soprano moments (hopefully Nightwish will incorporate that aspect of her voice way more in the new album). I'm still hoping there will be some growls that will pop up here and there though. Anyways, this is a really fun track that has some groovy verses. She gets some good high notes in the chorus, especially the final one, which is always wonderful to hear from her.
21. Hydria - Enjoy Your Greed
This is a throwback track for me. The second verse randomly popped into my head one day and I wound up rekindling my love for this track. I really need to get back into these guys. They had a really great symphonic metal sound and Raquel's voice is so lovely and stands out next to a lot of singers in the genre.
22. Arcane Roots - Curtains
Found this song one day when I tuned into a Metal Ass Gaming stream on Twitch. Jake decided to play this album and I had to give this and a couple other songs a listen and I wound up falling madly in love with this one. This song is pure proof as to why I love prog so much. It starts out really ambient (like Sigur Ros level ambient) and slowly picks up pace and then jumps into some hard-hitting djenty progressive metal. It's such an amazing track and you bet your sweet ass I'm gonna check out more from them.
So yeah. A SUPER LONG list. I know. I can't guarantee that the next half of the month will have a super long list, but it just might. At least we got some really great jams out of this though.
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Current Music Obsessions: October 17 - 31, 2017
It's that time again. Time to share my current music obssessions for the second half of the month. So let's see them honorable mentions.
Sinistro - Nothing Sacred (Paradise Lost cover) Kadavar - Tribulation Serenity - Lionheart Body Count - This is Why We Ride Collapsion - Dethroned The Great Discord - Cadence Type O Negative - Wolf Moon Persona - Invidia The Dark Element - Here's to You Metalite - Nightmare Sleeping Romance - Where the Light is Bleeding Lorde - Perfect Places Hanging Garden - Our Dark Design feat. Nika Kalliojarvi Tarja - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Goldenhall - King Under the Mountain AfterTime - Masquerade (Through the Facade) Sunterra - Shadow in the Dark Beyond God - Stronger Lamb - What Makes Us Human Suodeth - Siecle Des Lumieres Brighter Than a Thousand Suns - What's Inside Cher - Walls Conspiria - Prophecy of Doom Witchcraft - В объятиях темноты Qveen Herby - Wifey Inviolate - Broken Cycle Silentium - Frostnight Abonos - U Krosnjama Abonosa Voices of Destiny - The Great Hunt Crystal Gates - Shadowborn
And now for the real ones.
1) Pale Waves - Television Romance
This was a random YT discovery and am so into it. It's such an cute song and their front woman is so adorable. There's something about it that sounds so nostalgic to me and I think that's why I love it so much. Like it sounds like something out of the 2000's. I'm definitely am gonna check out more from them.
2) IAMFIRE - Beamer
I came across this song through spaceuntravel's YT channel and was shocked to hear sludge/stoner metal on their channel. Most of the stuff they post is alternative metal, nu metal and hard rock bands, so hearing this was a pleasant surprise. I really dig this track and the overall vibe of it.
3) Butcher Babies - Headspin
This is such a fun song. I'm so hyped for Lilith and can't wait to give it a listen. So far it sounds like a bit more of a progressive direction, but still keeping true to their thrash roots. Even though this song is a bit softer, it's still a great jam. Also the video is wonderful and threw me off that it apparently stars two porn stars, but then again, Heidi and Carla worked with Play Boy in the past, so they probably got some connections.
4) Sharon Needles - Battle Axe
Sharon is back with a new single and this is a fun one. It's not my favorite, but it's catchy enough for it to become an obsession of mine. I don't think any of her music will ever compare to the works of PG-13, but it's still great to hear good tunes from her. And I LOVE Phi Phi's cameo in the video.
5) Ebony Ark - If Only
I finally decided to check out more from them and I instantly got obsessed with this song. It's such a great symphonic prog-power track. It's so catchy and the bridge is absolutely beautiful. Beatriz has such a beautiful and strong voice. It's a bummer they're no longer together, but hopefully Beatriz will pop back up sometime soon.
6) The Longing - How Do You Know
I discovered this band through Facebook a while back and have been digging a lot of their music so far. It's strange to me that I've found a symphonic-ish gothic metal band from the States that I actually enjoy (a lot of symphonic metal bands from the States don't really appeal to me). The singer's "acting" in the bridge is very odd, but the song itself is what's amazing.
7) Vvon Dogma I - Communion
Chaoth's new project has finally released its debut single and it's wonderful. It's far from being an obsurdly chaotic masterpiece that was Unexpect, but it's still amazing nonetheless. It's a bit avant-garde, but more structured. The blending of dubstep and an atmospheric voice with the djenty instrumentals gives the music such a cool and interesting vibe. By the way, Chaoth's voice is wonderful and his bass solos are still beautiful as always (as they should, since it has nine strings).
8) Akoma - Change of Propensity
I got around to listening to Revangels and this is definitely my favorite off the album. So powerful, dramatic and beautiful. I just wish someone would post the lyrics somewhere, because I REALLY want to do a vocal cover of it. The chorus is just so intense and full of so much raw power that it's absolutely breathtakingly beautiful.
9) Vuur - Freedom ~ Rio
Of all the singles they've dropped, this one is the prettiest. Anekke really gets into her higher register with this track. It's such a beautiful and uplifting song. I can really see this one being not only a fan favorite, but also a great song to hear live.
10) Climatic Terra - Misery feat. Ines Vera-Ortiz (ex-Lumine Criptica)
I came across this song when checking to see what all projects Ines has been featured on over the years. This is such a great and beautiful power metal track. I really hope she joins a band again soon and releases a full length album with them. She has such a gorgeous voice and I'd love to hear some new material from her.
11) Empyrean Throne - Chaosborne
The title track of Empyrean Throne's debut album is absolutely epic. After listening to Chaosborne, it's easy to say that these guys are heavily influenced by Dimmu Borgir and I love it. This song is such a ballbuster and their front man shows off the more beautiful side of his cleans on this track. I highly recommend you guys to check this band out.
12) From the Arc - I Swear
Another band I discovered through spaceuntravel, From the Arc are an alternative metal band. This track is such a great jam. Honeybee has such a lovely voice. It always makes me extremely happy to see black women in the metal scene. It reminds people that metal is for everyone and isn't just white people music. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
13) Magion - Body's Betrayal
I watched an old interview that their front woman did and she mentioned that this was one of her favorites off their then new album to perform, so naturally I had to check it out. it's such a gorgeous and dramatic track. It's sad that they are no longer together, but at least Myrthe is still active in the metal scene with Scenario II.
14) St. Vincent - Los Ageless
I came across this song when I saw a gifset on tumblr made of clips from this song's video. The video is aesthetic goals af and the song itself is so much fun. It's rather catchy and wonderful to jam to. The video is so cool and pretty. Definitely am gonna check out more from them.
15) La-Ventura - Song for an Idiot
I rekindled my love for this track thanks to my Facebook memories. This band is so underrated and wonderful. Their front woman has such a great voice that's different to hear in the gothic metal scene. This song has such a great hook and the chorus is so powerful even though it's so simple.
16) Elliot Root - 10,000
I discovered this band when I went to Criminal Records (a record store in Atlanta) and saw their debut album, Conjure, for $2. The cover art got me intrigued, so I added this song to watch later so I could check them out when I got home. I instantly fell in love with it. I'm not the biggest fan of indie music, but this is gorgeous. So gorgeous that I went back less than a week later to pick up the album. Their front man has such a lovely voice and the instrumentals complement it very well. I highly recommend you guys to check this album out, it's amazing.
That's it for October! Now go enjoy these tunes!
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patricksilverrose · 5 years
Current Music Obsessions: February 2020
February was interesting. Not a whole lot of main obsessions, but A LOT of honorable mentions. So let's see them.
Suodeth - Resum Edenbridge - Fallen From Grace Thy Shade - Final Chapter Evanescence - The Chain (Fleetwood Mac cover) Diabulus in Musica - The Misfit's Swing Fluisteraars - Vlek Votum - Land of Cyber God Regardless of Me - I Remember You Me and That Man - Surrender feat. Dead Soul and Rob Caggiano The Murder of My Sweet - One Bullet Halflives - Snake Sleep Token - The Offering Halflives - Snake Navier Gene - My Friend 3TEETH - Altaer Scandroid - Rendezvous (VHS Dreams Remix)
Romina Falconi - Ringrazia che sono una signora Semblant - Mere Shadow Motanka - Verba Louise Patricia Crane - Deity Sharks in Your Mouth - Fall (The Covenant, Pt. 2) Catalepsia - VI: Becoming Control the Storm - In the Night Echoes of Eternity - To the Sea Trouble|Me - Nebula Flowerleaf - The Flower and the Leaf Domina Noctis - In to Hades Cain - The Fall Benighted Soul - Chameleon Loboda - Случайная
Now it's time for the main obsessions.
Her Chariot Awaits - Dead & Gone
Ailyn Gimenez is back! This is such a great first single for this band. Doesn't beat around the bush in terms of what type of band they'll be and what to expect from them. It's a lot of fun and full of energy. Also the fact that Ailyn saw my reaction video to this song and said that it made her happy sent my wig flying.
Myrkur - Ella
This is absolutely beautiful. It's such a pretty track and just goes to prove that this woman knows how to make the most beautiful ambient folk music and the most dark black metal. We love a versatile queen.
Aesop - Refract
I decided to give them an extra listen after really liking Chiral and boy am I glad I did. It's such a great track. Djenty, a bit atmospheric at times, and packs a good punch. The Ephemeral EP is also really nice, so definitely give these guys a listen.
Purple Nail - Mystery
I got to listening to them one day and remembered they dropped a single last year that I forgot to check out. This new singer is like a cross of their original front woman and their previous one and is a great fit for them and this song is proof of it. It's really fun and gives me a bit of a The Birthday Massacre vibe with the lyrics. Really nice and catchy vocal lines in the chorus.
Nightwish - Noise
This is what EFMB needed! Power and drama! The video is so interesting to look at with the visuals and how it was edited. I really hope more songs from the new album are gonna be like this one. It packs such a fun punch and is filled with such great energy. And unlike most songs on EFMB, it shows off a lot of Floor's capabilities as a singer.
Delain - Combustion
Apocalypse and Chill is my new favorite album from them and this is such an epic way to close the album. It's an instrumental djent track and is absolutely a ball crusher. It was so epic being able to hear this when I saw them back in October and is great to relive it while blasting it in the car. I can't get enough of it and the rest of the album.
And that's it for February. A lot Eurovision entries are getting published now, so expect to see a lot of the songs for this year to pop up next month.
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melodicbmbot · 5 years
[Upload info] Suodeth - Aja (Full Ep) https://t.co/Hc4MMdncZZ pic.twitter.com/0HbMdEs9zg
— Melodic BM Music (@melodicbm_bot) March 3, 2020
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melodicbmbot · 7 years
[Upload info] Suodeth - Cradle Of Humanity [Song] 2017 https://t.co/XAsDJrhD9L http://pic.twitter.com/IAklkWXheR
— Melodic BM Music (@melodicbm_bot) October 15, 2017
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melodicbmbot · 7 years
[Upload info] Suodeth - Nothing https://t.co/wDNQ9eHsRJ http://pic.twitter.com/ag8fUd6XUN
— Melodic BM Music (@melodicbm_bot) October 14, 2017
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melodicbmbot · 7 years
[Upload info] Suodeth - The Enlightenment https://t.co/d5cQDh17Kh http://pic.twitter.com/DXm0mUrFuf
— Melodic BM Music (@melodicbm_bot) October 14, 2017
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