#Sunshine Luna Cadash
urdnotcadash · 7 years
bare with me i’m editing my oc page and figuring shit out. basically using this post for the tags... so ignore?
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urdnotcadash · 7 years
5 Things OC Meme
Thank you so much to @firjii for tagging me! (:  I left this in my drafts & completely forgot about it.. oops. It’s really long and helped me flesh out Sunshine A LOT, so the rest is under the cut!
Sunshine Cadash, 27 y/o, Inquisitor 
Five things that make your OC instantly happy:
1. a relaxing night, either by the fire or in a tavern, regardless she’s calm
2. New equipment to tinker with! Varric & Bianca (not the bow) send her all sorts of things. Especially things to help with a prosthetic her and Dagna are working on, post Trespasser.
3. Animals! She has several favorite around skyhold; like her mabari, Rose. c:
4. Her chats with Dorian. Their banter makes everything better.
5. Water. Whether to swim or bathe she’s v happy. 
Five things that make your OC instantly ragey:
1. Other people’s selfishness
2. & Other people’s anger, she feeds off the feel of the room. If someone is angry she can easily become just as angry if she’s not careful. (hence her reserved nature)
3. needless violence...she’s been known to break up a bar fight or two with a simple glare.
4. Stuck up, selfish nobles.
5. Orleisian parties e.e She’d rather stick with a small and casual party when she can. d:
Five things your OC loves to see:
1. Dragons, holy shit.. i really need to post a story about Bull and Sun’s introduction, bc they were the only ones in their team to notice the Dragon flying overhead on the Storm Coast.
2. the Ocean, she visits more often after Corypheus is defeated- her and her family traveled across the sea only a handful of times, but she loved every moment.
3. Other people relaxing! She likes to “people watch” in relaxing situations. Her favorite moment is the inner circles first game of Wicked Grace together.
4. Sparring matches, whether practice or for betting she loves to watch.  Her father had her and siblings training from a young age, so she’s been known to watch.. and sometimes help with the Inquisitions army. Especially at Haven, when they had a much smaller army.
5. Charity of any sort. She really respected Mistress Poulin for aiding the helpless and tried to use as many of her personal(meaning her family’s position in the Carta) resources as possible to help the people of Sahrnia. && felt completely betrayed after reading she was sacrificing people to the Red Templars.
Five things (words, phrases, or sounds) your OC loves to hear:
1. "kadan”
2. the sound of one of her inventions going off
3. Waves of water crashing. 
4. nicknames, she despises the professionalism of the Inquisition, and appreciates when someone relaxes and calls her “Sun” or “Sunny” or Sera’s favorite “Loony,” (her middle name is Luna, and Sera just loves to poke fun)
5. Tavern music paired with people laughing.
Five scents your OC loves to smell:
1. Most fire related smells: bonfires, fireplaces & forges for example
2. Roses
3. The smell of her mom and grandma’s homemade cooking-- Skyhold kitchen doesn’t have the same smell... (even if it tastes just as delicious).
4. Lavender
5. Rain!
Five things your OC loves to eat/drink:
1. chocolate covered almonds
2. cherry anything... esp wine
3. Jerky- she stocks up any kind she can for traveling
4. the cooks apprentice introduced her to a cheesy bread when she was caught snooping for food one night, Sunshine has been hooked ever since. (only when made by them ofc)
5. coffee
Five textures your OC loves to feel:
1. animal fur
2.  leather.
3. idk if this counts, but she finds turning over small cogs (kind of like coin) while concentrating pretty comforting
4. shaped metal
5. cotton clothing (it makes her feel more at home than silk or richer fabrics ever would)
Five places your OC loves to visit:
1. The Storm Coast
2. The Hissing Wastes- she loved exploring the dwarven ruins
3. Her family in Ostwick
4. The Emerald Graves
5. the Frostback Mountains.
Five things your OC does to unwind:
1. Sparring (esp with her sister,)
2. Reading
3. “tinkering” (as mentioned above )
4. Helping Master Dennet whether with the mabari or horses
5. And relaxing in a warm bath.
Tagging: @commanderlurker @sassylavellen @aveline-the-dragon-slayer && anyone else who wants to!
I’m not sure who’s done this or not so if you have im sorry! feel free to ignore d:
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urdnotcadash · 7 years
Sunshine Cadash :) :)
Name one of my OCs and i’ll reply to all of these
(fair warning that i’m still working on her and have, im sure, changed a few things. & haven’t really updated her bio on my oc page.)
full name: Sunshine Luna Cadash
gender: female
sexuality: pansexual
pronouns: she/her
family: Zelde Cadash (sister), Wesley Cadash (brother), Jonas Cadash (father), Karla Cadash(mother) Nadine Cadash (grandmother), Jett Cadash (grandfather)
birthplace: Wycome 
job: trained to be a Carta Assassin, then Herald of Andraste, then Inquisitor….. then professional Solas asskicker. c:
phobias: heights (yup), darkspawn and large bodies of water.
guilty pleasures: smutty books & crafting ( like: sewing and crocheting)
morality alignment?: Chaotic Good, i’d say.
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
organized/disorganized: organized, definitely.
close minded/open-minded: open-minded
calm/anxious: anxious
disagreeable/agreeable: agreeable for the most part.
cautious/reckless: cautious
patient/impatient: patient
outspoken/reserved: reserved, until needed otherwise
leader/follower: a follower learning to lead
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: a little of both. 
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hardworking
introvert/extrovert: introverted– people can be exhausting.
otp: Cadash x Iron Bull 
ot3: i honestly can’t think anyone else, right now. ;-;
brotp: Dorian, Varric & Cassandra…. x Sunshine Cadash
notp: Cole & Solas….. x Sunshine Cadash AND basically anyone who’s sexuality could be invalidated (ex: Dorian). All in a romantic & sexual sense of a relationship. 
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