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thenyac · 7 months ago
Restore your Skin after Summer with Advanced Laser Treatments
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As summer ends, many of us are left with sunspots, pigmentation, fine lines, and rough skin from sun exposure, despite using sunscreen. Dr. Ron Shelton at the Laser and Skin Surgery Center of New York offers advanced laser treatments to reverse these effects and restore your skin’s vitality. Treatments like Clear and Brilliant, LaseMD, Fraxel Dual, Miria, PicoSure, and Sciton Contour Micro Laser Peel target everything from early signs of damage to more extensive concerns, helping rejuvenate your skin for a smoother, more radiant complexion. Rediscover your skin’s radiance and resilience with expert care and advanced treatments—book your appointment today!
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cerenesthetics-blog · 5 years ago
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Skin Treatments
At CerenEsthetics, we offer a variety of skin treatments to help give your skin the healthy boost it needs. We offer microneedling to stimulate the production of collagen and dermaplaning for exfoliation; and we specialize in ThermoClear treatments, which are used to remove various surface blemishes from the skin, including sun spots, skin tags, cholesterol deposits, and more. For more information about our skin treatments, please get in touch with our facial spa at CerenEsthetics today!
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madmomtales · 4 years ago
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Garnier light complete serum cream review. Link in bio #garnierlightcompleteserumcream #productreview #garnierlightcompleteserumcreamreview #acnetreatment #darkspotsolution #darkspotremovingcream #sunspotremoval #skinlighteningcream #linkinbio . . https://madmomtales21.blogspot.com/2021/03/garnier-light-complete-serum-cream.html?m=1 https://www.instagram.com/p/CMpGBHoHP02/?igshid=61wiccr69475
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gennshaughnessy · 6 years ago
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It’s been awhile since I’ve posted... I’ve been busy remodeling the store, taking exams for extra beauty certifications and bartended last weekends @harleyrendezvous with my girl @juliepottermasterstylist. I’ve been recovering the last two days with some sun and craft projects and feel so fulfilled I’m almost ready to tackle another week. Here’s a gorgeous Photo by @juliazave of me in the studio before we make some more upgrades. #plasmapen #softlift #plasmasoftsurgery #fibroblastreaurfacing #nonsurgicalskintightening #fibroblastskintightening #fibroblast #agespots #agespotremoval #freckledemoval #freckles #sunspotremoval #wartremoval #wrinkles #botox #fillers #moleremoval #crowsfeet #milia #miliaremoval #tattooremoval #skintagremoval #skintag (at Genn Shaughnessy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHQt8_l_gz/?igshid=uknwqm77bnio
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besthairtransplantindelhi · 6 years ago
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secondskinmedspa · 7 years ago
Plasma Pen Pro (PPP) In Action🎥 This is a Non Surgical Eyelid Lift with minimal to no downtime needed. This method can last a person 2-5 years. Treatments required depends on how much loss of elasticity to the skin. For inquiries regarding this procedure fibroblast plasma pen contact Second Skin Medspa! 1 Eglinton Ave East Toronto www.secondskinmedspa.com 416-481-7546(SKIN) . . . . . . . . . #plasmapen #plasmapenprotraining #acnescartreatments #icepickscars #nonsurgicalskintreatment #nasolabialfold #marionettelines #tattooremoval #medspatoronto #skinrejuvenation #nonsurgicalnecklift #nonsurgicaleyelift #wrinkleremover #sunspotremoval #agespots #skintagremoval #calciumdepositremoval #torontomedspa #scarresurfacing #acnescarringremoval #skintightening #fibroblastcanada #plasmafibroblast #fibroblasttoronto #fibroblastplasma #plasmafibroblastcanada #torontoplasmafibroblasttraining #plasmafibroblasttraining #fibroblastplasmapentoronto (at Second Skin Medspa)
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thenyac · 2 years ago
Ruby Laser Treatment for Sun and Brown Spots
Ruby laser is a solid-state laser, which emits a ruby colored wavelength of light pulses. These pulses target skin pigmentation, such as brown spots, sun spots, freckles and birthmarks. This patient underwent just one Ruby Laser treatment to remove her age spots.
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Learn more at:
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cerenesthetics-blog · 5 years ago
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Makeup Application
CerenEsthetics is your destination for professional makeup application, no matter the occasion. From bridal makeup to simple looks for everyday outings, we can help you look and feel your most beautiful and give you the confidence you deserve. For more information about our makeup application services or to book an appointment, please get in touch with us at CerenEsthetics today!
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vanishdfw-blog · 4 years ago
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We're getting closer to our move date! Are you excited? We sure are! A new location means new possibilities, a new start, all the things. :) We can't wait for you to see our new space. We'll be making the transition next weekend. Tuesday, March 16th will be our first official clinic day inside #wrightchiropractic #excitingnews #soexcited #shortdrive #easytogeto #sharedspace #lasertattooremoval #lasertattooremovalcomingtoweatherford #fullspectrumlasertattooremoval #sunspotremoval #activeacnettreatment #vascularlesionremoval #SkinAesthetics #allthethings #lasercliniconthemove (at Wright Chiropractic Health Center, PA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMCsdV7rKSj/?igshid=19mgr2i5yuksp
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gennshaughnessy · 6 years ago
Plasma Pen service @urbanebrowsandbeauty cor tightening the skin around the face, lips and eyes to treat wrinkles, crows feet and loose skin. This non invasive Plasma pen service also treats; stretch marks, wrinkles, crows feet, forehead lines, frown lines, upper eyelids, under eyes, nasal labial folds, lips & smokers lines, jowls, neck, upper arms, elbows, hands, abdomen, belly button and knees. I’ll be doing these services @urbanebrowsandbeauty. Booking link in bio. #plasmapen #softlift #plasmasoftsurgery #fibroblastreaurfacing #nonsurgicalskintightening #fibroblastskintightening #fibroblast #agespots #agespotremoval #freckledemoval #freckles #sunspotremoval #wartremoval #wrinkles #botox #fillers #moleremoval #crowsfeet #milia #miliaremoval #tattooremoval #skintagremoval #skintag (at Urbane Brows and Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx01XB_lqh9/?igshid=muaw03hlstat
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twinmomtrepreneur · 6 years ago
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Exfoliate and nourish your skin with this DELICIOUS pumpkin enzyme mask! #hyperpigmentation #hyperpigmentationtreatment #hyperpigmentations #sunspots #sunspotremoval #organicakincare #glowskincare #skinglow #lighteningcream #lighteninginabottle #antiaging #antiagingskincare #antiagingproducts #antiagingtreatment #exfoliate #exfoliating #exfoliation #exfoliator #activehydrationserum #hobokenyoga #hobokenyogagirl #yogagirl #yogainspiration #yogalife (at Manhattan, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtjUi2-HjnL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=3yc7e1bfp3gd
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secondskinmedspa · 7 years ago
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Plasma Pen Pro (PPP) Eyelid Lift This is a Non Surgical Treatment with minimal downtime. This fibroblast plasma pen method can last a person 2-5 years. For inquiries contact Second Skin Medspa! 1 Eglinton Ave East Toronto www.secondskinmedspa.com 416-481-7546(SKIN) . . . . . #plasmapen #plasmapenprotraining #acnescartreatments #icepickscars #nonsurgicalskintreatment #nasolabialfold #marionettelines #tattooremoval #medspatoronto #skinrejuvenation #nonsurgicalnecklift #nonsurgicaleyelift #wrinkleremover #sunspotremoval #agespots #skintagremoval #calciumdepositremoval #torontomedspa #scarresurfacing #acnescarringremoval #skintightening #fibroblastcanada #plasmafibroblast #fibroblasttoronto #fibroblastplasma #plasmafibroblastcanada #torontoplasmafibroblasttraining #plasmafibroblasttraining #fibroblastplasmapentoronto (at Second Skin Medspa)
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thenyac · 3 years ago
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The Ruby laser is a solid-state laser, which emits a ruby colored wavelength of light pulses. These pulses target skin pigmentation, such as brown spots, freckles and birthmarks. This patient underwent just one Ruby Laser treatment to remove her age spots. At the Laser & Skin Surgery Center of New York, Dr Shelton uses the latest laser technology to perform his procedures. As a highly experienced medical professional, he will take the time to explain both the procedure and the aftercare to you, and he will offer you the best advice pertaining to your treatment. For more information or to set up an appointment with Dr Shelton, please call (212) 593-1818.
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cerenesthetics-blog · 5 years ago
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Classic Eyelash Extensions
If you're looking to enhance your own eyelashes, CerenEsthetics offers premium quality classic eyelash extensions. We follow a one-to-one ratio, adhering one synthetic lash to one natural lash for the look of freshly applied mascara. We also offer eyelash fills, although you must have 40 percent of your lashes left in order for it to be considered a fill. To get your own classic eyelash extensions, please book an appointment with us at CerenEsthetics today!
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gennshaughnessy · 6 years ago
I’ve had this scar since I was 11. It’s always bothered me bc people ask me almost weekly how I burned myself. So at the Plasma Pen Certification Training I attended, we decided I would be a good candidate for the plasma pen treatment / scar removal. This non invasive Plasma pen service also treats; stretch marks, wrinkles, crows feet, forehead lines, frown lines, upper eyelids, under eyes, nasal labial folds, lips & smokers lines, jowls, neck, upper arms, elbows, hands, abdomen, belly button and knees. I’ll be doing these services @urbanebrowsandbeauty. Booking link in bio. #plasmapen #softlift #plasmasoftsurgery #fibroblastreaurfacing #nonsurgicalskintightening #fibroblastskintightening #fibroblast #agespots #agespotremoval #freckledemoval #freckles #sunspotremoval #wartremoval #wrinkles #botox #fillers #moleremoval #crowsfeet #milia #miliaremoval #tattooremoval #skintagremoval #skintag (at Urbane Brows and Beauty) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxpo_ELFtpM/?igshid=ptz09kchm3rj
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