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WAS ANYONE GONNA TELL ME THAT IN SLOVAKIA (where im from) THEY APPROVED A STANDARD FOR TRANSGENDER PEOPLE, ALLOWING YOU TO TRANSITION WITHOUT A CHIRURGICAL PROCEDURE (both gender affirming surgeries and sterilization was required before over here, in order for you to be allowed to transition and change your legal name and gender). LITTERALLY 2 DAYS AGO ON 3RD MARCH
Im losing my shit because like?? It's slovakia?? I did not expect actual changes and progress to be done in this direction in the nearest future?
And also i have not heard ANYONE talk about this, i litterally just accidently stumbled on a news blog about it?? I might have to do more research just to be sure of everything but if this is true then like holy shit hell yeah
Apparently, according to the standard, you will be able to change your legal name and legal gender after either 1 year on HRT, or if your doctor doesnt recommend you to go on HRT, you can just immidiatelly change all of that after discussing it with your doctor. You are also not required to have gone through gender-affirming operations (which you were required to have gone through before)
Článok som našiel tu: https://dennikn.sk/3266478/lengvarsky-schvalil-standard-pre-transrodovych-ludi-a-umoznil-zapisat-zmenu-pohlavia-aj-bez-chirurgickeho-zakroku/?ref=list
A oficiálny štandard sa dá nájsť na stránke Ministerstva zdravotníctva SR pod OSP disciplinárnou sexuológiou:
#slovak#Slovakia#Slovensko#čumblr#transgender#transexual#Trans#Sumblr#Slumblr#??#Ill translated this to slovak once i have more time. Probably.
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To, že moje telo prahne po marketingovom oddelení Kauflandu vieme už dávno, ale opäť raz sa prekonali

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🍯🌕 Fin
#ts4#sims 4#the sims 4#ts4 gameplay#sims 4 gameplay#the sims 4 gameplay#the blackwell fam#gen 2: stevie#Sean siu by cowplant-snacks#Sumblr
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Nenarazil jsem na slovenském tumblru na žádný, příspěvek, který by tohle zmiňoval, tak jsem se rozhodl to sdílet sám, jelikož se na tomhle projektu podílí i můj kamarád z Bratislavy a celý tým by byl moc vděčný za kterékoli sdílení a podporu! ❤️
Jedná se o výstavbu nového centra, kde by se slovenští LGBT lidé mohli bezpečně scházet, jelikož Tepláreň se bude bohužel rušit.
#jestli už o tom někdo na slovenském tumblru psat tak se moc omlouvám :(#slumblr#ťumbľr#po slovensky#sumblr#slovensky#čumblr#česky#hezky česky#lgbt#tepláreň#slovensko#gay#trans#lesbian#bisexual#asexual
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tady je ta poslední epizoda @lena3333333
mělo by to fungovat doufám a budu tam přidávat i ostatní epizody dneska a zítra, uvidím jestli stihnu tam hodit všechny
vím že ještě @maxmilian-koudelka se na to ptal, ale chvilku musí počkat pokud chce celý ten seriál
doufám že mě za to česká televize absolutně nezdemoluje
#ťumblr#ťumbľr#sumblr#nevím který používáte najradši tak tam dávám všechny#tsvs#to se vysvětlí soudruzi#čumblr
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just got the sims 4 cats and dogs i hope it’s worth it
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dnes si si dala tri poháre červeného vína.
víri mi v hlave,
dúfam, že na to nie je nejaký skrytý temný dôvod…
no vyhovovali mi tvoje pohľady.
priaznivejšie než tie triezve.
nie že by tie boli negatívne ladené…
no nemali sme potrebu riešiť iné,
len sme sa smiali na veciach ktorým rozumieme len bez slov,
snáď odkedy sme sa spoznali.
bože magda,
robíš mi výbuchy,
nie v tele ale v mozgu.
tak bezvýznamné a i tak mi nedajú spať.
chcela by som si ich opakovať.
oh bože a ako by som chcela počuť, čo sa ti naozaj víri hlavou keď mi ich venuješ.
dve duše ktorým sa nebolo súdené v tomto vesmíre spojiť.
ale viem, že niekde,
niekde tam
vychádzame z toho istéto.
a že tomu rozumieš,
aj keď to nikdy nepriznáš.
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Meet the Payton Family:
Family Tree
Generation 1: (Tiffani and Damien Payton)

Backstory: Tiffani was in college when she ran back into her high school sweetheart, Damian. They started dating. After some time, Tiffani became pregnant with twins, Hailee and Colin. Knowing that they were tight on cash, Tiffani and Damian got married before the Twins arrived. They found a small house in Osais Spring. Tiffani decided to go to work full-time in the athletic career and support the family. Damien continued college online, while tending to the twins at home.
Colin married his sister’s best friend Lola. They struggle to have a child of their own. They decided to adopt a little boy name Dwayne. After a few years, Colin and Lola were pregnant with their daughter Etta.
Generation 2: (Dennis and Hailee Payton)

Backstory: Hailee is the only daughter of Tiffani and Damian. Hailee went to college and married her next neighbor and long-time friend, Dennis. She worked her up in the Social Media Career. Now, being a mom of two daughters named Iris (Oldest) and Ivie (Youngest). Living out in Newcest with her family for years, Hailee and Dennis wanted another child. After trying several tries, they finally had their son, IndiGo.
Now that the girls are in High School, Hailee is trying to help the girls. Iris is the popular cheerleader and Ivie is social-awkward nerd.
#the sims 4#the sims#ts4#ts4 legacy#sims 4#the sims community#the sims legacy#ts4 story#sumblr#ts4 simblr#ts4 gameplay#sims 4 legacy#sims 4 screenshots
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OK čumblristi a slumblristi, musíme sa dohodnúť na rozložení nášho vlaku, ktorý ukradneme od Rusov a ovládneme s ním magistrálu. Moje návrhy na vagóny:
Spacie vagóny pre nás
Jedálenský vozeň (plný knedlíkov/ňok)
Deškon vagón s guličkovým bazénom
Vagón so zámenami
Som ochotný prijať pripomienky a kritiku
když už je v tom rusku na spadnutí další občanská válka mezi bílými a rudými tak bychom mohli zase zajet obsadit magistrálu
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sky accidentally sumblred a tumbly sexlerman, and I accidentally did a genuine fanart instead of a cracky doodle I planned…
another one for the cringetober 2023 (some explanation under the cut of this post)
the prompt: day 8 — tumblr sexyman! the urge to finally draw reigen (from mob psycho 100, of course) was strong, but i knew I had to honor the ultimate tumblr sexyman (in his two forms, obviously)
for those going “what THE HELL are you even saying, are you having a stroke?!??” — this delightful drawfee video will explain everything (maybe)! go watch it and subscribe to drawfee, they bring joy (sometimes even literally)!!
#my art#cringetober 2023#tumblr sexyman#drawfee#drawfee fanart#sky who accidentally sumblred a tumbly sexlerman#what a combination of words eh?!!#this piece gave me a serious headache#had to take pills and go to bed disgustingly early (when normal smart people usually do it)#but it came out alright)))#had to make a few design changes but only because of the pose — black gloves(?) on a black hat wouldn’t look great at all
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Môj pradedko keď sa zobudil v Maďarsku aj keď si na sto percent pamätal, že zaspával v Slovenskom Štáte (2.11.1938, kolorizované)
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idk how to use this side of sumblr lol hi
#emogirl#y2k#y2k aesthetic#2000s scene#emo#emo scene#scene kid#scenecore#emocore#black emo#black girls of tumblr#vape#new to tumblr#pokemon#pokemon fandom#my edit#myspace#2000s nostalgia#2000s blog#spacehey
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When you accidentally sumblr a demon
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