#Sulky Clavis
judesmoonbeauty · 9 months
Prince’s Holiday - Adult Theme Party Epilogue 
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Not 100% accurate. Cybird owns everything. 
Alternate translations are marked as ///
Translations notes/clarifications are notated at the bottom of the post with ***
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On the last night of the year.
The dinner party, with the fate of the world at stake, should’ve been heading towards a smooth finale.
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Gilbert: I can’t stop eating your food, it’s delicious. 
Emma: Thank you, it’s makes me happy to see you eating non-stop.
Emma: I have a feeling that you’ve already had about 30 servings. 
Gilbert: That’s not enough.
Gilbert: But it’s a dinner party, and I feel bad that I’m the only one eating all the food.
Gilbert: Clavis, can you bring enough glasses and rose liqueur for everyone?
Clavis: Haha, enough for everyone?
Licht: !
Clavis: What if I say no?
Gilbert: The country will be destroyed, okay?
Clavis: Your jokes are so lame that I’m tired of hearing them.
Clavis: But, even if you kneel and bow to me, I won’t even think about doing it.
Luke: Look, I’ve brought it for you!
Licht: ?!
Clavis: Luke, why are you always such a slacker, but only at times like this are you so diligent?
Luke: Just to get the dinner over with, so I can relax. That’s it.
Gilbert: That’s my Luke. Thank you, you’re very thoughtful.
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Yves: Prince Gilbert, if you want a drink, I’ll pour you one.
Gilbert: Do you mind not doing anything unnecessary?
Yves: There’s such a difference in treatment with Luke.
Gilbert: I want to thank the little rabbit for the food, and everyone who served and entertained. 
Gilbert: It wouldn’t make sense if you poured it?
Gilbert: I should tell you, it’s not every day that the Prince of Obsidian, pours some one a drink is it?
Gilbert: Here you go.
Licht & Clavis:………
Gilbert: Guys, don’t tell me you won’t drink the alcohol that I’ve poured for you?
Luke: Oh, well. I’ll take it, thanks.
Yves: I’ll have one too. There’s nothing in it, right?
Gilbert: I don’t like you, you know.
Yves: Eh!
Gilbert: If I’m going to poison you, I wouldn’t so it in such an obvious way, idiot.
Yves: I’ll have a drink.
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Clavis & Licht:………..
Gilbert: Hey, what’s the matter? I’ve got one for each of you, take one.
Clavis: Prince Gilbert, what a joke.
Licht: It’s hard to believe that a man of your stature could be so ignorant.
Emma: His eyes are fixed.///He is determined.***
Emma: Are you saying that Licht and Clavis can’t drink alcohol?
Clavis: No, I didn’t say I couldn’t drink. I just don’t feel like it.
Licht: As if.
Gilbert: That’s not going to work in a diplomatic setting. 
Gilbert: It’s the last day of the year, right? If you don’t take off now, when will you take off?
Luke: You’re thinking bad thoughts again, aren’t you?
Gilbert: Hm, I don’t know about that….
Gilbert: I don’t lie. I told you before, I’m just showing my gratitude.
Clavis & Licht: ……..
Gilbert: Little Rabbit, as the hostess of the banquet, I’ll let you give the toast.
Emma: Oh, yes! If I may be so presumptuous…
Emma: I very satisfied with this year’s results. So much has happened…I am happy that we all were able to celebrate together in such a lively manner.
Emma: There have been many exchanges across national borders this year, and next year I hope we can deepen our bonds.
Emma: Cheers!
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Gilbert, Luke & Yves:  Cheers!
Clavis: Licht.
Licht: Can I go home?
Clavis: No, look. Gilbert’s entourage is blocking the way.
Licht: …………
Clavis: At least you’re with me. Let’s have a drink together.
Licht: Oh, no.
Clavis: Do you think Gilbert will overlook this?
Licht: I hate this.
Clavis: It’s alright. Look, there are plenty of rose liqueurs here with lower alcohol content.
Luke: Mm, this alcohol is good, but isn’t it a bit strong?
Yves: Yea, it’s strong. Tasty though.
Licht: Clavis, I really want to go home.
Clavis: Wait, wait, wait. Don’t leave me alone. Stay with me.
Licht: …….
Clavis: This is for diplomacy. Let’s do it.
Clavis: Ready, go!
Licht & Clavis: Ah…….
Gilbert: Wow, you’re great at drinking.
Emma: Clavis, Licht, you don’t have to do this.
Clavis: Don’t worry, who says I can’t drink?
Yves: Licht, you’re already red in the face.
Licht: Yves.
Yves: What?
Licht: Give me more.
Yves: No, no, no. Why would I do that?
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Licht: Yves got mad at me.
Yves: Hey, don’t make it sound like you’re gonna cry…your brother will cry.
Yves: I’m going to get you some water for now.
Licht: Yves.
Yves: What now?
Licht: Don’t go anywhere. I’ll miss you. 
Licht: Please.
Yves: What’s this, my little brother?
Luke: Chaos broke loose early.
Clavis: Luke.
Luke: What? You don’t seem that different from usual.
Clavis: I’m sorry…that I’m such a bad brother.
Luke: What a lie!
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Clavis: I’m the bad brother who’s always pestering you…..I just want to be friends with you. 
Clavis: How incompetent….am I that I can’t do just that?
Clavis: That’s why I’ve been dishonored with the title: “The Perpetual Chevalier’s Lackey”.
Luke: I’ve never heard of such a title.
Clavis: Luke, you’re always so cold to me. Don’t tell me you don’t like me? You don’t like me?
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Luke: Oh, man, what pain in the neck! Hey, Gilbert! This is your fault, so do something about it!
Gilbert: It was Luke who brought the booze wasn’t it?
Emma: Huh?
Gilbert: What’s wrong, Little Rabbit? Putting your nose to my glass.
Emma: This isn’t alcohol. 
Licht & Clavis: !!!
Gilbert: Oh my, I’ve been found out.
Emma: Perhaps, Prince Gilbert also has a drinking problem?
Clavis: Alright, Emma. Pour Gilbert a glass.
Licht: I won’t let you get away with this.
Yves: Oh, you may be drunk, but you sounded cool there!
Luke: Look, I brought you a new glass.
Gilbert: It’s certainly not fair that I’m the only one not drinking.
Gilbert: I couldn’t refuse the drink she pours me.
Gilbert: Bon appétit.
Luke: Whoa, you drink like a normal person.
Licht & Clavis: ……
Yves: Are you alright, Prince Gilbert?
Gilbert: I’m totally fine.
Licht & Clavis: Hah……
Yves: Wow! Both of you went against the Prince of a great country. Right?
Licht: I don’t like him. I don’t know him….goodnight.
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Yves: Wait, Licht, where are you going to sleep?
Clavis: Hah, I’m no match for Chevalier, let alone Gilbert.
Clavis: I’m all alone, Luke.
Luke: Hey, wait! Don’t bang your head against the wall like that! You’ll become even more crazy!
Gilbert: Hm, come on Little Rabbit. Now, there should be no one to stand in our way.
Emma: Huh? No way, that’s why you suddenly served alcohol?
Gilbert: I told you, didn’t I? We’re gonna have one last over-the-top trick this year. 
Gilbert: What will they think when I take advantage of the chaos to bring the little rabbit home?
Emma: !
Gilbert: So, then-
Emma: Then I’ll hang on to the desk!
Gilbert: Aw.
Emma: I will never, ever leave!
Gilbert: By the way, that thing you call a desk is a pillar right?
Emma: What?
Luke: Emma, even you’re drunk.
Emma: Is there such a thing…?
Emma: I’m going to go outside to cool off for a minute.
Licht: No, don’t go.
Emma: Licht, when did you…? If you could let go of me please.
Clavis: Emma, why are you trying to run away? Am I really such a bad man?
Emma: What?! Please don’t lean on me Clavis!
Yves: Hey, I don’t care how drunk you are, I won’t let you get away with this!
Luke: You’re irresistible, Emma.
Emma: Don’t talk like that. Help me, Luke!
Luke: Gilbert is more likely to kill me if I do…
Luke: But he’s being quiet. Huh?
Gilbert: ……..
Emma: Gilbert?
Gilbert: ……
Emma: Is he asleep?
Gilbert: ….Not……..asleep.
Luke: Hey, don’t tell me you’re drunk too?
Emma: You’re not a strong drinker, are you?
Gilbert: …Mmm….
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Gilbert: But…Little Rabbit….you want to deepen the bond, don’t you?
Emma: !
Gilbert: So….I….drank it…..only for you.
Luke: Hey, don’t forget that you’re a bad guy type just because it’s the end of the year.
Gilbert: Well then…..lap pillow.
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Clavis: Oh, that’s not fair. The lap pillow is mine.
Licht: No. it’s mine.
Yves: You are all too drunk to be doing that.
Luke: Oh, the bell rang. It looks like we ran over time.
Yves: How can we start the New Year in such a mess!?
Emma: Hm, but it’s fun and lively isn’t it?
Luke: You seem to be having a tough time with it.
Emma: Yes, but I think it’s good that we have time to relax and have a drink.
Emma: That’s how peaceful it is. Without peace we can’t get along with each other.
Emma: I hope we can have a lot of laughs again this year. 
Luke: Well, there’s no difference. 
Yves: Really.
Yves: Let’s help Emma in the meantime, so we can laugh together in peace.
Luke: I guess so.
Emma: I look forward working with you again this year…
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***Definitely not correct. Even the alternate t/l is inaccurate. But I feel that it means Licht is determined not to drink alcohol.
Previous Epilogue Both Ends Bonus Card
Translating this chapter was difficult solely for the fact that it was hilarious‼️
Everyone, but Yves and Luke are lightweights. I’m not playing the current CE - So I can’t say for sure since I don’t have Gilbert’s Drunken Love story - but I don’t think he’s as bad as Licht and Clavis. It seems like he can hold out a bit longer after chugging alcohol. I’ve seen him in other events (i.e. his Anniversary epilogue), where he’s sipped alcohol and he is fine. Whereas, these two poor souls typically don’t stand a chance whether it just a sip or chugging it 🤣
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bakersgrief · 1 month
Clavis public sex
No. Nope. Absolutely not.
Make no mistake, Clavis loves showing his beautiful fiancée off.
But he will NOT let ANYONE else see or hear you in the throes of ecstasy.
He might say it would be too ungentlemanly to let others see you like that. He needs to protect your honor! ...Or whatever.
Truth is he's jealous. Why would you want other people to watch the two of you?? Isn't he enough?? Why do you need more eyes on you??
He'll compromise by fucking you against a door. Everyone can hear your sounds and the door rattling with every thrust.
But even that has your poor Clavis all sulky. Give him plenty of reassurance and remind him that this is to show others how good he makes you feel.
He still won't be convinced. He's going to need plenty of time to appreciate your legs in order to feel better after this. *pout*
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