#Suiko san
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Here the Graffart birthday postcards of Cardfight Vanguard that we’re in May
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Webcomic Chapter 145 Review
Another Sunday, another review. At this rate, I may just about catch up on my OPM reviews by September! Anyway, it's been a while, so the summary is going to be a bit detailed.
Cast your mind back a little bit (if you're a lucky lately-come reader reading the story in one session) or a lot bit (if you've been following it chapter-by-chapter). Back then, the three Machine Gods sent to assassinate Dr Kuseno told Genos that the Plan would be happening at the breaking of dawn. Why do I bring your attention to this? Because as this chapter shows, not long has passed since.
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We open to a page on which the headquarters of the Hero Association and the Neo Heroes are juxtaposed. While the Hero Association has no idea of what is happening in all the cities under attack owing to the communications going down -- and something else has come to their attentions that looks even more dire -- over at Neo Hero HQ, all is in hand. The first attack has been 'allowed', the Neo Hero teams have been deployed, and it's just a matter of time before the source of the robots is found.
McCoy is shaking with horror. He's all for stunts, but faced with such widespread catastrophe, can't the pro-heroes be given battle suits so they too can fight effectively, instead of being targets?
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The answer he receives is even more chilling, as the team overseeing efforts shuts him down in no uncertain terms, asking him to focus and not feel nostalgia for the HA. They also refuse to deploy the S-Class heroes in the Neo Heroes, with Metal Bat still in custody, Super Alloy Darkshine clueless, and Child Emperor deemed too hard to control.
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Speaking of Child Emperor, shall we check in on our boy hero? We find him giving a resume of what's happened to date. He's reprising his role in the MA arc, only with a key difference: his chilling notes on what is happening are addressed to himself as an aide to his understanding. He no longer looks to Bofoi, nor indeed to any adult, for help. From him, we understand that the attack started at 05:41 and that the robots would systematically eliminate any sources of local resistance before moving to destroy the cities they were deployed to. He continues his narration as he finally manages to gain access to the data table of one of the captured robots and care it to the database of industrial robots he'd built earlier.
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Then he goes white as he bites through his lollipop in horror. Almost at the same time, one of the Neo Hero functionaries comes to summon him, which seems to engender further horror. However, when he swivels around to face the visitor, he is the picture of calm. He shoulders his backpack, sans body armour and declares himself ready to act.
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Elsewhere, Suiryu's team is making short work of the robots. Suiryu pays scant attention to them as he thinks of his sister with concern. It looks like he may be paying the Hero Association another visit. This time to tell the heroes there not to come.
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Speaking of the Hero Association, we see that Suiko is indeed living up to her brother's prediction and oversleeping. She barely stirs when her 7 am alarm goes off and is only roused by the All Hands emergency summons. She gets ready and dashes to where the rest of the heroes are gathered. She asks where to deploy, only to learn that things are well beyond deploying. With only about 40 heroes on site, none of them Class S, they're all that's left to hold out against the r4 million-- and counting -- robots battering at the gates. Metal Knight's defence robots do their best, but it's not long before they're brought down. The mood is bleak indeed.
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In the midst of the gloom, Forte walks off. To feed the dog. He pours the usual ration of food for Rover and Black Sperm and bids them eat slowly. He hopes that Saitama will somehow link up with Blue and come through.
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As he eats, Black Sperm reflects on what's going on. He can afford to be analytical: as little monsters, he and Rover are very likely to survive. This is a deliberate push to eliminate the poorly-performing heroes and leave only a predictable group. A group Black Sperm doesn't fear. With Saitama away, the Hero Association is finally out of luck, brought down by an enemy who has prepared very carefully. Works for him.
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Speaking of devastation, Blue is coming to a realisation similar to that of Webigaza's last chapter: that 'winning' is hollow indeed in the face of the destruction wrought by the robots. Despite having expended a lot of energy, he calls HQ, asking them to hurry up and locate the source of the robots. He can't save people, restore lives, or repair livelihoods. But he can at least fight.
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And finally, speaking of sources of evil, we close the chapter with Genos having arrived at the first of the installations that Bofoi has. As he walks forward, alarms go off an an armed defence boots up. The chapter ends with Genos walking into the howling dark.
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Meta: True Enemies
Nothing is as scary as a human being
I'm going to ask you to look at the expressions on McCoy's and Child Emperor's faces. McCoy is looking at the executives of the Neo Heroes as if he's truly seeing them for the first time, while Child Emperor is frozen as if the person who has appeared behind him is an enemy. They've just put it together -- the true enemy is paying their wages.
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Not all cyborgs advertise their non-human side. I may not be a betting person, but the entirety of Neo Hero brass is almost certainly cyborgs. There's a reason Erimin and Destro had to take out Koko stat before he rumbled them. Nothing can be allowed to get in the way of The Plan.
That said, it's not the mechanical side of cyborgs that came up with The Plan. It's the greedy, cruel, and entirely human side that came up with an ambition to control the world and worked out how to make it happen. Their being cyborgs is an identity that separates them from the rest of humanity, affording them a vantage point from which they look down on people, and also, as we've learned, you cannot become a cyborg without an extraordinary amount of willpower and self-discipline. This is a plan not only dreamed up by cruel, greedy people (who are common) but by people possessed of extraordinary self-discipline and determination... and money. It's not cheap to be a cyborg. What a terrible combination that is!
Remember way back when Genos was talking about a rampaging cyborg and how hard it had proved to find in the four years since? It starts to make perfect sense now.
Measure Twice, Destroy Once
In earlier chapters, I had thought that the goal of today's attack was to discredit the Hero Association once and for all and establish the Neo Heroes as the true heroes. I thought way too small. Never mind discredit the Hero Association: The Organization is out to erase them completely. Just as they sent 10 powerful robots, at least three of them highly intelligent dragon-level threats, to ensure that one little scientist got killed without fail, they're sending millions of robots to ensure that the HA is made a bad memory.  It's clear that Bofoi isn't responsible for this: with the HA slated for elimination, the best thing for him to do as a collaborator would have been to stand down his robots and open the gates wide. It's not like there are going to be any witnesses to care about whether or not Bofoi betrayed them.
At some point, the attack will end, and at that point, only the Neo Heroes will be left to provide security. Society will be broken, and survivors will have to be grateful for whatever protection they can get.
Bofoi is probably the only source of widespread opposition they could face (where is his robot army?) but it looks like they've got a plan for that too. Unless Metal Knight is a very good talker and Genos is in a listening mood, a gross miscarriage of justice looks set to occur.
There is, of course, a wild card The Organization has kept missing, Saitama. But where is he? What is he doing? And will it be enough to make a difference to people? Who can tell? ONE, where is the next instalment?!
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bison2winquote · 2 years
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- Wu San Niang, Dark Legend [aka Suiko Enbu] (Data East)
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chibicrow · 6 years
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*sobbing* I love...... this good Renasa content..... on a Saturday afternoon.... *SOB SOB* 
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sfaioffical · 5 years
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Pete’s Café - SFAI In The 90’s In the 90s, many SFAI students worked for and exhibited artwork at Pete’s Café, which was situated on the roof of SFAI’s Chestnut Street Campus. On view January 10 through February 16, The Great Highway Gallery presents a group exhibition featuring several SFAI-affiliated artists, including John Lindsey, Dave Arnn, Daric Cheshire, Colin Chillag, Wren Coe, Diana Coopersmith, Adrienne Eberhardt, Connie Goldman, Jeremy Harper, Gerald Hawk, Cliff Hengst, Scott Hewicker, Johanna Jackson, Xylor Jane, Patricia Kavanaugh, Yasmin Lambie-Simpson, Mario Lemos, Ted Lincoln, Lydia Linker, Linton, Jennifer Locke, Sally Lundburg, Mads Lynnerup, Spencer Mack, J Matt, Alicia McCarthy, Barry McGee, Palmerin Merges, Karla Milosevich, Ruby Neri, Eamon Ore-Giron, Maurizzio Hector Pineda, Will Rogan, Cynthia Rojas, Rocio Santillana, Christian Spruell, Steven Starfas, Keith Tallett, Rafael Vieira, Benji Whalen, Mark Wilson, and more!
Lighting the Council Fire: Paintings of Suiko Betsy McCall (MFA 2009) On view through January 30 at San Francisco’s Zen Center, Suikos writes about Lighting the Council Fire: “Whether with a pencil or paint, these works on paper explore the interaction between a structure set up by an evolving, repeating system and the unpredictable chaos of the spill, smudge, or breath-initiated brushstroke. By engaging the repetitive rhythms of practice, my work also aims to reshape my life as an Artmonk.”
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Image: April Martin, cali fantazies. © April Martin
Cali Fantazies – April Martin (MFA 2019) Cali Fantazies is a multimedia art installation on view at the Museum of the African Diaspora (MoAD) through March 3, 2020. On February 13, April Martin is curating a special event, Cali Fantazies: Righteous Ratchet Joy, where performers from the legendary underground black queer party “Cali Fantazies” will be performing at MoAD. Come witness the magic, allure, and stunts of performers in a not to be missed experience. This event will be a space where queer Black folks can enjoy the many talents of BADASS Black Women. We will shout with joy and make it shower with flowers as beautiful black women pole twerk and booty bounce in a celebration of Black Women. We welcome you to immerse yourself in MoAD’s latest exhibition, groove to the electrifying sounds of DJ Lady Ryan and laugh out loud at hilarious host Ms. Bleu Sugar from Coochieliscious Entertainment as she narrates the mesmerizing performances by Cali Fantazie’s dancers.
This event will be honoring the legacy of queer black club life and the closure Bench and Bar and Club 21, the last remaining black and brown queer clubs in Oakland.
Mind / Body / Spirit / Land – Susanne Siminger (MFA 1987) Please join Susanne for the artist reception on Friday, January 17 at the Gail Van Dyke Gallery in the MarinHealth Medical Center in Greenbrae for the opening of Mind / Body / Spirit / Land: Oils and Water Colors inspired by Our Beautiful Land.
Panel Discussion: Re-Imagining Equity in the Art World 2020, with Katherine Vetne (MFA 2015) On January 18, Katherine Vetne joins local artists Erica Deeman and Indira Allegra, as well as curators Heidi Rabben and James Voorhies to discuss their art practices, concerns and challenges, and where the equity movement might lead in the coming years. This panel is organized by ArtTable, which is celebrating 40 years of women's advocacy and professional development. Katherine will also have work on view at the Catherine Clark Gallery booth at Untitled San Francisco, July 17–19, 2020.
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Image: Michael Jang, Ramones Free Concert, Civic Center Plaza, San Francisco, 1979, gelatin silver print. Courtesy the artist. © Michael Jang
In Conversation: Michael Jang (MFA 1977), Sandra S. Phillips, and Nion McEvoy For the closing of Michael Jang’s California, photographer Michael Jang and curator Sandra S. Phillips are joined by Nion McEvoy for a wide-ranging conversation about the resonances of place, person, and time in Jang’s work. This first retrospective exhibition presents a rare, immersive journey through Jang’s career, from the 1970s to the present, and is curated by Phillips, SFMOMA curator emerita of photography and Jang’s longtime collaborator.
Fresh Focus – Jordan Holms (MFA 2019) Join Jordan Holms on Wednesday, January 14, at 4pm for a meet and greet for Fresh Focus, an exhibition featuring small-size artworks by recent and current MFA artists of the Bay Area.
Spiders from Mars – Ben Venom (MFA 2007) Please join alum, Ben Venom for the opening reception for Spiders from Mars on January 15 at St. Joseph’s Art Society. On view January 17 – February 15, 2020.
Forbidden Illusions – Whitney Lynn (MFA 2007) Whitney Lynn invites you to "forbidden knowledge", anaglyph collages created while an Artist-in-Residence at LightSource SF. On view through February 1, 2020.
Displaced - Spencer Keeton Cunnigham (BFA 2010) Please join Spencer for the closing reception of Displaced at 6pm on February 9 at The Midway Gallery. He is consistently working on new ideas for art whether that is in the form of paintings, drawings, murals and installations that dive deep into topics relating to his personal relationship on Native American rights, cultural representation, social change and activsm. Spencer’s artwork has been on broadcast television, in motion pictures and exhibited throughout the U.S. and beyond. His art can currently be found on display in the Permanent Collection of the Berkeley Art museum, The Crocker Museum in Sacramento and in print form in the permanent book collection at the Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C. Cunningham was also recently inducted into the World Congress of Art History in Bejing China by Art Historian Elaine O'Brien.
Video: A preview of Spencer Keeton Cunningham’s solo exhibition, Displaced, The Midway Gallery, San Francisco. Courtesy the artist.
“Rackets” and “Laminates” – Richard Goldberg (MFA 1987) Opening February 1 at 1pm at Far Out Gallery, this show will feature selections from two recent groups of work: “Rackets” and “laminates”.
The “Rackets” are an ongoing group of wall mounted, mixed media sculptural works. Theses sculptures are made with a variety of found objects and materials which take on new identities and meanings as they are synthesized into a single artwork of rhyming shapes, forms and imagery. Each “Racket” work has its own engaging identity, and story to tell.
Shown alongside of the “Rackets” will be collages that are called “Laminates” These works are 2 dimensional, irregular shaped collages of images, symbols, photographs and other visual material. These shaped collages are then laminated and cut out, to become a kind of flat sculpture with shapes and voids around the perimeter of each collage but also within and throughout the entire composition. They are floated in a shadow box frame which brings out their 3 dimensionality. The “Laminates” were a product of an evolution of ideas and impulses that lead the artist to move on to the more robust 3 dimensionality of the “Rackets”.
Mike Henderson: The Black Paintings + David Simpson: Interference On view through March 28, 2020 at Haines Gallery.
Mike Henderson: The Black Paintings (MFA 1970): Showcasing a body of related works made primarily in the 1990s by recent Artadia Award winner Mike Henderson, the paintings included in this exhibition feature a rich palette of lush blacks, steel grays, and ultramarine blues. Set against the darkness, small shapes of bright blues, yellows, and reds flicker like jewels. Henderson’s experimental films from the 1960s, 70s, and 80s will be shown in dialogue with the paintings. Politically charged and wickedly funny, these remarkable shorts have been screened at museums and festivals around the world. In addition to the exhibition, The Mike Henderson Band will be performing on January 17 as part of UNTITLED, ART San Francisco. Click here for tickets and more information!
David Simpson: Interference (BFA 1956): Acclaimed Bay Area painter David Simpson’s exhibition takes its title from his use of “interference” pigments, which shift in color with changes in light and the viewer’s perspective. Each canvas on view is the result of up to thirty coats of paint, meticulously layered to create a deep, lustrous surface. Now in his 90s, Simpson continues to delight with works of remarkable dynamism, evoking the movement of clouds, or the play of light across water, ultimately offering viewers a powerful space of contemplation.
Shaw & Co. - Richard Shaw (BFA 1965, Martha Shaw (BFA 1966), Alice Shaw (MFA 1999), Virgil Shaw & Friends (Extended through January 31, 2020!) Gallery 16’s exhibition “Shaw & Co.” presents a collection of work by members of the Richard and Martha Shaw Family, plus a plethora of SFAI-affiliated artists—faculty and alums—including Richard Shaw, Martha Shaw, Alice Shaw, Rebeca Bollinger, Mike Henderson, Don Ed Hardy, Bob Hudson, Sahar Khoury, Alicia McCarthy, Jim Melchert, Ruby Neri, Cornelia Schulz, Wanxin Zhang, and more!
BoundarySpan – Aaron Wilder (MFA 2017) A group exhibition curated by Aaron Wilder and featuring the work of alums Michael Arcega (BFA 1999), Jimin Lee (MFA 1997), Paula Levine (MFA 1988), Sherwin Rio (MA 2019), and Desiree Rios (MFA 2017), BoundarySpam reopens on January 27 at the Nathalie and James Thompson Art Gallery at San José State University and will continue through February 21.
Wikipedia:Meetup/San Francisco/Black History Month Wiki-a-thon at Prelinger Library – Niki Korth (MFA 2012) Niki Korth invites you to an afternoon of exploring, discussing, researching, writing, and working together to help improve Wikipedia articles. Attendees are welcome to work on whatever they like and are inspired to from the Library's holdings. For those interested, they will have a concerted focus on working toward closing the diversity gap of coverage on Wikipedia of notable persons of African descent and their achievements and related movements, organizations, events, ideas, projects, and more. Prelinger Library founders Megan and Rick will be present to help attendees find resources from the Library's collections, and there will be experienced Wikipedians present to help Wiki newcomers to get started and answer questions.  A Mediterranean lunch will be served, so please come with both hungry minds and stomachs.
Little Rock, Arkansas
American Veterans of Arkansas – Edward Drew (BFA 2014) The Mosaic Templars Cultural Center Museum in Little Rock, Arkansas has commissioned a year-long exhibition from Edward Drew, American Veterans of Arkansas, which uses 5 x 7 tintypes to profile African-American military veterans who are also Arkansans. “African Americans are fairly underrepresented in most sectors, including veterans and veteran contributions to this country,” Drew said. “I thought it was important tthat I speak to the narrative. Then, being a state in the South, it’s important to show tha the rick history of the Southern states has always coincided with African American contributions.”
Wilmington, Delaware
Midnight Mass – Amie Potsic (MFA 1999) Opening Friday, February 7 at 5pm: The Delaware Contemporary has invited Amie to exhibit a large-scale installation on view January 24 through April with over 250 feet of silk. Amie will be working with the museum's gargantuan atrium space to create a fresh design approach to her work.
Miami, Florida
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Image: Installation view of Self-preservation (with or without applause), a group exhibition featuring work (far right) by Christopher Culver. Courtesy Primary Gallery.
Self-preservation (with or without applause) – Christopher Culver (BFA 2008) On view through January 28, Primary Gallery is proud to present Self-preservation (with or without applause), a group exhibition featuring alum, Christopher Culver.
Chicago, Illinois
Performance - Norman Long (MFA 2001) Please join Norman Long at Elastic Arts on Friday, January 31, for a special performance featuring LONG/ZALEK DUO.
"We the People" is a group exhibition featuring work from Aaron Wilder’s (MFA 2017) collaboration with Guta Galli (MFA 2017) entitled "Sugar & Snails," on view through January 31, 2020 at the Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts in Watertown, Massachusetts.
Dancing In The Bardo and Human Impact: Stories of the Opioid Epidemic - John Christian Anderson (MFA 1972) Dancing In The Bardo is a solo show by alumnus John Christian Anderson, on view through January 26 at the Boston Sculptors Gallery. The group show Human Impact: Stories of the Opiod Epidemic is on view at Fullercraft Museum in Brockton, MA, through May 3, 2020.
Baltimore, Maryland
The Breath of Empty Space – Shaun Leonardo (MFA 2005) On view January 30 - March 15, 2020 at Maryland Institute College of Art: "For the last year I have been quietly finalizing plans for The Breath of Empty Space–a solo exhibition of 6 years of drawing concerning violence by the police and American legal system, being shown together for the first time and curated by the insightful and caring John Chaich. I am proud to finally announce this traveling exhibition for 2020 and hope you can join me to witness the work." —Shaun Leonardo
The Breath of Empty Space will also be on view at Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland, June 5–September 6, 2020.
Budapest, Hungary
Untitled No. 20, From Series Room ‘32’ – Michael Naify (MFA 2017) SFAI alum Michael Naify’s work, Untitled No. 20, From Series Room ‘32’, is featured in PH21 Contemporary Photo Gallery’s upcoming international photography exhibition entitled The self(ie) and the other: Portraiture—on view January 16–February 8, 2020.
Hamburg, Germany
Mother Tongue - Mika Sperling (MFA 2018) Mika's practice is based in photography, and engages ideas and concepts of family. Created during the recommended Olympus Fellowship, "the current project [Mother Tongue] is born out of the idea to include my situation as a new mother into my work. I am using photography, writing and video to search for familiarities between my husband’s and my family. I am documenting the evolving bond to my daughter, the changing relationship to my mother-in-law and that to my own mother." —Mike Sperling Check out this video where Mika discusses Mother Tongue and its familial lineages. Soon on view: Deichtorhallen Hamburg, March 21–June 14, 2020; Fotografie Forum Frankfurt, August 7–September 27, 2020; Foam Museum in Amsterdam, October 23, 2020–January 17, 2021.
Cambridge, UK
The Art of Watching Art – Patricia K. Kelly (MFA 1999) On view January 14–26 at Motion Sickness Project Space, The Art of Watching Art is a group exhibition showcasing a broad range of artworks from artists involved in the invigilation of previous exhibitions in the project space since August 2019, including our very own Patricia K. Kelly.
Do you have an upcoming exhibition or event? If you’re an SFAI alum, please fill out this form to be featured in our next roundup of alumni exhibitions and events.
Top Image Credit: Whitney Lynn, Song of the Sirens, 2019 archival pigment print on Legacy Etching paper, 30 x 40 inches. © Whitney Lynn Studios.
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gamergoblin · 3 years
RGB backlighting and anti-ghosting technology on Newskill's new mechanical keyboards
RGB backlighting and anti-ghosting technology on Newskill’s new mechanical keyboards
by Sergio San Joaquín Newskill introduces 4 new mechanical gaming keyboards with the series serial and Suiko, offering from a compact tenkeyless keyboard to the brand’s first white keyboard. Newskill’s new range of mechanical gaming keyboards consists of four models: serial standard and Serike TKL, Suiko in black and Suiko Ivory, the company’s first white keyboard. The Serike version is…
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
Infinity Hearts χ Tree of Life
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mCX1gJ
by Infinity_Hearts22
Moved from my KingInfinity profile. Set in Kingdom Hearts χ. Having saved Miharu from the SMB's Special Forces Division, Yukinari is greeted by the Master of Masters with a test: see if he is worthy of the Keyblade. May his heart be his guiding key.
Words: 12296, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Kingdom Hearts (Video Games), GIRLSブラボー | Girls Bravo - All Media Types, 小林さんちのメイドラゴン | Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon | Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man, Cinderella (1950), Anastasia (1997), Hazbin Hotel (Web Series), Helluva Boss (Web Series), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, 瀬戸の花嫁 | Seto no Hanayome | My Bride is a Mermaid, Ouran High School Host Club - All Media Types, Mahou Sensei Negima!, Summer Wars (2009)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Yukinari Sasaki, Master of Masters (Kingdom Hearts), Miharu Sena Kanaka, Kirie Kojima, Kazuharu Fukuyama, Lisa Fukuyama, Koyomi Hare Nanaka, Tomoka Lana Jude, Ebi (Girls Bravo), Maharu Sena Kanaka, Lilica Stacy, Hayate (Girls Bravo), Kosame (Girls Bravo), Hijiri Kanata, Yukina (Girls Bravo), Kobayashi (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Tohru (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Kanna Kamui, Elma (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Quetzalcoatl "Lucoa" (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Fafnir (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Ilulu (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Makoto Takiya, Riko Saikawa, Georgie Saikawa, Shouta Magatsuchi, Saitama (One-Punch Man), Genos (One-Punch Man), Sonic (One-Punch Man), King (One-Punch Man), Fubuki (One-Punch Man), Metal Bat (One-Punch Man), Tatsumaki (One-Punch Man), Zombieman (One-Punch Man), Zenko (One-Punch Man), Lord Boros (One-Punch Man), Puri Puri Prisoner (One-Punch Man), Child Emperor (One-Punch Man), Atomic Samurai (One-Punch Man), Iaian (One-Punch Man), Watchdog-man (One-Punch Man), Drive Knight (One-Punch Man), Tanktop Master (One-Punch Man), Lily (One-Punch Man), Hero Association (One-Punch Man), Superalloy Darkshine (One-Punch Man), Pig God (One-Punch Man), Sitch (One-Punch Man), Metal Knight (One-Punch Man), Mizuki (One-Punch Man), Suiko (One-Punch Man), Tanktop Girl (One-Punch Man), Lin Lin (One-Punch Man), Z Branch Operator (One-Punch Man), Mumen Rider | License-less Rider, Cinderella (Kingdom Hearts), Prince Charming (Kingdom Hearts), Jaq (Disney), Grand Duke (Disney: Cinderella), King (Disney: Cinderella), Lady Tremaine (Disney), Anastasia Tremaine (Kingdom Hearts), Drizella Tremaine (Disney), Fairy Godmother (Kingdom Hearts), Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Dimitri | Dmitry (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Vladimir Vanya Voinitsky Vasilovich, Rasputin (Anastasia 1997), Dowager Empress (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Bartok (Anastasia 1997), Sophie Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff, Charlie Magne, Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel), Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel), Alastor (Hazbin Hotel), Niffty (Hazbin Hotel), Husk (Hazbin Hotel), Blitzo (Helluva Boss), Stolas Goetia, Verosika Mayday, Octavia Goetia, Loona (Helluva Boss), Moxxie (Helluva Boss), Millie (Helluva Boss), Vortex (Helluva Boss), Class 78 (Dangan Ronpa), Class 77 (Dangan Ronpa), New Dangan Ronpa V3 Ensemble, Future Foundation Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Reserve Course Student(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Hope's Peak Student Council Member(s) (Dangan Ronpa), Machishio Family, Seto Clan, Edomae Clan, Isumo 8th Junior High, The Ouran High School Host Club, Negi Springfield, Mahora Academy Class 3-A, Takahata T. Takamichi, Shizuna Minamoto, Konoe Konoemon, Nekane Springfield, Albert "Chamo" Chamomile, Anastasia "Anya" Yurievna Cocolova, Kenji Koiso, Natsuki Shinohara, Kazuma Ikezawa, Sakae Jinnouchi, Wabisuke Jinnouchi, Takashi Sakuma, Mariko Jinnouchi, Riichi Jinnouchi, Rika Jinnouchi, Mansuke Jinnouchi, Tasuke Jinnouchi, Shota Jinnouchi, Naomi Miwa, Kiyomi Ikezawa, Mansaku Jinnouchi, Yorihiko Jinnouchi, Kunihiko Jinnouchi, Katsuhiko Jinnouchi, Noriko Jinnouchi, Nana Jinnouchi, Yumi Jinnouchi, Yuhei Jinnouchi, Shingo Jinnouchi, Mao Jinnouchi, Kana Jinnouchi, Ava (Kingdom Hearts), Ira (Kingdom Hearts), Invi (Kingdom Hearts), Aced (Kingdom Hearts), Gula (Kingdom Hearts), Chirithy (Kingdom Hearts), Moogle (Kingdom Hearts)
Relationships: Yukinari Sasaki/Harem, Harem/Kobayashi (Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid), Kanna Kamui/Saikawa Riko, Saitama/Harem (One-Punch Man), Prince Charming/Cinderella (Disney), Dimitri | Dmitry/Anya | Anastasia Romanov (Anastasia 1997 & Broadway), Charlie Magne/Vaggie, Millie/Moxxie (Helluva Boss), Blitzo/Octavia Goetia (Helluva Boss), Blitzo/Stolas Goetia/Verosika Mayday, Makoto Naegi/Harem, Komaru Naegi/Byakuya Togami/Fuyuhiko Kuzuryū, Hajime Hinata/Sato, Nagasumi Michishio/Harem, Haruhi Fujioka/Harem, Kenji Koiso/Natsuki Shinohara, Negi Springfield/Harem
Additional Tags: Harems, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Explicit Language, Implied Sexual Content, Alcohol, Non-Graphic Violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mCX1gJ
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huynh995 · 4 years
Cute, Lovely Anime Girl
“Anime girls may be 2-D, but they will never break your heart” – spectacularly put by a random weeaboo somewhere on the internet.
Ever felt unexplainable love for an anime character? Same!
So since we have established we have slightly weird fetishes, let’s look at the top 10 cutest anime girls. I understand that it’s tough to compare these adorable little characters, simply because there are too many and all of them are heart-winners, so there may be some kawaii girls we looked over. That being said, let’s get right into the cutest list out there!
10.Rom and Ram (Hyperdimension Neptunia)
top cute anime girl characters
Rom and Ram are the younger sisters of Blanc. Despite being twins, they have many differences in personality. Ram is more dominating, taking after her sister Blanc, while Rom is a bit timider.
Ram is seen to be a bit short-tempered, but obviously in an adorable way. Rom, however, is a bit shy in comparison to Ram and most of the time, let Ram do whatever she pleases.
9.Mashiro Shiina (Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo)
top cute anime girl characters
Mashiro Shiina, the female protagonist of the anime, is a world-famous artist who transfers into the second year of Suiko to learn how to draw manga. Even though she lacks the most basic of common sense, and is unwilling to improve, she has an eidetic memory ( photographic memory ) and can score perfect grades in every single exam.
Mashiro is devoid of most emotions, lacking even a facial expression. She rarely opens her mouth because most of the time she is unsure of what she wants to say. She has a soft voice and speaks slowly.
8.Kanna Kamui (Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon)
top cute anime girl characters
Kanna Kamui or Kanna Kobayashi is a central character in Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon. She is a young female dragon, who was exiled from her world for being a prankster. Kanna has a soft voice and is not very talkative, conveying thoughts mainly through her expressions. Despite being elder to her human peers, she acts like a fun-loving child.
In her human form, Kanna has white hair with a touch of lavender with big blue eyes. Her usual attire consists of a white capelet with a fur collar, a pink blouse, a white frilly skirt, and pink doll shoes. In her dragon form, she retains her blue eyes but her body gets covered with white fur.
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Fake Vs Real Psyqualia
Manga and Anime scenes
From Chapter 39 and Episode 38
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lyonelgarolg · 7 years
Preguntas random del primer día de clases
1. Nombre de 5 diarios latinoamericanos - El Universo, Ecuador. - Clarinx, - El Mercurio - O Globo - El comercio 2. Mencione 10 países de África - Angola - Argelia - Benin - Botsuana - Burundi - Cabo Verde - Burkina Faso - Chad - Camerún - Comoras 3. Escriba el nombre de 10 presidentes de USA y el partido político al que pertenecen ~ Republicanos ~ - Abraham Lincoln - Donald Trump - Herbert Hoover - Warren G. Harding - William McKinley ~ Demócratas ~ - Franklin Pierce - James Buchanan - Grover Cleveland - Woodrow Wilson - Barack Obama 4. Mencione 5 Dioses griegos - Afrodita - Zeus - Hades - Poseidón - Hestia (Contraparte humana no entiendo y no me sale) 5. Mencione 5 cómics no ligados a historias de súper-héroes - Mafalda - Garfield - Mafalda - V for Vendetta - Underworld 6. Mencione 5 diarios ecuatorianos - El Expreso - El Comercio - El Universo - La extra - El Telégrafo 7. Mencione el nombre de 5 documentalistas - Eniac Martinez - Ernesto Ramirez - Patricia Aridjis - Gerardo Montiel - Nacho Lopez 8. Nombre 5 programas de TV de opinión - Palabra Suelta - Pulso Político - Visión 360 - Mundo al revés -Madrid Habla 9. Mencione 5 tipos de violencia -Autoinflingida - Interpersonal - Física - Verbal - Colectiva 10. Nombre en orden cronológico los presidentes de Ecuador desde Rodrigo Borja - Sixto Durán - Abdalá Bucaram - Fabián Alarcón - Rosalía Arteaga - Fabian Alarcón - Jamil Mahuad - Carlos Antonio Vargas - Lucio Gutierrez - Carlos Solorzano - Carlos mendoza - Gustavo Noboa - Lucio Gutierrez - Alfredo Palacio - Rafael Correa - Lenin Moreno 11. Mencione países provenientes de: ×× África ×× - Angola - Argelia - Benin - Botsuana - Burundi - Cabo Verde - Burkina Faso - Chad - Camerún - Comoras ×× Centro-América ×× - El salvador: San salvador - Honduras: Tegucigalpa - Nicaragua: Managua - Costa Rica: San José - Panamá: ciudad de panamá ××Sur-América ×× - Argentina: Buenos Aires - Chile: Santiago - Ecuador: Quito - Brasil: Brasilia - Bolivia: Sucre ×× Europa ×× - España: Madrid - Polonia: Varsovia - Russia: Moscú - Turquía: Ankara - Alemania: Berlín ×× Asia ×× - Arabia saudita: Yidda - Armenia: Yereván - China: Hong Kong - Bhután: Timbu - Azerbaiyán: Bakú 12. Nombre de 5 filósofos y sus contribuciones -Mencio: Pensaba en el ser humano es bueno por naturaleza y debe desarrollar una conducta razonable y recta - Pitágoras: agenio de pesos en las matemáticas, elaboró la hermandad pitagórica y fue un gran aportador a disciplinas científicas. - Isaac Newton: postulación de gravitacionalidad y bases de la mecánica clásica - Galileo Galilei: Leyes del movimiento y análisis astronómicos - Platon: aportes en la educación y enseñansa de la gnoseología y epístemología. 13. Nombre 5 canciones de música protesta - Sí se puede, de Miguel Bosé - Laissez faire, de Ornamento y Delito - Polvorado, de Nacho Vegas - Subo escalas, bajo escalas, de Manolo García - Firme aquí, de Los Enemigos 14. Nombre 5 canciones de Lady Gaga - Poker Face - Bad Romance - Judas kiss - Born This Way - Alejandro 15. Menciona cinco figuras importantes para el movimiento indígena - Pacha Mama - Athaualpa - Pachakutik - Luis Macas -Rigoberta Menchú 16. Nombra cinco partidos políticos desaparecidos del Ecuador - Federación Nacional Velasquista - Movimiento Fuerza Ecuador - Movimiento Popular democrático - Partido Liberal Radical Ecuatoriano - Partido Roldosista Ecuatoriano 17. Mencioné 5 cabezas de Estado mujeres -Suiko (japonés: 推古) -Japón- Emperatriz -Seondeok (coreano: 선덕)- Silla -Reina - Isabel I (junto a Fernando V)- Corona de Castilla- Reina -Isabel I (inglés: Elizabeth I)- Inglaterra -Reina -Isabel Martínez de Perón-Argentina presidenta 18. Nombra cinco periodistas importantes - Julian Assange - Ralph McGill - Katharine Graham - Orianna Fallaci - Indro Montanelli 19. Nombra 5 ganadores de Pulitzer - Ernest Poole - Newton Booth - Margaret Wilson - Willa Carter - Edith Warthen 20. Menciona cinco personas que hayan ganado el Nobel de la paz - Barack Obama - Estados Unidos «Por sus extraordinarios esfuerzos para fortalecer la diplomacia internacional y la colaboración entre los pueblos».112 - Élie Ducommun- Suiza «Secretario honorario, Oficina Internacional por la Paz» -Jean Henri Dunant- Suiza «Por su rol en la creación del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja» -Juan Manuel Santos -Colombia «Por sus grandes esfuerzos para finalizar la guerra civil de más de 50 años en Colombia.» -Frédéric Passy Francia «Por ser uno de los principales fundadores de la Unión Interparlamentaria y también el primordial organizador del primer Congreso Universal por la Paz» 21. Menciona 5 personajes de lord of the rings - Angbor -Bill Helechal - Arwen - Dúnhere - Derufin 22. Da el nombre y país de líderes de la Segunda Guerra Mundial Alemania, Italia, Japón fueron los paises ejes y los aliados: Francia, UK, USA, Unión sovietica Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Hitoito, Albert Lebrun, Jorge VI, Franklin Roosevelt, Iosif Stalin
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musicprincess655 · 8 years
Queen of His People, Ch. 22
Pairing: Ushiten
Rating: T
Tags: a/b/o, royalty au
read on ao3
Four years later
Satori groaned as a wail interrupted his sleep.
“I’ve got her, I’ve got her,” he sighed as he felt Wakatoshi start to stir. There was no point in both of them getting up. Rina would be hungry, and there was little Wakatoshi could do to help with that.
He loved his daughter, and he knew it took a long time for babies to start sleeping through the night, but he really wanted sleep. He felt dead sitting up. Wakatoshi was blinking at him sleepily, apparently with no intention of closing his eyes while Rina was up.
“I feel bad making you deal with queenly duties,” Satori slurred. Gods, was he tired.
“You’re the one she needs more,” Wakatoshi said quietly, cradling Rina’s head as she settled from screams to hiccups. “Besides, our mothers are helping me.”
Satori snorted at that. Their mothers were the only reason he was getting through any of this. Suiko-san had started to take over queenly duties again while he cared for his infant daughter, giving Wakatoshi much more time to spend with both of them. His own mother was helping her, both of them not quite used to active duty anymore.
They were good friends, although it was typical for an omega who’d lost their mate to form close platonic relationships rather than new romantic ones, and Satori doubted his mother would have been able to resist latching on to Suiko-san anyway. They’d both been overjoyed when he’d announced he was pregnant.
He was surprised at how easy it had been. Even with only having heats once a year, he’d become pregnant with Rina as soon as he and Wakatoshi had decided they were ready for her.
Satori thought she looked like Wakatoshi, but Wakatoshi insisted she looked more like Satori. Her eyes seemed to be settling into the same red as Satori’s, but her hair was growing out auburn. Their mothers told them she was a mix of the two of them.
“Is this ever going to get easier?” Satori asked, finally getting Rina to his chest and stopping her cries.
“She’ll start to sleep through the night soon,” Wakatoshi parroted back what their mothers had told him. “Before you know it, she’ll be crawling around and getting into trouble.”
“I can only imagine.”
They were silent then, Satori shifting to lean back into Wakatoshi’s chest as Rina finished breastfeeding. He was already falling asleep again, and the more comfortable position nearly lulled him back under. Wakatoshi laid him down carefully and took Rina from his arms, probably putting her back in her cradle, though Satori couldn’t be bothered to open his eyes to check.
Wakatoshi settled back in beside him, pulling him close.
“She’s going to be a great queen someday, just like her mother,” Wakatoshi whispered to him.
“What if she wants to be king instead?” Satori was more than half asleep.
“Then I’ll teach her everything she needs to know,” Wakatoshi promised. “Go back to sleep.”
Satori did, lulled by the embrace of his mate and the sleep of his daughter.
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blaster-aichi · 10 years
*sits on a throne and fans self with a fan* My dear Aichi-kun, now Vector-kun will try to meet your son. Aren't you happy ? Tasuku-kun will meet his grandparents~ !
I’m moving back to the Moon and taking my family with me this time.
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