#Suguru fluff
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oporotheca · 3 days ago
Parental Guidance
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pairings: bf!Geto x f!Reader synopsis: called into your daughters' school for an impromptu conference, you and your boyfriend find yourselves in the principal's office... unfortunately, suguru seems all but incapable of taking the situation seriously, and with how distracting he looks in that button down of his, you aren't much better off. aka - suguru geto puts the petty in pretty, and who are you to fault him for that? tags: MDNI, somewhat suggestive, low-key dilf!Suguru, domesticity, silliness, family fluff, suguru is rude af to non-sorcerers, mimi and nana are adorable, reader is obsessed with her man lol notes: divider by @thecutestgrotto
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"I'm sorry, what?"
You uttered tiredly, arm clutching a thin blanket to your bare chest as you sat up, holding the flip phone that had so rudely awakened you mere minutes ago to your ear.
The one morning you had finally relented to your boyfriend and slept in and this is the wake up call you received?
You vastly preferred being trampled by your girls if this was the alternative...
"Your daughter's, ma'am? This is the correct contact for the Geto residence, is it not?"
At that, you sat up a little straighter, holding the phone closer against your ear as you replied.
"Yes, that's right..."
You said in a slightly stiff fashion,
"But you mentioned something about an expulsion?"
Your tone was a bit incredulous, and you couldn't help but feel you were missing something.
"A meeting ma'am, regarding measures that can be taken to avoid expulsion in the case of the girls..."
You were completely upright now, leaning your head back against the head board as you sighed.
Motherhood was not for the weak.
"I didn't realize that expulsion was being considered. You've spoken to my husband about this?"
There was a tension laden silence on the other line before the poor woman, who you could only assume was the local elementary school's receptionist, gave a sigh.
"I don't believe so, ma'am, but our records note that we've sent quite a few letters home..."
At that, you uttered a frustrated sigh, head falling into the palm of your unoccupied hand as you silently cursed your love's tendency to throw out any mail that came from sources he deemed unimportant.
This was far from the first time such a habit had caused you a headache.
"Ah, that must be where the confusion is coming from"
You muttered in response, trying to hide your obvious disdain for the situation at hand,
"We've been having issues receiving our mail for a few months now. My apologies."
The woman on the other end hummed, clearly having no personal stake in whether or not you received adequate warnings about your daughters' behaviors.
As you spoke, you swung your legs over the side of the bed, feet sliding into your slippers before you stood, shoulder keeping the cell phone pressed firmly to your ear even as you began flipping through the hangars in your closet to find a blouse.
"When did you say the principal was hoping to have this meeting?"
You asked, somehow already knowing the answer before it even passed the woman's lips,
"I believe he cleared his lunch schedule in hopes you and your husband might be able to make it today following an altercation involving your girls an hour ago, ma'am."
Pulling a suitable outfit from your closet, you moved to hold your phone with your hand once more, sighing as you checked the time on the watch that sat upon your bedside table.
Suguru would have just started "working" for the day, but really that was no matter.
"So noon then?"
You asked, simply nodding to yourself when the woman on the other end of the line made a noise in confirmation.
"My husband and I will be there."
And with that, you hung up before dialing a number so familiar that you didn't even have to use speed dial to make the call.
And like the wise man he was, your boyfriend (husband to anyone else who asked, of course) answered on the second ring.
"Is this truly necessary, my love? I think our girls would have mentioned if there was a real issue at school..."
Suguru muttered as he adjusted the cuff of his rolled-up sleeve, his eyes flicking up briefly to meet your own before they returned to the road in front of him.
You sighed.
"Not if they're getting into trouble. Would you have told on yourself for the things you knew you could have otherwise gotten away with as a child?"
At that, your boyfriend simply hummed, his eyes gleaming with something that reminded you distantly of mischief as he maneuvered the black sedan the two of you shared into a spot labelled 'parent parking'.
He began, forearm muscles flexing ever so slightly as he shifted the car into park and turned to look at you properly, a familiar smirk playing about his lips.
"I found that there were some things my parents preferred to leave unknown."
And as you rolled your eyes at his comment, Suguru reached over, unbuckling your seat belt the way he always did before doing the same to his own.
And, as per usual, when he stepped out of the car you took the few moments available before he reached your side to admire him, the way his purple eyes looked in the full sunlight, the way his hair fell alluringly upon his shoulders, the way his fake wedding ring looked on his long and slender finger...
You couldn't help but envy the door handle when he wrapped four of them around it a few moments later.
And when he looked down at you with a particularly smug expression, you didn't even try to defend yourself.
You simply fixed him with a pretty little grin, shrugged your shoulders, and reached for the hand he'd offered you.
"Well, let me begin by saying that even in spite of the circumstances, it is lovely to meet you both."
The principal said politely, though you didn't miss the scrutiny in his gaze as it passed over the two of you.
But really, that was to be expected.
After all, you were only twenty, and with two eight-year-old daughters, a fake marriage could only do so much for the obvious youthfulness both you and your boyfriend possessed.
"Likewise, Principal Akage."
Suguru replied smoothly, using that same tone that most mothers did when they spoke to strangers on the phone, his voice somehow still dangerously low even in spite of being pitched upward with a false politeness...
Every word he spoke and movement he made some sharp yet subtle act of intimidation and superciliousness that you were certain came as naturally to your love as breathing after several years of necessity.
Because, as loathe as he may have been to admit it, elementally, you were both ducks out of water almost anywhere you went,
And if the world was going to be so unyielding, then Suguru found he could be far more so with very little effort indeed.
The principal gave a courteous hum in reply to your boyfriend's words before speaking up once again, clearly more than a little eager to get on to the topic at hand.
Perhaps his cancelled lunch had something to do with that, but who was to say?
"Well, in any case, in regard to Mimiko and Nanako-"
"Lovely girls, aren't they?"
Suguru all but purred, cutting the principal off with a grin so cat-like that you had half a mind to check his hair for a well camouflaged pair of ears.
You watched as the principal bristled slightly, clearing his throat with a volume that was clearly meant to convey his annoyance (a fact which only caused Suguru's grin to grow almost imperceptibly wider),
The man said tersely,
"Although, I'm afraid this meeting hasn't been arranged with that particular topic in mind."
In reply, your boyfriend sighed histrionically, his expression schooled into one of what you knew to be feigned sorrow as he flicked a few inky black strands over his shoulder, allowing them to join many of the others flowing down his back like some otherworldly waterfall.
And you could only just manage to hide your amusement as he spoke.
"It never is, is it?"
He asked wistfully, as if deeply disheartened by the lack of supposedly deserved recognition for the little girls the two of you had raised.
And, of course, you knew it was all an act, Suguru's impish game of mockery that he liked to play with the non-sorcerers he was forced to interact with, but to the man sitting before you, it was an immensely unexpected and anxiety-inducing reaction indeed - no one liked dealing with an upset parent, after all.
But, of course, your love wasn't nearly done yet.
"I mean, honestly, how many letters have you bothered to send home detailing their positive exploits at school hmm? Perhaps the lack of proper acknowledgement for their achievement paired with the deluge of judgement has something to do with whatever supposed behaviors they've been exhibiting."
And truth be told, you nearly scoffed at that, because both you and Suguru knew full well that the last thing either of your girls cared about was praise from those their father would call monkeys.
But, of course, there was not a soul in the world present besides the two of you that knew that, so the charade carried on.
And at this point, Principal Akage looked utterly bewildered.
"I'm sorry sir, but 'supposed behaviors'? Do either of you have any awareness of the true severity of your daughters' actions?"
He asked incredulously, and you could tell that Suguru was getting a kick out of how exasperated the man already seemed to be.
"Not a clue."
He said nonchalantly, inspecting his fingernails before looking back up at the administrator with an irritatingly polite smile playing about his far too beautiful features.
"But I'm sure you'll happily inform us."
And with a sharp roll of his eyes and a mutter beneath his breath that had you shooting a glare at your boyfriend for perhaps taking things too far, Principal Akage did just that, hands already having opened the manila file that had been sitting closed upon his desk when you'd first arrived.
"Well, first of all, the girls seem to have what can only be referred to as a name calling issue,"
He began, regarding you both with a serious look that you did your best to return, although you weren't sure if it did much to counteract your love's persistently infuriating grin that he had yet to replace with a different expression.
That said, based on the way the man sighed before he continued, you highly doubted it.
"I have received a multitude of reports stating that they've been sent out of the classroom and even to the counselor's office after referring to other students as some sort of primate."
He said incredulously, eyes searching the file for the specific phrase he was looking for as you bit back a groan and Suguru tried to hide his now far too obvious amusement behind his hand.
You kicked at him beneath your chairs, but it did little to help, especially not when he brought those mischievous eyes to yours, sending you a wink that made your traitorous knees go weak.
But then, after a few seconds of time to recover from your boyfriend's infuriatingly attractive face, you sighed before speaking up, voice colored with an air of exasperation as you did so.
"Is the insult you're referring to perhaps, 'monkey'?"
And at that, the Principal Akage's eyes shot to yours, brow raising as he nodded, finally free to stop aimlessly searching the document for the correct term.
"Yes, I believe that's right."
He replied stiffly, adjusting his seated position so his posture seemed a bit less slouched before continuing,
"I can assume you've both heard this term used at home then?"
And before you could try to reply in any manner that even dared to convey honesty or seriousness, Suguru was already talking.
"Oh, certainly."
He said with a casualness that could only denote apathy,
"Or, at least the girls have. I'm not sure I've ever heard them use it very much themselves..."
And honestly, that, in part, was true.
After all, you had a zero tolerance policy for the use of that word for those under eighteen, and a somehow even lower tolerance policy for the excessive use of it over eighteen.
(Not that it ever truly made all that much of a difference).
Upon hearing Suguru's words though, the man sitting before you became increasingly interested in what he had to say.
"Do you mean to tell me that the girls hear that word used as an insult often while at home?"
At that, your boyfriend shrugged, his casual attitude persisting even in the face of the principal's increasingly obvious concern.
"I suppose you could say that."
He explained, gaze flickering back toward his fingernails, which had been re-painted by the girls last night to match the deep purple of his eyes.
The man in front of you both looked shocked at his indifference toward the situation at hand and the subtle accusations he had tossed your way, the look on his face making it apparent that he wasn't entirely convinced that Suguru understood what it truly was that he was trying to say...
And while you were completely certain that he did, you weren't about to waste your breath saying so.
Thus, Principal Akage seemed to think it best that he make his concerns abundantly clear.
"Am I to believe then, Mr. and Mrs. Geto, that the girls are hearing insults like this being used in their home?"
And at that, Suguru had the good grace to look appalled (an expression which, upon his face, you found to be rather entertaining indeed, even if it was feigned).
"As in used by myself and my wife?"
He scoffed then, that look of consternation morphing into one of antipathy, as if he were revolted at the mere consideration of the words he'd just spoken...
The irony was not lost on you.
"Certainly not."
He expressed staunchly, one strong, lithe arm moving to cross over the other against his chest as he leaned back slightly in his chair, giving you a generous view of his trim waist, which was only accentuated by his familiarly high-waisted pants...
And for a moment, the only thought you could muster was God bless whoever had introduced him to that particular style of bottoms...
Until you were brought back to reality by your love's voice once more, hoping against hope that the stern man sitting across from you hadn't noticed your shameless staring at your own partner.
"I believe they've heard it often on some television program that they're allowed to watch on the weekends. The main antagonists are these abhorrent little monkey creatures, wretched things really. They must have gotten it from there."
And just when you were about to shoot Suguru a look of complete and utter disbelief at his ridiculous excuse for your daughters' language, the principal said something that had you taking pause immediately, brows furrowing with something akin to incredulity.
"Well, I can't say that I'm surprised by your apparent negligence, as disappointing as it may be. Many staff here have claimed to harbor concerns of your child rearing capabilities since the date of your first parent-teacher conference, and it's safe to say now that I can see why."
And suddenly, that amused glint that had remained so persistent in your boyfriend's eye disappeared entirely, replaced with a hardness that betrayed his anger even as he kept that sickeningly sweet (and now occasionally twitching) smile painted on his pretty face.
"Excuse me?"
He asked rigidly, having abandoned every bit of that saccharine tone from before, leaving only his usual baritone voice in it's wake, low, smooth, and ever so slightly musing in a way that seemed perpetually capable of sending subtle shivers down your spine.
His head tilted then as he spoke, black strands spilling over the white fabric adorning his left shoulder like thick, stygian oil spreading out on cold water.
Still, if the principal caught on to the sudden shift in Suguru's demeanor, he did not react to it.
"Of course, I believe wholeheartedly that the two of you are doing your best."
He explained calmly, tone having shifted to something far more condescending than before, as if he were perhaps talking to students rather than the fully grown adults who sat before him.
"I imagine that things must be quite difficult for you all, what with the two of you clearly being so young..."
He trailed off, and you didn't miss the judgemental gaze that he passed over you as he did so.
Because although he didn't know your exact ages, it was apparent, at least, that the two of you were far too young to have had the girls at what he would have deemed an appropriate age.
"But that doesn't make it acceptable for you both to cut corners with raising these children. Excessive access to television has been proven to-"
"And at what point during this discussion did I give you the impression that their access to such a thing was excessive?"
Suguru asked suddenly, cutting the man off with very little regard for whatever he was about to say next.
And at that, the principal seemed to finally catch on to just how incensed your boyfriend had become in the little time since he had started spewing his baseless accusations.
He was sitting up straight in his chair now, head still tilted almost as if he were a parent speaking to their child, eyes darkened with a quiet rage that reminded you distantly of a rolling thunderstorm.
That said, his new position didn't last long once Principal Akage actually looked up at him.
No, at that point, your love took it upon himself to brace his forearms upon his thighs before leaning against them, bringing his upper body closer to the older man sitting at the desk in front of you both in a manner that could only be seen as an act of intimidation.
And, judging by the principal's suddenly paling complexion, a successful one at that.
He began, seeming to steel himself a bit before continuing,
"That can be inferred based off of the fact that they're learning so much from a mere program. It seems highly unlikely to me that with a reasonable amount of TV consumption the girls would be-"
"And it seems highly unlikely to me that you would hurl such blatant accusations of negligence at any other parent in this school with girls the same age as ours."
Suguru jeered before the man could even finish, cold eyes leveling him with a glare as he leaned forward slightly further, drawing your attention briefly to the way his arms flexed in his button up shirt, the way his long, slender fingers twitched slightly as he fought the urge to clench them into fists, and the way the fabric of his pants perfectly followed and outlined the curve of his waist and the spread of his thighs as he continued on with his assumed position.
And for a moment, you understood poor Principal Akage's dilemma completely.
After all, who in their right mind would take a look at the devastatingly attractive man sitting beside you and think he could be the kind and doting father you and your family claimed him to be?
You were drawn out of your thoughts though, when the man sitting on the other side of the desk began to sputter as if in disbelief of your boyfriend's words.
"I would levy these accusations against any that I deemed deserving of them, Mr. Geto, and I can assure you, from what I have seen, you and your wife are both more than deserving."
He fumed, and you could all but see Suguru's blood boiling in his veins in response.
There was little he loathed more than being talked down to by a non-sorcerer, after all.
"Do you know that to be true, Principal Akage?"
He ground out through clenched teeth, hauntingly polite smile still adorning his face as he spoke.
"Or have you just made assumptions based off of the way we look?"
And at that, the principal scoffed, eyes rolling as he waved the file still in his hand, as if hoping to remind you and your love of why you were present at this meeting in the first place.
"The behaviors of your daughters alone give me plenty of reason to suspect less than stellar parenting on both of your parts. Name calling, hair pulling, biting, threatening, these are all things Nanako and Mimiko do on a weekly basis in their classrooms, and I find it hard to believe that these actions could originate anywhere else but inside of the home you've raised them in."
This time though, instead of speaking or leaning even further forward to emphasize his point, Suguru just shook his head and laughed.
It was a mostly mirthless and slightly ominous sound, and you quickly knew why once it came to an end.
"It's funny you should say that, Principal, because what you fail to realize is that my girls do not struggle with even one of these behaviors outside of your school."
Suguru said with a half feigned amusement, his previously polite smile now much closer to that cat-like grin from before.
"There is no name calling in my house, no biting, no threatening, no hair pulling, because my girls know better than to show disrespect to those who aren't deserving of it."
He all but hissed, hands giving up their efforts to remain relaxed as his fingers curled into fists, the metal of his fake ring glowing in the yellowy lighting of the office the three of you were sat in.
Principal Akage seemed to flounder for a few moments at your boyfriend's words, before finally, he found his voice again.
"Are you attempting to place the blame for Mimiko and Nanako's incorrigible behaviors on us?"
He asked incredulously, clearly not taking kindly to the accusation.
"We are a fine and proud institution of primary education, Mr. Geto, and I don't think it appropriate for you to use us as a scapegoat for your poor parenting skills. I-"
And at that, you'd had enough, standing abruptly and leveling the principal with a glare so harsh you could have sworn you saw him flinch backwards when he caught sight of it.
"That is quite enough, thank you, sir."
You said sternly, gaze unwavering as you spoke.
"I refuse to sit here and let you insult us like this when we all know you would never use so little decorum with parents you properly respected."
And although Akage opened his mouth as if to argue with this, you didn't give him the opportunity to speak.
"And on top of that, how nonchalantly you've hurled insult after insult about parenting at my husband of all people, who spends hours upon hours each day entertaining and educating his daughters, is deplorable."
You shook your head as if in disbelief of the situation at hand.
"I cannot believe how many weeks I spent convincing him that this school would help our daughters reach their truest potentials in their education, only to then sit here two years in being told that we are to blame for behaviors they seem to only engage in when they're within the boundaries of your institution. Would you have jumped to such conclusions with parents you believed to be worthy of your respect, Principal Akage? Would you have spoken of their daughters with such contempt right in front of their guardian's faces as you've done so readily with us?"
You scoffed then, reaching for your boyfriend's hand and tugging him up to stand alongside you, ever appreciative of the way he never failed to give into your every whim, regardless of the fact that you could never truly make him do anything.
"Evidently, I made the wrong decision when I decided it would be best to enroll Mimiko and Nanako here. We will be taking them home with us immediately, and they will not be returning. Clearly, my husband was right to believe alternative schooling was the proper choice all along. You have let my family down immeasurably today, Principal."
And with that, you stalked your way out of the man's office and into the main area, where you promptly insisted the secretary inform you of where your daughters were at that time.
And, once that information had been procured, you were off again, walking toward their second grade classroom with a huff, Suguru chuckling amusedly from where he was trailing ever so slightly behind you, hands in his pockets.
"You know that the girls are almost certainly far less innocent here than we've made them out to be, right?"
He all but drawled, coming to walk alongside you as you rolled your eyes in response, glancing up at him with a sigh that told him everything he needed to know before you even spoke.
"Of course I do. I just couldn't go another second trapped in that office with that sorry excuse for a man. He should be ashamed of himself, treating us and the girls like that"
You muttered, scoffing slightly as you crossed your arms over your chest before continuing with a mumble.
"Now lets just get the girls already before I change my mind."
The two of you walked toward the location of the girls' homeroom classroom in silence after that, Suguru's hand pressed comfortingly to your back as you finally arrived and knocked on the door.
You recognized their teacher when she answered, but it was clear from the furrow to her brow that she wasn't entirely certain of who you and your boyfriend were.
And it wasn't exactly surprising, what with the lack of resemblance between the two of you and your adopted girls, but even still, you felt a wave of exasperation wash over you.
The questioning, while somewhat understandable, was seemingly endless, and having to prove yourself time and time again had long since taken a toll on your patience with the subject.
Still, you opened your mouth to start that same song and dance as always.
"Hi Miss Shimizu. We're here for-"
Two distinct little voices called out excitedly at virtually the same moment, familiar sets of footsteps rushing over to where their teacher stood before they were peering out from the left and right sides of her hips.
And suddenly, it didn't matter that you had to prove your relation to the girls at nearly ever turn...
Because clearly, they knew exactly who you were to them.
And that was all you really needed. -------------------------------------------
"Mama, can we get ice cream?"
Mimiko asked about ten minutes later as you and Suguru each held one of her hands, swinging her between you both through the school's empty hallways while Nanako sat proudly atop her father's shoulders, one hand on the crown of his head while the other reached up in an attempt to touch the ceiling.
You looked between the two of them for a moment, taking in the gleeful and eager expressions that played about their far too cute faces, trying not to make it too obvious that you would give them just about anything they could ever ask for in that moment.
Because right there beside you were your girls, your sweet Mimiko and Nanako, who had come to you so fearful and distrusting, and now tackled you in hugs to wake you up in the mornings, clung to your legs until you agreed to take them on errands, and snuggled up in your bed beside you whenever your boyfriend was away from home (and sometimes even when he wasn't despite the fact that you all knew well that the bed was far too small for such a thing).
If you loved your family anymore, you were almost certain your heart would burst.
So, of course, the answer to their question was obvious.
"Ask your father."
You said playfully, watching as Suguru sent a look of clearly feigned exasperation your way just as the girls began their usual chorus of,
Though, it was cut short by his quick reply.
"Of course we can."
And the celebratory shouts that came in reply were worth every second of the exhausting evening the two of you would doubtless have after giving your daughters so much sugar.
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purinbunnii · 3 days ago
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Morning Whispers
Suguru x Reader
The morning light filters through the shoji doors, casting golden hues over your quiet home. The air is thick with the scent of freshly brewed tea and the distant hint of rain-soaked earth from last night’s drizzle. You stir beneath the soft sheets, stretching your limbs lazily before your eyes land on the man standing by the kitchen counter.
Bare-backed, hair tousled from sleep, he stands in loose black pants, his broad shoulders flexing as he works at the counter. The sight of him—strong, comfortable, utterly yours—sends a warm shiver through you.
You slip from the futon, the wooden floor cool against your feet as you approach him. Your arms wrap around his waist from behind, your bare cheek pressing against the warmth of his back.
“You’re up early,” you murmur, voice laced with sleep.
Suguru chuckles, his hand coming to rest over yours. “Couldn’t sleep. Thought I’d make you tea.” His voice is deep, still husky from sleep, and it stirs something molten in your belly.
You trail your fingers lightly over his stomach, feeling the ridges of muscle beneath his skin. “Mmm… considerate husband.” You press a kiss between his shoulder blades, feeling the way he exhales deeply at the contact.
His free hand reaches back, cupping the back of your thigh, pulling you closer so your bodies are flush. “And you… my beautiful wife.” His voice is lower now, a teasing growl. “Clinging to me so early… you missed me in your sleep?”
You hum, your lips brushing his spine. “Always.”
Suguru turns in your embrace, his arms circling your waist, trapping you against the counter. His gaze is molten gold in the morning light, dark eyes heavy with affection… and something darker. His fingers skim up your back, sending a delightful shudder through you.
“You keep looking at me like that, love,” he murmurs, dipping his head so his lips graze your jaw, “and tea won’t be the only thing getting heated this morning.”
Your fingers tangle in his hair, tugging just enough to hear the low sound he makes—one of satisfaction, desire. “Then maybe tea can wait,” you whisper.
He grins, slow and wicked, before capturing your lips in a kiss—deep, unhurried, tasting of warmth and home.
And just like that, the quiet morning melts into something much more sinful.
The kiss deepens, slow and languid, his lips tasting of warmth and quiet devotion. Suguru holds you close, his fingers splaying over your lower back, pressing you against him until there’s no space left between your bodies. The heat of him seeps into your skin, making you shiver, despite the warmth of the morning.
“You’re insatiable,” you murmur between kisses, breath hitching as he moves to your jaw, then lower, pressing soft kisses along your neck.
Suguru hums against your skin, his lips dragging over the sensitive spot just beneath your ear. “I could say the same about you,” he teases, his breath hot, sending delicious shivers through you. His hands slip lower, fingers ghosting over the curve of your hips before gripping them possessively.
Your fingers tangle in his hair, dark strands soft between your fingers as you tilt his head up to look at you. His pupils are blown, his lips slightly parted, the image of a man utterly devoted to you. Your heart clenches at the sight—how is it that after a year of marriage, after so many mornings together, he still looks at you like you’re his world?
“I love you,” you whisper, and something shifts in his expression.
His hands cradle your face, his thumbs tracing the shape of your lips, his gaze softening with something deeper than desire—something achingly tender. “I love you more,” he murmurs, before capturing your lips again.
The tea on the counter is long forgotten as he lifts you effortlessly, setting you on the wooden surface, standing between your legs as his hands explore, mapping familiar territory like it’s the first time. His lips find your shoulder, pressing reverent kisses along your collarbone, down to the delicate strap of your nightgown.
“You’re beautiful,” he breathes against your skin, and the way he says it—like it’s the most obvious truth in the world—makes your cheeks burn.
His fingers trail up your thigh, slipping beneath the fabric of your gown, teasing, but never quite enough. You arch into his touch, impatient, needy. He chuckles, dark and full of promise.
“Tell me what you want, love.” His voice is a whisper against your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
“You,” you breathe, hands gripping his arms, nails digging in just enough to leave faint marks.
Suguru grins, slow and wicked. “Then let me take care of you,” he murmurs, his lips trailing lower.
And in the quiet glow of the morning, he does—until you’re breathless, undone, and utterly his.
The soft light of dawn spills over the two of you, casting golden shadows across Suguru’s skin as he moves between your thighs, his touch reverent yet demanding. His fingers trail along your bare thigh, his gaze dark with a mixture of love and something deeper—something primal.
“You’re breathtaking,” he murmurs, pressing slow, open-mouthed kisses down the line of your throat. His hands slide up your sides, pushing the delicate fabric of your nightgown up inch by inch, exposing more of your skin to the cool morning air.
Your breath hitches when his fingers skim the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, teasing, coaxing. He’s taking his time, savoring every reaction, the way your body trembles under his touch.
“Suguru,” you whisper, your fingers gripping his shoulders, needing more, needing him.
He hums against your skin, his lips curving into a teasing smile. “Impatient?” His voice is thick with amusement, but there’s an edge to it—a hunger barely restrained.
You arch against him, the warmth of his body pressing between your legs, the heat of his breath ghosting over your collarbone. “You’re teasing,” you murmur, half-lidded eyes meeting his.
Suguru chuckles, dark and velvety. “I just love watching you like this,” he admits, his hand finally slipping between your thighs, fingers tracing over the thin fabric covering your growing heat. The sensation is maddening—just enough to make you shudder, not enough to satisfy.
You whimper, tilting your hips into his touch, desperate for more. He groans softly at the sound, his restraint slipping as he hooks his fingers under the fabric, dragging it down slowly. His lips never leave your skin, trailing lower, pressing kisses down your stomach as his hands part your thighs.
“Perfect,” he murmurs, his voice thick with reverence as he settles between your legs. His fingers glide over your heat, spreading your desire with slow, deliberate strokes, watching the way you react to him.
“You’re always so responsive,” he whispers against your thigh, his breath warm, teasing. “So beautiful when you fall apart for me.”
A soft moan escapes you as his fingers slide deeper, his pace agonizingly slow, deliberate. Suguru watches you with hooded eyes, taking in every gasp, every arch of your body as he builds you up, his movements confident, practiced, worshipful.
The morning air is thick with heat, the quiet sounds of your pleasure mingling with his deep groans as he works you to the edge. His name falls from your lips in a breathless plea, fingers tangling in his hair, pulling him closer, silently begging for more.
Suguru obliges, his mouth replacing his fingers, his tongue tracing sinful patterns against your sensitive flesh. The sensation is overwhelming, pleasure coiling tight in your stomach as he devours you with slow, deliberate strokes, savoring every reaction.
“Let go for me,” he murmurs against you, voice filled with devotion, need.
And when you finally do, your body trembling beneath his touch, he holds you close, whispering soft praises against your skin.
Even after your breathing evens out, Suguru doesn’t move away. He presses lingering kisses against your thighs, his hands tracing gentle circles over your hips, grounding you. His gaze finds yours, dark and adoring.
“Good morning, my love,” he whispers, a teasing smirk tugging at his lips.
You laugh breathlessly, pulling him up for a deep, languid kiss. “Best morning ever.”
Suguru chuckles, wrapping his arms around you, his warmth enveloping you completely. “And we’re just getting started.”
The remnants of pleasure still linger in your body, the warmth of Suguru’s touch imprinted on your skin. He’s still wrapped around you, his lips ghosting soft kisses along your shoulder, his breathing steady, deep.
The morning light has shifted, golden hues softening into something gentler, filtering through the shoji doors, painting his bare skin in a warm glow. You sigh, tracing your fingers along his jaw, feeling the roughness of his morning stubble.
“You’re staring,” he murmurs, eyes still closed, but there’s a lazy smirk on his lips.
You hum, brushing back a stray strand of his dark hair. “You’re beautiful,” you say softly, running your fingers down his spine, relishing the way his muscles shift beneath your touch.
His eyes finally open, dark and molten, filled with something that makes your stomach flip. He leans in, pressing a kiss to the corner of your lips, slow and languid, before murmuring, “You must be tired, love. I should carry you back to bed.”
You laugh, running a hand through his tousled hair. “I think I like it right here.”
Suguru chuckles, pressing another lingering kiss to your lips before finally pulling away—just enough to slide his hands beneath your thighs and lift you with ease. You gasp, wrapping your arms around his neck as he carries you effortlessly toward the bedroom.
“You spoil me,” you tease, nuzzling against his neck.
He huffs a soft laugh, his grip tightening. “You deserve to be spoiled.”
When he sets you down, he climbs in beside you, pulling you against his chest. His hands are warm as they roam your back, soothing, grounding. You sigh into his touch, completely content.
After a long moment of silence, he murmurs, “I love you.”
The words are soft, but there’s a weight to them, a depth that makes your chest tighten. You tilt your head up, pressing a kiss to his jaw, his cheek, then finally his lips. “I love you too. More than anything.”
He exhales, like he’s been waiting to hear it all over again, even though you say it every day. His grip on you tightens for a second before he relaxes, pure contentment written all over his face.
After a while, you feel his stomach rumble against your hand, making you giggle.
“Someone’s hungry,” you tease.
Suguru groans, rubbing a hand over his face. “I got too distracted to eat,” he admits, smirking down at you. “Your fault.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “I’ll make breakfast.”
Before you can move, Suguru tightens his arms around you. “Nope. I’ll do it.” He kisses your forehead before slipping out of bed, stretching his arms above his head.
You watch him as he walks back to the kitchen, wearing only his loose pants, his broad shoulders flexing with every movement. You smile to yourself, feeling that familiar warmth swell in your chest—pure, unwavering love.
By the time you join him, he’s already preparing food, hair tied back, humming softly to himself. The sight makes your heart ache in the best way.
You wrap your arms around him from behind, pressing your cheek against his back. “Marrying you was the best decision of my life,” you murmur.
Suguru turns in your embrace, cupping your face in his hands, his eyes filled with something so tender it makes your breath catch. “Marrying you was the easiest decision of mine.”
He kisses you again, slow and sweet, like a promise.
And as you spend the rest of the morning cooking together, stealing kisses between bites, laughing as he tries to feed you first, you realize—this is what love is.
This is home.
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ex1acy · 9 months ago
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credit: haekz (ig) I WAS TOLD THIS BY A COMMENT!!
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chastiefoul · 3 months ago
how they'd react when you wanted to sleep on the couch... just because.
fluff. light-hearted ft. gojo, nanami, sukuna, suguru, toji, choso
“baby scooch over.” a whispered voice along with a gentle nudge on the shoulder woke you from your dozed off state. “hmm?” you mumbled out, blinking your terribly heavy lids open although to no avail they’re begging to keep themselves shut. satoru glanced at you with a frown on his eyes with a pillow held close to his body. “scooch over baby,” he pleaded, kneeling beside the couch you’re currently lying on.
“go back to bed toru,” you said softly, tugging your blanket closer. “but you’re not there,” he whined, intertwining his hand with yours as he attacked it with kisses, not letting you go back to sleep, especially if it’s without him. “i thought you said you’re going to be fine?” you asked, jogging the memory of him being all smug while saying you could do whatever you wanted. “that was not me, i would never say that,” he said promptly and goodness you didn’t know before someone’s lips could turned that much downward. you chuckled breathily, knowing this will happen sooner or later.
you scooted over on the big couch, leaving him the space he’d been begging for. you could have sworn you heard a squeal before you’re wrapped in satoru’s warm hold, his head resting snugly atop of yours. “no sleeping on here anymore. not without me,” he said into your hair, kissing it softly.
“but why, love?” he asked, having a hard time comprehending your wish to sleep alone on the living room only because... you randomly wanted to? you chuckled looking at his bewildered face, an expression of someone who’s probably racking his brain upside down thinking that he’s done something wrong. “ken, i promise it’s just because i feel like it and no reason other than that.” you cupped his face, planting a soft kiss on his nose.
nanami looked a little relieved, albeit sullen, hesitant in asking whether he could invite himself in or you wanted a little time for yourself. and when it’s finally time to sleep it’s becoming more obvious that your lover wasn’t going to make it easy for you.
“need any more blanket honey?” he asked tapping the head of the couch as he stood there a tad nervous, knowing full well you got everything you needed since he insisted to be the one to prepare it. pillows, blanket, a hot drink, he’s got it all for you. “i’m perfect here, ken. you can go to bed,” you said with a reassuring smile, yet it did the opposite effect to the man.
“can i be here until you sleep, my love? it’s just that i feel like i wouldn’t be able to rest properly until i see you do the same.” he stroke your cheek softly with his thumb, and when you leaned into his touch he knew he’s gone for you. that there’s no way he could be asleep if he went back to the bedroom in that moment—unless you’re with him, of course. though, he didn’t say this, he just continued combing through your strands of hair, loving the peaceful expression on your face.
and unfortunately for the blond man, when it comes to these things his thoughts were written all over his face. you already caught on the fact that he wanted to lie down with you there yet his wish in prioritizing your wants refrained him from speaking his. you laughed a little, feeling a burst of fondness towards the tall man.
“on a second thought, can you sleep here with me ken?” he moved as quick as the sentence ended, already making his way under the blanket. he sneaked a hand around your waist, pressing your body closer against him. “i was kind of hoping you’d ask,” he mumbled, slightly embarrassed. you snuggled closer to his chest, feeling utmost comfort as he rubbed your back gently.
“i know.”
not even ten minutes in trying to sleep on the said couch, sukuna had already carried you back towards your shared bedroom.
he put you on the bed gently, then he draped a blanket over as he tucked you in. sukuna has that look of a man who’s determined in keeping you there, and you already knew it’s a fight you could not win thus, you turned for another plan instead: pouting.
even until he got beside you as he rested his big hand on your stomach, you refused to look at him, crossing your hands in front of your chest. he sighed, “give me one good reason i should let you sleep out there,” he said exasperatedly. “cause i want some me time?” you claimed. even you weren’t sure why you’re battling him so hard on this.
“then have it here in this bed with me. you’ll get all cold later and cling to me later anyways. i’m just speeding up the process.” he replied, already closing his eyes.
“what a strange way of saying you couldn’t sleep without me,” you said, with a grin on your face. the feeling of his thumb moving against your skin brought you immense comfort, your impulsive plan long forgotten.
“if you already knew that then quit making it harder for me, brat.”
he stared at you who’s already making yourself comfortable on the couch, amused. “looking cozy there,” he said with a grin, a face of someone who’s up to no good. “yeah, it’s actually not ba-“ the sentence was cut off was your own squeal, toji had picked you up as he took your lying down position and put you top of him.
“you could’ve just asked first!” you fumed, hitting his bicep—which did more to you and it did him, how could one even get their muscle to be as hard as that? he just chuckled in response, putting a hand around your waist. “sorry doll, got too excited,” he said lazily, already seemed all happy, like he had all he needed.
and he did, with you close to him resting your head on his chest, knowing that you loved counting his heartbeat. the man was truly content.
“we really should get a bigger couch,” you mumbled. we should get everything you wanted, toji thought. but it’d be a bit much to say in the moment so instead he just continued rubbing your sides until you dozed off, plunging into the dream land.
“whatcha got there baby?” he asked, an easy smile on his face. there’s really no day with you where you didn’t make him tilt his head questioningly. “’m going to sleep here tonight,” you said, fluffing the pillow before lying down on it comfortably.
“okay, where’s mine then?”
“your what?”
“my pillow. you didn’t bring mine along yours?”
“oh well i just thought you’d want to sleep in the bed anyway?” you replied, and suguru looked like you just insulted him deeply. the couch dipped, he then lied down beside you on the same pillow, making him extra close as he embraced you. “i sleep where you sleep baby, you make me this way. i can no longer rest when i don’t get to hold you close like this,” he said softly, tucking your hair behind your ear.
you have a big smile on your face as he said this, inhaling his familiar scent as you put your arms around him. “that better not be a complaint,” you said, cuddling closer to the man.
“never.” he kissed your temple.
it seriously look like it killed him when he had to walk away from the room, leaving you to sleep by yourself on the couch. his steps were excruciatingly slow, taking as much time as he could in case you changed your mind.
“cho?” you almost laughed looking at the way he perked up, a hopeful expression on his face. “can you turn off the light on your way?” and it almost felt too cruel the way the sparkle on his eyes dimmed, his shoulders beyond slumped. he then practically had to drag his own feet before letting out a small nod.
you chuckled, couldn’t keep up with the teasing anymore. “i’m kidding baby, do you wanna get in here?” you lifted up the blanket, patting the empty space next to you. it was the fastest you’ve ever seen him, as he’s beside you in no time.
he clinged to you tightly, like he’s making sure as much of his skin made contact with yours, a satisfied smile on his face. his hair tickled your neck nicely, as you traced the area below his eye with back of your finger.
“next time you want something just ask, cho.”
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frenchcoucou · 7 months ago
cowboy GETO?!
ac: thatsallitchief
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yvesdoee · 1 month ago
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ jujutsu kaisen fic recommendations ( sfw ! ) ft. gojo , geto , nanami , toji
hi ! :) these are my personal recommendations, might contain suggestive content but nothing too explicit. and these are mostly drabbles because it’s hard to find swf oneshots or series, i’m sorry :3 also most of the fics are fluff
╰┈➤ gojo satoru
✧.* the great war ( @satorulovebot ) got me FUCKING SOBBING THIS IS NOT OKAY. don’t read this in a good mood, it will ruin your day ( not in a bad way tho, this is so good, one of my favs on this app, dk why this isn’t popular )
✧.* how to fake date a doctor ( @lostfracturess ) i know there is a really suggestive content(no smut tho), but :( it’s too wonderful
✧.* i know you still think about the times we had ( @/saetoru ) angstyy but happy ending
✧.* we can dip, if you’re ready ( @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat ) unrequited love trope is one of my favorites ….
✧.* yandere!gojo ( @gojoest ) i’m not usually into yandere stuff, but this drabble is really good
✧.* this is home ( ryowritten ) this is rb link because the original blog isn’t available, i’m sorry. but you should definitely read this
✧.* husband!satoru x pregnant!reader ( @sanemistar ) this is soo so sweet ;(
✧.* crybaby ( @suhtorus ) another sweet tooth rotting drabble
✧.* dad!satoru ( @cute-sucker ) aaand another one!
✧.* #needthis ( @kentwos ) this is not the title .. lol
╰┈➤ fushuguro toji
✧.* valentines day ( @lemonlover1110 ) ft. megumi fushiguro ;)
✧.* argument ( @lymtw ) reader is SO ME …… ugh i love hurt/comfort (also read author’s other works please they’re amazing)
✧.* lockedup!fushiguro ( @animamii ) please read this series, this is veryyy good
✧.* bad dream ( @stellawish ) i love love dad!toji
✧.* toji fushiguro is no blind man ( @kissitbttr ) veery suggestive but also very good ;)
✧.* dad!toji drabble ( @kashverse ) this person got a huge amount of fluff drabbles of many characters and their works are freaking amazing
✧.* toji fushiguro had no intentions of getting married again ( @starmapz ) i’m actually rereading it like once in three days no jokes
✧.* olderboyfriend!toji ( @tojibnuy ) i audibly giggled btw
✧.* acts of service ( @levisjinchuriki ) like i said , i love hurt/comfort and this oneshot is amazing
✧.* toji with pregnant wife ( @onehundredelevven ) ughh this is so cute i’m gonna die
✧.* when you caught flowers on the wedding ( @pepperyduck ) it made me want to attend someone's wedding …unfortunately i've never been to one 🥲
✧.* one step forward, two steps back ( @jjk4isen ) this is just cruel.
╰┈➤ nanami kento
✧.* jealous nanami ( @shebrewscoffee ) this is SO nanami i love it
✧.* olderhusband!nanami ( @vampyhvnt ) this is canon actually ….
✧.* evening walks were sacred in the nanami household ( @kashverse )
✧.* nanami is part danish ( @iid-smile ) this is very sweet i’m actually exploded
✧.* his protégé ( @augustinewrites )
✧.* my wife ( @chastiefoul ) you could tell nanami is very married
✧.* heart attack ( @iid-smile )
✧.* disturbed sleep ( @iid-smile )
✧.* nanami bittersweet ( @/creamflix ) i’m sorry this is a rb link too .. and this one HURTS
✧.* the secret wife ( @chuluoyi ) hehe i love this .. you should also read love entries ( gojo ) from this author <3 this is very good
✧.* yuji after anesthesia ( @unabletonotlovesatoru ) this is healing my btw ..
���┈➤ geto suguru
✧.* the paint doesn’t move the way the light reflects ( @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat ) OOH I LOVE LOVE ROYALTY AU AND THIS IS SO SWEET AND CUTE OMG
✧.* i love you, i love you (kill me in the morning) ( @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat )
✧.* six degrees of separation ( @starmapz ) best geto series imo ….
✧.* i crumble completely when you cry ( @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat ) arctic monkeys mentioned ⁉️ but seriously this is AWESOME also if you want some good geto fics please check this blog and read their works
✧.* i dream, now, of a normal life with you ( @twentyfivemiceinatrenchcoat )
✧.* suguru drabble ( @jjk4isen )
✧.* baby, my baby ( @sugudoe ) this is a smau including geto, gojo and nanami, AND THIS IS SOO AMAZING LIKE OML did i mentioned that i LOVE hurt/comfort ??
✧.* twin dad and teacher geto ( @slttygeto )
✧.* teacher!geto with pregnant wife ( @slttygeto ) teacher suguru ..teacher suguru ….
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swordymacaroni · 2 months ago
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geto who smokes like its his biggest hobby, but you despise it. every time he kisses you, the bitter taste of tobacco leaves you wrinkling your nose and pulling away all too soon. you never say anything about it, but geto can sense your displeasure every time he reaches for a cigarette.
one day, he reaches into his back pocket for a routine smoke, knowing your eyes are trailing his every move. you expect him to shake out a cigarette, but instead he drops the pack to the ground and steps on it, eyes never leaving yours. you open your mouth to say something, but his lips cut off your voice.
he kisses you hard, his fingers tangling in your hair, his teeth pulling at your lips. his mouth moves against yours in such desperation  that you can’t help but gasp. he pulls you against his chest, so close that you don’t know where you end and he begins. he pulls back, violet gaze slipping over your hazed expression.
“i-your cigarettes?”
he runs a thumb over your cheek before he leans down to whisper in your ear. his voice makes you shiver when he says,
“i can only handle one addiction at a time.”
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papernstory · 6 months ago
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Teacher suguru sketchs ✍🏻
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jjk4isen · 6 months ago
early relationship with out of this world gorgeous man suguru and you're still stuttering when he stares at you longer than three seconds, yes you counted.
you still have no idea how you managed to garner his interest. him going from a small tiny crush to being your boyfriend? you had to pat yourself on the back.
so that's why you're extremely nervous and rambling about some lines in the movie you're currently watching with him, bodies tangled together. your hands are a little shaky, and maybe a little sweaty, from holding his and your heart is beating so loudly you pray he doesn't hear it.
as for suguru? he just stares at you no— admires you with a lazy grin. it's clear how nervous he makes you feel and he thinks it's endearing.
and as much as he's fond of listening to you rant about something completely irrelevant, he just couldn't help but steal a few glances at your lips. he knows you noticed too because your babbles were now a frenzy of stutters and the faint pink on your cheeks turn red, spreading through your face and all the way to your ears.
"so what happens after that was-" your words halt as you gulp and blink furiously, looking at anywhere but his face.
suguru only chuckles and shifts his body closer towards you "yeah? what happens after that?" he leans in teasingly.
"actually... i don't know" you smile to yourself, finding humour with it all and you turn, bravely too.
taking his chance, suguru closes the small distance separating you both and lands his lips onto your own. at first you freeze but then he feels you relax and melt into the kiss.
he slowly brings his hands to cup your cheeks, slowly caressing it as he gently tugs your lower lip with his teeth upon pulling away.
your forehead connects and suguru smiles fondly "you have no idea how long i waited for this" he practically purrs and your heart, for the hundredth time today, threatens to burst.
"me too" was all you could mutter out meekly.
suguru lets out a faint laugh "yeah?"
that was all the confirmation he needed when he leaned in to kiss you again, so much more passionate this time.
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inmaki · 1 year ago
gojo showing off your back scratches to geto
( cont from this fic! req, visual ) .
contains: sex talk, desc of back scratches, crack, sugu is called daddy once (as a joke.. right..)
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everything was relatively peaceful in suguru's apartment. key word: relatively.
a forgettable yet appreciated sunday afternoon, not a cloud in sight despite the weather forecast predicting downpours of rain. either way, the raven-haired man insouciantly rested across his white couch, reaching the conclusion that today would be a day for self-care, relaxing, and perhaps some meditation.
there was only one thing ruining his peace.
all morning, suguru has been forced to try and ignore the stain a certain someone has left on his couch — a pair of unecessarily expensive yet dirty shoes being the culprit.
despite these attempts, every once in a while his gaze can't help but wander over at the mark — as if it'd poof out of existence if he glared hard enough.
"fuckin' asshole.." he mutters. it was a wonder his relationship with his best friend managed to stay so promising despite all their differences, yet suguru wouldn't have it any other way, even after situations like this.
right when he grumpily turns back to the tv — which was playing some crappy, low budget rom-com — his apartment door is yanked open and suguru swears he nearly jumps out of his seat.
great, was this it? was he about to get robbed, perhaps evicted? and then probably die? forced into the afterlife knowing gojo's shoe-shit was still on his new couch? no that can't—
"i fucked her!"
suguru whips his head towards the apartment door, announcement being disregarded as he nearly groans in agony. speak of the devil.
big blue eyes peak out from under circular sunglasses, one hand already raised in preparation for a dap up while his stupid, big, dirty shoe pushes the door closed behind him. gojo wears a black compression shirt with grey sweats, marching over to his friend with a ginormous grin across his cheeks.
"take your shoes off, now," suguru snaps, nodding to his friend's feet with a frown.
"yeesh... whatever y'say, daddy," the bastard never loses his smile as his hands raise in surrender, kicking them off by the door smoothly. "what's got your panties in a twist?"
geto pinches his nose bridge. "don't call me that," as he continues the scolding, he points to the living room with his free hand. "you got a mystery stain on my couch, satoru. do you know how many youtube videos i watched trying to get this shit off?"
unphased, gojo takes a look at the strangely colored blob against the armrest's leather material and shrugs. "my bad. did you try febreeze?"
"what— no? dude, febreeze is for.." when suguru looks back up to sourly meet his gaze, he could immediately tell the white-haired man was already drifting back into la-la-land, words going in one ear and out the other. "..nevermind. why're you here?"
at the reminder, satoru seemingly brightens, head shooting back up as if he was just told he'd won the lottery.
"oh god, don't make that stupid face—" he pauses. "the fuck are you doing?" suguru might as well say goodbye to his self-care day, because now gojo was stripping in the middle of his living room, shirt thrown haphazardly onto the still-very-much-stained couch.
"just look!" suguru squints as his friend swivels around to face the wall, pushing his bangs away to get a better view of the— oh shit.
it takes the raven-haired man a second to process what he's seeing before shuffling forward, closely examining the achingly red, bulging scratch marks displayed sexily across the latter's back and shoulders. "no way.."
suguru knows the strongest sorcerer well enough to notice how he purposely didn't use reversed cursed technique on these scratches, just so it'd be obvious to anyone that caught a glimpse of what exactly occured. to his further dismay, he can already picture a smug and sweaty gojo walking around their local gym like this, proud simper on his pretty lips as he easily raises a pair of weights in his veiny hands.
a hiss escapes geto's mouth as he runs his finger down a particularly agitated one, knowing exactly how painful they could be after experiencing many hook-ups of his own. even so, satoru only licks his lips, neck craning to the side so he can pride himself in his friend's gobsmacked expression.
"damn, these are deep. you actually hit it?" suguru confirms, raising a celebratory hand.
turning back around, satoru daps him up, a massive smirk now on both their faces. "hell yeah, it was amazing."
it was impossible to predict what gojo would do next after barging through his front door — especially considering how many times he's done so — but this has to be the last thing suguru ever expected.
not that he was complaining — in fact, all of geto's temper and need for relaxation seemingly flew out the window, the feeling of proudness for his best friend overthrowing anything else.
and even if he hated to admit it, the way gojo was so eager to come over and announce his virginity loss to him was more than a little endearing, and dare he say cute.
"that's great, man. congrats." suguru leads him into the kitchen — still shamelessly shirtless — to grab them both a can of beer in celebration. while the white-haired man usually didn't get involved with any form of alcohol, this occasion was most definitely exception-worthy. "you made y/n cum too, right?"
an offended glare is shot his way. "duh, two times."
"huh. surprised you could last."
as suguru pours their drinks into two fragile cups, gojo exhales, not bothered in the slightest by his jab. "dude, same.." he admits dreamily. "she was so fuckin' tight and warm.. and oh— fuck, her moans? heavenly.. 'can't believe i didn't bust after the first minute.."
geto gulps, trying his best to ignore the mental image his brain was producing from his dirty words. you can't blame him — both of you were smoking hot, and he was a simple man.
even now, he could already imagine what you both looked like; panting and moaning, skin-slapping so loud that it echoed through the whole room, how blissed out you'd look as gojo's cock split you in t—
satoru's playful sigh cuts through the tensing air. "who knows sugs, maybe you'll have another kind of stain to worry about next time we're over~"
he's never snapped out of a daydream so quickly. "don't even joke about that."
over the next hour, the two men sat manspread on the stained couch, taking leisure sips while recalling satoru's final moments as a virgin — suguru giving out his secret tips and tricks along the way.
maybe sometime, suguru could offer some.. hands-on learning instead.
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mlist! <- sugu.. how could u think abt ur bestie and his gf like that... tsk tsk tsk (if u enjoyed reblogs/comments r appreciated heheh)
© inmaki on tumblr. all rights reserved. do not cross-post, translate, copy in any way, etc.
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kenm4vhs · 1 year ago
but suguru in a wolfcut is just genuinely the prettiest man to ever walk on earth 🥹
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credits: calovity on tiktok and @Hourly_geto on twitter 🫶🏻
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loves4ge · 10 months ago
they send a picture of themselves !
incl. gojo satoru, geto suguru, nanami kento, toji fushiguro
pt ii
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ratherchili · 1 month ago
 𖹭 cw mildly suggestive, severely silly, fluff, mdni
    〢bad habits | jjk x reader smau | est relationship ft. gojo, nanami, suguru, choso, sukuna you've recently moved in together & your habits disturb them
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retiredteabag · 2 months ago
Helping you to the bathroom
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Including: Gojo, Nanami, Choso, Sukuna, Toji, Yuuji, Megumi and special guests… Toge and Suguru !!
Synopsis: You’ve broken your leg and need help getting to the bathroom
my smau masterlist one and two
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chastiefoul · 6 months ago
their reactions to you smothering them with kisses and then running away
ft. gojo, geto, nanami, toji, shiu, higuruma
fluff, just fluff, they're so in love and soft its sickeninggg
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frenchcoucou · 7 months ago
geto for ferrari 🏎️
ac: aransmind
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