#Submarine chaser
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lonestarbattleship · 1 year ago
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USS CHEYENNE (M-10) with a submarine at Key West, Florida.
Photograph taken by Lt. H. P. Kingsmore on February 28, 1918.
Kingsmore, H. P. U.S. monitor Cheyenne - Key West, Florida. 1918. State Archives of Florida, Florida Memory. <https://www.floridamemory.com/items/show/148783>, accessed 2 March 2023.
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winterfieldfrontiers · 1 year ago
Go against Mouri Ran, it's gon' cost ya 
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How can't you call her "MOTHER"
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aiiaiiiyo · 2 years ago
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years ago
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"Perth Gunner Sprays Axis Sub," Ottawa Citizen. May 25, 1943. Page 2. ---- Ratings of H.M.C.S. Regina sprayed an Axis submarine's conning tower and after gun with 240 rounds of Oerlikon bullets. With the other Oerlikon, they shared honors in keeping such a concentrated fire on the sub's conning tower that its resistance was kept to a minimum. The U-boat's deck officers and gun crew were killed with Regina's small arms fire. Strapped to the gun is A.B. Verne Cavanagh, R.C.N.V.R., of Perth, Ont. His team mate is A.B. Byron Nodding, R.C.N.V.R., of Saint John, N.B. - (R.C.N. photo.)
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may-bonne · 3 months ago
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two years of new fast & furious fic recs!
for a couple years, i have read every single new fic posted to the fast & furious tag on ao3. i wanted to just list my favorites from 2024, but i didn't do this last year and there were some bangers posted in 2023, too. i'm not an arbiter of taste or anything. i just liked these.
in no particular order:
consider the hairpin turn - 061828 [dom/brian] this is great. fourth-movie era, which is always fun. dom's reconciling brian with what he remembers of spilner. his voice and internal monologue are just perfect.
serve me a disaster on a silver platter - meriwethersays [dom/brian] missed this one the first time around, somehow! adding it in late; apologies to the author. there's really not enough post-first-movie road trip fic anymore.
trouble's always gonna find you, baby (but so am i) - angelica_barnes [dom/brian] this one's brand spanking new. and just really good, i think. does the all-consuming love thing and it still feels right and real.
take me down (and keep on going) - anon [dom/brian] pain kink. nice. hot. very fun subby brian, kept in character.
a different kind of debt - anon [dom/brian] it's piss kink. it's good piss kink. why not?
i will be good as long as you want me - cuupid [dom/brian] letty's back. brian goes off the rails. this is such a fun take on him. the ending is so good.
rumble - cuupid [dom/brian] loooove washed-up divorced loser brian creeping on teenage dom. just everything about this one.
other side of twice (let's not do that again) - d__T [dom/letty] lettyyyyy. it's a post-f7 fic. she chains dom up; he loves it. she remembers not remembering.
drug lust - atlantisairlock [letty/cipher] fantastic hot hate sex on the submarine. unrequited lettymia.
hold tight, we're in for nasty weather - metalflowers [letty/mia] post-first movie. mia cuts her hair off and burns the house down. love that for her.
kaki no tane - bazemayonnaise [han/deckard shaw] tags say it all. "cockblocked by the male ego," "handy in a sportscar because what's more masculine than that?"
when your name was everywhere - kittycatthetacodemon [hobbs/shaw] shaw gets hit by a witch curse. it's not even really a crackfic. just read it.
storm chaser - miss_kitty [ofc-centric] this is the absolute best possible execution of an extended metaphor that could very easily have been trite and unreadable. that's all i can say. nothing about this should work and the vast majority of it does. (you're tracking down the family.)
and impossible not to mention despite not technically being fic:
fast & fruity - mutantmeatmachine (the whole series), plus wanna go for a ride? and twelve thirty the hottest art, everyone owes a debt to crashie. dom's ass is so fat in all of these. it is brill
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Three sailors enjoying drinks on leave. The man on the right is Fred Gwynne, a radioman on the submarine chaser USS Manville (PC-581). He would go on to play Herman Munster in the 1960's.
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rockyp77mk3 · 9 months ago
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Navy WW2 submarine chaser and minesweeper crewman. Lee Van Cleef.
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reality-detective · 2 years ago
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Fred Gwynne served in the United States Navy as a radioman on a submarine chaser in the Pacific during World War II. He would later become well-known as “Herman Munster” in 1964. 🇺🇸
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bobdylanslesbianlover · 1 year ago
Ok this is a Slightly more coherant version of this post. In which I go (as I remember, drunkenly) insane about an almost forgotten TV show. BBC's Atlantis (2013). But now with pictures!
once again if you know it I'm in love with you and kissing you on the lips.
Spoiler warning if you care abt that, but its only 2 series, watch it this afternoon and come back :D
Ok this show is a blatent Merlin profit chaser and apparently had alot of crossover of crew but I have no source for this. There are alot of comparison that can be drawn.
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First for all my Trekkie pals, Alexander Siddig who is Julian Bashir in DS9 plays King Minos. He is beareded, a wife guy, kinda a dilf. pop off.
The second, even for famous face is a very young Anya Taylor Joy. Yeah, ANYA TAYLOR JOY is bald in this? she plays Cassandra the cursed prophet. She is phenomenal, but you have to stick through to season two.
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they are the two who stick out to me but take the time to look at the IMDB and you will see some one you know.
In the modern day, Jason (yeah, as in of the Arognaut), the protaganist of the show, pilots a one-man submarine to investigate a deep sea disturbance that resulted in the disappearance of his father when he was a child. When he discovers the location, the submarine begins to fail and he wakes up on the shores of the kingdom of Atlantis He is given shelter by a couple of locals: Pythagoras Herculse
Along the way, they pick up allies including Medusa, a palace maid; Ariadne, daughter of the King and heir to the throne; and a mysterious Oracle. - abridged form wikipedia
All of that in the first paragraph happens in THE FIRST 10 MINUTES OF THE FIRST EPISODE. This summary leaves out in that 10 mins he runs naked across a beach, steals some clothes from fishermen, fights a two headed dragon, and is chased by Palace Gards.
This show is a wild, nonstop, rollacoaster.
If I havent revolted any classistis all ready, or convinced you to watch it let me hit you with the kicker. CANNON GAY RELATIONSHIP. and it is the friends to lovers, betrayal to lovers arc all you tumblrinas love so much. Between Pythagoras and Icarus.
Pythagoras and Icarus.
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This isn't even the scene where they get together, Pythagoras - left, Icarus - right
The payoff is not till the last episode but the build up is lengthy, obvious and worth it. and as I said in my first post, more than you Merlin bitches got.
So. Go and watch this trainwreck, rollacoaster of a show and scream at the blattent shitting on greek myths that is oh so infuriating and a whole lot of fun.
watch and enjoy, i beg you.
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littlechibs · 1 year ago
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This is actually my first year being back on tumblr while I've been doing this, so!!! IT'S TIME FOR THE CHIBSAWARDS!!!! Which essentially something me and my friends do at the end of the year, compiling things we liked about media we watched/read/played in that year. Surprising nobody there's like 7 different awards that go to DetCo.
(Under the cut are the Honorable Mentions that didn't make it into this years Chibsawards)
-Boy Most Likely To Get Himself Killed If It Weren't For Plot Armor (Conan Edogawa/Shinichi Kudo)
This didn't make the cut because he's already Blorbo Of The Year for the 4th year in a row so I didn't want to put him on here twice. (Technically 4 times because he's on the cover of DetCo's manga as well as the poster for Black Iron Submarine.) This award was mainly because I watched Black Iron Submarine last week and was just, SHOCKED, at this boy's reaction to something later in the movie. He worries me.
-Game That Baby Chibs Would Have Loved (The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap)
Thanks to Nintendo's official GBA Emulator app on the Nintendo Switch, and my friend who kindly lets me be on his NSO Family Plan, I was able to play Minish Cap earlier this year! It was a delight the whole way through, and it makes me a little sad that I didn't know this game existed back when I had my GBA as a kid, because I know kid me would have loved it to bits.
-Best Comedy Manga (Smoking Behind the Supermarket with You)
You'll notice the character named Sasaki who won the "Chibsbait" award? He's one of the main characters of this manga. He's really cute I cannot resist a middle aged easy flustered salaryman.
-Best Pokemon (Appletun & Mabosstiff)
Originally this was going to just be for Mabosstiff, but I can never forget Tagi the Appletun from my SWSH playthrough.
-Most Rewatched Movie (Trigun Badlands Rumble)
I've watched this movie 3 seperate times this year, so that's why it gets this award.
-Most Atmospheric Final Boss (The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom)
OOOOOOOOO THAT FINAL BOSS WAS SO PRETTY. But putting a screenshot of it in this would spoil my friends who haven't finished TotK, and also it just wasn't cool enough of a category to make the cut.
-Most Anticipated Game (Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth)
Yes this is a TGA category. Yes it didn't win. Yes it won in my heart.
-Ugly Bastard Who's Invaded My Thoughts (Irish)
Most of my DetCo followers and mutuals should know who this is, but for those of my followers and mutuals who aren't into DetCo, he's from the 13th movie "The Raven Chaser". He's ugly he's awful, he kicked the shit out of Conan, but yknow he had a change of heart at the end and that was apparently enough to forgive everything he did in the whole past 15 minutes of the movie. I've seen this movie multiple times since 2019 when I first watched it, but I've been thinking about him the most this year I think. (Which is funny bc I haven't rewatched it at all this year. It's mainly bc he was mentioned in Movie 26 and I've seen fanart of him with Curacao and Pinga.)
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romancemedia · 1 year ago
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masonjarhead · 9 months ago
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Launched on the 16 April, 1944, the USS Pueblo was a Banner-class environmental research ship that would later become the star of one of the most controversial incidents of the Cold War. In 1967, the US Navy converted the mothballed cargo ship into a "spy ship" equipped with surveillance equipment, and later armed. Sent on patrol off the North Korean coast, the Pueblo would be harassed by a North Korean submarine, 2 North Korean fishing boats, and finally a submarine chaser. This submarine chaser would challenge the Pueblo, the Pueblo attempted to retreat, but was chased down by the craft, which was later joined by four torpedo boats, another submarine chaser, and two MiG-21s. After hours of evasion, the North Korean vessels would open fire on the Pueblo, who's crew began destroying sensitive documents. There are a couple oddities I'll bring up here. There is much dispute as to whether or not the Pueblo was actually in North Korean waters at the time of the incident, with North Korea obviously insisting she was, while the US vehemently opposes this idea. Secondly, the Pueblo was promised air cover after this incident began to unfold, but it never arrived. There were no aircraft ready to sortie, and it would be hours before any were in the air. The Pueblo would eventually be forced to stop, and escorted towards North Korea. She would be boarded and the crew taken hostage. The USS Pueblo would be taken into North Korean port, where she would remain to this day. She was reportedly converted into a museum ship. She is the only active commission US Navy vessel currently held hostage by another country. This was an incredibly tense moment within the Cold War. (Also I'm from Pueblo, so hometown bias.)
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jade-lop · 1 year ago
Gotchard is lighter and softer.
That submarine monster is a rapist.
I seriously did not understand Japanese’ standard for children show.
Aside from Ichinose’s hyperactivity, this episode was not bad.
When was the last time a Main Rider used Rider Kick three episodes in a row? They usually just did it on the first episode and then kept it for special occasions.
When was the last time a Main Rider could cook and do it on screen?
I hoped there was scene where Ichinose fed his fellow alchemists his cooking.
I hoped Tsuruhara could become a Rider in the future. I wanted a Rider with his personality.
Spanner reminded me of Mashin Chaser.
For some reason, he gave me a feeling that he was out of place.
Maybe because his armour looked like something made in a garage from parts picked up from a junkyard.
Gotchard on the other hand, looked like a shiny, sleek car.
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A bomber banks away after dropping its load on a Japanese submarine chaser off Kavieng, Papua New Guinea. January 1942.
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ciamun25-hcc · 23 days ago
Warsaw on South Korea
send the Warsaw pact fleet to SK to disturb the advancing americans composed of: 200 naval forces from Easter germany 50 patrol ships from Yugoslavia 25 Komar-class missile boatsfrom Yugoslavia 20 destroyers From the USSR 1 Battleship From the USSR 2 cruisers From the USSR 20 submarine chasers from the USSR 31 submarines from the USSR
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rentnhop2 · 3 months ago
Top 6 Tips For Various Rent To Own Offers in Goa
Ever wanted to zip through the lanes of Goa, feeling like the lead character in a thrilling beach movie? Sure, you could do that in a car, but where’s the fun in being boxed in? That’s where a bike on rent in Goa comes into play, offering not just mobility but an experience. If you think about it, getting a bike on rent in Goa is like dating – you get to test if it’s a match made in heaven before committing long-term with a rent-to-own option. So, before you pledge your eternal love to just any scooter or motorbike, let's cruise through some essential tips to make sure your rental romance doesn’t turn into a heartbreaking money pit.
Mastering the Art of Bike Rentals and Rent-to-Own in Goa
Goa isn't just about sun, sand, and sea; it's also about smart deals and savvy renting. Whether you’re a tourist or a local looking to navigate the ins and outs of Goa bike rental offers, here are some golden rules to follow:
Tip #1: Understand the Rent-to-Own Basics
Rent-to-own sounds pretty straightforward, right? You get a bike on rent in Goa, and eventually, it becomes yours. But the devil is in the details. Before you sign any contract, understand the terms: how much of your rental goes towards the ownership, the total cost after all payments, and what happens if you decide the bike isn't for you.
Tip #2: Choose the Right Bike
This isn’t just about style or horsepower. In Goa, the right bike means one that can handle both the bustling streets of Panjim during the day and the serene rides by the beach at sunset. When considering a bike rental in Goa, think about fuel efficiency, comfort, and how well it can carry your beach gear!
, think about fuel efficiency, comfort, and how well it can carry your beach gear!
Pro Tip #1: Always Check Reviews
Before you settle on a rental agency, take a peek at what others are saying. A place like Rentnhop usually has reviews that can give you insight into customer satisfaction and bike quality.
Pro Tip #2: Negotiate Your Terms
In Goa, everything is negotiable, including your bike rental terms. Don’t be shy to ask for a better rate, especially if you’re renting long-term. Rentnhop and others might offer special rates for extended rentals, so always ask!
Pro Tip #3: Inspect the Bike Thoroughly
Before you zoom off, give your chosen bike a thorough check. Look for any existing damage and make sure all functions are in tip-top shape to avoid disputes later.
Pro Tip #4: Keep Your Paperwork Handy
Always carry your rental agreement, a copy of your ID, and necessary permits, especially if you’re venturing into more regulated areas. You don’t want your adventure cut short by a paperwork mishap.
Pro Tip #5: Be Prepared for the Weather
Goa’s weather can be tricky, especially during monsoon season. Choose a bike with good wet-grip tires and maybe even splash guards to keep you dry.
Exploring Uncharted Territories: Goa’s Lesser-Known Facts
Did you know that beyond its coastline, Goa hosts some of the most exquisite and rare spice farms? Yes, your trusty rental bike can take you not just to hidden beaches but through aromatic plantations where you can learn about local spices and organic farming practices—definitely a route less traveled!
Conclusion: Full Throttle Into the Sunset
As you wrap up your Goan journey, remember that the best stories are found between the pages of travel brochures and the actual ride. With your bike on rent in Goa, you’re not just a tourist; you’re a temporary local, a spice farm explorer, and a sunset chaser. So, rent wisely, ride respectfully, and don’t forget to return the bike, unless, of course, you’ve decided it’s a keeper. In that case, ride into the sunset—just make sure it’s not the ocean because, despite all its charm, your bike doesn’t do as well as a submarine.
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