#Stylish salon chairs
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Glamsalonfurniture.com offers chic and comfortable barber chairs that will transform your salon. Examine both contemporary and traditional designs that enhance elegance and functionality. Come see us if your salon could use a little extra luxury!
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artsandculture · 2 months
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Lady Agnew of Lochnaw (1892) 🎨 John Singer Sargent 🏛️ National Galleries Scotland 📍 Edinburgh, Scotland
Sargent’s dazzling and unforgettable image of Lady Agnew is one of the most famous of his many portraits of fashionable London society. For both the artist and his sitter, the painting was an instant success, establishing Sargent’s reputation as the portrait painter of choice for the London elite and immediately transforming the newly elevated Lady Agnew into a society celebrity.
Sargent was born in Florence and spent his childhood travelling across Europe with his wealthy American parents who restlessly followed the changing social seasons. In 1874 he entered the Paris studio of the stylish French portraitist, Carolus-Duran. The young Sargent combined the flamboyant style of his teacher with his study of old masters such as Rembrandt and Velázquez but was also influenced by Monet and Impressionism. His provocative and unconventional Portrait of Madame X caused a scandal at the Paris Salon exhibition in 1884; and, when Sargent settled in London in 1886, he initially found it difficult to find clients as his bravura, continental style of painting attracted suspicion. However, his dashing technical mastery and confident manner were ideally suited for aristocratic patronage and he soon won over his critics with his elegant, flattering portraits. When his portrait of Lady Agnew was shown at the Royal Academy in 1893, one contemporary observed: ‘London is at his feet … he has had a cracking success.’
The sitter was born Gertrude Vernon and married Andrew Noel Agnew in 1889. Her husband, fifteen years her senior, was a barrister and later an MP and deputy-Lieutenant in Wigtownshire; he succeeded his father as 9th Baronet of Lochnaw in 1892, shortly before Sargent embarked on this portrait. The exact circumstances behind the commission are not known, but the Agnews may have met the artist through mutual American friends. According to notes in her husband’s diary, work on the portrait progressed swiftly, and Sargent later recalled that it was painted in just six sittings.
Lady Agnew is shown seated in a Louis XVI chair against the backdrop of a Chinese silk hanging, both of which were standard props in Sargent’s studio. She is reported to have been of frail health; she recovered slowly from a severe bout of influenza in 1890 and was apparently still convalescing and suffering from exhaustion when she sat to Sargent, which may account for her slightly ghostly pallor in the painting. Lady Agnew fixes the spectator with an intelligent, faintly amused gaze but it is her elegant white silk dress and lilac sash that threaten to steal all our attention. There are brilliant passages of painting in the highlights, reflections and coloured shadows that show Sargent at his best as a painter of surfaces and textures, the ideal artist for a gilded, polished yet ultimately superficial society.
Sargent’s image of Lady Agnew helped her to become a leading light in fashionable circles, holding lavish salons in her London home. Ironically, the high costs of this hospitality meant that she was eventually forced to sell some family pictures including this portrait which was purchased by the Scottish National Gallery in 1925.
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jaketposts · 2 years
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shears | jtk
a/n: i was very inspired by cob's haircut and had to put it down in words. this is the result. also this is my first fic! warnings: none! just a lot of fluff. mention of scissors maybe? word count: 3.7k
You weren’t exactly thrilled that your first job out of cosmetology school was at Great Clips. You hoped to score a job at a fancier salon as you had shelled out a pretty penny for a more prestigious beauty school, but it was, at the moment, your job.
You didn't even like men’s styles. You thought the endless slew of clipper cuts and fades were repetitive, and you longed to get your hands on a head full of long, luscious hair. Sadly, most women already had a stylist that they trusted and had a bond with, so you were stuck with every Joe Schmoe in Nashville who didn’t care to run a dab of pomade through his comb-over every once in a while. 
Sometimes your customers were even rude. Many pompous businessmen who never looked up from their phones had sat in your chair. You had cut the hair of just as many older men who made crude comments about your figure or told you to smile while you tried to fix up their rapidly thinning crew cuts. Neither of these groups tipped very well. 
Truthfully, you loathed Great Clips, but the job kept you afloat while you built a resumé. 
You found that you had much to complain about while idle at the front counter, waiting for a walk-in when the doorbell pulled you from your daydream of a real salon. 
The bright chime of the bell echoes through the empty lobby, alerting you to someone's presence. Your eyes rip away from the spot on the wall you had been absentmindedly staring at while your mind wandered, falling to the man stepping through the doorway.  
He was gorgeous, you thought. He wore a wide-brimmed black hat and a stylish pair of sunglasses. Between the two accessories, you weren't sure what he actually looked like, but you just knew he was pretty. He wore a pair of off-white linen pants paired with a black linen button-down that looked to have been cropped to his hips. The shirt was mildly wrinkled but barely buttoned, which gave you an ample view of his smooth, tan chest adorned with a couple of silver pendants. 
You were enamored with his jewelry and open shirt before you realized the most important part of his appearance.
His hair.
He had wavy chestnut hair that spilled over his shoulders and fell past the collar of his shirt. You hadn't had hair that long walk through the doors in months, maybe ever. 
You were pulled out of your silent admiration by the sight of him walking towards the counter, towards you. You quickly shut your mouth, as your jaw was beginning to hang open at his beauty, and flash him the brightest smile you could muster. 
"Hi, welcome to Great Clips! Do you have an appointment?" you chirp, silently thanking whatever power was above that your voice didn't crack. You bit your lip in anticipation of his answer. You were next up to take a walk-in, but there were stylists in the back who had appointments with regular customers. You hoped he was not one of them. 
Even his voice was gorgeous, "No, just looking for a walk-in if you have time," he replies. He had a perfectly deep, but kind rasp to his voice. You felt your cheeks redden at the sound. 
"Sure! Follow me, please." This time, you aren't so lucky, as your voice breaks and your face flushes deeply. You quickly turn and motion for him to follow you to the chairs, attempting to hide your undoubtedly scarlet face. You could have sworn he chuckled under his breath at your shyness. 
Once you arrive at your station, you gesture for him as you take your spot behind the chair. You start to introduce yourself, "My name is y/n and I'll be cutting your hair today." You pause, expecting him to remove his hat and sunglasses. 
Instead, he rasps, "Hi y/n, I'm Jake." He smiles a gentle, toothy grin at you that you can't help but return. He still does not move to take off his hat or glasses yet, so you pause again, moving to lightly graze your fingers along the brim of his hat. 
"Can I take these off?" you ask. 
Jake's eyebrows raise in realization, "Oh! Of course." He reaches up to lift his hat off his head and place it in his lap, which you had been avoiding looking at. Then, he removes his sunglasses, folding them and sliding them into the top of where his shirt was buttoned, no higher than the bottom of his sternum. He looks back up expectantly, finally making real eye contact with you for the first time since he arrived. Tragically, your face flushes again, but he seems to blush as well.
"There we go," you whisper. Then, in a louder voice, you say, "It's nice to meet you, Jake. What are we doing with your hair today?" You move to run your fingers through your hair to feel the texture and judge the care that it might need. 
"Well," he starts, "My little brother says the ends of my hair look ratty and that I need a haircut. So, here I am." He grins. As you comb your fingers through his hair, you understand what his brother meant. His hair is soft until you get two inches from the ends, where it feels rougher and dryer than the rest. He continues, "Take off whatever needs to come off."
Your mind automatically ponders the dirty implications of his directive, but you furrow your brow to push that thought away, "When did you last have your hair cut?"
Jake squints in thought, then shrugs, "Eight months? Maybe a year? I'm really not sure. I've been so busy with work lately, I just haven't had time to think about a haircut."
You hum and nod at his answer, "What do you do that has you so busy?"
His face splits into a wide smile and his eyes shimmer at your question, "My brothers and I are in a band. We've been on tour and finishing up our next album," he replies, still wildly grinning. You smile back and your heart flutters at the passion for music he exudes.  
"Very cool, anything I might have heard?"
He shrugs nonchalantly, but with a tiny smirk that you almost miss, "Maybe," he starts, but he turns his focus back to his hair, "what's the damage?"
You pull the pieces of his hair that lay in front of his shoulders between your index and middle fingers and let the hair feed through until you reach where you think his locks need a chop. About two inches of hair needed to be cut off to keep it healthy. You reply, "About this much."
His eyes widen in shock at how much you indicate. He swallows, then asks, "Are you sure?" Jake's voice is almost timid, and your heart aches.
You nod solemnly, "Sadly, yeah. You have a good bit of split ends here and the only way to get rid of them is to cut them off." He nods back in understanding. 
"I get it. It just seems really short. My hair hasn't been that short in a while." 
You can tell Jake is a little nervous about the necessary length, so you lean over so that your head hovers right next to his, just above his shoulder. You look deeply into his eyes in the mirror and smile, "Yeah, but I promise you'll still look amazing," you reassure him. 
This time it's his turn to flush a deep crimson, which he couples with a shy smile, "Whatever you say."
"Perfect," you reply as you stand up. You pat his shoulder and he follows you to the shampoo bowl. You grab a towel and lay it over the divot where his head is to rest. He sits down and leans back, his hair falling into the bowl. Usually, your customers focus on a spot on the ceiling, but he looks directly into your eyes. His gaze is piercing but soft, his smooth chocolate eyes dulling the sharpness of his glare. The pesky flush of your cheeks rises again, so you quickly avert your gaze in search of the shampoo and conditioner. You could feel his eyes tracking your movements.
You turned the water on, waiting longer than usual to make sure that the water was warm enough. You wanted it to be perfect for him. You ran the shower head over his hair, soaking it in the warm water and turning the faucet off when it was saturated. After pumping shampoo into your hand and lathering it between your fingers, you started to work the solution through his hair. His eyes, once trained on you, flutter shut with a sigh at the feeling of your hands massaging his scalp. His cheeks were rosy and you swear you saw a content smile play across his lips. 
With his head stretched back, the smooth column of his neck was on display, leading your eyes down to his necklaces, which glinted in the overhead light. Your eyes moved to the smooth expanse of his chest, and you almost wished you could run your hands down the warm, tanned skin. At that moment, you realize you had been massaging the shampoo into his hair for too long, distracted by the man in your chair. You rush to grab the showerhead and turn it back on. You gently rinse the suds from his hair, holding your hand between the water and his forehead, protecting his face. Once his hair is clean, you grab a couple of pumps of conditioner and work it through his ends. As you run his wet hair through your fingers, you can tell that his hair really is gorgeous. It just needs some care. 
After rinsing the conditioner from his hair, you gently squeeze out the excess moisture. His eyes open at this, sensing that you're done washing his hair. His eyes find yours again and he gazes up at you. You try to cut the tension with a joke, "Good morning, sleeping beauty," you say softly while a wry smile creeps across your face. 
Jake flushes at your bold joke, "Oh hush," he replies. His words don't hold any malice. He continues, still making eye contact with you, "It felt nice." His face pulls into a shy smirk. 
You have him sit up, and when he does, you grab the corners of the towel by his face and fold his hair up into the towel on top of his head. You lead him back to your salon chair and he sits down. After you grab a cape from the hooks on the wall, you drape it over him. The movement of the cape wafts the sweet smell of the conditioner towards you, but you can smell something else, a scent that is uniquely Jake. 
After you snap the cape around his neck, you remove the towel from his head. You match his gaze in the mirror. He flashes a grin at you, again, and says, "Cut away, Doc." You nod in return. 
You turn to grab a comb and a pair of shears and get to work. As you work through his hair, you strike up a conversation. "What kind of music do you and your brothers play?"
"Rock 'n roll mostly. Maybe a little bit of blues. Whatever we want, really," he replies. You can't see his face from your position behind him, but you can hear the smile in his voice. 
"Ooh, rock 'n roll? Are you a rockstar, Jake?" you tease. You move to cut the hair on the side of his head. 
"Maybe a little bit," he chuckles. He tries to turn his head towards you to punctuate his reply. 
"Hey, keep your head straight." You stop his head with the back of your hand. He raises his eyebrows and flushes with embarrassment as he snaps back to face the mirror. 
"Sorry," he replies. He averts his gaze in the mirror. 
You smile reassuringly, "No worries," you say. He settles again, "What instrument do you play?"
This question truly makes him light up, "I play the guitar." He beams at you in the mirror and continues, "I started when I was pretty little, and it's taken me a lot of cool places." His grin shows off his shiny, white teeth. 
"Any Grammys yet?" you jest. You assumed he was a small artist waiting for his big break. 
He looks down at his lap and chuckles, "Just the one."
Your head snaps up to look at him in the mirror, "Really?"
He lets a small smile play across his face, "Yeah it was kind of a miracle, actually." You stand up as your mouth hangs open. Then, you begin to laugh, full and from your belly. He flushes again, "What's so funny?"
It takes a second for you to stop laughing and collect yourself to answer him, "You've won a Grammy and you're getting your hair cut at a Great Clips!" The thought, once said out loud, sends you back into a laughing fit. His own bright and genuine laughter joins yours. 
When the laughter dies down, he turns his head towards you and you let it slide this time. He looks up at you and says, with a smirk, "Yeah, but you're cutting my hair here, aren't you?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you. 
You blush furiously, but roll your eyes and turn his head back to the front with a hand on top of his head, "Oh, stop it," you mumble. His self-satisfied smirk remains as you finish cutting his hair.
Once pleased with your work, you set down the comb and shears. You reach for a bottle of light mousse and pump a small amount into your hand. Jake looks at the product in your hand, then up into your eyes, and asks, "What's that?"
You rub the mousse between your hands and start to rake it through his hair. "It's a mousse. It'll make your hair voluminous and give your waves some definition," you reply.
"Oh," he whispers and nods as you finish with the product. You grab the hairdryer and run it over his head for a few minutes, spinning the chair as you evenly dry his hair. 
Once you've finished, you run your fingers through his locks one last time, breaking the cast and giving his hair the tousled look he came in with. You suspect he likes that look. 
You finally spin Jake back around to see the final look in the mirror. The corners of his mouth and his eyebrows rise in unison. He turns his head from side to side, examining his new style. He brings his hands up to his scalp to tousle his hair from the roots. The wide, sparkling grin you were newly familiar with grows even stronger across his sharp features. 
"It looks amazing. You were right about the length," he says. The gratitude is evident in his voice, and you match his grin. 
You watch him admire his haircut in the mirror for just a little longer before he meets your gaze and sighs with contention. After standing there for just one more moment, you pat the back of the chair and say, "Alright, let's go get you checked out, Jake." He stands and follows you as you lead him back to the lobby. You notice that he puts his sunglasses back on his head, but continues to hold his hat in his hands. 
You resume your spot behind the counter and give him the spiel on the cost and other services provided at Great Clips. When it's time to pay, he slides a shiny card toward you. Upon picking it up, you find the card is heavy for such a small item. Your eyes widen at the weight of it in your hand and he chuckles. You look up at the sound, and he shrugs, "Rockstar money, I guess."
You laugh at his jokes one last time before you swipe the card and hand him the receipt with a pen to sign. He scribbles something on the receipt and hands it back to you. Your fingers brush as you take the paper from his hands and a shiver runs down your spine. You smile as he pats the counter, rings clacking against the hard surface. He puts his hands in his pockets and goes to leave, but before he opens the door, he turns around to say, "Thank you, y/n, it really does look great." A kind grin accompanies his expression of gratitude. 
You match his grin with a sugary sweet smile, "No problem, rockstar. Good luck with the new album." He waves and continues walking backward toward the door. It comes up quicker than he was expecting, and he turns around with surprise and embarrassment when he runs into the door. He waves goodbye before he's out the door and never to be seen again. You watch his profile walk down the street through the window, illuminated by the warm afternoon sun. 
You looked down at the receipt, hoping to find a sweet message or even a phone number, but you were met with a tip that far outweighed your service. Your heart flipped at the bittersweet gesture until another customer strolled through the door. 
After closing out your last customer for the day and sending him out into the night, you began to sweep up. All the other stylists had gone home, so it was just you closing up the shop. Technically, you didn't close for another five minutes, but nobody was coming in, so you figured you would get a head start on cleaning up. 
You had just begun sweeping up the loose clippings left over from the day when the doorbell chimed again. Your heart sank at the sound. You hoped to get home early, but it seems your dreams were shattered by the high-pitched chime. You turned to see who had ruined your plans, but you froze mid-spin. The sight of Jake leaning on the counter shocked you. His elbows rested on the counter with his arms crossed while his fingers absentmindedly tapped at his bicep and his eyes darted around the lobby nervously. His sunglasses were perched on top of his head. 
"Back again, rockstar? Wanna go shorter?" you tease as you saunter back to the counter. You stand across from him, arms spread and hands grabbing the edge of the counter. You pop your hip out to the side and wait for his response with a smirk on your face.
He laughs at your question, "No, this is perfect actually." He moves to run his fingers through his hair.
"Well, what can I do for you? We close in," you check your watch, "two minutes." 
"I have a question for you, actually."
"Sure! Is it about the mousse? I can sell you a bottle, or I can let you take a picture of the label. If you don't like it, I can recommend you something else, too!" You start to ramble a little bit, flustered at the proximity. 
"No," he pauses, "well, actually I'd love to take a picture of the label, but that's not why I'm back."
You quirk an eyebrow at him. You don't want to get your hopes up, but you like the direction this conversation is going. You reply, "What is it?"
He takes in a shaky breath, "Well, uh, I really enjoyed my haircut."
You smile at his accidental display of nerves, "I'm glad you did. Is that all you wanted to tell me?"
"No. I, um, well, I really enjoyed your company, and, uh," he pauses to search your eyes, biting his lip, "I wanted to know, well I wanted to ask if, maybe, um." He stutters and trails off.
You try to help him out, "Wanted to know what?"
He stands up and sucks in a deep breath, "Are you free on Friday night?"
His question, though it was the one you had hoped to hear, hits you like a freight train. Your eyes widen and a giddy smile slowly creeps across your face. 
Jake is seemingly impatient, pushing for an answer, "Well?"
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding as you reply, "Yes, I am."
He doesn't celebrate yet, but asks, "Can I take you out to dinner, then?"
Your smile stretches even further across your face, "Yeah, I would love that."
The biggest smile you had seen from him that day erupts onto his face. You stand there grinning at each other for a second until he breaks out of the trance, "Great, it's a date," he exhales, "could I maybe get your number before I go?"
You nod, "Of course." He hands you his phone, already open to a new contact. You type in your number and your name, making sure to add a ":)" at the end. While you type, you can see him bounce on his toes with anticipation, and it makes you smile. You hand the phone back to him and he smiles down at the contact. You watch him for a moment before you lean across the counter and give him a quick kiss on the cheek, against your better judgment, "See you Friday, Jake."
He quickly looks up, having flushed scarlet yet again. He smiles and whispers, "Yeah, see you Friday." He turns to leave, clutching his phone to his chest and still gazing at you. He runs into the door again, distracted by you, but finally makes it outside. You watch as he exits and holds his phone up to his ear, smiling as he speaks to whoever is on the other line. 
Your phone buzzes in your pocket as you shut the door to your apartment. You drop your keys into the bowl by your door and scramble to fish your phone from your jacket. Only one notification is displayed on your lock screen. 
unknown number: hey gorgeous :)
You immediately save his number and giggle to yourself. You lean back against your door as you type out a response. 
you: hey rockstar :)
if you'd like to be tagged in any future works let me know!
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missamyrisa2 · 8 months
I just don't know how to look at a salon chair and not think about being restrained in one getting a teasyyyyy tickly pedicure and various other pamperings like a hair wash & blowout and neck massage and hand tinglyyy massage slowlyyyy turning into tickles as the spunky stylish stylists start to work feathers and makeup brushes into their touches~ conveniently working around the exposed midsection and sleevelessness of my tickle outfittt~
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tuscanyprowayfair · 1 month
The Ultimate Guide to the TuscanyPro Portable Adjustable Seat Height Makeup Artist & Hairstylist Chair
When it comes to finding the perfect chair for makeup artists and hairstylists, functionality and portability are essential. The TuscanyPro Portable Adjustable Seat Height Makeup Artist & Hairstylist Chair is a standout choice that combines both in a sleek, stylish package. Whether you’re a professional on the go or need a versatile chair for your home salon, this salon chair is designed to meet your needs with ease.
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Why This Makeup Artist & Hairstylist Chair Stands Out
The TuscanyPro Portable Adjustable Seat Height Chair is crafted specifically for the dynamic needs of makeup artists and hairstylists. Here’s why this salon chair is a top pick:
Adjustable Seat Height
Flexibility is crucial in any salon environment. This Makeup Artist & Hairstylist Chair features an adjustable seat height, allowing you to customize the chair’s position for maximum comfort and optimal access to your clients. Whether you’re working on intricate makeup details or a stylish haircut, the easy adjustments offered by this chair will enhance your efficiency and comfort.
Portability at Its Best
Designed with portability in mind, this chair is lightweight and folds easily, making it perfect for professionals who need to transport their equipment frequently. The included carry bag adds an extra layer of convenience, allowing you to move your chair effortlessly from one location to another. Whether you’re traveling to different events or setting up a temporary salon, this lightweight folding makeup chair will prove to be an invaluable asset.
Sturdy Yet Lightweight
Despite its lightweight design, the TuscanyPro chair is built to be durable and sturdy. This balance ensures that it remains stable during use, providing a reliable seating option for your clients. The lightweight nature also makes it an ideal choice for those who need a chair that can be easily set up and taken down, whether for a home salon or outdoor event.
Versatile Design
The TuscanyPro chair’s versatile design extends beyond just salon use. Its lightweight folding design makes it an excellent option for various other applications. Need a beach folding chair that’s easy to carry and set up? This chair’s compact and foldable nature makes it a practical choice for lounging by the ocean or attending outdoor events.
Perfect for Any Setting
This chair isn’t just limited to professional use in a salon. Its lightweight, foldable design makes it suitable for a variety of settings. Use it as a beach folding chair for a comfortable spot by the sea or keep it in your garage or craft room for a convenient and stylish seating option.
Easy Maintenance
Another advantage of the TuscanyPro chair is its ease of maintenance. The materials used are designed to be easy to clean, ensuring that the chair remains looking new even after frequent use. This practical aspect is essential for maintaining a professional appearance in any salon or makeup studio.
In summary, the TuscanyPro Portable Adjustable Seat Height Makeup Artist & Hairstylist Chair is an excellent investment for both professionals and enthusiasts. Its combination of portability, adjustability, and sturdy construction makes it a versatile choice for a wide range of applications. Whether you're setting up a mobile salon or looking for a reliable and stylish chair for your home setup, this salon chair has you covered. Its lightweight folding design also makes it a practical option for various activities, including beach outings.
For more information or to purchase this chair, visit TuscanyPro Wayfair. Embrace the convenience and style of the TuscanyPro chair and elevate your seating experience today!
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steele-soulmate · 9 months
Tattooed Wings, CHAPTER 548, Peter Steele & OFC, Soulmate AU
SUMMARY: Mary Claire Bradley meets her soulmate- literally- the famous Peter Steele of metal group Type O Negative. But will obstacles including trauma, stalkers, and toxic family members get in the way of their life?
WARNING: mentions of child rape (nothing graphic) PTSD, milk kink, soft smut, grinding, assault, fingering, hand jobs, blow jobs, 69, P in V sex, blood, noncon rape, violence, death, vandalism, graffiti, attempted kidnapping, break-ins, wild animal attacks, terrorist attack (sabotage) consensual impregnation, bareback, impregnation kink, creampies, terrorist attacks (shootings) hit and run pedestrian accident, precipitous labor, neonatal death, abandoned baby
Happy 62nd birthday, green man. You are surely missed.
WORDS: 1171
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“So tell me Miss Katie- do you have a handsome boy friend in your life?”
I wrinkled my nose at the hair stylist’s rude question, but Katie’s snark and blunt humor made me smile.
“I’m ten years old.” Her hair covered her face, however I knew that she was throwing the otherwise nosey man a withering look. “That is way too young to be thinking about men. Besides, you’re too old for me.”
I burst out into loud laughter at her dry sense of humor.
The hair stylish chuckled awkwardly and I pulled up the business’ Yelp page.
1.7 stars out of 5 stars.
I tapped on the first review, which gave the shop a 1 star review.
The shop is ran and operated by one person, and he was rude and intrusive- do I have a boyfriend (I’m a lesbian) is the s3x good (I’m not interested in men in that way) am I on my monthly moon cycle (why do you want to know) is the flow heavy (MIND YOUR OWN DAMNED BUISINESS) every single time I would call him out on his creepy behavior, he would always claim that being a newcomer to America was weird, that American got weirdly offended at every little thing SMH this man is a joke to society
I frowned, turning my phone on and casually pointing it towards where Katie was having her hair cut.
“I am ten years old, and what’s it to you if I had my period yet?” Katie snapped. “You are very rude!”
“These kind of questions are not rude in my home country. Americans are so easy to offend!”
“Well then, why don’t you just return back there then?” Katie demanded to know in a hot tone of voice.
I immediately started to look for the nearest haircut establishment and found one four doors down.
I looked up just as the hair stylist was trying to show Katie a picture of someone.
“He would make a wonderful husband for you- he loves cats!”
“Sir, that’s enough.” I stood straight up and marched over to my daughter. “Katie, remove your cape at one. We’re taking our business elsewhere.”
I quickly gathered her up before we left, my cell phone still recording. I ushered her over towards the hair salon that I found, the both of us entering the fun, hip establishment.
“Hi there! Do you have an appointment?”
“We came from right down the street, and-” I started to explain.
“Say no more. I can take you back now. What’s your name, sweetheart?”
Katie jumped up into a chair, having a cape tossed around her.
“I’m having my hair turned into a wig for my sister!” she explained. “She has Alopecia!”
“Have you heard of the New York Alopecia Society?”
“We have, yes,” I said, settling myself into a seat nearby. “It’s where we will send her hair once it’s cut.”
“Well, you’ll need to have at least eight ounces of hair measuring ten inches or more from tip to end. I should know as how I myself have Alopecia.”
“You do?” Katie asked, delight in her eyes as the woman removed her wig for Katie to examine.
“I do, yes.” The hair stylist took her into the back to wash her hair, and I posted the video that I had recorded of the inappropriate little man at Little Haircut Inc. up onto my Instagram.
@Mary_Claire_Ratajczyk_Official, well Katie decided that she wanted a haircut, and this was the man who did her hair… at @littlehaircutinc
#SMH #umprofessional #rudelittleman #blamingamericanculture #incel #wtf #NOTMYDAUGHTERBITCH
@kellykent, EW GROSS
@petesteele4ever, toxic masculinity at its finest. I am so sorry that you went through this.
@Pete­r_Steele===========8) LOL Peter would lose his SHIT when you tell him about this clusterfuck of a human being!
@john316, hey there! We would love to partner with you and have you help us spread the word about our LORD AND SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST THE LORD! Send us a DM for more info!
@lzziegreen, if that fucking creep feels the need to be a fucking creep, then he SHOULD go back to his home country!
I smirked at the result of the shop owner of Little Haircuts Inc. being inappropriate towards my daughter, the FaceBook and Instagram quickly being swamped by Type O Negative fans and PeteClaire shippers who were infuriated at the salon owner’s inappropriate behavior with Katie.
“Karma is a bitch, you fucking pathetic little man,” I muttered before turning back to Katie and the hairdresser, who had introduced herself as Sally. Sally was leading Katie off to have her hair washed again, my daughter handing her back her wig.
“Well, Asian people naturally have thinner hair then what’s normally required to have a wig made. In that case, what will you do?”
“I think I’ll ask some friends of mine at school if they can give me their hair!” Katie was grinning as Sally did a quick wash, her fingers gently massaging moisturizing conditioner into her scalp.
“Ah, okay!” Sally was smiling as she dried the Asian American girl’s jet black hair right before helping her up and back into the chair. “Now, what haircut do you want me to do?”
“Mommy?” Katie asked me, summoning me to quickly find the picture of the haircut that Katie had fallen in love with. Layered waves of dark brown were cut to brush the shoulders of the smiling model.
“Ah, okay then!” Sally grinned as she set Katie’s hair into a ponytail and did a quick check in before she performed the first snip.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 1 year
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*Warning: Adult Content*    
"Let's see... Try these." 
Noah Hunter pulls a t-shirt from a neat pile and a button-down from the rack in his closet, which is organized by color and holds them out to his brother. 
Martin Hunter accepts the garments reluctantly and set them aside while he removes the thin shirt he'd slept in. 
As he pulls it over his head, he hear an intake of breath and looks up to find Noah staring at his torso.
Martin looks down at himself and grimaces.
He'd been mauled by the wolves of Elena's brother's pack when they'd tried to take their parent's territory and Martin still has scars. 
Unlike Noah, Martin is blessed with quick healing, though not as much as their sister, Freya and Alpha Dane. 
Martin’s wounds heal faster than usual but not perfectly. 
Ambrose Thorne saved his life but even his gift hadn't erased all traces of the injuries. 
He'd gotten used to the marks and his new mate, Skylar West hadn't mentioned them, so Martin had thought perhaps they weren't very noticeable.
Noah's look of horror tells him he was wrong.
He turns aside, though his back isn't any better than his front and pulls on the t-shirt and buttons-down, leaving the over shirt open.
Recovering himself, Noah clears his throat and turns back to his closet. 
"And um... trousers. How about these?"
He turns and hands his brother a pair of stylish jeans. 
Martin takes them wordlessly and pulls them on. 
They're a little short in the leg but fit well enough.
"Thanks. I appreciate it."
Noah rests a hand on Martin’s shoulder. 
"Martin... it's not a favor. You're my brother."
Grateful that Skylar chose to wait in the hall, Martin takes a breath and forces himself to speak. 
"Actually... I have a favor to ask you."
Martin laughs. 
"Don't agree yet. It's a doozy, as Mom would say."
Noah shakes his head and repeats himself firmly. 
Martin clears his throat. 
"I'd like... I'd like to name you and Ambrose as the children's legal guardians. In my will, I mean. Just in case."
Noah blinks in surprise and then, to Martin’s mild alarm, his eyes fill with tears and he pulls his brother into a hug.
Martin clears his throat again. 
"There's no need for that," he says. "Because you're gonna be fine, Martin. But... we'd be honored, anyway. Just in case."
Martin nods against his brother’s shoulder, his throat too tight to speak. 
Noah releases him and gives him a moment to collect himself before they rejoin Skylar in the hall. 
Then, feeling like he’s entering a monster's lair, Martin descends the stairs.
The door to the sitting room is shut and Martin pauses in front of it. 
His heart flutters like a panicked bird in his chest and Skylar rests his hand on his back. 
Martin leans into him and takes a deep breath.
"Okay?" Skylar asks.
Martin gives a slight nod, straightens his spine and enters the room.
Dane sits in the center of a large sofa, his mere presence occupying the entire space, while Ambrose lounges by the mantlepiece, insouciant as bored nobility.
Elena sits apart in a chair, ignoring the two men as she checks her makeup in a small mirror.
She looks up when they enter. 
Martin feels her eyes rake over him like a physical touch and fails to suppress a shudder. 
She looks unimpressed. 
Martin gives his ex-wife a stiff nod and takes a seat on the settee beside Skylar, acutely conscious of the eyes that follow him.
"How are the children?"
Martin frown. 
"They're none of your concern."
She lifts a thin shoulder and waves a manicured hand, a hand that shakes a little and tucks the mirror back in her purse. 
"Fine. Pleasantries aside, how are you? And no, I'm not asking because I care."
There's a brittle edge to her tone and Martin finally allows himself to take in her appearance more thoroughly.
Her hair, makeup and clothes are flawless, as usual. 
Her lustrous red tresses look straight from the salon, her outfit probably costs more than every piece of clothing Martin owns combined and her makeup looks ready for a magazine cover shoot. 
Beneath this veneer, however, is a different story.
Like him, Elena appears to have lost weight and her skin, which he remembers as a healthy, light bronze, looks sallow despite her makeup and oddly thin, as if it's too tightly stretched across the bones of her face. 
She fidgets and jiggles her leg, telling habits Martin can't recall his stone cold mate ever exhibiting before. 
She looks more like an addict in need of a hit or a smoker in the throes of withdrawal, than the steel-willed woman he remembers.
"I think you know how I am," Martin says, finally answering her question and meeting her honey-gold eyes, which he had once found so startlingly beautiful and which now spark nightmare memories. 
"Why are you here?"
"Because I want something, of course," she says simply and arches a brow at Ambrose. 
He draws a slow breath through his long, thin nose and narrows his eyes at her.
"Loathe as I am to admit it, she's telling the truth," he says.
"Of course I'm telling the truth," she snaps, huffing and crossing her arms. 
"I'm no fool. I know what I'm up against. So, your turn, how have you been this past year? Thriving and living your best life without me? I think not. In fact, let me guess, you can't sleep, you barely eat and you haven't Shifted in a year."
Martin stares at her. 
If he lies, Ambrose will know it, if he tells the truth, everyone will know it.
"Close enough," he whispers.
Elena sneers. 
"Try 'spot on.' Do you know how I know? Because I'm the same," she laughs bitterly and shoots a venomous glance at Dane. "If only you'd stuck to tradition, for once and killed me, as you had every right to do, none of this would have happened."
"Not too late to fix past mistakes," he says, returning her glare. 
“No, it isn't," she agrees with a sneer, though she breaks eye contact first. "But we both know you won't. You're far too noble for that. Instead, you'll let your brother suffer a slow, painful death, wasting away, day by day, until his heart finally gives out and fails."
Dane's gaze shifts to Ambrose. 
"Is that true?" he asks. 
Ambrose runs a hand through his long auburn curls and casts me an apologetic look. 
"She believes it to be."
"I'm asking you," Dane growls. "You're the healer here. Is Martin sick?" 
Ambrose sighs. 
"I don't know. All I can say is I've noticed a decline. Although..." his gaze shifts to Skylar. "In the past few months, I thought I saw improvement." 
"There is improvement," Martin insists. "If I was tired and stressed, it was only because I had too much on my plate and..." 
Martin glances at Dane and winces.
"And because I didn't ask for help. Sky helped me see I didn't have to do everything alone. He helped me see I wasn't..." 
"Worthless? Irredeemable? Pathetic?" Elena suggests, a cruel quirk to her lips, and shakes her head. "You were always a slut for punishment."
Martin’s vision darkens at the edges and he’s aware of several people rising to their feet. 
Martin holds out his hand to stay the imminent slaughter and forces himself to speak. 
"I was naïve, stupid and desperate for love," he rasps. "You were a spider on the hunt for prey and I fell into your web. But that's all over now. You have no right coming here and saying we're still bound somehow. I have a new mate. You and I are done." 
"Believe me," she sneers, "I wish that were so. I've tried to move on as well. I thought finding a new mate would solve the problem, so I reconnected with an old flame. We bonded, but something prevented the true mate-bond from taking hold. I thought it might be because he wants children and I have no desire to be a mother again. So I played that old card and told him Nico and Rio were his. We'd fucked enough for it to be true. Then you had to go and ruin things with that test. I thought you'd be glad to have fewer mouths to feed." 
She huffs and crosses her arms and I stare at her for a handful of seconds as my brain struggles to comprehend the incomprehensible. 
She waves her hand dismissively. 
"Never mind. I'd been looking for an opportunity to take them, since you wouldn't give them up willingly, when by pure chance I ran into Miguel, almost literally. I'd have thought you'd at least teach the children how to cross a street. At any rate, once I got him talking, he confirmed a few things for me and now I believe I understand. It's your Wolf that won't let go, that still clings to the rotting strands connecting us like the tendons of a severed limb." 
Martin shakes his head. 
"The last thing I ever wanted was to see you again." 
"Well, what is it then?" Elena demands. "Tell me, Martin. Why can't you sleep? Why do you torment yourself? Why do you deny yourself even the most basic pleasures? Why can't you Shift and why won't you let anyone help you? Why did you suffer alone for so long when..."
"Because I should have DIED." 
In the ringing silence, Martin struggles to catch his breath, aware of every eye on him. 
Gasping, he glares at Elena and forces himself to continue in a more level tone.
"Because I deserved to die for what I did. That's why."
She smiles sharply. 
"And there it is."
Dane looks stricken. 
"Martin... Is that true? Is that really what you believe?" 
When he can't bring himself to answer, Dane glances at Ambrose, who stands with his fingers pressed to his lips. 
Ambrose nods once, indicating Martin haven't lied. 
Dane leans towards his brother but Martin shakes his head and keeps his eyes on his former mate. 
"It doesn't matter what I believe. I didn't die. I was spared. And so were you." 
Elena nods. 
"And that is the problem. 'Till death do us part' really is the way with Wolves. Living Mates separate so infrequently, we may be the only pair alive to have done so. We haven't done so cleanly, anyway and whatever thin strands still bind us, they are poison. You will never forgive me, I will never respect you. We need to sever these putrescent ties for both our sakes or we shall both perish." 
She draws a deep breath and sits back in her chair. 
"Martin Hunter, I have never and will never, love you. I don't even love our children. In fact, I think I am incapable of love and I have stopped blaming myself for that. However, I have an objective interest in my offspring and for their sake, if for nothing else, I would prefer they not be orphaned. I believe we have that in common, at least." 
Rubbing his hands over his face, Martin releases his breath in a long sigh. 
"What do you propose?" 
"I believe we need to perform a separation ritual," she says. "Sever the bond properly. Give our Wolves the closure that yours, at least, seems to need." 
"What ritual?" Dane asks.
Elena shrugs. 
"Nothing complicated. A simple ritual of Parting should do."
"What's that?" Skylar asks.
As he speaks, Martin becomes aware that he's holding his hand and that he has his fingers locked in what must be a painful grip. 
Loosening his hold on him, Martin takes another breath.
"It's something we do when a Wolf leaves the Pack. Usually to join an unrelated Pack, one outside the family. We did it for Travis when he left to live with Chiaki. It helps the Wolf bond with a new Pack and helps prevent the worst of homesickness. It's done when a Wolf dies, too. It's like a formal goodbye."
"Ah, I see. Can we do it now?"
"It's best done at the new moon," Martin says.
"Which was two days ago."
"The full moon will do just as well," Elena says, studying her nails.
Martin glances at Skylar. 
"I think we might have... a prior engagement."
"This is him then?" she asks, jutting her chin at Sky. "Your new 'mate'?"
For the first time in this strange conversation, Martin is able to give a firm, definitive answer. 
"Yes. He is." 
Elena's lip draws back in a sneer. 
"Hmm. You always were a weak-willed little bitch. I should have known what you really wanted was a cock up your ass." 
Before Martin can reply, he startles as the sleeves of Ambrose's shirt vanish in a burst of smokeless fire, leaving nothing but a fine gray ash on his bare arms. 
"Ah, beg pardon," he says, dusting himself off. "I was just wondering if it was possible to selectively incinerate a person's tongue. Got a bit excited there." 
At Martin’s side, Skylar tilts his head at Elena, studying her with a perplexed expression. 
"I don't know what you mean," he says. "Martin is the most resilient person I've ever met. And I don't know what cocks have to do with anything but in our last coupling, it was I who had...”
Martin nudges him sharply in the ribs. 
As charming as Skylar’s unfiltered style can be, the last thing Martin needs is his family imagining that while...
Dane's slightly unfocused look tells Martin it's too late and he clears his throat loudly to bring the attention back to himself and the present.
"All that aside. You followed us to the coast once already to threaten poor Dr. Howard. If you truly think this ritual is the answer to our problems, then you can follow us there again because that's where we'll be at the full moon."
Martin glances around the room, conscious of Skylar's hand in his as he meets Dane and Noah's eyes in turn. 
Just about every painful secret he has, has been laid bare, might as well drop another bomb while he’s at it.
"Besides. A parting ritual might not be such a bad idea," Martin Hunter says. "Depending on how things go in the meantime, you might not be the only one saying goodbye."
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Best salon interior design in India
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India is home to some of the most stylish and creative salon interior designs in the world. From traditional Indian motifs to modern, contemporary designs, there is something for everyone. Whether you are looking for a classic look or something more modern, there are plenty of options available. In this guide, we will explore some of the best salon interior design ideas in India and how you can create a stylish and functional space for your business.
Traditional Indian Salon Interior Design Ideas
When it comes to traditional Indian salon interior design ideas, there are many options available. One popular choice is to incorporate traditional Indian motifs such as paisley prints, intricate embroidery, and vibrant colors into the design. This type of design can be used to create an inviting atmosphere that customers will love. You can also use traditional furniture pieces such as carved wooden chairs and tables to add a touch of elegance to the space. Additionally, you can use natural materials such as stone or wood flooring to give your salon an authentic feel.
Modern Salon Interior Design Ideas
If you are looking for something more modern and contemporary, there are plenty of options available as well. For example, you can opt for sleek furniture pieces with clean lines and minimalistic designs that will give your salon a modern feel. You can also incorporate bold colors into the design such as bright reds or blues that will make your salon stand out from the rest. Additionally, you can use modern lighting fixtures such as LED lights or spotlights to create an inviting atmosphere in your salon.
Functional Salon Interior Design Ideas
When it comes to creating a functional space for your salon, there are several things that you should consider. First of all, make sure that all of your equipment is easily accessible so that customers don’t have to search around for what they need. Additionally, make sure that all surfaces are easy to clean so that they stay looking their best at all times. Finally, make sure that there is enough storage space so that all products and tools can be kept organized and out of sight when not in use.
Tips For Creating The Perfect Salon Interior Design In India
Creating the perfect salon interior design in India requires careful planning and consideration of both style and function. Whether you’re looking for a traditional Indian motif or something more modern and contemporary, here are some tips on how you can create an inviting atmosphere in your salon:
1) Incorporate Traditional Indian Motifs — Incorporating traditional Indian motifs into your salon’s interior design is one way to create an inviting atmosphere for customers while still maintaining a sense of authenticity within the space. Consider using paisley prints or intricate embroidery on furniture pieces or walls throughout the space for a classic look with a touch of elegance.
2) Use Natural Materials — Natural materials such as stone or wood flooring can help give your salon an authentic feel while still being easy to maintain over time. Additionally, these materials often come with unique textures which add visual interest throughout the space without taking away from its overall aesthetic appeal.
3) Choose Functional Furniture Pieces — When selecting furniture pieces for your salon’s interior design it’s important to choose pieces that are both stylish and functional at the same time. Consider choosing chairs with adjustable heights so customers can find their ideal comfort level while getting their hair or manicures done comfortably without having to worry about being too low or too high off the ground during their service appointment time frame.
4) Utilize Modern Lighting Fixtures — Modern lighting fixtures such as LED lights or spotlights help create an inviting atmosphere while also providing ample illumination throughout the entire space which helps customers see clearly when getting their services done without having any issues due to poor lighting conditions.
5) Add Storage Solutions — Make sure there are enough storage solutions throughout the entire space so products and tools remain organized at all times while also being easily accessible when needed by staff members during service appointments.
6) Incorporate Bold Colors — Incorporating bold colors into your salon’s interior design helps give it personality while also making it stand out from other salons in town. Consider using bright reds, blues, yellows, greens, purples, etc throughout different areas within the space depending on what type of look you’re going for.
By following these tips, you should be able to create an inviting atmosphere within your salon while still maintaining its overall aesthetic appeal. With careful planning, creativity, and attention to detail, you should be able to create a beautiful yet functional interior design within your business.
How to Choose the Right Salon Interior Design Company in India
When it comes to creating the perfect salon interior design in India, it’s important to choose the right company for the job. With so many different companies offering their services, it can be difficult to know which one is best suited for your needs. Here are some tips on how you can choose the right salon interior design company in India:
1) Research Different Companies — Before making any decisions, it’s important to research different companies and compare their services, prices, and portfolios. This will help you get a better understanding of what each company has to offer and which one is best suited for your needs.
2) Ask For References — Once you have narrowed down your list of potential companies, it’s important to ask for references from past clients so you can get an idea of their level of service and quality of work. This will help ensure that you are choosing a reputable company that will be able to deliver on its promises.
3) Consider Their Portfolio — It’s also important to consider a company’s portfolio when making your decision as this will give you an idea of their style and creativity when it comes to designing salons. Look at their past projects and see if they have created something similar to what you are looking for in terms of style and functionality.
4) Discuss Your Budget — Make sure that you discuss your budget with the company before signing any contracts so that there are no surprises down the line. This will help ensure that both parties are on the same page when it comes to costs and expectations.
5) Ask About Their Process — Finally, make sure that you ask about their process when it comes to designing salons so that you know what steps they take from start to finish. This will help ensure that everything runs smoothly throughout the entire project from beginning to end.
By following these tips, you should be able to find the right salon interior design company in India for your needs. With careful research and consideration, you should be able to create a beautiful yet functional space within your business that customers will love!
click this link for more information -
best flat interior design in India
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salonmart · 2 years
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Professional Salon chairs "Upgrade Your Salon Experience with Our Stylish and Functional Hydraulic Chair" Hydraulic Salon Chair makes it easy for the makeup and hair stylist to work on the client with precision. There are different types of chairs available in the market with other functionalities. A chair is an essential tool for hair and makeup stylists because it allows them to work at a comfortable height and angle, which helps reduce fatigue and improve precision. These chairs also provide a stable base for the client to sit in, which helps them to relax and feel more comfortable during the service. Additionally, many hydraulic salon chairs have reclining and swivel functions, allowing the stylist to move and position the client for optimal results. Here we have listed some of the hydraulic salon chairs available with us: Casa CS 1010 Sofa Type Cutting Chair: This hydraulic salon chair features a sleek black color and is upholstered with a durable PU leatherette. The chair sits on a sturdy square chrome base and has a 1-year warranty on both the foot pump and back pump. Casa CS 1035 Barber Chair: This hydraulic salon chair boasts a stylish black and copper gold color scheme and is covered in soft and durable PU leatherette. It sits on a modern round chrome base and comes with a 1-year warranty on both the foot pump and back pump, as well as a footrest. Casa CS 1001L Half Back Leather Handle Cutting Chair: This hydraulic salon chair is designed with a classic black color and is upholstered in high-quality PU leatherette for durability and comfort. The chair sits on a sleek round chrome base and is equipped with a foot pump and back pump that both come with a 1-year warranty. The chair also features a footrest for added comfort for clients. Finally, the chair is also essential for the stylist to create a good image for the salon, as it is one of the first things clients notice when they enter. 100% Genuine Brand Products at the best rates. Time Period Offer!! Order today!!! Order Now & Call us: +91 9029002644 | Email: [email protected] View more products: https://www.salonmart.net/ https://www.salonmart.net/cate…/salon-furniture/salon-beds https://www.salonmart.net/casa-cs-5014-spa-bed https://www.salonmart.net/casa-cs-5016-shampoo-station-and- spa-bed Gel Extension Nails Makeup Bridal Hydraulic Salon Chair Professional Face Steamer Best Professional Hair Colour Brand Best Products for Glowing Skin Best Professional Shampoo and Conditioner
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missamyrisa2 · 24 days
hihiii im the one that sent the ask abt dressing up a tgirl in such a giggleperfect outfit and mm !!! you mustttt be psychic its so perrrrfectt for mee calling me doll at the end mmphjrhwhsbhwhrh
[which of course does give me ideas about a psychic tickler who can read your mind to find all your best spotssss]
Awww I'm sooo glad you lovee itttt ~ that's the sort of teasinggg dress up tickles I adore myselff so I'm everrrr so glad to share that with an adorable giggledoll ~<3
And if I was psychic.
Ya know, a psy chic.
I would be soooooo scanning you for allll those delightful material sensations, have you feeeel me probing around for the best ways to hotwire you. If I ever had a talent in life it is one for reverse engineering ~ and that includes looking at youuuu and figuring out what makes you tick and what makes you crumble ~ and darlingggg you're absolutely gonna be my cookie ~<3
I'll have a whole closet of outfits to tease you with my blushy doll. And you'll get to watch as I select and choose the one I know will wreck you particularly ~ all the while all the others will be teasing and taunting. Of course there will be plenttyyyy of mannequins about in sassy poses, their tickle outfits taunting you alll the way as they look down.
Mmh ~ and maybeeee I'lll have a lovely makeover machine to doll you up. All those machine hands and makeup implements surrounding you, positioning you, holding you and handling you as they apply each piece of clothing with precision teasing and endless adjustments. Or maybeeee I'm telekinetic and I'm going to send those tickle outfit pieces after you, tackling and snagging you like ghostly stylish spirits ~ caressing your nakedness with materials until you're buried in a pile, emerging in a daze all dressed up ~ and made to move and giggle as they work your bodyyyyy over to me. Perhaps the mannequins will come to life and unflinchingly put you through various stylings before dragging you over to my salon chair~
The chair is where you'll end up regardlessss because I'm gonna give you such a teasing styling on that hair oh yessss ~ have you leaned back, writhing in your little tickle outfit, your tiny flirty ruffly dresssss with soft leggingsssss and teeny bolero jacket ~ so I can rinse your hair and massage such sweeet smelling products into it, finding the underrated tickle spots on your scalp and nape. I'll get you soooo dizyyyy with this overload of affection and attention, get you feeling sooo styled and prettyyyy that you'll just be irresistible to my waiting tickle machines~
There's nothing quite like being alll dolled up and cute and lovelyyyyy while mercilesssss tickle hands descend and explore your body and your outfit whilst your ticklemama smirks and watches and takes pictures and reaches in to add those extra sparkly loving ticklesssss, rubbing your sidessss and teasing your neck with a feather as machine hands skitter all over your belly and waist and under your arms in your toesss massaging up your thighsss ~ keeping you all giggly wiggly in your cuteeeee outfittttt ~ my perfect darling tickledoll ~<33
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sabeautisalondubai · 16 days
Elevate Your Beauty Routine: The Ultimate Experience at a Premier Ladies' Salon
Step into a world where elegance meets excellence at your local ladies salon. A visit to a premier ladies’ salon is more than just a beauty treatment; it’s an indulgent experience designed to make you look and feel your best. Whether you’re preparing for a special event or simply seeking a moment of pampering, a top-notch ladies’ salon offers a comprehensive range of services tailored to your needs.
At a distinguished ladies’ salon, you’ll find a team of skilled professionals dedicated to delivering exceptional care and personalized attention. From stylish haircuts and vibrant color treatments to luxurious facials and expert nail services, the salon is your one-stop destination for all things beauty. Each treatment is crafted with precision and tailored to your individual preferences, ensuring you leave with a look that complements your unique style.
One of the standout features of a premium ladies salon is its commitment to creating a relaxing and enjoyable environment. The ambiance is thoughtfully designed to provide a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. As you settle into a plush chair and enjoy complimentary refreshments, the skilled technicians work their magic, transforming your look while you unwind in comfort.
Additionally, a top-tier ladies salon uses only high-quality products and cutting-edge techniques to ensure the best results. Whether you’re seeking the latest trends in hair fashion or a rejuvenating skin treatment, you can trust that the salon employs the finest products and technology to deliver outstanding outcomes. The emphasis on quality not only enhances the effectiveness of each treatment but also contributes to your overall well-being.
For those seeking a personalized experience, many ladies’ salons offer consultations to understand your beauty goals and tailor their services accordingly. This bespoke approach ensures that each treatment is designed to enhance your natural beauty and align with your preferences.
Embrace the luxury and sophistication of a premier ladies salon. Elevate your beauty routine with professional care, personalized service, and a touch of indulgence that will leave you feeling refreshed and radiant. Treat yourself to an exceptional experience where beauty meets relaxation, and step out with confidence and style. 
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shellandcore · 16 days
How can I create a luxurious feel in my salon?
Creating a luxurious feel in your salon is all about curating an atmosphere that speaks to elegance and comfort. Start with a calming color palette—think soft neutrals, muted tones, and a touch of gold or silver to add sophistication. High-quality materials such as marble countertops, plush chairs, and wooden floors can instantly elevate the space. Don’t forget the importance of lighting! Soft, ambient lighting can create a warm and welcoming environment, while stylish light fixtures serve as statement pieces.
Adding personal touches, like art pieces or elegant mirrors, can reflect your salon’s unique style and make clients feel at home. Scent is another powerful tool; choose a signature fragrance to create a memorable sensory experience. Finally, invest in comfortable furniture that allows clients to relax and enjoy their time in your salon.
To achieve this vision, partnering with experts can make all the difference. Collaborating with interior architecture companies in Dubai ensures that every element of your salon, from layout to design, speaks luxury and comfort. A well-designed space doesn’t just look good—it makes your clients feel special and keeps them coming back for more.
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a1salon · 19 days
The Ultimate Guide to Men's and Children's Haircuts in North Carolina
At North Carolina's premier barbershops and salons, we take pride in offering top-notch men's haircuts and children's haircuts that cater to every style and preference. Our skilled professionals understand the unique needs of both adult and young clients, ensuring a comfortable and satisfying experience for everyone who walks through our doors.
Men's Haircuts: Crafting Your Signature Look
The Art of Precision
When it comes to Men's Haircut in North Carolina, we believe in the power of precision. Our expert barbers are trained in the latest techniques, utilizing sharp tools and steady hands to create clean lines and perfect fades. Whether you're looking for a classic cut or a modern style, we have the skills to bring your vision to life.
Tailored to Your Lifestyle
We understand that your haircut is more than just a style—it's a reflection of your personality and lifestyle. That's why we take the time to consult with each client, discussing their preferences, hair type, and daily routines. This personalized approach ensures that your men's haircut not only looks great when you leave the chair but remains manageable and stylish in your day-to-day life.
Trending Styles in the Tar Heel State
North Carolina is home to a diverse population with eclectic tastes, and our barbers stay on top of the latest trends to cater to every preference. From the sleek undercuts popular in Charlotte's bustling financial district to the rugged beard-and-fade combinations favored in Asheville's artistic community, we offer a wide range of styles to suit every man's taste.
Children's Haircuts: Nurturing Confidence from a Young Age
Creating Positive Experiences
We believe that a child's first haircuts are crucial in shaping their attitude towards personal grooming. Our Children's Haircut in North Carolina are designed to be fun, comfortable, and stress-free experiences. Our salons are equipped with child-friendly chairs, entertainment options, and patient stylists who know how to put even the most anxious little ones at ease.
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Age-Appropriate Styles
From toddlers to teenagers, we offer a range of children's haircuts that are appropriate for each stage of development. Our stylists are trained to work with different hair types and textures, ensuring that every child leaves our salon feeling confident and looking their best.
Back-to-School Specials
As summer winds down, our salons gear up for the back-to-school rush. We offer special packages for children's haircuts that include styling tips for parents and fun accessories to help kids express their personality through their new look. It's our way of helping North Carolina's youth start the school year on a high note.
Booking Your Next Cut
Convenient Scheduling
We know life in North Carolina can be busy, which is why many of our locations offer online booking for men's haircuts and children's haircuts. Simply choose your preferred time and stylist, and we'll be ready to give you our undivided attention when you arrive.
Walk-Ins Welcome
For those spontaneous moments when you need a quick trim, many of our barbershops and salons welcome walk-ins. Our efficient service ensures you'll be in and out with a fresh men's haircut or children's haircut in no time.
In conclusion, whether you're seeking a sophisticated men's haircut for a special occasion or a fun and practical children's haircut for the new school year, North Carolina's barbershops and salons are ready to exceed your expectations. With our blend of southern charm, modern expertise, and commitment to customer satisfaction, you're guaranteed to leave our chairs looking and feeling your absolute best.
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wiseinsights · 28 days
Unleash Your Hair Magic at Kingdom Cute: Where Dreams Meet Style!
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Introduction: Welcome to Kingdom Cute
In a world where self-expression is celebrated, and personal style is paramount, Kingdom Cute emerges as the ultimate sanctuary for those looking to transform their hair dreams into reality. Located in the heart of the city, this whimsical salon is more than just a place to get a haircut—it's an experience, a journey into a world where every strand of hair is treated with the utmost care, and every style is a masterpiece.
The Magic Behind the Kingdom Cute Experience
From the moment you step into Kingdom Cute, you're transported into a pastel paradise where every detail is designed to make you feel like royalty. The soft hues of pinks, purples, and blues create a soothing ambiance, while the plush chairs and crown-shaped mirrors add a touch of whimsy. The salon is adorned with playful artwork and stylish hair stations that promise a fun and creative environment.
But it's not just the decor that sets Kingdom Cute apart. The real magic lies in the talented hands of the stylists who bring your hair dreams to life. Whether you're looking for a classic cut, a bold color transformation, or an intricate updo, the team at Kingdom Cute is equipped with the skills and creativity to deliver results that will leave you looking and feeling fabulous.
Visit https://www.kingdomcute.hair/
The Kingdom Cute Promise: Quality and Care
At Kingdom Cute, quality is never compromised. The salon uses only the best products, ensuring that your hair receives the nourishment it needs to stay healthy and vibrant. From top-of-the-line shampoos and conditioners to the latest in hair styling technology, every product is chosen with care to provide you with the best possible results.
But what truly sets Kingdom Cute apart is the personalized care each client receives. The stylists take the time to understand your unique hair needs, preferences, and lifestyle, ensuring that the final result is a style that not only looks amazing but also suits you perfectly. This commitment to personalized care is what makes Kingdom Cute a favorite among its clients, many of whom return time and again for the salon's exceptional service.
A Royal Menu of Services
Kingdom Cute offers a wide range of services designed to meet all your hair care needs. Whether you're coming in for a quick trim or a complete transformation, you'll find a service that's perfect for you. Here's a look at some of the most popular services offered:
Haircuts and Trims: From classic cuts to modern styles, the stylists at Kingdom Cute are experts at creating looks that enhance your natural beauty.
Color Services: Whether you're looking to go bold with a vibrant new color or simply want to refresh your current shade, Kingdom Cute offers a variety of coloring options, including highlights, balayage, and ombre.
Styling and Updos: Perfect for special occasions, the salon offers a range of styling services, from sleek and sophisticated updos to romantic curls.
Hair Treatments: Keep your hair healthy and strong with one of Kingdom Cute's nourishing treatments, designed to repair and rejuvenate your locks.
Extensions: Add length and volume to your hair with the salon's high-quality extensions, available in a variety of colors and textures.
A Day at Kingdom Cute: What to Expect
Your journey at Kingdom Cute begins the moment you walk through the door. You're greeted with a warm smile and a friendly hello, setting the tone for a relaxing and enjoyable experience. As you settle into one of the salon's plush chairs, you'll be offered a complimentary beverage to enjoy while you wait for your stylist.
Once you're seated at your styling station, your stylist will take the time to discuss your hair goals and preferences. Whether you have a clear vision in mind or need some guidance, the stylists at Kingdom Cute are experts at helping you find the perfect look.
As your stylist works their magic, you'll have the opportunity to relax and unwind in the salon's peaceful environment. The soft music, soothing colors, and comfortable surroundings create the perfect setting for a little pampering.
Once your hair is complete, you'll leave the salon feeling like a new person—confident, beautiful, and ready to take on the world.
Why Clients Love Kingdom Cute
There are countless reasons why clients love Kingdom Cute, but here are just a few:
Expert Stylists: The team at Kingdom Cute is made up of talented professionals who are passionate about what they do. Their expertise and creativity ensure that every client leaves the salon with a look they love.
Personalized Service: At Kingdom Cute, you're more than just a client—you're part of the family. The stylists take the time to get to know you and understand your unique hair needs, ensuring that you receive personalized care and attention.
Relaxing Environment: The salon's whimsical decor and peaceful ambiance make it the perfect place to relax and unwind while getting your hair done.
High-Quality Products: Kingdom Cute uses only the best products, ensuring that your hair receives the care it needs to stay healthy and beautiful.
Positive Vibes: From the friendly staff to the cheerful decor, everything about Kingdom Cute is designed to make you feel good. It's a place where positivity and creativity thrive, making it a favorite among clients.
Client Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it—here's what some of Kingdom Cute's clients have to say:
Sarah M.: "Kingdom Cute is my go-to salon! The stylists are so talented, and they always know exactly what I want. I love the relaxing atmosphere, and I always leave feeling like a million bucks!"
Emily R.: "I had the best experience at Kingdom Cute! The staff is so friendly and welcoming, and my hair turned out even better than I imagined. I can't wait to go back!"
Jessica T.: "Kingdom Cute is hands down the best salon I've ever been to. The stylists are amazing, and the salon itself is so cute and cozy. I always leave with a smile on my face!"
Kingdom Cute: A Commitment to Community
Kingdom Cute isn't just about hair—it's about community. The salon is committed to giving back and making a positive impact in the local area. From hosting charity events to supporting local businesses, Kingdom Cute is dedicated to making a difference.
One of the ways Kingdom Cute gives back is by offering free haircuts to those in need. The salon regularly partners with local shelters and organizations to provide haircuts to those who may not otherwise be able to afford them. It's just one of the many ways Kingdom Cute is working to make the world a little brighter, one haircut at a time.
Join the Kingdom Cute Family
Whether you're looking for a quick trim, a bold new color, or just a little pampering, Kingdom Cute is the place to be. With its expert stylists, personalized service, and welcoming environment, it's no wonder Kingdom Cute is quickly becoming a favorite among clients.
So why not treat yourself to a little luxury? Book your appointment at Kingdom Cute today and experience the magic for yourself. Your hair—and your spirit—will thank you.
Conclusion: The Royal Treatment You Deserve
In a world that can sometimes feel overwhelming, it's important to take time for yourself and indulge in a little self-care. At Kingdom Cute, you're not just getting a haircut—you're getting an experience, a moment to relax, rejuvenate, and leave feeling like the best version of yourself.
With its talented team, high-quality products, and commitment to customer satisfaction, Kingdom Cute truly is where your hair dreams come true. So go ahead, treat yourself to the royal treatment—you deserve it.
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echowisdom · 28 days
Elevate Your Confidence and Style: A Journey to Your Best Self
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In today's fast-paced world, where everyone is constantly juggling multiple responsibilities, it's easy to overlook the importance of self-care. However, taking time for yourself is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. One of the most impactful ways to practice self-care is through grooming and styling, particularly when it comes to your hair. A visit to a hair salon isn't just about getting a trim or a new hairstyle; it's an opportunity to rediscover and enhance your best self.
The Transformative Power of a Hair Salon
Stepping into a well-designed, welcoming salon instantly transports you into a world where the focus is entirely on you. The ambiance of a salon plays a significant role in how you feel the moment you walk through the door. Imagine a space bathed in natural light, with stylish, comfortable chairs, large mirrors reflecting your smile, and elegant decor that soothes your senses. The atmosphere is warm and inviting, filled with the subtle scent of fresh products and the sound of soft music playing in the background.
But it's not just the environment that transforms you—it's the skilled hands of professional stylists who understand the art of hair care. These experts aren't just cutting and styling; they're crafting a look that complements your personality, enhances your features, and boosts your confidence. The right hairstyle can be a game-changer, influencing how you see yourself and how others perceive you. It's a form of self-expression, a way to communicate who you are without saying a word.
Discovering Your Unique Style
One of the most exciting aspects of visiting a salon is the opportunity to explore different styles and trends. Whether you're looking to refresh your current look or try something completely new, the possibilities are endless. Your stylist is your guide in this journey, helping you navigate the latest trends while considering what suits your face shape, hair type, and lifestyle.
Perhaps you've always wondered what you'd look like with a bold, new color or a chic, modern cut. Maybe you're curious about trying a classic style with a contemporary twist. Whatever your vision, your stylist can bring it to life, ensuring that the final result not only meets but exceeds your expectations. The best part? You don't have to know exactly what you want when you walk in—sometimes, the magic happens in the chair, as you and your stylist brainstorm and create together.
The Role of Professional Products
A significant part of the salon experience is the use of professional-grade products that are often unavailable elsewhere. These products are formulated with high-quality ingredients that nourish and protect your hair while delivering superior results. Whether you're getting a color treatment, a deep conditioning session, or a simple blowout, the right products make all the difference.
Your stylist will often recommend specific products that are best suited for your hair type and the style you've chosen. These recommendations aren't just for the time you're in the salon—they're part of an ongoing care routine that helps you maintain your look long after you leave. Investing in these products is an investment in the health and beauty of your hair, ensuring that it stays vibrant, strong, and manageable between salon visits.
The Psychological Benefits of a New Hairstyle
The benefits of a salon visit extend beyond the physical. There's something inherently uplifting about a fresh, new hairstyle. It can change your outlook, boost your mood, and give you a renewed sense of self. This is particularly true when you're going through a significant life change—whether it's starting a new job, going through a breakup, or celebrating a milestone. A new look can symbolize a new beginning, helping you to step into the next chapter of your life with confidence and optimism.
Moreover, the act of taking time for yourself, of being pampered and cared for, has profound psychological effects. It serves as a reminder that you are worth the effort, that your well-being is important. This self-affirmation can have a ripple effect, influencing other areas of your life. When you look good, you feel good, and that positive energy radiates outwards, impacting your interactions, your work, and your overall happiness.
The Salon Experience: More Than Just Hair
A visit to the salon is about more than just getting your hair done. It's an experience that can be as relaxing and rejuvenating as a spa day. Many salons offer additional services such as scalp massages, deep conditioning treatments, and even facials or manicures, turning your visit into a full-on pampering session. The combination of these services can leave you feeling refreshed from head to toe, ready to take on the world.
Even if you're only there for a quick cut, the experience is often therapeutic. The simple act of sitting in a chair, closing your eyes, and letting someone else take care of you for a while is a powerful form of self-care. It's a break from the demands of daily life, a moment where you can focus entirely on yourself without distractions.
Building a Relationship with Your Stylist
One of the most rewarding aspects of regular salon visits is the relationship you build with your stylist. Over time, your stylist becomes someone who not only knows your hair but also understands your personality, preferences, and lifestyle. This relationship is built on trust—trust that your stylist will listen to your needs, respect your boundaries, and use their expertise to help you achieve your best look.
This connection often extends beyond the chair. A good stylist is a confidant, someone you can talk to about more than just hair. They're there to offer advice, share stories, and even provide a listening ear when you need it. This personal connection adds an extra layer of comfort and enjoyment to your salon visits, making them something to look forward to.
The Impact of a Regular Salon Routine
Incorporating regular salon visits into your self-care routine can have long-term benefits. Not only does it ensure that your hair stays healthy and styled, but it also gives you something to look forward to on a regular basis. Knowing that you have a salon appointment coming up can be a source of excitement, a small treat that you give yourself as a reward for all your hard work.
Moreover, maintaining a consistent schedule with your stylist allows for better hair management. Whether it's regular trims to keep your hair healthy or touch-ups to maintain your color, staying on top of your hair care routine prevents damage and ensures that you always look your best. This consistency can also lead to better results over time, as your stylist becomes more familiar with your hair and can tailor their approach to meet your evolving needs.
Celebrating Your Individuality
Every person is unique, and your hair is one of the most visible expressions of that individuality. The right hairstyle can accentuate your best features, complement your personal style, and even reflect your mood or the season. Whether you're someone who loves to experiment with bold, trendy looks or you prefer a classic, timeless style, the salon is a place where you can celebrate your uniqueness.
Your stylist plays a crucial role in this celebration. They have the skills and creativity to help you explore new possibilities while staying true to your identity. They understand that your hair is more than just hair—it's a reflection of who you are. This understanding allows them to create a look that not only makes you feel beautiful but also feels authentic to you.
Discovering your best self is a journey, and it starts with self-care. A visit to the salon is one of the most enjoyable and impactful ways to invest in yourself. It's an opportunity to relax, be pampered, and leave feeling refreshed and confident. Whether you're looking to make a bold change or simply maintain your current style, the salon experience is about more than just hair—it's about celebrating who you are and who you can become.
So, next time you find yourself in need of a little boost, remember the power of a great hairstyle. Step into the salon, take a seat in that comfortable chair, and let the transformation begin. You're not just getting a haircut; you're embarking on a journey to your best self. And that journey is one worth taking, time and time again.
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marcsalonfurnitur · 1 month
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