Explore tagged Tumblr posts
tagged by my amazing & adorable little sister @acdemic
i tag @klein-blr, @bamboostudies, @copestudying, @studying-sovereign, @studytag, @aimingforthata, @thesleepystudier, @studymre, @imstudyingforgcse, and @astronerhd. have fun =)
Rules: Bold all the things that apply to you!
I am in high school I am in university I’ve graduated college/university I like my job I’ve worked a job I’ve hated I’ve never had a job I am shorter than 5’5 I wear glasses (sometimes) I have a tattoo I have more than one tattoo I don’t have tattoos but I want some I’m vegetarian I have allergies I’m self-conscious about my body I’m sarcastic I’m shy I’ve been called over-emotional I have a strange sense of humor I’m atheist I have red hair I have blonde hair I dye my hair regularly I wear a piece of jewelry at all times I am an only child I have more than three siblings I have a niece I have a nephew I’ve failed a class I couldn’t choose a favorite song I can play an instrument I can speak two or more languages I’ve hugged someone in the last 24 hours I’ve kissed someone in the last 24 hours I have a best friend I’ve known my best friend for more than 10 years I have met a friend from the internet I’ve kissed someone of the same sex I’m in/have been in a long distance relationship I’ve had a one night stand I’ve had sex in the past month I’ve been dumped more than I’ve dumped someone I’ve cheated on someone I’ve met someone famous I’ve been out of my home country I’ve broken a bone I’ve spent more than six hours straight online I’ve done volunteer work I’ve won a prize at school I have friends who are married I have friends who have children of their own I have been in a wedding party I’ve ridden in a limousine I am a morning person I am a night owl I like anime I like Disney movies I like comedies more than action films I like action films more than comedies I always order dessert I hate fast food I can’t cook I enjoy puns I enjoy being alone I read for pleasure I don’t play video games I believe in ghosts I believe in aliens I enjoy conspiracy theories I’ve been somewhere considered ‘haunted’ I’ve stayed up all night for no reason I’ve had a Skype call with more than four people I can’t keep secrets I’m good with children I’ve cheated on a test I’ve watched an entire season of something in one day I am wearing something green right now I am wearing something yellow right now I am wearing something purple right now I’ve never tried alcohol I’ve had alcohol while underage I’ve played a drinking game I’m scared of snakes I’m scared of heights I’m scared of spiders I’m scared of clowns I collect stamps I collect comic books I keep old bus/train tickets I have more than three keyrings on my keys I don’t know the words to my national anthem I’ve been to a professional sports game I’ve had my hair cut in the past month I’ve cosplayed I can’t swallow pills I miss someone right now
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shit im on studywiz. the wiz maannn.
i miss my old school so much:(
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1/100 days of productivity!
finished two homework assignments, worked out for an hour, followed my schedule, and was generally consistently happy - much better than before :)
#studywiz#100 days of productivity#heysareena#cmpsbls#areistotle#elkstudies#lookgracelearns#heyacdemic
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i was tagged by my amazing sister @acdemic (pls check her out she’s a literal studyblr queen)
LAST drink apple juice phone call my dad! text message “im heading back to shanghai tonight btw” time i cried in the airport lounge when i broke a thing
HAVE YOU EVER dated someone twice never even dated someone “for real” been cheated on no kissed someone and regretted it yeah lost someone special depends on what 'lost' means in this context been depressed it isn’t clinical but i’ve felt that way been drunk and thrown up ok tbh i’ve only had alcohol once and it was a tiny sip of beer & i hated it
IN THE PAST YEAR HAVE YOU made a new friend definitely! laughed until you cried yes met someone who changed you maybe? i don’t know if it counts or not.. found out who your true friends were of course :) found out someone was talking about you yes (ILY MOMMY AND DADDY)
GENERAL how many people on tumblr do you know in real life exactly 89 i counted do you have any pets NO BUT I WANT A DOG do you want to change your name idk maybe?? but not sure what to change it to what time did you wake up this morning 8:40am ish?? what were you doing last night playing a chinese card game w fam name something you cannot wait for CTY and the next MUN conference #shamun #nomoresof2k16 have you ever talked to a person named tom maybe but i forgot what’s getting on your nerves rn stuck downstairs and not in my room bc parents blood type A nicknames meggy/meggie, megs, megan bobegan/bowegan??, mavin relationship status single but ready to mingle ;) AND crushing hard zodiac sign aquarius pronouns she/her fave tv show csi franchise (haven’t seen NY though, working on Miami + Cyber, finished Las Vegas), grey’s anatomy, criminal minds, elementary, modern family, hair color black but brownish long or short longish. a lil below shoulder, i cut it recently! crushes three but 1 serious tattoos never righty or lefty righty
FIRSTS first surgery does braces count?? first piercing none yet first best friend alicia lan + emily ji (about same time) first sport you joined volleyball in like 6th grade? but i did ballet + gymnastics when i was in connecticut first vacation don’t remember
RN eating nothing drinking nothing im about to finish this post listening the air conditioning want kids yeah
WHICH IS BETTER lips or eyes eyes who even cares about lips tbh hugs or kisses hugs bc kisses r ew shorter or taller taller older or younger depends romantic or spontaneous romantic sensitive or loud sensitive but this question is confusing af hook up or relationship relationship troublemaker or hesitant neither?? someone who’s a nice cinnamon roll please
HAVE YOU EVER kissed a stranger no bc i like knew the person the year before? drank hard liquor no lost glasses/contacts no broken someone’s heart no been arrested no turned someone down yeah cried when someone died do movies count? i think it was like bridge to terabithia fallen for a friend yeah
DO YOU BELIEVE IN miracles yes love at first sight i guess heaven yes santa claus yes
i tag anyone who has the time for this tbh
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tag; 11 questions tagged by @acdemic
when you were five, what did you want to be when you grew up? is it the same now? tbh i don’t really remember what i wanted to be when i was five…but i currently i’m very interested in business and art, so maybe something in advertising? or like human resources?
who is one music artist you love and one you cannot stand? kodaline bc they’re perfect and idk any bad artists, but i’m not really into rap/metal/screamo?
do you believe in magic? yes
do you believe in always following the rules, or do you bend and break them as you see fit? i’ve always been a strict rule-follower, but i think that sometimes i bend rules to the way i see fit
do you have any siblings? yeah, @acdemic :)))
how long have you been on tumblr in general (not just as a studyblr if you have another blog)? maybe like summer of 2013? except i wasn’t really active until like summer 2015…
what are you studying at the moment? world literature, ap world history, regular chemistry, honors geometry, and spanish 3
what is your ultimate long-term goal for the future? i really don't know but maybe just be successful
what was your favourite tv show as a child? CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOG or DORA THE EXPLORER
do you (or did you) enjoy disney movies (not disney channel, things like bambi and lilo and stitch)? yes bc i will always be a child at heart <3
which season is your favorite? why? summer because shopping! target! the cheesecake factory! american roads (don’t ask why)! america! cty! just general awesomeness
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sorry its been like a long time, but i’ve been really busy with school and now feel like i need to return to the studyblr community. i have however been using my bullet journal, so that’s all good :)
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