#Study Diploma Programs in Barcelona
samc3s · 2 years
Why Study Diploma Programs in Barcelona at C3S Business School
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If you want to live a better life, you must prioritize your education. Only education can get you to where you want to reach. If you have a degree or graduated, you should consider enrolling in diploma programs that will add value to your portfolio. You should select a well-known and authorized college.
Of course, there are several nations where you can study and earn a degree. However, Spain is the finest place to gain the necessary education.
Barcelona, Spain, is a hub for education and innovation, attracting students worldwide. With the rise of online learning, students can now pursue diploma programs online from the comfort of their own homes.
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Here are some of the top diploma programs to study in Barcelona, Spain.
1. Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)
The DBA programme is designed to assist students in developing the knowledge and skills required to excel in the business world. This curriculum includes a variety of topics, including marketing, accounting, management, and finance. Students will learn how to evaluate data, make informed decisions, and develop effective business plans. This course is recommended for those who want to get a broader perspective. Those who pass this course will eventually work in high-paying managerial roles.
2. Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management
The hotel and tourist industries are expanding, and working in these fields is essential for anyone seeking a rewarding career. In 2018, these industries contributed around 7.6 trillion dollars in total.
Barcelona is one of the world's most prominent tourist destinations, making the Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management an excellent choice for students interested in this sector. This curriculum includes subjects such as hotel management, event planning, customer service, and travel agency operations. Students will learn how to deliver excellent service and create memorable guest experiences.
Some universities and colleges also have partnerships with other industries, allowing students to undertake internships and learn the work in real time. As a result, this is one of the factors to consider when choosing a college.
3. Diploma in Human Resource Management
The role of human resources in any organization cannot be overstated, which is why companies always need skilled professionals who can manage and develop their workforce effectively. Completing a diploma in human resource management can equip graduates with the essential knowledge and skills to succeed in this field.
In this Diploma, students can learn about various HR functions, including recruitment, training and development, employee relations, compensation and benefits, and compliance with labour laws.
By completing a diploma in human resource management, graduates can position themselves as strong candidates for entry-level HR positions across various industries. Ultimately, a diploma in human resource management can be an excellent investment for those seeking a challenging and rewarding career in HR.
4. Diploma in Sports Management
Barcelona is home to some of the most successful sports teams in the world, making the Diploma in Sports Management an excellent choice for students interested in this field. This program includes topics such as sports marketing, event management, and sports facility management. Students will learn how to build effective marketing strategies and organize events for professional sports teams.
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The Final Takeaway
In conclusion, pursuing a diploma program in Barcelona, Spain, is an excellent way to learn new skills and knowledge while preparing for a successful career. These diploma programs span a wide range of topics, from business administration to sports management. They are designed to help students gain the skills and knowledge required to excel in their chosen industry. C3S Business School offers current and prospective students advice, resources, and assistance with housing, immigration, and academic issues. We also have a proactive student support team that will walk you through the entire process of starting your career in Spain. If you want to take advantage of Study Diploma Program in Barcelona don't hesitate to get in touch with us at +34 931 68821, and we will point you in the right direction. We provide the most up-to-date and blended curriculum available. We strike a balance between face-to-face classroom instruction and a cutting-edge e-learning platform. Case studies validate our dynamic and participatory teaching methods for a hands-on business education that fosters entrepreneurial thinking.
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mbbsblogsblog · 1 year
Exploring MBBS Opportunities in Spain: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students
Pursuing a medical degree is a dream for many Indian students, and Spain has emerged as an increasingly popular destination for studying medicine. With its renowned universities, high-quality education system, and vibrant culture, Spain offers excellent opportunities for Indian students aspiring to become doctors. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on exploring MBBS opportunities in Spain for Indian students.
Education System in Spain: The education system in Spain is highly regarded worldwide, and its medical universities uphold a strong reputation for academic excellence. The medical degree in Spain is known as "Licenciado en Medicina" or "Grado en Medicina," which is equivalent to the MBBS degree in India. The duration of the program is usually six years, including both theoretical and practical training.
Recognized Universities: Several universities in Spain offer medical programs that are recognized by both Indian and international medical authorities. Some of the renowned institutions include the University of Barcelona, Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Valencia, and University of Granada. It is important to choose a university that is recognized by the Medical Council of India (MCI) to ensure the degree's validity back in India.
Admission Requirements: To pursue MBBS in Spain, Indian students need to fulfill certain admission requirements. Typically, these include having a high school diploma or equivalent, qualifying entrance exams (if applicable), and demonstrating proficiency in the Spanish language. Some universities may also require students to pass the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) conducted in India.
Language Proficiency: Since the medium of instruction in most Spanish universities is Spanish, it is crucial for Indian students to have a good command of the language. Many universities require students to pass language proficiency exams such as the DELE (Diploma of Spanish as a Foreign Language) or SIELE (International Spanish Language Evaluation Service). It is advisable to undertake language courses or attend language schools before joining the medical program to ensure a smooth transition.
Cost of Education and Scholarships: The cost of education in Spain varies depending on the university and location. Generally, public universities offer lower tuition fees compared to private institutions. Additionally, living expenses including accommodation, food, and transportation should be considered. Indian students can explore various scholarships and financial aid options provided by the Spanish government, universities, and international organizations to ease their financial burden.
Work Opportunities and Residency: During their studies, international students are allowed to work part-time in Spain. This provides an opportunity to gain practical experience and cover living expenses. After completing the medical program, students can apply for a work permit or continue their education through residency programs or specialization courses in Spain.
Licensing and Return to India: Upon completing the MBBS program in Spain, Indian students need to obtain the necessary certifications and licenses to practice medicine in India. This includes clearing the Foreign Medical Graduates Examination (FMGE) conducted by the MCI. It is advisable to stay updated with the latest requirements and procedures set by the Indian medical authorities.
Studying MBBS in Spain can be a life-changing experience for Indian students, offering them a global perspective, high-quality education, and cultural immersion. It is essential to conduct thorough research, consult with educational advisors, and make well-informed decisions while planning to pursue medical studies in Spain. By considering the aforementioned points and following the necessary procedures, Indian students can embark on a rewarding journey towards becoming successful doctors.
Truly, exploring MBBS opportunities in Spain opens up a world of possibilities for Indian students. With its prestigious universities, competitive programs, and diverse cultural experiences, Spain provides a conducive environment for aspiring doctors. By understanding the admission requirements, language proficiency, costs, and licensing procedures, Indian students can confidently embark on their journey to pursue MBBS in Spain. It is crucial for students to carefully research and select recognized universities that meet their academic and career goals.
To ensure a smooth transition, Indian students should focus on improving their proficiency in the Spanish language. Language courses or attending language schools can greatly enhance their ability to communicate effectively with patients, colleagues, and faculty members. Additionally, obtaining the necessary language proficiency certifications, such as DELE or SIELE, will strengthen their applications and increase their chances of acceptance into medical programs.
Financial considerations play a significant role in planning for MBBS in Spain. Students should thoroughly assess the tuition fees, living expenses, and potential scholarships or financial aid opportunities available. Public universities generally offer more affordable tuition fees compared to private institutions. Exploring scholarships provided by the Spanish government, universities, and international organizations can alleviate the financial burden and make studying in Spain more accessible.
During their studies, Indian students are permitted to work part-time in Spain. Taking advantage of work opportunities not only helps cover living expenses but also provides practical experience in the medical field. Engaging in internships, volunteering, or part-time medical positions can enhance students' understanding of the Spanish healthcare system and broaden their skill set.
After completing their MBBS in Spain, students have various options. They can choose to apply for a work permit and practice medicine in Spain or pursue residency programs or specialization courses to further enhance their medical knowledge and skills. Alternatively, students may decide to return to India and fulfill the licensing requirements set by the Medical Council of India (MCI). Clearing the FMGE examination is a crucial step for Indian students to obtain the necessary certifications and licenses to practice medicine in India.
It is important for students to stay updated with the evolving licensing procedures and requirements set by both Spanish and Indian medical authorities. Regularly consulting with educational advisors, keeping in touch with alumni networks, and actively participating in professional associations can provide valuable guidance and support throughout the journey.
Studying MBBS in Spain offers Indian students a unique opportunity to experience a different healthcare system, immerse themselves in a vibrant culture, and gain a global perspective on medicine. It broadens their horizons and equips them with valuable skills and knowledge that can positively impact their future careers.
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ajita-tannu · 3 years
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BIRTH NAME: Ajita Tannu NICKNAME: Aji AGE+DOB: 24 years old, 18th of February 1997 GENDER: Demi-girl PRONOUNS: she/her or they/them NATIONALITY: Indian/American ETHNICITY: Marathi Indian EDUCATION: High School diploma, Bachelor in Philosophy from the University of Ghent, one unfinished Bachelor in Philosophy at the University of Barcelona. PLACE OF BIRTH: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India CURRENT LOCATION: Pleasance, Ohio OCCUPATION: Working at their parent’s business at Southwood Inn RELIGION: Hinduism ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good FAMILY: Unknown FACECLAIM: Prajakta Koli
+ Active, Friendly, Challenging, Dedicated, Disciplined, Passionate, Resourceful +/-  Perfectionist, Ambitious, Outspoken - Argumentative, Blunt, Domineering, Meddlesome, Opinionated
Ritesh and Harsha had one dream for their only child: to be born under the best possible consequences. Which was after they had settled down in the United States, gotten their motel running, and ensured there was no possible way they could be sent back. 
None of that worked out. Ajita Hannu was born in Mumbai, India, after all. 
She grew up with her family, all of them on a small estate in the middle of the city, being exposed to the noises and the smells of her parent’s city. She was taught English by her mother’s sister, she learned some Hindi, but mostly she was kept at home while her parents tried to figure out their plan. Because the plan was still the plan. When her parents had finally gotten the visa’s and everything needed for their planned immigration, Ajita was seven. She had the same attitude as her peers: to be the best at everything. 
Still, Pleasance Ohio was a huge adjustment. Everything was so quiet. Ajita spent a lot of her time either at home or at school, because she didn’t like how quiet it was. Something about it felt eerie. But slowly she became more and more acquainted with the other kids in the town, even if she had little time for it. Her parents owned the small inn at the border of the tow: the Southwood Inn. And between herself, her mom, her dad, and a friend of theirs who helps with the cleaning all the work is divided up. After school she helped out. Just a little bit at first, but by the time she was twelve, she did everything. And she did it as practically as possible. Ajita wasted not a single moment. 
She would study while manning the front desk, listen to Spanish podcasts while she cleaned the rooms, and prepare her school paper while she checked the inventory. Ajita always had her hands in multiple projects at once. She was the main voice for less plastic at school, protected anyone at school who felt different, started a LGBTQ+ group because she had realised already at eleven that she was very much into women. Most people thought she was too much, always voicing her opinion or trying to get votes or signatures or followers or whatever she needed. She had very few friends, but she didn’t care. Her parents were her best friends, and Ajita had great plans. Like her parents, she had great plans. 
Studying came effortless to Ajita, she got high marks, sucked in information at any opportunity and by age sixteen was fluent in English, Hindi, and Spanish, with the intention of learning Catalan, German, and Italian. To her every subject was equally important, but there was one thing she was most interested in: what people wanted. How people saw themselves. People. She wanted to know how humanity worked. So she applied at the University of Barcelona. Her parents weren’t happy, and she was met with some resistance. They didn’t want to let her go, afraid that she would be the odd one out, misunderstood, and that she didn’t want to come back. But they didn’t realise how much Ajita loved Pleasance. She would always come back. 
After a whole lot of begging, Ajita was allowed to leave. 
She moved to Barcelona at eighteen, her grades were top of the bunch, the scholarship was in her pocket, and she had grand dreams for her future. She was already on her way to study Catalan, and managed to pick her way through the application in Spanish without any difficulty. 
She studied for one and a half year in Barcelona, traveling all over the country on the weekend, before she quit the program. The language was part of the problem, Catalan was different from Spanish, and because of her internal confusion trying to differentiate between two languages, she didn’t get the marks she wanted, or the marks that would keep her there.
Since she still had half a year till the next semester, Ajita traveled around most of Western and some of Eastern Europe, backpacking and crowd surfing. She had made enough friends over the years that she could knock on the doors in random cities and towns, and would always find a place to stay if she wasn’t staying in hostels. The experience was fantastic, and it was even better when she realised not much later that she had been accepted at the University of Ghent for another course in Philosophy. 
Now nineteen, Ajita moved to Belgium for a second try at Philosophy, taking Dutch classes on the side and once again spending her weekends traveling all over, this time visiting places in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany. 
Her bachelor was three years, and a one year Master - another reason why she came to love the Belgian system. That and she didn’t have to pay all that much when it came to tuition. But Ajita found more than just happiness in the place. She also learned a lot about herself. Belgium was a whole lot more accepting of her status as being a lesbian, but it wasn’t just that, she joined the LGBTQ+ clubs around the city of Ghent, and found herself. 
Growing up they had always felt different, not really fitting the gender roles people had assigned to them. They didn’t like wearing dresses, they joined soccer teams, and all their friends growing up had been boys. They had felt slightly awkward in their own body, and jealous of male characters in the media. Growing up they wanted to be Batman or Ash Ketchum for Halloween, not a princes like their girly classmates. They loved getting dirty and felt awkward when someone suggested they wear make-up. They were a tomboy, according to the neighbors, their long hair always in a knot on the back of their head, checking out their face in the mirror, imaging themselves different. 
Although Ajita could never really say different in what way. 
Demi-girl was the term she adopted in Belgium, and she planned to bring home with her. 
Their last summer vacation they traveled to India, where they stayed till Holi. 
She returned home with a Bachelor in her pocket, and over twenty thousand followers on her youtube traveling account. Both of which were worth little back in Pleasance, but she would find a way. 
The plan was to take over the family business, and then she was going to run for mayor, but before she would do everything she could to make Pleasance better. Her beloved hometown. Despite all the cities they had seen and placed they had visited, nothing could top Pleasance. 
They have a husky called Charlemagne. They found him a year ago in Bulgaria, and after a whole lot of effort, managed to send him to their parents in Pleasance. For the past year they’ve taken care of him, but he instantly recognised Ajita when she returned home.
Ajita does not believe in Ghosts. She does believe that local legends can help Pleasance grow as a tourist spot. 
Ajita is rather known around Pleasance, or was, before she left to study abroad. She was a very annoying kid, who was always putting a foot in someone’s business, writing her school paper, getting signatures. Ajita had so many causes that she got swamped half of the time. She would talk to anyone who she met on the street, any tourist, any traveler. The tourists love her, the locals not so much at times. 
She helped put some places out of business when she was younger, outing businesses that were doing horrible things to their employees. But she has also managed to keep a lot of big corporations out, collecting so many signatures that she got a project stopped before it even began. 
She doesn’t like George Alby at all.
Local businesses to Ajita are the most important thing in a small town, and big companies put them out of business is one of their major concerns. They understand the philosophy behind it, and get why small business have problems surviving while big corporations can go ahead without much trouble, but she believes there is a possibility. 
They love backpacking, and hiking, which is what they always end up doing during the weekend, bringing Charlemagne along. 
- childhood friends: Ajita was seven when they came to Pleasance. They’re bound to have known most people around the school, being as active as they were, though few people could probably stand them.
- enemies: you don’t get as politically active as Ajita and not make any enemies, they are sure to figure out where they stand now, having returned after studying. 
- visitors at the Southwood Inn: Ajita works at her parent’s business, though sometimes it looks like she’s the one running it. She’s not curious, but she will try to strike up a conversation. 
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felipeandletizia · 4 years
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June 16, 2020: King Felipe held videoconferences with the responsible for the Executive Committee of the Spanish Private Health Alliance (ASPE), and the IDIS Foundation (Institute for the Development and Integration of Health), which cover practically all of the Spanish private health actors, a strategic ally of the National Health System during the COVID-19 crisis.
This videoconference is developed within the framework of the contacts maintained by the King with the health sector during the pandemic, in which there have been calls and videoconferences, among others, to 47 hospitals and to the schools of Doctors, Pharmacists, and Nursing and of Psychology. And in those conversations, Don Felipe has sent a message of gratitude, encouragement and recognition to all those who have worked and still work today in the front line against the virus and which today has extended to private health professionals.
According to the data of the 2020 Report of the IDIS Foundation on private health, it represents a high weight in the Spanish productive sector and represents 2.6% of GDP. There are 8.7 million insured (18.5% of the population), perform 30.5% of surgical interventions; 23.5% of the discharges; 24.5% of emergencies; 23.5% of income; 17.5% of stays and 19.7% of consultations. It has 458 hospitals (57% of the total) and more than 51,000 beds (32% of the total), with almost 270,000 professionals and 215 places of residents in private centers in 2020 (24 university hospitals).
Don Felipe has spoken with the executive president of ASPE, Carlos Rus; the vice president, Juan Carlos González; and the honorary president and president of the CEOE Health and Social Affairs Commission, Cristina Contel, in a meeting in which they highlighted that it is one of the sectors most affected by the crisis due to its consideration as an essential sector. This has required the maintenance of operational resources with total and absolute availability, with provisioning costs at an unprecedented speculative level, limitations on the adequacy of structures and expenses, deprogramming of all non-urgent activities; and, in general, with a huge decrease in ordinary activity.
ASPE explains that, depending on the impact of the pandemic in each territory, private health has maintained a different degree of participation with the regional administrations. In areas such as Madrid or the province of Barcelona it has been necessary to double and triple ICUs. In regions such as Castilla-La Mancha or Castilla y León, the creation of parallel circuits was chosen, where the private circuit was used as a COVID-free circuit. On the other hand, it indicates that in the regions with the least pandemic affection, all the private infrastructure was also available, but without being required. All healthcare areas have been significantly affected due to the management of the pandemic. Specifically, surgical interventions decreased by 83%, diagnostic tests by 79%, emergencies by 73% and consultations by 67%. ASPE representatives highlight that, despite the difficulties that the centers are going through, 89% hired new professionals during the crisis, 5% in the comparison of the same period of the previous year.
Another capital issue is related to investments in protective equipment, which only increased by 71% in April and March compared to the entire year of 2019. The most extreme case is that of surgical masks, whose price has increased 1,423% compared to the existing price in December 2019.
The Spanish Private Health Alliance (ASPE) groups almost 1,300 private health entities, among which are hospitals and clinics, specialized centers, laboratories, health transport companies, etc. ASPE has more than 80% representation of the country's private hospital centers. In addition, the territorial associations of Catalonia, Community of Madrid, Basque Country, Andalusia, Galicia, Balearic Islands and Murcia are part of the Spanish Private Health Alliance.
Carlos Rus Palacios, President of ASPE, has a Law degree from the University of Navarra. Diploma in Business Management from the San Telmo International Institute; Senior Management Program of Health Entities by the San Telmo International Institute. Professor of Master in Health Management and Administration at the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca and CEU San Pablo. President of the Global Health Foundation. Member of the Executive Committee of the European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP). Member of the Executive Committee of the CEOE and of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Confederation of CEPYME.
Juan Carlos González Acebes, Vice President of ASPE, has a degree in Economics and Business Sciences from the University of Valladolid. Ten years at Arthur Andersen as an auditor and consultant. 22 years in the health sector, where he was founder of the IDC Salud Group (now Quirón Salud). Corporate General Director of the Quirón Salud Group, member of the Board of Directors and president of various companies. Member of the Management Committee of the Jiménez Díaz Foundation and vice president of the Quirón Salud Foundation.
Cristina Contel Bonet, member of the ASPE Executive Committee, has a Law degree from the University of Barcelona, ​​with "Distinction of Honor". Master of Business Lawyers with "Extraordinary Mention", number 1 of the promotion. Master in Labor and Social Security Law, University of Barcelona, ​​and President of the CEOE Health and Social Affairs Commission.
The IDIS Foundation is an institution that brings together the private health sector to promote the improvement of the population's health within an integrated health system. Created in 2010, it has 87 members (hospital groups, insurance companies, the pharmaceutical and technology industries and other entities in the private health sector); In its Board of Trustees it also integrates representative entities of specialists and patients.
This foundation ensures that it defends a solid and viable public health system and highlights its strengths while promoting a private health system of excellence and quality that contributes to promoting competitiveness and improving equity, which eliminates or modulates delays in access. patients to offer services and improve efficiency in particular and health outcomes in general.
IDIS points out that it promotes and values ​​the role of private health not only due to its idiosyncrasy and the quality of its services offered, but also because it is a true reflection of the demand that civil society has, guaranteeing an adequate response to questions. emerging that arise every day (freedom of choice, personalization).
In addition, it maintains a firm commitment from the private sector to the patient, the development of the health professional and their respective training, as well as to quality care, research and innovation in all its forms of expression as an element of sustainability and differentiation.
The IDIS Foundation warns that it works with the premise that private healthcare neither competes nor is an alternative to public healthcare, but that both should complement each other to form an integrated healthcare system. During the 10 years of its existence, the IDIS Foundation has carried out multiple studies that show the excellent level reached by this system of private ownership, not only for its contribution of wealth in terms of GDP and qualified employment, but also in key aspects such as healthcare quality, technological and biopharmaceutical innovation, research and training.
In his opinion, the objective of private health during the COVID19 pandemic has been to enhance collaboration with public administrations and optimize their resources, which has materialized in different actions and strategies to expand coverage to the maximum number of patients. To do this, they have expanded the staff of health professionals: doctors, nurses, health assistants and cleaning staff have been the main profiles incorporated.
Coincides with ASPE in highlighting that they have had to reschedule the activity, with the postponement of consultations and interventions that were not urgent or preferential; Services unrelated to this epidemiological situation due to COVID-19 infection have been closed, such as polyclinics, gyms or dental clinics. Also noteworthy is the adaptation of spaces to receive patients (both intensive care beds and beds); the acquisition of equipment, mainly intended for the diagnosis and treatment of patients, and the implementation of strategies to care for a greater number of patients, with the introduction of telemedicine and teleconsultations, which has allowed increasing the capacity of care and avoiding displacement from patients with other pathologies to health centers,thus freeing up resources to be able to add them to the fight against the COVID19 pandemic.
Its president, Juan Abarca Cidón, has participated in the videoconference with the IDIS Foundation; the secretary general of IDIS, Ángel de Benito; and the general director of this institute, Marta Villanueva.
Juan Abarca Cidón is a doctor of Medicine and Surgery, a graduate in Medicine and Surgery from the Complutense University of Madrid and a specialist in Family and Community Medicine. In addition, he has a law degree from the San Pablo CEU University of Madrid. He is currently president of the HM Hospitals Hospital Group, the group in which he began his career, after being a resident doctor of Family and Community Medicine at the Puerta de Hierro Clinic.
In 2002 he founded the company Profesionales de la Medicina y el Derecho SA (PROMEDE), of which he is president and CEO. He is also vice president of the Spanish Association of Health Law and collaborating professor in the Department of Clinical Medical Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of the San Pablo CEU University. Between 2012 and 2019 he was a member of the Permanent Commission of the Advisory Council of the Minister of Health.
Ángel de Benito has a degree in Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid. Later he completed the specialty of Digestive Apparatus and for fifteen years he has combined this activity with that of forensic doctor for the Ministry of Justice.
He has been Head of the Emergency Service of a private hospital in Madrid. Integrated in Mapfre since 1990, he has passed through the Departments of Quality and Expenditure Control, has been medical director of Madrid, director of the Area of ​​Medical Centers and national director of the Area of ​​Medical Providers. He collaborates in the Mapfre Foundation Health Promotion Area. Currently, he is the director of the Medical Orientation Area of ​​Mapfre Spain.
Marta Villanueva has a degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and an MBA in the specialty of Human Resources Management from UNED. Her professional experience has been linked to the Spanish Association for Quality (AEC) since 1993, an entity in which she has held various positions. Since 2008 she was its CEO. She is executive vice president of the European Organization for Quality (EOQ), and a member of the Institute of Councilors-Administrators of Spain (ICA) and member of the Circle of UnLtd Spain for the promotion of entrepreneurship.
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c3s-business-school · 4 years
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Level 7 Diploma in Health and Social Care Management qualification is to develop learners’ understanding of policy, management theory and practice in health and social care. It provides learners with an opportunity to engage with the challenges facing professionals, services users and policy makers Successful completion of the Level 7 Diploma in Health and Social Care Management qualification enables learners to progress into or within employment.
WHY STUDY WITH C3S? 1. Flexible academic program with learning methods 2. Access to C3S E-resources 3. Spanish + English language courses 4. Paid internship opportunities with multinational companies 5. Option to further your studies at C3S Business School, Barcelona and Several UK Universities 6. OTHM (UK) is recognized as an Awarding Organization (AO) Approved and regulated by OFQUAL (Office of the Qualifications and Examinations Regulation).
C3S organizes career fairs and encourage students to attend fair sessions as this give will them the opportunity for internships to develop good networking. Students can benefit of the school associations for internship opportunities.
For more information about diploma in Healthcare Management in Spain, you can visit: https://www.csss.es/diploma-level-7-in-health-and-social-care-management/
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vitmelbourne · 4 years
Why students from all over the world going to study Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Melbourne Australia
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Today the hospitality Industry is an profitable and exciting industry and the best way to build a carrier in right way, world class certification in Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Melbourne help for the graduate students to build their carrier. The institute give the path through professional training and education, they offers a basic overview of different types of culinary arts programs available as a prospective students. Diploma in hospitality management at VIT means achieving high level career positions in world class restaurants, hotels and other place.
Graduates of the cooking class can work as cooks. Graduates can be the boss of a prestigious restaurant, they can also work as a personal chef and enjoy more flexibility and creative freedom. We also know that the chef has good positions in his career.
Generally, you can expect a commonplace forty hour week, however you must be arranged to be bothered at odd hours infrequently. There are additionally front office supervisors. They deal with anything identified with the front work area, so reserving a spot, doling out rooms, and registration fall under their space. They likewise regulate and prepare the staff at the front work area with Hospitality training in Sydney.
For Diploma of hospitality management Australia There are parameters and management rules that you will learn. Get opportunity to learn the cost, setting up spending plans and assigning subsidizing to different offices, and setting benchmarks for the nature of administration. Chiefs are another sort, and by definition they live in the lodging. Alongside the rich way of life of living in lodging, you turn into an occupant supervisor it’s your obligation to react to crises.
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That’s why schools like VIT Australia focus on helping you to build your professional skills and connections to launch your career and progress quickly in an industry that continues to expand and diversify. It’s important to research a school’s job placement ration when trying to narrow down your top choices.
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Since you also need to be interested in people, in a new country you have the advantage of making lifelong friendships with foreign students like you and other people living in the country. In this way, you can expand your network while maintaining the support you need to optimize your international experience.
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athanassezafirov · 5 years
Athanasse Zafirov || Qualified and experienced financial analyst
Financial Analyst has the most coveted roles in the business industry. A financial analyst researches both macro and microeconomic condition to accumulate knowledge about the financial condition that is going to impact a company’s investments. A financial analyst can work for banks, businesses, individual firms, and industries. With the ever-changing macroeconomic conditions, a financial analyst needs to be abreast with all the developments that are going to affect the company’s investment condition.
A financial analyst recommends the right investment strategies, which include mutual funds, hedge funds, stocks, commodities etc. He also evaluates and compares the securities to give the recommendations related to buying and selling of them.
Due to the importance of the role of the financial analyst, it gets important to find the one who is extremely knowledgeable and experienced in the field. Athanasse Zafirov is a financial analyst who holds all the necessary qualification and experience which makes him an ideal person for this crucial role.
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Dimitri Zafirov is right now pursuing PhD from Anderson School of Business at California. He earned his masters’ in economics from the Institute of Applied Economics, Montreal. His bachelors’ degree is from John Molson School of Business, Concordia University. Dimitri has done his diploma in Computer science from Dawson College. He is also a recipient of excellence award for his master’s thesis which was on “How the US Government Finances its deficits: Macroeconomics Effects of Government Debt Management”.
After graduating, Dimitri has also served as a research assistant at H.E.C. Montreal and MOVE, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona. He has experience of working with Letko-Brosseau & Associates in Montreal. Dimitri is efficient in three languages and holds the knowledge of many including VBA, SQL 9, Oracle 9i and javascript.
Athan Zafirov also received an academic excellence award for attaining highest GPA in Institute of Applied Economics, Montreal. His master’s thesis also received the best master’s thesis award. He is an ideal analyst who can guide the businesses to make the right investment decisions. He is smart and has all the necessary skills that a good financial analyst needs to have.
For more information visit-:
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okcheforg · 5 years
World’s Best Culinary Schools
The World’s Best Culinary Schools
A career in the culinary arts is a great option for many young people and anyone considering a change. This is the kind of job that requires passion and allows for creativity as well as skill. If you love food, cooking, being creative, working with others and even design, consider a culinary career.
Why Choose a Culinary Career?
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In addition to being a fun, meaningful and creative job, working in kitchens and as a chef or cook is also a smart move for practical reasons. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, occupations in food preparation and serving, which includes chefs, cooks, bar tenders and food prep workers, are growing faster than average, at a rate of 11 percent.
This means there will be thousands of new jobs available in the coming years for qualified culinary workers and those willing to learn and train on the job. And you can expect to earn a good living in this field. The average annual salary for chefs and head cooks in the U.S. is $48,460. Top earners in the industry make more than $81,000 annually. 
How to Get into the Culinary Industry – The Importance of Education
Going to school to learn the culinary arts is not strictly necessary or required if you want to work as a cook, chef or other industry professional. However, there are several good reasons to start out on your new career with an academic program:
Culinary school will teach you foundational skills for working in a kitchen.
At a culinary school, you can learn the basics and specialize in things like pastry, baking or mixology.
Some of the best chefs in the world went to culinary school first.
If you don’t have a degree or certificate you will likely start at the bottom in the kitchen, even washing dishes, and have to work your way up to cook.
Training on the job is possible, but it is much easier to advance in a kitchen if you have a culinary degree.
If you’re ready to get started in a career that involves cooking, preparing foods, designing menus and testing recipes, choose your culinary school wisely. There are many good schools and programs, but only a handful can be the best.
10 of the Top Culinary Schools in the World
Many community colleges and vocational schools around the U.S. have culinary programs, but if you’re looking for the best possible food education, you need to look a little further afield. The U.S. is home to a few of the world’s best, but many of the finest chefs trained learned their skills in other countries.
The Basque Culinary Center
The Basque Culinary Center, San Sebastian, Spain. The BCC is renowned internationally as among the best schools for learning not just how to cook, but about nutrition and the science of food, as well as research and innovation. Located in the Basque region of Spain, the BCC was founded in 2011 by Basque chefs and is connected to Mondragon University. It is backed by an international council of eleven of the world’s best chefs. Although it has only been operating for less than ten years, the BCC has quickly become one of the most innovative and highly regarded culinary schools in the world.
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Basque Culinary Center (Photo: San Sebastian Turismo)
At the BCC, you can earn a degree in gastronomy and culinary arts or even work toward a master’s degree in specialty subjects like food tourism, pastry, restaurant management, gastronomic sciences and sommelier studies. As a student here, you can even get involved in research projects related to ingredient sources, eating behaviors, personalized gastronomy and more. The on-location research facility is world-class and offers a unique opportunity to combine food and science.
Le Cordon Blue
Le Cordon Blue, Multiple Locations. One of the most recognizable names in culinary education throughout the world is Le Cordon Bleu. It’s also one of the world’s oldest culinary schools. Founded in 1895 in Paris, there are now 35 campuses in 20 different countries. You can study with Le Cordon Bleu in the U.S. and around the world: Madrid in Spain, London, Paris, Istanbul, Brazil, Mexico, China, Lebanon, Tokyo, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Australia, New Zealand and in many other places.
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Le Cordon Blue, Paris (Photo: Le Cordon Bleu)
Le Cordon Bleu offers a number of programs for aspiring culinary professionals. The Grand Diploma program provides a comprehensive survey of classic French culinary skills and is considered one of the best programs for multiple career opportunities. You can also focus on cuisine, pastry, hospitality, nutrition, and wine and spirits. With such a large, international network of campuses and professionals, finding work as a Le Cordon Bleu graduate means you’ll have many opportunities around the world.
The Culinary Institute of America
The Culinary Institute of America, Multiple Locations. Known as the CIA, the Culinary Institute is one of the best and most well-respected culinary schools in the U.S. Choose from campuses in Hyde Park, New York on the Hudson River, St. Helen, California in Napa Valley, and San Antonio, Texas, near the city’s famed river walk. Most recently, the CIA opened a campus in Singapore as a partnership with the Singapore Institute of Technology and focused on food business management.
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The CIA in the Hudson Valley. (Photo: The Culinary Institute of America)
Founded in 1946, the CIA has been providing a quality education for aspiring chefs for decades. You can choose from shorter certificate and associate degree programs or a full, four-year bachelor’s degree in applied food studies, culinary science, food business management or hospitality management. The shorter programs in baking and pastry arts or culinary arts are more than adequate for starting a kitchen career. Classes are conducted in small groups and students have a chance to learn hands-on and by working in the campus restaurants.
School of Hostelry and Hofmann Restaurant
School of Hostelry and Hofmann Restaurant, Barcelona, Spain. Barcelona in Spain is home to several world-class culinary schools and programs. Founded in 1983 by Mey Hofmann, the Hofmann Group consists of the School of Hostelry, which is the culinary school, the one-Michelin star Hofmann Restaurant, Taverna Hofmann, a more casual restaurant, and the Hofmann Pastry Shop. The School of Hostelry is a benchmark program in Europe, and students here benefit from the restaurants and pastry shop, which are world-renowned.
(Photo: Hofmann Barcelona)
The Hostelry Program teaches students the basic knowledge and foundational skills for kitchen work, but also emphasizes creativity, innovation and experimentation with food and recipes. Students work in learning labs but also have the opportunity to work in the Hofmann Restaurant, the Taverna or the Pastry Shop to hone their skills and get valuable experience in one of the world’s finest kitchens.
Hattori Nutrition College
Hattori Nutrition College, Tokyo, Japan. A truly unique culinary school, Hattori in Japan accepts international students and focuses on training chefs who understand nutrition and how food benefits people. This is the underlying philosophy of the school—founded by Iron Chef Yukio Hattori—which gives students the chance to learn skills for a culinary career as well as additional knowledge about health, nutrition and the healing properties of foods.
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(Photo: Hattori Nutrition College)
Some of the courses you can take at Hattori include nutrition, culinary skills, culinary business administration and patisserie. You’ll graduate from this school with the opportunity to work in restaurants but also as a nutritional consultant, food and nutrition coach, nutritionist or recipe developer.
The School of Artisan Food
The School of Artisan Food, Welbeck, United Kingdom. Another unique international program is available at an excellent facility in the UK known as the School of Artisan Food. The school is focused on teaching the slow art of crafting truly artisan food products, with courses on bread making, cheese making, brewing, butchery, charcuterie, preserving and more. The school is known around the world for teaching these unique, traditional skills and is associated with Nottingham Trent University.
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Welbeck Estate (Photo: Nottingham Trent University)
Much of what the School of Artisan Food offers are short courses for locals and tourists. But there is also an advanced diploma program for students specifically interested in becoming artisan bakers. If bakery work is in your future, consider this special program. Here you’ll learn traditional baking techniques in practical courses, artisan patisserie and the business of crafting and selling artisan foods. Graduates of the program go on to work in bakeries, patisseries and in product development. The program also prepares you to start your own business making and selling artisan bread.
International Culinary Center
International Culinary Center, New York, New York. The International Culinary Center, or ICC, began as the French Culinary Institute in 1984 and evolved over the years into one of the world’s leading educators of chefs and bakers. The goal of the founder was to bring professional, French culinary education to the U.S. and specifically to students in New York. The philosophy of quality training in an immersive environment and classic French style continue, and students come from around the U.S. and the world to study here.
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The International Culinary Center
The ICC offers a few select and focused programs to train students to work in the culinary profession. The classic course is the Professional Culinary Arts program, which can also be completed with an intensive farm-to-table course of study added to it. The Professional Pastry Arts program can train you to begin working as a baker or pastry chef. You can also add courses in cake techniques and decoration or international bread baking to this program. Finally, the ICC offers an Intensive Sommelier Training program if you’re interested in becoming a wine specialist.
Institute of Culinary Education
Institute of Culinary Education, New York City and Los Angeles. ICE is a large school with two campuses to serve students on the east and west coasts. It is a world leader in training chefs, bakers, pastry chefs and restaurant managers. The school began in 1975 and now has several programs that take between six and 13 months to complete. ICE programs have won numerous awards from organizations like the James Beard Foundation and the International Association of Culinary Professionals.
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(Photo: Institute of Culinary Education )
Some of the alumni of ICE include famous New York restaurateur Marc Murphy and food journalist and Top Chef host, Gail Simmons. Like these star chefs you can learn the culinary trade at ICE with programs in Culinary Arts, Pastry and Baking Arts, Health-Supportive Culinary Arts, Restaurant and Culinary Management, and Hospitality and Hotel Management.
Ferrandi, Paris, France. Ferrandi in Paris has been teaching and training new chefs for nearly 100 years. This school is unique in offering a wide range of programs, from short, vocational training courses to master’s degrees. In addition to the main Paris campus, students can study at two other locations just outside the city and one in Bordeaux. The educational philosophy at Ferrandi is to blend traditional classroom and kitchen learning with real-world work in local restaurants, hotels and other companies. All students benefit from internships.
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The programs you can choose from at Ferrandi include French pastry, French bread baking and French cuisine. Students can also combine tracks or earn a bachelor’s degree in hospitality and management or a master’s degree in hotel management. Programs are available in both French and English to meet the needs of international students.
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts, Austin, Texas and Boulder, Colorado. This legendary American cooking school is based on classic French techniques. The namesake of the school, Escoffier, was a French chef who revolutionized cooking by beginning the tradition of formally training chefs. The school bases its programs on Escoffier’s philosophy of discipline and exacting techniques for French cooking.
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Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Both Auguste Escoffier campuses focus on two main types of programs: culinary arts and baking and pastry. With just two programs, the school has been able to develop the coursework and instruction into some of the finest training anywhere. World-class chefs are the instructors and the classes are small, student-focused and hands-on. You can also take courses online and receive hands-on training through an industry externship.
A career in the culinary arts is both exciting and rewarding. If you enjoy working in a fast-paced environment, making food and interacting with others, you may love being a chef. Other careers in the industry include management, consulting and research and development. What all these careers have in common, besides food, is that the best way to get started is with a good education. Culinary school sets you up for success in the industry, providing a foundation that will help you land your first job and propel you upwards as you advance in your culinary career.
The post World’s Best Culinary Schools appeared first on OKChef.
source https://okchef.org/worlds-best-culinary-schools/
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samc3s · 2 years
The C3S Business School's Diploma in Project Management will help you advance your career
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If you want to expand your knowledge and abilities. Many people nowadays are considering enrolling in a certificate program rather than a degree program. In Barcelona, C3S Business School offers both on-campus and online diploma programs. You should enroll in one of the courses to improve your prospects and take advantage of new opportunities. Once you’ve completed the diploma program, you’ll have a plethora of alternatives. When you complete one of the diploma programs offered by us – whether on campus or off campus, you can have monetary growth in addition to gaining skills and knowledge. Our diploma courses are economical and will prepare you for employment in a sector of your choice once you have completed the course. At our Barcelona Campus, we offer a variety of diploma programs. You can select a course that best meets your needs. Obtain the necessary education and experience in the field in which you intend to work.
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The OTHM Level 7 Diploma Project Management qualification is designed to meet the needs of senior managers responsible for projects and provide a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental topics needed to manage business projects within a complex and ever-changing environment. This qualification will develop a deeper understanding of both theoretical and practical aspects of the project, program, and portfolio management and facilitate the essential skills and competencies necessary to plan, monitor, control, and deliver successful projects, programs, and portfolios. A Project Management diploma can lead to a variety of professional opportunities. Various designations such as Assistant Project Manager, Business Project Manager, Project Coordinator, Consultant, Project Scheduler, Program Analyst, Program Assistant, and others can help you to boost your career in sectors such as healthcare, financial services, legal system, engineering, and construction, and information and technology.
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C3S Business School provides its current and prospective students with the guidance, resources, and support to address accommodation, immigration, and academic matters. We also have a proactive student support team that will walk you through all the steps to begin your career in Spain. If you are willing to grab the benefits of studying the Diploma in Project Management, then you should contact us at +34 931 68821, and we are prepared to guide you in the right direction. We offer the most modern and blended curriculum. We strike a balance between classroom face-to-face instruction and a state-of-the-art e-learning platform. Case studies reaffirm our dynamic and participatory teaching techniques for a hands-on business education that develops entrepreneurial thinking. Our faculty members are not only innovative thinkers and experienced educators but are also change-makers in their fields of expertise. Our day-to-day operations are managed by a highly competent and dedicated academic and administrative staff who ensure that the students have everything they need.
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powerdragonmoon · 8 years
Mari!!! On Ice (Update)
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credit for cover page @deusbex (thank you!)
Chapter 4: Disaster and Dancing! The GPF Free Skate! Part 1: The Warm Up!
Adrien sprinted, turning down a random alleyway, barely breaking a sweat as he jumped a locked chain-linked fence. The hood of his grey hoodie promptly fell back, revealing his mussed blonde hair. Landing softly on he hard concrete, he turned to see the screeching tires of his coach’s town car as it ditched the idea of chasing him down the narrow path.
Perhaps he should’ve just answered his phone.
Grinning widely, he mentally patted himself on the back for a successful foray into a small act of rebelliousness. He had snuck out of the hotel and made his way to the arena relatively undetected. Not only had he had gotten to watch the warm up, he even managed to stick around to watch a couple of the performances of the ladies’ short program.
One of those skates being from Adrien’s old – and some would say only – friend Chloe. And while it wasn’t her best skate, Adrien was happy to have been there to experience it in person and to support his friend from close by. He would have to be sure to text her some words of encouragement sometime tomorrow, once the wounds had some time to heal. Unfortunately just before Chloe had wrapped up her performance, the continued hum from his phone in his pocket alerted him that people were most likely alerted to his absence, which led him to standing outside the arena, contemplating the pros and cons to answering the incessant buzzing of his cell.
Which had led to an even more fascinating development. Standing outside, Adrien had managed to bump into his French female counterpart. He knew he recognized her the minute he grabbed her hand to help her up off the ground. She wore a familiar black jacket, one which Adrien himself had a copy of, given to him by the French Skating Federation. Of course, he himself never wore his… his father always specially made his own custom sportswear and had his outfits planned just as intricately as his schedule.
Still, the giddiness and freedom he felt in his anonymity – he had to ensure no one recognized him of course – had left him able to interact with his own peer. He had actually quietly cheered and admired her skate earlier that night. And while he couldn’t recall ever really meeting her in person – other than passing by one another throughout the years – Adrien felt a pressure to ensure he made a good first impression. Luckily for him though, she hadn’t identified him as Adrien Agreste, so he found himself behaving much more outgoing and wild from his usual reserved self.
Back to his daring escape, Adrien turned, his back grazing against the cool metal of the fence now behind him. Grinning, he whipped the pair of sunglasses he wore off his face, picturing himself as a hero in some cheesy action movie, aloofly walking away from a major explosion in the background. He stood tall in his achievement, tucking the sunglasses into his pocket and puffing his chest out, before being suddenly pulled back by his shoulder.
“Ack!” he yelped, falling back against the malleable fence wall, uncharacteristically flailing for a moment before regaining his balance. He glanced over his shoulder to see his leather jacket had gotten tangled into the wire netting of the fence. Huffing a deep breath, Adrien slipped out of his jacket, intent of getting it free.
As he delicately worked on untangling the black leather from its silver, metal trap, he felt another familiar murmur of his cellphone emanating from his jacket pocket.
Sighing, he reached forward knowing exactly who was phoning him. So far tonight, he had been quite adamant about ignoring these calls, but after almost getting run over he figured it might be for the best to try to appease the situation. He stared down at his phone screen for a moment, still hesitant, before reluctantly answering the call.
“Yes, Coach Serdtsebezski?”
“Adrien,” replied a hash, steely, Russian accented voice, “Vhere are you?”
Giving up momentarily on his jacket, Adrien reached a hand up to scratch the back of his head, “Just leaving the gym…”
He could easily picture her ice-cold glare. Having known him since he was very young, Adrien’s coach, Nataliya Serdtsebeznykh was a renowned figure skating coach. Ever professional and even more so strict, Gabriel Agreste had hired her on to coach his son after his wife’s sudden illness. But even prior to that Nataliya had always been a close family friend, so Adrien had long since been accustomed to her extremely cold demeanour that matched the unforgiving industry in which she excelled.
So it was no surprise to Adrien that she immediately seemed skeptical of his answer, easily able to see through his lies.
“The one in the hotel?” she asked.
Pausing for a moment, Adrien ran through his options. He could say he was at a gym close by… but he wouldn’t know any specifics, specifics that his Coach would for sure ask about. But if he said he was in the hotel, he would have to haul ass and get back there as soon as possible.
Clearing his throat, Adrien answered, “Yes… I, I just felt that some light cardio would be good as a cool down from practice this morning… so I just did a bit of work on the treadmill and some stretching.” Internally, he flinched, not even able to convince himself of the half-baked lie, “I’m just heading back to my room. Going to go to bed, so…”
“Is that right? I thought the gym would be close this time of night.”
“Ah, well, they kept it open… It was pretty busy…”
A pause. Adrien shifted, reaching to tug on his jacket once more. They both knew he wasn’t in the hotel.  
“Well then,” his coach continued, and Adrien let out a breath that he hadn’t realized he had been holding, “if you don’t mind, would you be able to join us at the bar for a quick run through of your program and discuss tomorrow’s skate?”
Finally getting his jacket free, Adrien juggled holding his phone to his ear, while putting his jacket back on and dancing around a response to reply with, “Ah, well… I’m pretty tired, so I was planning on going to bed.” He laughed nervously, “You know how important sleep is before a competit–”
“Adrien,” she interrupted curtly, immediately silencing his rambling, her voice even more severe and dissonant, “You’re father is here.”
Eyes wide, Adrien almost dropped his phone in shock, “I – I, whaaat– ? Father is h-here?”
Slightly exasperated, Nataliya replied, “Yes, met us down in at the bar, immediately.”
And with that the call ended.
Adrien froze, his phone in hand, staring down at the screen flashing at him that the call was indeed over, and that yes that conversation had just taken place. Whipping his head back up to look around him, Adrien immediately began to orient himself in the middle of the busy Barcelona streets, calculating the quickest way back to the hotel.
“Shit,” he muttered quietly under his breath.
And for the second time that night, Adrien found himself once again sprinting across the city intent on reaching his destination in a believable amount of time – more specifically the amount of time it would take to get from his penthouse suite in the hotel to the posh bar in the lobby.
The first time Marinette had seen Adrien Agreste skate, she knew she was watching magic.
His edgework was flawless, accented further by the deep bend in his knees that he made look breathtakingly easy, and on top of all this, his jumps were perfect – a stunning mixture of strong and powerful, while at the same time beautifully graceful. He was everything that judges looked for: high levels of difficulty, excellent grades of execution, and artistry.
Marinette, only 11 years old at the time, had just been accepted into INSEP, the National Institute of Sport. That previous spring she had started her training at the center, found in the Bois de Vincennes, just on the outskirts of Paris. She adored it. Being able to go to straight to the arena first thing in the morning – even if she had to endure waking up early and the 1-hour commute on the metro.
From dawn ‘til dusk, and even in her dreams, her time was filled with thoughts on skating. Thinking about the costumes, the choreography, the techniques, the spins, the jumps… the list was endless and ever growing. Albeit there were interludes of study sessions, but the older athletes spoke tales and wonders of getting their baccalauréat diploma as early as 15 in order to focus more time of training and competitive skating. This new world almost entirely immersed in figure skating was a dream come true.
Which had eventually led to a group field trip for Marinette and a few of the young figure skaters that winter. They, along with some selected locals were invited to be flower sweepers at the 2008 French Figure Skating Championships in Megève, and young Marinette had danced in celebration.
The job was simple, skate on the ice after each performance and collect the various bouquets and gifts that had been thrown forth from the crowd. Dressed in pretty and simple dark blue outfits, they were meant to showcase their quick and efficient skating techniques while at the same time gain the experience of being on a national stage and dealing with the atmosphere of competition.
“I’m going to go out there… skate the fastest and pick up the most plushies than anyone!” bellowed Alix, a short and spunky, pinked haired skater, who while being a year older than Marinette, still sat shorter than her. Their coaches had deemed her ideal for pairs skating, a daredevil on and off the ice, who had no problem being lifted and thrown about. However, the one deterring factor was that no partnership seemed to fit just right, and they often ended in some passive aggressive silent treatments for weeks on end. Marinette however had no problem getting along with Alix. They spent many afternoons and warm-ups racing each other in laps around the ice.
“And then, while everyone else is still picking up their first bunch of flowers,” she continued, a bright spark in her eyes, “I’m gonna do a double Salchow.”
“Alix…” piped another of Marinette’s training mates, Rose, a kind-hearted girl, the youngest of them all, “You wouldn’t want to get in trouble! Oh it would be awful if they sent you home because of that!”
“Pffffft,” Alix returned, crossing her arms and leaning back against the hard train seats, “I’d like to see ‘em try!”
At this the group broke out into giggles at Alix’s jeer. They had more than gotten accustomed to her talks of glory and astonishment, and while they knew better than to expect her to go through with said plan, together they delighted in imagining the skaters they would see in person.
“Oh!!! I’m so excited to see Brain Joubert!” Rose swooned.
“I’m excited to see the ladies programs,” Marinette added, “I bet their costumes will be divine!”
Alix, completely oblivious to the others, stared out the window, “I wonder how fast this train is going?”
It wasn’t until later the next day in the Palais des Sports Arena that Marinette stood at the boards, mouth about in awe.
They had been at the arena for almost the entire day, drinking hot chocolate and watching as the competitors warmed up. A pair of hairdressers had even stopped by to do their hair and have them ready for the ice. They cooed over Marinette’s pigtails, eventually deciding to leave them be – with the addition of hairspray and glitter of course. Rose on the other hand, with her long blonde hair, was given an elegant high bun, wrapped in a braid. She admired the handiwork in the mirror, thanking the hairdressers profusely and giggling under the shower of added glitter.
Alix however did not receive the same treatment. The hairdressers lamented over her asymmetrical haircut, and sweated in combing out all her tangles. Eventually they fashioned some sort of side bun with one side of her hair French-braided. She scowled when approached with the thought of glitter and promptly dodged any attempts – dodges that managed to askew bits and pieces of her hair before they were even on the ice!
Today’s events so fair had mostly been the Junior brackets, and it was enjoyable to watch as skaters just a little older than themselves skated across the ice, giving them hopes and glimpses into their possible futures.
At least it was enjoyable for most of them.
“This is lame…” Alix whispered as they waited for the start of the Junior Men’s Short Program, “When do we see the good stuff?”
“Oh hush, Alix!” Rose scolded half-heartedly, a small giggle escaping her pretend scowl. Because in the end, they all sort of were somewhat unimpressed, having just watched the Junior Ladies’ Short Program, knowing that soon they would easily skate just as well as most of the competitors. It made them thirsty to show off their own prowess, but instead they were assigned to skate around like babies, picking up various gifts thrown on the ice, basically invisible as all eyes stayed glued onto the performers.  
But the day changed for Marinette once her eyes locked on to his.
It wasn’t until he gotten a few seconds into his short program that Marinette had really noticed him. Prior to that, he was just another skater. He was dressed simply and elegantly. Perfectly tailored black dress pants with a simple white button-up shirt, rolled up to his elbows, a peek of a black t-shirt underneath and matching black suspenders running up his torso and over his shoulders. Nothing entirely groundbreaking or eye-catching but nevertheless he looked very well put together.
His music was classical, a generic choice, but something about it in combination to his skating made her think of springtime. Perhaps it was the brightness of his blonde hair, or the verdant richness of his beautiful green eyes that reminded her of rain-soaked grass and twining vines – details that she couldn’t help but catch as he passed by, so close and so fast. His eyes looked into the crowd as his circled the rink’s boundaries, picking up speed.
Of course he wasn’t looking at her directly, but in her memories she liked to think he spotted her, picked her out from the crowd. He moved with a grace that kept the arena silent in awe. His footwork perfectly timed and matching with the rushing, complex melody of his program. He looked charmingly young and spirited even though his moments on the ice showed maturity and mastery of the sport. The choreography of his skating was made to look easy and lovely, despite the fact that Marinette could see the perfection of his technique and the difficultly inherent in his subtle movements.
And when he jumped.
He flew.
Over the applause of the crowd, Marinette could vaguely hear her friends next to her.
“Wow,” gapped Rose, eyes wide.
“Who…?” asked Alix.
Mariette, sitting in between the two, was barely able to register their gasps, let alone her own. Instead she watched as the boy landed his triple-triple combination jump flawlessly, stretching out his free leg behind him, his face breaking into a triumphant smile.
And in that smile, Marinette felt the summer sun.
The feeling was fleeting, but it reminded her of something – something she had no words in her young vocabulary to describe. It was as if she was back home in Paris at the rink she visited almost every day, sitting under the heaters awaiting her turn on the ice, or the feeling of biting into a fresh pastry still warm and fresh from the oven in her parents’ bakery.
He continued on, lunging into a layback Ina Bauer. His feet stretched across the ice in an extended fourth position, emphasizing the outside edge of his skates. As he exited the move, he swung his arms back, lifting a leg off the ice behind him. And in one smooth movement, he leapt up into the air, using the moment of his limbs to swing into a tight spinning position.
And again he easily landed another component: a triple Axel.
His smile was much more subdued in that landing. An innocent one-sided grin as if he was not surprised to have landed such a difficult element.
The ephemeral familiarity Marinette had felt stretched on; her eyes were transfixed on his performance, unaware of the deep blush upon her cheeks.
“Who the hell is that?!” asked Alix.
Her question went unanswered. None of them had been listening when the boy had come on the ice, and now they were much to invested in watching him complete his program.
As he came to a final stop, holding his final pose for a few counts, Alix’s query was finally answered.
“From Paris, Adrien Agreste,” blared the arena speakers.
From Paris?! Marinette thought, slightly stunned, unaware of the bustling and movement around her. Everyone was moving towards the boards ready to be unleashed onto the ice.
She was however, quickly reminded of her job, as one of the supervisors whisper-yelled, “Allez! Go, go!!! Vite! Fast now, children!”
The doors to the ice were opened and quickly they spread out along the ice, racing to collect bouquets, flowers, cards, and toys being thrown from the audience.
Marinette, still a bit dazed, dawdled behind her counterparts, most of who zoomed forth to the farthest reaches of the ice. This left Marinette, gliding slowly along the ice’s perimeter, idly grabbing for objects around her, her eyes mostly focusing on the boy at center ice. His blonde hair fluttered as he bowed to the crowd, before springing perfectly back into its stylized place. Smiling widely, he waved humbly, before turning and skating towards the doors… towards Marinette.
Jumping slightly and tangled in nerves, Marinette tried to finally focus on her task in favour of attracting any attention from the skilled skater in front of her. He glided slowly, hands on his hips as he took several deep breaths, staring down at the ice below him.
Marinette suddenly determined, caught a clash of black fluff against the ice, moving forward and stretching down, she grabbed the soft plush, smiling at the little green-eyed animal in her hands.
Turning slightly, she reached for another nearby gift, a delicate bundle of red roses, wrapped in plastic. Just as she bent down to scooped up the blossoms, her eyes caught on to the close proximity she held to the skater, Adrien.
Instinctively she flinched in shock, even though she was nowhere close to being in danger of colliding with him. His nearness, however, seemed to put her on edge, causing for her to momentarily lose balance. Floundering, she overcompensated her backwards momentum, leaning much too forward, to quickly, still intent on retrieving the red roses.
And that is how Marinette made her debut on the national stage – albeit not as a competitor but as a volunteer – by tripping right in front France’s rising ingénue, skating prodigy, Adrien Agreste.
Looking back on it now, Marinette had one silver lining to the situation. Thank God Chloe had not been witness to her humiliation. If the blonde bully had indeed known or been present, it was without a doubt that Marinette would still be dealing with the occasional jeer and pestering at her own expense.
Still, this thought was not something 11-year old Marinette was privy to, so it did not to quell Marinette’s utter mortification. She tried her best to recover quickly, refusing to look up and catch the eyes of those laughing at her or staring at her with pity. No, no, no, she wished for nothing more than to believe this had never happened, and the avoidance of any reaction from those around her seemed like a sure bet to keep her in the waters of denial for a moment longer.
Stubbornly focusing on the ice, she reached out for the fallen roses; quickly grabbing the black cat plush she had dropped, collecting the gifts with haste. Eventually she ran out of items to gather, leaving her to finally compose herself, to rise up with grace and shake off the embarrassment. She huffed a heavy breath, preparing herself.
She looked up.
The flash of green caught her immediately.
Oh no.
Her heart fluttered, no longer in her control. As Adrien Agreste, eyes wide with concern closed the short distance between them, coming to a smooth stop in front of her. Internally Marinette screamed. Externally her eyes glazed slightly, obscuring her vision. She blinked, determined to keep the embarrassed tears from falling down her face.
Adrien’s face seemed to soften kindly as he bent down, reaching a hand out towards her.
Staring up at him, Marinette fought her frown, fought her watering eyes, and tried and failed to fight back the sudden onslaught of blush across her freckled cheeks.
Her gaze flickered back and forth from his outstretched hand to his green, green eyes, oddly confused as to what to do – suddenly shy and stunned.
In reaction, she jerked her arms forward, offering the boy his gifts. She placed the bundle of roses into his offered hard.
He stared at her puzzled in silence, looking down at the roses, a smile growing upon his face.
And he laughed.
Her immediate instinct told her that he was laughing at her expense, clearly appalled at her behaviour. How could such a poor skater have been chosen to skate in front of greatness?
The thought alone had her imagination running, telling her to become a hermit, to travel the world, a desolate vagabond, seeking refuge in any land that wouldn’t instantly banish her, recognizing her as the flower sweeper girl at the 2008 French National Championships… You think you can hide your face here? They would say, jeering her unforgivingly –
However as she stared back into his dazzling eyes, crinkled in delight, she realized he was not laughing at her, but just perhaps the situation: a little girl down on one knee offering him flowers.
She smiled up at him nervously, her mouth twitching slightly, before she too broke out into giggles.
Adrien smiled, this hand wrapping around the roses, taking them from Marinette. He transferred them to his left hand and again reached out towards her.
“Hello,” he smiled brightly.
“I’m sorry!” Marinette impulsively replied.
His brow furrowed, his lips pursed, “No – That’s, that’s okay. Are you alright?”
She nodded.
He smiled again, “Oh good, can I help you up?”
“Oh!” she blushed, “Oh, I – Um, yes, of course.” She took his hand and he easily helped her back up to standing, him holding the red roses, her holding a fluffy black cat plush.
“T-thank you,” she said.
He bowed dramatically, letting go of her hand before standing back up straight. “It was no problem, little lady.”
“Adrien!” someone called from the boards.
He looked away from her, both of them brought back to reality. But before he skated away, he turned back to her. He reached into the bundle of flowers, plucking a single thorn-less rose out from the bunch. Smiling wide, he offered it to her.
“Here,” he smiled, “For you.”
Glancing up at him, her vision swept back and forth between his emerald eyes and the beautiful red petals, until finally she tentatively reached up, fingers bumping his as her transferred the single red rose into her hand.
She looked up to he his retreating back, walking off the ice into the arms of his coaches. As she watched him go, she twirled the rose in her hands. He didn’t turn back to give Marinette another view of his lovely green eyes or another glance at his winning smile. She sighed, looking down at the pretty rose in her hands.
And in doing so she missed Adrien as he glanced over his shoulder. Smiling, he looked back at the girl on the ice, thinking in wonder that he had just made a friend.  
Marinette padded along her section of the room, thick heavy socks on her feet as she stared around the warm-up room. Her soft woolen socks did little to muffle the nervous shuffling of her feet. All around, her competition had gathered, everyone preparing for the free skate. On the TV on the wall played out the ice dancing free dance, showing couples twirling and gliding gracefully across the ice. Staring around the rest of the room, Marinette watched as most of the other girls stretched out, wearing headphones to cancel out any distractions.
Dressed in plentiful layers overtop her free skate performance dress, Marinette closed her eyes, running through her program in her mind for the 100th time. In her head she could hear the music and she easily raised her arms at the right musical beats and even bouncing in time to practise her jumps. As she mapped out her skate, imagining herself on the ice. However, even with all the practise and preparation, she couldn’t help but shake the sinking heaviness in her bones, the cold sweat breaking on her skin, and even more distracting, the feeling of eyes on her.
Uneasy and uncomfortable, Marinette stopped her practise to look out across the room. Almost instantly she met the angry glare of Chloe. The blonde skater sat on the ground, on the opposite side of the room, her legs stretched out into a side spit.
Clad in her white and gold dress, Chloe was staring daggers in Marinette’s direction. Her platinum hair had been precisely pulled back into a high ponytail that flowed down her back, swishing from side to side as Chloe shook her head at Marinette, her arms crossed over her chest.
In response Marinette raised her eyebrows in question. What on earth was her problem?
Loudly, Chloe clucked her tongue, before proceeding to loudly chew on a piece of gum. Her eyes still locked on to Marinette as she blew a bubble.
Blinking in astonishment, Marinette turned around, determined to not let Chloe get to her. In doing so, she almost smacked into a girl about her own age. She stood a bit shorter than Marinette, her bright orange-red hair but into a chin-length bob and held away from her face with a simple white headband. Her outfit was demure and almost business like, an argyle sweater over a white collared shirt and simple black dress pants. On her face she wore thick tortoise shell glasses, completing her outfit, giving her an air of intelligence.
“Oh! Sorry!” the girl peeped, a high pitch voice and a sympathetic smile as she walked around Marinette, mirroring Marinette’s own gasped apology.
Together the two girls shared a quick smile before Marinette was again reminded of her original goal by another loud pop from behind her. Trying her best to ignore the sound, Marinette took out her phone from her jacket pocket. In her distraction she failed to notice another shared look in the room as the redheaded girl continued on her way out of the room. As the girl walked past Chloe she gave a small and firm nod of her head, to which Chloe smiled conspiratorially. Oblivious to such an inconspicuous action, Marinette unlocked her phone, refreshing the news page link that Alya had sent her the night before. On the screen she smiled looking at and reaffirming her placement after the short program.
3 – Marinette Dupain-Cheng (FRA)
She hadn’t been dreaming. She was in definite medal contention, and at the Grand Prix Finals! She bit back a smile, her body vibrating, either with nerves or happiness, or some sick mixture of both.
And just below her name on the standings:
4 – Chloe Bourgeois (USA)
As bad as it sounded, this made Marinette smile grow even more. But this was a competition, and Chloe had made it perfectly clear throughout their years together that they were not friends, so Marinette did feel some satisfaction and validation in knowing that she had outskated her rival in the short program.
Not only that but Marinette actually had a realistic chance in placing on the podium today. Her first Grand Prix Final – and a medal within her grasp!
From behind her, Marinette could still hear the crude sound of gum smacking. She reached down into her bag nearby, finally deciding to follow the example of the other skaters with their earphones on. And so Marinette put her own pair on, playing her free skate music from her phone and closing her eyes once more to gain her concentration. She continued visualizing her skate, stretching out her limbs and jogging on the spot to keep herself warm until her breathing became shallower and shallower. Whether it was due to nerves or exertion, she couldn’t say, although deep, deep down she could feel the growing weight and pressure set upon her.
Eventually it got to the point where she needed to get her skates on, so Marinette sat down and began to lace up her skates. Soon the skaters would be given their stipulated warm-up time on the ice and then the free skate would begin. The order of skaters was determined by the ranking from the short program the night before. Chloe, being in 4th place currently, was to skate 2nd, followed by Marinette.
Humming along to the sounds of her music, Marinette pulled and tighten her skate laces, delicately and patiently going through the process she had done countless times before. The activity helped to settle some of the unease she was feeling. Simply focusing on the pressure to her feet over the pressure on her shoulder. She flexed her feet and ensured her tying was secure, before standing back up staring down at her skates in their bright pink skate guards with a smile – one that faltered as she was reminded of the stakes at hand.
Looking back at her phone to check the time, she noticed a short text from Alya wishing her luck. She smiled, sending her back a few happy emojis. After another few moments of stretching out and walking on the spot, Marinette collected herself and made her way into the hallway, deciding to get a feel for her blades in a brisk walk before eventually making her way to the ice. She knew where she could find Cheryl so she could pass over her bag to her and receive the time-honoured pep talk. Until then in her hand she was picturing herself on ice, remembering each jumping pass and imagining her landing every single one perfectly. It will be fine, she chanting over and over in her head.
“Watch your edge on your Lutz,” said Cheryl.
It will be fine, Marinette breathed, her throat running dry and constricting.
“Try a couple for your warm up, and don’t worry, just focus on getting used to the ice.” Cheryl continued, “Don’t push yourself.”
Marinette nodded. I can do this. I can do this, she affirmed made her way towards the rink.
It will be fine.
It was not fine. Nothing was fine.
She stood at center ice, hands shaking, her chest heaving already, as desperately tried her best to hold her starting position. But nothing felt right, her face small smile that was suppose to give off an air of serenity, felt forced and unfamiliar. And worst of all she could fell it. She felt everyone’s eyes on her as she stood there, tiny and cold on the ice. The judges, the audience, her coaches, Chloe Bourgeois and…
Adrien Agreste.
He was here and everything was wrong, it was awful. And she couldn’t spot him out from the sea of people. It made it almost worse, because Marinette knew – she just knew – that out there the great Adrien Agreste was out there watching her skate.
And she was angry.
Just before the group warm-up all but 20 minutes prior, Marinette had stood, nervously waiting alongside the other skaters for their ice time. Just a little ways down the boards from her, the two Russian competitors stretched out, totally in their own world. The other skaters, the two Japanese skaters, cheerfully stood by, talking to each other and holding each other’s hands. Still wearing her gloves and jacket, Marinette smiled softly in their direction as she fiddled with her hands, trying to keep her mind relaxed. She took off her gloves, bundling them into a makeshift stress ball, focusing on her program and trying not to look up into the stands and the audience’s expectant stares.
The moment was interrupted suddenly by a loud, dissonant laugh from behind her.
Marinette sighed in annoyance, stuffing her balled up gloved into her jacket pocket, about ready to tell Chloe off for being so loud when everyone was trying to focus. But just as the thought crossed her mind, she reminded herself that doing so probably would most likely do no good. Chloe did what Chloe wanted, and she almost always got her way. It would only serve as another distraction, one that Marinette could not afford to stack onto her worried and chaotic state of mind.
Finally the announcements began, introducing the event and alerting the skaters that it was time. The group gathered near the entranceway on to the ice, each girl reaching for their blade guards with their respective coaches hovering nearby.
Marinette reached down to remove her bright pink guards from her skates. As she removed them, something suddenly felt wrong, a weird and gross tacky-ness that made one of her guards more difficult to take off.
Looking down at her left skate she noticed a string of some sort of plaster or resin coming off her skate blade. Puzzled she reached down, seeing the source of it had been caked into the groves of her guard.
As her hands came into contact with the gunk, a chilling jolt of realization ran through her –
It was gum.
Panicking slightly, and ignoring the peals of laughter from behind her, Marinette wiped her hands instinctively on her jacket. Gross, gross, gross, she thought as she turned to Cheryl, eyes wide.
“Do you have any tissues?!?” she asked.
Cheryl immediately handed her some from her bag, with a look of sympathy, “Oh Marinette what happened?”
“I – I don’t know,” she answered, having taken a few tissues from her coach and working on cleaning off her skate blade, “There’s – just, um – there’s g-gum on my blade!”
As she continued to clean off her blades the boards were opened, inviting the skaters onto the slick surface, accompanied by the announcer introducing the skaters.
The other skaters began to make their ways onto the ice, leaving Marinette behind as she worked to clean off her skate. The tissues were able to remove most of the gum, but remnants of it still remained coating the edges of her skate. She tried to scrape off as much as she could, but even then the tissues just ended up sticking to the surface making chunks of tissue-gum.
“That’s good enough for now, honey,” Cheryl patted her shoulder, “You just go out and do your warm-up, we can clean it up after.”
Marinette nodded, carefully handing Cheryl her skate guards and used tissues as she turned to the ice.
As Marinette placed a skate on the ice, testing the effect of the gum on her skate, a voice spoke out from behind her.
It was Chloe again with a disgustingly saccharine and overly flirty giggle that had Marinette internally gagging.
“Thanks again for the gum, Adrikins!” Chloe exclaimed loudly, “You’re the greatest!”
No… Marinette thought. Thinking back on Chloe’s continued cold treatment towards her today and her annoyingly loud gum chewing. No way would Chloe sink that low, would she?
Turning around with a frown Marinette looked up at her training mate with an angry frown.
But before she was able to form any sort of response to the situation, Marinette’s eyes caught on the figure standing beside Chloe.
Adrien Agreste.
Adrien Agreste.
He was standing right next to Chloe, with an adorable, yet confused look on his face. He was dressed in Gabriel designer sportswear, the signature “G” in a circle imprinted over his chest.
Also standing next to Chloe was the redheaded girl from earlier. Her arms were crossed and she was snickering, joining Chloe in her ridiculing behaviour.
“Really Adrien, I’m so glad you could make it! It so nice to have you here to support us in this sticky situation.” Chloe continued, waving a hand in Marinette’s direction, a smug smile on her face as she looked at Marinette, eyebrows raised with a challenge in her eye.
Marinette took a few seconds to absorb the situation. Fighting back the immediate reaction to blush at Adrien’s presence, the pieces of the puzzle seemed to land into place before her.
“Oh…” she said meekly, looking down at her skate, “I get it…”
It was some sort of sick prank, wasn’t it? Her anger seemed to melt into just plain sadness, the harsh furrow in her brow fading into disappointment and defeat. How inappropriate and ill timed… or was it some sort of sabotage at Marinette’s expense? How could Chloe do this?
Adrien stood there not really sure what was happening.
“I – what?” he looked from Marinette to Chloe, not understanding.
“Yeah… I get it, very funny…” Marinette continued, sarcasm dripping off every word, masking her utter embarrassment and humiliation.
Chloe and the redhead jeered.
”No – no! I – “ he tried to reply, most likely with an excuse, but Marinette didn’t wait to hear it. Huffing, she turned; pushing herself away from the conversation, now was not the time. She needed to focus.
She glided across the ice, feeling a little bump from the bits of gum still left on her left skate blade. Circling around the ice, trying to get a feel for it, Marinette tried to empty her mind of the whole mess that had just occurred.
Don’t focus on it, Marinette, she told herself. She twirled here and there, switching from forwards to backwards skating, pushing into the ice and testing its surface.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Chloe also nearby, flawlessly landing a triple flip.
Shaking her head to try to escape her worries, Marinette practiced a spin, going into a layback position and trying to find a steady point to focus on.
As her head tilted back in the spin she caught a glance of Adrien Agreste watching from the boards.
Faltering out of her spin, Marinette pushed on, trying not to let them get the better of her. This was a mind game, and she would show them that she could win.
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fierceautie · 4 years
Who is Andreas Kalcker? Andreas Kalcker is a "German biophysicist who lived in Switzerland who has been researching for more than 13 years with chlorine dioxide for therapeutic use." In German speaking countries, Kalcker is one of the most well known promoters of MMS. He promotes it as a health cure. He follows Jim Humble, an American that founded the Genesis II church. He pushes the MMS protocol in Latin countries in South America. He is cited in numerous groups in videos. What about his education?Kalcker received his "Doctor of Philosophy in Alternative and Natural Biophysics" from a company called Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc. It is based in Barcelona. It has a branch in Florida. The company has no campus, offers degrees for sale. A doctorate costs 1,500 euros. The location of this "University"Kalcker's Degree Vs A real degreeKalcker's Mail order degreeAnd compare it to a real degree from an institution of higher learning:My bachelors degree of Applied Science in Veterinary TechnologyThe Open University of Advanced Sciences, inc is not accredited and is considered a degree mill. On the landing page of the Open University of Advance Science, inc there is this disclaimer:The Open University of Advanced Sciences clarifies that it does not maintain any type of link with the Genesis II Church, nor does it advocate for the medical or therapeutic use of MMS. On the other hand, the relationship with the so-called Chair of Naturism, in Madrid, is part of the old structure of our entity and the honorary titles that our previous Director, Pedro Carrasco (RIP) granted them, currently have only a symbolic value, not being part of the management staff. The purpose of this information is to provide you with the possibility of accessing higher education through the "Distance Learning" system , developed by the Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. (External Degree of Campus). The Open University of Advanced Sciences Inc. was established mainly for the development, dissemination and teaching of study programs of all those subjects that have in common advanced aspects of science in any of the areas of knowledge. In this sense, it maintains relationships with leading universities, foundations, research centers and educational institutions around the world. The non-traditional teaching system that we propose is designed to provide, on an ongoing basis, updated training that enhances professional qualification, through personalized distance learning that establishes programs that are appropriate to the needs of each student and in which they are taken into account. All the knowledge you have is counted and valued, as well as the professional experience you have accumulated in your work practice. In the event that such training has already been provided by your center, it is possible to operate through direct validation in accordance with the applied study programs. This educational innovation is developed and implemented if necessary in a way that ensures the quality and integrity of the accreditations, while providing students with the possibility of enriching their curricular characteristics and therefore greater competitiveness in the workplace. We remain at your disposal for any clarification in this regard that you need, and in the meantime we greet you very kindly."How to Spot a Degree Mill:A degree mill is a fake university that sells college degrees and transcripts instead of the college experience. They are scam colleges that make fake diplomas to anyone who pays the requested "tuition." They often promise fast college degrees based on "life experience."The institution is not accreditedDegree mills love to use official sounding terms to impress potential students. The terms they use sound good but mean very little. The terms to look out for are "authenticated, verifiable, licensed, internationally approved, notarized, recognized by the Pope and accredited by UNESCOThe institution is accredited but not by an agency recognized by the Council of Higher Education Accreditation or the US department of educationAdmission criteria is solely based on the possession of a credit card. When academic recored, grade point average and test scores are irrelevant, it is not a real institution of higher learning. The potential student is offered a degree based on a "review" of work experience and a faxed resume. Most degree mills offer what is called experience degrees. This is credit for career experience is valid option at many universities for adult students. The process of evaluating work experience for college credit is complicated. No valid distance learning college int eh US will award a graduate degree solely based on work experience. The applicant is promised a degree in exchange of a lump sum. For an undergraduate degree it is 300-2,000. For a graduate degree it is up to 3.000. Colleges normally charge per credit hour. The applicant is promised a degree within 30 days of application, regardless of status. The university has multiple complaints on file. Your online "admission counselor" assures the student that international online universities can't be accredited in the United States by CHEA recognized agencies. This is false. The school's website either lists no faculty or lists faculty who have attended schools accredited by fake agencies. The university offers online degrees for only US citizens but is located in a different country. Pseudoscience ActivitiesHe previously worked at a research institute in Switzerland until it closed down in February 2020, according to Psiram, an internet encyclopedia that documents pseudoscience and conspiracy theories. The institution's website had been deleted. Its business registration had its mission: "Research and development of biophysical, pharmaceutical and diagnostic products and new technologies."Kalcker was involved with a Swiss non profit association called Swiss Association for Natural Scientific Biophysics that states on its website that it "seeks to appeal to people who are interested in the topic of biophysical medicine and who would like to take the responsibility for their health into their own hands." A large portion of blog posts on the website are written by Kalcker and promote his work. The membership section of Kalcker's website links to the association's signup page. Kalcker has written two books. "Forbidden Health - Incurable was Yesterday" and "CDS/MMS Healing is Possible."He has three patents. One is for an invention of "solution of chlorine dioxide adapted as a solution for rectal intestinal lavage" as an internal rinse. No Longer on Research GateAs of March of 2019, Andreas Kalcker's Research Gate Account has been deleted. The wayback machine link to his bogus studies is here. screen shot of Kalcker's Research Gate section of his website. It was deleted. Pseudoscience ClaimsThis section shows exactly what Kalcker promotes as fact, but it is not. Keep that in mind when reading this section.  His claims are not credible and unsubstantiated. He claims MMS is a cure for numerous diseases by ingesting the dangerous bleach substance. He misrepresents findings of published studies. MMS or CDKalcker does not like to call chlorine dioxide MMS because he says that he uses 4% hydrochloric acid instead of 50% citric acid that the Genesis II church uses. Claims about MMS:1. It is extremely water soluble without creating further chemical bonds. It is a gas which dissolves completely in water. The molecule structure is similar to the water molecule. This is true. 2. Chlorine dioxide is one of the most well known disinfectants known to man because it is able to eliminate bacteria, fungi, viruses and small sized parasites across a wide pH range. It has been used for over 80 years to disinfect drinking water, and has not caused any problems all these years. It is widely used in industry, including food processing industry, for disinfecting purposes. It is used to bleac paper and silk as it does not attack the material, but in extremely high concentration levels, a concentration that had nothing to do with the typical ingested dose of taking a few milligrams orally. 3. CDS is only pure water-guided gas, which pH neutral and has many advantages. Its main advantage is the even in high doses it usually does not have side effects of MMS and is explained in detail in his book. The molecule is similar to water but not the same. Hydrogen peroxide is similar to water too. Water is h20 and hydrogen peroxide is h202. No one is buying hydrogen peroxide to drink instead of water. This follows the same logic that Kalcker is trying to pull over on people. Claim about using MMS as treatments:"Please note, our results are only assessments of experimental research. They do not constitute any form of advice or prescription. It is not a recommendation to anyone …. for any specific condition or disease.Right now ClO² is evaluated many treatments for different types of disease because sickness is commonly based on the lack of energy . The simple fact that chlorine dioxide provides molecular Bio available oxygen  in the interstitial fluid and blood, induces better combustion of nutrients enhancing overall energy, which have been demonstrated in venous blood gases scientifically.If you are interested in knowing the results of experimental treatments please access the members section."AutismKalcker quotes Wikipedia:"Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive  behavior . . . While autism is highly heritable, researchers suspect both environmental and genetic factors as causes. Controversies surround other proposed environmental cause. For example, the vaccine hypotheses, which has been disproven .  . . there is no cure. "As most of this information is true, Wikipedia is not a quality source. Each article can be edited by anyone. Because of this simple fact, no one should be using Wikipedia as a source for any research. "AS THE TRUTH IS ANOTHER,1. It does not have its origin in the brain but in the enteric system usually induced by VACCINES (click here to see Video in English)2. I could not be of genetic cause, genetics does not change in 40 years from 1:10,000 to 1:50!3. The theory of oxidative stress is false and therefore everything based on it. (Mitohormesis) (Oxidative shielding)4. Normal “intestinal mucosa” does not produce eggs, ammonia or amphetamines, more research is needed.5. Vaccine Immunosuppression facilitates proliferation of toxin-producing parasites and disbiosis.6. more than 235 children cured ,including severe autism with my anthelmintic protocol and CDAutism is not permanent at all."This list of "truths" only supports the belief that autism is caused by parasites. Kalcker developed a protocol with Miriam Carrasco Maceda for "deworming." He says it deworms, reduces inflammation and detoxifies with the same protocols as Kerri Rivera. Kerri Rivera had her clinic in Mexico. Each case was evaluated with the ATEC score, which was developed by Autism Research Institute. VaccinesThis page on his website he has the quote "Is Wikipedia becoming CNN?"He also has a Youtube Video that has been removed due to quackery. Kalcker also has a video with Andrew Wakefield on this page. This should say all it needs to say. "Vaccinated die less . . . . so its better to be vaccinated?"There is not one coherent thought on this page at all. Autism Recovery Evidence. There is not any evidence on this page. There are many photos with Kalcker holding up a poster with photos of kids. No clear evidence at all. "Here is some evidence of recovery with incredible results thanks To Kerri Rivera.To date are more than 235 children recovered with previous and subsequent analysis of ATECThe 2 women who are with me are the mothers of children in each poster.I’m not saying here that all children recovering from this illness, even if autism is considered unrecoverable,  I can state that virtually all kids improve through specific treatment with Diet; classic antiparasitic drugs, plants and chlorine dioxide for enemas.I am aware that some critics try again seek lie or my personal benefit. Has anyone noticed that critics insist only economic benefit?  For my personal benefit is personal satisfaction of having done the right thing because I did not charge anything in autism till now it costed me a lot of money. When science becomes an almost religious belief is not allowed to change or the more compelling arguments. Some irrational critics do not realize that their actions can prevent children recover and are responsible , though they do not feel that way because they believe in his learned doctrine book without experiencing anything, using all means of defamation and even lies to achieve your goal. This is not science, this is sad … so I put here some photos with the children concerned and their numbers ATEC clearly showing recovery."Important Universal Laws according to KalckerThe law of causes and effects (always plural)Love=Resonance, being the biggest force existingEvery living being is opportunisticThe only constant in the universe is changeAll force creates a counter force (duh, that called inertia.)Every order is disrupts itself and every disorder organize itself Natural BiophysicsKalcker, the man who has a fake doctoral degree, is explaining Natural biophysics:"As much as we distinguish in allopathic medicine  medicine and natural medicine, I would also like to define it in the field of biophysics, a field little explored in reality, there is not only the common cell biophysics, but also the “natural biophysics” which is the search for the intrinsic logic of nature and mechanisms of it specifically in the field of health.This is opening up new horizons for developing treatment of degenerative and chronic diseases, which to date have no solution except pharmaceutical palliatives that lead to long term intoxication of the patient. Natural biophysics always tries to explain through pure logic since nature always is. An inconsistency or anomaly is usually the result of previous erroneous axioms, because nature uses the same building blocks and with the same formula in all its natural process.The basic principles should always be simple and science is increasingly difficult getting lost in details without knowing irrefutably the bases. There are many doctorates in physics but none can explain even the most basic things like why gravity  or a magnet works. There are many professors and doctorates in medicine but no one knows why a body gets sick with certain pathogens and other not,  in the official dictionary of diseases, the renowned Merck Manual®, most chronical diseases are of “unknown origin.” We must seriously ask ourselves what kind of mainstream medicine is this…?In order to advance we have to do the right question. The key question therefore is: What is the lowest common denominator of all diseases?"What is the opposite of natural biophysics? Unnatural biophysics? If it was unnatural, it would not have the prefix bio-. He says that chlorine dioxide in all forms provides oxygen to the intestinal tissue and to all the body fluids, activating the mitocondria, which turn generate more energy. This energy allows the body to recover and heal from most diseases. Oxygen is essential and the free radical concept, as it has been promoted in the past, is erroneous. The human body is not a petri dish in the lab. Everything interacts with everything else. THIS IS SCIENTIFICALLY INACCURATE!!!The immune system is much more complicated. Look here for a full explanation:https://kidshealth.org/en/parents/immune.htmlStructured WaterKalcker claims:"Regular tap water’s composition is H2O, while the fourth phase’s is in fact H3O2. The latter has more viscosity, is more organized and more alkaline than regular water. Besides, its optical properties are different since structured water’s refraction index is at least 10% higher than that of common water increasing flow of Biophotons.This fourth phase structured water is also known as EZ, which stands for Exclusion Zone. What this water is able to exclude are small molecules, such as toxins and pathogens and this occurs in nature in rainwater or deep sourced water and in all living cells.This water has a negative charge and therefore, all cellular water has a negative charge."Science says: What Kalcker is saying is misrepresenting a valid research study. The fourth phase of water is the boiling point. This EZ water is actually ionized water. Nothing more, nothing less. A water ionizer, requires electricity. The ionizer increases the pH of the water.The ionizer does not work with deionized or distilled water!The ionizer does not produce measurable oxygen gas (a smoldering splint will not relight in the vicinity)The device contains an electrolysis cell and an ion exchange resin. Kalcker puts up a front of being scientific but investigating in his claims, he is not scientific at all. He can dupe the average uneducated person about healthcare. He is very dangerous and needs to be stopped. Sources:https://www.newsguardtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/ENG-AndreasKalcker.com-UPDATED.pdfhttps://www.geteducated.com/college-degree-mills/161-college-degree-or-diploma-mill/https://chemistry.stackexchange.com/questions/5925/ez-water-fraud-or-breakthroughhttps://observers.france24.com/en/20200721-business-fake-miracle-covid-19-remedies-booms-latin-americahttps://andreaskalcker.com/
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expertdigi · 4 years
Data Analytics course Pune
SSIM in Collaboration With Harvard Business School (Online) For Business Analytics Programs. In an period of humongous knowledge, companies search for professionals who are hands-on with Big Data. Chandigarh University is one among the only a few universities that offers new age Data Analytics course Pune
You will discover ways to implement Descriptive and Predictive Analytics as part of this module. Business Intelligence and Analytics graduates have successful careers as system analysts, senior stats analysts, programme builders, enterprise operation consultants, business intelligence managers, and others. We believe that learning must be steady and hence, all the training material when it comes to lectures and studying content would be out there to the candidates up to three years publish completion of Data Science and Business Analytics course. MIT Sloan supplies a broad range of profession growth services, from a West Coast Data Science trek to career advising and more, to help Business Analytics students obtain their profession targets.
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For these on the Analytics and Business Intelligence monitor, this means sensible courses in key applied sciences and training in project administration. Courses are taught by tenured faculty from the faculties of engineering, management and journalism; industry speakers enrich the expertise. To ground students in business actuality, Northwestern interweaves real-world group initiatives and case studies into every semester.
When it comes to Europe, the UK hosts some of the top-rating universities for Masters in Business Analytics and related applications. International college students also can profit from a 6-month submit-examine work choice after completing their masters. Top universities within the UK include Imperial College London, University of Warwick, The University of Edinburgh, University of Bath, Aston University, The University of Manchester, Cardiff University and The University of Liverpoolto name a few. “Not every little thing that may be counted counts, and never every little thing that counts could be counted,” attributed to Albert Einstein, explains the aim of enterprise analytics completely. We reside in an age of larger and larger knowledge—and businesses need methods to sift via all of it, to determine which combinations of knowledge count—and which ones don’t.
We're here to discuss analysis of knowledge, learning of expertise and implementation of web analytics. The enterprise analytics main is an applied business and science diploma. The degree and major are a cross-practical enterprise degree, not computer science, nor a knowledge science diploma.
The focus is on helping senior management in the three primary analytic areas of descriptive analytics, predictive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. This specialization is offered by PwC (Multinational skilled companies network). With the help of this specialization program, you're going to get sensible with knowledge analysis, turning enterprise intelligence into actual-world outcomes. In this program, you will learn how to use Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and different common information evaluation and communication tools. I actually have carried out the research and chosen some greatest online certification programs for business analysts.
Top universities embody IE Spain, University of Barcelona, Barcelona Technology School, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Menendez Pelayo International University, Comillas Pontifical University to name a few. France is residence to a number of the top-rating schools for enterprise analytics programs in the world.
Though it’s supplied by the Data Analytics course Pune , this half-time program stirs in courses from the Mays Business School. That’s a part of the rationale why this MBA puts an emphasis on experiential learning. In the first 12 months, MBA students should take core courses throughout the business spectrum. Once they’ve established proficiency in these, college students also can select as much as three specializations, including business analytics. During every module, students have the chance to meet business leaders and work with teams across the world on worldwide knowledge concerns.
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The Mooncup: A Tool to Measure Menstrual Bleeding Loss Volume
Background: The mooncup is not a tool habitually used for quantifying the volume of menstrual blood loss.
Objective: The aims of the study were to explore mooncup management by Spanish women and estimate the volume of menstrual blood loss.
Method: This is a comparative observational study involving 94 healthy women who participated voluntarily following a mass invitation on Face book. This is an accidental, non-probability sampling technique. The participants completed an online questionnaire drafted using the following program: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/, which included socio-demographic and mooncup use factors, with the aim of estimating menstrual volume. Depending on individual hygiene habits the cup was emptied when full, half-full or only stained.
Result: Overall, a mean figure of 3,25 cups/woman/day were emptied (SD 1.77, CI 95%, 2.88-3.61). The average volume per woman and menstruation was 173cc (SD 139.08, CI 95%, 144.24-202.17). In 75% of cases this figure was >88 with a clot expulsion rate of 70%. Bleeding lasted for an average of 4.86 days (SD 1.05, CI 95% 4.62-5.10).
Conclusion and recommendation: The mooncup is a new method for determining menstrual blood volume. It has enabled us to establish that menstrual bleeding in 75% of the sample was over 80cc (average 173cc), which represents a risk of High Menstrual Bleeding, even in women with no known gynecological disease. More extensive population studies are needed to corroborate these findings and investigate their causes.
Abbreviations: Mooncup; Feminine hygiene; Menstruation; Blood volume
Keywords: PBAC: Pictorial Blood Assessment Chart; FIGO: International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics; MBL: Menstrual Blood Loss
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The mooncup is not a tool used for quantifying menstrual volume, but, rather, a menstrual hygiene product which is increasingly used and Spain is no exception to this trend. A literature review enabled us to identify comparative studies regarding the advantages of mooncup use in comparison to sanitary pads and tampons (degree of comfort, user satisfaction etc), but authors have not focused on designing studies aiming to quantify menstrual volume in healthy mooncup users [13]. The advantages of the mooncup, in this sense, are to allow direct evaluation of volume, compared with the Pictorial Blood Assessment Chart (PBAC), which is based on the absorption capacity of sanitary pads and tampons [4]. Some studies suggest that the use of mooncups amongst women in developing countries or with limited economic resources should be promoted as it is an economical, environment-friendly product, valid for management of menstruation [3]. Classical studies on this issue led the FIGO (2011) to establish a basic classification to determine whether menstrual bleeding was within normal parameters or not. According to these indications it should not exceed 80cc expelled in 4.5 - 8 days of bleeding [5-8], but in daily clinical practice it sometimes proves difficult to measure menstrual flow in these terms.
The objective of this study is to estimate the volume of menstrual bleeding in a sample of Spanish mooncup users.
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To fulfill our objective an observational case-comparison study was designed. An accidental, non-probability sampling technique was applied involving an appeal and mass recruitment of mooncup users through Facebook. The case collection period lasted from 1stJanuary until 31st May 2015. The users interested in participating contacted the researcher and were given information privately about inclusion criteria and conditions for participation. Once recruitment was confirmed, participants received a hyperlink enabling them to access an online survey prepared by the following program https://docs.google.com/ spreadsheets/u/0. Participants were required to complete the survey during their next menstruation. The inclusion criteria were to be over eighteen, to have spontaneous menstrual cycles, no known gynecological diseases and no use of oestroprogestin- based products. Women not fulfilling these criteria were excluded from the study, as were postpartum women, lactating mothers and women who had recently experienced miscarriage or abortion. 94 mooncup users were finally recruited.
The independent variables included were age, parity, profession, place of residence, educational level, contraception, length of cycle, length of menstruation and type of mooncup used. The dependent variables were the size of the mooncup used, frequency with which it was emptied, amount of fluid when emptied and menstrual volume. Given the diverse nature of the 11 different types of mooncups used by the participants, the following criteria were used to classify them: light-flow cups (<20cc.), small cups (20-26cc.), large cups (27-33cc.) and “super” cups (>34cc.). In those cases in which the cups were emptied when only stained the criteria adopted was to consider the amount of menstrual fluid to be 2,5cc. In all cases in which cups were emptied when half full the volume was considered to be half the cup's total capacity. When the cups were totally full, menstrual volume was considered to be the full capacity as stated by the manufacturer.
All the data obtained from the variables were introduced in the SPSS®20.0 (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) database. Descriptive analysis was performed using the mean, the median and the standard deviation [SD], confidence interval at 95% [CI95%], the number of cases [n] and the percentage [%]. The link between variables was determined using Pearson's linear correlation coefficient. The study protocol was approved on 28th May 2013 by the Commission of Ethics of San Cecilio University Hospital (Granada, Spain). Use of the hyperlink for access to the online survey indicated that users implicitly accepted the conditions of the study.
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A total of 135 women applied to participate in the study, but 30 were excluded as they failed to fulfill the inclusion criteria. 11 of those who were initially admitted did not subsequently fill in the online questionnaire. The study is therefore based on data from 94 women (70% participation). The average age of the sample was 33.21 years (SD 5.90, CI 95% 32-34.42). In 26% of cases participants held a postgraduate degree and 23% had a Bachelor's degree or other undergraduate university diploma. More than half of the sample, 52% (49 cases), had scientific or intellectual technical or professional careers. Place of residence varied widely amongst participants, although most of the participants recruited were from Spain's two largest cities, Madrid and Barcelona, with 15% of participants (14 cases) and 7% (7 participants) respectively. There were also participants from less densely populated areas of the country. With regard to menstrual history, 80% of the sample had menstrual cycles of 25-33 days with an average length of 4.86 bleeding days (SD 1.05, CI95% 4.62-5.10). As for contraceptive methods, 53% of participants were male condom users, 6% (6 cases) had a copper IUD, and 23% (22 cases) were using no contraceptive method at the time of the survey. 16% of participants were nulliparous (62 cases) and 34% (32 cases) had given birth at least once.
With regard to mooncup use habits, the study reported cups being emptied 1,354 times with an average of 14.4 cups emptied per woman per menstruation (SD 7.43, CI95% 12.88-15.93), which amounts to an average of 3.04 cups per woman per day (SD 1.43, CI95% 2.71-3.37). As far as content was concerned 28% of cups were totally full when emptied (mean 5.15, SD 3.70, CI95% 4.29-6.01), 44% were partially full (mean 6.40, SD 4.05, CI95% 5.57-7.23) and in 28% of cases cups were only stained (mean 4.32, SD 2.58, CI95% 3.77-4.87). Figure 1 reflects emptying habits for each day of menstruation. Based on the capacity of each of the mooncups used, it was possible to estimate that the mean volume of menstrual fluid per woman was 173.20cc (SD 139.08, CI95% 144.24-202.17) and that 75% of participants exceeded the 80cc level of MBL. Figure 2 presents the MBL distribution by age. Clot expulsion rate was 70%. In Table 1 the mean daily menstruation volume is presented. However, if we focus exclusively on the 75% of participants (N=70) who emptied the cup when it was totally full, the mean menstrual volume is 110.04 cc (SD 98.01, CI95% 86.67-133.41), and 47% of these participants exceeded 80cc MBL. The most widely used mooncups were the low-capacity light flow versions (37% cases), followed by large (35%) whilst small (21%) and "super” cups (3%) were the least used. In total, the mean capacity of all the emptied cups was 22.60cc (SD 7.28, C195% 21.08-24.11). Table 2 presents the number of times the participants emptied their cup during the first 5 days of menstruation.
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The use of the mooncup as a tool to estimate Menstrual Blood Loss (MBL) has enabled such estimations to be performed in an objective way and the results suggest that levels may double those considered to be normal or standard for a population of healthy women [5-11]. Until now, that calculation had been based on the PBAC and other, more complex analytical methods. Not all women use the same size of mooncup, so estimations may be slightly higher or lower than real amounts. However, bearing in mind the high number of nulli gravid participants in the study, the predominant trend was to use smaller mooncups, following the manufacturers' indications, which, to a certain extent, would seem to rule out gynecological disease as the cause of high menstrual bleeding. Moreover, frequency of emptying differed amongst the participants. Therefore, when participants indicated that the cup was half full or merely stained this may have led to differences between the estimated amount and the real amount of menstrual fluid lost. However, if we focus exclusively on the mooncups that were emptied when they were totally full, the menstrual volume figures are high. Furthermore, the fact that the emptying rate was estimated as being higher than 3 times per day leads us to believe that the MBL estimation is fairly accurate.
Regarding daily emptying frequency we have seen that the highest number of totally full cups corresponded to the second day of menstruation, in accordance with our previous findings and with the results of other authors, although it must be stressed that indirect estimation methods were used [4,12-14]. This leads us to believe that these new findings in this study are likely to be reasonably accurate. Some authors have asserted that women discard some 14 sanitary pads during menstruation [10]. Many women are alarmed by the perception that menstrual bleeding is accompanied by the expulsion of clots of different sizes. The prevalence of clot expulsion during menstrual bleeding and its frequency is approximately 55%, depending on age [12,15,16]. In our sample, up to 70% of participants perceived clot expulsion, to a greater extent on day 2 (52%), which is a much higher figure than that offered by other authors [4,17]. In summary, we have seen that MBL and clot expulsion rate in our sample could be double the figures described in literature on this subject.
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Our study may be considered to have certain biases, such as a sample composed of highly educated participants who were predominantly resident in large urban areas. This may have facilitated their access to information about the mooncup and meant that they had the resources and capacity to access online questionnaires. Women who were suffering from some gynecological condition were excluded from the study which means that we could not analyze the possible causes of HMB which, in any case, was not one of the study's objectives. Perhaps one of the study's strengths is that it offers a novel method for a clinical approach to the diagnosis of menstrual bleeding problems, unlike other previously used techniques.
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Conclusions and Recommendations
In summary, the menstrual mooncup has facilitated realistic estimation of menstrual volume in healthy women, making it an easy and accessible tool for use in clinical practice.
It would be recommendable to design more extensive population studies that would allow us to determine whether MBL has currently increased in healthy women.
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We are grateful to all the women who generously participated in the study despite the inconvenience of having to access the online questionnaire on a daily basis.
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Find a Psychologist - Things to Consider
Psychologists are medical professionals who are comprised and associated to social sciences and analysis. People with psychological points go to those professionals for prognosis and remedy. Psychologists are further branched into smaller classes with varied specialties. Listed here are issues to contemplate to find the appropriate psychologist that will help you.
Skilled psychologists are expert in guiding their shoppers via a wide scope of social problems like stress, relationships, work, household, college and such. Dealing with on a regular basis life for people with psychological points could not get by it on their own. It takes a professional psychologist to diagnose and find resolution for that shopper to perform optimally.
In United Kingdom, there are additionally varied specialists that cater to specific psychological wants. Chartered Psychologist is the title given to all accredited psychologists. Listed here are some of the varieties of psychologists to walk you thru the basics:
Medical Psychologists
In United Kingdom, Clinical psychologists cope with psychological points similar to melancholy, relational problems, studying difficulties, despair, youngster and family issues. Their scope of psychology involves medical assessments corresponding to tests, interviews or commentary of behaviour with treatments involving particular person or group classes primarily based on psychological fashions and analysis. Clinical psychologists are normally working in health and social care institutions resembling hospitals, well being centres and youngster and adolescent mental well being providers to call a couple of.
Counselling Psychologist
Counselling psychologists use a brand new method whereby psychological concept and practices are integrated is used with therapeutic practice. Professionals below this category have excessive self-consciousness and proficient to interrelate personal and interpersonal dynamics translated to a therapeutic framework. Risk and psychological assessment, planning and implementing therapy, analysis and multidisciplinary workforce work and facilitation are among the key tasks these psychologists do. Most counselling psychologists work in industries, jail service, and commerce and in any degree of education from major to universities.
Educational Psychologists
Educational psychologists in United Kingdom principally cater to youthful shoppers who have studying difficulties, social points or emotional dilemmas. Professionals below this category are geared to enhancing the person's studying abilities.
In addition they help instructors or teachers to supply a extra suitable studying setting, particularly for kids, to maximize studying abilities by means of environment friendly and appropriate studying strategies. Instructional psychologists usually work with teachers and fogeys in most social or instructional establishments.
In selecting the best therapist for you or your child's wants, you might want to contemplate these qualities first:
Although age is considered to be subjective, the quality and efficiency of therapy could depend on your psychologist's experience. Though might find that having older psychologists gives out a extra mature presence, expertise in dealing with quite a lot of psychological circumstances may help younger or outdated clients to be treated extra effectively than those that usually are not but well adept with specific instances.
As what was mentioned prior, psychology shouldn't be a 'one dimension fits all' glove. Psychologists have specialized areas with particular therapies. In United Kingdom, Chartered psychologists are thought of accredited and highly certified to treat individuals with particular wants.
The ambiance through which you or your youngster will be treated can be a sign of credibility. Professional psychologists are sometimes found in a well being establishment or private clinic with a relaxed ambiance. The place shouldn't be intimidating but relaxing to ascertain a good rapport with your psychologist for a more efficient remedy course of.
They can work in all kinds of settings that features non-public businesses, colleges, group or personal services, and hospitals. Clinical psychologists use their broad variety of skills and information of the human mind and conduct to treat patients with a wide variety of points. Clinical psychologists generally help sufferers readjust to life after a life-altering occasion, like divorce, death, or can assist patients with different psychological or physical diseases. They often work in a single-on-one settings with patients to assist them consider, diagnose, and provide acceptable therapy for psychological and emotional sickness.
Counseling psychologists often do a lot of the same but additionally they help their patients to understand and take care of their issues. They assist the patients point out methods for treating their very own points, often dealing with behavioral or substance abuse issues. Industrial-organizational psychologists are one other widespread specialization. This area of psychology deals with the examine of work place habits, and industrial-organizational psychologists often work in the non-public sector, serving to firms to pick the best worker and to maximize productiveness.
Training, Coaching and Certification
For you to turn out to be a psychologist, a grasp's or doctorate diploma in Psychology is sort of certainly needed. However, there are specific perquisites before enrolling in one of these. You have to a bachelor's degree, and some Ph.D. applications require a master's diploma before you'll be able to enroll. Whereas strong undergraduate grades will not be essentially required, they definitely will enable you to be admitted to a graduate program. At the completion of doctoral programs, students are required to complete a yearlong internship as part of this system. The amount of training and levels requires varies upon which specialty one needs to enter. Admission to grasp's and Ph.D. applications could be competitive and sometimes require either an undergraduate degree in psychology or medical practice or coursework.
Psychologists would require office training earlier than obtaining a license, like face-to-face interaction and work expertise are essential points of the job. In all states, psychologists who follow independently will need to have a license. Most scientific and counseling psychologists need a doctorate in psychology, an internship, and one to 2 years of skilled expertise and to go the Examination for Skilled Follow in Psychology. Many specific fields of psychology, like college psychologist, could require a particular certification to practice. Certain workplaces, corresponding to hospitals, might also require particular or extra licenses and certifications.
Average Annual Salary
The typical annual wage of psychologist is $72,220. This is calculated by including all of the wages throughout the occupation and dividing that value by the whole number of workers. The bottom 10% of all psychologists can expect to make lower than $$38,450 annually whereas others with extra experience in the prime 10% can count on effectively over $109,340 every year.
Components that Impacts the Psychologist Salary
Psychologist salaries vary in line with the area of psychology, with scientific, counseling, and college psychologists earning a median $seventy two,220; industrial-organizational psychologist wage is, on common, $98,800; and the common for all other psychologist salary is $86,380. Typically, the highest paid psychologists are those working in the industrial organizational sector that includes in areas reminiscent of human assets, administration, and management, as well as sales and marketing. Of these, those working in administration, scientific, and technical consulting providers have the highest average wage, at $125,980.
? Training and Specialization - A psychologist requires a master's as well as a doctoral diploma in psychology at minimum. The grasp's program could be in both arts or sciences of psychology. On the doctoral degree, for these wishing to interact in psychologist companies for purchasers, a one-year internship with supervision psicologo en barcelona is usually required. Some schools permit students to enter a doctoral program immediately following a bachelor's degree, lowering the time spent at school. While there are positions for those holding solely a master's diploma (a shorter program than a doctoral one), a doctoral diploma will yield a higher wage.
? Experience and Place - The majority of psychologists have a doctoral diploma, and so increased expertise on the job will result in the next salary. Superior-degree positions can pay greater than entry-degree. As well as, particular specializations are in higher demand, akin to neuropsychologists or engineering psychologists. Nevertheless, industrial-organizational positions are usually the most lucrative.
Psychologists are most likely the only individuals a person can talk their mind to. Different folks might begin judging you, they could get offended by what you say, or they may simply think you might be weird.
Regardless of the case may be, you can at all times depend on psychologists to help you out with any form of mental hassle you is likely to be going through. Just like medical doctors, there are totally different kinds of psychologists as properly. The most popular sort of psychologists are clinical psychologists, and they cope with issues similar to; stress, nervousness, relationship issues, depression, studying disabilities, family problems and mental illness. Aside from scientific psychologists, there are academic psychologists (often known as counselors at instances), Neuropsychologists (who determine injuries associated to your brain), Occupational psychologists (the kind you've got in Organizations usually on the time of recruitment and redundancy), Forensic psychologists (who assist with the legal proceedings in court docket, felony behavior, and so on.), Sport psychologists (though uncommon, they work with the workforce and preserve them mentally focused), and lastly Health psychologists (serving to folks give up smoking, alcohol, medication and likewise altering the way people take a look at sickness or their health).
Now that you already know all concerning the sorts of psychologists out there, you can take your issues to a particular form for a more specialised remedy. Private psychologists may be extra useful than those you have at public institutions, though it's not as if they don't seem to be certified sufficient or something like that. It's more about simply how much time and effort the psychologist gives to a particular affected person. Since a private psychologist will be charging extra, however you'll be able to count on to see them a lot quicker.
At times there are particular instances that require more care, shoppers that require more involvement, and that stage of involvement is some thing that you need to be all the time hopefully experiencing from private psychologists. At instances, one doesn't wish to be very straight forward or direct with just any scientific psychologist and so you can take issues at a pace you're comfy with by visiting a personal professional within the discipline of psychology.
There could be a number of reasons for being like that, you might need a really delicate problem you have not talked to anyone about and have bother sharing it, or you would possibly even need to develop some kind of belief before you give the psychologist details about the state of your mind. Regardless of the case is, just keep in mind that they are professionals and it is their job to hear individuals out and listen to them; they're certain keeping information private and never sharing it with others.
A psychologist is an individual who practices psychology. In his area of labor, the psychologist will study the sufferers mind and conduct. They give the impression of being into great element how the patient feels, the patient's emotions and the way the patient views that which is in the surrounding and the excellent news is that it is not a tall order to search out psychologists.
As human being we are faced with many challenges which embrace diseases. It is due to this fact essential to be able to access psychologists in your area incase you need assistance. Any psychologist will probably be in a position to help you out of the medical state of affairs that you just would possibly find yourself in. In the middle of their therapy, psychologists do create speculation to verify whether their work is sound. The character of analysis to be undertaken is heavily depended on the topic. They'll as an illustration accumulate information on the subject's persona. In some circumstances they are going to observe or even interview the topic.
This suggests that psychologists dig deeper into the sufferers attributes versus scientific medical doctors, the extra the need to seek the advice of psychologists in instances of need.
A psychologist will assist the patient understand his own mind, feelings and even habits. If you psychologists nearer to you, you can be helped to have a better understanding of your self for psychologists speak to you and clarify why you are feeling and assume the way in which you do. If we get to grasp who we are, we accept ourselves, begin feeling completely happy and on the end of it cultivate excessive self worth.
Search psychologists surveys within the internet will evaluate to you the significance of psychologists in our lives. It is because it is possible for you to to se a tremendous number of people that have gotten assist from psychologists. It's worthy noting that psychologists is not going to prescribe any type of medicine for you for theirs is discuss remedy. They'll quite the opposite do psychoanalysis, group remedy or even cognitive remedy. Incase you do not know of one, you are able to do a search on the web based mostly on area sensible psychologists record. It will thus not be a difficult thing to seek out psychologists nearer to you.
It is upon the psychologist to gauge the type of treatment suitable for the topic. Most of them specialize on just one kind of therapy. The sort therapy which is not generally used is the psychodynamic therapy which borrows from Sigmund Freud teachings.
In figuring out detrimental thought patterns and trying to treat them, the psychologists use cognitive remedy. In behavioral remedy, the subjects habits is investigated and the psychologist makes an attempt to unearth why the subject behaves the way he does. The subject would most likely be harboring dangerous actions.
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c3s-business-school · 4 years
Level 7 Diploma in Health and Social Care Management qualification is to develop learners’ understanding of policy, management theory and practice in health and social care. It provides learners with an opportunity to engage with the challenges facing professionals, services users and policy makers Successful completion of the Level 7 Diploma in Health and Social Care Management qualification enables learners to progress into or within employment.
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C3S organizes career fairs and encourage students to attend fair sessions as this give will them the opportunity for internships to develop good networking. Students can benefit of the school associations for internship opportunities.
For more information about diploma in Healthcare Management in Spain, you can visit: https://www.csss.es/diploma-level-7-in-health-and-social-care-management/
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vitmelbourne · 5 years
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VIT provide a various skills during a certification in Hospitality Training in Australia as like leader ship cooking and training because the hospitality industry continues to grow and earning a diploma in chef course will prepare students for many challenges and obstacles will face along the way. One most valuable skill gives by VIT institute for the student's leader skills during their diploma in Hospitality Training in Australia Course. Students can learn how to work in a team, How to train and instruct others, How to make quick decisions, How to communicate with staff and How to work with different types of people.
During the certification in Hospitality Training in Australia in culinary art classes both present day way of preparing food and the time tested classes. As students discovered more about food preparation then they will undoubtedly come up with your own approach of doing things. HCMI institute give a key factor for their students which are particularly important for a chef to completely understand and value the food they cook.
Advanced diploma in Hospitality Training in Australia course student will considering two major points, the first point is whether or not you get accepted into the school some institute are selective almost too selective but may be they believe that if it's hard to get accepted there. The second point is cost some diploma in chef course programs are very expensive and they are located in expensive city.
Why are so many students from all over the world going  to study hospitality management in Australia
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1. Start a new adventure
When you study a program in your own country, the content is usually focused on the hotel management industry. But, why not challenge yourself and take your passions abroad and set your sights on a brand new set of skills?
By studying abroad, you introduce yourself to a whole new way of life. You will get the chance to experience a new city, a new culture, and most likely a new language. Naturally, such a big change can come with challenges. But, by overcoming them, you learn the skills necessary to excel in your new program before you even hit the books.
2.Make Yourself Marketable
According to a broad industry survey, major employers selected what they considered to be the best Hospitality Training in Australia institutes in the world to recruit new talent. Of the top ten institutes, seven different countries are represented, including Switzerland, the Netherlands, and the United Arab Emirates.
By selecting a institute in Australia, you cultivate a global network of contacts and increase your fluency in cross-cultural communication. You also demonstrate to future employers that you are an innovate individual who is ready to take on a challenge and use the skills you’ve learned to excel in a dynamic, fast-paced workplace.
That's why schools like VIT Australia focus on helping you to build your professional skills and connections to launch your career and progress quickly in an industry that continues to expand and diversify. It's important to research a school's job placement ration when trying to narrow down your top choices.
3. Embrace Your Passions
And since you would not study hotel management if you did not like traveling, how can you realize your dream of living the world better than going abroad? Take the opportunity to explore the magnificent imperial palaces of Vienna, enjoy the view of Mont Blanc in Geneva, or explore the art and architecture of Barcelona and earn a degree during your studies.
If you do not know which city to live in, visit a institute like  Victorian institute of technology, which offers more opportunities to study abroad to improve your overall language skills.
Since you also need to be interested in people, in a new country you have the advantage of making lifelong friendships with foreign students like you and other people living in the country. In this way, you can expand your network while maintaining the support you need to optimize your international experience.
4. Take Your Education Further
Hospitality Training in Australia programs are also becoming increasingly popular as trends in industry, technology and ecotourism require industry professionals to be trained and relevant to attract attention. Tourists.
If you missed the opportunity to study abroad during your undergraduate program, here’s your chance to live the study abroad experience. What better way to get a whole new perspective on life than to introduce yourself to a whole new culture.
For getting more information visit here VIT - Victorian Institute of Technology
14/123 Queen St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia
1300 1717 55 (or) [email protected]
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