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theoldbone · 7 months ago
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Strengite, Graves Mountain, Georgia, USA, photo by Jason B. Smith
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ranans-art · 6 months ago
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Local strategist going blind with two bitches at side
Vivianite belongs to @ocreatus
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theclockworkkidart · 1 year ago
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(JJBA LotL AU) I redrew it because I wanted to. Link to the original that’s (wheezes) two years old now (link).
Acanthite (Sorbet) is shattered by Lunarians while trying to protect Orthoclase (Gelato). A hardness of 2.5 meant it didn’t take much. Parts recovered and reassembled.
Anatase (Illuso) is accidentally covered in Cerussite's (Fugo) toxic metal. Parts need to be carved off and Anatase ends up losing some memory but ultimately recovers.
Wavellite (Pesci) is shattered in a fight against Lunarians, Celsian (Prosciutto) already damaged. The Lunarians were defeated but recovering Wavellite’s body from the sea took a bit of time.
Celsian (Prosciutto) heavily damaged in a fight against the Lunarians. Watched Wavellite nearly being abducted and attempted to fight but ultimately the others got rid of the Lunarians.
Strengite (Melone) shot with a Lunarians arrow through the mouth. Strange attack as Strengite is a long distance weapon fighter and he was positioned in the building looking for the Lunarians.
Arctite (Ghiaccio) shot through the neck with a Lunarian arrow.
Microlite (Formaggio) severely damaged during a fight with Lunarians, especially to the face where both eyes ended up damaged and attempted to battle blind. Recovered.
Orthoclase (Gelato) caught in a Lunarian trap as Acanthite was damaged. Orthoclase being the soldier and Acanthite not took a mental toll.
And finally Eucryptite (Risotto) damaged in a downpour of Lunarian arrows.
All of them were recovered 😌.
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theshyshewolf · 1 month ago
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Phosphosiderite, the dream stone
💜 Phosphosiderite is a rare phosphate mineral composed primarily of iron, phosphorus, oxygen, and hydrogen.
❄️ It is typically lavender, lilac, or purplish pink, but it can also appear in reddish hues or yellowish-brown, sometimes with veins of more iron rich minerals.
💜 Phosphosiderite forms in phosphate rich environments, typically as a secondary mineral in oxidized zones of iron ore deposits. It is often associated with other phosphate minerals, such as strengite or variscite.
❄️ It is mostly found in Chile, Germany, USA, Argentina, and Portugal.
💜 Known as a healing stone, phosphosiderite is thought to soothe emotional stress and anxiety. It promotes inner peace and calmness, making it an excellent tool for those struggling with emotional turbulence or overwhelming thoughts.
❄️ Phosphosiderite is often associated with the third eye chakra and the heart chakra, facilitating spiritual insight and love. It helps bridge the gap between emotional and spiritual understanding, allowing individuals to align their higher self with their personal truth.
💜 It's calming energy supports deep, focused meditation, and aids in connecting with spiritual guides, accessing higher realms, and enhancing intuition.
❄️ Phosphosiderite is used to improve communication with the divine or spiritual realms, making it ideal for channeling and dreamwork.
💜 It promotes patience, particularly in challenging situations, helping users remain grounded and compassionate. It can also enhance understanding of life's challenges and encourage acceptance of oneself and others.
❄️ Phosphosiderite is believed to help those with sleep difficulties, including insomnia and restless dreams, by fostering a tranquil environment. Many use it as a dream stone, placing it under their pillow to encourage vivid and meaningful dreams.
💜 It is thought to cleanse the aura of negative energy and promote balance in the energy field. It aids in harmonizing emotional and spiritual energies, creating a sense of wholeness.
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diegosouzalions · 2 years ago
What is the function of plumbojarosite, strengite, scorzalite, cerulite , clinothulite and pyroxmangite
Well, I already answered this question, it's in this link above ☝️
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ainews · 1 month ago
The use of Strengite in refinishing furniture is becoming increasingly popular with furniture restorers due to its unique properties that make it especially suitable for the job. Strengite is a naturally occurring mineral composed of iron oxide hydroxide, which gives it a unique range of properties that make it a great choice for furniture refinishing.
Strengite is known for its high resistance to abrasion and wear, making it ideal for furniture refinishing as it can withstand the sanding and buffing that is required to restore the original finish. Its hardness also makes it an excellent choice for the removal of scratches and dings from furniture surfaces, and its ability to easily accept and hold a variety of finishes makes it a great choice for restoring the original look and feel of furniture.
In addition, Strengite is also known for its resistance to moisture, which is especially important in furniture refinishing as it helps protect the wood from warping and cracking due to water damage. This makes Strengite an excellent choice for furniture refinishing as it will help preserve the original condition of the piece.
Finally, Strengite is also an affordable choice for furniture refinishing, making it ideal for both professional and amateur restorers. It is available in a variety of grades and is easy to apply, making it a great choice for restoring furniture to its original condition without breaking the bank.
Overall, Strengite is an excellent choice for furniture refinishing due to its unique properties that make it especially suitable for the job. Its hardness, resistance to abrasion and wear, and ability to accept and hold a variety of finishes make it an ideal choice for restoring furniture to its original condition. In addition, its affordability also makes it a great choice for amateur and professional restorers alike.
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ask-hydiris-ocean-beast · 4 months ago
Dear Hydiris,
How do you do it honestly? If I had known there's a timeline where my husband would've been ripped away from me, I would have tried my hardest to change it. Well... I did do that, but that isn't the point. How do you deal with the fact that there is a timeline out there where you do not meet?
Timelines are tricky, like a butterfly veins, they spread to different directions, yet still remain in a same 'paralel', giving shape and form, some things may stay the same physical, but emotionally would change
"Is hard to put it, sorry for not having a clear answer for you, but, to not leave you in the dark of curiosity, i would say, i would feel bad for the me of that timeline, not having what gave her the curiosity to keep hearing the stories and how time passes, even if the cycle of life will forever remain, even if things happen for a reason, what is done is done, and cannot be changed, but perhaps the me of that timeline is already acting, we might be the same, but experiences can change someone, so, that's perhaps how i deal it"
As she finished speaking, a tiny serpent passed by, appreciating how delicate it looked, a young exploring the world, not worrying about what's beyond it, but more fascinated by ithe surroundings.
"yet maybe i have now a proper answer...enjoying the slightes moments of the 'now'"
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steliosagapitos · 11 months ago
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Strengite and Kidwellite.
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pan-fried-autism · 2 years ago
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I meant to post this yesterday, but I coloured in some more fusions.
We have Strengite (Spinel + Blue Sandstone [oc]), Magenta Labradorite (Steven + Purple Beryl [oc]), and Deep Blue Dianite (Black Pearl + Black Sapphire [both are ocs]). Black Dianite isn’t real, and I WOULD have made her be a Black Jade, but deep blue d is very dark so whatever
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neoryanvx1 · 2 years ago
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Strengite by sunstone and dragonblood inspired by treasure chocolate
here is poppy topaz composed of sunstone and my mystic amber
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animalvegetablemineral · 5 years ago
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Bladed stellate spray of strengite crystals on matrix from Indian Mountain, Alabama by Stefanie Falcon
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theoldbone · 1 year ago
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Cacoxenite, strengite, Phophate Occurence, Occitanie, France, photo by Francois Garric
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pocket-gems · 3 years ago
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I was organizing my gems and I wanted to develop my Strengite since she had some unused concepts, when I remembered I had a Pink Iolite that I traded from @/sw-artss and guess she's a Pink Strengite now.
They looked similar and hey, it fits. Pink rebel meets purple trickster!
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theclockworkkidart · 1 year ago
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(JJBA LOTL AU) Quick Melone in the Land of the Lustrous AU. Strengite here.
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magnusfluorapatite · 4 years ago
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iyeedsljfsjtlljdt · 1 year ago
Os Coquimbites são Gemas aristocráticas ligadas à eletricidade, em casos raros são como “geradores” ou “baterias” quando os Lorenzenitas não conseguem resolver.
Piroxmangites são Gemas aristocráticas, possuem milhares de residências em colônias conquistadas que podem ser doadas para Gemas importantes na hierarquia (como Granadas, Esmeraldas…) ou para Gemas que são consideradas lendárias na história do Color Planet.
Strengites são joias muito fortes, mas leves como uma bolha. Eles podem levantar 10 vezes mais peso do que qualquer outro quartzo. Geralmente trabalham em colônias com gravidade muito alta.
Serpentinitas Verdite são joias de elite, ocupando o 2º lugar (abaixo dos Enxofres) entre as joias mais fortes de elite. Meu conceito sobre a habilidade dela veio bem antes do filme Steven Universo, onde ela consegue rejuvenescer Gem fazendo puf nela de alguma forma. Eles também podem hipnotizar Gems mostrando seus olhos.
Albitas são guardiões de tesouros (como os Prismas) ou segredos que são colocados em colônias. Eles também são chamados para verificar os tronos flutuantes (mostrados no capítulo "O Baile") usando sua telecinesia.
Os escorzalitos são verificadores da qualidade da água que chegam ao Color Planet, ou seja, limpam-na retirando vida orgânica, ou substâncias que nela encontram.
Ceruleites são aristocratas, mas também salvam vidas. Eles podem esticar seus vestidos fazendo com que pareçam uma corda grossa.
Os Clinothulites são os supervisores dos Morganitas, analisam os desenhos e aprovam os que lhes parecem mais coerentes, a seu ver, para os Diamantes.
Azuritas são como “dançarinas” aquáticas, que trazem entretenimento às Gemas aristocráticas, realizando truques aquáticos enquanto dançam, colocando assim bons sentimentos nas Gemas.
Plumbojarositas são joias que controlam a luz, também servem como lanternas ou para direcionar a luz solar para inversores solares (que produzem energia solar).
Silimanites são técnicos pessoais. Como não tenho muitas informações sobre eles, vocês podem dar uma olhada no perfil do @/sillimanite.network (Instagram), já que eles criaram o tipo dessa Gem.
Cuprites são Gemas aristocráticas motivadoras, elas ajudam Gemas que estão desmotivadas ou em depressão, buscando uma maneira de as Gemas verem a realidade de outra forma.
Smithsonites são como anciãos ou bibliotecários que guardam todos os relatórios, histórias e lendas sobre o Planeta Colorido e as conquistas de seus Diamantes. Aliás, foram eles que criaram a escrita do Color Planet Gems.
I have a lot of question
What is coquimbite use for
Pyrommoite to
Strengite to
Verdite to
Albite to
Scorzalite to
Cerulite to
Clinothulite to
Azurite to plumbojurite to
Silimanite to
And cuprite and smithstone to
Happy if you answer
Coquimbites are aristocratic Gems linked to electricity, in rare cases they are like "generators" or "batteries" when Lorenzenites cannot resolve.
Pyroxmangites are aristocratic Gems, they have thousands of residences in conquered colonies that can be donated to important Gems in the hierarchy (like Garnets, Emeralds…) or to Gems that are considered legendary in the history of Color Planet.
Strengites are very strong Gems, but light as a bubble. They can lift 10 times more weight than any other Quartz. Usually, they work in colonies with very high gravity.
Verdite Serpentinites are elite Gems, they rank 2nd (below Sulphurs) of Elite Strongest Gems. My concept of her ability came well before the Steven Universe Movie, where she manages to rejuvenate Gem by poofing her in some way. They can also hypnotize Gems by showing their eyes.
Albites are keepers of treasures (like the Prisms) or secrets that are placed in colonies. They are also called upon to check the floating thrones (shown in the chapter "The Ball") using their telekinesis.
Scorzalites are water quality checkers who come to Color Planet, that is, they clean it by removing organic life, or substances that they find in it.
Ceruleites are aristocrats, but they are also lifesavers. They can stretch their dresses making it look like a thick rope.
Clinothulites are Morganites' supervisors, they analyze the designs and approve the ones that seem most coherent, in their view, for the Diamonds.
Azurites are like water "dancers", who bring entertainment to aristocratic Gems, performing water tricks as they dance, thus putting good feelings in the Gems.
Plumbojarosites are Gems that control light, they also serve as flashlights, or to direct sunlight into solar inverters (which produce solar energy).
Sillimanites are personal technicians. As I don't have much information about them, you can look on @/sillimanite.network's profile (Instagram), since they created the type of this Gem.
Cuprites are motivating aristocratic Gems, they help Gems who are unmotivated or in depression, looking for a way for Gems to see reality in another way.
Smithsonites are like elders or librarians who keep all the reports, stories and legends about the Color Planet and the achievements of its Diamonds. By the way, they were the ones who created the writing for the Color Planet Gems.
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