#Stray kids x gender neutral reader
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this was so funny omg, but also had some really sweet comforting moments, you really bring out the chaos in skz hahaha
Accepting Help (Not Escaping)

Stray Kids x reader
Requested by anonymous: Hi. 🙂 Could I please request more 9th member x skz fluff? Something very cute and/or comforting, please. I'd be happy with literally anything. Thank you. 💕
Reader is written with no pronouns mentioned at all, but does hide their nipular area. Gender can be taken as any, but just as a heads up, reader shields their upper chest area.
Accidents happened, which is how you dislocated your shoulder. And broke the same arm. And twisted your ankle.
In short: You tumbled off a recording set and were rushed to the hospital.
“Are you sure you feel okay?” Chan worriedly asks for the twentieth time once you’re home. When you wave his concerns away, his eyebrows pinch together. “Okay, just… You’re pretty badly injured.”
“No, I’m okay.” You use your good arm to pull the sheets up to your chin. “Oh, is it okay if I’m a bit late to practise tomorrow? It might take me a while to get ready. I could wake up early, though.”
Chan blinks at you. “What? No, you’re not going. You’re staying here and resting.”
Changbin nods. “Even if I have to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back here.”
“Gotta get those bones back to normal.” Jisung wiggles his eyebrows with a smirk. “Gotta be rock hard inside. Ngh-“
Minho narrows his eyes at Jisung. “Are you high?”
Jisung pouts. “I’m trying to cheer up our patient!”
“By moaning?” Hyunjin demands, rubbing at his face. “I’m going to go stab my ears now.”
“Aht!” Chan snaps. “None of that!”
“Are you sure I’m not going tomorrow?” You poke Chan’s shoulder to bring his attention back to you. “I have no problem getting up a bit early.”
“You’re staying here and resting,” Chan insists. “And I’m going to have someone stay back with you.”
Everyone immediately raises their hands. Chan squints at them all, trying to figure out who would be the most responsible.
“Actually, maybe we should just rent a nurse,” Chan murmurs to himself.
“I can be a nurse!” Jeongin’s hand shoots up. “I used to play doctor all the time as a kid!”
“That absolutely doesn’t count,” Seungmin says. “If we’re going by that logic I could also go kill a dragon.”
Jeongin rolls his eyes. “Well, dragons aren’t real, so who’s stupid now?”
“Didn’t you say yesterday that mermaids are real?” Felix wonders aloud.
Jeongin crosses his arms. “Because they are! I’ll send you a video proving it!”
“Nuh-uh.” Felix shakes his head. “I don’t want you wrecking my algorithm with conspiracy theories.”
“You know what?” Chan sighs heavily as he looks down at you. “We’ll do groups of two from now on. Tomorrow is Changbin and Felix.”
“I can totally manage by myself,” you protest, trying to sit up.
“But I’ll feel better if I know someone is here.” Chan smiles softly at you, reaching out to ruffle your hair affectionately. “Sound good?”
“Yeah,” you mutter, slumping into your pillows.
And so it begins.
The next day, you wake up and decide to shower, because you still feel hospital all over you. It’s an irrational thought that even you don’t understand, but you need to shower.
So you swing your legs over the side of the bed, biting your lip before bracing yourself. You slide out of bed and crumple to the floor as soon as you put your weight on your ankle. You collapse loudly, holding in a whimper at the pain.
Changbin bursts inside, eyes wide with alarm. “What happened?”
“Just- I tried to stand up.” You claw at the bed with your good arm, attempting to get back to your feet.
Changbin heaves you up and drapes you across the bed again. “Just rest. Stay here.”
“But I need to shower!” you argue. You point at the door pleadingly. “Changbin…”
He sighs and rubs at his forehead. “Wait, so how is this going to work?”
“Just pick me up and take me there, please?” You bat your eyes at him.
Changbin holds a hand up, deep in thought. “But… How are you supposed to like, undress? Your arm is really messed up.”
“Nah, I’ve got this,” you confidently say. “Just bring me there, and I can handle it. Actually, let me grab a set of clothes to change into.”
Changbin waits for you to rummage through the dresser next to the bed before he scoops you up and carts you off to the bathroom. He sets you down on the counter and eyes the shower warily. “You sure you’ve got this?”
“Absolutely.” You puff your chest out. “Now get out of here so I can get all naked and stuff.”
He laughs under his breath as he makes his exit, closing the door behind him. It clicks softly into place, and you work your way out of your pants, wriggling out of them. It’s a struggle, but you make it happen.
Your top is more difficult. There’s the whole sleeve thing, which is annoying. How are you supposed to maneuver your arm out of it?
So you wrestle with it for about three entire minutes before getting it over your head. It comes with a whole bunch of pain, but you win. You come out victorious.
You make your way to the shower, turning it on. You lean against the glass, keeping your weight off your ankle as best you can. You cover your cast in a plastic wrap Chan picked up for you.
You’re so glad that the shower has a bench, and you are maybe not very dignified as you sit on it. But that’s okay.
You shampoo, and condition, and soap your body, and go through your whole routine. You push the door open and grab the handle of it, your ankle very much so not happy with you.
You dry yourself off with the towel, putting your underwear and pants on with no problem. Then it’s time for the top.
You glare at it for about four seconds before trying to slip it on. It’s not smooth, and you don’t get anywhere. It’s just sitting in your hand as you sit on the bathroom floor, crying in frustration.
There’s a gentle knock on the door, and Felix’s hesitant voice comes from the other side.
“You okay?” he asks, low voice soothing. “Just checking in.”
You sniffle and give up your dignity. “Can you help me?”
Felix is silent for a moment. “With what?”
“I- I can’t get my shirt on.” You crumple the stupid thing up and almost throw it at the wall. Almost.
“Okay…” he slowly says. “Are you decent?”
You check that the towel is covering your upper portion before nodding, even though he can’t see you. “Yup.”
The door opens, and Felix steps in, eyes filling with worry as he takes you in. Hair sopping wet, body curled up on the floor, and eyes red from crying.
“It’s okay,” he gently says, kneeling next to you. Felix eases the shirt from your grasp and smiles at you, all sunshine.
“C- Can you help?” You hiccup and rub at your eyes with your hand.
Felix studies you for a moment. “Okay… I think I’m going to do your bad arm first.”
You let him maneuver your arm, noting how he keeps his gaze away from any more private areas. You’re very grateful for that.
“Okay, now I’m going to close my eyes and you get your head and other arm through it,” Felix tells you, holding the material away from your previously dislocated shoulder. “It might pull the shirt tight against your arm on this side, so I’ll hold it away.”
You nod, following his instructions, letting him know when you’re finished. He grins at you and stands up, dusting his hands off on his pants.
“Ready to go back to bed?” Felix opens the door wider so he can get you both through it.
“Yeah.” You lean against him, hobbling back to your room. “Can you grab some ice for me? It’s really swollen.”
Felix winces, glancing down at your ankle. “Yeah, I noticed.”
Changbin peeks his head around the corner, clicking his tongue. “Your hair is wet still! I’ll go get a hairdryer.”
“Oh, you really don’t have to.” You scoot across the bed and prop yourself up against the pillows.
“No, we don’t want you getting sick.” Changbin shakes his head and wanders off, as Felix leaves to get ice.
They return at the same time, Changbin with an electrical appliance and Felix with a baggie of frozen liquids.
“I could’ve been practising today, but noooo,” you grumble under your breath. “Chan had to be all heroic and all that.”
“What, like you were going to limp through the dance?” Felix scoffs and gives you the ice. “You can barely walk. Your ankle is swollen bigger than Changbin’s biceps.”
“That’s not true!” you and Changbin both exclaim at the same time, before exchanging a glance.
“Just rest,” Felix insists. Changbin hums his agreement and settles next to you to blow dry your hair.
You huff, but allow them to take care of you. But tomorrow, you won’t. Tomorrow, you’re going to the studio.
“Jeongin and Minho,” Chan says, crossing his arms. “You’re staying today.”
Jeongin grins and bounds over to you, practically vibrating in happiness. “We’re going to have so much fun today!”
Minho watches you carefully, gaze sharp. “Yes. We’ll hang out here together, all day long.”
You scowl at him. Does he know you’re planning to go to the studio?
“All right!” Chan claps his hands. “Everyone to the van! Hyunjin, no! Don’t- Don’t touch that!”
As everyone shuffles off to the van, you attempt to sneak into the crowd. Maybe it’s not the greatest plan, but there’s like eighty people is this house.
Minho grabs you by the back of your shirt, promptly putting an end to your escape attempt. “And where do you think you’re going?”
You smile meekly at him. “Uh… To get some fresh air?”
He smiles wickedly, sending a shiver down your spine. “Good thing I thought ahead, then.”
Which is how you found yourself being pushed down the sidewalk in a wheelchair.
“How did you even get this?” you demand.
Minho chuckles darkly, continuing to push you. “I had a feeling you would want some ‘fresh air’.” His voice implies that he knows you were trying to go to the studio. “So this way, you don’t have to worry.”
“Now we can go out and you won’t hurt your ankle!” Jeongin brightly says. “Isn’t that great?”
“Sure.” You slump in the wheelchair and pout. “It’s fantastic.”
“Aw, don’t be sad. Didn’t you want some fresh air?” Minho teases. He points at a tree. “Look, it has leaves!”
You turn around to glower at him. “Very funny. But how am I supposed to get better if I can’t keep my strength up? That means I need to walk on my own. Or dance at the studio with the rest of you.”
Jeongin frowns. “I don’t think that’s how it works. You need rest to fully recover.”
You wiggle your legs a bit, debating whether it’s a good idea to just make a run for it. You really can’t handle this all day.
“Jeongin,” Minho drawls, “do you want a ride too?”
Jeongin perks up, spinning around to look at the both of you. He had been walking ahead, since you and Minho were too slow apparently. “Really?”
“What?” You protest as Jeongin throws himself into your lap. You start to squirm around, trying to get him off. “I didn’t agree to this!”
“Oh, too bad.” Minho pats the top of your head. “But it looks like you aren’t going anywhere anymore, little escape artist.”
“How did you know?” you cry out in outrage. Then you take a deep breath and blink innocently at him. “I mean… What?”
Jeongin wraps his arms around your neck and crosses his legs as if he’s riding sidesaddle. “Push us, Minho!”
Minho sighs and rolls his eyes. “Just make sure no one runs off anywhere. You both know who I’m talking about.”
Jeongin nods and smiles at you before whispering, “He wants to make sure I don’t run off to the circus.” His eyes glint with mischief.
Mingi’s phone buzzes and he stops to answer it. He steps off to the side to speak with whoever it is, and you watch him go.
“Uh,” Jeongin’s voice cuts through your thoughts, “are we moving or is that just me?”
“That’s just you,” you reply without looking. Then you realize that the wheelchair is in fact moving.
Downhill at a rapid speed, in fact.
You scream, causing Jeongin to scream. He clutches you tighter, and you bury your face in his neck.
You can barely see Minho sprinting to catch up, although he’s still a far ways away. His eyes are wide and you can hear curse words flying out of his mouth faster than Jisung can rap.
“Oh no, oh no, oh no!” Jeongin shrieks, shattering your ear drums. “Holy shit!”
“Jeongin!” you scold, scandalized. “Don’t swear!”
Minho’s hands wrap around the handles, and he digs his heels in. The wheelchair slows to a stop and he pants heavily.
You smack Minho’s arm. “Why did you leave us at the top of a hill? You idiot!”
Minho scowls at you as he regains his breath. “You’re lucky I don’t hurt injured people.”
Jeongin shudders. “I- I think I’m going to throw up.”
This is it. The day you’re going to the studio. Nothing can stop you today.
“Ready for a fun day of relaxing?” Jisung asks as he wanders into your room, grinning from ear to ear. “We’re going to have so much fun!”
You’re not there, however. Instead, you’re hobbling down the hallways as fast as you can. Escape time. In your head, you have spy music going.
“No!” Hyunjin screeches from far behind you. “Jisung! Over here!”
Jisung runs out of your room, eyes landing on you. “Aha! Stop right there!”
You pick up your pace, heading directly for the set of stairs. You hear Hyunjin’s gasp before Jisung is tackling you, and you’re both tumbling down the stairs.
Jisung tries to turn his body so he takes most of the hit, but he fails. You land directly on your recently dislocated shoulder, and feel it pop again.
Tears bubble in the corners of your eyes. “I- I don’t feel good.”
Hyunjin races down to the bottom of the stairs, wincing as he looks at you. “Well… This is what you get for trying to go to the studio.”
You splutter out a sob before Jisung helps you stand. They escort you to the spare vehicle, since apparently Minho took the wheelchair with him, and Hyunjin drives you to the hospital. You get your shoulder shoved back into place before you go back home, sitting in an awkward silence.
“Whoops,” Jisung eventually says. “The doctor seemed nice though.”
“Because I was there for the exact same problem like three days ago!” you snap. You huff and turn away from him to stare out the car window. “She’s worried about severe damage to my joint now. Apparently the more times you dislocate it, the easier it gets to pop it out of place.”
“That’s stupid,” Hyunjin comments. “Your shoulder should get tougher.”
Jisung nods along. “It’s a skill issue. My shoulder has never been dislocated.”
You glare at him. “You’re the one that shoved me down the stairs!”
“Because you tried to get away!” Jisung angrily responds. His cheeks puff out with his ire.
“Enough!” Hyunjin tells. “Don’t make me turn this car around! I’ll make you both get colonoscopies!”
You and Jisung both cross your arms, but wisely remain silent. When you get home, Hyunjin directs you to your room and practically forces you to your bed.
“Wait!” You stop him before you get into your bed. “I want my pyjamas first!”
Hyunjin spins around. “Change.”
You shift between feet. “Can you help me, please?”
Jisung peeks inside, scissors in hand. “I’ve got this!”
“Wait, what?” You frown as he approaches, giggling to himself. Your eyes widen in terror before he cuts through your shirt. “Jisung!”
His back is to you now. “What? I thought you wanted help.”
“It’s ruined!” You mourn the loss of your shirt, gripping the tattered pieces. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You did say that you wanted help,” Hyunjin cuts in. “So…”
“I needed help putting a new one on!” you hiss out. “Whatever. I’ll just wear a robe.”
Jisung blindly hands you one, and you slip it on. You tie it around your waist before climbing into bed.
“Okay, now sleep,” Hyunjin orders. He flicks the lights off, plunging you into darkness. “Sleeeeep.”
“We could always try hypnotism,” Jisung suggests. “I think I have a pocket watch around somewhere.”
“Why do you have a pocket watch?” Hyunjin wonders.
“No one is hypnotizing me!” You groan and let your eyes shut. “That has dumb idea written all over it. Like you can even hypnotize anyone.”
Jisung turns the lights back on. “Wanna bet?”
“Okay.” You sit up straighter. “If you can hypnotize Hyunjin, I’ll give you my cookie recipe.”
Hyunjin forehead crinkles. “Wait. I didn’t-“
Jisung holds his hand out for you to shake. “Deal. I’ll go find my pocket watch.”
Hyunjin scratches the back of his neck. “What if I don’t want to be hypnotized?”
“Nah, it’s fine.” You wave a hand dismissively. “I’m sure he knows what he’s doing.”
“I absolutely know what I’m doing,” Jisung agrees, wandering back in. He’s carrying a pocket watch that dangles from a gold chain. “Ready?”
Hyunjin hesitantly sits on the edge of your bed, fisting the sheets. “What if this goes wrong and I speak like a chicken for the rest of my life?”
Jisung rolls his eyes. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“Hurry this up,” you goad.
Jisung starts to swing it in front of Hyunjin’s eyes. “You’re getting sleepy. Very sleepy. So very sleepy.”
Hyunjin narrows his eyes before sighing, eyes fluttering shut. “I’m still wide awake, but sure.”
“Shut up,” you mutter.
Jisung grins. “You’re sleepy. And, uh, you’re in love with Changbin. You love him deeply.”
You squint at Jisung. “What?”
“You love him, and will do anything for him,” Jisung finishes. “Um… Okay wake up.”
Hyunjin peeks his eyes open, blinking slowly.
“Did it work?” Jisung hopefully asks, clutching the pocket watch tightly.
“You’re a moron.” Hyunjin flicks Jisung’s forehead before facing you again. “Sleep.” He drags Jisung out of the room.
“So, I know it’s been a very exciting relaxation period, but today we’ll actually get some rest.” Chan fluffs your pillows and picks the tv remote up. “What do you want to watch?”
You him as you think about it. “Put on a k-drama. A romantic, gushy one.”
Chan grins and chooses one for you before heading out the door. “Okay, text me if you need anything.”
You pout. “You’re not going to watch it with me?”
Chan grimaces. “Uh…”
Seungmin laughs. “Come on, Chan! It’s the least you can do since our ninth member is so badly hurt.”
Chan groans, throwing his head back. “Fine. But only if Seungmin has to watch it too.”
Seungmin scowls. “I don’t like that idea.”
“Too bad.” You stick your tongue out at him, smiling as he settles on your left side. Chan curls up on your right, eyes landing on the screen.
“Damn, he’s hot,” you whisper as a man wanders on screen.
Seungmin side-eyes you. “You’re kidding, right?”
You hide your face behind your hands. “No. But don’t judge me!”
Seungmin gestures at the television. “He’s the villain! The insane villain that kills people for fun.”
You duck your head, not wanting eye contact for what you’re about to say. “But… He’s hot.”
“Oh my gosh,” Chan mutters, shaking his head. His face is tinged with disappointment. “If you ever date someone, I’m going to be very suspicious. And scared.”
“He’s a murderer!” Seungmin points again. “He’s crazy! He’s- He’s… Oh, hello.”
Chan’s eyes widen. “Why is he shirtless?”
You smirk. “Because. That’s how these shows work. There’s always a scene with a dude shirtless in a shower.”
“But why?” Seungmin questions. “It’s not important to the plot at all.”
“Shut up,” you snap. “You’re ruining the view.”
Chan shifts, propping himself up on his elbows. “Okay, so who’s the- Wait, why is that guy bleeding? Who is that with the knife?”
“If you’re going to watch with me, you need to be quiet,” you sharply say. You level them both with glares.
“You’re the one that wanted us to watch it with you!” Seungmin exclaims. But his eyes remain glued to the show.
Time goes by, and the show progresses. You finish the first episode before Chan turns the second one on. By now, everyone is in agreement with you that the villain is hot.
“Daddy material,” you say under your breath.
Seungmin side-eyes you once again. “Okay, I wouldn’t go that far.”
“No, I mean it literally.” You pat his arm. “Look at his house. Plenty of room for a nursery. That shoulder? Perfect for burping a baby on. And damn, he even has jingly keys.”
Chan rolls his tongue against the inside of his cheek. “Weird, but okay. Are those your standards for men?”
“Jingly keys?” You glance over at him. “No. I have higher standards than that, actually.”
“I should hope so.” Seungmin gets up, sliding off the bed. “I need to go. I’m hungry.”
Chan pauses the show before placing the remote in your nightstand. “Alright, then. I think I’ll get some lunch too, then.” He looks to you. “Want us to make you something?”
“Sure.” You smile softly. “And thanks for taking care of me, guys. It’s… It’s hard for me to accept help.”
“We know.” Chan pats your good shoulder. “Why do you think I had people stay behind?
“Also he was scared that you’d burn the place down,” Seungmin adds.
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic @imeverycliche @iwuberic @strawberryscentedd
#jinnie ret recs#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#stray kids#skz#straykids ninth member#skz ninth member#stray kids ninth#stray kids x gender neutral reader#9th member fic#skz 9th member reader#stray kids x 9th member#skz 9th member#stray kids 9th member
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♡₊˚ 🦢・₊✧
planning your wedding with bangchan !!
a/n: a little short and sweet post for yall☺️

fake text m.list ☁︎⋅
#viasdreams#skz#skz texts#skz fake texts#skz x y/n#skz x you#skz x reader#skz smau#skz bang chan#skz ff#skz fanfic#skz fluff#stray kids#stray kids fanfic#stray kids fake texts#stray kids fluff#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x you#stray kids x reader#stray kids x gender neutral reader#stray kids bang chan#stray kids smau#bangchan#bang chan#bangchan x y/n#bangchan x you#bangchan x reader#bangchan fanfic#bangchan fluff#bangchan stray kids
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it's the little things for me
chan: folding the laundry as he admires you while you scream to lady gaga on a friday night, cleaning your spectacles/ sun glasses for you, feeding you with his own chopsticks, making sure you're on the opposite side of the traffic while crossing the street, taking strands of hair out of your mouth when you're asleep, making sure he always has time for you, rocking you in his arms while you cry, sharing the tiniest of umbrellas even if you BOTH get wet in the process, silently wiping sauce off your face while you ramble on about the latest gossip at work/uni, sends flowers to your place on random days, saying he loves you more than he loves the ocean. lee know: wearing even the most cringe frilly pink aprons you'll get him which stay stuff like 'kiss the cook' or 'mr. good lookin is cookin', learning how to make all your comfort foods, buying you stuffed toys resembling your childhood pets, always making you taste test the food he's cooking, "do you want it to be spicier? it'll help with the cold.", oiling and massaging your hair on sunday mornings, talking to you like he does with his cats whenever you're sick, screeching to songs in the car, buying stupid matching sunglasses, sharpening your pencils for you, leaving sooni, doongi and dori at his parents' claiming you spend more time with them than him, cracking your fingers when he's bored.
changbin: washing your dishes no matter how much you insist you can do it, keeping in touch with your family once you introduce them to him, giving you piggy back rides, letting you make stupidly cute hairstyles with his hair, sleeping with your stuffed toys when you're not at home, always packing your favourite toothpaste because he knows how much you despise the hotel ones, letting you win at arm wrestling, racing with you to the nearby convenience store.
hyunjin: learning your drink orders for different moods and seasons, slipping little encouraging notes with the cutest doodles into your bag, jacket pockets, underwear pile, EVERYWHERE, clicking lots of candid polaroids of you, always keeping a lipbalm in his pocket for you, making a list of places you want to visit and taking you on surprise trips, rubbing your noses together, drawing on your arms while you watch a movie, listening to you rant about your passions all. night. long.
jisung: always wanting you to share new music you like with him, buying you guys matching fluffy house slippers with the most bizarre stuff like cheese puffs or flamingos on them, decorating your shared space with childhood photos of you, singing karaoke with you until 4 am, watching panda and hamster videos together, singing you awake every morning, playing careless whisper as a way of asking you to dance with him, binging studio ghibli movies with you on days off, afternoon naps, watching fireflies together, weird nicknames like 'cake batter eater' or 'hairbrush stealer', rewatching childhood cartoons, doubling over in laughter one second and having the most serious conversations the next, "would you still love me if i was a worm?"
felix: reporting accounts which abuse skzoo >:(, always stocking up on your favourite snacks, letting you tease him over his small hands, giving you the best massages after long days, whispering and quiet laughing in silent spaces, biting your shoulder whenever you expose him in front of the boys, showing off his latest dance moves while dusting the house, giggling and rolling around in fresh sheets you just finished putting on, being your personal heater during the winters, miserably gardening together, smiling in between kisses.
seungmin: learning small phrases in your mother tongue and making sure his pronunciation is on spot, wearing animal onesies together, waking you up with your favourite cup of coffee every morning, giving you head scratches when you can't sleep, cuddling together on a rocking chair, fighting over who pays for the bill, going to fancy stores and trying out clothes only to leave without buying anything, always finding you first whenever there's a blackout, going to the local adoption center and cooing at puppies together, tracing your features while you sleep, a quick forehead kiss before he rushes to work, replacing photocards you have of other members with his own.
jeongin: "mentioned you in their story", staying on call with you when you're taking a cab at night, wearing normal shoes when he goes out with you, eating caramel popcorn at 2 am, getting on a subway and going to the nearby town because you heard it's raining there and needed a reason to dance together, laying his head on your lap while reading manga, wearing fuzzy socks, trying out stupid tiktok couple trends, pretending to be a toxic couple while grocery shopping.
#stray kids#skz#skz imagines#stray kids imagines#han jisung#han jisung fluff#jisung x reader#skz fluff#stray kids x reader#han x reader#stray kids fluff#stray kids drabbles#skz x male reader#stray kids x male reader#skz x gn reader#stray kids x gender neutral reader#skz x gn! reader#stray kids fic#skz fic#skz jisung#hyunjin x reader#felix x reader#chan x reader#seungmin x reader#kpop#kpop x reader#changbin x reader#minho x reader
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.₊•✧˚┊Cuddles with Chris┊˚✧•₊.
Straddling Chris in bed with his face squished in between your hands as you giggle down at him. He has the biggest goofy smile and prettiest rosey blush painted across his face as you peck his nose and tell him how beautiful, how amazing he truly is. Gently cupping his face as your thumbs caress the apple of his cheeks. Just staring at his face, into his eyes with a distant, content smile. His hands would reach up and be placed over yours and nuzzle closer into your warm palms.
Rolling off his lap to lay next to him, pulling him tightly into your chest and planting a lingering kiss to the crown of his head that's nestled under your chin. Chan would be a blushing mess, hiding his beet-red face in the fabric of your hoodie (really his hoodie). His arms are tightly wrapped around your waist while yours are encompassing his shoulders. Holding each other close like either of you could disappear in an instant.
As you softly hum to the song playing in the background, Chris feels the vibrations through your chest, adding to the content warmth of the embrace shared between you both. He pulls his head away and looks up at you with a twinkle in his eye. Staring back at him in confusion and amusement you ask what's wrong, that's when a gentle smile takes over his face and he mumbles out a loving ‘I love you’ and gently places a prolonged kiss to your lips. His head then returned to snuggling under your chin, squeezing your waist and trying to pull you further into him. Tightening your grip around his shoulders you mumble a simple ‘Love you more’ into his hair as your lips press firmly into the soft mess.
As the soft melodies drift out of the long-forgotten phone on the nightstand, you and Chan fall into a tranquil sleep. Free from the burdens and stress of work, the anxiety of what will happen tomorrow, and the fear of success. Nothing matters as long as you both are with each other.
Yes this is based on the video he sent on bubble leave me alone
#Chris makes me soft#stray kids#skz#straykids#hansol rants#stray kids x male reader#gn reader#chan#bang chan#christopher bang#channie <3#stray kids x reader#stray kids x gender neutral reader#gender neutral reader
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𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐊𝐙 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐬
< Messages: Brother SKZ
Recipient: Gen. Neutral Y/N
A/N: this is all for kicks and giggles. most are gender neutral y/n but jeongin's y/n is fem. enjoy being skz siblings. the texts are in age order. changbin is not a wingman fr. jeongin is spoiled by you.
Warning(s): sassy kings// profanity// menace behavior// minho being minho
#✰’s skztext#skz#skz fanfic#skz imagines#skz texts#skz x reader#skz textfic#skz smau#skz fake texts#skz stay#skz ot8#skz x y/n#skz x you#stray kids#stray kids fanfic#stray kids imagines#stray kids texts#stray kids x reader#stray kids textfic#stray kids smau#stray kids fake texts#stray kids stays#stray kids ot8#stray kids chat#stray kids x you#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x gender neutral reader#skz x gn reader
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Pairing: Bang Chan x gn!Reader
Genre: drabble; cozy; established relationship; sensual fluff; slice of life/bedroom domesticity
Word Count: ~500
Content Warnings: 18+ (minors, DNI); kissing/cuddling in bed; bedtime states of undress; brief necking; intimate touching in the context of comfort; words unspoken
Author's Note: That Bubble photo has been taking up prime real estate in my mind all day, so here's a few simple and unpolished words of worship for this beautiful man. ❤️
If no one has told you yet today, you're loved and worthy of love. 🧜♀️ 💜
“What?” he asks softly, his hand sliding up over your thigh where you kneel beside him.
Gazing down at him as he lays back against your pillows, you’re not exactly sure what to say.
The lamp offers only a little warm light, and the beauty of his features and the defined contours of his arms and shoulders are dappled by the hazy glow and the soft brush of shadows. He looks strong and broad where he’s hugged and where he’s left bare by his black tank, which stretches across his chest and bunches up around his waist, teasing a few toned inches of his manly abdomen. His eyes are tired, and still smokey with makeup, but they’re so soft, so tender, and they hold your face with quiet, contented regard.
You press a palm gently over his sternum, and your lips tug into a little grin as you shake your head, still gazing down at the unpretentious perfection of him.
He smiles in return, slipping his free hand over yours where it lays against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat. Steady. Strong.
“C’mere,” he whispers, tilting his chin up, and your heart thrums like a little bird as if you haven’t kissed him a hundred times before.
You slide your legs out beside his and lean over him, dropping your mouth obligingly to taste his lips. His hands slide over your waist. A thrill flutters in your belly. You’ll never grow used to this feeling, you think.
The rain patters against the windowpane behind the curtain as you lose yourself to his lips – soft and full, plush and sensual and assured as they press and part and nip, the hushed sounds and sighing breaths passing them arresting and submerging all your senses in him so completely.
His nose brushes your face, nudging it once, twice, again – the tip of it smooth and cool against your flushed cheek.
His right hand slides over your lower back and pushes up the fabric of your baggy tee to slip past the band of your panties, seeking the soft warmth of the fullness of your ass as he does so often, seemingly by reflex when he’s under your body – tucking his hand skin-to-skin and kneading gently, absently.
Scent, taste, touch…even with your eyes closed he’s familiarity itself, and yet…
How does he cloak you in serenity even as he makes your heart race? How does he quiet your mind as he sets you afire?
He pulls away from your lips to brush his mouth under your ear, and when you whimper, he chuckles against your skin.
Pushing up, you catch the sparkling warmth of his eyes. The heater kicks on and hums. Both of his hands slip to your waist again as you blink down.
“I need to wash up,” he murmurs.
You kiss his beautiful nose.
“Okay,” you sigh, shifting to nestle into his side.
But he doesn’t move as your arm stretches over him.
He touches it with soft tracing fingertips in the lamplight.
And the rain patters on the windowpane.
#bang chan fic#bang chan fanfic#bang chan drabbles#bang chan fluff#bang chan x reader#bang chan x y/n#bang chan x you#bang chan imagines#gender neutral reader#skz fic#skz fanfic#skz drabbles#skz fluff#skz x reader#skz x y/n#skz x you#skz imagines#stray kids fanfic#stray kids fan fiction#stray kids drabbles#stray kids fluff#stray kids x gender neutral reader#stray kids x reader#stray kids x you#stray kids x y/n#stray kids imagines
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🛒 SKZ TEXTS — you leave without giving him a kiss

including. ot8!
warnings. cursing, joke abt relapsing
notes. hyunjin’s has me crying i’m ill 😿

sunboki, may 2022 ©
#stray kids fluff#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x gender neutral reader#stray kids x you#stray kids x reader#straykids x reader#straykids x you#straykids fluff#straykids angst#skz x you#skz x y/n#skz x reader#skz fluff#skz texts#stray kids texts#stray kids angst#skz angst#bangchan x reader#bang chan x reader#seo changbin x reader#changbin x reader#lee minho x reader#leeknow x reader#lee know x reader#hyunjin x reader#hwang hyunjin x reader#han jisung x reader#lee felix x reader#felix x reader#kim seungmin x reader
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best friend!skz reacting to you trying to set them up with your friend

all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in any way represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
➩genre(s): fake texts, fluff, very minor angst (idk just put that here for safety)
➩warnings: strong language, very minor suggestive themes
➩requested: yes
➩author’s note: very slowly coming out of my slump. texts seem to be the thing that i can enjoy doing atm. thank you again to those who sent me lovely messages, they made me cry!








ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
general taglist: @spacegirlstuff @chengmeiauau
if you would like to be added to the general taglist or removed, let me know in the comments, send an ask or message me!
#stray kids#skz fanfic#skz#stray kids x gn reader#stray kids x reader#stray kids texts#skz texts#stray kids fake texts#skz fake texts#stray kids ot8#skz ot8#stray kids changbin#stray kids felix#stray kids lee know#stray kids bang chan#stray kids hyunjin#stray kids han#stray kids seungmin#stray kids jeongin#stray kids x gender neutral reader#skz x gn reader#skz x you#stray kids x you#another day another slay#skz fluff#stray kids fluff
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genre | romance / drunken confessions / fake dating au
synopsis | you and hyunjin got drunk at different times, and you two took care of each other similarly.
word count | 7.1k+
warning | mentions of insecurity / brief allusion to sexual themes / alcohol and drunkenness
note | i changed almost everything about this.

Hyunjin has gotten himself etched to the back of your mind, and you genuinely did not like that.
You didn't blame him, though. If anything, you blame yourself for falling so head over heels for him.
For one, Hyunjin couldn’t help who falls in love with him. He couldn’t suppress his overwhelmingly good looks if he tried, which he never did. He enjoyed the positive attention, however shallow they often were. He also couldn’t put a pause on his decent personality, which came as a genuine surprise to you after you got to know him better through this fake dating scheme. You always thought beautiful people harbored the ugliest heart, out of envy and bitterness. Hyunjin wasn’t like that. You didn’t think he was, at least.
For two, you should have known better than to fall in love with a man leagues above your selection pool. People called it self-degradation, a lack of self-esteem, having no self-worth, and whatnot. You considered it a down-to-earth trait, a reality check, understanding your limits, and whatnot. Hyunjin was a boy you should fall in love with in moderation but never utterly, ardently, absolutely. You were, unfortunately, the latter.
For three, and this was the stupidest part, you two were temporarily dating. Hyunjin was honest when he approached you and said that his friends, at the ripe age of twenties and pursuing higher education, thought you were good enough to be the butt of a romantic joke. They had challenged him to chase you, get you into a relationship, and break your heart. It was a heinous and, frankly, childish game, but you agreed to it with him for the prize money.
It was worth it at that time. It was easy money! Who wouldn’t want that? You didn’t feel that way now. Pretending to be in a loving relationship with him has short-term perks but long-term losses.
Hyunjin was practically in you, etched to the back of your mind, tattooed on the inside of your skin, taken by your bloodied hands to the bottom of your grave. The degree to which your heart dropped for him was unexplainable by yourself. Therefore, having the excuse to go on dates and hold his hands in public, snuggle with him during outings with his friends, and maintain a pleasant friendship with him behind closed doors were great experiences. But when the time comes for separation, you will hurt, not merely over the breakup, but the reminder that he has never felt more for you, that your wonderful experience with him was just an experience.
Clumsy stumbling could be heard outside his apartment, and not a second later came a round of demanding knocks. Hyunjin's head perked up at the noise, his eyes wide in alert at the sudden banging. He looked at the door momentarily before finally looking over to the clock, his brows furrowing slightly at the late time. He waited to check if it could be a drunken stranger approaching the wrong door, but soon enough, another round of aggressive knocks sounded.
Holding the thought that it could just be his roommate, Han Jisung, coming back home late for yet another odd reason, and also praying inwardly that he wouldn't have to spend the night taking care of a loud, obnoxious, and very drunk Jisung, he made his way up and approached the door.
Flinging the door open, Hyunjin did a double-take before his annoyed expression morphed into one of surprise. His arm went slack against the wooden frame of the door, and he took an instinctive step forward when he saw your drunken state—your features were scrunched up in discomfort, your eyes squinted because astigmatism had taken over on your walk to the apartment building, and you were hunched over. You were not at all the way you used to look, not the way he was used to seeing you, which was always so presentable and well put together.
An amused smile appeared on his face as he eyed you up and down, wanting nothing more than to make fun of and tease you even without your ability to form the perfect retorts he has grown to be highly fond of. But you sniffed for a moment and took a step forward. In that exact second, you had Hyunjin doubling over to catch you before you could fall to the floor, concern lining up the crinkles of his eyes as he looked down at you.
"Woah, alright! Let’s stand slowly, okay?" he commanded gently, cooing at your side as if talking to a child.
His arms curled around your shoulder and waist with a protective grip, and he hoisted your weight by supporting you with his own. Pulling you into the apartment, he shut the door slowly with his feet before returning his attention to you, hoping to bring you to the couch where you could lie down and rest.
“Jeez, babe, how much did you drink?” he laughed, dragging your unresponsive body along with him.
You groaned lowly, trying your best to hold down the acidic taste rushing at the back of your mouth. You wouldn’t know it, but this was not what you had planned for the night. Your friends did their job sending you home safely. Who would have thought you’d leave your apartment shortly after just to stumble to Hyunjin’s home? It was a short distance from your place, but what a miracle you made it without any major accidents! And what a disaster you made it to his home while being high on alcoholic honesty!
You snapped your head up. You were at the perfect angle to stare at his side profile, allowing you the premium shot of his perfect jawline, luscious locks, beautiful lashes, button tip of his nose, and just the most kissable lips you have ever seen. A grimace reached your face. It was an instinctive response. His good looks indeed couldn’t hide even behind the blurriest of eyes. You thought if you lied to your body enough, your mind would follow, so you grimaced whenever you looked at him, hoping to start disliking him. It hasn’t worked.
"Hwang Hyunjin,” you muttered.
He chuckled. “Yes. That is me."
You gulped, still staring at him. Then, as you lowered your eyes to the floor, you leisurely suggested what’s been on your mind recently, “We should break up."
Of all the things you have done within these few months of him meeting you, including you agreeing to help him lie to his friends about this fake dating challenge to punching someone in the face for shaming his impulsive sex life, which you weren’t surprised he has, this one caught him off guard the most. This one also made him panic. It was fear, like sweaty hands and dry lips, like his mind racing with terrible thoughts, racing with made-up reasons as to why you would want that, racing with every single action he has done that could be counted as a mistake.
"Wh–what? Why do you–why? Why are we breaking up? We are fine. I didn't do anything–did I do something?" Hyunjin stuttered, unconsciously tightening his grip on your body before he let out a gentle but firm whisper, "No."
“I know, I am sorry. I don’t know–I’m just sorry,” you slurred, long stopped looking at him and instead was now leaning your entire weight against him like a wall. Your hands waved about in the air. "You are mad at me, aren't you? Of course–“ you snorted obnoxiously–“it’s a lot of money! I’ll pay you. Break up with me, don’t be mad.”
Hyunjin stared at you as you laughed manically. It sounded choked up, like you’ve got wet coughs prepared in your throat, but he could tell you were far from shedding tears, unlike good ol’ sensitive him, who remained in a state of anxiety and was still trying to process why you brought up separation. It wasn’t time for the fake dating to end. It was nowhere near it! To suggest breaking up so early must mean something was wrong with him, but what was? He couldn’t tell! To think he was just losing his mind over what to do once it was time for this fake relationship to end.
“Hyunjin,” you called him once when you noticed his silence. Looking up at him, you furrowed your brows and reached up to brush his face clumsily with your hand, pushing your fingertips against his skull. “Hyunjin? Hey. Answer me. Hey. Hello. Hyunjin!”
He leaned away from your aggressive touch, his shoulders relaxing at your playful antics. A smile formed uncontrollably on his lips when you doubled down on smearing your hands all over his face after his dodges. He was left haplessly struggling between missing your direct eyeball pokes and keeping you from falling to the ground. You grinned out loud; he mirrored it, and he didn’t hear the sound of your laughs mixing together because he hears it all the time.
“You are very drunk, [Name],” he managed to comment after grabbing both of your hands and keeping them at his face level. His tight-lipped smile sparkled when you attempted a struggle, like a parent reprimanding their child, then he moved your hands to your face and squeezed your cheeks together. Your lip jutted out in response. He leaned in to kiss your cupid’s bow. “You’re being silly. Let’s get you cleaned up and back to bed.”
The frown on your face made him nervous. His hands slowly slipped from your face, and your hands fell to your sides. You remained silent, and he let the clogs in your brain move. Your thoughts weren’t clear. The only thing you were sure of was that the man standing before you was Hwang Hyunjin, your temporary boyfriend, and you’d spent the whole night trying to drink your feelings for him away. You came to his apartment for a reason—you needed to break up with him for your own good.
“No, I can’t go to bed yet. I have something to do.” You yawned and waved an arm dismissively. You spoke before you finished yawning, leaving your words hanging in the air in slow motion. “I came to tell you something.”
Hyunjin’s hands curled into fists. He let go, tightened them, and let go again to alleviate the sweat gathering at his palms. You were surprisingly hell-bent on the topic, which led him to believe it went beyond a moment of drunkenness. It must have been a conclusion formed long ago, and you have just now mustered the courage to let him know. But why? What did he do? What did he not do?
He was more than nervous, if there was a word to describe the state of his heart. This was more than a personal problem, which he admittedly still has to work through, but far more significant than himself was you—his feelings for you, his immense affection for you, the fact that he loved you the way you warned yourself not to love him but did anyway. It wasn’t your fault. Your observant eyes, your sincerity, your care for him. It wasn’t your fault. He fell in love with you of his own accord.
If you left him, he would be like a dog without a leash, a dog without an owner. He would wander aimlessly, filled with rage and dread, sniffing every darkened corner for a whiff of your scent.
“Are you breaking up with me?” he asked meekly.
You sucked in a deep breath to counter your congested chest, then you shook your head in agreement. “Yes.”
You were very drunk. He shouldn’t take your words into consideration. “That’s fine,” he said as he stepped toward you, “can we get cleaned up and go to bed anyway? It’s very late.”
“No, I don’t want you touching me anymore.” You stepped back dramatically and hugged yourself into a protective stance. “It’s for the better.”
He wondered what that meant. Were you repulsed by him? Did you finally realize how disgusting his inability to stay away from sexual and romantic validation was? Were you ashamed to be associated with him because of his impulsive behavior? He was only good for a short time; did you come to that realization? You were too good for him. He always knew that.
Hyunjin retreated his hand from mid-air. His hands met before his abdomen, his fingers immediately picking at each other as he uncomfortably shifted his weight. The corner of his lips arched downward at your rejection, but he tried to keep them neutral so he wouldn’t be influenced into crying. There wasn’t much else he could do with himself if being near you was no longer an option. He looked lost and wronged; he felt so.
“[Name], did I do something?” he asked, rubbing his elbow awkwardly. “Why do you suddenly want to break up with me?”
You blinked at a random space on the wall. Sitting below your sight was a messy square table with unwashed cups, scattered papers, and a closed laptop. Even in a state of haze, you knew they didn’t belong to him. Hyunjin was more organized than that. He told you once it made his school experience much easier to have everything in one place: his computer, which you knew he often kept in his school bag. You sniffed; you knew him like the back of your hand.
“I can’t tell you,” you replied slowly, not looking at him. “It’s a secret.”
Hyunjin tilted his head. “I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”
He sounded convincing, so you gradually moved your eyes to access him. Standing in front of you, timid as a mouse, was Hwang Hyunjin. You knew that, and you knew that your secret was to be kept from him. Yet, somehow, all that did not register once you were engaged in a conversation with him. He was Hyunjin, just a person you were talking to. If he promised not to tell, then it should be fine.
“You promise?” you asked.
Hyunjin nodded. “I promise.”
You pouted with a glare, willing him to waver and show any sign of deception, but he stood his ground and waited for you to expose your deepest and darkest feelings to him. A faint grumble sounded from your mouth. You looked around briefly to check for any eavesdroppers before you walked a few tentative steps toward him, and you confessed, “I’m in love with you.”
It was like a shot through the heart, and the shot was aimed so successfully that the organ tore off its hinges and fell to his abdomen where his hands fiddled nervously with each other. It may be asking for an exit out of his body, it may be seeking its new owner, or it may come knocking boldly at your mouth and ask to fit inside you. Hyunjin remained perplexed at your confession. The confession had a bitter taste; he wasn’t sure what to make of it or if he deserved it from someone like you.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized. “I am very in love with you. It’s stupid.”
He couldn’t tell, but you understood, despite a fogged mind, that letting him know your affection for him was a cause for your demise. Your emotions were in a whirlwind, collecting up the fragments of all the heart pieces you've broken because of Hyunjin and how you had confronted yourself multiple times with your own delusions that this wouldn't be like the movies. He would never fall in love with you just because you two got closer from months of fake dating.
Even then, he was empathetic to your body language, especially how much they mirrored his. His shoulders slumped at how you turned away from him to trail your attention off somewhere safer, where he wasn’t in your sight. Registering his beautiful face was hard for you because you couldn’t have him; processing his existence and your proximity to him was difficult because you could never have him. You turned away from him to further signify to yourself the assumed truth, your trembling fingers pulling at each other to avoid an awkward standstill.
Hyunjin was etched to the back of your brain. He was overwhelming, and he was far away. Unable to contain the sudden reminder that you were never going to get over him, a rush of tears started to tremble their way up to your eyes. Your face scrunched without remorse, and your head dropped near your shoulders alarmingly quickly that it startled him.
“I love you, I’m so sorry,” you sobbed. It made him panic. “Please break up with me.”
“Why are we breaking up if you love me, silly?” he forced a laugh once he approached you.
His lanky arms were clumsy and gentle after he pulled at his sweater sleeves to wipe your tears. They hovered awkwardly over your face, gauging how much strength to use to effectively dry your eyes but not push you any further away from him. He cooed a bunch of nonsense, but they were sweet like sleepy kisses on your hands. Eventually, he cupped your face and wiped your eyes with his thumbs. You let him; he made you laugh when he apologized for using too much force, even though he never did.
“You don’t love me, Hyunjin,” you muttered.
“Nonsense,” he retorted within a second, “who said that?”
You didn’t reply, so he stood with his arms raised for a whole minute while you leaned the weight of your head against his palms. He thought it terribly horrific that he ought to remember the shape of your face with his slender fingers because of his inability to sew his skin into yours. If his hands were like superglue, he could be attached to you forever—your face, your features, you, his most favorite thing in the world. His hands would burn, but what of it? Better you scorch him than to never be touched by you at all.
“Hyunjin,” you called when you were finished zoning out.
“I love you. I’m sorry,” you said. “I’m so ugly.”
Growing up being valued for his beautiful features taught him to devalue it. He didn’t care for it. He wouldn't cry about it if he were to earn a permanent scar across his face. Yet, even then, if he were to have one, he was sure people would rave about how the scar ruined his face rather than talk about how he obtained it. Except for you. You’d ask about it, like you always asked everything about him.
The kind of person you were, his most favorite person in the world—you were detailed like that, and you made him feel an essence of humanity others didn’t. With you, he wasn’t ethereal, he wasn’t a God, he wasn’t an angel fallen to Earth. He didn’t have to be because you never put him on some miraculous pedestal. He was just Hwang Hyunjin; his favorite food is his mother’s cooking, he makes clumsy mistakes and looks funny when he does, and he enjoys making art.
Not a model, not God’s favorite, not pretty. Just a boy, and he’s in love with you.
“Okay,” he said, “I’m ugly too.”
He didn’t deny your false claims; you were the prettiest he had ever known, but only he needed to know that. When there comes a time for him to praise and worship your physical body, he will. For now, there wasn’t anything much he wanted to say in return. Just that he was the same as you.
Your souls didn’t collide that way, obviously. You two were completely different people with varying hobbies and friend groups. However, Hyunjin was willing to chase you like Hell to meet where you were. There wasn’t anything he wanted to be if he couldn’t be it with you. Whatever you are, he is.
There was another long pause. Hyunjin patiently waited, tender eyes concentrated on each crevice of your face as he stroked your stained cheeks with his thumb. You didn’t say anything more, only slapping your hands over his and pulling them from your face. He thought you were moving away, but you took a step forward instead and dove into his arms. You hugged him around his neck, hanging off him like a sloth. He chuckled, swaying you side to side. You were tired, he knew.
“It’s getting late, baby,” he whispered, leaning back to watch your closed eyes and laughing. He ran a hand through your hair multiple times, getting a clearer view of your face. “Let’s clean up and go to bed, okay?”
You groaned and muttered in response. He didn’t hear what you said. He kept sweeping your hair back. Supporting you with his weight, you were heavy, but he didn’t mind. You wouldn’t be able to change your clothes by yourself, so he would help you. It’d be sloppy and slow, and he wouldn’t mind. You would take up most of the bed, sprawled out without a clue that you weren’t sleeping in your apartment. Your body heat would scratch up a fever in him, and he wouldn’t mind. He enjoyed taking care of you.
Staring at him as he stroked your hair, you pouted before uttering three familiar words, “I love you.”
Hyunjin smiled. Whatever you are, he is. He kissed your nose and your eyes. He told you he loves you too.

It was one of those nights when Hyunjin couldn’t spend time with you, and you were unreasonably disappointed about it.
You slouched atop the couch you got at a flea market, which Hyunjin had to convince you to get after repeatedly reassuring you that there wouldn’t be any actual fleas hiding in the creases. This uncomfortable position resulted from five hours of continuous mumbling about how you should not be upset that Hyunjin didn’t choose to spend the night with you, which he had done the past few weeks. He has been somewhat clingy lately, and you couldn’t imagine why. You thought your act was good. There was no way his friends doubted you.
This could be the calm before the storm. Even though you two had concocted a detailed timeline for your fake dating, you wouldn’t be surprised if Hyunjin abruptly cut it short. If that was true, his current sweetness was nothing more than a buildup to a dramatic and convincing breakup.
Pouting in dismay, you rolled up the bag of chips and reached for the tea table beside you, your fingertips wiggling to graze past the black binder clip you used to keep the plastic bag sealed. Amid your frustrated groaning, still refusing to get your ass off the couch even after more than ten seconds of struggling, the doorbell suddenly rang, and coming after that were loud bangs at your door.
A shiver ran down your spine as you snapped your head toward the direction of the noise, your brows rising abruptly at the fearful intrusion. Slowly throwing your chip bag on the table, you stood up and tip-toed your way over to the door where you pressed your hands to the wooden surface and carefully looked through the peephole.
A gasp caught in your throat when you saw Hyunjin’s face standing just a few inches away from the circle as if leaning against the door for support. You immediately moved out and unlocked your door, swinging it open to reveal him fully. Taking a good look at his face before he started to throw his little drunken tantrum—messy hair, concentrated brows, droopy eyelids, and a general look of discomfort—you concluded that he definitely has been downing more shots than he could handle.
“What happened to you?”
You stepped up to put your hands on either side of his arm, carefully bringing him into your apartment. He stumbled with most of his weight straining on your shoulder. There were so many stutters in his steps that you almost dragged him into a fall with you on your way to the couch. After setting him down, he snorted at the cushy feeling of your couch. It took him a while to process the new environment, and then he arched his neck to find you.
Hyunjin could barely make out your face. He couldn’t even be sure if he went to your apartment, but subconsciously, he could tell he was at your place. He felt it in your timid touches just now, and whatever scent he whiffed out of the air, it smelt like you. Licking his lower lip as his worries slowly faded away and his attention—as much as he could muster—returned, he mumbled a string of incoherent noises under his breath before he, much to your palpitating heart’s dismay, pulled you onto the couch next to him.
He got on top of you; his legs had to bend in weird ways to accommodate the small couch, and he placed his palms on either side of your head to trap you under him. You felt heat forming on your cheeks as you shrunk beneath his shadow, your eyes widening at the proximity. Hyunjin has never done this before. The closeness wasn’t new, but the position of it was. Being under him was an unbelievable feeling. He looked beautiful, and his toned muscles became more visible by supporting his own weight. How your thoughts were smeared! You doubted your body would forget how well he could cage you in.
Hyunjin stared at you with a low, drunken hum. Then, suddenly, he leaned down to meet your face.
“[Name],” he started, lowering his head tiredly to your shoulder, “you wanted to break up with me?”
You blinked up at the ceiling, confused, but you figured it could be the alcohol talking for him, so you chose to disregard all the questions that popped into your head. Holding out your arms to push against his chest, you attempted to sit up. “I don’t want to break up with you, Hyunjin.”
He seemed to be processing your answer as he allowed you to set him aside and give yourself more space. You sat quietly next to him, letting him have the time to think over what he wanted to say. The thoughtful pout on his face told you it was difficult for him to use his brain, but it looked cute enough that you almost took a picture to tease him about it once he got sober. You wondered if his response would be nonsense as well.
“Why do you want to break up with me?” he whispered, causing you to sigh. He hasn’t heard you, after all. His lips were pursed into a frown, and his eyes were squinted to show that he was very close to leaking a few tears down his cheeks, but you couldn’t read between the lines and realize what his despair meant. Hands fiddling with the hem of his shirt, he abruptly turned to you and sniffed. “You can’t do that to me. I won’t–I won’t let you do that to me.”
You tilted your head to the side, your brows constantly furrowed. Where was he getting this idea from? You tried to recall any off-handed comments you made. Still, they were primarily directed elsewhere and never at your fake relationship. You’ve never said anything bad about him, not to him, and never behind his back. There wasn’t anything outstandingly mean to say anyway, so what sprung this on?
Returning to reality, your head faintly shook as you looked up at Hyunjin to ask his drunken state about the reason behind this outburst. Your eyes widened instead when you saw he had taken his shirt off, the lump of fabric discarded on the floor carelessly. Heat blossomed at the base of your neck, and you felt your joints sour in panic; seriously, what sprung this on! This was a much bigger issue than drunkenness!
When you noticed his hands reaching to the belt of his jeans, you immediately lunged toward him and circled his wrists to stop his movements. Your panic became a surprised concern at his need to strip naked in your apartment. You doubted he wanted to show you his body. Even if he did, this wasn’t how you wanted to do it.
Moving his hands away, you urged, “No. We’re not doing that.”
“No, I have to! I have to!”
He snatched his hands away from yours and dove to unbuckle his belt again. His movements grew increasingly frustrated the more you blocked his attempt to remove his pants. You were annoying, but he wasn’t angry at you. He was scared. He wasn’t getting what he wanted, and he thought you might leave him if he didn’t show you what he could offer. It scared him that you didn’t want to see him whole, so eventually, he began to sob.
“I have to show you, [Name]. Please let me!” Hyunjin whined, hands tugging harshly at each other by his chest.
“You don’t have to show me anything,” you assured as you grabbed a few tissues from the tea table. You dabbled softly at his eyes. “Come on, let’s put your clothes back on.”
Tears rolled down his cheeks like knives against your skin. He felt uncomfortable at this unfamiliar sequence. Things usually go smoothly after he reveals himself. Nobody has ever refused to see him, so why did you? What about himself was so repulsive that you couldn’t take one look at his bare skin? Why didn’t you love him back?
“No.” he slurred, then paused to catch his breath.
The moment of calm was gone too soon. His hands reached up to ruffle his hair in a frenzy. His heart hammering against his chest, yet his brain wasn’t sane enough to understand what the sudden panic was about, just that it had something to do with you. That obliviousness, as a result, was making him even more agitated.
“You need to love me again!” he exclaimed, eyes brimming with unknown tears. “People love me when I take my clothes off. You need to love me again!”
A puff of air slowly made its way out of your half-parted lips. You could feel the stretching of your heartstrings. Hyunjin cried as he shrank into himself, his arms going around his cold body for a sense of comfort, and the sight toyed with your head by sending waves of deep anguish like mere laps of the ocean. The feeling deranged you—to realize Hyunjin experiences such a level of hopelessness and loneliness was heartbreaking. More importantly, you felt ignorant of his problems. You should have been a better friend, perhaps even a better lover.
“Hey,” you called out gently as you scooted toward him. You brought one hand up to his face to direct his eyes to you. You smiled softly when you found that he was opening his squinted eyes to stare back. “I’m going to get something, so wait here for me, okay?”
He sniffed, tasting the tears rolling down his mouth, and nodded. You rubbed his cheek with your thumb, ever so gingerly placing a hand at the small of his back, hoping to calm him down, but it turned out Hyunjin had a thought of his own. After feeling the warmth of your hand, he took it as a sign that you wanted to hug him, so he obliged immediately by wrapping his arms around your torso and putting his head on your shoulder.
You breathed a small chuckle when he made weird noises after finding a space at the crook of your neck. The transition from him throwing a tantrum to having a mini panic attack to being the clingiest person you have ever met was amusing. As was the transition from your mind being filled with annoyance and confusion to having your feelings torn into shreds to breathing out a chuckle. It was entertaining, and the fact that Hyunjin could bring out so many different aspects of your emotions was undeniably endearing.
He was that kind of person. He has always been. More than beautiful, he was expressive, selfless, and tender-minded. Watching him allowed you to live an emotional life vicariously. All the things you ignored in the past because of mental stress were repainted in colors by his hands. The movie you never watched, the ice cream you never tried, the districts you never visited, and the fireworks show you never stayed for—everything meant something to Hyunjin, so everything meant something to you.
To him, love was a grave of sacrifices. Of his time, his space, his body, and his mind. He was willing to give, and he has given you all except one. You wouldn’t know any of it.
You moved to the back of the couch, cautiously pressing your back up against the edge. Hyunjin followed you, shifting his position so he lay stuffed against your chest with your arms around his shoulders. His fingers played with each other shyly on top of his bare chest as he looked around your apartment absentmindedly. He couldn’t register anything but the fabric of your clothes and how small you made him feel.
He finally looked at you after a moment. His cries had long ceased and left only trails of dry tears on his dearest cheeks. With his eyelashes still wet, glittering beautifully in the air, he blinked, his eyes widening after he found out you had been looking down at him. Suddenly, he grinned childishly with a hint of sun hidden in his smile. “What are you looking at?”
You hummed, finding Hyunjin utterly irresistible even with his tear-stained cheeks and slurred laughter. He was all messy and puzzling, but your heart pushed against itself to give him space to stay inside. “I’m looking at you, silly.”
“Oh, you’re looking at me.” He giggled, covering half his face with his hands and shutting his eyes shyly. He squirmed around in your arms, but not once did he move far enough to not feel you against him. When he was done, he returned back to the original position, and he peeked an eye through the gap between his fingers. He laughed. “ I am looking at you too.”
“I know you are,” you said, fingers threading through his feathery locks with serenity, and a smile so heartwarming that Hyunjin couldn’t help but focus his sight on it.
“Why?” he asked, his eyes shaky.
You pursed your lips together and shrugged. “I can’t tell you. It is a secret.”
Hyunjin’s gaze hardened naively, a gasp ripping through his throat as he leaned back against your hand. “Tell me! I promise I won’t tell anyone else.”
“You promise?”
“I promise!” he exclaimed, sitting up slightly and bumping his forehead against your chin. He burst into a fit of giggles then, rubbing his forehead for a while before reaching the same hand out to touch your chin sloppily. “I’m sorry, I hit your face.”
“It's okay,” you said, your thumb soothing against the spot he had bumped into you. “But you promise me you can keep a secret? It’s very important!”
He nodded eagerly. “I promise!”
“Okay,” you said as you looked up at the sky, pretending to think. “The reason why I am looking at you is really simple. It is because I love you.”
You glanced back down at him to find him looking at you in astonishment. He licked his lower lip. His mind cleared a little for the first time, and he felt all of the universe that was your body pressed close to him. Beyond that, there were more minor things. Your heart beat faster than his, making him chase after you like a madman; the warmth of your skin equated to the warmth he manually cultivated in his bed by stacking multiple blankets together, an attempt to replicate your presence at night; your soft voice, going through his blurry ears, sounded like the subconscious voice he hears all the time. Maybe his subconscious was all just you.
Those were all fragments of proof of how much he loved you. To think you returned his feelings—he didn’t know what to think.
“Really?” He sounded so surprised. It was almost heartbreaking.
“Yes,” you nodded, “even when we both have clothes on.”
He looked down and touched your shirt. “Oh, you are wearing a shirt.”
“Yes, I am.”
He gazed at it briefly before, with an invisible shrug, leaned his cheek against your chest. “You’re warm. I like it.”
You smiled, feeling like your lips were about to extend out of your cheeks to become wider. “You’re cold because you took your shirt off!”
He scoffed and said nothing. Hyunjin was unguarded and half-stripped before you, chastely snuggling up against your chest while slurred words spilled out of his mouth like a mantra. You didn’t try to understand him; he wasn’t looking to have a conversation. You just wanted to lay together without a thought or a worry. Occasionally, he would sit up just to look at your face, then hum and lay back down, continuing to rot.
It was such a wondrous thing.
“Do you want to wash up and go to bed?” you asked. “Are you tired?”
“No. I want to stay here. I like it here.”
Hyunjin let out a dreamy sigh. He threw his head back with a smile, his hair hitting your jaw and sprawled over the crook of your neck. He tilted his head then, letting it fall along your shoulder. His eyes were closed with bliss, and he laughed to himself. When he opened his eyes, there was only the shadow of your side profile, which was good for him. He wanted to kiss the skin, filled with close-up bumps and blemishes. It was a side profile he’ll know for the rest of his life, and he’ll whisper ‘I love you’ to a million times.
“I have a secret to tell you,” he mentioned.
You raised a brow, intrigued, and urged him to continue, “What is it?”
He bit his lower lip and scurried off your body. You sat up straighter then, watching as he stumbled over to the front door for the bag he discarded on the ground. He crouched to pull a small notebook out easily before returning to you. He stopped by the couch, his eyes concentrated as he stared at the notebook's cover. Then, without another word, he dropped back onto your body and made you wrap your arms around him like before.
“I draw you all the time. In my sketchbook.”
He grinned out loud in the same way you would grin at him. His fingers played with the blank pages before, finally, he arrived at one filled with traces of his pencil. You gasped. He wasn’t spilling nonsense. The page was filled with beautiful sketches of your face, and so was the next one and the next. He kept flipping his notebook, and everywhere you could find pieces of yourself dotted out sincerely by his hand.
They didn’t look to come from memories, but they were definitely from moments not even you could remember. But Hyunjin remembered everything because he detailed it all in the lines. His inability to not consume all of you tied his hands together and made you his ultimate muse. Almost unconsciously, for a while, the only thing he knew to draw was you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t know how else to pour you out of his mind.
It was overwhelming, and you could see that. He was showing you all his blood work: mornings spent missing you with the tip of a crooked pencil, afternoons spent recalling your features in his head, nights spent tracing your face with his lead-filled fingers under a desk lamp. If he could inhale these sketches of you into his bloodstream and poison himself with those images, leaving an organ tattoo of your presence, he would.
“I love this one,” he said, pointing at a full-body sketch of you. “I was waiting for you at the coffee shop, and you were walking towards me. I love it. I was so excited to see you. I memorized what you wore.”
This sketchbook stayed with him all the time; he felt like he was bringing you with him, like a kid refusing to let go of their blanket. You wouldn’t know anything about that. The beautiful boy in your arms admired you constantly, from the farthest corner of his soul to the tip of his button nose, and you wouldn’t know anything about it.
“I draw you all the time,” he added. “I will never forget what you look like, but I always want to remember.”
The implications of that didn’t fly over your head. His addition to telling you the truth disabled your ability to attribute the fact that he draws you in his free time to him being artistic. But more than being afraid of rejection, you feared a mutual connection. The only thing worse than you finding Hyunjin loveable was him finding that you were as well.
“Do you know why?” he asked, looking at you expectantly.
You wavered. You hadn’t spoken since he showed you his sketches. “Why?”
Hyunjin stared at you. Within the drunken fog of his eyes, there was earnestness. “Because I love you too.”
You didn’t know what to say, and you wouldn’t. There was solace in choosing to believe that he didn’t mean it. When tomorrow arrives, and he returns sober, you wouldn’t speak of this conversation at all. When night comes tomorrow, and he’s had a full day of rest, Hyunjin would vividly recall how you took care of him and told him you loved him, and he would draw you again.
“Do you like them?”
His question snapped you out of your trance. Your sight blurred through a sudden quake before it focused on his face. Hyunjin pouted, his fingers tapping patiently at his notebook for your response. You softened with love and squeezed him in a hug, a smile blooming on your face.
“I’ve never liked anything more,” you complimented, “except for you!”
His legs kicked when you nuzzled your face to the back of his neck. His heart filled, like the sun could fill up a piece of land and the moon could fill up a river, and in return for his joy, he let out a boisterous laugh. He didn’t hear how it sounded with yours. Still, it was such a wondrous thing. Your love was such a wondrous thing.
#stray kids x reader#stray kids imagines#skz imagines#skz x y/n#skz x oc#skz x you#skz x reader#stray kids x oc#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x you#stray kids scenarios#skz scenarios#stray kids x gender neutral reader#hyunjin imagines#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin scenarios#hyunjin x y/n#hyunjin x you
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Mr Ambassador
Genre: Smau, Textpost, Bf!LeeKnow, Crack/Humor, Featuring Bsf!Jisung, Gn!Reader (a tiny minsung moment towards the end , you’re welcome 🫶🏼)
Warnings: Cussing, Suggestive jokes/humor, tw: playful use of the word tw!nk,
Synopsis: Y/n’s reaction to Bf!LeeKnow attending the Gucci Crusie Fashion Show
© Skzfairyyydreamz 2024 - Plagiarism is a crime. Do not repost, alter, translate or copy without my consent.
Taglist: @hanniemylovelyquokka @milknhoneyracha @tinyelfperson @jiisungllvr @turtledove824 @laylasbunbunny @armystay89 @eclipsemina @4ln-stay8 (thank you for letting me tag you! i hope you beauties enjoy! 🫶🏼) taglists are open!
#skzfairyyydreamz#skzfairyyy#skz#skz scenarios#skz smau#kpop fake texts#stray kids scenarios#smau#stray kids smau#stray kids texts#kpop texts#stray kids reactions#stray kids text#skz fake text#skz fake texts#skz x y/n#skz x gn reader#skz x you#stray kids x gender neutral reader#stray kids x gn reader#stray kids x y/n#skz lee know#skz han#lee know fanfic#stray kids han#stray kids lee know#skz reactions#minsung#skz minsung#skz lee minho
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Things Stray Kids Do That Make Your Heart Flutter
My true Stray Kids debut! Been wanting to do this for a while 😁

Bang Chan
♡ Walks with an arm around your waist, pulling you a little closer if anything or anybody passes by you
♡ Texts you to make sure you arrive and get home safe every night you go out late
♡ Lets you know he’s proud to he yours, whether it’s with the notes he leaves around for you to find or with his words as he holds you tight
♡ Holds onto the ends of your sleeves for you when you put on your jacket so they don't roll up uncomfortably
♡ Smiles into almost every kiss you share

Lee Know
♡ Takes your coat off slowly and purposefully, eyes never leaving yours
♡ Smirks whenever his arms begin winding around you
♡ Pulls you deeper into kisses with a gentle tug to your bottom lip
♡ Reminds you just how oh so irresistible you are, whether it’s when he caves to your request or as his tongue is swiping to your lips
♡ Presses kisses to the backs of your hands

♡ Shamelessly checks you out, then blushes and waves at you when you catch him
♡ Tells you with a proud smirk that he’s bored, let’s kiss
♡ Nips lightly at your earlobes to see how you react
♡ His hands fall onto you whenever he bursts out laughing, as if to draw you into the mirth
♡ Cups your cheeks and tells you sweet nothings in a cutesy voice before pulling your lips into his

♡ Has a whole page in his sketchbook dedicated to you and adds to it sometimes when he can’t help but capture your beauty
♡ Makes eye contact across the room as he’s running a hand through his hair
♡ Absentmindedly traces patterns on your back as you sit together
♡ Squeezes your hand when your fingers interlace
♡ Tells you he could get lost staring at the stars in your eyes

♡ Puts his guitar pick in his mouth, eyebrows raising in surprise at your gaze upon him
♡ Plays with the rings you wear when you’re holding hands
♡ Nuzzles into your neck when you pull him close
♡ Calls you every variation of gorgeous he can think of, often as a whisper between repeated kisses
♡ Remembers all your favorite things so he can surprise you by pulling them out when you least expect it

♡ Tugs your hand into his lap like it’s his precious treasure
♡ Surprises you with a batch of brownies he tells you he made just for you
♡ You tell him you like his necklace and as soon as the words are leaving your lips he’s unclasping it, asking if you'd like to try it on
♡ Zips you into his coat to keep you warm, giggling as you walk in unison
♡ Covers your cheeks with kisses before moving down to your lips

♡ Playfully cups your cheeks
♡ Pulls blankets up tightly around your shoulders when you lay down
♡ Reminds you when you’re stressed out that you can tell him anything you know, he wants to be your safe place
♡ Slides a teasing hand up the back of your shirt whenever he’s been out in the cold, chuckling at your reaction
♡ Fixes your hair for you whenever he can, running a hand gently through the strands of it to move it back into place

♡ Tells you every single time he sees you that you look so pretty
♡ The biggest smile spreads across his face and his arms open wide whenever he sees you unexpectedly
♡ Comes up with creative excuses to get you to wear his clothes, ranging from the temperature to seeing how that color would look on you
♡ Pecks your lips a few times for good measure before leaning into a more passionate kiss
♡ Holds both of your hands in his, gently running his thumbs over the backs of them as he looks at you
#stray kids#stray kids imagines#stray kids reactions#stray kids x reader#stray kids scenarios#bang chan#lee know#changbin#hyunjin#han#felix#seungmin#i.n#stray kids x gender neutral reader#gender neutral reader#my skz debut! 🥳
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Normal Life, Non-Normal Day

Stray Kids x reader
In which Chan just wants a normal day.
Cw: Lots of lube, and a couple sex jokes, but I’m not marking it 18+. Reader’s gender or sex is not mentioned, so it’s entirely up to your imagination.
Bang Chan thought he was having a normal day.
He had woken just like any other day, and had even remembered to put on pants before he wandered down the halls. His breakfast was delicious, and he had settled onto the couch to watch his favourite show.
Then he realizes that it’s quiet. Too quiet, in fact.
He can feel himself tense, preparing for whatever nonsense is about to come his way. Someone is going to ruin his perfect day.
Chan relaxes when he sees you. You’re normal. At least, more so than the others. You probably won’t bother him with anything too crazy.
Then you open your mouth.
“I need to go to the hospital,” you rasp.
Chan blinks. There goes his normal day.
“Why?” he carefully says, pausing his show.
“I swallowed a rock.” You open your mouth and retch, as if trying to cough it up. When nothing immediately pops out, you sigh in disappointment.
Chan pinches the bridge of his nose, getting to his feet. “You what?”
“I swallowed a rock,” you repeat. “It’s stuck in my throat. It hurts, Chan.”
He takes a deep breath. “Okay. Um, how big was it?”
You hold your hands out, making a circle with your fingers. “Like this, I think.”
It’s definitely bigger than he had hoped.
“Let me grab my keys and then I’ll take you,” Chan tiredly tells you. “I- How? How did this happen.”
You fidget with your hands. “I saw a rock, so like, I ate it.”
Chan almost cries. Why is this his life?
But he goes up the stairs, and when he returns, Changbin is behind you, attempting to give you the Heimlich. It’s clearly not working, and looks like he’s just punching you in the stomach over and over.
“Stop that!” Chan exclaims, rushing to you. He rubs your back soothingly as he glares at Changbin. “That’s dangerous! You’re not trained for that!”
“Where are you going?” Jisung stares at the keys in Chan’s hand, grinning widely.
“Hospital,” Chan briefly says. He’s busy trying to locate his phone. Where did he put it?
Jisung gasps. “Why?”
“I ate a rock.” You sit on the couch, unpausing the show Chan had been watching. “It hurts.”
Jisung nodded his understanding. “That one with like the grey line.”
You perk up and turn to face him, propping yourself up over the back of the couch. “Yeah! That one!”
Chan finds his phone. “Okay, let’s go. And I swear- If any of you have an emergency while I’m gone-“
Hyunjin bursts in, eyes wide. “Chan!”
Chan groans, the sound ending with a whimper. Why? Why is this what his life has become?
“What is it?” he asks Hyunjin.
Hyunjin shifts between feet. “Felix is stuck in the washing machine.”
“We’re in porn!” Jisung blurts out. “Who’s the step-dad?”
Changbin side-eyes him. “Excuse me?”
Everyone hears Felix scream for help from somewhere, and Chan sighs heavily. He just wanted a normal day. Was that too much to ask for?
Jeongin stumbles in, eyebrows singed. “Chan…”
“What happened?” Chan demands.
“I- I was just trying to blow dry my hair.” Jeongin blinks, tears forming at the corners of his eyes. He sniffles.
“How did we not hear the explosion?” you wonder aloud. “I mean, that must’ve been pretty loud.”
Jeongin shakes his head, wiping at his eyes. “No, it didn’t explode. I just- When the hairdryer didn’t turn on, I thought there was something wrong with the socket, so I…”
Chan rubs at his face harshly, trying to scrub away all of his panic. “Okay, you’re coming to the hospital with us.”
Changbin shifts between feet, leaning against the wall. “Are you going to the hospital or not? You’re taking forever to actually go.”
Hyunjin nods along, grimacing. “Yeah. Honestly, that’s not very responsible.”
“I- You-“ Chan points between everyone, spluttering.
Seungmin whimpers, hobbling into the room. “Chan.”
Chan is very close to giving up. To quitting his job. Why is this happening to him?
You squint at Seungmin. “Why are you limping?”
Seungmin gives Chan an innocent look. “Um, I fell down the stairs by accident.”
Felix lets out an ear-piercing shriek, reminding everyone that he’s still stuck in the washing machine.
“Why did you emphasize accident so much?” Jisung asks Seungmin. “Kinda suspicious if you ask me.”
Seungmin’s lips thin as he considers the question. “Uh… No reason.”
Hyunjin raises an eyebrow. “No, Jisung’s right. It’s suspicious.”
“Come on!” You wiggle around. “Tell us!”
“Fine!” Seungmin spits out. “I was trying to moon walk and I fell down the stairs!”
“Okay.” Chan walks to the door, gripping his keys tightly. “You’re coming with us to the hospital.”
“What about Felix?” Changbin questions. “Do I just lube him up and pull?”
“I think I have some lube around here somewhere,” you murmur, rummaging through the end table drawers.
Jeongin blinks. “Lube? Like car lube?”
You glance over your shoulder. “Yes, Jeongin. Car lube.”
“Actually, I know where some is. I can get it faster than you can find this,” Jisung offers. When you nod, he sprints up the stairs three at a time.
“Careful!” Chan yells after him.
Jeongin twitches. “I don’t feel good.”
Jisung returns with a bottle. “Okay, now how do we use this on Felix.”
Jeongin narrows his eyes at it. “Why is it banana flavoured?”
Changbin rubs Jeongin’s shoulder. “Cars really like bananas. You’ve never heard about that?”
“Ew.” Hyunjin gags at Jisung. “Banana? That’s disgusting.”
“It’s disturbing,” you agree.
“Let’s get Felix free so I can take, two… three people to the hospital?” Chan frowns and scratches the back of his neck. “I’ve lost count at this point.”
Everyone goes upstairs, to where Felix’s lower portion is sticking out of the washing machine. When Hyunjin pokes Felix’s leg, Felix starts squirming around.
“Get me out!” Felix’s muffled voice demands. “I want out of here!”
“Oh no, step-brother,” Jisung giggles, “how did you get in there?”
Felix stills.
“That was Jisung,” you tell him, shooting the menace a dirty look.
“Someone get Jisung away from me. Now!” Felix shouts desperately.
“Got it!” Seungmin pins a struggling Jisung to his chest.
“Okay, we have some lube,” Chan tells Felix. “We’re going to get you out of there.”
“It’s banana flavoured,” Jeongin informs Felix.
“Banana?” Felix repeats. “That’s nasty.”
“Just get ready!” Chan cuts in. He takes the bottle of lube and squirts it over Felix’s hips.
“Why is that so-“ Changbin covers his mouth, “It’s so aggressively banana.”
“I’m going to die suffocated by banana smells!” Felix shrieks. “Get me out! Get me out!”
“Calm down!” Chan orders. “You’re fine. I’m going to pull you out now.”
You slam your fist on your chest. “The rock is still in me, by the way.”
Chan grabs Felix and tugs, placing his feet on the washing machine for leverage. Felix pops free and goes flying, knocking over both Seungmin and you.
“Now to go to the hospital.” Chan wipe his hands on his pants. “Changbin, clean this up. Jisung, throw that lube out. It’s disgusting.”
Felix stares up at the ceiling. “I… I feel traumatized.”
“Why don’t we just lube the rock out of you?” Jeongin studies you.
Chan grips your arm and yanks you away. “Nope. We’re going to the hospital. Everyone who needs to go, get in the car!”
But maybe, just maybe, Chan never wanted a normal day.
Maybe this chaotic life was what he wanted. With his group, his friends, and the excitement they added.
@velvetmoonlght @jinnie-ret @hansmic @imeverycliche @iwuberic @strawberryscentedd @lezleeferguson-120 @mbioooo0000
#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#stray kids x gender neutral reader#gender neutral reader#skz ninth member#stray kids fluff#Lots of lube
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⋅───⊱༺ ✧ ༻⊰───⋅
Im Here For You, Remember That [h.js]
a mini smau
in order to mold someone into the shape you want, first you must break them.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 'submission' | part 4

a/n: writing him gives me whiplash omg >_< also soz for the short chapter, im just trying to set up the last chapter!! ill try to post that in a few days! <3
taglist (open): @finnbbl @sincerely-sun @hanniesbubuwife @straykidscoded @tillaboo @reinflow @candypop1611 @my-neurodivergent-world @dthcfyjvcbkuy @rose-w-00-d @chuuyaobsessed @bmgyuos
(if the tag doesn’t go through, plz check your privacy settings ☺️)
fake text m.list ☁︎⋅
#viasdreams#skz#skz han#skz texts#skz angst#skz fake texts#skz ff#skz x y/n#skz x you#skz x reader#skz fanfic#skz smau#stray kids#stray kids fanfic#stray kids x reader#stray kids texts#stray kids han#stray kids x y/n#stray kids angst#stray kids x you#stray kids x gender neutral reader#han#han jisung#han x you#han x y/n#han x reader#han fake texts#stray kids smau#han jisung fanfic#han jisung texts
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thinking about dad! seungmin who's always early to pick your child up from preschool. he's waiting at the gate silently, shifting his weight on his feet as he checks his watch every few seconds expecting it to miraculously turn to 12:30.
the guard at the gate stares at him amusedly as he does so. the keen father observes other parents coming after a while and breathes out a sigh of relief when he finally hears a bell ring in a distance. he's first in line to peek in through the bars of the white gate, eyes scanning the crowd looking for his daughter.
suddenly, he hears a shriek and his eyes fall to a little girl with rosy cheeks, big bright eyes that could light up an entire room and two lopsided pigtails running towards him. seungmin laughs heartily as the gate opens, releasing a couple dozen children smiling and laughing at the sight of their parents or siblings. he crouches down as he opens his arms wide for his little girl. she jumps onto him, little arms wrapping themselves around his neck and her face buried in his chest. she looks up and seungmin's eyes soften at the way your daughter looks at her father with utter love and adoration. she grabs his face and pulls him down before planting a wet kiss on his cheek.
seungmin returns the action by peppering her faces with kisses before she giggles loudly.
"daaa shtop it." she says shoving his face away with her tiny hands. he twirls her pigtails with his fingers, pouting at his failed attempt at making his daughter's hair.
"it's okay, uncle felix said they look cute this way. but can you please make me a coconut tree tomorrow?" the little girl jumps, shaking her hands excitedly at the thought of her father making her a pigtail so she could show it off at school.
seungmin holds his chin in his hand as if deep in thought.
"hmmm. i dont know? can i?"
"oh please pretty pretty please please pleeaaase." your daughter gives her father the biggest puppy eyes she could muster as he kisses her nose.
"of course you can sweetheart. i'll be happy to."
the little girl gives her father a little dance of joy at that. "thank you." she whispers.
seungmin stands up and guides her hand into his before laughing at how it didn't quite fit. his entire palm could probably fit in both her hands in them. instead he holds out his pinky for her to grab onto. she pulls him with her as she runs towards the car. happily grinning at the sight of her father being dragged away by her, seungmin takes a moment to admire her two missing front teeth and the the sparkle in her eyes.
he wouldn't change a thing.
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how they ask to marry you.
stray kids maknae line x gn!reader
synopsis: how stray kids maknae line proposes to you. (˶˃⤙˂˶)
wc: 1187. (hyung line ver.)

HAN.. jisung had always been an ideal partner; you had trouble communicating at first, but you managed to work things out. he would always prioritize you and make sure you two were happy, and he would never want to sleep knowing that either were upset. he had a good relationship with your family, they accepted him right away and treated him like their own. so, when he got the perfect engagement ring for the proposal, he went straight to your parents to ask for your hand in marriage. he asked if he could do something a little more private with just the two of you, and they instantly agreed.he would set up a little picnic with lots of flowers, a plate of treats, and of course, the ring—which he would keep hidden from you—and everything would be perfect. he would bring the ring out and pop the question as soon as you finished reading the letter he wrote to you, saying, "you make me feel like I can be myself, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Will you marry me?” he had been rather anxious, but in his own way, you said "yes" right away.

felix.. was a friend since childhood who held feelings for you. he had been waiting for you to come around while watching you date other people. one night, he came to you very drunk and confessed to you that he was deeply in love with you. you two spoke after his hangover, started dating and have been inseparable ever since.
felix starts off by jokingly mentioning that he is organizing something big for a mutual friend. he’d give hidden clues like, "I've been helping in organizing a truly memorable occasion for someone I care about.“ he might act really enthusiastic about it, grabbing your attention, but you would still assume it was for your friend. felix would pretend that everything is perfectly arranged for your mutual friend, making sure you are aware of every aspect of the "proposal" day. he would even ask you to help in setting up the "proposal"'s intended venue, which would be at the park. felix would go above and beyond to ensure that the everything is beautiful. felix would take you and your friend to the location where everything is happening on the day. you would be certain that the proposal would take place here after noticing details like candles, flowers, and a beautifully decorated space. Your friend may even be carrying a ring box or getting ready to say something sincere but acting a little uneasy. You would now be certain that this is for your friend because everything appears to be perfect for them. while your friend is getting ready, felix would make sure they are the center of attention. he’d nod subtly to let them to begin. all of a sudden... felix would interrupt just as your friend was about to say something. “Hold on, wait, wait! before you continue…”, and felix takes a step forward as everyone turns to watch him. he holds your hand and says, "I couldn't wait any longer," while grinning broadly at you. It is my turn to ask you this.” suddenly the candles, flowers, and romantic ambiance all made sense at once. getting down on one knee, he asks, "Will you marry me?" while pulling out the ring. you would be totally clueless. the entire time, you were oblivious that this was for you. Then, with a quiet laugh, felix would clarify, “I had to trick you into believing it was for someone else! I wanted to make sure I got the best reaction from you because you're constantly so concerned about other people's happiness” your friends would begin applauding and cheering while you were still recovering from the shock, and felix would make sure you were overcome with affection. you would experience a range of feelings, including surprise, happiness, and perhaps even a small amount of distress at not seeing it coming. but as you both enjoy the moment together, surrounded by love and friends, felix’s kind, sincere side would come through.

seungmin.. when you two started dating, it took him a while to even tell his own members. This wasn't just because he had been possessive of you; it was also because he was afraid that your relationship might be exposed to the public by accident. It took him a while to even get through to you because, even though you didn't mind his job, you expressed to him just how much you loved your job as a journalist, and he knew that you would be fired right away if anything leaked. so when the time came to finally propose to you he’d done it in a very secret way, without the knowledge of anybody else. seungmin would invite you to a quiet evening at home nothing too flashy, just a warm, cozy environment where you both can relax together, you’d walk in to see how romantic it looked, with white petals everywhere and small candles that lit up the dark space. during a quiet moment he would give you a letter that would eventually disclose his genuine intentions. It would begin with a straightforward statement like "I love you for a thousand reasons, but this is the most important one." after that, he might pen a really intimate piece on your relationship, including significant events from your past. he would finish the letter by "I would like to build our future together, share stories and create memories with you for the rest of my life. Will you marry me?” after you finished reading the letter, seungmin would ask you to marry him and present you with the ring. he would add, "I can't wait to begin the next chapter with you, forever," as he planted a kiss on your lips.

I.N.. after hyunjin accidentally told you about jeongin’s huge crush on you, you were the first to make a move on him. despite being upset with hyunjin for a bit, jeongin was more than happy that you two were finally able to become the couple he had been dreaming about. they weren't shocked at all when he announced to the group that he was going to pop the question. they started helping him immediately. he followed chan’s advice and wrote a brand-new song. he was able to write a song that communicated his love for you with the help of the other members. as it builds to the last question, the song "our story" would recount the history of your relationship, emphasizing important times you've had together, both the small and the major turning points. he would express his love and want to stay with you forever in an honest and true manner using straightforward language. something created from the heart, a melody that echoes the promise of eternity, this song would seem like a personal gift. It would be performed by him after dinner, with a soft instrumental accompaniment, setting the perfect scene for a private proposal.
nini’s notes 110624
it’s a tough day but stay strong! 💪 it’s not over, never give up.
* here’s maknae line proposals because posting on here gives me a little at least a little stress relief 😀. not proofread ‼️ so if you find a mistake i’m sorry lol*
asks are always open if you have a question, request, or concern!
- 🎀
#stray kids imagines#stray kids fluff#stray kids fanfic#stray kids maknae line#stray kids x reader#stray kids x you#skz x y/n#stray kids scenarios#stray kids x gn reader#skz soft hours#skz fluff#skz imagines#skz x reader#skz scenarios#stray kids fic#stray kids x gender neutral reader#skz x you#skz fanfic
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Certified Haters ‼️💯
- 𝐒𝐊𝐙 & 𝐘/𝐧
< Messages: Orphan Children ⁉️
Recipient: Gender Neutral Y/N
a/n: insomnia and boredom makes me creative. all for kicks and giggles. apologies if i misrepresented the group and the members. this is all just a head canon of how i think they would act with their bestie (you). app social maker
warning (s): sassy kings// top tier haters// profanity// suggestive comments// jokes of offing self// pet names// friends being friends// loving bullying// fictional
#✰’s skztext#skz fake texts#skz smau#skz texts#skz textfic#skz#skz x reader#stray kids#stray kids texts#stray kids x reader#stray kids chat#stray kids fake texts#stray kids smau#stray kids textfic#stray kids x you#skz x y/n#skz x you#stray kids x y/n#stray kids x gender neutral reader#stray kids changbin#stray kids seungmin#stray kids felix#stray kids hyunjin#stray kids han#stray kids lee know#stray kids bang chan#stray kids i.n#✰’s skztext orphan children ⁉️#✰’s skztext groupchat#skz ot8
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