#Stray kıds Lee minho
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The girlfriend wannabe (III)

Lee Minho x reader
Fake Dating trope. Strangers to lovers.
Words: 3.2k
Summary: When a young attractive man asks you to be his girlfriend...when you first meet him...in front of his parents...when you don't even know him...you say yes. Right?!
AN: Hope you enjoy the third part! If you wanna be tagged, leave a comment🤍
@linos-kitten @honey-pop
"Minho! Stop snapping photos!" You groaned for the third time, shaking your head in annoyance.
"Why baby? You look beautiful!" The man welped from the other side of the counter, where he had set his things exactly two hours before, as he has done numerous times the few weeks you had known each other.
"I assure from this angle neither me nor my three chins look pretty!" You reprimanded, scrunching your nose in distaste.
It had been nearly a month and a half since the deal and he had taken it upon him to randomly show up at the café. From the amount of time he showed up, you would assume he didn't have anything else to do.
"Y/Nnn! Y/Nnn! I am bored!" He wailed, uncaring about the amused and obvious looks from around him.
You turned your gaze at him. The grey Balenciaga hoodie he wore swallowed him whole, paired with joggers and a brand of sneakers, that were far too expensive for your poor knowledge, you would swear that he had just rolled off from bed. But you knew for a fact he had a three hour lecture before, as he had whined and whined about the projects he been bestowed upon. His oversized bag that joined yours below the counter was filled to the brim with books and crinkets.
"You do know that you can just.. leave. It's my shift, not yours" you mused, hands flying all over the coffee machine.
Wild locks of hair were in your eyes, obscuring your vision and blinding you. A quick and careless movement towards the rushing hot water had you retreating and hissing. Minho made a worried sound, but you waved his concerns away. You had worse before. You made a bee line to the sink to wash off the burning feeling.
"First of all, dear, be careful. Second of all, how can you say that to the face of the store" A voice reprimanded behind you.
The owner, Tanya. A woman in her late forties, sometimes she looked like a mother, sometimes a friend. She had immediately taken a liking at you and you to her, making both your life easier and the work merrier. But now you doubted her gut feeling, as she had taken the same liking to your boyfriend. After 3 visits of said boyfriend and how natural, quote on quote, you seemed, she had noted that she saw you lasting quite a long time.
You turned to Minho, pointed to the front of the store, dusting cloth in hand "Well, maybe then, the face of the store own to clean up a bit" you snickered, tired of the double attack you were under.
Sure enough, Minho slowly lifted his palms in surrender.
One down, one to go.
"And if you like him so much, give me an extra day off to go on dates with him. Look at the poor thing, always here waiting for me" you pouted, arms crossed and head cocked to Minho's direction.
She snickered and murmured that she had some job to finish at the back. Both you and he laughed as you watched her run to the back to lick her wounds.
You looked at him once more, pondering. Now that you mentioned it.."How comes that you are always alone, Minho?"
He hummed, looking up from his phone that briefly distracted him"What do you mean, baby? I am here with you" he answered immediately.
"Yeah, but if you aren't here with me, you are at uni. When you aren't there...what do you do?" You wondered, suddenly curious. Wide eyes blinked back at you.
He gathered his thoughts and answered slowly "Well...usually I am with the three buffoons" At your subtle raise of a brow and the questioning smile you were wearing, he lazily explained. "They are my friends. You met one of them already." You nodded as a pierced figure came to mind. "They are actually producers so they are kind of busy right now. They are making an album so that" he emphasizes, hands waving around wildly "left me with free time" he shrugged, playing with his coffee's straw absent mindlessly.
"I see" you mumbled, hands always busy clearing the counter. You should really buy a cream later, you reminded yourself as you check your dry hands. A piercing ring draw both of your attentions. His phone was now blasting a song, unfamiliar to you but pleasant, and hilarious display of "mommy dearest🧙🏻♀️❤️" was shown on the screen.
You huffed and turned to clean up the rest of the mess while he answered. You strained your ears when you caught your name being mentioned in his conversation, but didn't turn around. When he hung up, he gathered his wits, always a bad sign, and asked sugary sweet. "Baby?"
"Mmm?" You hummed from your place.
"Do you have anything black tie appropriate?" He asked, voice high and chipper. So he wanted something.
"No, believe it or not, I hadn't a use for it on college parties" you threw back at him, hands still scrubbing away.
He let out a low laugh, raspy and incredious. "You should get something then. How will you play beer pong without the proper attire?" He joked mirtfully, hands coming up to cup his face. He sat up suddenly, straightening his back, hand coming up to mess his tresses even further and wondered "When do you work this week?"
"Same shifts I worked this week, sweetheart. You should know, considering you were here for most of them" You sassed, scrunching your nose in fake annoyance. Company was nice, you admitted to yourself, even if it had left you rushing to complete a assignment or two.
"Okay then! Wednesday it is!" He nodded to himself, making a mental note. With that he strutted inside the space you were currently in. Without looking up, he collected his bag and came to your side. He stepped close, one arm circling around your mid section "I will pick you up at 10. Sharp."
"For what?"He looked at you like you've grown two heads.
"Obviously for shopping, baby. Don't be late" At that he squeezed you tightly and started waltzing to the entrance.
"Between you and me, Lee Minho, who fo you think will be late" you whispered-shouted after him, hands coming up to cup your for maximum effect.
He didn't turn around, just waved you off with a hand above his shoulder.
"You are late" he noted from his place leaning in the car.
"Shut up" it was you murmured.
He snickered as he opened the car's door for you. It was a black SUV, that was entirely unfit to be parked at 10:30 in the morning in this neighborhood.
Let's amend that it is not the neighborhood that is bad, it was the SUV that was far too expensive, probably this year's model, to be here.
If you were to say anything about your neighborhood it would a good balance between nice and affordable. Sure, some outside walls were without a good painting for years, making the once lovely yellow to have a sick egg yolk color now. And sure the main lock on your building was broken before you moved in, the building's taker ignoring all the numerous complaints you and your neighbor had filled, but it was home. It was next to the subway, near your school and convenient. And most importantly it was all you could afford on your own.
The SUV's owner made no comment neither about the neighborhood neither about your unkempt appearance. As you attempting to salvage your hair in the front mirror, he stepped into the car. His hair was perfect, unlike yours, trousled to perfection. Dark sunglasses with a golden Medusa on its side were obscuring his eyes from yours. He wore a black blazer with neat cut above a grey crew neck and straight jeans. He looked like some sort of model, especially compared to your slobby self.
The dark green sweater you were wearing was a few sizes bigger, hugging you comfortably just the way you liked. Paired with black leggins and your trusty Converse sneakers, you were a university dream.
Too bad your opponent played on a far higher court.
"Looking crisp, Lee" you noted, fishing your cherry chapstick from your bag. You patted it twice on your lips before it was swiped off your hands,and a moment later, a warm cup replaced it. You turned to look at your chapstick stealer finishing his touches on his own lips. You sipped on your liquid before cringing away from the flavor. "What is this?"
"Coffee" he answered briefly, before handing you the tube and reversing the car, murmuring about how this neighborhood has no parking whatsoever. "When did you see me drink my coffee black?" You mumbled, clicking your tongue to get rid of the bitter taste. "Anyway, phone" you said, extending your hand.
He looked at you funny from the very corner of his eye. You rolled your eyes and groaned a please to appease to him. He mumbled something in return, but made a signal to get his bag from the backseat. You stretched a bit, but managed to snatch his bag and handed his phone to him so he could unlock it. Once unlocked and safely jnto your hands, you typed your desired destination.
"Where are we going? I don't know any stores in that neighborhood" Minho wondered as soon as he heard the instructions he was given.
"Drive, loser. We're going shopping" you joked and leaned back to tolerate the rest if your terrible coffee.
"Really now?" Was the unimpressed remark he gave you as soon as he was at the entrance.
Hands lowering his sunglasses, eyebrows raised and eyes scanning the plain mall jn front of him.
"Do you really think I would let you buy me a black tie dress? What are you? My sugar daddy?" You pointed, terrible coffee still in hand. You couldn't down it in one go.
"Do you really think my mother would let you anywhere near her without Chanel?" He returned, eyes still scanning the place. You knew that those shoes were real Chanel! Your mind helplessly provided.
"First of all, that doesn't sound half bad at me. She will let us get out early, if she let us in at all" was the response you threw at him. He turned to you with a hanging mouth and for a moment you wondered if you had gone too far, she was his mother after all.
"Nice thought! Wouldn't hurt to try" he mused, now scanning with a new interest. You let out a breath of relief.
"And second of all, we hadn't agree that I would take money from you. I am not that desperate" you protested, stumbing your foot.
"Yet" he completed jokingly, still earning a punch in his arm from you. "So where are we going?" He asked.
"Third floor is the dress shop. Second floor is the library. And basement 1 is the market" you answered, already making a bee line to the moving staircase.
"Huh?"He questioned you as he started to follow. You felt him more than saw him moving with you. "It's kinda far from my place so I figured I could shop while we're at it" you said, walking backwards for a sec, just to send a blinding grin his way. Avoiding screaming children and frantic parents in search of said children, you made your way up.
You found the store quite easily and from then on, Minho didn't feel he needed your guidance from there. He took straight off to the aisles of clothes, grabbing dresses from the left and from the right. You were left undisturbed to cruise until he decided he needed you too. But that moment came and just like that you were dragged into the changing room and thrown 8 or so dresses. You tried the first one, fitted black material stretched over your figure, the sweetheart neckline doing wonders for your blossom and the slit making your legs longer. You stepped outside, the image of confidence and made a 180 turn for Minho...just for him to shake his head and usher you to the dressing room again. Which he proceeded to do for the next dresses, us well. By the forth dress, he found himself a stool and suddenly the scene seemed straight out of a 2000's movie. Dresses came and went, you getting wilder with your posses and Minho more dramatic with his denial. The Caesar's thumb down was the cherry on top.
"Minho, come on! You can't just not like anything!" You complained, still having on a beautiful emerald dress.
"Nothing speaks to me" he shrugged, as he browsed more dresses.
"Maybe you speak only in Prada unlike the rest of the world. Move, please" you cut him off, moving in front of him in the aisles. They weren't that many good choices, you must admit. He choose all the elite of the dresses and now everything else seemed blant. You let out a huff and moved to the next aisle, and then the next. Just as you started to get disappointed, you saw it.
A two piece white set. A white cropped blazer with golden details paired with A-line pants. You run to it, lifting it off the rack, turning to your companion with a raised brow and a smile. Minho looked at it, then proceeded to shrug and point to the changing room. You made a quick work of ridding the previous rejected piece and putting on the new one.
You checked yourself on the mirror.
You looked beautiful.
It made you look taller, slimmed your waist and brought out your natural blush. With decisive strikes you went out to your 'boyfriend'.
He was buying himself with his phone, at your awkward cough he looked up. He didn't give much of a reaction, which was surprising given his dramatic nature, he simply sat his phone and sat straighter in his stool. He looked at you once, twice and then he finally spoke. "You look gorgeous"
At his comment, you span around again and stroke a pose, making him giggle. "Thank you! So? This is it?" You asked, eager to be done and for his approval at your choice
."Yeah, I believe it is" he stated and started gathering your staff. You made a quick work of the set and rushed outside, seeing Minho already at the cashier about to swipe his card at the machine. That was before you screamed a "NO!", which effectively scared both him and the girl at the front away.
You passed the aisle quickly before tugging him away from the machine and offering the cashier a sweet smile. She looked at you funnily for a second before taking your card.
"I could have paid for that" Minho whispered near your ear privately. You placed a gentle hand on his forearm before replying "I know, but I got this"
Once the bag was in your hands, you stepped out. "Where to?" Minho asked, before placing the shades back on his eyes. An unnecessary action because you were inside. You were inside the mall without a ray of sunshine in sight. Sign.
"The paper store.I have a few books I need to buy" Half an hour and three books later, you were headed at the cashier. Minho couldn't believe the price of the books he was carrying. "Really? Almost a hundred bucks?! With a coupon?" He asked again, hands busy flicking through the thick tomes.
"Wait till you see how much we're gonna pay for the super market. You're gonna love it" you giggled as you waited.
After clearing out round two, it was time for the big boss. The super market.
As soon as you entered you saw the queues of people waiting at the cashier and was hoping you gotten over the noon rush.
You turned to Minho, seeing him already half on the cart. He sheepishly smiled at you and stepped back down. You shook your head and signaled for him to follow. "I don't need a lot of things. Water is the heaviest thing on my list and the thing I have a problem carrying" you said, scanning the list in your phone.
"What do we get?" He asked, checking out the fruit aisle with disinterest. You mumbled out a couple of detergents you used and a few snacks.
The market was build for costumers to cruise so you just followed the long hallways till you made the roundway to the cashier again. Minho got quite distracted by the simplest of things, but his biggest fascination was the bakery in the store. He was particularly on the display before you tugged him back.
"Are you sure you don't want to get something from the food court?"You mused, looking at the display. Nothing suited tour fancy that much.
"Yeah, you have work so we don't have a lot of time anyway" he mumbled over some sweet apple pies.
A voice carried its way to you. "Ahh, young love. You guys remind me of my husband and I when we were younger" you turned to see an old lady a few feet away.
She was dressed in a horrendous pink jacket and what looked like a pink comfortable suit underneath. In a few words like Barbie threw up at her.
You almost made to correct her, but Minho took your hand in his, swinging them merrily. "Thank you, madam. We have been together for a month already"
"And you are already helping her with her groceries?! What a fibe young lad!" She mused, enthusiastically. As she continued to fawn over your 'sort-turn' boyfriend, you checked your phone. Wow, time has slipped through.
"Sorry to interrupt, madam, but we should really get going" you stated, anxiously. Minho shot a look at you and then at his phone screen and apologized to the lady again before continuing your way. You were about to reach the cashier, a taste of sweet freedom on your lips when Minho's voice stopped you at your tracks.
You looked behind your shoulder, only to see him crouching down, two similar packets in his hands. You strutted over to him, realizing he had stopped at the pet corner and was currently looking over food options. "Do you have pets?"
He briefly looked up, a faint smile on his lips. "Yeah, three cats actually."
"Wow, you must really love them to get three."
"Mmmm. Do you? I will pay for them separately" He asked as he separated his things to one side. When he had sneaked those snacks in the cart?
"Oh..Uh I like cats. My mother doesn't tho. So never had a pet.." you trailed off, as you got back on track.
"Never?"He wondered as he stood in line with you.
"Never. Unless you count some goldfish my brother brought home from a fair." You pondered, now closer to your final destination and unpacking your things to the cashier.
"You have a brother huh. Explains a lot" he said cryptically.
"You don't, right?" You guessed
"Yeah.." he trailed off as he finished unpacking the cart.
"Explains a lot" you joked back.
After you paid (he was even more shocked at the prize we reached at the grocery store) he drove you home after.
"If you want I can bring them, my cats I mean, we can go to a pet café..I mean if you want to.." he awkwardly suggested, not once looking at you.
You stared at his profile before answering "Yeah...I would like that..we can arrange something whenever"
At your answer his eyes found yours, they beamed at you.
He smiled a wider grin this time,the most genuine you had seen on him and started stating dramatically that he had some business to take care off and that, through his absence you would appreciate his wonderful presence. You had rolled your eyes, thanked him for the ride and waved as he drove away.
#stray kids#stray kids minho#lee minho x reader#Stray kıds Lee minho#skz#bang chan#han jisung#kim seungmin#lee felix#seo changbin#hwang hyunjin#lee minho#stray kids x reader#skz x reader#skz imagines#skz scenarios#stray kids lee minho#yang jeongin#skz fluff#lee know x reader#lee know imagines#lee know fanfic#lee know#lee minho x y/n#lee minho x you#skz minho
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Lee Know layouts !

like and reblog if you save!
#lee know#lee know icons#lee know layouts#lee know packs#lee minho#minho icons#stray kıds#stray kıds layouts#stray kıds headers#stray kıds icons#stray kıds packs#moodboard#kpop layouts#layouts#kpop icons#kpop#kpop boy group
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- MINHO packs.
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#minho packs#minho icons#minho layouts#minho headers#lino packs#lino icons#lino layouts#lino headers#lee know packs#lee know icons#lee know layouts#lee know headers#stray kıds#skz#lee know locs#lee know bios#lino bios#stray kids lino#lino locs#minho bios#minho locs
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Vampire j1sung and hunter l1no

Han jisung
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So I'm making some stray kids Maxident stickers! You can find them through my art accounts @bibabblesart on twit or Instagram if you wanna grab em when they drop! I'm making more than just these too!
#stray kids#skz#hyunjin#felix#lee know#han jisung#han#lee felix#bang chan#lee minho#hwang hyunjin#changbin#i.n#minsung#minho#jisung#stray kıds#jeongin#seungmin#hyunlix#stray kids fanart
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sweet, sweet, sweet little kitty

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The girlfriend wannabe (II)

Lee Minho x reader
Fake Dating trope. Strangers to lovers.
Words: 1.9k
Summary: When a young attractive man asks you to be his girlfriend...when you first meet him...in front of his parents...when you don't even know him...you say yes. Right?!
This is Part 2
AN: I have the next 2 chapters planned, they shouldn't take long. Hope you enjoy the second part!
"So let me get this straight..A young, incredibly beautiful man came to you, dressed in Armani, and proposed to you to became his girlfriend and you said no!"
You rolled your eyes at Lisa. She was always the one to rush in unfathomable situations and question herself later. You shifted, putting away the clean ceramic cups. "You are aware that I don't even, you know, KNOW him" You mused as you moved to now stack to-go papers on top of each other.
"You could always get to know him!" She raved, hands thrown above her head and expression playfully angry. "You have been alone for a while. It isn't bad to have a little fun" A cry of a customer for help distracted her from her speech. She threw you a look, that clearly stated that this isn't over and she went her way, face now adoring a pretty and professional smile.
You signed and shook your head at her antics. Thankfully you didn't gave a lot of costumers today, a steady flow of people came and went, leaving you undisturbed. The lofi playlist you honeyed in your time here was echoing around the small shop, putting you at ease and makingyour head gently bob to the beat. It was a hole in the wall the little shop you worked it, but you liked it better that way. It saved you energy from dealing with annoying costumers and plus, the owner was too nice to you. Besides making coffee was a relaxing activity to you, you would like to consider yourself a knowledgeable person to the fine art of coffee making. After all, you have been drinking and making it for years now.
The damned doorbell rung again making you shallow a sign. Without looking up you took your place behind the counter and recited your usual poem "Welcome. What can I-what the fuc..."
"Not now, sweetheart. Maybe later, if you are down"
He was here.
Hair sleeked back, the gel he used making it shine. He was donned in a casual outfit, it probably costed more than what you made in 3 days worth. His face was void of makeup this time, somehow softening his face. Duh, you thought, no one has such piercing eyes on his own. His makeup artist had done an incredible work, but this softer look suited him more.
It made him more human like.
Behind trailed a more petite form clad in a army green jacket and converse high tops. A flash of silver draw your attention to his pierced brow and shy grin.
Your gaze bounced back to your so supposed boyfriend, who by now had reached you and made himself right at home at the cashier. Your jaw tensed and you gripped tightly the wood in front of you. "How are you here? What are you doing here?!" You hissed, out of your mind mad.
Okay, he was in a tight spot the previous time and you chucked it up in a moment of stress. But this? Stalking you and getting your information? Showing up at your work like a creep? This was unacceptable!
He dared and cocked his head to the side almost in an innocence manner and whined. Fucking whined. "Aren't you happy to see me baby?"
You stared blanly at him for a moment or two, before he erupted in giggles. An ironic grin lit his face once they died down. Did he had that permanently stitched to his face or something? The sight only served to make you mader so you repeated. "What are you doing here?"
He paused a brief moment to regard you. Nostrils flared, eyes blasting fire and mouth set in a straight line. You must be a sight to be hold because he immediately stepped back and raised his hands in front of him in caution. "I only want to talk. I promise nothing weird."
His hands lowered and that insufferable grin returned. "Why our relationship of course"
You felt heat travel to your face and your veins popping. "There is no relationship, you freak!" You snapped.
His friend was watching the pair of you waringly, no words were spoken. Maybe he was afraid to be involved in the cat fight, that was starting in front of him.
And the cherry on top was the arrival of Lisa. She twirled her way around to reach to you. When she reached, almost floated, towards the front desk, she stopped abruptly. Her eyes darted towards the pair of young men in front of you and then towards you and then at them again, before her eyes bulked and her mouth opened. "It's him, isn't he? Your new fake boyfriend?!" She squealed, clearly excited. She was lightly bouncing on her feet, her smile wide and friendly. "Hi! I'm Lisa!"
"Do you want him instead?" You muttered under your breath. How could she be this calm and well... delusional.
"How can you toss your boyfriend around like this?!" Turning to you with a determined gaze, she cocked her head silent at him. In response you narrowed your eyes at her, mouth pulling at the corners forming an grimace.
Would you really throw me to the wolves like that? Your eyes screamed at her.
Yeah! I would throw you to wolves like that every single damn day! She raised her brows at you, smirking.
"Well now that you are done with the eye thingy..Shall we, doll?" Minho interrupted your very obvious mental conversation. He cocked his head to the sitting area behind him.
"You do know I am, like, in the middle of work..I can't just leave-" you started to say, but was, once again, rudely interrupted.
"I will take over until you talk" Lisa cut in, lifting the counter to slide in next to you, lightly pushing you towards him.
You scoffed as you made your way to the area. You pointed your chin to the nearest table, silently becking him. You settled in the chair with a sour pout. You crossed your hands and watched him stretch with no care. He eventually settled, lounged was more like it, and opened his lips to sprout the biggest stupidity known to mankind.
"So about the girlfriend thing.."
There we go.
"Let me start by saying sorry. I know that all this is kind of ridiculous-"
"Kind of?" You pointed, lifting your brow.
He huffed amusingly. "I know it is ridiculous. But they have been nagging me for weeks now and well, I saw you and decided to strike." He finished, scratching his nape. He had lowered his head, stealing glances at you, not daring to look at you properly. At least he seemed sorry, you bemused.
"First of all, I don't appreciate you coming here like some stalker. This is unacceptable and kind of creepy." You stated, your heated gaze on him
His eyes softened and he briefly met your gaze. You saw the realization and regret on his features . "Sorry, I didn't think how it would came through. It wasn't my intention to scare you. I just need you" he spoke quietly, but with a sincerity you hadn't linked with him...well the 1 day you knew him, at least.
"Thank you for apologizing. And this brings me to the next thing, I don't understand why it has to be me.Tell them that we broke up and find yourself a real girlfriend." You anti-countered, amusement filling you by seeing the boy in front of you squirm.
He signed, hands messing up his hair and making it fluffier "You think I didn't try? I...I tried, but...I- things didn't go as planned. The more I think about it, the easier this seems"
"How so?" You asked, leaning forward on your elbows.
"I can call you when I need to be at a gala. Or to take a couple of pictures to show them. Something easy." He murmured, now playing with the packets of sugar on the table in front of him.
"As I told you, I am not looking for a relationship. Frankly, I don't have time for it, real or not" you amended, not really knowing why you were excusing yourself.
"No, no! I won't take a lot of your time. Besides I will compensate you!" He rushed to fill in, sitting up more in his seat so he can properly face you.
"Ohh do say. What's in for me?" You laughed, finding the conversation more and more ridiculous.
The question brought the smirk back full force. It screamed, I got it in the bag "I will make sure you get an interview with a big marketing company. Your choice. And a recommendation letter. I could say a position there, but you don't seem into the nepotism concept"
"You would be incorrect" you stated, shrugging. Once you get in is when the game starts, how you got there is irrelevant.But that was just your humble view.
"That's even better! You could be my nepo baby!" He giggled, eyes gleaming. With what, you weren't sure. Now that you 'uncovered' your greedy side, he seemed to have relaxed in his wooden chair once again. He was glancing around now, curious as a cat.
In turn, you scanned him, head to toe. He was an attractive gal. Sure, he was a little overconfident and whiny, but nothing over the top. You had certainly met worse and without the resources to back them up, you snickered to yourself. "What's the catch?" You wandered, tapping your chin in wonder.
"What do you mean?" He asked, examing you closely.
"I mean, I get an interview. If you are a people's person, then I get to go at galas. What's in it for you?"
"A peaceful mind. I don't like when my parents...nag" he, carefully,, said.
"You don't seem the kind of person that would paid any attention to his parents nagging" you mused, drumming your fingers to the tabletop. He smirked and shook his head
"You don't know me, sweetheart." He murmured.
"And this is precisely why I can't trust you!" You snickered, leaning back.
"Maybe this is your chance to. So..deal?" He pondered, extending a long hand. You stared at it, as if it would burn you. Did you really wanna do this?
"No impromptu calls. When I am at campus or at work, you can't just expect me to drop everything and come to you." You demanded. It was your way or the highway, you decided and damn a potential interview.
"Of course, baby" he complied easily. Attitude as aloof as ever.
"And no kissing. A little cuddling and a smooch on the cheek is all that I will allow"
"Are you sure, sweetheart?" He purred, his fingers dancing across the table to reach yours. You swatted his fingers away.
"I am positive" you deadpaned.
"Okay, but if you fold, can I consider it fair game?" He asked suggestive, bitting his lips and his eyes zeroing on your form.
"In your dreams, sweetheart" you popped every word, smile widening.
"Oh they will be good ones, I assure you. So deal?" He tried again, extending his hand.
Like the first time you looked at it, but unlike last time, you carefully placed your hand at his.
"Deal" you agreed. Chills took over your body as you spoke the words. "I already don't like this this" you muttered, making him smile at you.
The chair was screeching as he dragged himself away to stand. He looked at his clock, then at you. "The message at your phone is from my number. Save it. We will talk more about the gala via Sms. By the way, you look lovely today, baby. Like the batista of my dreams. Anyway, I have to go see you later" He saluted and turned to his friend that was still hanging by the cashier.
You were too stunned to speak.
Your mind running at full speed to comprehend what happened just now, along with the numerous information you received in less than a second. When your brain managed to get the get-go, he was already half way to the door. The only question you managed was "How did you get my number?!"
Upon hearing your incredulous shout, he turned his head your way, flashed you his hand, fingers moving all over the place and said "Magic"
His giggles were all that was left behind.
You were left seated and astonished, when you felt a presence behind you and a petite hand on your shoulder.
"I like him. You know I have a good eye for people" Lisa said, her eyes pinned to the odd pair of friends that were walking away from you.
"No, you don't " you scoffed.
"Honey, the one with bad eyesight is you, not me"
#stray kids#bang chan#han jisung#kim seungmin#lee felix#seo changbin#hwang hyunjin#skz#stray kids x reader#stray kids lee minho#lee minho x reader#lee know x reader#lee know#lee minho#lee minho x y/n#lee minho x you#stray kids minho#Stray kıds images#Stray kıds scenarios#yang jeongin#stray kids imagine#skz x reader#skz imagines#skz fluff#skz scenarios
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who? i am you

"god damn it, I like it".
. 🔪 ; 🩸; 🧷 ; 📰 ; 🩹.
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• Stray Kıds reactions #3 •
Lee Minho ☆
When he tries to be serious in front of you ...
When he sees you in the crowd ...
When you forget that he has three cats ...
How he tries to cheer you up when you're sad ...
The way he listens to you while you're talking ...
• It's been a while, but hey, I'm still alive ... somehow ... ^^'
It's almost Christmas and 2019 is coming to an end soon ... I hope all of you can spend a joyful time with your family and friends. •
Stay positive ♡
2019/12/23 1:05 AM
Gifs are not mine
Credits to the owner~
#lee mino#lee know#skz reactions#skz#skz scenarios#skz minho#stray kids imagines#stray kids reactions#stray kids
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The girlfriend wannabe

Lee Minho x reader
Fake Dating trope. Strangers to lovers.
Words: 1.7k
Summary: When a young attractive man asks you to be his girlfriend...when you first meet him...in front of his parents...when you don't even know him...you say yes. Right?!
AN: I planned this is to be a series. This is the 1st part, I hope you enjoy.
It looked like numbers were taunting you.
The vast number that was displayed under the tag "college debts" on your ancient phone was making you anxious, and anxiety lead to panic, and panic lead to stupid decisions and stupid decisions were exactly why you were here.
Here meaning at the corner of a fairy lighted and expensive as hell rooftop garden, shiny silver disk in hand and clad in a restricting black uniform. Men and women docked in every brand known to humankind were twirling on the dance floor, champagne was flowing and your nerves were off charts. Every two seconds someone was demanding a drink, every round around the mass was causing your body temperature to rise and the food was gone in milliseconds. Talks about galas and investments was alla that was heard outside while the jazz music was peacefully playing outside. Meanwhile in the kitchen, a place you run from and to every 3 minutes, all that was heard was battle cries.
"Smile, Y/N" a high voice playfully reprimanded.
"Fuck you, Lisa" you murmured while baring your teeth, face contrasting more into a grimace than a smile. After your 8 hour shift, you certainly didn't have the courage to smile for an other 4 hour shift. A blank face is the best you could do.
"Oh.. don't worry about me, dear. I certainly will" she giggled, eyes smothering and sweeping across the room. Probably searching for a victim of choice. Everyone wanted to get swiped by Lisa's claws. Who wouldn't? Smile of an angel, eyes of a devil, long glossy locks and a dancer's body. She was every man's dream.
You signed and left your post to do an other round, yet again. This time champagne in hand, well on disk more like it, you rounded the roof again. Making your way between hot bodies and snobbish looks, grabby hands made your disk lighter and lighter until a single glass remained.
But that too would be gone in a flash.
A pair of grabbing hands claimed the lonely bubbly glass, but this pair was different.
This pair of hands grabbed, not only the tall glass, but a firm hold of your waist too. And suddenly you were twirled and pressed into a stranger's side who playfully commented "Baby, you didn't need to save me a glass"
Too shocked to response right away, you leveled your gaze to his. Hair brown as a tree's truck stylishly fell into a pair of sharp cat eyes, a tall slim nose you definitely weren't jealous of and a pair of slim but well defined lips that were posed into a half smile. His two piece suit was the colour of blood and his cologne as expensive as this place required.
An attractive stranger.
But a stranger none the less.
Before you could gently push the man away, the pair of lips made contact with your cheek and whispered against your skin were the words "Play along for now" accompanied with a squeeze of your waist. He leaned away from your personal bubble and turned towards the adult couple watching you with an empty stare.
"Mom. Dad. This is my girlfriend " he announced with a wicked kind of glee all over his face.
The man, his dad, raised a single eyebrow and let out an amused chuckle. The woman only stared in a barely disguised horror. Your eyebrows raised themselves and your eyes balked a little bit, but a gentle reprimand from your 'boyfriend' in a form of a squeeze leveled your face. A careful blank expression found its way to your face as you watched the scene unfold."
Lee Minho!" The woman choked out, colour finding its way to her pretty face. It was both worrying and amusing how her face started to match her son's red suit.
"Yes, mother?" He nearly sing songed, amusement all over his face. He was fighting to keep a mocking grin away from his face.
"Lee Minho!" She repeated, stamping her heeled feet against the marble floor. Were those Chanel?
"Hello..." The elder man started, but soon trailed off when he hadn't been given a name to put to your face.
"Y/N" both you and Minho stated in the same time. You titled your face towards him, eyebrow raised. How you know that, creep? You hoped your intentions came through. Apparently they did, because his grin widened and his eyes diped lower to were your tag lied. Really, doll? His eyes seemed to say that. You snickered quietly and jabbed his ribs, before turning to his father whose attention was on you. "Well..dear. Pleased to make your acquaintance" he stated, before looking around and wondering out loud "Mind me asking what are you doing here?"
You would be rather doing anything else. Kitchen duty sounded much more appealing than siting here and entertaining the macho parents of the boyfriend you don't have. But the boy whose arms you were huddled into screamed desperation. He didn't to show it and from afar he looked the pictureof confidence. But the way his fingers drummed at your side, clutching and unclutching, the way he positioned himself just slightly behind you, like he needed a barrier made you reply. Damn you were too fucking nice.
"Part time job, sir. Someone bailed and my friend asked me to fill in" you responded, eyes scanning behind him for a moment. You hoped no one sees you lazing around. With some of the guests too.
"Ah.. a hard working lady. And what do you do, dear?" He asked, downing his amber liquor.
At that the delightful mother of his let out a scoff. Her colour was not any better. "Do you need to ask? Model? Singer?" She mocked, eyes scanning your figure. She lingered on your stomach and thighs a beat too long. "Not a successful one. That's for sure"
What a bitch. You thought and decided to end it here.
A mockery of a smile made its way to your face and you replied, sugary sweet and obviously fake. "Actually, business major. Marketing is my goal. But thank you for the model comment, appreciate it" you diped your head in polite nod, not wanting them to see the grimace on your face. Amused huffs surrounded you, both from father and son.
Time to dip.
"I have to go now. Pleased to meet you" you stated, turning to the couple. The man threw a half grin to your direction and replied like wise. The mother snickered quietly towards you, but remained silent.
Before you removed the man's hand from your person, you turned and whispered to his ear "Hope I don't see you around, honey" A gleeful chuckle left his red clad figure and with that, you turned and blended into the crowd.
As you made an other round, you spotted Lisa by the bar at the end of the roof. You sneakily made your way to her side and quickly tagged on her sleeve. "I will take over kitchen duty. My shift ends in an hour anyway. If I don't see you, bye" you muttered quickly and once you saw her nod her head towards you, you fled.
The way to the kitchen was shown to you upon arrival.
Wide, fancy and white.
Pristine like everything around this place.
Scanning the place you found the woman in charge and off you were to kitchen duty. Half an hour passed quickly, the job of polishing the kitchenware numbing your mind pleasantly and you thought that was it. Your day would be over, a quick meal and your bed was all you could think of.
That was before hearing his dreaded voice. "That's where you were hiding baby!" His jolly voice echoed in the quiet corner you were hollowed up. You turned to face him once more. His cherry red suit still on, tie loosened, brown hair fell a little more widly around his blushy face, like he ran his fingers through it. The most outrageous smirk still intact on his face.
"Anywhere away from you, baby" You deadpaned. You briefly considered to school your face, in fear of him being one of your current employer's sons, but no longer able to morph your expression into a pleasant one, you simply looked at the stranger with a blank look. But it seemed your answer brought him more mirth and amusement than you were hoping for as he simply chuckled and hoped on a stool next to you.
"What are you doing? Need help?" He casually threw. You looked up from the utensil you were polishing, finally directing your full attention on him.
"Can I help you with something?" You pointedly inquired, as you pushed the now clean knife away from you.
He briefly glanced around him and then leaned in, not quite in your personal space, but close enough and personal for a stranger you met on the same evening. "I want you to be my girlfriend" he announced lazily. His expression told the tale, he knew he was being ridiculous. The smirk he was wearing was getting bigger, cheeks pink with glee and little laughs escaped him.
One of your eyebrows lifted before you snorted and returned to cleaning. Rich people are crazy. "Anything else while you are at it?" You huffed, this time your turn to shake with laughter.
"No, that is all" he gleamed, actually taking the utensils from the clean stand and warping them neatly in napkins. You looked twice at the action. He was doing a neat job. Creases and all. You averted your gaze.
"I see, in that case..No" you returned plainly and reached for an other pair. The vinegar was making your fingertips ache, the exhaustion was weighting on you like a heavy blanket and the conversation was not helping.
"Why, baby? I thought we had a connection!" He dramatically wailed and immediately snickered at his own joke. His knee bumped at the table from its constant shaking, making the utensils dance briefly in the air before gravity pulled them down.
"If you bring every girl you think you have a connection with to your parents immediately...Boy oh boy do I feel sorry for them!" you stated dryly.
A brief glance at the clock above the counters told you that your time was drawing near. You exhaled and slowly turned to the boy next to you. Posture relaxed, a smile was pulling at his lips, eyes set on you like a cat that was chasing a mouse. Your brows pulled together before you scolded them to a neutral expression. He was looking for a reaction, you told yourself. You weren't about to give him one.
"Look, I am not looking for a relationship. Too busy and frankly you don't seem like my type-"
He waves a hand, dismissing your statement "I am everybody's type" He noted arrogantly. He looked like he meant it too.
Damn..Couldn't you have a tenth of his confidence..You shook your head as if to clear it. We were getting off topic here.
"Then find somebody else. My shift has ended so I will be going" With that you pulled yourself as gracefully as you could from the stool and grabbed your jacket, along with your trusty old bag. As you turned to the door, you glanced behind your shoulder.
He was still lounging on his stool, a red clad sin with an annoyingly charming grin. "See you never, lover boy. I mean it this time"
His giggle echoed. "See you later, baby. I meanit too"
You huffed.
He was a dangerous one.
#stray kids#bang chan#han jisung#kim seungmin#lee felix#seo changbin#lee minho x reader#lee know#stray kids lee minho#stray kids imagine#Stray kıds minho#stray kids x reader#stray kids x you#stray kids x y/n#lee know x reader#lee know fanfic#lee know imagines#stray kids hyunjin#hwang hyunjin#skz x reader#skz imagines#skz fluff#skz#skz lee know#skz lee minho
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Some sketches from the 1Look photoshoot✨

Han jisung
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They like the view right now

Han jisung
Lee Know
#stray kıds#skz#drawing#han jisung#3racha j.one#sketch#skz minho#lee know#minsung fanart#minsung#the view#noeasy thunderous#noeasy
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I like the view right now

Han jisung
#stray kıds#skz#han jisung#drawing#3racha j.one#sketch#skz minho#lee know#skz lee know#the view#thunderous#minsung#minsung fanart
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Han and Leeknow inspired by the "NOEASY" thunderous trailer

Han jisung
#stray kıds#skz#han jisung#drawing#3racha j.one#sketch#skz minho#skz lee know#noeasy#thunderous#trailer#new album#outfit#cigars
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