#Story of Radha
When Meera met Radha...
What happened when Meera met Radha? I wrote this fictional piece about my favourite characters in Indian mythology. #Meera #Radha #Krishna #StorytellersBlogHop Season 3
She sang his bhajans and swirled swiftly many times. After a while, she fell prostrate before His idol and placed her head at his lotus feet. Hot tear drops found their way down her pretty face as she gently tugged at her Ektara and crooned, प्रभु जी तुम दर्शन बिन मोय घड़ी चैन नहीं आवड़े … She opened her eyes and looked up at HIS idol… her Krishna… her Ram… her everything… she wiped his feet…
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fragmentofmemories · 2 months
while i was drawing characters for [REDACTED] i was thinking "hey i should probably draw a maid with short, purple hair and have her be the innkeeper."
then i remembered eou did that and i've never sulked so hard before...
#(don't look at the tags the post ends here trust me)#no like. actually. i don't like rosa. i don't want a theriaca b and a medica II i am literally lv99r99 and with thirty soma primes on stock#did i mention the mansion in eou is terrible plotwise and yet another way to make the story mode party look ''special''.#and before you mention classic mode. its inclusion in it was really bad there too.#and ruined what could've been one of the very few good rewrites in eou (the B1F FOE).#just cut the ''rich kid'' part. because no way in hell would the radha. a government characterized by its secretiveness and cold approach--#--ask a starting guild to deal with an internal problem which a) has little to do with the labyrinth itself so they *can* deal with it--#and b) doesn't actually impact etria's economy as much as the writing lets on because the town is already thriving at the start of the game#had the mansion and plotline not been a thing and hell. had the FOE been a surprise encounter like the many found in eo1. it would've been-#--an incredible subversion to veterans. as well as a great way to convey how dangerous the yggdrasil labyrinth actually is to newcomers.#because again. owning a mansion for free *and* at the start highlights the player party as more important and special than it actually is.#because if anything eo1 is meant to show you through its storylines that no adventurer is more important than the other.#and everyone's replaceable to the radha including your guild. which is why they have no problem throwing you in progressively more--#--dangerous missions they expect you to die in. it's why it's explicitly told that you're not the only guild partaking in said missions.#not to mention that. again. whatever respect you do get is only by the end of the game when you've more than proven yourself as capable.#unlike later titles which already shower you with praises and the town officials love you the second you finish the tutorial mission.#something something eo1's plot is actually a criticism of the drpg genre and the romanticizing of adventures.#eou not only failing to understand that but actively going the opposite way is just one of the many reasons i think it's a terrible remake.#...this started out as a joke post about character designs.#why is her name rosa anyway that's spanish for pink and she's purple.#actually why are so many of the story mode character names so basic the only unique one is raquna and--#i am literally nitpicking at this point. lol#i really should just make a longpost next time...#eo
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thevachak · 2 months
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A youth, Prince Shrona, was initiated by Buddha. The people in the capital could not believe it. No one had ever imagined that Shrona would become a bhikkhu, a monk. Buddha’s monks could not believe it either, their eyes were popping out when Shrona came and fell at Buddha’s feet and said, ”Initiate me, make me a bhikkhu.”
Shrona was an emperor, and a famous emperor. He was famous for indulgence. His royal palace had the most beautiful women of that era. His palace had the finest wines, gathered from every corner of the world. Celebration went on all night long, he slept all day. He was so drowned in indulgence that no one had ever thought he could imagine becoming a sannyasin. When he climbed the steps he didn’t have railings put up, but had naked women stand there. He would climb the stairs putting his hand on their shoulders. He made his house into a heaven. His palace was such that gods in heaven would be jealous.
The bhikkhus asked Buddha, ”We can’t believe it, Shrona being initiated!”
Buddha said, ”Whether you believe it or not, I knew he was going to take sannyas. To tell you the truth it is for him that I came to the capital today. What goes to one extreme will go to the other extreme too. Indulgence is one extreme, he did that completely. Now there is no way to move further there, no way to satisfy the ego. He has whatever is possible in that world. Now a wall has come in front of the ego, where can the ego go now? The ego demands more. Now there isn’t any more, so the ego must return, must go back in the opposite direction. When the pendulum of a clock goes all the way to the right, it must return towards the left. Then it goes all the way to the left and has to return again to the right. When the pendulum of a clock is going to the left, remember that it is gathering momentum to go to the right. And when it is going to the right it is gathering momentum to go to the left. One who has a subtle vision will be able to see this. One who goes into extreme indulgence will one day go into extreme yoga.
Buddha said, ”Wait a few days, you will see the truth of what I am saying.”
And people saw. The other bhikkhus walked on a well paved road, but Shrona walked through thorns and brush, his feet became drenched in blood. When the sun was hot the other bhikkhus sat in the shade of the trees. Shrona would stand in the sun. The other bhikkhus wore clothes, he used only a loin cloth. And it seemed as if he was eager to drop the loin cloth too. Then one day he did drop it. The other bhikkhus ate once a day, Shrona ate only once in two days. The other bhikkhus ate sitting down. Shrona ate standing up. The other bhikkhus kept a bowl, Shrona didn’t keep even a bowl, only his hand… he ate only the food that fit in his hand. His beautiful body shrivelled. Previously people used to come from miles around to see his body. His face had been very charming, immensely beautiful. After he had been a bhikkhu for three months anyone who saw him would not recall that this was Emperor Shrona. His feet became blistered, his body became black, he shrivelled and became just bones. And he went on disciplining himself.
Buddha said, ”Do you see bhikkhus, I had told you that what goes to one extreme, will go to the other extreme! It is difficult to stop in the middle, because the middle is the death of the ego.”
Then Shrona stopped eating. Then he stopped taking water. He continued from one extreme to another. It seemed he would be a guest on this earth only two or three more days, then die. This is when Buddha went to his door, to the tree under which he had built a hut to rest in. He was lying down. Buddha said to him, ”Shrona, I have come to ask you something. I have heard that when you were an emperor you had a passion for playing the veena, and that you were very skilled at playing it, that you took great interest in the veena. I have come to ask you a question: when the strings of the veena are very loose, will music arise or not?”
Shrona said, ”What are you talking about? You know it well if the strings are very loose music cannot arise, they cannot even sound a twang.”
Buddha said, ”Then I ask you this: if the strings are tightened too much will music arise or not?”
Shrona said, ”If they are tightened too much the strings will snap, music will not arise, only the sound of snapping strings will arise. How can music arise from the sound of an instrument breaking?”
Then Buddha said, ”I have come to remind you. Just as you have experienced the veena, I experience the veena of life. I say unto you, if the strings of life are very tight music does not arise, and if the strings of life are very loose, again music does not arise. The strings need to be in the middle Shrona, neither too tight nor too loose. The greatest skill of a musician is in bringing the strings exactly to the middle, this is what is meant by tuning an instrument.”
This is why when you see Indian classical music, it takes half an hour or an hour to tune the instruments. Tuning instruments is a great art. To bring the strings to that middle point where it cannot be said that they are too loose or too tight, one needs great skill, a very sensitive ear. Only a connoisseur of music is able to tune.
”The veena of life is exactly the same,” Buddha said, ”It is enough Shrona, wake up now. I was waiting to let you come to the extreme. At first your strings were very loose, now you have tightened them too much. Music didn’t happen then, nor does it happen now: are you experiencing samadhi? What is all this that you are doing? Previously you stuffed yourself, now you are fasting to death. Previously you never went barefoot, if you went anywhere the road was covered with velvet. And now if the path is good you will not move on it. You move in the brush, in the thorns, on rough, rugged paths. Perhaps previously you had never drunk water but only wine. Now you are afraid to drink even water! Now you want to avoid water too. Previously at your house incomparable meat dishes were prepared, now you are not ready even to eat dry bread. See how you have moved from one extreme to the other? That extreme was unmusical, this too is unmusical. I call out to you: Now is the time, come to the middle.”
Tears began to flow from Shrona’s eyes. He became alert. He saw his situation.
And as soon as someone comes to the middle, the ego dies – it cannot live. The ego is a disease, the ego can exist only if your mind is sick. The life of the ego comes out of your being sick, and extremes are the secret of your being sick.
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ramayantika · 2 years
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The whole village has gone to sleep. Not a sound can be heard. The cool night breeze is blowing just lightly, without letting a leaf rustle in the forest. The village guards too are dozing as the wind lulls their eyes to sleep.
But, there is one boy in the village whose sleep has been robbed off. The young youthful milk maidens of Vraja often talk about this boy amongst themselves and with their dear companions as the boy who robs their sleep and peace with his lovely face and smile.
'He comes in my dreams and steals sweet butter from my pot. When I reprimand him, he smiles sweetly and kisses my cheek. But, when my eyes open at dawn, I find my mother sprinkling water over my face.'
'Isn't he such a charming lad? I don't think there would be any other handsome boy apart from him in all the three worlds.'
The boy in this conversation is none other than the darling child of Yashoda, wife of Nanda Maharaj, who was also the chief of the cowherd community. He was the most beautiful child in Vraja and in adolescence, handsomeness was naturally bestowed upon him.
Skin as dark as the magnificent monsoon clouds, curly hair as soft as silk which sported a band or sometimes a crown of peacock feathers. His limbs were annointed with fragrant sandalwood paste which made his presence distinct from the other boys of Vrindavan. His eyes shaped like beautiful lotus petals, and when he would bat his eyelashes at any maiden passing by his path, she was bound to lose her heart to him. He would often wear yellow clothes and strut the streets of Vrindavan with his friends while causing mischief that annoyed the womenfolk on the outside, but on the inside, they were delighted each time he and his friends would engage in pranks, for then they would have a glimpse of his divine form.
What's his name?
He goes by many names. For Yashoda, he is Kanha. The cowherds call him Gopal, the protector of the cows. The elder males sometimes call him Nandlal, the son of Nanda. Young girls who fawn over him call him Mohan, the one who enchants and sometimes they refer to him as Madanmohan, for he is attractive than the Love God, Kama also called, Madan. He is Muralidhar for he is always seen with a flute on his lips and is called Krishna by all for his noticeable dark monsoon cloud complexion.
When he plays his flute, all the gopis and cows throng to the forest, enchanted by his melodious tunes. The ladies would make amusing excuses to leave their house on time to meet this charming boy on the riverbank of Yamuna, then why was this boy all alone in a flower bower deep in the forest with eyes gazing longingly at the moon that was soon to disappear amongst the night clouds?
A certain maiden of Vraja bhumi has stolen Krishna's heart. She walks with the grace of a swan and her voice is sweeter than the koyal. Her fair complexion pales the beauty of the moon for she is far dazzling than the Purnima moon. She possesses curly hair just like Krishna and decorates it with flowers and beautiful ornaments. With jingling bangles on her wrists and jewelled ankle bells, she dances with him on some nights in the heart of the forest. Those bangles and anklets themselves play a mellifluous melody in rhythm with Krishna's flute.
Wouldn't such a beauty charm this notorious charmer? What is her name?
She is Radha, the daughter of Vrishbhanu.
"What is taking her so long? She is never this late." Krishna murmurs to himself as his fingers gently caress the back of a baby squirrel that has nestled itself on his thigh. "Look, even you have fallen asleep waiting for your dear Radha."
Time passes by. The chirping crickets have given themselves to sleep, but there is no sign of jingling anklets making way into the forest. No boat is rowing down the river. The forest is empty.
The silver moon has donned a dark golden robe around her it seems. When Krishna had first arrived her, the moon was high up in the sky, illuminating the bower and the entire forest, but now its colour has darkened. In no time will she too go to sleep to make way for dawn.
Sighing, he gently places the baby squirrel down on the ground with his mother. Covering their themselves with leaves and twigs, he mutters, "Looks like, she won't come. I should get back home."
Pulling his uttariya that was hanging from the branches of a tree, he drapes it around his body and rubs his arms. The flower garland in his hand withered a long time ago. A dejected look on his face makes him appear as if all the stars in the night sky have lost their light. Walking down the forest path, he approaches the familiar turning that leads the way to the village when he hears the sound of anklet bells.
His heart soars and he walks faster towards the source, knowing it would be his dear Radha only. For a moment, he wonders why do her anklets sound different. 'Maybe, she is wearing a different pair today.'
He sees a figure draped in a black shawl -- its face covered to avoid any recognition. As the figure approaches closer, he smells the scent of jasmine flowers and roses in the air, as a bright smile adorns on his lips.
He jumps in delight and runs towards her direction. Whatever tiredness that had approached him earlier had disappeared in a jiffy. I do wonder how the arrival of a loved one after a long time feels for the one in waiting. A little jitters and excitement makes house in the heart.
Fair hands gently part away from the shawl, and Krishna wastes no moment in clasping them. "Radhey, I thought you would never come tonight. Even though it's quite late now, but I am glad you did come here. Let's not venture inside the forest now. It would be better we walk on the river bank and talk, and then we both will leave for our homes." He shows her the withered garland. "Oh, and I made you this, but it isn't fresh and vibrant anymore, nor does it," he smells the garland, "emit its fragrance like it did initially. But don't worry, I will make a new one tomorrow when you come to meet me."
The fair hands in Krishna's grasp still and our charming cowherd wonders why Radhika hasn't spoken a single word until now. The hands then slowly slide the shawl from their face making Krishna pull back from his position, a shocked and confused expression all over his features.
"The one and only."
"What are you doing here?"
Manjari removes the shawl and places it over her shoulders. Brushing her braid with her fingers, she says, "You aren't the only one who meets your lover in the forest. I am here to meet Anant."
"Then why do you smell like jasmine and roses. Radha uses that scent and Its pretty distinct." Krishna says dejectedly while pouting that it wasn't his beloved Radha.
Manjari couldn't help but laugh at his plight. "Oh, I actually borrowed it from her. I love that scent and I have been looking for it in the market, but it got over. Anant came back from Mathura after a month, so I decided to surprise him with a new fragrance."
"In that case, I better leave you to meet him while I go home and sulk because my lover hasn't come to meet me. You go and enjoy."
Manjari laughs again and pats his shoulder. "She told me that she was supposed to meet you tonight. She leaves her window open. Check her house, she might have dozed off dreaming about you."
He hums and takes her leave while twirling his flute in his fingers. The sounds of those anklet bells soon fade in the distance and our darling Krishna is alone once again.
****** ******** ******** ******** *******
Bonus addition (I am generous)
"You slept???"
"I don't know how. I was getting ready for you and somehow my eyes drooped while braiding flowers in my hair."
"Manjari was right then."
"I am sorry. I kept you- wait what? What on earth was Manjari doing there?"
"We aren't the only ones who go to the forest alone at night, Radhe"
"Oh. Well, yes, she had told me that Anant was coming back which is why she borrowed my perfume vial."
"Also, it's okay. You need your beauty sleep, besides in a way it serves me right. Haven't I troubled you so many times by reaching late?"
"That has helped come with many creative and convincing ideas to make excuses to my mother, Krishna. I think it's a good exercise."
"Well, let's meet in the evening today then? Don't sleep early."
Both of them laugh and Radhika nods. "Not this time."
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*: ・゚☆。 ・:*:・ ゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
Tagging the sakhis: @ma-douce-souffrance @swayamev @inexhaustible-sources-of-magic @pothosinpots @arachneofthoughts @jessbeinme15 @reallythoughtfulwizard @madhoshiyaan @eugenephosgene @lil-stark @pokemon-master-elita @riiddhhiii
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omegaincense · 1 month
Krishna Janmashtami - The Divine Purpose Behind Krishna's Birth to Devaki
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phsycodesi · 5 months
Radha didn’t dance. Well, that’s what everyone said.
Ever since she was young, she would not dance, not in parties, not in sleepovers, not in hangouts.
When she did dance, be it for a function or a dare, it was stiff and without rhythm, like a robot trying to do ballet. So most people chalked it up to not being great at dancing.
This all changed when she met Anisha, her girlfriend. She heard her playing the flute in the park one day and instantly fell in love. Her melody drew Radha in, like the gopis when they heard Gopal playing his flute under the mango tree.
A day came, on a camping trip, that changed this view of others forever. It was a trip with her friends and girlfriend to her village. They were all out in the field under the full moon at night, campfires lit to warm the chilled December air. They were playing truth or dare, when the bottle turned to Radha.
“Dance, Radha, dance!” They cried in mocking tones, sure she would say no. Instead she smiled and agreed. A friend went to turn on the speaker, when she held up her hand and handed the flute to Krisha.
“Play my favourite tune dear?”
And as the flute sounded, she began to dance. It was beautiful, in a chaotic way. She danced with an odd beat, waving and clapping her hands at uneven yet perfect movements. The moon illuminated her in an odd glow and the light caught on the sparkles on her dress making it twinkle like the sky.
She was a leaf caught in the wind, twisting and turning, like ocean currents, unexpected, flowing, never stopping, never ending. Like a flower falling from a tree. Like the energy flowing through the world.
It felt like it went on for hours and just a minute all the same, until the music stopped and her hands fell to her shoulders.
And they knew now, that she didn’t dance because she wasn’t good at it, but that she only needed to find the right tune.
And Radha had found it in her Krisha.
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fanfictionroxs · 2 years
Adirath (& Radha ma) when he's angry at his son: I should have left you in Ganga!
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herawell · 9 months
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K3G Spin-Off: Breaking The Shackles [Going to the backburner . . .]
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Don Series Spin-off: Don and Me [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
Everyone knew that Don was a power hungry criminal that would stop at nothing to get what he wants. But about his origins? How did Don become Don? Along with Roma, there is another officer that wants Don behind bars, but her needs and wants are …unique. She is headstrong, fearless and loving. She had a past that had to be left…in the past. She is full of mysteries. One would think that everyone knows about her, but the reality is something else. He is a known enigma. No one knows about him. Everyone is busy trying to catch him and throw him in prison. But, he has a past that made him become who he is. The reason…well you need to read the book to find out!! Together, they are a mystery unsolved… They were for each other. They were solving each other's issues and were each other's homes. They were each other's strengths and weaknesses. They were meant to be together.
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Kal Ho Naa Ho Spin-off: Ek Kahaani [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
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Her Music Book [Ongoing] [Slow Updates] (link)*
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The Energy Within Series: The Energy Within Me [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
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Brahmastra: Part One - Shiva Spin-off: The Varanasi Lovers [Ongoing] [Slow updates] (link)*
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* = link to read on Wattpad
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sublimesims · 2 years
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boyfriends are they just pretending? they don't tell you where it's heading and you know the game's never ending you, you lay with him as you stay in the daydream you feel a fool you're back at it again
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greypetrel · 1 year
24 for aisling and someone of your choice :3
Oof, this took me a little thinking. Well, a little thinking not to make it too obvious and something I already written.
So here, poor Radha just fell in solavellan hell and does not want to talk about it.
Micro story prompts
24. Tender – Aisling.
There was a heavy atmosphere over Skyhold, that day.
It wouldn’t have been nothing much for most of the people around, basically everyone but Aisling, Loranil and Dalish. And yet, from Aisling’s stupid instinctive reaction, it had become something more severe than it could have been. Somehow, even people who wouldn’t have cared much had taken the heaviness surrounding the Inquisitor: she indeed looked way less prone to smiling and was distracted.
And indeed, as she walked -or better, marched- on the ramparts, she shooed scouts and people off with just her demeanour. Gloomy and heavy, as she desperately tried to find words. Or something proper to say.
By all means, nothing ever had prepared for this. Heartbreak? She knew it, she could deal with it, she could help. But this? She didn’t know it was even possible. She didn’t know why she did it. And asking… It was out of the question now. She wished she could speak to Deshanna. Deshanna would have known what to do or… Maybe she wouldn’t, but she was wise, and surely together… Pavyn would have known.
And, Aisling burned that bridge but the month before, in a last attempt to get them out of the public eye and out of trouble. No, there was her. And there was Radha, and she had to do something for her. It was just them, now, and she wasn’t raised a quitter.
“Yes?” Came, with a poof on her right.
“Where is she?”
“Scared, lonely, angry. She begged him to say he didn’t care, but he couldn’t lie. Up the kitchen, behind the roof.”
“Thank you.”
“Should I help?”
“I… No, thank you. I don’t think you can, please…” She sighed, not knowing what to tell him. “It’s enough telling me where she is. Thank you.”
She smiled at him, forcing herself to be strong. She knew it was pointless with him, but it was more for herself. A practice round of hiding and concentrating on her sister, and not on herself.
The spirit nodded, and disappeared, and Aisling could make her way. She wove a hello to Cullen, passing his office, and told him she didn’t know if she could make it for lunch, and not to worry. He nodded, worried as well. He was with her when Radha had returned and… Well. Aisling had clutched his hand tightly, too tightly to pretend nothing was wrong later on, even if the audible gasp she let out hadn’t been a telltale. She shouldn’t be so grateful for him, now, most likely, but… But she was. So, she ran back, and barged in his office again just to jump on his lap, sitting behind his desk, and hug him as tight as she could. It elicited an oomph from him, as she squeezed his neck and breathed him in, and he hugged her back, tight.
“Thank you.” She just said.
“For what?”
“For everything.”
She pressed a kiss on his cheek, to underline it, and rose back, promising to catch with him later. And with that, she made her way for the rest of the ramparts.
Climbing back the destroyed part wasn’t impossible, but she thanked she never insisted with closed shoes nevertheless: having her toes free helped her considerably in keeping balance. Slowly and carefully, she made her way up to the closest point to the kitchen, and jumped on the roof, sliding slightly down and scrambling to get her footing right again. Definitely she wasn’t done for that, and definitely she didn’t want to do it again. She had honestly little ideas about how she would have gotten back down but…
… But as she climbed on the top of the roof, sticking to the tiles and hanging with her arms at the very top of the slanted roof, she saw Radha, and her heart broke all the more.
She never, ever saw Radha crumbling over herself. Never. She was collected and aloof, and the worst it ever got was when she convinced their mother to send herself south, not the rogue. Now she was curled on herself in a corner, hair in a frizzy disarray over her head, the kohl she wore smudged and melted over… Over bare cheeks, because when she got back yesterday, her Vallaslin was gone. As it had never been there.
Aisling pretended she didn’t notice that her sister looked at her with fear in her eyes, brief and fleeting, but fear nonetheless. She smiled, as warm as she could muster, even if all she wanted to do was crying in simpathy. But crying wouldn’t do, right now. She was to comfort, not to be comforted. It was her turn to be protective. She wouldn’t cry.
“There you are.” Cullen would have forgiven her if she stole his line, she was sure. “I’ve been looking for you all morning.”
She said, and if she couldn’t bring herself to be happy and cheerful, because how could she, she at least could be tender and calm. She moved up and sat on the top of the roof, not getting any closer.
“Can I stay with you a little? I need ten minutes with a friendly face…”
Wrong thing to do, possibly: Radha just hid her face between her knees, and from the way her shoulders were jerking, it was clear she started crying again. Great. But, it wasn’t a no, so Aisling, tentatively and making the more noise possible, walked towards her. No protest came, nor when she sat down on the floor, beside her, so close their sides touched. Aisling sighed, deeply, waiting a minute before resting her head on the other’s shoulder, circling her waist with both arms and squeezing. She stayed like that, waiting for Radha to do something, go away or move. They were shaded from the sun by the Keep, invisible from the surrounding buildings or from the courtyard below: the roof of the kitchen shielded them from the battlements. It was the perfect hiding spot.
“Can you say something?” Radha asked her, after a while, voice hoarse and broken.
“What do you want me to say, asa’ma’lin?” Aisling asked, tenderly.
“Anything. Just…” She didn’t go on. Instead, she sobbed loudly and got back to press her face between her knees.
Aisling didn’t wait to start talking, caressing Radha’s shoulder as she went on.
“Josie has been chasing after me all morning to explain all that I need to know about this Duc de Ponthieu that’s arriving in two days. Apparently, he’s a good man, but very sanguine, and tend to get offended for the weirdest things, you wouldn’t believe!”
She went on, as if nothing at all had happened and she was just helping her to catch up. Words never worked with Radha: she had always looked at actions more, and at what was between the lines of spoken words. Aisling herself had learnt from her to look more at gestures than at wordings. So, she just went on, keeping her close to herself and going on in spinning tale after tale of what happened in her absence. She chose the funny things, the small trivialities and everyday occurrances. Like Jim who had forgotten his sword for practice, and sent Cullen in a fit of barking and scolding as it hadn’t happened in months. Or Krem who had fallen from the chair he was stepping on, sending Bull in a fit of laughter so boisterous he had almost choked on it. Little Brother had scared another new stable boy away. This and that.
Radha crawled slowly towards her, curling around her sister and crying somberly in her shoulder, letting Aisling comb her fingers through her curls. The scent of olive oil was faint but still present, and soon enough Aisling was absent-mindedly braiding her chocolate locks, as she always did years ago when they both were young, and Radha had been the only tattooed one. Aisling didn’t comment on that, tho. She kept on talking of anything and everything, braid after braid, pressing a loose kiss on her temple every now and then, tenderly and soothingly, as Deshanna used to do when one of them was sad. An hour passed, and more, Aisling heard someone calling her aloud from the courtyard below, but she ignored them. They would survive without her for a couple of hours.
Right now, some tenderness was overdue.
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freshwastelandpeace · 1 month
ऋग्वेद मण्डल 10 सूक्त 161 मंत्र 2, 5, ऋग्वेद मण्डल 10 सूक्त 162 मंत्र 5 और ऋग्वेद मण्डल 10 सूक्त 163 मंत्र 1-3 में प्रमाण है कि सतभक्ति करने से भयंकर से भयंकर रोग भी नष्ट हो जाते हैं।
जबकि हमारे धर्म गुरुओं द्वारा दी गई साधना से रोग नाश नहीं होते बल्कि कष्ट ज्यों के त्यों ही बने रहते हैं।
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bijays-posts · 1 month
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📿असली भक्ति vs नकली भक्ति
शास्त्र अनुकूल सच्ची भक्ति करने से गीता अध्याय 18 श्लोक 62 में वर्णित सनातन परम धाम (सतलोक) की प्राप्ति होती है, जहाँ से साधक फिर लौटकर संसार में नहीं आता यानि मोक्ष प्राप्त हो जाता है।
जबकि मनमानी भक्ति साधना से साधक 84 लाख योनियों और जन्म-मरण के दुष्चक्र में भटकता रहता है।
#SANewsChannel #devotional #truestory #bhagavadgita #GyanGanga
#krishna #radha #mahadev #jagannath #reels #explorepage
#bhakti #KabirIsGod
#SaintRampalJi #SantRampalJiMaharaj
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astrology-prediction · 4 months
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tanuandthetriplets · 1 year
Heartiest Thank You! | 4000 Subscribers Milestone | Triplet Parenting Stories - Episode 37
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Understanding Shri Radha’s Relationship with Shri Krishna – Excerpts from Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj’s Discourse
Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj emphasized the selfless devotion of Shri Radha throughout his life, accepting her as the supreme entity. Many people may have a curiosity to understand who Shri Radha is if they want to practice devotion to her. In this blog, we have shared some excerpts from a discourse given by Jagadguru Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj on 4th July 2010, where he explains the relationship between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna.
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Most People ignorantly think that Shri Radha and Shri Krishna must be like Lakshmi and Vishnu or Parvati and Shiva, but it is not so. Lakshmi and Vishnu are eternal consorts, as are Parvati and Shiva. Shri Krishna is the absolute supreme divine power. For example, you have a father. But your original father’s father is the progenitor of the human race, Manu. Manu’s father was Brahma, the creator of our Brahmanda. Brahma’s father was Supreme God, Shri Krishna. There is no father of Shri Krishna; He is the Father of all.
So the one beyond whom there is nothing else is Supreme God Shri Krishna. He governs uncountable Brahmas, uncountable Vishnus, and uncountable Shivas. The Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva that you have heard about belong to one brahmanda, just as in India each state has its own governor or chief minister. The one who governs all the uncountable brahmandas is Shri Krishna, just like all the states of India are governed by the Prime Minister. There is no post or position beyond this.
So there are uncountable brahmandas and each and every brahmanda has one Brahma, one Vishnu and one Shiva.
Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva are all subservient to Shri Krishna. They are uncountable. Everything that relates to Shri Krishna is absolutely unlimited. He has uncountable names, uncountable forms, uncountable qualities, uncountable pastimes, uncountable abodes and uncountable souls related to Him -they are all unlimited. His powers are also unlimited.
Gauranga Mahaprabhu has said that out of uncountable divine powers, three are foremost: sat, chit, ananda. A name of God is “sat-chit-ananda”. These are three powers. The relationship they have with each other is that sat is included in chit, and sat and chit are included in ananda. This is why God is referred to as sat-chit-ananda, as chid-ananda (which includes sat), and simply as ananda (which includes sat and chit).
Ananda, the foremost power of these three, also has an essence. This is called the power of hladini. This is the greatest power of God. All of God’s powers are governed by this power. What does this power do?  With this power (hladini) God does whatever He wishes, or He doesn’t act at all or He does the complete opposite of both of these. What does it mean to perform the opposite of both of these? For example, you have eyes. What do they do? They only see. They can’t hear or smell. They perform one kind of action. But God’s eyes can see, smell, taste, touch, think, decide, and be all-knowing. This is the miracle of hladini power. Even with no senses He is all-seeing and hears everything. He knows which soul has called to Him from which brahmanda.
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One aspect of God resides in all the souls and notes all our unfaithful thoughts, yet He remains ever blissful. None of these contrary thoughts affect Him. Just see that in a typical family there are about ten people-a father, mother, wife, husband, and a few children. Just from these associations alone people feel troubled! Someone or the other says something hurtful. All the children have different demands. One person feels so troubled just from ten people and God has so many children they are uncountable! And they are all wayward. They have forgotten Him. They don’t regard Him as their true father God notes all this as He resides in our hearts. Even so, He doesn’t feel troubled by this. He smiles and simply notes our thoughts. This is all possible through God’s hladini power.
Hladini also has an essence. It is called divine love (divya prema). This also has various classes. These are called prema bhakti, sneha bhakti, maan bhakti, pranaya bhakti, rag bhakti, anurag bhakti, bhava bhakti, and mahabhava bhakti, the final class. Mahabhava bhakti also has two classes, rudha-mahabhava and adhirudho mahabhava, which is the highest class. Adhirudha mahabhava also has two classes, madan and modan. This state of madan is reserved for Shri Radha alone. Even Shri Krishna cannot reach there. Only Shri Radha experiences that supreme level of bliss. Therefore, Shri Krishna loves to be in the service of the embodiment of madanakhya- mahabhava, Shri Radha and that is why He lovingly presses Her lotus feet and serves Her.
The Saint Raskhan had a big doubt, “People say that Shri Krishna is a servant of Shri Radha.” He thought, “For Hindus the wife serves the husband, and here the situation is reversed. He is pressing Her lotus feet? No one has ever seen this! Why is it like this with Shri Radha Krishna?” He thought that Shri Radha was merely Shri Krishna’s wife. So when Raskhan became God-realised.
Shri Krishna appeared to Raskhan in this form. He was softly pressing Shri Radha’s lotus feet. Then He bestowed this knowledge on Raskhan and made him understand that He ever remains in the service of Shri Radha, while He Himself is served by Lakshmi, His eternal consort or wife. So Shri Radha is the Soul of Shri Krishna. Just as our body is the servant of our own soul, and our soul is a servant of Shri Krishna, so Shri Krishna is a servant of Shri Radha. She is that great a divine power.
Every pore of Shri Krishna’s divine body resounds with “Radhe Radhe”. Her name is this important. We should understand this when we take Radhe’s name. Imagine you found a ring. Someone asked you, “When did you find that?” “I was just going somewhere and found it on the road. Why?” “That’s worth a million!” “What? I thought it was worth $10 or $201 How much happiness will you feel when you look at the ring and realise it has made you a millionaire? Now you will take great care of it.
In the same way, when we understand the greatness of Shri Radha, and then say or sing Her name, our love for Her will grow. Always keep in mind who Shri Krishna and Shri Radha are, who you are and what is the world. Knowing the philosophy related to all of these is absolutely essential. By knowing these we become detached from the world and attached to God.
From the discourse, we can infer that Shri Krishna is the absolute supreme divine power, governing uncountable Brahmas, Vishnus, and Shivas, while Radha is the embodiment of divine love (divyo prema) and represents the highest level of bliss (madanakhya-mahabhava). Even Shri Krishna cannot reach the supreme level of bliss that Shri Radha experiences. Therefore, understanding the relationship between Shri Radha and Shri Krishna is crucial for those who want to practice devotion to Shri Radha. By devoting ourselves selflessly to Shri Radha, we can ultimately attain the divine love and grace of Shri Krishna.
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