#Stories from the Riley-Barnes Household
brooklynislandgirl · 10 months
What kills the mood for your muse instantly?
Deeper Than Skin || Accepting There are few things that Bucky can do that might so much annoy Beth much less leave her cold as stone. They make no sense when strung together as individual things: The one time he brought her roses and she wouldn't let him into her apartment until he'd found a lovely old couple to surprise them with. When he returned empty handed, her face was still unusually pale ~quite the feat considering that she has to usually use heavy cosmetics and lighting to replicate the feat~ and her lips were tight. She still has never explained it to him and won't beyond telling him that she absolutely cannot stand even the sight of them. She flinches when he sneaks up on her and catches her unaware. It doesn't happen often but a man his size should not be that quiet. The worst thing that used to instantly kill the mood for her was an even accidental slap against her backside. She still doesn't much care for any sort of spanking, consensual or not...
...but the absolute magick mood-killer nowadays is that moment, the one they both know well. Hands and lips and breath. The weight of him heavy between her thighs, or his hands around her hips...lost in each other and not caring anything for the world outside of their bedroom in their house... and then suddenly it all comes crashing down on them frigid as glacial water: The softly uttered "Daddy?" Beth loves her daughter and James more than any imaginable thing in the world but she's absolutely certain the little girl has it in for her. He laughs and says she's crazy. But is she really?
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sjsmith56 · 24 days
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The Flame Burns From Within, Part 5 - Escape
Summary: The opportunity to escape arrives and Natasha leads Lady Arden over the roof of the inn to where Riley waits with horses. When the alarm is raised before they leave the grounds Riley sends them on their way in the fog.
Length: 4.7 K
Characters: Lady Arden, Natasha, Riley, Lord Pierce, Lord Barnes.
Warnings: death of a character
Author’s notes: The image in the banner above was created by the author using Microsoft Copilot app.  Although the dress of Lady Arden does not quite fit the description it was the best I was getting out this AI image generator.  I wish I had artistic ability. Divider by vecteezy.com.
<<Part 4
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Part 5. Escape
Lady Arden
It felt like I barely closed my eyes when the sounds of the preparations to leave woke me.  The door to the carriage was opened and Riley was there gesturing to me in the dim morning light.  Stiffly, I stood up and took his hand to leave the carriage.  With only a gesture he made it known I was to follow him into the tavern.  It was lit up inside but only Lord Pierce was there, sitting alone at a table with a meal laid out in front of him.
"Sit," he said brusquely, so I sat and looked at him.  He speared a sausage, holding it to his mouth and biting into it.  "Where is my ring?"
"Lord Pierce?  I know nothing about your ring."
"How did you get married without one?"
"I didn't."
He sneered at me and pounded his fist into the table.  "What ring was put on your finger when you got married to Lord Barnes?"
"The ring he gave me."  I knew I was antagonizing the man, but I was beyond caring at this point.  "Since the wedding was in secret, we decided it was safer that I keep it at my uncle's castle rather than wear it in public view."
"What did it look like?" 
"It was a ring, Lord Pierce, given in a dimly lit cathedral that didn't allow me the opportunity to examine it."
I could see he was angry.  "You told Lady Pierce that you are of the House of Forrest, yet your uncle said you are of the House of Worth.  Which is it?"
"I grew up believing I was of the House of Worth but on my wedding night, Lord Barnes told me a story of the House of Forrest.  He told me you ordered the murder of my family in the hopes of taking me captive for your own house.  I didn't listen much more after that as by then we were fully in the middle of consummating our marriage."
I made a point of making sure that the memory of that night appeared on my face with fondness.  He grimaced.
"Were you wearing your wedding ring then?"
"Aye, I was, but it wasn't something I was attentive to as Lord Barnes was pleasing me in a way that I had never experienced before."
He grimaced again then looked away when Ser Brock appeared and whispered into his ear.  The news made his visage darken, and he bit into the sausage again with a fierceness that I assumed was to frighten me.  Instead, I almost laughed, which he didn't like.
"Are you always this disrespectful to your elders?"
I picked up one of the other sausages on his plate and bit into it, chewing it carefully before I answered.
"No.  Just you.  I thought the longer I could delay you here, the quicker Lord Barnes will catch up to you.  Moving your entire household is slowing you down and since my husband has promised to find me, I decided to do my part as his lady and delay you myself."
His face reddened and he dropped the food, barked an order at Rumlow, then raised his hand to strike me again.  I looked at him with an innocent face, then stared at the cut on his cheek that I gave him the night before, trying but failing at keeping the smile from that memory off my face.  Without another word he whirled around and strode out of the tavern, as Rumlow paid the owner for the food.  I continued to eat the sausage that was in my hand, until one of Rumlow's men pulled me up from the stool and walked me back to the carriage which was now ready to go.  Lady Pierce, her daughter, and the maidservant came out of the inn with the first two women complaining loudly about a lack of sleep.  We were herded back into the carriage and within minutes the procession began again, only this time it was at a quicker pace than before.  I smiled lightly then glanced at Ruby, the maidservant whose dark red hair reminded me of that gemstone.  She winked then placed her hands demurely in her lap. 
We rode for hours until a halt was called when one of the wagons lost a wheel.  It took time for another wagon to be brought in and the possessions moved into it.  The door to our carriage was opened, allowing us to sit under a shade tree while everything was moved, with water brought from a stream for us to drink.  I watched as Lord Pierce, Ser Brock and John Walker argued about the time that was being wasted.  It was at least an hour and I enjoyed being in the fresh air, as it was a warm autumn day, and the colours of the trees made me happy.  All too soon, we were ordered back into the carriage and the procession began again, at an even greater speed.  Of course, another wagon broke down but this time, Lord Pierce refused to stop, and it was left behind.  I wondered if he was sending men back to find James and report back on his progress.  It was something that I would do if I were a man trying to escape the wrath of another.
Eventually, as evening approached, the pace slowed again, and Pierce realized that the horses were too tired to go on at the pace he had set.  When we came to another inn we stopped there.  He decided to stop for six hours, hoping that was enough for the horses to rest.  This time, I went directly with the other women to the room they had secured for us, as there was to be no sustenance provided for us.  There were two large beds.  Lady Pierce and her daughter took one, while Ruby and I took the other.  We laid in the dark saying nothing but neither of us closed our eyes.  After some time, she got up and looked closely at the other two then returned to the bed and whispered at me.
"Lord Barnes is advancing on them," she said.  "Lord Pierce has sent men back to find him then to report back.  He should catch up by midday tomorrow.  We should try to escape before then."
"Why?" I was puzzled.  "Shouldn't we wait for Lord Barnes?"
"No.  If you are still Pierce's captive, he will hold a blade to your throat to force Barnes to surrender.  His honour will not allow him to let anything happen to you."
She was correct.  As much as James was pursuing us steadily, I had already seen that he wouldn't allow harm to come to anyone who was not a willing participant.  A knife to my throat would definitely stop him.
"What is your name?  I have been thinking of you as Ruby, since your hair is the same colour."
"Natasha," she answered, then she chuckled lightly.  "Ruby is a good name."  She became serious again.  "Lord Pierce is also considering setting a trap for Lord Barnes.  He wishes John Walker to wait on the road with his men and pretend to have distanced himself from Pierce's actions.  They are debating whether to deliberately lead him astray, or to kill him during a rest stop.  You mustn't worry about your husband.  He is a smart soldier and will not be easily fooled by the likes of John Walker."
"How do you know their plans?"
"Riley," she answered.  "He will find a way to let me know if we should attempt to escape before our stop for rest must end.  Now, close your eyes and take advantage of the quiet and the bed.  I've slept in worse places than this."
I heeded her words and closed my eyes.  Like earlier, it seemed like I had only just drifted off to sleep when I felt a hand on my mouth and woke up.  Natasha put her finger to her lips and motioned for me to leave the bed.  Quietly, she opened the door and looked outside then grasped my hand and pulled me through.  A guard was sprawled on the floor.  At first, I thought he was asleep then I noticed he didn't move at all.  I wondered if she was the one who performed the deed.  Pulling me away from him, we moved towards the window, and she opened it, gesturing to me to go out onto the roof of the building next to it.  It was pitched quite steeply, and we were close to the edge.  I was fully aware that any misstep could result in a fall that might kill me.  Natasha came through, closing the window behind her.  For a moment, she perched there, waiting for a signal, as we looked into the darkness.  A night bird's call came from nearby and she touched my arm. 
"This way," she whispered as we crawled along the roof, tucking our skirts up in one arm so that they didn't entangle our legs. 
After a brief time, the pitch of the roof became more gradual until it stopped, and overlooked a small hut, which we stepped onto.  Then we slid over the roof of that building on our backsides until we came to the edge and looked over.  Riley was below us with three horses.
"Jump, I will catch you," he whispered.
Natasha jumped first and he caught her, although he still rolled onto the ground with her.  Then he looked up at me while she mounted one of the horses.  With a deep breath, I stepped off and he grasped me with his arms, rolling backwards on the ground to break our fall.  For a moment I lost my breath, but I nodded my head at his inquiries to my health and rose.  He helped me up onto my horse then mounted his own.  Quietly, we urged the horses forward and he motioned towards two outbuildings that we had to pass to get to the large gate in the fence that surrounded the inn's grounds. 
"Privy," he whispered.  "Wait a moment to make sure no one is in there."
One of Walker's men came out and we waited another moment then we started towards the opening again.  A yell from inside the inn reached us and Riley looked at both of us, making an instant decision.
"Go," he said, drawing his sword.  "Go deep into the mist of the night and find a place to hide.  I will find you."
Natasha looked at him with worry, but he smiled at her then turned his horse towards the inn.  She spurred hers towards the opening while I followed closely behind her.  We rode at full gallop into that thickening fog for what seemed like an eternity then came across the ghostly outline of a barn that was falling into disrepair.  Dismounting, we led our horses inside before taking cover in the upper loft, where Natasha positioned herself at an opening.  Reaching under her skirt she pulled out the knife she had sheathed there previously.  I joined her from the other side of the opening and looked out into the quiet night.  There were no sounds at all, as the fog had thickened the air.  We waited for hours but no one came.  When the sun rose, she looked at me with concern.
"We should wait here but I worry about Riley," she said.  "If he got away, he would have found us, as he is an excellent tracker even in the conditions we had."
"Should we go back?"
I was afraid that Pierce would still be there, but something told me he was pragmatic enough to cut his losses and continue his flight to the sea without me as his hostage.  After several minutes of contemplation, Natasha nodded in agreement and re-sheathed her knife.  We climbed out of the loft and found our horses were just outside the barn, feeding quietly in the long grasses.  Slowly, we approached them and mounted them then began the ride back to the inn, staying near the edge of the road.  Well before we got there, we found Riley, leaning against a tree with two arrows in him.  He was motionless.
"No," whispered Natasha, as she jumped off the horse and ran to him.  "Riley, please."
His eyes barely opened, taking a moment to find her then he smiled sadly.  "Natasha."
She looked over him frantically, trying to determine what she should do but he slowly raised his hand, until it touched her cheek and shook his head. 
"Nothing will stop my death," he gasped.  "You are safe and that is all that matters, my love."
I could feel my eyes start to water as she kissed him tenderly, then stroked his face.  She whispered in his ear then when his eyes grew distant and still, she closed them and kissed him once more.  Her hands clenched then unclenched as she stayed kneeling before his body.  Then she rose and turned to me, a look of hardness on her face.
"I have even more reason to kill Lord Pierce now," she stated.  "My family and now my love stolen from me.  We should take his weapons, but I don't want to leave him lying in the open like this."
I reached for his dagger, using it to cut into the fabric of my gown at the knees.  She helped tear it away then we laid the wide swath of cloth over him.  As we rose, we heard the sounds of horses in the distance and without a word we took his weapons, and quickly mounted our own horses, setting off at a gallop.  Returning in the direction we came, we turned off at a path that wasn't visible during the night and went deeper into the forest.  Until we could determine who was coming after us, we weren't about to sit around and wait to be captured again.
Lord Barnes
We were getting closer to Pierce's forces.  I could feel it, especially when we found the first empty broken wagon, then the second broken one which was still loaded with his possessions.  Obviously, the first one had taken too long to replace and transfer the items over, so the second one was just abandoned.  At the site of the first wagon the trackers in my forces found evidence that people sat and waited in a grassy area under a tree.  By the way the grass that had been flattened had recovered it was thought to have happened only a few hours ago.  We needed to press on. 
We stopped near a stream after several hours, drawing water there while several archers went out looking for small game.  They came back with a bounty of food, and we roasted them over open fires.  Once we finished and had doused the fires we mounted up and continued the hunt all night, arriving at an inn only an hour or two before sunrise.  On our arrival the owner came out and asked if we were in pursuit of another force.  I dismounted and approached him.
"Yes, a large force of soldiers, with several nobility and three or four women, one of them with hair like a flame."
He nodded.  "During the night two of the women escaped with the help of a soldier.  They must have killed the guard outside the room where the women were, as an alarm was raised, and they sent a party after the three.  They came back without the women or the soldier but several of their soldiers were injured with sword wounds."  He shrugged.  "I don't know if they found them and killed them in the forest but the lord in charge gave the order for everyone to leave.  That was little more than an hour ago."
"Do you know which direction the three went?" I asked, but he shrugged again then pointed towards the northwest.
I turned towards Ser Anthony and Ser Samuel.  "Would one of you take a small force and one of my trackers to see if you can find where the three went?  I am hoping it was Riley, Natasha, and Lady Arden.  For myself, I'll continue to follow Pierce's main body.  We'll rest here for a time, but I wish to be on the road shortly after sunrise."
"I think you should take the small force," said Ser Anthony.  "You promised Arden, you would find her.  It is a promise that should be kept in person.  We can continue to advance on the other force, and you will have time to catch up to us before we encounter them."
I was torn between my duty as a soldier to continue pursuing Pierce and his forces, and my duty as a husband to fulfill my promise to my wife to find her.  Ser Anthony was right that it should be me who was there at the moment of her recovery.  Ser Samuel and Barton both nodded in agreement with him.  If the trio had escaped, they would have gone only far enough to avoid recapture.  Riley was smart enough to double back when the threat had passed and position them in a place nearby to await our arrival. 
"Very well, I will do as you ask.  Continue tracking Lord Pierce and the others but if you catch up to him wait for us to rejoin you before we take action."
I forced myself to take some food in the tavern, then asked the owner if he had something I could take with us in case we found the three.  It was likely they hadn't eaten in some time.  Before I had finished, he brought me an assortment of handheld foods, plus a wine skin.  I paid him for his food and took my leave of the main force, calling out to several of my men to join me in the search for the three.  Surprisingly, Father Bruce asked if he could accompany me.
"I'm not the best man to have in a fight, since the Pope decreed that priests could only carry a club for protection, and even then, only during wartime as a chaplain for the troops.  But I can minister to someone who has suffered loss, or who faces death."  He smiled at my look then.  "I'm not saying that your lady is in danger of either.  If you feel the need to return to your force quicker, I would be willing to accompany your lady and the other lady mentioned.  I swear to you that I will defend them to the best of my abilities, even if I must confess to the bishop after, that I may have exceeded our Holy Father's mandate against carrying weapons." 
It was then I noticed he wore a sword.  "Do you know how to wield that, Father?"
"I wasn't always a priest," he grinned.  "There was a time I was just another man needing to believe in something."
"Perhaps, some day you can tell me about it," I said, truly intrigued now.  "I accept your service, gladly."
A nod of his head was his answer to me, and we mounted our horses, setting off through the gate, then my tracker took over, following a trail that led in the opposite direction from the sea.  We had ridden only a brief time when one of the men said he saw movement ahead through a small gap in the trees.  Spurring our horses on we came around a corner to find a significant amount of cloth, exactly like that which made up Arden's dress, covering the body of a man.  There was no one else visible.  Dismounting quickly, I went over to the cloth and pulled it back, dismayed to see the body of Riley, pierced by two arrows that were obviously the cause of his death.  I checked his neck for a heartbeat and looked up, finding none.
"He is still quite warm.  His death has only recently happened."
Father Bruce dismounted next to me and brought his crucifix up, murmuring a prayer over Riley's body before he made the sign of the cross over it.  Then he looked closer at the fabric.
"This appears to have been cut from Lady Arden's dress that she wore in church," he stated.  "Look, there is a part where the trim is missing.  Perhaps, they felt uncomfortable leaving him uncovered in his repose.  Notice that he has no weapons.  They may be nearby, mistaking the sound of our approach for a scouting party of Lord Pierce."
My tracker was already on it, having continued further in the same direction for several yards.  He returned to the group.
"Two sets of tracks go this way," he said.  "They match another pair that came in this direction and stopped here.  I wonder if he stayed back to deal with anyone pursuing them while they waited further on for him.  If so, he paid for it with his life."
"One of you stay here and see if you can spy his horse.  We will take him with us, so that he can be buried properly as a good man."
Father Bruce volunteered for that duty, covering up the body first, then mounted his horse and began exploring the area for a patch of grass that may have attracted Riley's mount.  The rest of us took to the road and at a slower pace looked for the signs of the horse tracks.  Noticing the two sets of tracks turned into a path that led deeper into the woods, we followed them until they left the path.  I looked at the tracker questioningly.
"I can still follow them, but I need to go on foot from here," he said.  "You can come but don't go ahead of me and disturb the signs."
We dismounted and followed behind by foot, then lost sight of him briefly.  When I saw him next, he had a sword to his throat and his hands up, insisting that he was part of the Citadel's force.  The woman who held the sword to his throat, the spy Natasha, saw me and stopped, then lowered her sword.
"My apologies, Soldier," she said to him, as she stepped back, releasing him completely.  "I didn't recognize Lord Barnes new insignia of the White Wolf.  It has changed since I became part of Lord Pierce's household."  She looked behind her and called out.  "Lady Arden, you may come out of hiding."
Out of a small thicket, my wife rose and pushed her way through the brambles.  Even with her torn dress, and hair askew she looked glorious, as she slid a knife into her belt.  With our eyes fixed only on each other I knew then why Ser Anthony insisted on me taking this duty.  Seeing her approach quelled much of the rage in my heart and filled it with a sense of relief and calm.  I closed the distance between us and embraced her passionately, kissing in a manner that left no doubt that our love was meant to be.
"You kept your promise," she said, when we ceased our efforts, her voice slightly betraying her relief.  "I never had a doubt."
"Did he hurt you?  I learned that he struck you in the face."
She shook her head, then smiled.
"He did that when I refused to choose one of his sons to be my husband.  Then I told him I was with child and that we had married in secret.  It had been his intent to marry me to one of his sons at the port and impregnate me on the trip over to Britannia.  So, we are not a secret anymore."
"No, we are not."  Her other words hit me then.  "Are you with child?"
"Truly, I hope so.  My course is late, but I won't know for sure for several more weeks."
If true, then it meant that we were blessed by all the gods.  Reaching inside my tunic I pulled out the chain that held her ring, lifting it over my head.  Unfastening it, I removed the ring then placed it on her finger.  We kissed again.  Only then did I look up to see my men and Lady Natasha watching us with bemused expressions on their faces.
"Where are your horses?" I asked Lady Natasha, who gestured to another thicket.  Two of my men went to get them.  "How did you escape?"
"Riley." She explained, her face becoming grim.  "Riley brought three horses to just below the lowest part of the roof of the inn.  I killed Pierce's guard after saying I would go off with him.  We climbed out the window, went over the roof and Riley caught us when we jumped.  Before we got to the gate the alarm was sounded."  Her face fell.  "He stayed to delay them while Lady Arden and I rode deep into the early morning fog.  We found an abandoned barn and stayed there until sunrise then came out to seek Riley.  You found him?"
"Aye."  I looked carefully at her.  "It was his decision to follow you into Pierce's employ.  He worried about you and wanted to be there for you."
"I know," she answered, her eyes glassy as she gazed up at me.  "But he was another loved one who Pierce took from me.  My parents, my sister, now my beloved."
"I'm sorry, Lady Natasha." 
I truly was.  Because of her own hair colouring Pierce believed that she was the lost descendant of Arthur and Guinevere, the only survivor of the House of Forrest.  He attacked her family home, killing her parents and sister.  She escaped with the help of Riley, whose father was the garrison commander of the House of Romanoff.  They were barely out of childhood; their love newly begun, at the time.  While she went into hiding, Riley joined my forces, becoming a valued soldier in the garrison.  Until she showed up at my door with a plan to infiltrate Lord Pierce's household as a maidservant, Lady Natasha had remained unknown to me.
Suddenly remembering the food I brought, I reached into my saddlebags and offered it to them.  Both women eagerly ate, explaining it had been almost a full day since they last had nourishment.  They took their drink directly from the wine skin, bringing smiles to my men that they were well able to adapt to the situation.  Then Natasha wiped her lips with the back of her hand and gazed at me.
"Your force is still in pursuit of Lord Pierce?"
"Aye, they are.  Father Bruce has offered to ride with you if you need to take it slower, but I plan to hasten to them.  We were only an hour behind Pierce at the place from which you escaped."
The two women looked at each other, reaching an unspoken understanding.
"We ride with you," said Lady Arden.  "There was talk of laying a trap for you with John Walker and his men."
Lady Natasha confirmed that.  "They were discussing whether to make you believe he had abandoned Pierce's cause, or just to ambush your force."  She smirked.  "Walker thinks too highly of his own abilities as a commander if he believes he can stop you either way."
"Then we best be off," I replied.  "Father Bruce is with Riley.  We will bring him with us and inter him in a churchyard.  I swear he will not be forgotten."
We mounted our horses and after picking up Father Bruce, who had found Riley's horse, securing the deceased man to the saddle, soon acquired a brisk pace in our pursuit of the larger force.  After less than an hour's ride we saw them ahead.  One of my men rode at a gallop to catch up and they waited for us to join them.  Ser Anthony came close to Arden, embracing her in gladness that she was well.  We passed on the information about Walker and his men, then began riding again, alert to the possibility of another attack.  By all that was within us, none of us would give up on the pursuit of Lord Pierce.  Honour demanded it.
Part 6>>
Series Masterlist
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avengerscompound · 4 years
The Tower: Family - 25
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2175
Warnings:  Pregnancy, Labor/childbirth, medical proceedures
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 25: Sarah and Rose
As Wanda got closer and closer to her due date, we all started hovering around her in case she went into labor.  I was by her side almost constantly, as was Natasha and Sam.  The others seemed to take shifts, but we all went to bed at the same time in the same bed which hadn’t always been a given before.  Everyone was a little worried that she’d go into labor early and that someone wouldn’t be here for it so they were staying pretty close by.
In the end, we were all worrying for nothing.  She made it to thirty-seven weeks just fine and they decided to induce her.
Wanda wanted to go through a natural labor despite the advice that for twins it would be very difficult.  She knew she’d most likely need some sort of intervention at some point, but she thought that given her new powers, she might be able to get through most of it without any.  She was so into being pregnant, and so connected with it, she wanted that to be the case right until the end.
By the time we got to her induction date, our new nannies had been working for us for nearly a month.  They hadn’t been super actively involved with the care of the kids yet.  With the ten of us, things like baths, stories, and bedtime were covered.  We had maids and cooks, so they didn’t have to clean up or feed them.  They’d done a few drop-offs with Happy driving the car and they would help during the morning chaos to get them ready to go, but otherwise, they were mostly not needed and were just getting the feel of the household.
The first real taste of really having full responsibility for taking care of the kids was after breakfast on Wanda’s induction day when we kissed Riley and Pietro goodbye and went down to the medical ward with Wanda.
They’d designed a delivery room just for the three of us because Wanda had very specific things she wanted there, but Tony was adamant that we all get the best medical equipment too.  The room had all the medical things needed in case of an emergency.  The bed, while you couldn’t tell it to look at it, was an adjustable hospital bed.  The functionality of it was hidden in dark purple linen and soft pillows.  The whole room could be lit up in harsh hospital lighting, but with the flick of a switch, the room was lit in low soft lights that were placed in sconces on one side of the room.  The walls were painted in mint green, with a burgundy feature wall on one side.  There was a large clover-shaped bathtub in one corner of the room.  A sitting area with couches that would fit all of us.  A spot to do yoga or meditation with yoga mats and exercise balls, and around the room were scented candles we could light.  Music that Wanda had selected was being piped through the speakers and there was a large screen TV if she wanted to watch anything.  All the rest of the medical equipment was hidden behind a secret wall.
It had to be opened up, to begin with, because of the induction process, and Wanda waited impatiently on the bed, strapped up to a fetal heart rate monitor until she was told she was allowed to get up and walk around.
“Just a little white longer, záĭka,” Natasha soothed, running her fingers through Wanda’s hair as Wanda flinched with a contraction.
“I know I should relax while they are still mild,” Wanda reasoned.  “But I hate this equipment around me.”
“We’ll get rid of it as soon as we can and you can try the meditation thing you wanted to do,” I said.  “But I’m not getting on the floor with you.”
Wanda giggled.  “I’m much more pregnant than you are.”
“Clearly,” I teased.  “But you have flying powers.  I just get to know when you’re in pain.”
“I’ll get on the floor with you,” Sam said.  “Don’t worry.”
“And I’ll go through the meditation script we’ve been practicing,” Bucky added.
Tony was pacing up and down by the door, and he poked his head out to see where the doctor was.  “Oh good, there you are,” he said, holding the door open and letting Doctor Schroeder in.
She chuckled.  “You better not get my patient all wound up, Mister Stark,” she said as she passed him and approached Wanda.
“Yeah, Tony,” Bruce said, patting the couch next to him.  “Come and sit down.”
Tony went and sat next to Bruce, who pulled him close with his large hand.  Tony couldn’t quite keep still even with that extra comfort.  His foot kept tapping on the linoleum floor.
“Okay,” Doctor Schroeder said, looking Wanda over and checking how far she was dilated.  “We can put all this away again.  Everything looks good.  I’m going to want to check on the twins again in a few hours, but we’re going to be in for a long haul.  The nurses will keep checking on you and you can call me if you need me.  Don’t be scared of using pain medication, Wanda.  You aren’t cheating if you need something to help you through it.”
Wanda nodded as Doctor Schroeder removed the equipment from her.  “I know,” she said.
“This is going to take a long time.  Make sure you all take care of each other and try and relax as much as you can,” she said.
When everything was packed away Bucky offered Wanda his hand and helped her to her feet.  “Do you want to try and meditate?”
“Yes, please,” she said.  “Can someone dim the lights and light some candles?”
I went and lit the candles as FRIDAY dimmed the lights and Wanda took a seat on the ground with Bucky.
“Take a deep breath in.  Focus on how the air fills your lungs…”  Bucky began.
Doctor Schroeder hadn’t been kidding when she said we were in for the long haul.  Wanda managed to meditate with Bucky for two hours until the doctor returned.  She checked how far along she was and put the fetal heart rate monitor again.
Wanda had barely progressed, so she was left alone again and this time the guys all took turns massaging her back while she dozed.  After another check-up, we took turns going to get lunch, while Wanda continued to try to sleep.  It was another four hours before her contractions got to the point they were painful enough that she couldn’t nap through them.  She got up and began using the exercise ball and Clint and Sam took turns doing stretches with her and providing someone to lean on during contractions.  She tried doing yoga an hour later and then started pacing the room with Tony.
After thirteen hours of labor the contracts had gotten close together and painful to the point she wasn’t able to do anything while she was having them.  She hopped into the bath with Thor.  He would rub her back and hold a jet of water against it as she rested her head on the edge of the tub.
After sixteen hours she was waning.  Doctor Schroeder would make her get out of the tub every few hours to check how things were progressing and she was starting to take these four or five-minute catnaps between contractions.
“I can’t do it,” she moaned as another hit while the babies were being monitored again.
“Do you want some drugs?”  Tony asked.  “She can have drugs right.”
“She’s passed the point where she can have an epidural, but she can take something else,” the doctor answered.
“No, no drugs,” Wanda whined.  “I don’t want them.”
I patted her forehead with a damp cloth.  “You’re not failing them if you need help, honey.”
“I know… I don’t want them though,” she said.
“Okay.  It’s okay,” Doctor Shroeder soothed.  “It shouldn’t be much longer now.”
Not much longer was two and a half more hours before she reached the transition period. Wanda was exhausted and crying and I could feel her distress passing through from her to me through the threat.  “I can’t… I can’t do it.  I was wrong.”
“Breathe, záĭka,” Natasha soothed.  “You can do it.  I know you can.”
“This is the last bit, Wanda,” Bruce said.  “Those little girls will be in your arms soon.”
It lasted around half an hour and the nurses stayed with us until it was time to push when Doctor Schroeder was called in too.
“That’s a girl, Wanda,” Doctor Schoeder praised.  “When you feel the urge, push down as hard as you can.”
I held one of her hands while Sam held the other and Clint dabbed her forehead with a damp cloth.  She was pushing for half an hour until Doctor Schroeder took out the vacuum to help get the first little girl out.  When her head was free, Wanda pushed as hard as she could and the rest of her joined us in a messy and noisy entrance.
“Here she is, Wanda,” Doctor Schroeder said, holding up the little girl.  She was tiny with pale brown skin and a thatch of curly black hair on the top of her head.
“Look at her, Wanda,” I said.  “She’s perfect.”
“Hello, Sarah,” Wanda murmured.
“Which one of you would like to cut the cord?”  Doctor Schroeder asked as she clamped it.
“Let me,” Natasha said, stepping forward.
The cord was cut and she was whisked off for a moment to be cleaned up while Doctor Schroeder checked the position of Rose.  “Aright, Wanda.  She looks good.  Right in line to come next.  You can keep pushing when you’re ready.”
It seemed to take a moment before the next contraction hit and Wanda started pushing again.  She was exhausted and her eyes had begun to flicker pink.  It was twenty-three minutes before Rose entered the world.  It took a moment for her to make any sound but when she did, it was a loud wailing.
“You did it, Wanda!”  I praised leaning down and kissing her forehead.  “Look at our daughter.”
“I did it,” she repeated softly, collapsing down on the pillows.
Sam went and cut the cord and as Rose was whisked away to be checked over, Sarah was brought back to us and placed on Wanda’s chest.  “There you go, mommy,” the nurse said.
“Okay, Wanda,” Doctor Schroeder said.  “I know you’re really tired, but you still need to deliver the placenta.”
She nodded slowly but wouldn’t take her eyes off Sarah.  “I can do it.”
“It’s the easy part,” she assured her.
Wanda started to push again, but without the straining that she did with the babies.  None of us were paying too much attention to that though.  We were all looking at our daughter.
“Look at the little mark the vacuum made,” Clint said.  “Poor little pickle.”
“Don’t worry about that,” one of the nurses said.  “It’ll go away in no time.”
“Yeah, she’s here,” Steve said.  “That’s the important part.”
As Doctor Schroeder took the placenta away the nurses weaved in and out of our group, fussing over Wanda and the babies.  Wanda tried breastfeeding them, but she was extremely exhausted and it didn’t last long.
A nurse approached with some toast and juice for Wanda.  “You must be starving now.”
She smiled and nodded slowly.  “And tired.”
“Have something to eat, and moms and dads, quickly have a go holding the twins.  They’re going to need to go into the incubator soon.  Then we’ll take you to your room to sleep.”
“Me first,” I said, taking Rose from her.
“Hey!”  Sam argued.  “I helped make her.”
“You can hold Sarah,” I said and poked out my tongue at him.
He chuckled and picked the tiny little bundle up.  “Hey there, little one,” he whispered.
“I cannot believe you did this with no drugs, Wanda,” I said.  “You’re definitely a superhero.”
She shook her head.  “I was scared,” she admitted.  “With the amount people have messed with my head.  I didn’t want to not feel in control.”
“The epidural doesn’t do that though,” I said.
“I know… but it’s a huge needle,” she said.
“Oh honey,” I said, leaning down and kissing the top of her head.  “It’s all done now.”
“Yeah,” Clint said.  “Now it’s just sleepless nights and diaper changes.”
“Alright, Elise, quit hogging that baby,” Natasha said, coming and taking Rose from me.
Wanda hummed and relaxed back into the pillow.  “Hey, sweetheart,” Steve said to her gently.  “Do you want me to help you to the shower?  Then we’ll get you to your room.”
She nodded slowly and Steve helped her to her feet.
“Two down, two to go,” Bruce said, as Sam placed Sarah into his hand.
Natasha let out a strained laugh.  “Let’s not hurry them along too fast, Bruce,” she said.  “I’m in no rush to go through any of that.”
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redhairedfeistynerd · 4 years
A Very Bucky Thanksgiving
Bucky Barnes x reader, singledad!Bucky, Riley and Piper Barnes, Steve Rogers
Summary: This is the first year Bucky has invited someone special to join in on their Thanksgiving dinner.Will everything go smoothly?
Warnings: some swearing, some sly sexual conversation, teasing, some humour
Word Count: 3K +
A/N: I originally wrote this piece for Canadian Thanksgiving but here we are!  I hope you enjoy another moment with the Barnes family.
For as long as his girls have been in this world, Bucky has been passionate about baking. He figures this came to fruition when his ex-wife started spending more time out of the house and preferred being away on business trips than building a life with him and their young girls. As their relationship slowly deteriorated, Bucky found solace in pastries, cookies, and breads. Navigating his way through forums and how-to videos online, searching for recipes like he once hunted for his latest mission.
His girls had requested their favourites for this last-minute weekend celebration. Pumpkin pie with maple cream, pumpkin walnut scones, and a new treat he was testing out today, pumpkin spiced doughnuts with maple salted glaze, and for his sweet lady friend; a pecan pie.
Bucky could smell the doughnuts before the time reached zero. The soft smell of cinnamon and sugar wafted through his two-story house, reaching him while he tidied up the bathroom from the girls attack on it early that same morning. Wiping down the counter, he flicked off the light, bounding down the stairs to the kitchen as the last seconds wound down on the timer. Oven mitt on, doughnuts pulled out of the oven (he was trying out a baked version this time) he had about an hour before the girls would burst in the front door after a day of shopping the holiday sales.
The weekend plans had changed at the last minute, his ex (Jackie) had cancelled on the girls again. The girls were to fly up to their mothers' cabin in Whistler, B.C. for a Canadian Thanksgiving but a last-minute job had come up and she chose that over her kids.
Bucky was not impressed by her choice. Riley rolled her eyes at the news and muttered “big surprise” when Bucky relayed the message to his youngest daughter.
Jackie always chose work before their daughters. Her new husband had more importance to her these days.
Her influencer status has skyrocketed after she left Bucky, leaving him high and dry to raise the girls. He didn't see it as an issue though, he loved his girls and if he had to do this on his own, then that's what he would set out to do. His Avengers status pushed away a few years before, he found that he was calling Steve a bit more during those earlier years. Sometimes he needs a break, to sit in a quiet room where Riley wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs, which would have Piper in tears. There was something magical about Uncle Steve though, maybe it was his rich voice, whispering sweet words to Riley to ease the screams to a low whimper. Maybe it was the way he sang the sweet songs of the 40s to stop the tears flowing from Piper's bright blue eyes. Whatever it was that Steve had, Bucky was extremely thankful for.  
One of their first Thanksgivings without Jackie, had both girls sick with the stomach flu. He'd never seen anything as disgusting as what his young girls were dishing out.  
Blood, wounds, and other violent memories had nothing on this. Who knew little people could cause THAT much mess?
Bucky was exhausted. Riley had finally fallen asleep on the couch and Piper was sprawled out in the master bedroom on his bed, resembling a starfish.
With one last swipe of the kitchen counter, Bucky tossed the rag in the laundry basket and released a sigh of completion. Turning on the hood fan, he turned off the track lights and walked towards his daughter who was now snoring lightly on the couch, when a soft knocking came from his front door. Puzzled, he turned away from his sleeping daughter and made his way to the entryway. He opened the door to Steve's smiling face.
"What are you..."
"Nat phoned and gave me the heads up that you were literally drowning in shit."
"Language," grumbled Bucky as he opened the door wider to let Steve in.
Steve chuckled and took a good look at Bucky. "Man, you're looking a little rough around the edges."
"You would too if you were knee deep in dirty laundry and had two goblins that were puking so much, they make that scene in the Exorcist look tame.
Steve scrunched his nose and tried to shake the memory of that scene out of his head. The previous year, Bucky had invited his old team over for a horror movie night while the girls were spending the night with their mom. Steve still hadn't forgiven Bucky for subjecting him to that movie. "Absolutely disgusting."
Bucky grunted and shut the door, Steve following him from the entryway and up the stairs to the kitchen.
"Here, Nat made some soup for you and the girls, if they are feeling up to eating it,” Steve said holding out the package.
“Oh ya, thanks. I’m sure the girls will appreciate their Aunty Nat making her famous soup,” he nods his head in thanks before muttering “hopefully it's not pea soup,” and walks across the kitchen.
Steve watches as Bucky tucks the soup away in the fridge, noticing how stringy his hair has become and when he looks his way, the dark circles are around his eyes. “Hey Buck, why don’t you leave the tidying up to me and you go take a shower, relax a bit.”
Bucky shuts the fridge door and looks at Steve. “Are you sure you want to clean up this cesspool?” He asks as his arms waving to point out the mess around the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m here to help you out, all right?” Bucky nods and pats Steve on the shoulder on his way up to the bathroom.
Steve manages to tidy up the first floor of the house, shift Riley from the couch to her bed, and fold a load of laundry. He’s pouring hot water into a mug when Bucky walks back in, looking like the shower did its job. “You want a cup of tea?” He asks Bucky when he sit down at the kitchen table.
“Please, a cup of something black so I can keep my eyes open for a bit longer. You feel like watching a funny movie? I feel like I need a good laugh after what this week has been like.”  
“Sounds good, how about you go on down and put something on, I’ll bring the tea and some snacks for us,” Steve replies and pours a second mug full of water.  
The men settle in and watch a classic comedy, quiet laughter sailing out of both of their mouths, trying to be quiet while the girls sleep. Steve decides on a second movie and they watch until they fall asleep on the couches.  
Bucky wakes up, his stomach twisting, and the pain, THE PAIN. "You've got to be fucking kidding.” He lurches off the sectional and runs to the bathroom by the laundry room.
Steve wakes from the sounds of his friend slamming the bathroom door, the unmentionable sounds have Steve pulling his pillow over his head. When he moves it away several minutes later, all he hears is silence. Steve gets up from the couch and makes his way to the bathroom, gently knocking on the door. "Bucky? Are you alive in there?"
"Fucking kill me, please,” he begs and Steve hears his best friend heave again.
Steve camps out at the Barnes household during that Thanksgiving weekend. There is no turkey, no pumpkin pie, or a dysfunctional family fight. Everything is quiet as Bucky careens himself in his bedroom while Steve manages the rest of the household. He keeps the girls busy and out of Bucky’s hair for several days; visits to the ice cream shop and to the park near their home, keeps them smiling and giggling while their dad is at home, miserable in bed.
Steve sits back on the park bench and admires the colours changing all around him; the leaves sway from left to right, falling gently down to the ground. Piles of brown and yellow sit before him, raked into tidy piles. He gets and idea, something to cheer Bucky up the last few days of having the stomach flu. He calls the girls over and tells them his plan to make their dad smile. He makes a video of them, jumping in the leaves and throwing them around, their laughter warming his heart. When the girls have finished frolicking in the mounds of colourful leaves, he takes each other their hands in his and begins the walk back to the house. He’ll send the little video to Bucky in the morning when he heads out and back to work.  
Bucky still smiles at the memory of that little video. He can now smile about his treacherous first Thanksgiving as a single dad but he made it up every year that followed; this year, he has to make up for what his ex has left behind. Riley is pressuring him to make her mom's famous stuffing (he laughs at this because this is a recipe that she took from a cookbook he had from his mom) Piper has decided that Bucky is THE WORST because he is going to kill an innocent turkey and all she wants is for him to save one (and yes, he does donate to a local farm that saves turkeys later in the week) and have it live the rest of its life, in their backyard. He notes that she will have a plate of vegetables tonight and he has no idea if that is sufficient enough for a teenage girl who that is 15.  
“Cranberries sauce”
“Water chestnuts.”
“Wait, what the heck are water chestnuts for, Pop?”
Bucky is sitting on the kitchen floor sorting through the pantry and about to answer when he sees you creeping into the kitchen, hiding behind his oldest, about to scare her. Her arms wrap around Piper and she squeezes her tightly expelling a high-pitched squeak.  
He will never get over how beautiful her smile is when her eyes meet his. His heart beats so fast that he’s afraid she will be able to see it pounding in his chest.  
The flowers she is holding scream fall – oranges, yellows, and reds – the cute Chinese lanterns that she adores, wobble back and forth as she walks towards him. She reaches for him with her free hand and pulls him into a tight hug, whispering “you look extra handsome today, soldier.”
“He got his hair trimmed for you,” Riley shouts from the top of the stairs and watches as her father’s face turns as red as the Gerbera's in the bouquet. She snorts as she walks down the stairs at Bucky’s embarrassment and hops down the last few steps to pull y/n into a hug.
“Hi sweetness, I missed your smiling face,” Y/N says into Riley’s strawberry blond curls.
“Missed you too. Are you ready for your first Barnes Annual Canadian Thanksgiving?” Riley asks while rocking on her feet.
Y/N looks at her, “Is it any different from the other Thanksgiving I would be having?
“Well duh, this one if full of maple syrup, poutine, and never-ending skits by Bob and Doug Mackenzie!
Bucky bursts out laughing and poor Y/N is looking between the two of them, lost when it came to the last item. “Okay, okay, Ri, leave the poor woman alone. Here love, let me take those flowers and put them in a vase.” Bucky squeezes her waist gently, taking the colourful bouquet from her hands. She follows him to the cabinet housing the vase and sniffs the air.
“What’s is that smell? It’s so-
“Delicious?” Riley adds as she passes by Y/N and hops up onto a bar stool? “Your taste buds are in for an incredible treat. Dad is the best baker this city has!”
“Pretty sure I’m not hun, but thank you for boosting me up a bit.” Bucky’s cheeks changing in colour, somewhat embarrassed by his daughter's compliment.
“Oh, come on dad, that’s why all the moms are always swooning when you join the bake sales,” Piper chirps in.
“The moms swoon over your dad? I’m pretty sure that has more to do with his-” she’s cut off by Bucky shoving a Snickerdoodle in her mouth. Squinted her eyes at him and waving her finger as if she’s promising to get him back later. He can’t help but smirk and squeeze her side.
“Shhh, my sweet. Don’t be telling my girls how irresistible I am,” he whispers into her ear and kisses it.
Riley makes gagging sounds from behind her dad and Piper’s face turns red from the affection their father is showing Y/N. This is the not the first time they have seen their father with a woman but this specific woman has done something to their father. He’s smiling, he whistles while he bakes, and he’s happy.  
Y/N turns to face Riley, “Oh kid, are we embarrassing you? Making you feel a little queasy inside?” She walks over to Bucky as he arranges the flowers in the vase and loudly kisses his cheek and laughs. “How about that Ri?”
“You’re the worst,” Riley chuckles and grabs the serving spoons to put on the table.  
Bucky pulls Y/N into a hug and kisses her lightly on the lips. He can taste the Snickerdoodle and it makes him wish he could fully indulge but he restrains, knowing that tonight they’ll have time alone once the girls head to their rooms for the night. He brings his lips to her forehead before taking the flowers to the table and placing them in the centre.  
“All right ladies, let’s get this show on the road!”  
“Don’t you mean Barnes’, Assemble!” Piper asks with a smirk on her face. Bucky just shook his head, a big smile across his face.
“Tell me where you want me, Barnes,” Y/N said as she looked at Bucky, his smirk telling her that where he wanted her was not in the kitchen.
“Turkey is in the oven, that weird Tofurky thing is in there too, I need to add the water chestnuts to the beans, the pot of potatoes needs to boil, and in a bit, we can get the rest of the veggies going too. Who’s good with making gravy?”
“I hope you made stuffing for me that isn’t in that bird, dad,” Piper said, giving her dad one of her teenage looks.
Bucky slides a bowl across the counter to his oldest so she can see the stuffing he made; animal free. “It’s vegan sweetie, I hope you like it,” Bucky responds. “I found this recipe online, some popular blog.” He watches as she scoops a bit of the warm food in her mouth, and can’t help but chuckle when a groan of satisfaction spills out.  
Y/N can’t help but take a scoop for herself, a squeal of delight escaping her mouth. “Shit, Barnsey, you’ve been holding back! Where have you been all my life?” She laughs and walks back over to him, wrapping her arms around him and going in for a quick kiss. “Let’s get this show on the road! All pots on boil!” She shouts and turns the last pot on.
The Barnes family and their first-time guest are indulging in their feast within an hour. Nothing but chewing and soft music can be heard at the table. It always amazes Bucky that it takes hours upon hours of work for this one evening and within minutes the food is gone. He’s thankful though; for his girls, for the life he now has, and for you. He wouldn’t change anything. One last scoop of mashed potatoes goes into his mouth and he places his fork down. “So, do you three want dessert now or do you want to digest a bit first?” Riley stands up from her seat and throws her hands in the air. “Roll out the cart of desserts for us to feast upon, father!”  
All Bucky can do is laugh, she’s always been the dramatic one and he lives for these moments. “Riley, I haven’t said what I’m thankful for yet this evening but one of those things I’m thankful for the humour you provide in this family.”
“Aww Pops, I appreciate that but can you please just bring out the good stuff?” Riley’s blue eyes sparkle and Bucky pushes his chair in and heads back to the counter where he has the pies and other sugary treats. He brings the doughnuts and pumpkin pie with maple cream out first, leaving the girls to help themselves as he returns to the kitchen to cut Y/N a slice of pecan pie. He places a dollop of fresh whipped cream beside it and carries it to her, his face turns red when he places it before her stating, “I made this especially for you.” A look crosses her face and its one he has only recently seen. He thinks its adoration? Or could it be...love? He’s not sure if it’s either but whatever it is, he hopes she continues looking at him that way. He sits back down across from her and watches as she takes the first bite of pie. Her eyes close and he can see the sparkle in her eyeshadow as the light above bounces off of it. It feels like forever before he hears a sound of approval from her.  
“Wow Barnes. I’m going to say this is almost as good as s-
“Well now, girls, how about you start cleaning up what you can and let Y/N finish up her pie.” He tries to pull back Piper’s chair and is met with resistance.
“No WAY, Pops. I want to hear all about how good this pie of yours is. Right, Riley?” Piper looks to her sister, eyebrow raised in hopes that her sister will join in on the teasing.”
“Hell no, I don’t want to hear about the crap these two get up to. Nu uh, NOPE,” she shouts and she grabs a few dishes from the table and heads to the sink to rinse them off.  
Dishes away and the leftovers wrapped up, Bucky takes Y/N’s hand and walks with her to his room. Door closed and locked behind him, Bucky finally pulls his sweet lady as close to him as possible. “Happy Thanksgiving, baby.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Buck.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him into a kiss. “Come on Barnsey, there’s one thing you haven’t warmed up yet this evening.”
“Oh, did I forget to warm up your pie because I can head back-
She quiets him with another kiss, deeper than the last. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant. Now, be good a good man and get ready for the real dessert.”
Bucky can’t help but curl up and laugh loudly. His girl knows all the ways to make him laugh and smile, tonight is no exception. With one pull, she is on top of him, where he wants her this evening; where he can be warm within and thankful for everything his life has brought him.
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beepbeepwilson · 3 years
introducing some ocs for my book
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Riley Wheeler, 23, he/him, bisexual, poly the main character
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Atlas Barnes, 22, queer, poly, he/him, trans ftm, Riley’s childhood best friend and love interest
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Winter Jones, 24, bi, poly, she/they, non-binary, Riley’s co-worker and love interest
Riley is agnostic and from a very spiritual household with a norse pagan mother and norse pagan father.
Atlas is from an evangelical background but is very spiritual and leans more towards paganism.
Winter is atheist and comes from a evangelical background which they bond with Atlas over.
Riley and Winter work in a coffee shop together and often come up with back stories for the strange people that come in and out of the store.
Atlas works at a bookstore across the street and swings by during his break to bother his friends.
They love going to the local theater which shows reruns of old movies on saturdays. They’re usually the only ones there so they have conversations about the movie and throw around theories. Their favorite genre is Horror films.
Every sunday they carpool to Atlas’s mother’s house for breakfast and then politely pile into their mini van and go to church with her since she has no one else to go with. Even though none of them really believe the bible they humor her so she doesn’t feel lonely. Atlas is just happy his mother smiles more often lately.
When they’re not at work they’re roaming around causing chaos.
Atlas and Riley live together in a small two bedroom apartment and Winter happens to live across the hall. Her step father owns the building.
Winter has tourettes (don’t know how to write that yet gonna figure it out) and carries a card in a lanyard stating that they can’t control their tics. Luckily the coffee shop they work in has mostly regulars and they all know and love Winter.
Atlas uses a cane to walk because of an injury from when he was a child. He walks with a distinct limp favoring his right side.
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peachlover94 · 4 years
Gladiator Voltron I: LOTG - concept movie treatment
written by Robert D.C. Barnes III (PeachLover94) Inspired by "Voltron: Defender of the Universe" created for World Events Productions by Peter Keefe, John Teichmann and Toei Animation Based on "Lightspeed Electroid Albegas" created for Toei Animation by Saburo Yatsude (Kozo Morishita, Akiyoshi Sakai, Shozo Uehara, Hiroshi Okawa and Toyohiro Ando) 30 East Trillium Circle
The Woodlands, TX 77381
TREATMENT: 07-22-2017                                               [email protected] NOTE: This proposal is the property of New Frontier Cinema (PeachLover94 's production company) produced in partnership with DreamWorks SKG (Storyteller Distribution Co., LLC), World Events Productions (WEP LLC) and Toei Company, Ltd. Any unlicensed exhibition, copying or redistribution without written consent of the mentioned parties is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.
Gladiator Voltron I: Light of the Gladiators
Story Treatment
The Logline
In the Middle Universe, three teenagers on planet Albega find three giant humanoid robots for a science fair project competition. They then find they have found the Gladiator Voltron that protected Albega in the past, and they now must pilot Voltron to stop the One Empire of the Derinja.
Main Characters
1) DIEGO ♂ - Age: 14. Full Name: Diego Daisaku Enjoji Rodriguez. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Brown eyes, Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Black hair in a layered shag style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Diego lives with his mother Valentine on Albega, and is just starting to come out of his shell after his father died in a household accident. His aptitude with technology and even preference for trying to employ creative strategies to defeat anyone who threatens him and his friends makes him the perfect pilot for the Black Alpha of Wisdom. 2) JACOBY ♂ - Age: 14. Full Name: Jacoby Tetsuya Jin Scott. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Blue eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a Pompadour style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Jacoby is seen as this bike-riding "big man on campus", but he is somewhat jealous of the family that both Diego and Alexis have as he lost his parents at a young age, with him having to live on his own for a while. In battle, the Blue Beta of Courage chooses him for his wild streak and willingness to fight for what truly is right. 3) ALEXIS ♀ - Age: 14. Full Name: Alexis Hotaru Mizuki Vekoma. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height, Green eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Light Brown hair in a Hime style, and age-appropriate register of voice. Alexis may seem like a regular girl's girl at first glance, but she has no patience for bullies picking on others which makes her at times violent. Her immense drive for a good fight to test herself outweighed by her penchant for trying to help out anyone feeling down is what destines her to pilot the Red Gamma of Compassion. 4) RODRIGUEZ ♀ - Age: 35. Full Name: Valentine Saeko Asabuki Rodriguez. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall build, Brown eyes, Olive skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in a Pageboy style, and medium register voice. Valentine lives with her son Diego and has to pull long shifts at work to provide for her son ever since her husband died in a household accident. It is she who told her son the story of how Gladiator Voltron saved Albega back in the distant past. When it seems as though Voltron is returning, she joins the Alliance to help her son fight the Derinja. 5) WILSON ♂ - Age: 15. Full Name: Riley Goro Kumai Wilson. Species: Terran. Homeworld: New Harlem, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with an age-appropriate height and robust build, Brown eyes, Dark Brown skin tone, Round human ears, Brown hair in an Afro style, and age-appropriate register of voice. At first, he is the link between the three heroes (Diego, Jacoby and Alexis) and their fellow classmates, teachers and their family - the civilian world. Riley is the first to encourage them to compete in the robotics tournament which leads to them discovering Gladiator Voltron, and he becomes their tech support in mission control. 6) VEKOMA ♂ - Age: 42. Full Title: Professor Jonathan Mizuki Vekoma, dean of Science at Aoba High School. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall, Green eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Dark Grey hair with a light mustache, and low-medium register voice. In his approach to science, Vekoma is more of a hands-on kind of professor, wanting to nurture students' curiosity by showing results of science and technology in action. Helping to rebuild his daughter Alexis, Jacoby and Diego's robots after sabotage, he helps them recover and form the Gladiator Voltron. 7) ZAMAN ♀ - Age: 35. Full Title: Professor Jennifer Danko Kibi Zaman - Associate Dean of the Aoba High School Science Department. Species: Terran. Homeworld: Aoba City, Planet Albega (Earth colony in the Hyperion Galaxy/Middle Universe). Physical Features: A Human phenotype with a medium-tall build, Blue eyes, Caucasian skin tone, Round human ears, Blonde hair in a medium-length straight style, and low-medium register voice.  She mostly teaches lecture-based science and technology classes, tends to be more stern and strict with her students, and is apparently only behind Vekoma in status at Aoba High. But when Gladiator Voltron is needed, she is one of our heroes' strongest supporters.
The Background
Long in the past of the Hyperion Galaxy, the three-piece fighting humanoid robot known as Gladiator Voltron was known as Albegas by the peoples of the planets the robot visited. Albegas or Gladiator Voltron was a sentient being, renown across the galaxy for its feats of heroism and bravery. Ultimately, this led to Voltron developing something of an ego, as it challenged both the wicked Overlord of planet Deram and the goddess Rhea to battle it for supremacy in the galaxy. Rhea, having sensed the egotism brewing in Gladiator Voltron/Albegas out of simple ignorance of its own power and not out of sinister malice, defeated but spared the robot as she pondered what punishment would do it best. In a rage, the Deram Overlord disguised himself as Rhea and tried to destroy Voltron while succeeding at slaying Rhea. With her last acts, Rhea managed to save Gladiator Voltron/Albegas by splitting it back up into its three component humanoid robots - the Black Alpha of Wisdom, the Red Gamma of Compassion, and the Blue Beta of Bravery - that when all are combined together do they form Voltron. They were flung through space until they crash-landed on Albega, there to spend a great deal of time defending it from the forces of evil in the Hyperion Galaxy until some force caused it to go into dormancy until the time was right. Now the time has come for Gladiator Voltron's return to battle the Derinja. The Premise
It is said that the Gladiator Voltron Force story arc of Voltron: Defender of the Universe would have been adapted from the 1983 anime series Lightspeed Electroid Albegas - but was to be adapted to be part of a much bigger storyline. Here, the Voltron story takes on a more urban fantasy/mecha science fiction as even though it is set on an Earth colony planet in the Hyperion Galaxy, the overall locale would not seem that far off from anything on contemporary Earth. Taking the team of heroes premises of the Japanese Super Sentai/Power Rangers series, the teen high school dramedy of Mean Girls, and the appeal of robots found in both the Gundam and Transformers franchises, Voltron is ready to launch. In this four-quadrant five-act mecha science fiction epic, three very talented teenage students named Diego, Jacoby and Alexis go to Aoba High School in the year 2981. Alexis' father is the well-regarded science teacher Professor Vekoma who is chairing the upcoming science fair and robot battle. On a hiking trip with their friend Riley Wilson to find ideas for both the science fair and robot battle, the three find a trio of giant humanoid robots buried in a cave. Bringing them back to Vekoma, the three teens soon discover the robots are able to join together to form the mythical Gladiator Voltron - Defender of the Middle Universe. Can they join together to stop a Derinja attack that threatens their planet? The Nemeses
Aside from normal human squabbles and quandaries that face three teens trying to survive, Gladiator Voltron and its team of pilots have to contend with the new horrible menace threatening the Hyperion Galaxy. Many of the Derinja Drules of Planet Deram takes on a dark cult-like atmosphere that reeks of Jonestown, the Branch Davidians and their like. Most of the Drules are humanoids with light purple skin and red eyes. With fleets of starfighters and space battleships; as well as armies of tanks, super soldiers and Robeast mecha monsters, Derinja Drules are aimed at making the Drule Empire a major if not the only superpower in the Hyperion Galaxy, with only Voltron daring to stand in their way. 1) AZ'A ♂ - Age: Late 40s/Early 50s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. His full title is Emperor Az'A of the Planet Deram. Emperor Az'A is a strong worshiper of the deity present across his entire planet, known only as the Deram Overlord, and is devoted to conquering the world and ruling it in the Overlord's name. He is highly devoted to the cult of personality that his people grow and till around him, and wishes to make them, and himself, all-powerful. Proclaiming himself as a savior, he enjoys, and is happy to cause, the suffering of others, sacrificing innocents in horrific ways, torturing enemies and brainwashing them into becoming subordinates and enslaving other races. 2) ROBEASTS - Wherever one goes in the Empires of the Drules, there will always be such things as Robeasts to challenge the Voltrons and threaten the peace of the Near, Middle and Far Universes. Robeasts from Planet Deram sent to battle the Gladiator Voltron are the humanoid monsters created through advanced science and technology, most often from prisoners of war that are reared in Lord Az'A's cruel gladiatorial combat, though some of them are simply giant robots piloted by Spartan troopers. A platoon of fifteen robeasts is ready at a moments notice to travel with fighters, tanks, space battleships and Spartan trooper armies to lay siege to Voltron and or whatever may get in their Empire's way. 3) BI'OS ♂ - Age: Late 60s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. Hair Color: White. His full title is Vizier Bi'Os of the Planet Deram, intending to inherit the throne after the coup he is planning takes place. As he only kowtows to the Overlord of Deram, it is often rumored that Bi'Os is the one stroking Az'A's ego to throw him off the scent of Bi'Os' own attempted bids at becoming Emperor of the Derinja Drules. A natural-born kiss-up and backstabber, he lives for nothing more than destroying any "invaders" that could make a pass at the Empire and generally making the Derinja Military and other Drule forces out to look like fools, imbeciles and other pejorative words not to be listed. 4) SPARTANS - Say hello to the mixed organic and cybernetic shock troopers of the Derinja. They serve as the backbone of the Derinja military forces. Their drones have no built in weapons, instead using the same weapons as their organic counterparts. Drones are capable of squad-level infantry tactics and understanding vocal commands. These androids can somewhat resemble fellow Drules, appearing to wear this green-purple armor. In fact, some of the living soldiers appear identical to their own Drones. In addition, Derinja Drones can be used for scouting environments full of every kind of hazards, are more durable, and have no fear of utter destruction to claim victory for Emperor Az'A's nation. 5) DUST'OX ♂ - Age: 40s. Species: Derinja Drule. Homeworld: Deram. Eye Color: Red. Hair Color: White. His full title is Gunnery Sergeant (or General) Dust'Ox of the Deram Forces. He is quite the sadistic, leather-lunged and powerful fighter who willfully kills and berates anyone who gets in his way. His loyalty to Deram's Overlord and Az'A, as well as adherence to military hierarchy is without question and only obeys the commands given to him. His aggressive fighting style relies primarily on the use of his strong limbs, an energy sword and terrifying piercing claws. He is also athletic, able to dodge and move around quickly to evade attacks. This is despite his large size, topping at about eight feet.
The Heroes and the Twist
We first meet Alexis, Diego and Jacoby in their 9th grade science class at Aoba High School on planet Albega. Before that, the three often ran into each other and kept eyes on each other from afar without the others knowing. Later, they become teenage versions of the Kirk (Ego), the Spock (Superego) and the McCoy (Id) triumvirate so often found in analysis of the Freudian psyche. Deep down, they would sacrifice their lives for each other, but they sometimes have petty squabbles and do not always trust each other. But the discovery and reactivation of Gladiator Voltron with the three as its pilots forces them to take charge so to become the super force of space explorers prophesied to save Albega. The Story Breakdown
1) From days of long ago, from uncharted regions of the Universe, comes a legend. The legend of the Voltrons: Defenders of the Universe. Three mighty robots, loved by good, feared by evil. As the Voltrons' legend grew, peace settled across the galaxies. On Planet Earth, a Galaxy Alliance was formed. Together with the good planets of our Solar System, they maintained peace throughout the Universe until new, horrible menaces threatened the galaxies. The Voltrons are needed once more. This is the story of the super force of space explorers. Specially trained, entrusted and sent by the Alliance with the ancient secrets of how to assemble and restore, Gladiator Voltron: Defender of the Middle Universe.
Act I
2) We open on the bedrooms of 14-year-old students Diego Rodriguez, Jacoby Scott and Alexis Vekoma as alarm clock bells ring. They are waking up on their very first Monday of the September equivalent - marking the start of their high school days. Alexis washes her hair in the shower, Diego brushes his teeth and tries to find clothes for the day, and Jacoby finishes combing his wet hair as he scurries to get dressed and head down for breakfast. The three are soon out the door and walking towards their secondary education institution - Aoba High School. Even as the morning sun breaks, we see something out of the ordinary - two moons remain in the sky and are setting toward the western area.
3) Diego arrives in his homeroom class taught by the associate science professor Jennifer Zaman. Another boy named Riley Wilson who attends classes with Diego, Alexis and Jacoby - but not all three at once - decides he should help out the three who feel lost and alone on their first day of high school. Lunch soon comes, and Diego finds a place to sit by himself as a social wallflower and self-perceived outcast in the cafeteria. Alexis comes to join him followed by Jacoby as they soon introduce themselves to each other and find that the three of them perceive themselves as the outcasts and drink to their independence from the many stereotypical yet with some truth cliques common to high school.
4) Far away on the dark and spooky planet of Deram, Emperor Az'A leads a mass of his followers in worship of the planet's deity - the Grand Overlord of Deram. They chant and bow in admiration for the Overlord when Az'A's personal Vizier known as Bi'Os reports one of their skull ships (space battleships able to carry Stinger fighters) has returned with slaves and sacrifices for the Overlord. Pleased with the announcement, Az'A orders a slave be brought in for his approval. After seeing the prisoner and removing the beating heart from him, the Derinja Emperor orders the now-heartless prisoner be lowered into the lava pit for the Overlord to receive. He and his followers cackle wildly at the spectacle.
5) The shrieking cackles of the Derinja, a vassal faction of the Drule Empire in the Galaxy Alliance echo across the Hyperion Galaxy back all the way to Albega. It is back at the high school that we find Alexis in the middle of a heated tennis practice session just as her coach calls for the team to hit the showers and prepare for their next class. While all the other classes have been somewhat humdrum for Alexis, Diego and Jacoby; the science and technology class taught by Alexis' father Professor Jonathan Vekoma is shaping up to be nothing short of riveting and meaningful. Vekoma's hands-on and practical approaches to science win his students over, but Diego is lost in something of a hidden funk.
6) Back at Diego's house that night, Diego is just about to turn in when he looks at a framed picture on his bedside nightstand. As he looks, tears come to his eyes. The picture is of his family which includes his father who was killed in a nasty accident four years before this moment. His mother Valentine Rodriguez comes in to say good night when she sees her son reminiscing. She hugs Diego and tells him she misses her husband and his father too. Hoping to help her son be able to get through the night, for now, Valentine sits by Diego's bed and begins retelling the story of how the mighty robot Albegas - or Gladiator Voltron - was humbled and then returned to save Albega in the past to her little boy.
Act II
  7) What a coincidence is is that the night Valentine tells Diego the story of Gladiator Voltron that Emperor Az'A chuckles that not even the titular mighty robot will be able to return to stand against the Derinja. His cackling is soon caught by a transmission from across space in the Milky Way Galaxy - from Chief Commander Hazar Dorita Teles of the Drule Empire himself! Az'A, Bi'Os and Dust'Ox listen intently as Hazar delivers a stern warning to them that to underestimate the mighty robot Voltron will be their utter doom, for he should know thanks to the recent fall of his underling and rival Commander Zabar. Dust'Ox declares that the planet of Albega will make a perfect target for destruction.
8) Later that week on the first Friday of that month, Alexis is stirred to hear Professor Vekoma announce the winter science fair and robotics tournament. Teams of three students will build three robots to compete against other teams' trios of robots in battles for prizes and a chance to win free tuition to the college, university or academy of the winning team's choice. Diego, Jacoby and Alexis are assigned to be one team by recommendation of Riley. The field trip up to the San Rialto Mountains arranged by Professors Vekoma and Zaman to learn about the symbiotic nature of the water, rocks and plants will be the perfect time to the three to get ideas on what to create for the science fair robot tournament.
9) The following Wednesday; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby are on their way with their classmates and science professors to the San Rialto range for their field trip. When the three see one of the cheerleaders wanting to pick on some of the shyer girls in the class, Jacoby and Diego futilely try to restrain Alexis from getting violent with the cheerleader. Coming to the shy girls' defense, Alexis is made the new target of the stuck up cheerleader's scorn as she declares Alexis as deserving of staying an outcast as much as the shy girls next to them. Simply shrugging off her rival's taunts, Alexis moves the shy girls away from the bus while backhandedly flipping the middle finger in the direction of the cheerleader.
10)  In front of legions of Derinja Spartan troopers, companies of laser tanks, and fourteen Robeasts waiting to board the mighty fleet of skull ships, Dust'Ox addresses his forces from his Robeast Reptoking. The Robeasts known as Octovore, Mechabeak, Demoncrab, Scalestrike, Death Hornet, Yellow Belly, Death Mantis, Hypnokiller, Hornback, Kingfish, Roachman, Dinoslasher, Mantaray and Dire Spider lead the legions of Spartans in cheering for Dust'Ox and their battle. Proudly, Dust'Ox proclaims their victory shall be a day remembered through history. With that, the Derinja forces begin to load onto the skull ships to prepare for blastoff on the campaign to conquer planet Albega once and for all.
11) Jacoby spots a mysterious trio of caverns as the students and Professor Vekoma pass them. Eager to find out what is buried in them, Jacoby calls for Diego and Alexis to follow him to the caverns. They are different because they have symbols carved outside their arches of entry - A for Alpha, B for Beta and Γ for Gamma. Inside each is a giant humanoid machine, all in a state of dormancy. The three rush back to Professor Vekoma and Professor Zaman to bring them to analyze their findings. As the students are unperturbed by the caverns but in awe at the machines inside, Vekoma tasks Diego, Jacoby and his daughter Alexis to climb inside these machines and see what exactly they are.
12) Diego climbs into the cockpit of the black robot in the Alpha Cavern, Jacoby takes the blue robot in the Beta Cavern, and Alexis chooses to examine the red robot in the Gamma Cavern. Seating themselves inside, they turn the controls thinking the machines are still dormant. This, however, causes the ground to shake and the caverns to collapse - but not before the students and teachers evacuate the caverns. Vekoma and Zaman watch as the three robots come together to form one giant robot (Red forming the forward legs, lower torso, lower backpack and hip; Blue the torso midriff, aft legs and upper backpack; and Black the head, upper torso, arms, hands and upper legs) amazing the others.
13) Back on planet Deram, Az'A and Bi'Os are in a temple dedicated to the Overlord as they bow and chant their dark hymns down into the deity present across their world. The two Derinja Drules vow that Albega shall fall within the next few Earth days and become theirs to exploit all they please, but the Overlord cautions them not to be so overconfident and take the advice of Commander Hazar. If there is even a ghost of a chance that some force like Voltron could return, through willful or ignorant underestimation will Voltron bring irreparable ruin to the Derinja and the Drule Empire. In response, Az'A promises to destroy Voltron and stir more chaos to help the Overlord grow to overpower the Drules.
14) The other students and the professors are both amazed and confused as Alexis and Jacoby are at a loss for words. Diego, however, is blown away with excitement and ecstasy that one of his childhood bedtime stories has come true. He cannot contain his enthusiasm as he calls out over megaphone that they found the perfect robots for the science fair's tournament - Gladiator Voltron. With such a thought in her mind, Alexis asks her father the professor if they could fly the robots back and meet the rest of the class back at the school - to which Vekoma says yes, but the robots will need further analysis after school. Disassembling Voltron, the three students fly the robots back to Aoba High School.
15) Valentine Rodriguez has gotten the day off from work to pick up Diego from school that day when she sees the three giant robots flying down toward the school that seem to have appeared out of the bedtime story she told her son. Climbing down out of his black robot, Diego rushes into his mother's arms with the biggest smile on his face she has seen in over four years and excitedly tells Valentine that the legend of Gladiator Voltron has turned out true. Valentine is simply dumbfounded as Diego introduces his new friends Alexis and Jacoby to her and they are called to the large science lab the size of the nearby open air gym hall where the robots land on their feet and await the professor's work.
16) Hyperskip exit signatures are the only confirmation to the Galaxy Alliance-built early warning and defense satellites in orbit of planet Albega that the One Empire of the Derinja - the Drule Empire's Hyperion Galaxy branch - are making their move. Dust'Ox orders his Spartan troopers to the drop ships and Stinger fighters to destroy the satellites and make haste for the planet. Down on the planet at Aoba High, our heroes are watching and listening intently with Riley as Professors Zaman and Vekoma try to analyze the robot Gladiators. Suddenly, the robot Gladiators' cockpit eye shields glow as they kneel down to face their human onlookers. The spirit of Voltron speaks to them via telepathic links.
Act IV
17) Diego, Jacoby and Alexis are stunned to find that it was not sheer fate that brought them to Voltron, but certain traits about them that made them worthy in the eyes of the robots they found. Diego is shown to have a knack for technology and an ability to think up the craftiest solutions to seemingly intractable problems - which make him perfect to pilot the Black Alpha Gladiator of Wisdom. Jacoby's inner bravery that forces him to fight for what is right, and his ever wild streak have marked him to be the Blue Beta Gladiator of Courage's pilot. Finally, Alexis is chosen by the Red Gamma Gladiator of Compassion for her empathy and care for fellow humans to get everyone their own happily ever after.
18) Alexis walks over to her father as Riley and Zaman communicate with the Gladiators. Having heard the story of how Gladiator Voltron, once known as Albegas, was brought down and then tricked by the Overlord of Deram; our heroes suddenly get nervous about the prospects of real fighting and try to book it out of there. The Gladiators tell Diego's mother Valentine and Alexis' father Professor Vekoma that their children will soon see the need for Voltron and to just give them a little time. In the meantime, Dust'Ox is leading his strike platoon from his Reptoking Robeast to attack the cities surrounding the Aoba district. Buildings are collapsing and people are being shot in the streets by Spartan troops.
19) The news of the attack on Albega reaches both the Galaxy Alliance and the Drule Empire. At Galaxy Garrison on Earth, Star Marshal Matthew Satoru Wasaka Graham contacts Captain Newley aboard the Explorer to return to the planet and deliver a space fleet to Albega to see what they can do to stop the Derinja in their tracks. In the meantime, Commander Hazar contacts his liaison in the Drules' Denubian Galaxy jurisdiction - King Zarkon Daibazaal, ruler of the Galran Empire of the Drules on Galra or Planet Doom. Zarkon is utterly enraptured and a little jealous that he himself could not lead the charge on Albega, but Hazar warns him that the Gladiator Voltron is on the planet ready to fight.
20) Not wanting to be forced into a dangerous war; our heroes rush out of the gym to the field in a panicked hysteria with Riley barely able to keep up with them and trying to bring them back. They soon see a Derinja drop ship landing on the field with Spartan troopers to seize all in their way. Instinctual fight or flight kicks in as the four students find themselves surrounded. This time, they choose to fight back and start giving the Spartans hell by doing gymnastics and martial arts moves on their tormentors. When three Spartans grab Riley and try to carry him away; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby grab the commanders' swords and start cutting down the enemy soldiers to save the friend who united them.
21) Heavy laser fire from approaching skull ships rocks the ground and causes earthquakes in a perimeter around Aoba City and many of the surrounding suburban areas. The quakes are even felt at the school. The air raid sirens sound, and the news reports of Derinja forces attacking other cities on Albega calls for serious action. Diego, Alexis and Jacoby choose to suit up and fight with their Gladiators to save both themselves and the planet that is their home. They rush to their Gladiators and initiate their launch procedures. Vekoma, Zaman, Riley and Valentine rush to the underground cellars of Aoba High where a secret Galaxy Alliance control room had been built in the event of planetary emergencies.
Act V
22) Diego, Jacoby and Alexis (in that order) launch their respective Gladiators from Aoba High School toward the downtown area to save the planet if they can. In the control room, Riley detects Drule-allied Stinger fighters of the Derinja coming down to strafe the city, which forces the three to use their robots' laser cannons to shoot down the enemy starfighters before they reach their target. Zaman arrives in the control room and reports that Derinja skull ships are preparing to deploy laser tanks to the surface. The three strafe the skull ships and bring them down just outside the downtown area. Now it is just the Robeasts trapped on the planet in the downtown area left for the Gladiators to contend with.
23) The Gladiator Voltron Force arrives in downtown Aoba City and gets to work battling the Robeasts. Valentine, Zaman, Riley and Vekoma watch from the control room at the school and call out tactical commands to get an edge on the Derinja forces. Alexis takes the Red Gamma against the Scalestrike, Hypnokiller and Demoncrab Robeasts; Diego and the Black Alpha go one-on-three against Mechabeak, Dire Spider and Yellow Belly; while Jacoby plunges forward with the Blue Beta on the Roachman, Dinoslasher and Death Mantis while trying to avoid destroying buildings and other civilian property that could result in the deaths of innocent people. Just barely, they are able to take the Robeasts down.
24) Only Octovore, Mantaray, Kingfish, Hornback, Death Hornet and Dust'Ox in Reptoking are left to challenge the three. This is the signal Diego takes to call for forming Voltron. Activating interlocks, connecting their dynotherms, bringing up their infracells, and setting their mega-thrusters to go; the Gladiator Voltron Force is go to form and battle. The sight of the Gladiators coming together to form Gladiator Voltron stuns and horrifies Dust'Ox and his few surviving Robeasts. Octovore, Mantaray and Kingfish find themselves on the wrong end of the Electroid Arrow Bows that Jacoby through Voltron fires. Our heroes soon close in on and destroy Death Hornet and Hornback with the Solar Spear Trident.
25) Dust'Ox prepares to charge as Gladiator Voltron ignites and forms its Blazing Sword. News of Dust'Ox's impending defeat reaches the Drule Homeworld as Commander Hazar monitors the battle closely. Hazar knows the return of any Voltron will be certain doom for the Drule Empire. Simply trusting in both themselves and the spirits of their machines; Alexis, Diego and Jacoby telepathically compel Voltron to surge ahead sword first and slash right through Dust'Ox. Voltron then pumps its fists as Dust'Ox and his Robeast explode behind them. As soon as the All Clear signal is given, the students and teachers of Aoba High School rush out to cheer for Alexis, Diego and Jacoby saving their planet.
26) A Galaxy Alliance representative, Deputy Star Marshal Willard Tosuke Dewa Steele, arrives in front of Aoba High School aboard a shuttle arranged by the Vehicle Voltron Force. Steele congratulates Professor Vekoma on locating Gladiator Voltron and staging a brilliant defense of Albega from the Derinja forces of the Drule Empire. But credit must go where it is due, as Steele congratulates our heroes on pulling together to prove themselves worthy of joining the Galaxy Alliance and the Voltron Forces. Diego, Alexis and Jacoby raise their right hands and jump for joy in celebration that they are now the Gladiator Voltron Force that protects the Middle Universe as the camera freezes on them mid-jump.
Epilogue (Preview Summary for Gladiator Voltron II: Sword of the Damocles)
27) And with the defeat of Gunnery Sergeant Dust'Ox; the names of Voltron, Gladiator Voltron and Albega would once again strike fear in the hearts of the Drule Empire and its Hyperion Galaxy vassals the Derinja. Even so, Professor Vekoma is determined to be able to locate and destroy the Derinja's secret orbital headquarters as well as free the people of Deram from Az'A and the Overlord's control before enlisting the help of the Galaxy Alliance to destroy Deram. In the meantime, the three pilots of Gladiator Voltron try to parlay their newfound fame into helping out their friends and family while exploring themselves. But the Derinja Commander Da'Ri and Vizier Bi'Os have an ace in the hole...
0 notes
jordannamatlon · 7 years
In 1994, Ann duCille proclaimed that black feminism occupies a precarious status within the academy, due, in part, to its lack of a disciplinary home and the pervasive denigration of black feminist intellectual and affective labor. More than two decades later, black feminism’s status is equally, if not more, precarious, particularly as it has been relegated to the bastion of identity politics, a designation every rigorous critic now regards as passé. At the same time, amidst growing concerns around the ontological status of black life, the neoliberal rollback of civil rights gains, and persistent theorizations of post-911 conditions, activists, scholars, and cultural critics alike are reaching back for and stretching out toward black feminist analytics, methods, and politics. They have lauded the import of black feminism’s theorization(s) of historical and current conditions, asserting that black feminism cultivates inroads to freedom. Toward this end, critics have attempted to harness and actualize black feminist futures, as suggested by the various activist projects, special journal issues and articles, and performance workshops that have brandished some iteration of the appellation “black feminist future(s).”
*This is a list of of books–published in 2016–that were compiled for the Black Feminist Futures Symposium at Northwestern University. The Black Feminist Futures Symposium, organized by Shoniqua Roach, Chelsea M. Frazier, and Brittnay Proctor, took place on Friday, May 20th-Saturday, May 21st, 2016 at the Mary and Leigh Block Museum of Art (Northwestern University, Evanston Campus). The symposium invested in generating a radically interdisciplinary conversation that engages questions around black feminist futurity. Participants surveyed interdisciplinary discourses within and beyond the field of black feminist theory to investigate the conditions of possibility for black feminist futurity within the academy. Speakers included Kara Keeling, Omise’eke Tinsley, Kai M. Green, Vanessa Agard-Jones, Jayna Brown, Nicole Fleetwood, C. Riley Snorton, Zakiyyah Jackson, Tina Campt, Jafari Allen, Matt Richardson, Cathy Cohen, Treva Lindsey, Roderick Ferguson, Monica Miller, and Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman.
*This list originally appeared in BCALA Newsletter (Spring 2017) and has been reprinted with permission. 
Adams, Betty L. Black Women’s Christian Activism: Seeking Social Justice in a Northern Suburb. NY: New York University Press, 2016.
Adeniji-Neill, Dolapo, and Anne M. N. Mungai. Written in Her Own Voice: Ethno-educational Autobiographies of Women in Education.  NY: Peter Lang, 2016.
Alexander, Danny. Real Love, No Drama: The Music of Mary J. Blige. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016.
Barnes, Riché J. D. Raising the Race: Black Career Women Redefine Marriage, Motherhood, and Community. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2016.
Berger, Iris. Women in Twentieth-Century Africa. NY: Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Black Women’s Portrayals on Reality Television: The New Sapphire, edited by Donnetrice Allison. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
Barcella, Laura and Pierre Summer. Fight Like a Girl: 50 Feminists Who Changed the World. San Francisco, CA: Zest Books, 2016.
Baszile, Denise T. Race, Gender, and Curriculum Theorizing: Working in Womanish Ways. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016.
Bell-Scott, Patricia. The Firebrand and the First Lady: Portrait of a Friendship: Pauli Murray, Eleanor Roosevelt, and the Struggle for Social Justice. NY: Alfred A Knopf, 2016.
Brier, Jennifer, Jim Downs, and Jennifer L. Morgan. Connexions: Histories of Race and Sex in North America. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
Bryant-Davis, Thema, and Lillian Comas-Díaz. Womanist and Mujerista Psychologies: Voices of Fire, Acts of Courage. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2016.
Buckner, Jocelyn L. A Critical Companion to Lynn Nottage. London: Routledge, 2016.
Callahan, Vicki, and Virginia Kuhn. Future Texts: Subversive Performance and Feminist Bodies. Anderson, SC: Parlor Press, 2016.
Carastathis, Anna. Intersectionality: Origins, Contestations, Horizons. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016.
Carey, Tamika L. Rhetorical Healing: The Reeducation of Contemporary Black Womanhood. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2016.
Clark. Jawanza Eric, editor. Albert B. Cleage Jr. and the Legacy of the Black Madonna and Child. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Cooper, Brittney, Morris, Susana M., and Boylorn, Robin M. The Crunk Feminist Collection. NY: Feminist Press at the City University of New York, 2017. [Kindle ed. Dec. 2016]
Courtney, Jarrett. Not Your Momma’s Feminism: Introduction to Women’s Gender Studies. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt, 2016.
Crowder, Stephanie R. Buckhanon. When Momma Speaks: The Bible and Motherhood from a Womanist Perspective. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press, 2016.
Cruz, Ariane. The Color of Kink: Black Women, BDSM, and Pornography. NY: New York University Press, 2016.
David, Marlo D. Mama’s Gun: Black Maternal Figures and the Politics of Transgression. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press, 2016.
David, Miriam E. Reclaiming Feminism: Challenging Everyday Misogyny. Bristol: Policy Press, 2016.
Davis, Angela Y. and Frank Barat. Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement. Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2016.
Day, Keri. Religious Resistance to Neoliberalism: Womanist and Black Feminist Perspectives.  Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
DuRocher, Kristina. Ida B. Wells: Social Reformer and Activist. NY: Routledge, 2016.
Edwin, Shirin. Privately Empowered: Expressing Feminism in Islam in Northern Nigerian Fiction. Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 2016.
Ennaji, Moha, Fatima Sadiqi, and Karen Vintges. Moroccan Feminisms: New Perspectives. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2016.
Feminist Perspectives on Orange Is the New Black: Thirteen Critical Essays, edited by April Kalogeropoulos Householder and Adrienne Trier-Bieniek. Jefferson, NC: Mcfarland, 2016.
Gammage, Marquita M. Representations of Black Women in the Media: The Damnation of Black Womanhood. NY: Routledge, 2016.
Etienne, Jan. Learning in Womanist Ways: Narratives of First Generation African Caribbean Women. London: Trentham Books, 2016.
Falcón, Sylvanna M. Power Interrupted: Antiracist and Feminist Activism Inside the United Nations. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016.
Fordham, Signithia. Downed by Friendly Fire: Black Girls, White Girls, and Suburban Schooling. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2016.
Garvey, Amy J, and Louis J. Parascandola. Amy Jacques Garvey: Selected Writings from the Negro World, 1923-1928. Knoxville: The University of Tennessee Press, 2016.
Gentles-Peart, Kamille. Romance with Voluptuousness: Caribbean Women and Thick Bodies in the United States. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2016.
Goett, Jennifer. Black Autonomy: Race, Gender, and Afro-Nicaraguan Activism. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2016.
Gumbs, Alexis P. Spill: Scenes of Black Feminist Fugitivity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Gumbs, Alexis P, China Martens, and Mai’a Williams. Revolutionary Mothering: Love on the Front Lines. Oakland, CA: PM Press, 2016.
Haley, Sarah. No Mercy Here: Gender, Punishment, and the Making of Jim Crow Modernity. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016.
Harris, LaShawn. Sex Workers, Psychics, and Numbers Runners: Black Women in New York City’s Underground Economy. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
Harwell, Osizwe R. This Woman’s Work: The Writing and Activism of Bebe Moore Campbell. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016.
Hayes, Diana L. No Crystal Stair: Womanist Spirituality. Maryknoll: Orbis Bks, 2016.
Hinton, Laura. Jayne Cortez, Adrienne Rich, and the Feminist Superhero: Voice, Vision, Politics, and Performance in U.S. Contemporary Women’s Poetics. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2016.
Hobson, Janell, editor.  Are All the Women Still White?: Rethinking Race, Expanding Feminisms. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2016.
Hogan, Kristen. The Feminist Bookstore Movement: Lesbian Antiracism and Feminist Accountability. Durham: Duke University Press, 2016.
Hosein, Gabrielle, and Parpart, Jane. Negotiating Gender, Policy and Politics in the Caribbean: Feminist Strategies, Masculinist Resistance and Transformational Possibilities. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Pub Inc., 2016.
Hossein, Caroline Shenaz. Politicized Microfinance: Money, Power, and Violence in the Black Americas. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Joseph, Gloria I. The Wind Is Spirit: The Life, Love and Legacy of Audre Lorde. [n.p.]: Villarosa Media, 2016.
Juanita, Judy. De Facto Feminism: Essays Straight Outta Oakland. Oakland, CA: EquiDistance Press, 2016.
Kovalova, Karla, Black Feminist Literary Criticism: Past and Present. NY: Peter Lang, 2016.
Lee, Shetterly M. Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race. NY: William Morrow, 2016.
Macagnan, Clea B. Council Women and Corporate Performance in the Brazilian Capital Market. NY: Nova Science Publishers, 2016.
Marshall, Melinda M, and Tai Wingfield. Ambition in Black + White: The Feminist Narrative Revised. Los Angeles: Rare Bird Books, 2016.
McKinnon, Sara L. Gendered Asylum: Race and Violence in U.S. Law and Politics. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
Mitchell, Michael, and David Covin. Broadening the Contours in the Study of Black Politics. Political Development and Black Women. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2016.
Mocombe, Paul C, Carol Tomlin, and Victoria Showunmi. Jesus and the Streets: The Loci of Causality for the Intra-Racial Gender Academic Achievement Gap in Black Urban America and the United Kingdom. Lanham: University Press of America, Inc., 2016.
Morris, Monique W. Pushout: The Criminalization of Black Girls in Schools. NY: The New Press, 2016.
Nnaemeka, Obioma, and Jennifer T. Springer. Unraveling Gender, Race & Diaspora. Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, 2016.
Noble, Safiya U, and Brendesha M. Tynes. The Intersectional Internet: Race, Sex, Class and Culture Online. NY: Peter Lang, 2016.
Otovo, Okezi T. Progressive Mothers, Better Babies: Race, Public Health, and the State in Brazil, 1850-1945. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2016.
Porter, Kathey, and Andrea Hoffman. 50 Billion Dollar Boss: African American Women Sharing Stories of Success in Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Robinson, Phoebe. You Can’t Touch My Hair: And Other Things I Still Have to Explain. NY: Plume Book, 2016.
Romeo, Sharon. Gender and the Jubilee: Black Freedom and the Reconstruction of Citizenship in Civil War Missouri. Athens: The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
Sanders, Crystal. A Chance for Change: Head Start and Mississippi’s Black Freedom Struggle. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2016.
Scanlon, Jennifer. Until There Is Justice: The Life of Anna Arnold Hedgeman. NY: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Short, Ellen L, and Leo Wilton. Talking About Structural Inequalities in Everyday Life: New Politics of Race in Groups, Organizations, and Social Systems. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc., 2016.
Sinha, Manisha. The Slave’s Cause: A History of Abolition. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Staples, Jeanine M. The Revelations of Asher: Toward Supreme Love in Self: (This Is an Endarkened, Feminist, New Literacies Event). NY: Peter Lang, 2016.
Thomlinson, Natalie. Race, Ethnicity and the Women’s Movement in England, 1968-1993. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Threadcraft, Shatema. Intimate Justice: The Black Female Body and the Body Politic. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Trier-Bieniek, Adrienne. The Beyonce Effect: Essays on Sexuality, Race and Feminism. Jefferson, NC: McFarland Publishing, 2016.
Vaccaro, Annemarie, and Melissa Camba-Kelsay. Centering Women of Color in Academic Counterspaces: A Critical Race Analysis of Teaching, Learning, and Classroom Dynamics. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2016.
Wagner-Martin, Linda. Maya Angelou: Adventurous Spirit: from I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (1970) to Rainbow in the Cloud, the Wisdom and Spirit of Maya Angelou (2014). NY: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc., 2016.
Walker-McWilliams, Marcia. Reverend Addie Wyatt: Faith and the Fight for Labor, Gender, and Racial Equality. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
Ward, Stephen M. In Love and Struggle: The Revolutionary Lives of James and Grace Lee Boggs. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016.
Whaley, Deborah E. Black Women in Sequence: Re-inking Comics, Graphic Novels, and Anime. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2016.
Williamson, Terrion L. Scandalize My Name: Black Feminist Practice and the Making of Black Social Life. Bronx, NY: Fordham University Press, 2016.
Winters, Lisa Z. The Mulatta Concubine: Terror, Intimacy, Freedom, and Desire in the Black Transatlantic. Athens The University of Georgia Press, 2016.
Wright, Nazera Sadiq. Black Girlhood in the Nineteenth Century. Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
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redhairedfeistynerd · 4 years
A Very Bucky Thanksgiving
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Bucky Barnes x reader, singledad!Bucky, Riley and Piper Barnes, Steve Rogers
Summary: This is the first year Bucky has invited someone special to join in on their Thanksgiving dinner.Will everything go smoothly?
Warnings: some swearing, some sly sexual conversation
A/N: I originally wrote this piece for Canadian Thanksgiving but here we are!  I hope you enjoy another moment with the Barnes family.
For as long as his girls have been in this world, Bucky has been passionate about baking. He figures this came to fruition when his ex-wife started spending more time out of the house and preferred being away on business trips than building a life with him and their young girls. As their relationship slowly deteriorated, Bucky found solace in pastries, cookies, and breads. Navigating his way through forums and how-to videos online, searching for recipes like he once hunted for his latest mission.
His girls had requested their favourites for this last-minute weekend celebration. Pumpkin pie with maple cream, pumpkin walnut scones, and a new treat he was testing out today, pumpkin spiced doughnuts with maple salted glaze, and for his sweet lady friend; a pecan pie.
Bucky could smell the doughnuts before the time reached zero. The soft smell of cinnamon and sugar wafted through his two-story house, reaching him while he tidied up the bathroom from the girls attack on it early that same morning. Wiping down the counter, he flicked off the light, bounding down the stairs to the kitchen as the last seconds wound down on the timer. Oven mitt on, doughnuts pulled out of the oven (he was trying out a baked version this time) he had about an hour before the girls would burst in the front door after a day of shopping the holiday sales.
The weekend plans had changed at the last minute, his ex (Jackie) had cancelled on the girls again. The girls were to fly up to their mothers' cabin in Whistler, B.C. for a Canadian Thanksgiving but a last-minute job had come up and she chose that over her kids.
Bucky was not impressed by her choice. Riley rolled her eyes at the news and muttered “big surprise” when Bucky relayed the message to his youngest daughter.
Jackie always chose work before their daughters. Her new husband had more importance to her these days.
Her influencer status has skyrocketed after she left Bucky, leaving him high and dry to raise the girls. He didn't see it as an issue though, he loved his girls and if he had to do this on his own, then that's what he would set out to do. His Avengers status pushed away a few years before, he found that he was calling Steve a bit more during those earlier years. Sometimes he needs a break, to sit in a quiet room where Riley wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs, which would have Piper in tears. There was something magical about Uncle Steve though, maybe it was his rich voice, whispering sweet words to Riley to ease the screams to a low whimper. Maybe it was the way he sang the sweet songs of the 40s to stop the tears flowing from Piper's bright blue eyes. Whatever it was that Steve had, Bucky was extremely thankful for.  
One of their first Thanksgivings without Jackie, had both girls sick with the stomach flu. He'd never seen anything as disgusting as what his young girls were dishing out.  
Blood, wounds, and other violent memories had nothing on this. Who knew little people could cause THAT much mess?
Bucky was exhausted. Riley had finally fallen asleep on the couch and Piper was sprawled out in the master bedroom on his bed, resembling a starfish.
With one last swipe of the kitchen counter, Bucky tossed the rag in the laundry basket and released a sigh of completion. Turning on the hood fan, he turned off the track lights and walked towards his daughter who was now snoring lightly on the couch, when a soft knocking came from his front door. Puzzled, he turned away from his sleeping daughter and made his way to the entryway. He opened the door to Steve's smiling face.
"What are you..."
"Nat phoned and gave me the heads up that you were literally drowning in shit."
"Language," grumbled Bucky as he opened the door wider to let Steve in.
Steve chuckled and took a good look at Bucky. "Man, you're looking a little rough around the edges."
"You would too if you were knee deep in dirty laundry and had two goblins that were puking so much, they make that scene in the Exorcist look tame.
Steve scrunched his nose and tried to shake the memory of that scene out of his head. The previous year, Bucky had invited his old team over for a horror movie night while the girls were spending the night with their mom. Steve still hadn't forgiven Bucky for subjecting him to that movie. "Absolutely disgusting."
Bucky grunted and shut the door, Steve following him from the entryway and up the stairs to the kitchen.
"Here, Nat made some soup for you and the girls, if they are feeling up to eating it,” Steve said holding out the package.
“Oh ya, thanks. I’m sure the girls will appreciate their Aunty Nat making her famous soup,” he nods his head in thanks before muttering “hopefully it's not pea soup,” and walks across the kitchen.
Steve watches as Bucky tucks the soup away in the fridge, noticing how stringy his hair has become and when he looks his way, the dark circles are around his eyes. “Hey Buck, why don’t you leave the tidying up to me and you go take a shower, relax a bit.”
Bucky shuts the fridge door and looks at Steve. “Are you sure you want to clean up this cesspool?” He asks as his arms waving to point out the mess around the kitchen.
“Yes, I’m here to help you out, all right?” Bucky nods and pats Steve on the shoulder on his way up to the bathroom.
Steve manages to tidy up the first floor of the house, shift Riley from the couch to her bed, and fold a load of laundry. He’s pouring hot water into a mug when Bucky walks back in, looking like the shower did its job. “You want a cup of tea?” He asks Bucky when he sit down at the kitchen table.
“Please, a cup of something black so I can keep my eyes open for a bit longer. You feel like watching a funny movie? I feel like I need a good laugh after what this week has been like.”  
“Sounds good, how about you go on down and put something on, I’ll bring the tea and some snacks for us,” Steve replies and pours a second mug full of water.  
The men settle in and watch a classic comedy, quiet laughter sailing out of both of their mouths, trying to be quiet while the girls sleep. Steve decides on a second movie and they watch until they fall asleep on the couches.  
Bucky wakes up, his stomach twisting, and the pain, THE PAIN. "You've got to be fucking kidding.” He lurches off the sectional and runs to the bathroom by the laundry room.
Steve wakes from the sounds of his friend slamming the bathroom door, the unmentionable sounds have Steve pulling his pillow over his head. When he moves it away several minutes later, all he hears is silence. Steve gets up from the couch and makes his way to the bathroom, gently knocking on the door. "Bucky? Are you alive in there?"
"Fucking kill me, please,” he begs and Steve hears his best friend heave again.
Steve camps out at the Barnes household during that Thanksgiving weekend. There is no turkey, no pumpkin pie, or a dysfunctional family fight. Everything is quiet as Bucky careens himself in his bedroom while Steve manages the rest of the household. He keeps the girls busy and out of Bucky’s hair for several days; visits to the ice cream shop and to the park near their home, keeps them smiling and giggling while their dad is at home, miserable in bed.
Steve sits back on the park bench and admires the colours changing all around him; the leaves sway from left to right, falling gently down to the ground. Piles of brown and yellow sit before him, raked into tidy piles. He gets and idea, something to cheer Bucky up the last few days of having the stomach flu. He calls the girls over and tells them his plan to make their dad smile. He makes a video of them, jumping in the leaves and throwing them around, their laughter warming his heart. When the girls have finished frolicking in the mounds of colourful leaves, he takes each other their hands in his and begins the walk back to the house. He’ll send the little video to Bucky in the morning when he heads out and back to work.  
Bucky still smiles at the memory of that little video. He can now smile about his treacherous first Thanksgiving as a single dad but he made it up every year that followed; this year, he has to make up for what his ex has left behind. Riley is pressuring him to make her mom's famous stuffing (he laughs at this because this is a recipe that she took from a cookbook he had from his mom) Piper has decided that Bucky is THE WORST because he is going to kill an innocent turkey and all she wants is for him to save one (and yes, he does donate to a local farm that saves turkeys later in the week) and have it live the rest of its life, in their backyard. He notes that she will have a plate of vegetables tonight and he has no idea if that is sufficient enough for a teenage girl who that is 15.  
“Cranberries sauce”
“Water chestnuts.”
“Wait, what the heck are water chestnuts for, Pop?”
Bucky is sitting on the kitchen floor sorting through the pantry and about to answer when he sees you creeping into the kitchen, hiding behind his oldest, about to scare her. Her arms wrap around Piper and she squeezes her tightly expelling a high-pitched squeak.  
He will never get over how beautiful her smile is when her eyes meet his. His heart beats so fast that he’s afraid she will be able to see it pounding in his chest.  
The flowers she is holding scream fall – oranges, yellows, and reds – the cute Chinese lanterns that she adores, wobble back and forth as she walks towards him. She reaches for him with her free hand and pulls him into a tight hug, whispering “you look extra handsome today, soldier.”
“He got his hair trimmed for you,” Riley shouts from the top of the stairs and watches as her father’s face turns as red as the Gerbera's in the bouquet. She snorts as she walks down the stairs at Bucky’s embarrassment and hops down the last few steps to pull y/n into a hug.
“Hi sweetness, I missed your smiling face,” Y/N says into Riley’s strawberry blond curls.
“Missed you too. Are you ready for your first Barnes Annual Canadian Thanksgiving?” Riley asks while rocking on her feet.
Y/N looks at her, “Is it any different from the other Thanksgiving I would be having?
“Well duh, this one if full of maple syrup, poutine, and never-ending skits by Bob and Doug Mackenzie!
Bucky bursts out laughing and poor Y/N is looking between the two of them, lost when it came to the last item. “Okay, okay, Ri, leave the poor woman alone. Here love, let me take those flowers and put them in a vase.” Bucky squeezes her waist gently, taking the colourful bouquet from her hands. She follows him to the cabinet housing the vase and sniffs the air.
“What’s is that smell? It’s so-
“Delicious?” Riley adds as she passes by Y/N and hops up onto a bar stool? “Your taste buds are in for an incredible treat. Dad is the best baker this city has!”
“Pretty sure I’m not hun, but thank you for boosting me up a bit.” Bucky’s cheeks changing in colour, somewhat embarrassed by his daughter's compliment.
“Oh, come on dad, that’s why all the moms are always swooning when you join the bake sales,” Piper chirps in.
“The moms swoon over your dad? I’m pretty sure that has more to do with his-” she’s cut off by Bucky shoving a Snickerdoodle in her mouth. Squinted her eyes at him and waving her finger as if she’s promising to get him back later. He can’t help but smirk and squeeze her side.
“Shhh, my sweet. Don’t be telling my girls how irresistible I am,” he whispers into her ear and kisses it.
Riley makes gagging sounds from behind her dad and Piper’s face turns red from the affection their father is showing Y/N. This is the not the first time they have seen their father with a woman but this specific woman has done something to their father. He’s smiling, he whistles while he bakes, and he’s happy.  
Y/N turns to face Riley, “Oh kid, are we embarrassing you? Making you feel a little queasy inside?” She walks over to Bucky as he arranges the flowers in the vase and loudly kisses his cheek and laughs. “How about that Ri?”
“You’re the worst,” Riley chuckles and grabs the serving spoons to put on the table.  
Bucky pulls Y/N into a hug and kisses her lightly on the lips. He can taste the Snickerdoodle and it makes him wish he could fully indulge but he restrains, knowing that tonight they’ll have time alone once the girls head to their rooms for the night. He brings his lips to her forehead before taking the flowers to the table and placing them in the centre.  
“All right ladies, let’s get this show on the road!”  
“Don’t you mean Barnes’, Assemble!” Piper asks with a smirk on her face. Bucky just shook his head, a big smile across his face.
“Tell me where you want me, Barnes,” Y/N said as she looked at Bucky, his smirk telling her that where he wanted her was not in the kitchen.
“Turkey is in the oven, that weird Tofurky thing is in there too, I need to add the water chestnuts to the beans, the pot of potatoes needs to boil, and in a bit, we can get the rest of the veggies going too. Who’s good with making gravy?”
“I hope you made stuffing for me that isn’t in that bird, dad,” Piper said, giving her dad one of her teenage looks.
Bucky slides a bowl across the counter to his oldest so she can see the stuffing he made; animal free. “It’s vegan sweetie, I hope you like it,” Bucky responds. “I found this recipe online, some popular blog.” He watches as she scoops a bit of the warm food in her mouth, and can’t help but chuckle when a groan of satisfaction spills out.  
Y/N can’t help but take a scoop for herself, a squeal of delight escaping her mouth. “Shit, Barnsey, you’ve been holding back! Where have you been all my life?” She laughs and walks back over to him, wrapping her arms around him and going in for a quick kiss. “Let’s get this show on the road! All pots on boil!” She shouts and turns the last pot on.
The Barnes family and their first-time guest are indulging in their feast within an hour. Nothing but chewing and soft music can be heard at the table. It always amazes Bucky that it takes hours upon hours of work for this one evening and within minutes the food is gone. He’s thankful though; for his girls, for the life he now has, and for you. He wouldn’t change anything. One last scoop of mashed potatoes goes into his mouth and he places his fork down. “So, do you three want dessert now or do you want to digest a bit first?” Riley stands up from her seat and throws her hands in the air. “Roll out the cart of desserts for us to feast upon, father!”  
All Bucky can do is laugh, she’s always been the dramatic one and he lives for these moments. “Riley, I haven’t said what I’m thankful for yet this evening but one of those things I’m thankful for the humour you provide in this family.”
“Aww Pops, I appreciate that but can you please just bring out the good stuff?” Riley’s blue eyes sparkle and Bucky pushes his chair in and heads back to the counter where he has the pies and other sugary treats. He brings the doughnuts and pumpkin pie with maple cream out first, leaving the girls to help themselves as he returns to the kitchen to cut Y/N a slice of pecan pie. He places a dollop of fresh whipped cream beside it and carries it to her, his face turns red when he places it before her stating, “I made this especially for you.” A look crosses her face and its one he has only recently seen. He thinks its adoration? Or could it be...love? He’s not sure if it’s either but whatever it is, he hopes she continues looking at him that way. He sits back down across from her and watches as she takes the first bite of pie. Her eyes close and he can see the sparkle in her eyeshadow as the light above bounces off of it. It feels like forever before he hears a sound of approval from her.  
“Wow Barnes. I’m going to say this is almost as good as s-
“Well now, girls, how about you start cleaning up what you can and let Y/N finish up her pie.” He tries to pull back Piper’s chair and is met with resistance.
“No WAY, Pops. I want to hear all about how good this pie of yours is. Right, Riley?” Piper looks to her sister, eyebrow raised in hopes that her sister will join in on the teasing.”
“Hell no, I don’t want to hear about the crap these two get up to. Nu uh, NOPE,” she shouts and she grabs a few dishes from the table and heads to the sink to rinse them off.  
Dishes away and the leftovers wrapped up, Bucky takes Y/N’s hand and walks with her to his room. Door closed and locked behind him, Bucky finally pulls his sweet lady as close to him as possible. “Happy Thanksgiving, baby.”
“Happy Thanksgiving, Buck.” Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulls him into a kiss. “Come on Barnsey, there’s one thing you haven’t warmed up yet this evening.”
“Oh, did I forget to warm up your pie because I can head back-
She quiets him with another kiss, deeper than the last. “You know damn well that’s not what I meant. Now, be good a good man and get ready for the real dessert.”
Bucky can’t help but curl up and laugh loudly. His girl knows all the ways to make him laugh and smile, tonight is no exception. With one pull, she is on top of him, where he wants her this evening; where he can be warm within and thankful for everything his life has brought him.
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