#Stoplight really is very interested in what you're reading Eliza
teethofthedeeps · 3 months
Sitting on the dock, Eliza pulls out a book and starts to read aloud.
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She was back, that redheaded woman. Sitting up on the dry docks with something... something he couldn't quite make out. It wasn't food, he could smell them from here. Eliza, Stoplight vaguely remembered handled the object in hand, turned it over in hand, the sound of rustling pages catching his interest. Latching his claws onto metal and wood, he climbed with all the ease of a practised hunter, fang-laden maw leaning in for a better look. Books were not something he was accustomed to. Couldn't be as their fragile nature would never survive getting wet, let alone survive the journey down to the bottom of the sea. Still, there was some vague recognition as Stoplight watched Eliza turn another page, revealing the contents within. There were images, or rather small markings that made absolutely no sense to the Trench, but clearly did to the human woman. Vaguely did he recall something from his time back home, down in the innermost depths of their territory. There'd been vast pillars and stone murals depicting their ancient past, of a time long ago before their people had been thrown to the darkness below. Such a time had been almost completely forgotten by the Trench altogether, the memory of their past kept alive only by the haunting songs of the Queen, who retained more than most about what they truly were, and what they'd once been... Thinking about his Queen brought a sense of melancholy to Stoplight, of loneliness and loss. Memories were all he had now that his home had been lost to great heat and fires below even deepest water and stone. His appetite was quite lost but Stoplight still hungered for something, company and knowledge, both of which Eliza might possibly provide. She did not seem to fear him like the other landwalkers, choosing to read close to the water when inside her territory might be more comfortable. "What say?" Stoplight rasped, pointing a brutal talon to once of the sentences Eliza was reading. He swallowed; speaking above water was so hard, the words of humans unfamiliar as they were unfitting to his teeth and tongue but he was trying, in hopes that Eliza understood what he meant. He needed to know.
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