#Stonestown Galleria
evan-collins90 · 1 year
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Selections from the book, Shopping Centers & Malls 3 (1990) Pt. 2
1. Tysons Corner Center (1988/1990)
2-4. The Galleria at Tysons II (1988)
5. Towne East Square (1988)
6-8. The Gardens of the Palm Beaches (1988)
9-10. Place Montreal Trust (1988)
11-12. Myrtle Square Mall (1988/1989)
13. Stonestown Galleria (1989)
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blindrapture · 2 months
THURSDAY JULY 28TH, 2011 (Synecdoche)
9:40 AM WOMP WOMP diddle liddle WOMP WOMP WOMP w-WOMP WOMP dooooo wackadadackada WOMP WOMP I'm awake, I'm awake. What. Sounds like Legsteps.
9:41 AM Donnie's got the grumpiest expression. "I never even liked dubstep." I'm going out to the street.
9:42 AM Well, it is Legsteps. Those black legs from yesterday have woken up, and the speakers have appeared. They look like boomboxes rocking above the skyscrapers, on comically long stilts. Then there's smaller Legsteps on street corners, some even down this way. And the fires from yesterday have spread even further, with black smoke filling the sky in every direction, but not in San Francisco itself? Smack-dab in the center of the city, there's some kind of trippy teal-colored.. rising pillar of teal fire instead. I can hear screams now. I think there must have been a population that didn't want anything to do with the RAF, and they stayed indoors yesterday. Or I guess it could be the Indisen who were left? I don't see anyone from standing here, there's just.. noise. Screams and dubstep. The soundtrack to the end of San Francisco. Frankly, this is a mockery. The future of this city was already dead. The Archangel saw to that quite thoroughly.
9:44 AM Donnie's coming out. "Oh my god…" Yeah, I know. ..oh, she's looking at Tiger, lifeless on the curb. Yeah… "He.. he didn't want to see what was coming. He didn't need to see this." No. He didn't need to see this. "God." she's crying. holding her hand.
9:47 AM "It's.. it's time for us to leave this place. Long past time." Agreed. We need a Door.
9:49 AM Gathering whatever supplies we can from the house. Got bags. How are we gonna find a Door? "There's plenty of buildings here, there's got to be a Door in one of them." Yeah, but, searching every building? We've been here for five days and I never found a Door. Did you? "No… and I'd rather we didn't split up to search." Exactly. This is a tall fucking order. "Can't we leave the city? Search for Doors out in the rest of the, er, state? Like the bikers?" There's smoke and glow in all directions. I think we're circled in by fires. "Okay, well, you think, you don't know. That's what we should try first."
10:18 AM Took the car. Didn't take that long to run into the southern fires. They cover every street, laterally. We're still not done checking, maybe there's an opening..?
10:33 AM No. No such thing. And we already know the only way out to the north was the Golden Gate. The east had a bridge too, but Donnie's not optimistic about our prospects. (Then the west is all Pacific Ocean. Even if there was a miraculous way across, we're not going to end another month riding on an even longer ferry.) These fires blocking us cut through the buildings, like they're ethereally placed. They're spreading real fires from them, but it's clear we're just not allowed to leave. If there is a way out of this deathtrap, it's by finding a Door.
11:00 AM "ONE HOUR" that stopped us in our tracks. it came from the sky, I think from where the teal fire's going. maybe it was just part of the music… We're still going door by door, looking through the houses that aren't locked. Donnie, this is way too slow. We'd be better off trying some big department stores or something. "But those are going to be up there, closer to where the green fire thing is!" Well, it's either that, or still be doing this when an hour's up! "Please don't yell at me!" I'm not, I'm-- look, just. We should look for offices, apartments, workplaces, malls. They offer more doors, more chances for Doors.
11:10 AM How about this one? This one's pretty far from the center. Stonestown Galleria.
11:14 AM I realize we can't be that thorough, but god, I'm just seeing regular abandoned and ruined shops. God, please, please, give us a sight of another sky, another world… Please...!
11:21 AM Hobby Lobby Checkers Nordstrom Foot Locker Office Depot Barnes and Noble American Eagle Bad Bambi San Francisco dies, piece by piece
11:34 AM We've left the mall and are on the search again The sky in the center of the city is an increasing whirl of spinning dark clouds We're seeing people now, glimpses of panic inside the windows of their houses Corpses fallen out of front doors Scattered on the streets Some are on rooftops, some are half hidden in manholes Some with bubbling skin Some with frostbitten limbs Some with slit throats Some with maggot-infested coats San Francisco dies, piece by piece
11:39 AM "There!" What! "In front of that window! Behind that van!" What! What! "That's not a zombie! Is it an Indisen? Wave at it!" What? "Wave at it!" It saw us, then ran away, cracking its broken foot on the floor again and again. Then it got grabbed by a blonde woman in dungarees, both hands around its throat, and she saw us and stared at us. Now she's coming this way, dragging the body in staggered steps.
11:40 AM The one who had run from us is unconscious now, carried on the dungaree woman's shoulder. And now that she's closer to us, I'm realizing, by the dead look in her eyes (and living human body), that this is a Camper. "Why are you still here?" Um. Hi, Salmacis. Was that an Indisen? donnie "I'd hoped it was a Camper." "Well, you've found one all the same. Now, why are you still here? I thought your plan was to leave this city last night." We.. decided to sleep instead. "That was foolish. Now you cannot leave." We, uh. We've noticed. We were looking for a rabbit hole. "That will be your only chance, yes, but with eyes all over the city, I have seen no evidence of one." Then! Then what? We're fucked, then? "...I will not allow you to die. Not here. Wait here while I decide what to do with the Indisen, and I will send more Camper to protect you." IloveyouEAT. the camper walks away, saying "I told you: Call me Salmacis."
11:42 AM Approaching sound of a lot of feet BIG HORDE OF CAMPER turned the corner on the street ahead. Some have wings of flesh, some have growths on their neck that vaguely resemble attempts at second heads, some have extra arms. They're passing us now. One has stepped out of the crowd and onto the sidewalk with us. It is a dorky pencil-pusher with thinning hair and office shirt. donnie "nice." meh. I prefer the girls. salmacis "I know. But this is what you're getting. Now come, we will stick near the mass for safety in numbers." walking! Are these the Camper that were on their way before? "Yes." So they got here okay. donnie "Did they meet any resistance?" "The undead to the south, the Indisen to the north. The Fears within the city know not to pick off my bodies; the undead are the Archangel's pawns, but they still have autonomy and are driven by hunger." Wait, Fears within the cities? "They are gathering." Which ones? "All of them." o_o "Something big is about to happen here, something from Xanadu itself, and they wish to see it for themselves." So that's why the Legsteps are here? "The stereo sirens? Yes. It is also why the Indisen have gathered, according to interrogations I have made. Answers are predictably vague, but the Rapture is moving into its next stage."
11:45 AM Salmacis is taking us to a location it believes to be safe, though there really is no telling what's going to happen at noon. It will send a squad of 25 Camper to do the rabbit hole search for us.
11:52 AM Grassy hill. Fancy modern building, with some damage, atop the hill. There's big windows on the front, letting us see the center of San Francisco. Or, I mean. We can see some skyline, and we can make out the teal pillar. I can see the Legsteps stepping back and forth, having established their perimeters. They're moving in a pattern. Like a ballet that towers over the city.
11:53 AM The dorky Camper will wait here with us. It would also like to see what's about to happen.
11:55 AM camper "Now what are they doing?" What? Huh. Flocks, land-darkening flocks, of birds coming in from all sides. They're all the same type, and Are those the Morphs? "Yes." They're entering a formation, moving as one, spinning with the clouds. Like the clouds, they're increasing in speed.
11:56 AM Sheets of paper, crumbling flyers, abandoned hats, fly from the streets and into the air as the Morphs whip up a tremendous wind. They're forming a tornado. And they're still going faster and faster.
11:57 AM The Legsteps are starting to pump less and less music and more and more.. sounds. Old-school sirens, shrieking glitches, sweeping noises like a sea of violin strings in a combine harvester. It's hurting our ears, but we can't look away. Donnie and I are transfixed with morbid fascination. And Salmacis is engaged.
11:58 AM The roads are swirling up, forming corkscrew mountains of tarmac and pavement. The buildings are inverting, flipping, floating. The smoke clouds overhead are gathering thicker. The Legsteps aren’t even playing music at this point. They’re echoing back the sounds of the Morphs’ destruction. Speaking of, I think the Morphs are starting to form specific structures out of their carnage. o_o; It looks like they’re forming a giant… …courtroom in the sky.
11:59 AM They’re done, they stopped on a dime. All sounds abruptly cease, and all life has stopped to watch. Extra Legsteps drop out of the clouds from above. These ones don't have stereos. They have cameras. Do we have a TV in here? Quick, turn it on. … All channels are displaying the feed. I suspect the whole earth is allowed to watch this. “Judgement begins in one minute.”
12:00 PM "Let the Judgement of San Francisco commence." The “jury box” made of debris and tarmac contains at least five-hundred Indisen. Some of them look like they’re trying to run for their lives, but they quickly flinch and sit still. In the defendant’s chair is a terrified man. There is no defense. In the prosecution’s chair is the Archangel, looking slightly surprised to be there.
12:03 PM The clouds overhead are parting, forming a cir SCREAM WHAT Oh my god the Camper’s eyeballs sizzle sockets Donnie. Donnie, don't look at what Salmacis looked at. Whatever you do. Look at anything but that circle in the clouds. I'm sorry, I would have warned you if I'd have realized. ._. camper "I should have known. It's the Judge."
12:04 PM The voice from the clouds booms, "The Judge has been watching from the sun all this time. The Judge is here to give the city its final judgement. Court is now in session."
12:07 PM The defendant is floating in mid-air and screaming out of terror. "ELON MUSK. YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED IN REPRESENTATION OF THE POPULATION OF SAN FRANCISCO. YOUR JUDGEMENT HAS COME." Elon is saying he doesn't even live here. He's asking what he did wrong. "YOU ARE BLINDED BY YOUR HUNGER. YOU RIDE OUT THE WAVE, CONTENT TO FEED ON THE MACHINE. YOU BLEED AMERICA TO DEATH." Elon is begging for clarification. Now for forgiveness. Now for anything. "ONLY THE PROSECUTION SHALL DECIDE ANY MERCY YOU RECEIVE." The Archangel stands up, composure regained. "Trap him in a car. Throw the car off a cliff." ..Elon’s being dragged away by Indisen, kicking and screaming. …he’s gone now. "As for the rest of this miserable shithole, with its insubordinate uppity young fucks, throw it all in the Rapture!" …what. O_O "THE PROSECUTION IS ONLY HERE TO SUBMIT THE SENTENCE FOR THE DEFENDANT. I WILL DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS CITY, AND LIKEWISE THE ENTIRE HUMAN RACE." "Of course, Your Honor. I got ahead of myself." "FURTHERMORE, I AM ALSO TASKED WITH DECIDING YOUR FATE, ECCLESIARCHWAY. YOU WERE THE PROSECUTION FOR THE PRIOR CASE. NOW YOU ARE THE DEFENDANT, REPRESENTATIVE OF THE EARTH'S PANTHEON OF FEARS." "Come again?" "AND I AM INCLINED TO GIVE YOU THE SAME SENTENCE THAT I GIVE TO SAN FRANCISCO." "You what?" "YOU ARE HARDLY WITHOUT GUILT IN THIS. THE HUMANS HAD TO FOLLOW EXAMPLES, AND YOU IN PARTICULAR HAD YOUR FINGERS IN THE POT." "Hang on a moment, I'm on your side in this!" "I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU ARE. I DO NOT BELIEVE THAT ANYONE BELIEVES YOU ARE." "Well! What about the Fears as a whole? Surely you're not going to give me a severe sentence-- I mean, give them a severe sentence-- just on my actions alone! You're a Fear too! Remember me? Remember the good times, Osiris?" "YOU RAISE A GOOD POINT. THE FEARS, AS A WHOLE, WERE NOT ALWAYS ON BOARD WITH YOUR PLANS. SOME OF THEM NEVER WERE. WE WERE THE GODS. YOU WERE JUST A CHILD THAT WE PICKED UP ALONG THE WAY." "How dare you!" "THIS MATTER CLEARLY REQUIRES MORE THOUGHT. I WILL CONSULT WITH THE POWERS ABOVE." "Powers above???" (Yeah, powers above??? o__o) "IN THE MEANTIME, I MUST DELIVER THE SENTENCE FOR SAN FRANCISCO, AS THAT IS THE MATTER ALLOCATED FOR JULY 28TH. THE PROSECUTION WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DEFENDANT'S SENTENCE, AND THAT HAS BEEN HANDED DOWN. THE COURT CONCURS WITH IT AS SYNECDOCHE." loud bang. a gavel? "AS BELOW, SO ABOVE. SAN FRANCISCO, YOU WILL BE GIVEN TO THE RAPTURE. LET IT BE DONE." roaaaaaars and screams The sky is turning purple. We have to get out of here, we have to get out of here now.
12:12 PM The now-blind Camper is ushering us to the exit of this house. "My Camper have found a Door; I will do my best to lead you there. Don't look back. Don't look up. Don't ever turn around. Just follow me."
12:24 PM been one long run. salmacis has allowed us to pause for breath. we're not looking around, even though we hear no screams anymore. what I hear is something far stranger. a rising pitch. a vortex of rising pitches. snapping strings. warping sirens. like the intersection of a thousand mutually exclusive worlds, and our world of sense is not the one that will survive. we don't want to see it. as much as we’ve been wondering ever since May, we do not want to see Rapture. we want to know what it is, but we don’t want to see it.
12:37 PM we pass a flood of little children they’re holding decapitated arms above their heads, the individual fingers burning as human candles. make a wish?
12:40 PM The Legsteps have begun womping again. They’re pumping Conker’s Bad Fur Day— wait, A Clockwork Orange— dubstep out there. I seem to recall this piece wasn’t originally A Clockwork Orange. I think it was a funeral piece from centuries ago. Queen Mary the first? It’s… kinda fitting. Vaguely. Depressing, for sure. Awfully surreal. I grew up with this piece, though from Conker, not the original two sources. And now I watch a western Babylon be thrown into the fires of Rapture set to this. San Francisco’s funeral, the fires of the Archangel, the flames of the Judge.
12:54 PM "We are nearly there! The Door is in a department store just up here." Goddammit, we were searching big stores and malls! We just didn't get that far!
1:06 PM Chase Center. God, my heart is pounding. The ground is rumbling. Salmacis says the Door is in a manager's office at the far end.
1:10 PM It's in the back of this shop! Gotta get through Old Navy! Gotta get past the...Mannequins. Why’d it have to be mannequins. I fully expect them to yep They’re moving.
1:11 PM They’re reaching for Donnie. Tiger Stripes, let’s teach them to keep their hands to themselves, shall we? HEEEYAH WHACK Stupid piece of plastic.
1:13 PM They’re coming back to life. HACK SLASH KAPOW KASLASH KAHACK There's flesh inside of them.
1:15 PM More are migrating over from other stores. Surrounding us. And more Camper are coming in to help us, but the mannequins are pushing furniture over to block the doors. Why the fuck do they have strategy? Do these ones not want to die?! "We want company…" EAAAH
a voice speaks to me... 1:20 PM the mannequins grabbed donnie and left me here I've got to go after them I can't fail again the musicians are watching me. not now, you fucking spectators. do you want to see?
1:26 PM they run fast for meat dressed up like fake people through the streets oh god don’t look up. it's so bright up there.
1:30 PM spidercats falling from the sky.
1:45 PM It’s getting dark awfully early. my fucking chest... so much running… where are all the camper?
1:53 PM to the park Twin Peaks what significance is there to this
2:05 PM This was one of the pieces of land carried wholesale by the Morphs. It's an entire mass of dirt and grass slapped on top of this part of the city. HEY, DONNIE WHERE ARE YOU? WHERE IS ANYBODY? I definitely saw them go here Didn't I?
2:06 PM It’s getting darker. Darker and darker. Can't see much more than ten feet in front of me. Noises. So many noises. Some of them so low I can feel them in my body… Rustling. Sounded like someone said "Hmm?" or a comfortable yawn. just walking. walking. walking into the dark MANNEQUIN, THERE YOU AREN’T HELLO YOU're... you're Ace Man. or, no, what was it. The Beacon. Wearing a shroud of white this time, a tall thin ghost with a featureless beak where the face should be. Silently standing there. Facing me. ..raising an arm to reach for me
(This page has gross stains on it.)
2:23 PM ..I've been.. throwing up… at his feet… Every time I think I'm done, I breathe in and smell vomit and more of it comes pouring out. thrusting out. forcing out. I think I even passed out after a while but I woke up to vomit more I need to.. I need to go... I need to stop.. I need to… god, it's. it's the beacon. he smells like. death. he smells like centuries of rot. he smells like
2:31 PM no I need to get up all my fault This sickness is all in my head. The Beacon wants me to give up. This is how he gets you.
2:35 PM god it’s so hard to want to get up
2:40 PM Legsteps pumping my head I can’t
2:43 PM the spell is broken because someone jumped the beacon someone grabbed its shrouded shoulders and brought it down to the ground someone in a combat suit with red hair Donnie!!! "GET HIM NOW!" OKAY TIGER STRIPES SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASH!!! Smashed his beak mask. Let’s take this fucker off.
2:44 PM betty boop eyes dot for a mouth no nose okay you can have your mask back
3:20 PM a lot happened. we're in the rabbit hole now. let me.. tell it. After I gave the Beacon its mask back, to cover that swollen and deformed cartoon-in-real-life face (shudder!!!), I saw myself in a longgg rotten hallway, castle walls slimy and damp black brick. cold barred prison cells spaced unevenly apart on both sides, with unspeakable smells. they contained mannequins. I could not see all the way down the hallway due to a smoky hazy smoke collecting in the distance. But I had to do something, so I started.. walking down the hall. Someone was coughing past the haze. Where I was going. Then I was back in the park, in San Francisco. Donnie was standing over the empty robe of the Beacon as black smoke sizzled, from it, upwards into the sky. An unrecognized voice said "From the Mechro to the Flood you go." Donnie and I looked at each other. We didn't feel threatened by that voice, but we knew there was no time to ask questions. So we got the hell out of there. As we ran, we heard the Legsteps emit hideous metal screeches as the music progressed into atonal electronic noise, and the Morphs swirled hurricanes out of the clouds that sucked the tallest buildings from the city into the sky brick by brick. I don't know how long we ran for. I mean, evidently not much more than 30 minutes? God, my legs hate the apocalypse, but at least I'm getting a good workout every day. We found Salmacis's rabbit hole, with no resistance this time, no mannequin army. We ducked in.
3:24 PM Sitting on a well-trodden dirt path surrounding a pit that a waterfall drains into. Smells like nature. No sound but rushing water. This world is peace. Donnie's hugging me while I write. She doesn't understand the last few hours. I can't say I do either, but it must have been a Fear free-for-all. Pick the bones of the city in its last moments before… God. It didn't deserve that. "Nobody deserved…" No. "This is all such senseless violence. Using people as fodder. Even when we're all against the apocalypse, even when we're trying, we can't... help each other. The things we saw... the things we were a part of… the things we couldn't stop…" >__< This is the end. This is the end of the world. Like, the end of the very real world that we call "human." Everything I thought I knew… "Judged, rejected, condemned without appeal." I think that made the Fears panic. I think we saw the Fears panic. "Oh god, we're all going to die." There's.. going to be more bloodshed before October, yeah. "You don't think we're all dead?" I don't know. I think San Francisco was always going to die. I think that was just... done, that was decided, even before we got there many days ago. I think... the blue sky did its job; it fooled everyone into letting the RAF fuck around, because the RAF were just people, and we're used to a world run by people. 'The rich.' Pah. It was the damn people. A world run by people. As we've been seeing, our world had a lot more in it than just people. We invited unrest on ourselves, not by using money, but by thinking that it was as simple as money, that money was as simple as 'money,' some thing we invented. But maybe we didn't invent money. Maybe we didn't invent the world. Maybe we forgot to shut up and listen to the world. "...you're on one of your rambles." Sorry. "No, I'm just realizing. You want someone who can keep up." Well. ...can't you?
..she's pondering. finger on her chin. "......if money wasn't something we invented, then are you suggesting inequality is innate?" No. I'm saying inequality is one of many results of us thinking we invented and control the world. The behavior of the rich was a problem in the world, exactly as big of a problem as people said it was, but it's not something that can be fixed by just killing all the rich people, or even by systematically killing those who make financial transactions. Because you'd have to be insanely powerful to be able to do any of that. "And then you'd be proving that there was something more fundamental, a power dichotomy, under it all. And you'd have just advertised that you're on the top of that." Exactly. Archie was able to manipulate masses of people using, what did he call it? Populism? He didn't need money to do that. He, in fact, needed.. not money. He, intentionally or not, exposed some of the deeper levers of power that made our old world work. Something about speech... something about community. "Community is important. We'd die without it." We're not born as groups of people, we're born alone. We don't dream together; my dreams are in my brain, as your dreams are in yours. My saying that shouldn't threaten the values of community, because I'm speaking literal universal truths, and what good is a community that is threatened by universal truths? Community needs to account for the individuals in us all. Everyone has an "I." And Everyone is, at the end of the day, a far larger community than any other group. The days where a lack of community would kill us are irrelevant. The world was already set up so that none of us could go without community, no matter how hard we tried, no matter how much we rejected it or it rejected us. But we talked like it was still a possibility, still a threat. We barked at the shadows forming on our comfortable walls. The truth is, community was killing us just the same as it was saving us. Just the same as money was killing us, and saving us. "So, if there's a line being drawn here, aren't you falling into a trap by claiming that community was the problem? Just like those who say money was the problem." If I went around trying to dismantle all instances of community just by virtue of them being communities, then yes. And there were people like that in the world. Plenty of them on the internet. It's what 4chan was known for. What I'm doing here is. Well, I'm rambling. But in particular, I'm outlining systems here. And I'm trying to process the shit we've been seeing, in my own way. "Archie led thousands to their death. And you're saying he preyed on our need for community, because the way we relied on community was innately flawed." Yes. Yes! "And. You don't think that's evidence that we're all going to die." I think he pulled the trigger too soon if he had wanted to kill all of us. I think he's just exposed the flaws for us, so we know what to watch out for now. "You think he helped us?" I don't think he meant to. He saw an opportunity for short-term gain and jumped to it. "Huh."
3:30 PM resting my head in donnie's lap. :3 "Do you think he's the god of death?" Well, he's. His name is Death. I think. And he has power over all the dead. "Do you think he's good at representing death?" Oh god. Are we allowed to form opinions on that? "We're in Xanadu. No birds are reading your journal. Word's not gonna get back to him. So, do you think he's scary enough to be the Grim Reaper? Or do you think he's full of it?" Honestly, I don't know. I never had the strongest opinions on death as it was? I never understood how I could. Death is the greatest mystery, Door to a world we can't come back from. No word has come back from there. We don't know how it works. So we don't even know if it's scary. But, for what it's worth, I think Archie is plenty scary. He's scary like a mafia boss. Or what I always assumed a mafia boss to be like. "What, you never watched The Godfather?" Nope. "I thought your parents were film buffs." They were. I wasn't! "It's so good. A little slow, but the best films always are. Shall I tell you about it?" Uh "So, it starts with this wedding party..."
11:00 PM edvard grieg morgenstimmung playing on a legstep who's walking past us on his way
11:01 PM I guess I fell asleep in donnie's lap. God I need a piss. Is it. Is it okay if I piss in that pool? "yeah.. I did it before we slept…" oh, you're awake. "just enjoying the rest, baby..."
11:02 PM I wonder where that Legstep's even going. "It was beautiful. One of those things playing a different genre?" Maybe it's. Based on their mood? "What if we followed it? Do you think it'll lead us to people?" Well, it raises the question of a Legstep without anyone to hear it, yes. "Or maybe it'll lead us to another world." Ooh! The wonders of Xanadu! Immaculate nature, a universe of sense! :D "You're in a good mood today." What can I say? I got to talk it out before we slept. I needed that. "Mm, and what we did after." >w< "C'mon. I'm up. You're up. The music's fading. Let's chase it."
11:05 PM Legstep walked into a Door made of feathers. o:
11:06 PM A city in the clouds! The buildings are stitched out of feathers. Little gingerbread men walk to and fro. Every one of them looks at us funny.
11:08 PM There's a giant muffin in the skies floating this way.
11:20 PM The muffin travels back and forth between two cloud-islands. A sky-ferry! We rode it across and are taking a look at a local map. We’re outside the “Chocolate Geography Center.” o:
11:25 PM The planet below these clouds, as indicated by slides on the walls inside the windows of this Geography Center, slides pointed at with candy cane pointers by gingerbread men in suits, addressed to rooms full of more gingerbread men in suits, is made of chocolate. Donnie wonders if these clouds are actually cotton candy. This place is making me so hungry.
11:44 PM After more walking, down shortbread streets, past candy cigarette lightposts and lollipop street signs, watching the brownie cars drive by, greeting gingerbread families walking their gummi bear pets on leashes, we found a market serving free food. What do candy men eat?
11:45 PM Flesh cookies. Liver bread. Blood drinks, human crackling and fat rinds. Human eyeballs in bowls made of bone, and they eat the bone too (it's like rock candy to them). Everyone is still eyeing us. We’re just gonna… stroll on out of here inconspicuously. ^^;;
11:50 PM gingerbread people with almond harpoons and nougat nets are behind us. I think they're trying not to be noticed. we did not come this far to be hunted down by candy.
(Attached: “Elon Musk in a sweet tan suit, hoarding blues from his old coot, bears witness to red fate, pairs fitness to dead weight. Tell me sell me tell me elm, he asks this to the trees: What's the birds say? Tweet tweet! Green fires in the sky, children shouting 'FATHER WHY,' it's a veritable unforgettable the likes of which you'll never see again, not in your lifetime, not on your number line, if you ask I'm fine, I'm verifiably veritable, absolutely administrable, preposterously prophetic, pathetic like the skyscraper. Nay, I am the skyscraper. That one's for you, now I'm for the birds.”)
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ramenhaven · 1 year
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Tang Bar Ramen in San Francisco StonesTown Galleria
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makotoscoffee · 9 months
The theaters screening GREAT PRETENDER razbliuto are now published!
Participating Theaters: Alphabetical by city.
Cinemark Pflugerville 20 and XD (Austin, TX)
Cinemark Egyptian 24 and XD (Baltimore, MD)
AMC Boston Common 19 (Boston, MA)
AMC River East 21 (Chicago, IL)
AMC Northpark 15 (Dallas, TX)
AMC Westminster Promenade 24 & IMAX (Denver, CO)
Consolidated Ward Theaters with TITAN LUXE (Honolulu, HI)
Regal Edwards Houston Marq’E (Houston, TX)
AMC Town Square 18 (Las Vegas, NV)
AMC Burbank 16 (Los Angeles, CA)
Regal LA Live (Los Angeles CA)
AMC Tysons Corner 16 (McLean, CA)
AMC Sunset Place 24 (Miami, FL)
AMC Garden State 16 (Newark, NJ)
AMC Empire 25 (New York, NY)
Harkins Theatres Arizona Mills 18 w/ IMAX (Phoenix, AZ)
AMC DINE-IN Ontario Mills 30 (Riverside, CA)
Cinemark Century Arden 14 and XD (Sacramento, CA)
Cinemark Jordan Landing 24 and XD (Salt Lake City, UT)
Santikos Entertainment Casa Blanca (San Antonio, TX)
AMC Mission Valley 20 (San Diego, CA)
Regal Stonestown Galleria (San Francisco, CA)
Cinemark Century Great Mall 20 XD and ScreenX (San Jose, CA)
AMC Orange 30 (Santa Ana, CA)
Regal Meridian (Seattle, WA)
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dezithinks · 13 days
Jungkook I Am Still Freebies!
Hey Army! Since JK’s documentary is this month, you know I had to make some freebies for the event. My friends and I will be at Stonestown Galleria September 21, 2024. There is going to be a bunch of us with freebies to pass out so I hope we get to meet you! The freebies that I am making are going to be based off of his Album Golden. So a lot of green and golds. Bracelet Charm Photo…
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dertaglichedan · 3 months
The branch of the McDonald's at Stonestown Galleria, about eight miles south of downtown San Francisco, abruptly shut on Sunday, in what is the latest causality of California's new $20-an-hour minimum wage.
Workers saw their wages rise from $16 to $20-an-hour on January 1 - but the added expense for owners to pay their workers has hit businesses hard.
Fast food chains across the state have been slashing jobs as a way to cut costs, but franchisee owner, Scott Rodrick, was forced to take drastic action after the landlord was unwilling to negotiate a long-term lease at a 'sensible' price for the location.
Rodrick also explained that the property taxes and shared tenant mall fees were also the highest paid for a single location for the company. He was faced with no choice but to close down
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garythingsworld · 3 months
Bidenomics and California’s $20 Minimum Wage Force San Francisco McDonald’s to Close After 30 Years | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft
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maddmann8128 · 3 months
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spurious-accessibility · 11 months
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Stonestown Galleria, San Francisco, CA
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thestormposts · 2 years
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anthonyvedward · 2 years
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As you see me in the theater, if you notice, I am pointing to a couple in the picture you will see me similar like this, if I was on a date, you don’t see similar the same thing from Johns2K__ all you see is just his hand with popcorn and soda. You will see me like you see. So, nothing missing here @regalmovies @regal_stonestown_galleria oh, like my friend will say this was two thumbs up and five star movie 🍿 👍🏼👍🏼 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ as well. He will say this is up @vejmola alley this type of movie. (at Regal Stonestown Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpBIgmdORy2GUyvEibQ_rxzLCWpxy9qfA6PFcU0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mrleochan · 2 years
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Half Dozen ($16?). Once in a while when I get that Mochi donut craving, we gotta stop by this store in Stonestown. This time around the best flavor was pumpkin. So good! Also got chocolate, fruity pebbles, simpsons donut, Nutella, and salted caramel. The Mochi donuts had that nice soft texture with a slight chew. Will be back for more! 😋🍩 (at Stonestown Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClzUkq1yQoK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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otakusmart · 2 years
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formeryelpers · 2 years
Shihlin, 3251 20th Ave, Space 250G, San Francisco (Stonestown), CA 94132
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I was a big fan of the Shihlin location in Milpitas but the last time I went and ordered the XL chicken cutlet, the breading kept falling off the chicken. The Milpitas location was Shihlin’s first in the US. They now have a few locations in the Bay Area, including one inside the Stonestown Galleria food court.
Shihlin serves Taiwanese street food. Place your order from the iPad they have and you’ll get a number. They’ll call your number when your order is ready.
They’re best known for their XXL crispy chicken steak (breast or leg & thigh, $10.50). Other items include rice boxes, chicken rice, noodles, snacks, shaved ice, and drinks (e.g., milk tea, plum juice, smoothies). The XXL chicken and popcorn chicken are fried to order. You can specify how much seasoning and chili powder you’d like. The seasoning powder has salt, pepper and other spices.
Popcorn chicken ricebox ($15): This was a lot of food! Including steamed white rice with ground pork in a savory soy based sauce on top (not too salty, good amount of meat), broccoli and carrots (simple but I liked how they still had a bit of crunch), soft tofu in a savory sauce, ½ a tea egg, and big pieces of tender popcorn chicken with fried basil. Very tasty! The breading didn’t fall off the chicken this time.
My order was ready pretty quickly considering that they fried the chicken to order. They have a rewards program. Credit cards accepted. SF adds an extra 3% charge for takeout orders.
4 out of 5 stars.
By Lolia S.
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thickpaintworks · 2 years
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Open the next door & start imagining the future you want to create! (at Stonestown Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdCwIKJrJNj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sprocketblog · 3 years
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2019 Trek utility roadbike powder coated with a modern hot pink paint job @trekbikes Sell your bicycles & parts on the Sprocket app. Link in bio www.sprocket.bike/app #pink #trek #trekbike #trekbicycle (at Stonestown Galleria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ37g-XMDKa/?utm_medium=tumblr
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